[Day: Thursday, March 25th. Time: Approximately 7:00 p.m.] [You all went to Kyon's appartment in order to question Kyoko. Kyoko activated a field so you could talk in private, but she now seems unable to take it down, and something seems very wrong with her eyes. Kyon immediately takes a seat and broods, leaving the rest of you to figure out what's going on.] [So go do that. Session Start!] * Haruko looks out a window up at the sky. * Taki doesn't look out or up, or at Kyoko much, she's looking at at Katie right now. [The sky is grey!] * Katie is looking down at Kyoko, but spots the color in her peripheral vision, and her eyes widen. "What- oh. Kyoko?" 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6) and gets 6. * Kaede just stares at Kyoko, then glances at Katie. His eyes look pretty wide. Kyoko? Are you- I mean, are you okay besides that you can't stop the field? How can you be so calm about this?? * Haruko turns back to the group. "We aren't in reversed world." [Kyoko doesn't answer. She looks in a state of shock. Or maybe just looking through those funky eyes is like an acid trip.] * Katie flinches at Kaede's voice. * Taki looks at Kaede, "By not thinking about it, 'cause if I do, I'll panic again and that won't help..so ...I'll panic later if can." Hehe. Haha. Yeah, yeah. Don't think about it. Right. That's what we should do. Not think about any of this. This isn't happening. Haha. * Kaede slumps backwards and hangs his head slightly. * Haruko walks over and sits on the bed next to Kyoko. She doesn't seem to be listening to Kaede at all. "Can you move? Can I get you anything?" * Katie shifts her gaze from Kyoko to Kaede, then takes a few steps to look out the window. Hopefully this doesn't involve stepping on the cat. * Taki rubs her face, "That's not quite what I ment...I mean I've gotten out of a field once befor, so thinking about being stuck isn't..." * Kaede looks over at Kumaguro. "The cat. The cat's here.." * Taki blinks and looks at the cat. Yeah. (The cat is Arcana!) ( Kumaguro is behind it all. ) (We jumped to that conclusion last week) (Kyon's just a poser.) (Both Kyon and Meimi are illusions, Kumaguro is the real Moon) (Nah. Kumaguro's the true face of Sho. Sho is just a creation Kumaguro made by altering reality.) (No, wait...HE's how the reversed cards are getting their info!) [Kumaguro broods with Kyon.] I think we have two choices. Either we split up and send scouts out to find what's happening or we all stay here together. ( God says stay together :P ) Split up? Split up to where? We're in a FIELD, Haruko. * Katie swallows, looking out the window. "I think we should stay together. I mean..." You can leave a field. I think. But it can only go so far. * Kaede calms a little bit and takes a deep breath. "We're staying together." I uhm...could try and teleport us out...I mean I have done it once. You can also take down a field as easily as you can put it up, Katie Andrews. That doesn't seem to be the case here. * Haruko checks over Kyoko, looking to see if she actually is in shock or seems to be in any danger health wise. "There might be another Arcana nearby that's causing this. I don't know what's up. But we can't leave Kyoko behind." ( Gimme mind rolls at +5 everyone! ) * Haruko thinks for a moment as she checks over Kyoko. "Or I suppose we could teleport. That's a better option than splitting up." 2d6+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6+5) and gets 12. 2d6+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6+5) and gets 11. 2d6+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6+5) and gets 13. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-2) and gets 9. * Katie takes a breath. "Teleporting... might not be such a good idea." She swallows. "I don't know what it'll do to Kyoko." * Haruko keeps inspecting Kyoko for a bit, she then whispers away from Kyoko. "Katie, could you look her over, I'm not sure if there's anything medically wrong with her." * Katie blinks, still looking out the window, but then turns and takes a good look at Kyoko. Do to her? 2d6+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6+5) and gets 12. It could. Do something, I mean. * Taki nods, "Right...right." I'm not sure how... * Haruko nods. "So then we wait." She then adds in a whisper. "The only reason I think we should split or teleport is if this is hurting Kyoko." 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-2) and gets 7. * Taki sits down on the floor, "If nothing else...It'd leave her alone in here." * Haruko shakes her head. "We'd take her with us. Leaving her alone is not an option." ...But then wouldn't her field just follow us? * Katie peers at Kyoko, getting a bit closer and checking her ears, eyes, pulse, and such. Yes, she lacks the equipment, but heightened senses make up for something. Do you really think something would happen like this if the people caught were meant to get out easily? * Taki looks at Kaede, "It could just be an accident." * Haruko nods in agreement with Taki. * Haruko then looks over at Katie, scooting a bit on the bed to stay out of the way. * Kaede mumbles over to the side. "Since when does ANYTHING happen to us by accident?" * Katie puts her hand to Kyoko's face to check breathing. "I think..." She takes a breath. "We should make her lie down and put her legs up a little. She's in shock." (Kyoko's still on the bed right?) Who wouldn't be? (Yup.) * Katie looks back at Kaede before acting on her own words, helping Kyoko lie down (if she doesn't resist) and propping her feet up with pillows. * Taki stands up agian, "Nobody." * Haruko looks more worried for a moment and then adopts an blank expression. She grabs a few pillows from the bed and puts them by Kyoko's feet as Katie lowers Kyoko. * Taki walks to the couch, takes the coushins off and returns to find Katie way ahead of her. (...I think Kyoko is well proped >_>) * Kaede sighs and goes over to Kyoko, looking her over. * Katie takes the ones Taki found anyway and props Kyoko's feet up a little more. "Okay. Okay. I'd say call 119, only we can't, so gotta check the pulse." She winces. "Every few minutes or so. It could give out. Damnit." * Haruko bites her lip. "We can't afford to wait this out anymore." * Taki looks at Haruko, "This...isn't something you can help with is it?" Wait what out? * Haruko verifies quickly that she can't use healing magic on Kyoko. "Alright, either Katie or I should stay here with Kyon (offscreen), the rest of you need to scout." ( Hearing checks! ) * Kaede sighs and looks at his hands. "If I knew how to control it better, at least we might have a way to jolt her if it gives out...dammit, why does this stuff always happen to us?" 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6) and gets 10. 2d6-8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-8) and gets 0. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6) and gets 7. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6) and gets 8. ( Y'know, my next game after this is going to be one where the PCs go to school and have normal lives, and every day the NPCs tell them all the cool things THEY did at lunch :P ) ("We saved the world!" "AGAIN?") ("Because we're the main characters" doesn't work IC, sadly.) [Everyone who made it hears the door open.] * Haruko sighs. "It's no good. And she doesn't need to be defibiluted Kaede, even if you had control this one would be beyond you." * Kaede turns his head over to the door. "Who could be coming in now?" (Jin!) * Katie starts, letting go of Kyoko's wrist, and spins to look out with wide eyes. [Actually, it's Saki.] * Taki blinks and turns around. * Haruko looks to see what sort of Saki we have here. * Taki 's eyes widen as she looks at Saki and tries to figure out which one this is. Saki? Is that- I mean... * Saki looks around for a bit, then lets out a heavy sigh and props herself against the wall near the door. * Katie blinks, checking Saki's eyes. "Are you okay?" So...why are you here? * Saki is wearing shades! * Taki lets out a sigh of her own, "For a second there..." * Kaede sounds more confused and curious than accusitory * Haruko breathes a sigh of relief. * Saki also doesn't respond to either of you. ( Mind rolls, +4! ) 2d6+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6+4) and gets 10. 2d6+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6+4) and gets 13. 2d6+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6+4) and gets 11. 2d8+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d8+4) and gets 12. 2d6+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6+4) and gets 15. (I can't roll the right dice today...I hate laptops) (but what the hell, I'll DR) 2d6+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6+4) and gets 11. * Katie looks at Saki, then Kyoko, then back. * Haruko checks Kyoko's pulse and such again. "I think Kyoko may have gone into shock because she used her power while in withdrawal. You encounter anything like this before?" * Katie takes a hesitant step towards Saki, then stops. She bites her lip. Saki? * Haruko looks down a little while she was checking Kyoko's pulse. She looks up with a worried expression. * Taki takes a few steps twords Katie, "What's wrong Saki?" * Saki doesn't wanna answer you. * Kaede sighs and folds his arms. "If she's not here to help, at least she hasn't made any move to harm anything yet." He pushes his glasses up his nose slightly. * Katie shrinks away for a moment, then steels herself. "I- I think-" She takes a few more steps, ending next to Saki. * Katie reaches over and tries putting her hand on her shoulder. * Taki trails a few steps behind Katie and stares at Saki all the while. * Haruko frowns for a moment and then digs through her bag. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-1) and gets 11, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Don't blame me. Blame yourself, or God." (DR that.) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-1) and gets 4. * Katie touches Saki's jacket, then yelps, jerking her hand back. * Haruko gets a waterbottle out of her bag, taking off the top before going back to checking Kyoko's pulse. * Taki lungs forward and grabs Katie's arm before she realizes that Saki hasn't actualy attacked. * Saki reacts pretty quickly, swiping a hand out in front of her. (Katie, unarmed def roll!) * Kaede jumps forward and rushes towards Katie. "Katie!" 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-1) and gets 11, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "My momma always said, you gotta take the good with the bad. Have a little bad." (...the hell?) (... Geez. I'll take it this time.) [Saki's hand goes through Katie like nothing. In fact, Katie tries to dodge, but winds up moving in the same direction that the strike is going, so Saki's hand stays in her longer.] * Haruko leaps over towards Katie going liquidy as she moves. The pool of water splashes down at Katie's feet and tries to heal her, if she needs it. * Saki looks around for a bit, then shrugs to herself and settles back into position. * Katie shrieks, scrambling back and holding her hands to her face, where Saki's went. * Kaede grits his teeth and gets between Katie and Saki, whipping out his wrench. "What the hell was that? How can you just stand there after...?" [Some other woman enters the room. It's a girl, and a fairly pretty girl at that. She's got short blond hair that kind of sticks out like a lion's mane (though is Japanese in appearance), is kind of short and is rather pretty, all things considered. Her eyes are closed, and she has a calm smile. ] * Taki keeps a hold of Katie's arm as they back up, "I don't think staying here is an option anymore..." [You can barely see said smile, however, because she's wearing a cloak with a large collar. Yes, a cloak.] [It's a white cloak! She has it wrapped around her body, but is wearing black and green boots with thick buckles.] * Haruko moves away from Saki and manages to produce sound with relief in her tone. "Katie's not injurrred, Saki may be a ghost in this field." (...please tell me she doesn't have the hat too.) * Katie stumbles into the bed and nearly falls to the floor, though Taki keeps her up. She stares at the woman who just entered. (Geez, it's Chloe with a different color scheme) ( Who? ) (Noir ^^;) ( Um, no hat >.> ) (Char from Noir, has this thing about knives.) (And isn't Boogiepop, which is who I thought of first) * Saki relaxes her position and stands. Albeit in a slouch. "Finally. You're the Hierophant, then?"] * Kaede looks at the new comer and grits his teeth. "Don't tell me. You're here to help?" * Hierophant nods. So she must be. * Haruko scouts away a bit. "Tell us how to help Kyoko beforrre you get any closerrr. * Haruko isn't reverting to human form, no way, no how. * Hierophant ignores you all. Ha HA! * Taki looks from the new figure to the Saki to Katie and then wispers to Katie. Something tells me it's not going to be that easy, Haruko-san. Alright, so what the hell do you want, then? As if I don't have anything better to do than break into people's apartments. * Kaede keeps his grip on the wrench. He looks calmer in general, but is still ready to move as he eyes the two of them. But you did come. You're interested. Get to the point. * Haruko moves the water from her bottle so that it's a floating blob in the air, between the Heirophant and most of the group. Only about a litre of water though. * Katie rubs at her cheek. She's crying a little, but quiet. * Hierophant keeps her smile and glances sideways, towards the bedroom. Her eyes are narrow, and purple. (Yep. Chloe. :P) (Chloe doesn't have lion mane hair) (true) (I thought she had purple hair and yellow eyes, this must be Chloe reversed) ( I have no idea who you're talking about, so... :P ) * Saki watches her for a second, then stalks quickly over towards the bedroom. (Kaede and Taki, give me body rolls at -3) * Kaede grunts a little. "So you plan on taking someone who's completely helpless, do you? How noble. Is there a kidnapping quota on Arcana that they all have to meet or something?" 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6-3) and gets 3. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 6. * Katie swallows. "She doesn't know we're here." (Uh..no) * Kaede raises an eyebrow. "They're outside the field? But..." He eyes them again. * Saki takes the direct route to the room, which happens to be right through Kaede and Taki. Kaede moves out of the way in time, but Taki is unsure of what to do until Saki walks right through her, leaving her feel very cold and in a lot of pain.] * Taki me turns to face Katie, "They're whAAAhhh!" * Saki stops right outside the bedroom. "What the..." She turns. "What the hell is this?!" I think you'rrre rrright. Taki! * Taki lets go of Katie and falls to the ground holding her sides. * Haruko flows over to the ground around Taki. * Katie yelps, stepping out of Haruko's way. * Kaede curses and puts his wrench away, going over to Taki to try and help her up. * Haruko sighs with relief again. "No physical harrrm, but I'm sorry Taki, I can't help you." It's like they're ghosts. * Katie blinks. "Or we're the ghosts." * Taki groans and lets Kaede help her to her feet, "It's...not your fault." I couldn't make it rrrain, I could do that in a field before. I bet it's us. Do ghosts feel pain? I don't think ghost is quite the right word... Whatever we are...we feeel pain. Trust me on this one. * Katie nods. And Saki senses something...but she doesn't know what we are. Maybe she feels the same thing. I think Kyoko's powerrr malfunctioned. I'm sorrry Taki, I asked herrr to do this. * Katie rubs at her eyes. "Maybe..." She frowns. "Half a field? Something in between." * Kaede rubs his temples. "It's times like this where I wish we had Satoshi. He could probably talk to them..." * Haruko goes back to the room to keep an eye on the two, "That sounds rrright." * Taki wraps her arms around herself again, "Yes...Satoshi." Hmm. If you're right... * Haruko gets back into the bedroom. "I don't think we should trrry to interrrupt just yet. Hopefully the Heirrrophant can fix this." One moment, if you will. * Satoshi runs into the apartment, looking around. "Kyon? Arai-san?" How can she fix it if she doesn't even know we're... * Saki gives the woman a "nobody tells me what to do" look, but just then Satoshi enters. * Kaede blinks and looks over towards Satoshi. * Taki blinks and then thinks as hard as she can at Satoshi. Ah, here you are, Hideo. (Taki fails her thinking roll) * Katie looks up from Taki to Satoshi. She'll help Kyoko. She may be stuck between the worrrlds. Which would put herrr in shock. (The way things are going tonight? It'd be a crit fail) Arai-san. And... Saki? What are you doing here? Where's Kyon? And everyone else. ( Mind rolls at +3! ) I thought they were here... ( 'Cept Satoshi ) 2d6+3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6+3) and gets 6. 2d6+3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6+3) and gets 8. 2d6+3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6+3) and gets 10. 2d6+3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6+3) and gets 8. * Haruko puddle ripples. "Arrre the lights going out forrr you guys too?" * Kaede rubs his eyes and then blinks, rubbing them again and looking around at the rest individually. * Saki jerks a thumb over her shoulder at the bedroom. "Those guys are in there. As for what we're doing here..." She looks at Hinako. "You tell me." No? * Hierophant is now known as Hinako * Satoshi runs into the bedroom. "Guys?" ( Even though most of you don't know her first name :P ) ( You can guess. ) * Taki shakes her head again, "C'mon Satoshi we're back here!" It's a field... but it's not a field. We're in there? Wait... * Kaede goes back to check in the room. (It's easy to guess. Winston mentioned it.) * Haruko moves around a bit frantically. "Someone wave Kyoko's hand." * Katie blinks, then looks at Kaede as he heads back. * Taki stays right where she is and doesn't go near the pain causing people. * Satoshi pales and runs in, kneeling on the floor. "Taki! Katie! Wake up!" Kaede? Haruko? Kyon? * Taki rubs her face and goes back to thinking at Satoshi. ( Kaede, gimme a body roll - acrobatics (balance), because Saki is standing near the door. ) * Satoshi looks back over his shoulder at Saki and Hinako. "What's going on? What's wrong with them?" * Katie looks at Satoshi, then Hinako, but stays put and quiet. * Haruko tries to go with the fading vision thing, doing the liquid equivelent of closing her eyes. (Um..it's not like he's running full tilt into the room? I'd think if he'd collide, he'd stop ^^;) ( He can squeeze by if he tries. ) * Kyon pushes out of his chair and stretches, then stalks out to the living room with his eyes narrowed. He rocks back on his heels and scowls. So yeah, what's the deal? 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6) and gets 8. * Haruko stops rippling for a bit and stays a still puddle on the floor. Or maybe someone just spilled a lot of water there. Who knows? [Kaede tries to squeeze by, but winds up brushing Saki, and feels the same cold, painful effects that Katie and Taki did. It's not fun.] (Question. Did I see Kyon move? Or did the others?) ( The others did ) * Kaede winces but keeps himself going. He has to check. * Katie turns when she hears Kyon step out, then relaxes a little. * Haruko stays still. * Satoshi kneels down next to Taki and gently shakes her. "Taki, c'mon. Wake up." 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6) and gets 5. [Kaede gets even more hurt, and is forced to turn back again.] * Taki winces and her eyes start to water up, "I'm ...I'm over here Satoshi..Over her." * Saki meanwhile looks around wildly. "Goddamn, what the hell is that?" * Kaede steps back and grahs, holding his arm. "Can't...do it..." * Satoshi looks at Saki. "What the hell is what?" (Question then, how did Kyon get out but Kaede can't go in? :P) There's a field here, or something like it. But I can't tell... That would be them. * Satoshi stands up and walks back to Hinako. "What's them? What happened?" ( Because the GM totally missed it. ) * Katie hurries over to Kaede. "You're not hurt, right? You were there a while." * Haruko gives up staying still. "She knows about us! We'rrre okay!" ( They're all dead. We can't do anything for them. ) ( Let's go get a burger. ) ( I'm down with that. ) ( Well, I know a nice ghosts. ) (ghost) * Kaede looks over at Satoshi and speaks towards him in a dry tone. "What...normally happens to us of course." He looks back at Katie and gives her a fairly weak smile. "I'm fine...really." * Kyon blows out a breath irritatedly. "Right. OK." * Taki shakes her head, and then limps twords Kaede and Katie. ( Hey, Chie? I think this is *your* department.) Yeah, it's cold. It won't feel so bad in a while. * Haruko flows under and around the bed and tries to get to her bag. * Kyon looks around the room for anything that he can write with, and on. Should be some paper around, but who knows? Something that happened... I'm not sure how to put it... The cards say it's never happened before. Although, not without reason. [Kyon would know, what with this being his apartment.] Well, that's just great. Really helpful. What's the reason? * Kaede glances lazily at Hinako. "Wonderful. I always love hearing--" He winces mid sentence but continues. "That my life's been screwed with again, but it's all for a good reason." * Taki keeps walking past the two K's untill she can see where Satoshi seems to think her body is. * Hinako smiles. "Something Ms. Morikawa would be interested in, I'm sure." She points at Kyoko. "That girl was on the drugs you seek to destroy." * Saki stares at her. "How do you know about that?" * Haruko rematerializes on the far side of the bed while ducking, waiting until Kyon is in a different part of the room. She reaches a hand up on the bed and grabs her Miko top and then hastily puts it on. Another time, perhaps. Right now, you need to understand that your friends are trapped between this world and the next. What? How do we get them back? * Katie blinks, watching Hinako, Satoshi, and Saki. Is that what this field-like thing is? * Kyon grabs a pen and paper from his bag, and scrawls out a few characters. He holds it up facing the outsiders with an expression suggesting he doesn't think it'll work. * Taki rubs her eyes. We need a cure. * Saki laughs. * Haruko then grabs the cloth for the bottom part of her outfit and wraps it around herself, holding it in place with a hand. ( Go to China and kill a paoxao.) Are you kidding me? There's no cure for that! * Kaede sighs and checks his vision again, waving his hand in front of his face. We can't just leave them! What's the cure, Arai-san? * Katie grimaces, putting her hands over her ears. So you say, but how much do you really know about these drugs? * Haruko then stands up. She walks over to Kyoko and carefully lifts up Kyoko's arm and waves it at the people. * Taki sniffles and rubs at he nose now, "Thank you Satoshi." * Hinako smiles. "I think, after this is over with, you ought to pay a visit to the Hermit. * Hinako turns to Satoshi. "Hideo can help you find him. Then you can ask." I've been meaning to anyway. * Haruko shrugs and gently puts Kyoko's arm down. Cool. We'll do that la... * Saki blinks, then turns to Satoshi. "Wait a minute. Hideo?" * Kyon puts his sign down, mutters something in Chinese, and looks around for the cat. So they tell me. * Katie lets out a heavy sigh and just has a seat on the floor. "Here it comes." I don't know if it's true or not, but... there's a lot of people who seem to think it is. * Kaede sighs and leans back against the wall. "About time she paid attention." * Haruko finds her needle and thread, and goes back to sewing the skirt part of her outfit, a little awkward because she has it on, but apparently she's got nothing but time. * Taki gives Saki a worried look. * Saki scowls. "You're Judgement? All this time, and you never..." Now is not the time, Saki. I didn't know! I still don't know. And Arai-san is right. Or should I call you the Heirophant? * Saki glares at Satoshi, and then at Hinako. She clenches her fist; it glows in a bright blue light, but eventually she relaxes. "Fine." Either will suffice. Fine. Arai-san, how can we help them? * Taki starts to let out a sigh, but it's cut off nearly before it's started by a wince. * Haruko rolls her eyes. "Yeah, Saki's the spokesperson for sharing information." * Kumaguro locks his gaze with Kyon's, then presses up out of his seat, puts his ears back a bit, and hops a few steps diagonally. * Hinako taps her cheek beneath her high-collar cloak. She wears bracers with a number of buckles, just like her boots. "It could be that the makers of the drugs have the antidote, or it could not be. There are many things you - and I - still do not know about them." But I do know of one way that is sure to work. What is it? * Taki blinks, "...Wait we're stuck untill..?" Kyoko's cured, it looks like. It's the Cup. You must find it. * Katie brings one leg up to put her chin against her knee. She hears that, then laughs, putting her forehead against it. * Saki rubs her head. And I'm not sure how much time we have either... And you wouldn't happen to know where it is, would you? Did you dream about it, maybe? * Taki sits down in the middle of the floor, and starts to laugh and then curls up in pain. * Haruko keeps working, correcting fairly often. "Huh, Isao-sempei? You around?" If... it's... the World Reversed. If we could get there, or Satoshi can. I do, indeed. But the man who has it is no longer alive. He's a ghost? Well great. Let's go dig up a friggin' corpse. * Kyon takes a few steps towards the cat, then reaches past him into his bag for his deck of tarot cards. That is not exactly true. He's in the hospital, and I can't tell you to save me. Perhaps I should add, he is no longer in this world. But is he somewhere we could get to? * Haruko scowls. "I hope they treat Isao-sempai's bones with dignity, if they know where to find them." * Taki looks up again and there are tears on her face, "I just saw him and it, they were right in front of me... I could snap my finger and be there." Perhaps... But not easily. It's not about corpses, Haruko. * Katie blinks. My parents! Ow. * Katie rubs at one of her ears. So we have to get the Cup from a guy who's dead but not in this world, and maybe we can get to him. Who is he, and where is this? Tell me something concrete. Please. Your what? * Kaede turns over towards Katie. * Taki blinks twice and rubs at her eyes before twisting around to look at Katie. My- my parents. They must be worried. I didn't call. And- and I don't know- I don't want to make them worry. Hideo, you have heard of the man and have been in his world once before. He is the Queen of Cups. If we're...part in this world and part out of it... Haruko's... previous incarnation? * Kaede reaches in his coat and searches for his phone. "I don't know...do you think it'd work?" * Haruko holds her skirt with one hand and goes liquidy. She tries to carefully flow out to the main room. (Any problem with that Brett?) ( Satoshi sees Kaede's left leg! :P ) My dad... I... No. Haruko checked. It didn't work. It's like a field. [Haruko succeds without much trouble.] Kaede's powerrr might do the trrrick. * Kaede eyes Katie lazily. "Of course she did. But you forget who you're talking to." The reason it didn't work last time is it got power but there was no reception...but if we're still part in the world..." Then his world is the place where the Hermit is? * Taki blinks some more, "...Din't you try that in the Tower?" * Katie blinks, and then her eyes widen. "We could... call them. We could call Satoshi?" It's worth a try... Gets better minute by minute. * Haruko reforms in the main room. She's smiling and carefully holding her skirt together. "Very clever." * Kyon folds his legs down under him as he moves to the floor, and shuffles the cards quickly a few times. * Katie scoots over to Kaede. "Try calling him." * Kaede concentrates as best as he can, trying to put as much power as he can into the phone. * Haruko then walks over to Taki and puts the arm not keeping her skirt together on Taki's shoulder. "We'll be alright, the Hirophant seems to know what she's doing, we'll just have to wait a little." * Taki watches Kaede dial. * Taki nods slowly. * Kyon blows out a breath, takes one in slowly, and concentrates as he flips a card and puts it in front of him. * Haruko gives Taki a quick half hug as she only has one arm free. "Think of it as a vacation sorta." 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6) and gets 7. * Haruko then looks vaguely embarrassed and the floating ball of water in the bedroom moves back to its waterball. She comments quietly. "I should definately fix that before the laws of physics complain." [Satoshi's phone rings.] * Katie perks. (It's Akemi) ( Brett tries to figure out what Satoshi was doing. He lost track ;_; ) * Taki blinks and sits up. * Haruko grins. "Way to go!" * Kaede keeps an even look as he puts the phone to his ear. "Don't celebrate just yet." (Satoshi was talking to Hinako and Saki, and asking if it's the world of the Hermit that the Queen of Cups is in. And now he is answering his phone.) * Satoshi blinks and picks up his phone. "Satoshi here." * Hinako nods slowly to Satoshi. * Haruko smiles. "If he can't hear you, you can always text message!" * Saki starts to say something, but stops. It's rude to talk when someone's on the phone. (That's nice of her. ^_^) (Saki? Worried about rude?) * Kaede listens in his phone to see if he hears Satoshi's voice through the receiver? [And Kyon draws the Queen of Cups.] [You both hear each other! Except your voices sound quiet and full of static.] * Kaede then speaks hesitantly into his end. "Satoshi. Can you hear me?" Kaede?! (Becase most of the talking to Satoshi happens in peoples heads ;P) * Satoshi looks briefly back at Kaede's unconscious body. * Katie grimaces. "Tell him not to be so loud." * Kaede lets out a breath softly. "Not so loud. Katie's ears are hurting. Listen, we're still in the room. Um...sort of. I can't believe this worked..." * Taki nods and gives Satoshi a mock glare, but she's grinning. [Kaede is unconscious!] You're still there... you can hear us? We're right here. Watch where you step though. If you go through us, it's kind of...painful." * Taki nods, but doesn't say anything. * Kyon looks at the card, then does his breathing routine again and flips another one, placing it to the right of the first one. * Saki glances from side to side at that. Haruko and Taki say they've seen Isao before. Outside of the Reversed World. [Kyon draws the World Reversed] Okay... I'll stay out here, then. I'm glad you're all still... there. I'm not sure all right is the best term for it. So... really? Where? * Haruko nods. "In the hospital, although there was probably a field up at the time.." * Kyon smirks, then closes his eyes, breathes out softly, and flips the third card out to the right of the second. * Taki nods at Haruko, "There wasn't anybody else there but the three of us." When she went to the hospital. They say they think it was in a field. * Haruko looks over to Taki and nods again. "Go with whwatever she says, I was out for most of it." What happened to Haruko, anyway? She's with you now, but last I saw, she was... [Kyon draws the Seven of Pentacles] I'm not sure. But she seems to be okay now. But...there's something else. What is it? * Haruko listens to Satoshi's voice, she comments in an amused tone. "The cup silly. Weren't you paying attention to the Heirophant?" Whatever it is, I think you have to hurry. It's been getting a little dark...I'm not sure how long this'll last.... * Kyon shakes his head quickly, and looks up. "Tell him to find Matthias." * Taki blinks at Kaede "Isao healed her with the cup. That was the whole reason we're stuck here." I will. * Katie twitches, looking to Kyon. Is there anything else? And find Matthias. Matthias? All right. Any reason? Kyon did a reading. Kyon found him in the cards. He's got to be important. * Haruko bites her lip. "Specifically the reason we're here is my instance on privacy. Which proved utterly pointless in the end." * Haruko makes an apologetic bow to the group, probably no one cares, but she does. * Kaede sure doesn't care. * Kyon scowls at the cat, and points under him at the cards. "Nature, cause, solution." He shakes his head quickly. "I can owe him another one." Okay. Find Matthias, then find the previous Queen of Cups and the Cup, possibly in the world reversed. Might need Jin to take us there. Is that it? It's not your fault, and it's kinda stupid not to tell them where he is. * Saki taps her foot. I think so for no. If we figure anything else out, I'll get in touch with you. This is pretty draining as is... Got it. I'll be back soon. Tell everyone that for me. * Kaede smirks slightly, not that Satoshi can hear it. "Idiot. They can all hear you." Right. Forgot that. (Does anyone ever hear you smirk?) Tell him to call our parents. Katie's in particular. (They do when it makes the "niko" sound!) (In space, everyone can hear you smirk. It's weird that way.) * Kyon shakes his head quickly. "And say what? Not worth it." * Satoshi turns to the bedroom and addresses the air. "Guys... I promise I'll be back as soon as I can." I won't fail you. * Hinako smiles. "I'm sure you won't." She walks out of the apartment. * Haruko shrugs. "Katie was worried." ... Hey, wait a sec! * Katie lets out a sigh, remaining right where she is. "Okay." * Kaede nods and covers the mouthpiece. "I agree. It's easier to say it in person. There's nothing Satoshi could really say.." * Saki chases after! No. It's okay. ...and there goes Saki. * Katie blinks. "Uh... better get Satoshi to go." * Satoshi shrugs. "Well. Kaede, you still there?" * Saki incidently passes through Taki on the way, and she falls down. * Kaede sighs and goes back to the phone. "Yeah." Ask Kyon for Matthias' contact information. What the hell, lady? Why the hell did you drag me here? It's not any of my business. * Kaede winces at that. "And tell Saki to be more careful where she's going." Or, rather, have him relay it to you. Obviously, I just asked. * Hinako smiles over her shoulder at Saki. "No, it's not. You're certainly free to go if you choose." She continues and is lost from sight. * Kaede nods. "Right." He looks over to Kyon expectantly. * Satoshi looks over his shoulder and calls to Saki, "Watch where you're going, please? They're still here." * Haruko goes over to Taki, kneels, and helps her up. * Kaede scowls. "Might want to keep up though. I've got a feeling she's important." * Saki reaches out as though to stop Hinako, then pulls her hand back and sighs. "Damn." She steps back into the room. * Kyon tugs the cards out from under the cat, and puts them back in the deck, scowling. He rattles off the number quickly. * Satoshi walks over to Saki, still on the phone. * Kumaguro blinks owlishly, then closes his eyes again. * Kaede relays the number. "Anything else?" * Haruko glances over to Katie with a slight smile. "Just so long as you're alright with no calling." I think that's it. Hang in there, and if you need me, just call. * Katie blinks at Haruko, almost snapping out of something. "Huh?" Right. It's about time these powers came in handy for something. Of course...it's to help us get out of a situation where someone else's powers screwed us over, but that's typical. * Taki is pulled up by Haruko, wobbles, groans and then colapes against her. Yeah, it's definitely you. I'll be back soon. Be careful? We'll probably be tagging along anyhow. It's not like we've anything better to do. * Haruko slips back a little, and then holds Taki with her free arm. * Kaede adds sardonically, "Aren't I always careful?" and flips off the phone. * Satoshi enters Matthias' number into the phone. [Satoshi gets no answer! He's on a roll.] * Satoshi calls Matthias, then. And gets no answer. (Leave a message! The power of voicemail compells you. :P) * Satoshi sighs. "I'll try again later." He looks up at Saki. "Look, I can see that you're not thrilled about this, but we really could use your help. Please?" Yeah yeah. Let's just do what we gotta, ok? (For me!) ( Of course. You're the only reason I'd ever help these guys :P ) Okay. First we have to head back to my place to find Jin. So let's go. (Nope. For Katie. So she can have chats with her evil self in teh FUCH-AR!) * Satoshi heads out of the apartment. * Saki makes a face. "That guy?" She follows, though. [Session End!]