[Kaede rushes outside! Now what?] * Kaede looks frantically for any signs of a Katie. Or where she may have been. * Kaede rather ignores the rain, of course. ( Urban tracking, +3! (Residential) ) (Haha! Made) [Kaede sees watery footprints that go towards the front of the house.] * Kaede tsshes under his breath and runs following the footprints. Squelch. [Kaede gets out front, where the footprints end at a sidewalk. (Same roll!)] (Pfft. Not this time.) [Kaede.... is stumped.] * Kaede curses and cups his hands in front of his mouth, wrench between a few fingers. "Katie! Where are you?" * Kaede digs shakily for his cell phone. "Dammit..." He dials her number and concentrates on tracking it more than her answering. Though if she does answer, that's a plus. [Kaede finds the signal, outside the gate, to the right a bit.] * Kaede follows that signal, looking about.