[Katie is sitting in a red puddle, her uniform pretty much destroyed. Yushiro is lying in the same red puddle. Kaede is gawking. That's all you need to know.] [Session Start!] * Katie stares at Yushiro a moment, taking a few more breaths. When he doesn't move, she places her left hand to his neck and face, checking his vitals. * Kaede takes a few cautious steps forward, eying both Katie and Yushiro. He probably splashes a bit as he walks too. He seems to be in shock. ( Katie, med (diag) roll ) (... Um, sure.) (Woot. Katie learns his bloodtype just from feeling his pulse.) [Katie realizes he's still alive, but won't be for long.] * Katie sets that hand on his chest and pulls her knife from the bloody puddle. She coughs before placing it against his jugular. "You're going to tell me not to do it," she says, her voice flat and soft in the rain. * Kaede stops as he walks forward and slightly off to the side around towards her back, watching Katie carefully. "You're not that kind of person, Katie Andrews...." [Taki appears outside of the gate to the house!] * Katie chokes. "How do you know what kind of person I am?" she asks weakly. "I'm not the kind of person that comes home in blood. I'm not the kind of person people want to kill." Her knife hand trembles, but it doesn't break the skin just yet. "I told him he'd die first. I'm not a liar." * Taki follows the trail of blood with her eyes...and then just stares at Katie, "Haru...Wha? Katie?" * Kaede looks at her for a moment and doesn't approach just yet. "You're right..none of us are...the question is do you want to be?" [Right. Katie's got a knife to Yushiro's throat, Yushiro is lying in a puddle bleeding, and Kaede is Kaede.] * Katie sounds quiet. Almost emotionless. "Does it matter?" * Kaede snaps his head up at Taki and Kyon and looks at them. He narrows his eyes but still seems to be talking to Katie. "I won't let you kill him in cold blood, Katie...drop the knife.." * Kyon stops a bit off, and looks over the situation to see how badly off everyone is. [Katie looks hurt, Kaede looks also hurt, Taki has no shirt.] [And Yushiro looks dead.] * Taki limps twords Katie, "I need...I need to know why...You arn't...are you?" * Kaede holds up a hand to Taki. "Forget that. We need Haruko out here." * Katie looks over to Kaede, but the knife doesn't move. There's nothing but anger in her gaze. "I'm sick of it, Kaede. I'm sick of all of it. He hates me, she hates me, everyone hates. If he lives, he'll do nothing but try to kill us until he's dead." * Taki doesn't take her eyes off Katie or stop moving forward, but she seems a bit more focused for a moment. "...Haruko wants Katie inside..." ( Hirokazu loves! ) (Aww, that's sweet of him.) * Kaede looks slowly at Katie, eying her carefully and evenly. "That may be so. But I won't allow you to become a killer, Katie Andrews." ( And Akemi bounces! ) To what? Protect me? You'll kill instead of me, so I can say I'm better than everyone else? Maybe. ( Don't knock it until you try it :P ) * Kaede takes a step forward and says it again. "I won't let you kill, Katie Andrews." Especially not like this... * Taki keeps limping she'll get there eventualy, "...not worth it...and not all hate." You letting me has nothing to do with it. * Katie looks down at Yushiro. "He's almost dead, anyway. The blood isn't for show." * Kaede walks forward. His gaze hasn't changed all this time and raindrops are plipping on his head. "Drop the knife." * Taki stops and a takes a moment to gather her thoughts. * Katie chokes again. "No." And something that isn't anger creeps into her voice. "I can't." ...Why not? * Kaede starts to respond but stops and looks at Taki for a moment, then back to Katie * Katie keeps staring, the anger giving way to a haunted expression. "Because... I can't." You said he'll die if you cut him ornot... right? Why cut him now? Why not? I'll be a killer either way. Might as well make it more solid. * Taki tilts her head and actualy manages to unfocus on Katie... "Said we wern't going to kill her brother." No. That's not true, Katie. Said he'd die first. Drop the knife, Katie. * Kaede takes another step forward. I *said* he'd die first. ...Have a long time for that to happen...Listen to him....Please? I know that... Doesn't mean you have to kill him...especially not like this. Drop the damn knife. * Kaede doesn't raise his voice at the last, he's just taking another step forward. * Taki swallows and limps forward another step, "I know that I don't know you as well as I think I do, and this probibly doesn't matter...but I don't want you to do it...I don't think you want to do it." * Katie shakes her head. "He tried to kill me. He'd kill you too." She chokes on her own words. "It's survival. I said we'd survive. I said I'd make sure we'd survive." No. It's not survival now... Look at him, Katie. Take a good look. Is he a threat now? * Katie half-whispers, "He will be." ( Yushiro's head comes off, sprouts legs and eats Kaede's face! ) I don't want Yoshikos life. I don't want to hit everything that stands in my way. I don't want them dead. You... what will you do with the next one? And the one after that?... Can't start. * Kaede glares at Katie. "So what? You're going to go around eliminating any possible threat? We're not assassins. We're not murderers. We're just fucking high school students! I don't care what some stupid gaijin card system calls us." * Katie chokes again, and it actually turns into a sob. "But he- he'll-" She can't seem to finish the sentence. * Kaede walks over to Katie and kneels down next to her, putting a hand on her shoulder and the hand with the knife. His expression softens. "Katie, please.." * Taki limps forward, faster than she was going before, "he is stopped." * Katie sobs again, and now she really is crying. Her knife slips and tumbles, landing with a small splash in the blood. * Kaede sighs and whispers. "You say I don't know you, but...I have a feeling. And I don't believe you're a killer. Someone may die in self-defense, but you're not a killer...there *is* a difference..." * Taki blinks as her phone beeps at her, and hurries as fast as she can limp to Katies side. Where she too puts an arm around her shoulders, "Th...thankyou." * Katie doesn't say anything, and she doesn't stop crying. * Kaede sighs and gives her a brief hug. Wet and squishy because of the rain but a hug nonetheless. * Taki keeps holding her, and doesn't even get angry at Kaede. * Kaede pulls back and stands up slowly. "Let's get out of here, okay?" He offers Katie a hand up. * Katie doesn't look away from Yushiro, but she reaches with her left hand - slick with blood - and holds Kaede's in what may very well be a death grip. Something flashes behind her eyes, and she grabs her carving knife with her right. * Taki lets go of Katies shoulders as she moves, but doesn't get up quite yet. * Kaede growls and yanks Katie's hand up as hard as he can. ( Roll init, you two ) d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (d6+6) and gets 10. d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (d6+6) and gets 8. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (d6+7) and gets 8. ( Hokay... Kaede and Katie need opposed body rolls if Katie's going to struggle to break his grip ) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6) and gets 5. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6) and gets 7. [Katie's hand is yanked up.] * Katie shrieks as she's pulled by the hand, the shriek quickly dissolving into a chain of coughs. This doesn't make her lose her grip on her knife, and as she tries to get him to let go of her, she looks wild-eyed at Kaede, then Taki. * Kaede growls again and grabs for her wrist, to hold the knife-hand firmly. "Dammit, Katie, no!" ( It's Body stat - unarmed attack (wrestling). And that's attack for both of you ) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6) and gets 3. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6) and gets 6. [Katie gets free!] * Katie backs away. She nearly bumps into Taki before she spins, trying to avoid both of them. "Stay away. Stay away!" * Taki stands up quickly, putting all of her weight on her good leg, "Katie? What are you doing?" * Katie takes a few more steps back, getting good looks at Kaede and Taki. She doesn't answer. * Kaede puts out his hands. "Calm down, Katie..we're normal.." * Katie looks into Kaede's eyes, especially, then says, "I..." It could be tied to me. * Taki reaches up with her left hand and pulls her bangs behind her ear, it wasn't obvious with the rain on the other side of her face, but she has been crying, "I..." * Kaede looks her hard and evenly in the eyes, hands out. "What could be? What?" * Taki gets interupted by her phone ringing. The knife. It's mine. If someone finds it... ( "Can you hold on? I have to take this." ) * Taki lets it ring, "That's not what's important right now." * Kaede blinks. "You weren't going to...okay..." He sighs. "I can't believe I have to deal with this." * Taki gets a hallow grin, "Can just throw it off the side of the tower reversed." * Katie slumps a bit. "Sorry." * Kaede looks over to Taki. "Taki, can you get us out of here?" He sighs as he turns back to Katie and walks over to her. "Katie, there's no need to apologize.." * Katie cringes. Her gaze catches Yushiro, and she just looks away. * Kaede starts slipping off his coat as he walks over to Katie. "They're probably worried about you inside. We should go.." * Taki nods and limps twords Katie, "Y...yeah...Haruko...she wants your help." (Taki's topless and you give your coat to Katie? ;P) (Yup.) ( Kaede is teh lamez ) (This is Kaede we're talking about remember. We're luck he didn't ask for her bra. >_>) (Taki's non-existant.) ( >.> ) (Besides, Taki can teleport inside to avoid getting drenched. Katie can't ;P) * Katie doesn't move. "Okay." (Already drenched. ^^) * Kaede puts his coat around her shoulders and puts a hand on each side, walking her back towards the front door. * Katie continues to not move... at least, until Kaede's consistent pushing forces her to. She walks with numb, but even, steps. * Taki turns from where Katie was so she can follow them towards the door.