[Katie is groggy! Whooooo! She doesn't realize what's going on, but she appears to be in a cellar of some sort: brick walls, a concrete floor, a desk with a computer, some stairs leading up to another door... And boxes! Yay for boxes! There's also a boiler on one side of the room, and a couch and TV on the other.] ( You can go. And gimme a hearing check +6 ) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-2) and gets 7. (Made.) ( Keep in mind Katie can't really concentrate. ) ( Also, gimme a sense check (touch) ) 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-4) and gets 2. ( Actually, gimme another. This one at +2 ) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-2) and gets 1. [Katie is sitting on the floor, her arms tied to one of the pipes against the wall behind her. And she can feel some kind of metal circlet thing on her head. She also hears people talking! But they're hidden behind the boxes.] Person1: "... been waiting for this. You sure I can't...?" Person2: "No... much as I'd like... bitch stuck a knife in me..." ( Katie can't make out entirely what they're saying :P ) * Katie jerks her head up and winces, trying to blink the grogginess out of her eyes. She tries to stretch from her uncomfortable position and finds she can't *move*; this is immediately followed by her eyes going wide with a shrill scream that dies into a series of ugly coughs and wheezes. (Got it. They must be some distance away.) (Or she must be *seriously* drugged.) Person1: "Know... Need revenge since... Damn them..." ( Both! ) * Katie lets out a dry sob and tries to pull free again; trying to concentrate through it and hear what they're saying. Person1: "How long... gets here?" Person2: "Better... soon, or else. Not... wait ... even if... all that money..." * Katie grimaces, and her eyes start to glaze over. She shakes her head. * Katie tries to flex her fingers and convince the wind to help cut her free. [Absolutely nothing happens.] * Katie blinks. She tries again. (Does she recognize them by voice?) ( Mind roll +2! ) 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6+2) and gets 6. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6+2) and gets 9. (DR1) 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6+2) and gets 12. [Katie recognizes one of the voices: Ryo Shinjo. He's person #2] * Katie mouths the name. And glances frantically. No powers, okay. Think. [Some light flashes through the window, and and a vehicle can be heard parking somewhere nearby outside.] Person1: "That must be him." * Katie winces, turning her head in that direction. Ryo: "About time." * Katie can't see, though, and looks around again. She shudders and closes her eyes, tears stinging the corners, and tries straining her powers again. [There's a knock on the door, and one of them goes to answer it. He's got white hair and is wearing a sleeveless black top and white pants. (and gimme a soul roll!)] (Mind Shield count?) (I mean, I'd assume so, but. ;P) ( Yes, actually ) 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-6) and gets -1. [Katie recognizes Tenjirou, and doesn't fall in love with him.] * Katie is... wholly unsurprised, really. She tugs. Stupid ropes. Or chains. What is she tied with, anyway? [Handcuffs!] (Booyah, I'm shackled!) [Tenjirou, meanwhile, opens the door, and stops dead. He has just enough time to exlaim, "What the f-" before there's a flash of blue light, sending him backwards down the stairs. Saki appears in the doorway!] * Masaru is now known as Saki * Katie brightens as she sees her. "Saki!" she calls in a raspy voice. * Saki steps down the stairs. "I don't believe it, but the geek was right. You are that stupid." (Snarf.) [There's a blast of darkness from behind the boxes. Saki dives off the stairs, landing behind her own box.] Ryo: How the hell? Tenjirou, you said nobody would be able to find us!" Tenjirou: "I... how did you...?" * Katie strains, wilts a moment, and looks around again for anything that could help her get free. "I'm here," she half-whispers; but there's no way Saki can hear her, and no way for her to speak much more loudly. * Saki snickers. "Yeah, we might not have found you if you didn't put her picture up on that site. Using that, geekboy was able to trace you. Thanks." Tenjirou looks shocked: "You... what?" Roy screams, "Tenjirou, you IDIOT!" * Katie grimaces. * Katie takes a breath and tries to push her voice again, letting out a scream that dies as quickly as she manages it. She goes into an ugly coughing fit. * Saki smirks. "Game over, man." She leaps up suddenly and kicks the box, sending it sliding across the room at Ryo. He dodges on instinct, but by the time he realizes what's happening, Saki is over there, pummeling him.] [Katie loses sight of what happens as they go behind the boxes, but then Ryo comes flying through them, and it becomes obvious.] * Katie stares at Ryo wide-eyed. And a little dumbly, since she's coughing horribly and can't concentrate anyway. [Tenjirou growls: "Damn it! Why doesn't anything ever go right?" He pulls out a gun. * Saki smirks. "How good you think your odds are?" * Katie lets out a faint squeaking noise. She tugs. [And so Saki and Tenjirou square off. Will Tenjirou get a lucky shot, or not? Be here next time to find out!] [Session End!]