[Meanwhile, Kaede and Soleil had followed Yorihisa to the underside of a bridge, where he held a conversation with a mysterious person hidden by shadow and two thugs. Yorihisa started to leave, and Kaede decided to get closer to find out what was happening. But he got caught. Doh!] [Start!] (How far is he from Soleil right now?) [The thug calls the other thug's attention to him. They advance on him, sneering and beating their weapons in their palms. "Lost?"] ( Mm... Down the hill and forward a bit... maybe 20 ft. ) * Kaede looks at them steadily, backing up a bit so he can get within tossing range of Soliel. He keeps an eye on them to see if they've noticed her yet. I was just enjoying the scenery. [They don't seem to have.] * Kaede fingers in his pockets, looking for his cell phone, palming it and still edging slowly back away from the thugs. ( Gimme a mind roll +2 - military science (tactics) ) (...a high school student...with military science? @_@) ( Kyon has it ^^ ) (He disturbs all of us) 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6+2) and gets 5. [Kaede realizes that the goon with the chain is manuvering to flank him.] * Kaede doesn't seem to care. When he gets within range of Soliel, he tosses the phone in her general direction, hoping she can get to it. He says to her quietly. "Get out of here. Dial the third name on the list and tell Taki where we are. Quickly." He faces the goons again. ( Roll init! ) d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (d6+6) and gets 7. [Order: Soleil, Goon1, Goon2, Kaede] [Soleil looks unprepared like she was going to do something else, but instead the phone directs itself to her hand and she grabs it.] [Meanwhile, Goon1 rushes at Kaede, swinging his pipe.] ( Gimme a def roll. ) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6-1) and gets 6. [Kaede tries to dodge, but he gets stuck in the arm. The other goon also rushes at him, but his swing is so far off, he nearly hits himself with his own weapon.] [Kaede's turn!] * Kaede tsshes at that and eyes the goons. "Funny. Expected a warmer reception towards someone who was lost." He reaches into his coat and pulls out his trusty wrench. Good wrench. Hopefully he's drawing their attention away enough from Soliel. [The goons laugh. "You got lost in the wrong place." Then the one with the chain looks at his weapon in surprise as it flies out of his hand. "Huh?"] [Soleil's standing on the hillside, her hand out in front of her. The chain just floats in mid air.] [Goon1 scowls. He takes another swing at Kaede, but misses.] [Goon2 starts running up the hill at Soleil.] [Kaede's turn!] * Kaede doesn't look at Soliel but he doesn't seem pleased. He looks ready to take advantage of the confusion but his head darts towards the goon rushing Soleil. "Dammit.." He rushes forward to tackle him, yelling out. "I thought I told you to get out of here..." 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6) and gets 5. [Kaede tackles the goon! They both go down!] * Soleil looks down at Kaede. "You are ze one who needs ze protection." Don't worry about me. Go. [Meanwhile, the other goon's pipe flies out of his hand.] [Goon1 stares in shock, then makes his way towards her, too.] [Goon2 tries to throw Kaede off! But can't.] [Kaede's turn!] * Kaede sneers. He looks at the goon and sits on his back, then aims to knock him out first before dealing with the other one. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6-2) and gets 9. (...) [Kaede is unable to free an arm long enough to hit him.] [Soleil causally brings the phone to her ear and hits the button.] [Goon1 gets to Kaede and tries to throw him off. (unarmed defense grabs +2) ] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6) and gets 5. [Kaede is pulled off and pushed to the ground, while Goon2 gets to his feet.] [Kaede's turn!] * Kaede swings at Goon2's ankles as he gets up. You're not staying up, buddy. (Any penalties?) ( +3. You're doing it while being thrown to the ground. ) 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6+1) and gets 6. [Kaede smacks him in the ankle! He stumbles.] [Soleil's turn.] * Soleil cups the phone. The lead pipe throws itself at the first goon, but he ducks under it as it goes by. [Goon #1 kicks at Kaede while he's down but misses. Goon #2 staggers to his feet, rubbing his ankle. Kaede's turn!] * Kaede rolls away from the foot and stands up, taking his wrench in his hand. He immediately rushes Goon #2 again and swings at the stomach region to knock the wind out of him. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6-2) and gets 3. [Wham! Kaede does just that.] * Soleil uncups the phone. The pipe flies back at goon #1 again, but he dodges. [Goon #1 rushes at Soleil. She tries to move, but he hits her arm, causing her to drop the phone.] [Meanwhile, goon2 throws a wild punch at Kaede, one which is easily avoided.] [Kaede's turn] * Kaede scowls at the goon attacking Soliel and immediately goes to tackle him too, grumbling something about who exactly needs protection. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6) and gets 7. [The goon moves, and Kaede winds up on the ground.] [Goon #2 catches his breath, then stumbles towards Kaede.] [He tries to kick him, but misses.] [Kaede's turn] (grab roll. Want to know the results first as the description depends on success or failure.) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6) and gets 12, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "The gods giveth, and the gods taketh away. This time, they taketh away." * Kaede gets up to his feet and goes to try and grab Goon #1... [Kaede grapples with the goon! Grapples and.... somehow finds himself in the goon's grip, rather than the other way around.] [But on the other hand, goon #2 falls down when the led pipe hits him on the back of the head.] [Goon #1 slugs Kaede in the stomach while he has him grappled (unarmed def at +4)] 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6+1) and gets 8. [Kaede takes the punch. His turn!] * Kaede oofs at the punch and looks off to the side at the goon. His hands grip his wrench and tries while grappled to point it towards the goon's face as he glares. "Bad move." He starts to spark up his wrench with electricity and hold it threateningly in front of the goon's face. "Back off." 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6-1) and gets 6.