* Katie comes walking into her room and sits at her desk with a huff. She's out of uniform, and she picks up an unfinished carving, looking it over for a moment before setting it down. * Katie pulls her phone out and eyes it for a moment before dialing Kaede and putting it to her ear. [Greeting Katie on the other end is a loud staticy noise. I mean, loud. LOUD! KSSHSHSHSHSSSS!] * Katie yelps and lets go of the phone in surprise, letting it fall to the carpet. * Katie eyes it for a moment before picking it up and holding it a bit away from her ear. "Hello?" [Katie doesn't get an answer. Or maybe she doesn't hear it. Even held at arm's length, it hurts her ears.] * Katie grimaces again. She hangs up, waits a moment, and dials again! * Katie holds it a bit away from her ear this time, too, and listens. [Katie gets a loud disconnect signal, but manages to resist... er, somehow. Somewhat.] * Katie eyes the phone. "The heck? Stop it." (That's how!) [It does! By disconnecting her.] * Katie frowns. She taps the phone, then dials Satoshi. [Katie gets no answer.] * Katie keeps frowning. She tries dialing Haruko, then Taki, in that order. [No answers.] * Katie blinks, then bites off a short curse in English. She dials Kaede one more time. [This time the phone is answered with silence!] Hello? Kaede? * Kaede is silent a little longer, then his voice finally comes through. It sounds rather distorted over the phone, but some tell tale signs indicate that it's him. "...I really don't want to talk right now." * Katie brings the phone over to her ear. Her grip's tight enough on it that her knuckles are white, but she still sounds more or less calm. "Are you okay? I haven't been able to call anyone..." "Like I care." * Katie grits her teeth for a moment, and then she snaps, "How can't you care?" "Easy. Goodbye." * Kaede's phone clicks. * Katie stares at her phone for a long moment before slipping it into its holder. She picks up her satchel and walks out, grabbing a light jacket. She waves to her parents as she passes them on her way to her shoes. "" "" * Katie smiles a little sadly as she slips on her shoes and opens the door, stepping out and walking for Kaede's. [Spinning Magician Scene Switch!] [Uh, Katie's at Kaede's home.] * Katie is outside of Kaede's home. And she does walk over to it, in fact. The home part, not the shop part. * Katie rings the doorbell, 'cause she's polite like that. [Kaede doesn't seem to be home!] * Katie rings the doorbell again! And a third time, if she has to. [No answer!] * Katie glares at the door. She punches the frame, wincing at the impact, and storms off. Home. [Ouch!] [The poor door takes some 8 points of damage. It didn't even do anything. ;_;] [Session End!]