* Haruko proceeds inside after her test puddle, assuming she doesn't hear or see anything to indicate danger. [Haruko slips in under the dor. Inside is a traditional-style Japanese room, complete with tatami mats, a low table, sitting cushions and a rice-paper wall seperating this room from the bedroom. There's a few more modern luxuries around, such as a phone, for instance. It's beeping and flashing "1".] ( Awareness check! ) [Haruko spots a wastebasket full of bloody bandages in one corner.] ( Another one at +3 ) * Haruko moves closer to check if the blood has dried on the bandages (e.g. they aren't really fresh). [The blood is dry, but the bandages couldn't be all that old.] * Haruko scouts the rest of the apartment. * Haruko uses the water trick again if she has to deal with doors. [The rice-paper door cannot be entered in that manner. It's a sliding door.] * Haruko checks the room again, assuming she doesn't see anyone she then converts to ducking human form and opens the door enough that she can scoot through in liquid form. * Haruko does this from the side of the door that wouldn't have her be seen by someone in the room. (e.g. if the door slides left to right, she's opening it from the right side.) [Haruko enters a bedroom. There's a blood-covered futon on the floor, and fresh bandages around it. A few things seem oddly in disarray, as well. Either Natsuko's lazy or she was in a hurry.] * Haruko , assuming nothing in disarray jumps out at her, quickly checks the other rooms. [That's all there is.] (there any signs that parents live here?) ( Nope. ) * Haruko heads back out, closing the bedroom door and wiping off where she touched it with the sleave of her robe. She then leaves the apartment. [Haruko finds signs that Natsuko is fond of Ramen.]