[Day: Monday, April 18th. Time: 5:00 p.m.] [Weather: Cloudy, but warm.] [After a side trip (that didn't help much) to the Tower Reversed, you all gather here, at a playground across and a block away from the police station. I don't think there's much else to say about that, so....] [Session Start!] * Haruko gives the building an appraising glance and then looks to Kyon and Katie. "Hierophant reversed might be setting us up. She seems the type to play dumb but dribble out information." * Taki sits on a swing, but she doesn't swing. Instead she's got her teleport notes out and is looking over them. She's been there for a while since it's a good excuse to not have to think about what's actually going on. (Whoo, Taki is running from reality in a productive way!) * Katie sighs and rubs at her eyes. "Where were the reversed the first three months?" Not ready for us to know about them yet? Well, people might not know they're reversed until they meet their opposite number. * Kaede folds his arms as he looks over the building. "That's a good question." But that's weird, Satoshi. That's like they're all working together. ... I don't like that they might be working together. * Kyon looks sidewise at Haruko, leaning on his motorcycle. "What did she say, exactly?" Some of them probably are. Some, but all? * Kaede looks at Haruko. "So you're saying the Reversed consciously choose not to reveal themselves unless that specific person has met someone of the upright kind?" No. I'm saying that the deck test doesn't tell you if you're reversed. A reading might. But if you don't know a reader... We should check sometime. But we haven't actually *met* anyone before then later found out they're reversed. Not that I can recall, anyways. * Haruko nods and shrugs. She then looks to Kyon. "Well..." (Bah, he blew off my title suggestion.) She claimed Heirophant sent her to tell us that there was nothing in the tower. That it was like the Heirophant to forget to mention her. Her name is Kanade Sawa. I doubt Hinako-san was in any position to really be focused on that sort of thing. * Kyon shrugs quickly. "And then she said to come here?" She pointlessly quibbled for a bit. Then, she suggested that Saki was with the dealers. Then, she "was curious if the police knew anything." Then Kaede suggested that there might be an Arcana on the force, and she said "You think there isn't?" Also, she sleeps a lot and snores loudly. * Kaede folds his arms. "I just wondered out loud. It was not an outright suggestion." * Haruko nods. "Well, I wasn't taking notes." * Katie rubs at her ear. "It'd be a pretty old Arcana," she comments. I am not the one to make wild speculations, Haruko-san. * Kyon turns to regard the building. "Or a young officer." Both. Either way, she did imply they might be hiding something. It's worth checking to see if the cops actually do know more than they should. Arcana are notoriously good at covering their tracks. * Haruko doesn't reply to that, she nods at Kyon's college. "Maybe college age, I don't think you need to go to college to be on the force." Except from other Arcana, of course. * Kyon turns to look at Haruko coolly. "Not for your local police box officers. But this is headquarters. Have to graduate and pass a test to get in here." * Katie looks at Kaede and smiles a little. "They're just lucky that none of us want to be found out." * Kaede glances at Katie honestly. "Can you imagine what kind of experiments would go on if they could actually figure out what was actually going on?" * Haruko looks a bit surprised and a bit chastised. "I didn't realize. Alright, the plan is that I go in through the air ducts. Once inside, I can find an available computer." It would have to be in a room with a window, or accessible via one. That's how Taki gets Kaede in. * Taki looks up at the mention of her name. * Kyon cocks his head, and turns back to regard the building. "You want to break into police headquarters?" Apparently. That would be the plan. * Haruko does her best to suppress a slight note of pride. * Katie walks over to the swings and sits next to Taki. * Katie swings a little, back and forth. * Kyon nods quickly. "Right. You try that. All we're looking for are potential Arcana?" * Taki glances down at the paper and then stuffs it back into her backpack. I think: First, drug dealer headquarters; second, potential Arcana on the force; third, what they know about us. * Kaede nods slowly. And if this turns up empty? Then we go to the construction site. Also, knowing what the police don't know is useful. Not really. Because it's what we suspected in the first place. * Haruko grins. "Well, sure, if you want to rely on speculation." You seem to. * Haruko turns to Kyon. "What do you think?" * Taki watches the verbal sparring with the occasional glance twords Katie. * Kyon shoves his hands in his pockets, and nods quickly. "Can try a different tack on it first that I can do. Ask for potential placements in the future. You scout outside so we can be ready to follow that up if I can't get the info." * Kaede looks over at Kyon intently. * Haruko nods. "Alright. I'll get a feel for what windows look promising. I could also make a chart and label them, so it'll be easier to tell Taki where to go." * Katie swings. Back, forward. She's going pretty high. Do you want anyone to go with you, Kyon? * Kyon looks at her sidewise. "Right. Don't make it obvious that you're mapping the building. Can you memorize which ones work?" * Haruko gets out a notepad and pencil from her bag. "I'll try to look like I'm drawing something else. I'm not sure if I'll be able to memorize it, but I should be able to pick up enough to make it easier once I'm inside." * Kyon looks over at Katie sidewise. "Could use someone." He smirks. "Any of you ever thought of detective work as a career?" (It's Taki's big break!) Not really, but it sounds kind of fun. Can't say I ever have. *If* there is an Arcana in the building, it's a chance we might get detected using powers anyway. * Taki shakes her head. "No." * Katie jumps the swing at a medium point, going some distance and landing with a stumble. And Katie'd be the most likely candidate. * Taki manages to resist the urge to run over to Katie and to shout her name, but she does clutch the swings chains when Katie jumps. * Kyon turns and regards Kaede more fully. "You're overly logical. Could make good detective material. Can you act?" (Nice self-restraint, Taki. ;p) (It's amazing what getting some sleep will do for you, even if you get a few nightmares out of it) * Kaede looks at Kyon and pushes up his glasses. "I tend to make people upset, remember? Especially males, for some reason." Can't imagine why. * Katie snerks a little, but she covers it. Ahem. * Kaede looks at Haruko and gives her a thin smile but doesn't say anything. * Haruko cheerily smiles back. * Kyon nods quickly. "So definitely good detective material." He smirks. "If you can avoid being too abrasive while we talk, come along. If not, I'll take her." He gestures at Katie without looking. Katie can catch things the rest of us can't. I'd take her. * Katie folds her arms and comments, "" * Taki sighs and swings a bit, but nowhere near as hard as Katie had been. * Haruko lets her hair down, putting away both lock picks. She then untucks her shirt and does her best to get an eccentric artist look. "Here's hoping anyone that approaches me can't tell the difference between modern art and lack of talent." There's a difference? Some people might say they're the same thing. Like Satoshi. (Yes, I *am* an uncultured jock!) No. But artists like to let you think there is. (Yes. Yes, you are.) (Gasp!) * Kyon turns back towards the building. "Right. Then I'll take her. You scout with the rest of them, then." He nods tersely to Katie, and starts walking towards the entrance. "" Oh, excuse me. Ar-TEISTS. * Haruko shrugs and smiles. "Well, I'll just explain to them that they can't comprehend my genius. That should bore them fast." * Katie grins and walks after Kyon, digging out her modified ear helpers and putting them in. "" * Kaede pronounces it just like Masaru. * Haruko then makes a few squiggly geometric patterns on the sheet. She includes some elements of the playground and the buildings. She then gets to work on mapping out the building from outside. * Satoshi winces. ( Gimme sight checks! ) * Taki swings inexpertly. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 8. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 10. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Satoshi (2d6-2) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 6. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6-2) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 7. 2d6-8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-8) and gets a natural 4 for a result of -4. (Healing hearing!) (Sweet power!) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 8. 2d6-8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-8) and gets a natural 4 for a result of -4. (Anything she hears is healed, or anything that hears her is?) (Taki: Yes) (Awesome, we should get her a gig as an idol singer.) [Those who made it see the front doors of the police station open. A cop brings a girl out, escorting her with a firm grip on her shoulder. She breaks out of it, and looks like she fires a few remarks before walking away in a huff. The cop turns around and heads back into the station.] * Taki is too busy going back and forth to notice! Huh. Wonder what that was about. * Haruko just works on her art. "What was what about?" * Satoshi motions in the direction of the station. "Cops just escorted somebody out." * Haruko glances over to look at whoever was escorted out. "Huh." * Taki drags her feet under the swing to stop. "...Somebody we know?" [The girl crosses the street and loiters in front of a jewelry shop, but her attention is on the station. ] * Kaede watches the girl carefully, seeing if he notices anything about her. Shika. Shika? ... You heard me. * Kaede sighs. "Wonderful." (Funny, at this distance she doesn't *look* like a complete bitch.) Someone else talk to her. She hates me. * Katie looks at Kyon. Promised not to. * Kyon looks over at the door, then back at Katie. "Haven't met her. You tell her about me?" Nope. * Haruko shakes her head. "Me neither." Any topics to avoid? Killing people. Pretty much. Anything female. * Kyon smirks. "There goes my self-introduction." Oh, and you can remind her that we took her in after the fight. Admittedly she didn't need to be healed, but she was out cold, and may not know it. Her brother sure did. * Kaede takes in a deep breath. "Maybe I should. It'd make Soleil feel more at ease if she didn't have to talk to her." Sure. I'll get to work. * Taki starts to swing again. * Kyon turns back to look at her. "Right." He starts stalking towards the door, and tosses back over his shoulder, "Come along if you want. Otherwise, pick you up when I'm done." * Haruko goes off to draw. She makes small marks at the top of the page, dividing it into quadrants, one for each side of the building. She makes similar marks on the left side to mark the number of floors. She actually notes the windows in an abstract style, dots and such, maybe it means something to her, hard to tell. * Katie walks along with Kyon, sparing Shika another glance. * Kaede glances Haruko's way for a moment, then watches Kyon and Katie, eventually shoving his hands in his pockets and walking over towards Shika. [As Kaede walks, he notes Shika apparently spotted Katie, and is headed that way. Whatcha gonna do, Kaede?] * Satoshi loiters. Outside a police station! He's such a punk. (That boy is up to no good.) * Kaede sighs and walks slightly faster to cut Shika off. * Taki doesn't loiter, she just swings, in a park! Gasp. [Meanwhile, Haruko spots a really snazzy Alfa Romeo.] * Haruko wanders over that way. It's a good spot from which to observe the police station. Sure. (Of course.) ( Pulls up google images. Wow, those are snazzy: http://www.gallewood.com/autos/AlphaRomero.jpg ) (Well, depending on the model. But that one looks cool.) (See, but that's an ALPHA Romero. Brett said an Alfa Romero. You know, the bootleg version.) (* Haruko discovers that it's a kit built car) * Haruko does actively attempt to focus on the building though. At least until Kyon's out of sight. (Roll play assist role) 2d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6+6) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 16. * Haruko 's trying to focus on the building means she looks at it about 10% of the time. (Sigh, it was all going so well before Haruko stole the car right in front of police HQ, the fact that she brought it back three hours later with a full tank of gas did nothing to reduce her sentance) (/me snerks.) ( Bwahaha ) (*laughs*) (DO IT) (Now I know why I stayed behind. To curb Haruko's Grand Theft Auto tendencies.) (She's not that bad. Now, if she came across it at night when nobody was around and it looked lonely...) (It's 5, the sun's going down... GET HER SATOSHI!) ( Arcana 4 LIFE!) (This is for your own good, Haruko...) (You guys inside yet?) (You mean us? We're in, yeah.) * Haruko makes a few half-hearted dabs at her work and then turns to fully check out the car. She tries to be subtle, wouldn't do for him to notice that she's visualizing what he looks like under the hood. * Rowyn is now known as Kaede (I don't think it cares.) (It's a car. ;p) (Despite what you might think, it's not sentient.) * Taki swings and would be disturbed if she knew what Haruko was thinking. ( But what about its feelings!) * Satoshi would also be disturbed. He goes to stand next to Taki at the swingset. (Now Brett just needs to find a reason for Satoshi to read Haruko's mind. :P) (Haruko's four track mind: "Car/car/car/but the bike is still there... hmmm...") * Haruko lightly runs her hand down the cars length as she tries to figure out if it has been customized, and how. (/me snickers.) (car's) * Taki stops pumping when Satoshi comes over and just coasts back and forth. * Satoshi smiles at her. "Want me to push?" * Taki blinks and then smiles up at him. "Sh...sure." 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 6. (*Ponders if Taki would somehow manage to blame herself for Satoshi pushing her into LEO.) * Satoshi gives Taki a very, very light push, being extra-careful because he doesn't want to accidentally launch her. (Oh, probably. ;p) (Also, I had the bit about launching typed out before your comment. ^_~) (Great minds...) * Taki picks up some spead, but doesn't repeat Katie's performance. "Thanks." * Haruko glances around to see what kind of parking this is. "So did someone afford you on a police salary? Or maybe here to pay for a ticket? Although I think you go to the courthouse for that." (Haruko's using pick up lines on a car?) * Haruko 's voice is a quiet purr. Wouldn't do to have people not realize she was talking to the car and think she's crazy. (Yes, yes she is.) (She's trying to make the rest of us look sane again.) (This is what happens when she's not dating someone. She starts hitting on cars.) * Satoshi glances over at Haruko and the car. "Ahh, love." He gives the swing another push. (Yup. Kyon has his bike back. She's on double rebound.) * Taki goes up and comes down and doesn't say anything. * Satoshi gives the swing the occasional gentle push. "Something on your mind?" * Taki oscillates again before speaking. "Yeah..." Wanna share? (She is teleporter ocelot!) (Hee.) (For giving away my secret identity, I will have to kill you) * Haruko spares a glance to the building and marks a couple dots before looking back to the car. "Oh, don't worry, it's nothing too important." She then blushes slightly. "I don't normally look this disheveled. Although you wouldn't know it lately." It... It feels like everything I try to do turns out horribly wrong. ( First she needs to defeat... Howitzer Badger! ) ... I can't even do nothing without worrying people. Nothing? * Taki twists around to look at Satoshi from the high point of her arc. "Just sit on the swing while everybody else... does stuff. But here you are... ... Thanks." Well, I wasn't doing much of anything. Wasn't sure what was needed, really. I didn't want to talk to Shika, and Kyon and Katie probably have things well in hand in there. So... I'm here for whatever you want me for. * Haruko leans up against the hood of the car, around the windshield. She does a bit more drawing. "But don't worry, I take better care of my wheels than I do myself. It's not that I like being injured, there's just not much I can do." Besides, I didn't want to intrude on Haruko's... what *would* you call that, exactly? (The answer is easy) (But neither Satoshi or Taki would make the joke.) ... I want normal. I want boring. I want... to not have to wonder why my friends are ... crawling on other peoples cars. Taki, even if this whole Arcana mess didn't exist, I think Haruko would still be... doing that. ( What I'm saying is that I want to ditch you people!) (I'd make the joke.) (Haruko:Cars::Millie:Guns) (We know. It's a shame that all the people who would make the joke aren't there. ;p) (::Istvan:Armor) * Haruko finishes up marking the visible part of a few floors. She sticks her pencil in her hair and absentmindedly rubs the back of her hand along the hood. She's careful not to leave any marks. (AGH SHE'S FEELING IT UP.) (She's certainly forward, isn't she?) I don't know... I don't want to know. Can I get a week without somebody trying to kill me? Without kidnappings or deaths or or or ...any of the rest of it? Please? (This is a bad time to tell you I want to break up, isn't it? ;p) (She'd fall off the swing, declare you to be an imposter and then hit you. ;p) (It'd be awesome. DO IT.) (And I would feel all guilty and stuff after that.) (And do nothing about it. Because you are a lump.) (Yes. It is sad.) (Which is why he can't tell Taki they're going to break up anyway.) * Satoshi sighs. "I wish I could guarantee that. For all of us." * Taki sighs and goes up and down. "Can ... Can I get untill everybody else comes back?" * Haruko draws a bit more. "Ah... probably best if you don't ask. Maybe you're here because you can flaunt speed limits. Just showing you aren't afraid. Although the rules are important for the less skilled." (Haruko doesn't want boring!) (Haruko isn't dating Satoshi) (That is why, yes.) I can try. Thank you. 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-6) and gets a natural 5 for a result of -1. So, you're treated well I hope. Anything else would be a real shame. * Haruko glances inside, noting how the car is internally accessorized. * Satoshi pushes the swing some more. "Anything else you want to talk about?" * Taki goes back and forth a few more times before she replies. "There's ... I don't know where to start anymore." * Haruko finishes up this side of the building and yawns. She stretches and as she lowers her hands, she rests one arm on top of the car. "I've been biking some recently. It's harder to look after a bike you know. Not like a car. I do need to improve my driving." Well, what are you thinking about right now? 'Bout how nice it is to be here and about what Katie and Kyon are doing and why Shika's here, and what happened to Saki and what Sho wants and what Saki did to my past life and why my going doesn't work like it used too and what I'm going to make for dinner. * Taki's voice drops into a monotone about half way through that. (We're making out, Taki.) (They've actually got a new medicine for when your going doesn't work like it used to. They've been showing adds pretty regularly for the past few weeks.) (*smacks Haruko*) (*stabs Haruko in the face with one of WNN-Taki's axes) (Ouch!) Well I suppose I could get some more detail for this side. Wouldn't do to rush off after just meeting you. (Damn your eyes Kyon!) When did your teleports start acting odd? A... a little after Katie was ... found. I think... It's hard to remember when the field's up. Do you think the shock of that might've... I don't know... jarred something? It... I don't know. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 7. I... no. "Fix you" sounds wrong. But... you know what I mean, right? 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 7. * Haruko let's out a breath and sighs. "Though I really should be going. Well I go to Sakuragaoka high school. If you ever need a tune-up you'll find there's no better mechanic to have under you." She then stands up with a smile and walks to look at the other side of the building. (My mind is going places it really, *really* shouldn't.) ( What? That's part of how you do auto-repair.) ( o.O? ) * Taki speaks softly enough that if she wasn't on the downswing when she started Satoshi probably wouldn't be able to hear her. "...I feel pretty broken though." (Haruko needs a boyfriend, or failing that, a real sex toy.) (She's trying!) (For which?) (Boyfriend. She's a bit too urbane to pull off the Kaylee line.) (*dies*) (Kaylee is Haruko of THE FUTURE.) (... I don't know who Kaylee is. >_>) (Firefly/Serenity.) (Ahh.) (Good stuff. You should watch it.) (Just picture Haruko with spaceships instead of cars.) (I've seen a few eps.) (If I hadn't come up with Haruko first, you'd be on solid grounds to call me a plagiarist.) (...Haruko's sex toy would look like a manual gear shift.) (... for values of "look like" equal to "is.") (Okay. Need to get mind back on game.) ( What the hell is going on in this channel? O.o ) * Haruko draws up the other two sides of the building. (You probably don't want to know.) (Nothing you shouldn't expect from just giving my a car to role play off for a few hours. ^_~) (Carry on with the other channels. ) (Nothing to see here. Move along.) (Closed when I meant to maximize) (I don't think you were directing that at yourself. ;p) 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-4) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 4. Well... how can I help you feel less broken? * Haruko poses as she works. And mutters under her breath that this would be easier with a beret. * Taki 's hands clench on the swings chains and she speaks in a louder monotone. "If I knew, I'd have done it Satoshi. I'd have asked you and Katie and Haruko and even Kaede to help. I don't know Satoshi. I just don't." * Satoshi sighs. "Okay. Probably a dumb question to ask." * Taki relaxes a bit. "Sorry, it's just... just been a week." Yeah. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6-2) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 2. * Satoshi mentally kicks himself a little for not having something better to say. * Haruko hums Driver's High as she works. (I need to get going soon. ^^;) (What have we told you about humming your own theme song Haruko?) ( My player only know so many Japanese driving songs.) (knows) * Taki swings on the swing because she doesn't realy have anything to add after that. She does gradualy relax again. * Satoshi keeps pushing and lapses back into silence. (This is why we need to get both of them to the drunken Saki rescuing after party.) (Yes. It will be awesome.) (Gah, drunken Taki moodswings.) * Haruko finishes up, glances over, and after feeling satisfied that she's not interrupting anything rejoins Taki and Satoshi. "I've got a schematic." Oh? * Taki puts her feet down to stop the swing. * Haruko nods and erases her earlier geometric figures. "Just a grid so that I can better I identify which window I'm by. I'll make a copy to take with me." * Satoshi nods. * Taki nods slowly and without understanding. (Haven't we all stopped trying to understand Haruko by now?) (Only most of the time.) * Haruko sets about making a clean copy for Taki. She labels the edges of both papers and then explains. "I'll refer to the side of the building, the level, and then which window on the floor it is." She then takes some time to go over with Taki how it works using lots of examples and clear labels. * Taki shakes her head. "It's... just that I thought you were going in as water, so you wouldn't have a way to tell me this." I am. But we need to get Kaede to me. I'm not a hacker. You might be able to see me in the window, but I think it might be a bad idea to open it up and wave a lot. Yeah. * Taki nods. (Wave Japanese fans around. ~Go, Taki, Go! Go, Taki, Go!~) If you want to be careful, go to a neighboring roof with a good view. I could just give you the side of the building and the floor, that should be enough. * Taki looks at the surrounding buildings. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6) and gets 12, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "I hate being random." (DR1) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 8. [Unofficial end!]