* Kyon turns to look at her confusedly. "Right. But there's no girl's baseball at your school, right? You just watch it, then?" [She blinks. "Huh? Oh! Yes. I watch it frequently."] * Kyon cocks his head. "All right. But what club are you in, then?" He leans back a bit. "At Sakuragaoka, everyone has to be in a club." ["They do? Wow. Um, I'm in..." she pauses, then says, "The student council!" ] * Kyon blinks, and straightens up in his chair. "Really? I'm the vice president at Sakuragaoka. What position do you have?" [She blinks, half-panicked. "You are?!" Then she calms down. "Wow, I'm impressed! I don't hold a position, actually. Although the rumors say they want me to be President semister." ] * Kyon shakes his head quickly. "Good luck. I'm confused, though. How are you on it if you don't have a position?" * Satoshi has joined #hiromi [Kyon notices Katie and Satoshi enter! Kyon, join #notadate] ( You guys can see and hear what's happening if you focus, but for sanity's sake talk in your respective channels :P ) [And your waiter comes back with food.] * Kyon wordlessly takes a cup of mint tea and stirs it as he waits for an answer. ["Oh, I'm just a representative, that's all."] * Kyon glances at the newcomers, then takes a sip, and pushes the plate with the tart on it to the middle of the table. "You have a lot of responsibilities?" [She nods. "Oh, yes."] ["But that's okay. Sometimes I even take on the duties of some of the others. I get busy, but I don't mind."] * Kyon nods tersely, and drinks some more of the tea. "You know the president well? Met with him a few weeks back, myself." [She nods. "Oh yes, quite well! I'd be surprised if he hadn't mentioned me. He's always telling me what a big help I am."] * Kyon nods quickly. "Only, I wanted to look him up, and I can't remember how to write his name. Which kanji he uses." He looks down at the tart. "It's a bit embarassing." He looks up slightly. "Could you write it out for me?" [She blinks. "You want me to...? Uhhh, honeslty I don't know, myself!" She giggles.] * Kyon cocks his head, and uses a fork to break off a bit of the tart. "You can't write your own president's name?" [She giggles some more. "Well, I'm so busy that I never have time to do any of the writing!"] * Kyon narrows his eyes a bit. "Are you really on the student council?" He hesitates, and eats the bit of tart he picks off. "Don't want to sound accusing, just... it's a bit weird that you don't know." [Hiromi glares at Kyon. "You accus-- erm." She stops herself and covers it with a giggle. "I mean, of course I am! I've just been so busy that I haven't been able to put in as much time as I would have liked, that's all."] * Kyon blinks a couple of times, then wordlessly pushes the tart towards Hiromi. "What are you busy with, if it's not council business?" [Hiromi takes a long sip of tea. Maybe a little too long. When she finally lowers the cup, she says, "I've been tutoring the lower classmen."] ( By the way ) ( Hiromi goes to Seiryuu high. They don't have a boy's baseball team or a male SC president :P ) * Kyon nods at the tart. "Try some. You'll like it." He leans forward with his teacup in hand and looks her in the eye. "What are you tutoring them in? It's nice of you to help." (Oh, Kyon knows. He's seeing how far she'll lie.) (That way, he can call her on all of it at once.) ( She wouldn't have lied about that. That was my fault for forgetting :P ) [Hiromi starts in on the tart. "Say, you haven't told me anything about yourself yet! What are you into?" ] (Ah. Well... if you want, we can just do edits and make it she instead of he.) ( /nod ) ( She's trying to make her lies semi-believable :P ) * Kyon shakes his head. "Me? Baseball, fencing, and the student council. Work part time for my dad, too." ["Oh wow! What kind of work?"] * Kyon shrugs quickly. "We own Arisugawa Brewery. Nothing too big." [She blinks. "Nothing too big?!"] ["Isn't that a really big company?" In her case, she might seriously not know for sure.] * Kyon sips his tea. "Not compared to Kirin, Asahi, Hakutsuru... but we do pretty well for ourselves." [She nods. "And you help at your age? That's very impressive."] * Kyon smirks. "Just doing my part. Got to help keep everything afloat. Have a knack for business." ["Your father must be proud. I'm surprised you don't have anyone you're serious about dating yet."] * Kyon looks down at his tea quietly for a few seconds pensively, then looks up again. "He is. And he's in a different part of the country. Not like they can introduce me to people from there." ["Oh. That's too bad. I'd love to meet him."] * Kyon shrugs quickly. "Maybe some other time. If he comes to Tokyo for business." [Hiromi nods.] * Kyon leans forward again, resting his arms on the table, one hand around the teacup. "So you're a tutor, you said? I could use some help with some homework. It's pretty busy, with all my club activity. What do you teach?" ["Oh, you know... this and that. It's only for lower classmen, though. I doubt I could help you."] * Kyon smiles charmingly. "You never know. Can always review for exams. Come on, what's your specialty?" ["Uh.... Math."] [She nods. "Math."] * Kyon nods quickly. "Right. Like calculus? Algebra? Trigonometry?" ["Ah... Algebra."] * Kyon nods quickly again, and reaches down towards his sports bag. "Really? Up for going over some now? Could use some help." [She laughs. "Not now, silly! Dates are no places for math."] * Kyon nods again, and leans back. "You're right. Still, maybe should try some time." He looks around the restaurant. "You're a good person, though, to tutor everyone so much you can't keep your council work in hand." [She blushes. "You think so?"] * Kyon shrugs quickly. "Yeah. I mean, you hear stories about Seiryuu sometimes. Good to know they're not all true." [She nods. "Yeah..." Then she stops. "Wait, what stories?"] * Kyon hesitates a moment, and spins the cup around in his hand. "Well... that people are really stuck up, since it's so expensive." He looks up at her a bit. "I've heard there are drug problems there, too, since there's a lot of money." ["D-drug problems? no, there's no drug problems as far as I know."] * Kyon looks up more, a bit of surprise on his face. "No? They've had some at most of the schools. Just heard there was a lot at Seiryuu. There isn't any?" * Haruko is now known as Grydle [She shakes her head. "None. Say, didn't you have something to do? I hope I haven't been keeping you from anything important."] * Kyon smiles down at his tea, at an angle she could see him at. "Got to get to know you. After that, can take care of other tasks." [She blinks, then beams. "Oh! Well, in that case, want to set up another date?"] * Kyon reaches down into his pocket, and tugs out his cell phone. "Give me your number. Can call you later to set up times." ["Sure!" She pulls out her own cell phone. It's unexcitingly gray.] * Kyon hits a few buttons. "Okay. Tell me." [They exchange numbers.] * Kyon stretches, then blinks. "Oh, hey, for our first time together." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his deck of tarot cards. "Another hobby of mine." He fans them out. "Take one." [She blinks. "What's this?"] * Kyon fans them out a bit more, and holds them towards her. "Tarot cards. You know them? For fortune telling." He shrugs tersely. "Don't believe in it all the time, but it's fun. Go on, take one." [She hesitates, then takes the top card. "O...kay."] * Kyon smiles coolly at her, and hold his other hand out for it. "Show it to me." [She turns it around slowly, revealing the Two of Wands. "What's this mean?"] * Kyon considers it for a second. "Applied power. Will and determination. The ability to see your vision through." He smirks at it. "You're a strong one, then, right?" [She grins. "Oh, hey, that sounds just like me!"] * Kyon turns his smirk on her. "Make it your card, then." He offers the deck up again so she can stick it back in. [She blinks, then does so.] * Kyon shuffles loudly, then stuffs them back in his pocket. "Maybe next time, I can give you a reading." ["Okay."] * Kyon drinks the rest of his tea. "You ever had a reading done before?" [She shakes her head. "It's new to me."] ( Sooooo this needs to end soon ) * Kyon nods quickly. "Anyway, I should probably go. Want a call later?" [She smiles. "Any time."] [End!]