[Day: Thursday, February 6th. Time: 3:20 p.m.] [Weather: it's been snowing for about thirty minutes.] [Yesterday, lots of explanations for Kaede, while Remi showed up and impatiently pressed the group to go help her friend. They discussed this standing in the snow for some reason, while Kyon made some phonecalls. He'd managed to turn up the name of the mini-mansion owner, a Mr. Matsuhiro Iwato. We open with everyone standing in the snow, waiting as Kaede looks up the name on the good ol' internet.] [Session Start!] * Haruko has had noticably perked ears since the mention of satellites, and presently stares at the laptop with greater interest. * Satoshi leans against the wall and lets the computer people do their thing. * Katie tries to get snow out of her hair. She sighs. * Kaede wipes the snowflakes off his laptop, looking slightly up at the group, waiting for the browser to boot up. "So what was that name again?" Matsuhiro Iwato. (Whether Kyon mentioned it or not... well, we'll just assume he did. He's not here to object. ;P) * Taki is still awed that Kaede has a satellite modem. [Anyone who bothers to look for Kyon notices he's not there now. Maybe he took off after Saki.] * Kaede nods and types it into the dialog box, waiting for the connection, hoping it's not scrambled by the snow. * Satoshi notices that Kyon's gone, starts to say something, then shrugs. * Kaede takes off his glasses and wipes them off too on his shirt sleeve, muttering something about the snow. * Katie blinks at the missing Kyon, too. She frowns slightly. Kaede finds it. Matsuhiro Iwato comes up as a Philosophy professor at a local college. He's written a few books, all of them very technical and boring.] * Remi stands there impatiently. ( Gotta love me :P ) (Well, of course. How else would she stand? ^_~) * Taki finaly notices the snow that's starting to pile up on her head and shakes it off. That's interesting... What is? I wouldn't think a professor would earn enough money for that sort of thing..but.. What'd you find? Hm? What sort of thing? * Kaede shrugs slightly. "He teaches Philosophy apparently..at " * Haruko shrugs. " A teacher? He could be married, or independently wealthy." Yes apparently. He's probably got tenure. They almost never have much money, even with tenure, though. * Kaede nods. "And you did say he lived in a mansion right?" Maybe he won the lottery or something. Maybe he inherited it. Could be..could be.. Still odd. But, anyhow, that doesn't really matter. Find anything else? It was a small one, though. * Kaede taps his cheek slightly in thought..then keeps scrolling down the page for any other information. Maybe he just made money off those stupid books. They don't sound like best sellers to me... (He made his students buy them ~_~) (Bad professors..making their students buy boring books) College books cost a lot, though. * Haruko has basically ignored the conversation, and instead has been scanning the ports and labels of the laptop, hoping to learn more of it. If that were true, wouldn't all professors own a mansion? [There's nothing else on the page that catches Kaede's eye.] * Kaede shakes his head. "That's all it really says..it's pretty generic info." * Katie looks over at Satoshi. "Most of the money gotten from a book doesn't go to the writer. They get a very small-" She pauses, trying to think of the right word. "Percentage. , you know." Ah. That, I didn't know. * Kaede closes his laptop again and slowly stands up. "Well, wouldn't it be best to inquire about it? A college would probably still be in session right now." * Katie nods, smiling a little. "If you want to be a writer, don't quit your day job." Maybe. I'm not sure how knowing where he got his money will help us. Though... Can you look for a connection between his and Eiko's families? Maybe that has something. Eiko's family has to be well off. * Remi frowns, irritated. "We have to go all the way to there, now?" Does Eiko have siblings? Maybe a college student in his class? * Remi shakes her head. She's an only child. Who's Eiko? The person we're looking for. Maybe one of her parents took a class with him...and Eiko's the girl we're looking for. Maybe he's her stepfather? I mean, it's a stretch, but... Stepfather? She doesn't have a stepfather! * Kaede opens it up again and leans against the wall, feeling a bit uncomfortable in the snow. "What's her full name?" Hm. What about the guy that we followed? Maybe it's his family? Not his parents, but an uncle or something? * Remi looks at Kaede dumbly. "Eiko Amano." It probably isn't too obvious, or else the police would have followed the connection. Maybe. I don't know much about Yuji, honestly. * Kaede types up Eiko Amano in the browser, seeing if there's any hits. It looks like he likes it that way. * Satoshi sighs. He's out of ideas. Maybe I can do a search linking all three? * Katie shrugs. "You can try. I don't really know much about computers." This Yuji's full name then? [Kaede finds very little, aside from a few references from school plays she's been in.] * Katie thinks. You can probably... figure out his name from title deeds or something, right? At least, his last name. We could just ask Eiko's mother. That works. They have that sort of thing on computers? Wow... There's too many Yuji's to just to a general search though. Just about everything's on computers now. Eiko was an actress? Yeah. * Remi nods. "Miki too. Another piece of circumstancial evidence they'll try to use against her, I bet." * Haruko satisfies herself with the study of the laptop and catches Remi's last comment. "Is there any chance the motive was right but the perpetrator was wrong? Some other actor taking Eiko and Miki out at once? " ( Yeah, all information is on the web these days. Including my 300 win bowling streak, apparently :P ) (You really won 300 games in a row?) (*snerk*) ( The Internet says I did. I don't know for sure, because I don't play bowling ^^ ) (*laughs*) (hee) (The internet also says that my driver's license has a picture of a monkey on it so..) (Yes, well, I'm an elf.) * Remi blinks at Haruko. "I hadn't thought of that." * Kaede looks up from it. "Who else was an understudy for the plays?" * Katie blinks. "But why try to frame it on Kyon? Because that's what it looked like they were after." Me neither. That could work... but then we have the problem of trying to figure out someone who knew them both. And Kyon, too. I mean, the murder weapon in his locker is pretty damning evidence. * Remi shakes her head. "But no, that can't be right. I saw Eiko after the murder, but before she vanished." You certain they were trying to frame it on him? Maybe it was just to demoralize the school in general... * Haruko shrugs, "Just throwing out ideas, probably the murder has some connection to Kyon, and later decided that Eiko also was a threat, or just decided that a new fall guy was needed." And a VP with a weapon in their locker is pretty demoralizing.. * Katie snorts. "Do we really need more demoralizing? People are vanishing right and left around here." Anyways, who cares enough about school to kill and frame for it. * Kaede blinks and looks up. "Who's vanishing?" Students. You hadn't heard about it? No. It's not just our school, though... it's a couple of others. I think. * Remi nods. "Even I know about that. Two vanished from our school, too." * Satoshi turns to Remi. "Really? When did that happen?" ( Of course -I- know about it. I'm the reason behind it ^_^ ) * Kaede looks a little embarrassed as he turns back to his computer, trying to hide his face behind the screen. (So *you're* the one making all the students disappear!) ( I'm behind it all! :P ) I... don't remember. Some time after Christmas. I guess there are some things that arn't on the net. All at about the same time. * Katie sighs. * Haruko smiles at Kaede, "Don't worry, I didn't hear much about it either." What about Reiji, though? That was recent. It's an ongoing thing. I'm not even sure if it's all from the same source. * Kaede doesn't reply, and concentrates on typing all three names as best as he can to find a relationship in the browser. After all, Hiro was... eaten. So. ( Which names? ) (Iwato, Eiko, and Yuji) * Kaede almost falls face first into his computer and looks up horrified. "Ea...eaten?" * Haruko pipes up from over Kaede's shoulder. "Maybe you should throw in Kyon too, the murderer may have a personal motive for framing him." * Katie nods, looking distantly into the snow. "Yeah, I was there." * Taki nods. "Yes." I...well...err.. * Kaede nods to Haruko, thankful for the distraction. "Good idea.." He types in Kyon as well. [Kaede finds way more pages on people named 'Yuji' than I care to list. There's little information on Eiko Amano. Mr. Iwato, on the other hand, apparently attended a number of conferences around the world, and has led a number of philosophical debates.] ( Yeesh @_@ ) (Hmm?) [Kaede's browser crashes, because Kyon isn't here to collaborate with the GM :P] (*snickers*) (Ha!) (Eternal Domain Error: Please re-install universe and try again) (*laughs*) ( Heh. ) ( *snicker* ) * Kaede looks at the computer screen for a while. "What was the name of Eiko's school? It says he held many debates..maybe he held a debate there.." Seiryuu. * Kaede also boots another browser window while he's at it. :P Seiryuu Girls High. And if he did, I don't remember it. * Kaede searches Mr. Iwato under Seiryuu Girls High just to make certain. [Kaede finds no information there.] * Kaede scowls. "Nothing." * Remi sighs. "This is just a waste of time." Argh. * Kaede closes the browser and sighs too. "She's right. I don't think we're going to find anything else here." Okay. * Katie sighs. "I guess we'd better go see what we can see, then." She starts for the subway. That's our best option, I think. * Remi follows, grumbling, "Finally." * Satoshi follows Katie. Sorry we couldn't find anything, Remi. Hmm, I don't suppose we could pretend to be a philosophy club or something... * Haruko is idealess, so she also follows Katie. Oh, sure. I skate, therefore, I am. Oh, we could get to him easily enough, we just couldn't get any information out of him. * Taki shrugs and moves on. * Katie giggles. "You skate, therefore you are? What of the hockey puck of life?" * Kaede goes over to the post where he chained his 20-speed racing bike and starts undoing the lock. "I'll meet you there." * Haruko grins at Taki "Though maybe if we claimed we were a Philosphy/Hiding fugitives club." The hockey puck of life must be carefully shot by the stick of... um. Bleah. I'm not very good at this stuff. Death? * Katie waves at Kaede and keeps walking. * Satoshi frowns. "No. Don't think so." * Katie blinks, then stops. * Katie turns. Oh no, Kaede. You don't even know where we're going. Right..err..where ARE you going? * Remi halts, too. * Taki stops, before she runs into anybody. * Katie thinks for a moment, then rattles off the address to the minimansion. * Haruko runs into Taki! Sorry. * Taki looses her balance and falls forward. "Yiiike!" * Haruko tries to catch Taki before she hits the ground. * Kaede nods and climbs on the bike, pedalling his way in the closest direction, mindful of the snow. * Katie blinks at Haruko and Taki, stiffles a giggle, and goes back to walking. * Taki catches Haruko's arm. * Haruko looks a bit chagrined. "Shall we go on to the subway?" [Time: 4:00. p.m. You all get to the minimansion, which is little more than a larger-than-average house with a gate around it. Conveniently, you arrive at the same time.] (Less headaches for the GM. ;P) ( Yeah. The fewer, the better :P ) * Kaede finds a convenient place to chain up his bike. * Satoshi examines the gate. * Haruko casually looks over Kaede's bike, but quickly proceeds to look at the gate. * Katie looks up the gate. [The gate looms over head. Ok, it's not THAT big, but it is taller than 7 ft. There's a callbox on the side.] * Haruko looks for a locking mechanism. Is it just me or did this thing get bigger? It's not that bad. It might be easier just to come up with an excuse to go inside, though. I don't think it changed. [It's just Taki.] * Katie pulls out her ear helpers, which she puts on. She glances around for cameras. Ahh. Well...we could say that we're looking into colleges and were wondering about majoring in philosophy? [Katie sees no cameras! They must be hidden!... Or this guy could have a normal home.] Except that most people probably wouldn't know that the professor lives here. Taki, if you get in there once, could you teleport back without any trouble? We heard him mention it from a seminar possibly.. I've never had any problems... Hmm... we could figure out an excuse to let a group of us in, but unless it is rather good we won't really be able to search. Or, we could get Taki in, then have her return to a more hidden area, and no one would know she was there and searching would be easier. Though, we wouldn't want to send her alone. * Remi folds her arms and thinks. You can almost hear the gears in her head turn. Not at all. She can take groups. I can take other people with me. What are we searching FOR anyhow? Eiko. Or evidence that she's been there. Why would she go.. Nevermind..you know more about this than I do.. * Haruko frowns slightly at Kaede. "I'm not sure about that, I'd be nice if we knew more though." * Kaede looks at his watch and sighs a little. "I hope she's doing it right.." Me too. * Katie sighs. "Well, okay. So we send Taki in?" * Haruko tilts her head. "Doing it right? Poor boy, have you had to entrust your equipment to someone else?" E..equipment? What are you..? Well, it's not really mine but.. Just speculating, you take good care of your stuff, leaving someone else in charge is the sort of thing that might bother me. Well, it's not really like that though..it's hard to explain. * Katie shakes her head and removes the ear helpers. She starts cleaning them off. Taki? * Haruko grins, "You can explain some time when we won't be trying Remi's patience." Hmm? I thought we were going try and talk our way in first. * Katie sighs softly and puts them back on. She looks to the callbox and frowns. * Remi looks at the others? "Well? Go ahead." * Haruko ponders. * Satoshi can't think of anything. I may have an idea... There a quality book store anywhere nearby? Probably. Why? ... Ah, a book signing. That..could work. * Remi shrugs. "I guess. Still don't see why we shouldn't just ask for a bit of his time, though." * Katie nods at Remi. Trouble is, we may only get to try once. Because if we want to talk to him we should know something about what he talks about? I like reading, Taki, but we don't have time to go through a textbook. Yeah. We used that time looking up stuff on the internet. * Taki nods, and then makes a face as she remembers the huge pile of homework she's putting off. Besides, philosophy professors are a bit..eccentric..I doubt they'd want much to do with you unless you have a subject of interest. * Satoshi grimaces at the thought of having to read a philosophy text. I had originally thought to claim to find a book of his, maybe one he lent out a while back and someone forgot to return. We wouldn't have to read it, just have a credible book, I doubt any philosphy professor would turn away one bearing books. Ahh. With a little sweet talk Taki could see his library, or use the bathroom. Couldn't we just spout Shakespeare at him? That's sort of philosophical. You know, "To be, or not to be", and all that. and... I'm *really* no good at this kind of stuff. Though we could see more if we claimed to want to do a book signing, probably, it'd just take more setup up. We don't even know if he's into that sort of philosophy..what if he's into morality? Or legal philosophy. Legal philosophy? Does that imply that there's illegal philosophy? * Katie laughs. I think therefor I try to take over the world? * Haruko giggles. "Hello, we're with the national morality survey, we're asking what great minds think about harboring fugitives, any comments?" * Remi scratches her head. "Beats me." Well, while we decide something, someone should go try and find that book..if we come up with anything.. Right! To the bookstore...where is the bookstore? Let's just hope it's not a too obscure text. Mmm, yeah. * Remi sighs. "Follow me." She walks towards (presumably) a bookstore. We could just buy any book related to one of his conventions or debates, should be at least one. * Katie walks after her. * Taki follows. * Satoshi follows Remi and Katie. * Kaede blinks at everyone going and sighs, adjusting his glasses and trudging through the snow after them. [Time: 4:15 p.m. A short walk later, and you enter a small, corner bookstore a few streets away.] * Katie goes straight for the philosophy section. * Taki looks for the philosophy section. * Satoshi looks around. A place this small probably doesn't have a sports section. * Haruko checks for any automotive magazines. * Kaede just casually browses, trusting everyone else to find it, not sure why he came. (Because you're a player character. Deal. :P) [They have half of one shelf devoted to sports, actually. As for philosophy, there's 1 1/2 shelves for that. A number of the books are Iwato's, though. Probably because he lives near by. And Haruko finds one or two.] * Satoshi finds the sports shelf. "Yeah, figured." * Katie ahs and pulls out the most promising one. She opens and starts skimming. (Is it anything I'm familiar with?) * Satoshi finds no hockey books, and heads for the magazine section. ( Katie - mind roll- social sciences (philosophy) ) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-1) and gets 8. (DR) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-1) and gets 6. (Better. ^_^) * Haruko skims a magazine, checks her money, then sighs and puts it back. (Yes, I waste Divine Relationship on Philosophy. ^_~) * Taki has followed Katie to the phil section, but takes a look at the titles and moves on to the cookbooks. * Satoshi picks up the closest equivalent to Sports Illustrated and starts flipping through it. [Katie realizes that not only does she not recognize the text, but it's overly-complicated trite that only someone deeply interested in philosophy would care about it. In other words... Man, it's boring.] * Remi lets other people do the work. * Katie shakes her head. "" * Katie snaps the book shut and goes to the counter. [Satoshi reads about baseball and the similarities to the samurai.] (*laughs*) * Taki finds a book on Itialian food and starts leafing through it. [The book reccommends two restaurants: Mario's and Luigi's.] (*eyes Brett*) [An unenthusiastic clerk takes Katie's order.] * Katie does not ask for fries with that. * Katie does, however, buy the book. :P [The clerk takes Katie's money. Boy, did she get ripped off :P] (Did I ever! >_<) * Katie takes the book and walks out, grumbling to herself in English. * Remi follows Katie out. * Satoshi puts the magazine back and leaves. * Haruko glances forlornly at the automotive magazines, and then follows Katie. * Taki makes a mental note to try one of thoes places someday and then puts the book back on the shelf and follows everybody else out. ( Knowing you guys, that may be in a few sessions, Taki. :P ) [15 minutes later (4:30 p.m.), they're back at the mansion!] * Katie waits until she's safely away from the bookstore, then sighs loudly. "God, that was such a ripoff! Now I have to read this garbage just to get some money back." * Kaede looks up for those heading off and follows too. (hmm, a few sessions from now...So we're going there for dinner this game day? :P) ( Quite possibly :P ) (Woo, dinner out! ...we eat at a lot of Italian places, for a game set in Japan, actually.) * Remi can't help but smirk at Katie. "Hope this plan of yours was worth it." ( And ramen. Don't forget the ramen. ) (Yes. We have a thing for noodles.) I do, too. (If we ever find a way to cram everybody in Taki's teeny apartment she'd cook something Japanese) * Katie glares at the callbox, then shakes her head. She smooths her hair, takes a deep breath, and presses the button. ( I had the best italian food I've had in the past year in Japan, wasn't even expensive, probably a fluke though ) *BEEEEEEP!* Yes? Hello, Mr. Iwato? Yes? * Katie puts a bit of nervousness into her voice. It sounds natural... probably because it is. "Hi, I'm Katie Andrews. My friends and I are big fans of yours, and I was wondering if you could sign a book for me? I mean, you don't have to or anything, but..." Sign a... what? Oh, wait, you must be here for father. * Kaede raises an eyebrow slightly as he looks at Katie, turning to the nearest person. "Um..she's not an actress too is she?" A book. You are Ma- oh. Um, yeah. ( it's a male voice. FYI ) (I kinda figured.) [There's a sigh.] I don't want to be any trouble or anything. All right, he's still at class, but you may come in and wait for him. * Katie smiles with relief. "Really? Thank you so much." * Taki whispers back to Kaede "I knew she was a good artist, but I never saw anything about acting before." No, no trouble. Just don't spout... philosophy while you're here. * Katie laughs a little. "I bet you get it a lot. Okay, no philosophy." * Satoshi mutters. "I don't think that'll be a problem." Good. Come in. [The gate opens up.] * Katie heads in. Yosh! * Kaede heads in, muttering under his breath. "That was too easy.." [The front door is unlocked.] * Katie knocks, then opens and peeks her head in. "Hello?" [The inside is above standard, but not really impressive.] * Katie steps in and looks around. She calls out, "Hello?" again uncertainly. [The door opens into a hall with a stairway. There's two rooms: One to the right, and one to the left. Both have wide archways for entrences. From the right room, a voice calls. "In here."] Um, okay. * Taki looks around the insides anyway. "Where are y...ah." * Kaede waits for the others to go inside, wiping the snow off his shoulders and shaking it out of his hair. * Katie removes her shoes and shakes some of the snow out of her hair, then goes in there. * Remi follows the others inside, looking around with intent. * Taki takes off her shoes and dusts the snow off herself before going in. * Haruko also cleans herself and removes her shoes while entering. * Satoshi follows Katie's example. * Remi takes her shoes off too. Yay customs! (Tell me about it. Grr.) * Kaede does likewise and closes the door carefully behind him. [Inside the right room is a living area, with two couches and a comfy chair crowded around a TV. There's a fireplace on the opposite side of the entrence and another archway to the left that leads to a dining room. The carpet is olive green. ] (::obediantly hits the enter key::) [Sitting on one of the couches are two people. The first is a boy about your ages, maybe a bit older. his hair is blond, though it looks like it could be dyed. His eyes, orange. He wears a white sweater and grey slacks. The second is a vaguely familiar blond girl in a yellow sweater, red skirt and leggings. She blinks at the lot of you.] * Katie smiles nervously and waves. * Haruko proceeds into the right room, bows at the occupants, "Thank you for inviting us into your house." * Taki follows Haruko's lead and bows. * Man nods. "It happens a lot. I have no idea why people care for that... stuff, my father is so interested in. But at least I can be a decent host. Care for some tea?" * Kaede heads slowly in the room but hangs in the back, cleaning his glasses off from the cold. * Remi forgets to bow, too busy looking around. If you don't mind, that'd be nice. It's cold out there. * Satoshi bows politely, then stays in the back with Kaede. * Man nods and stands. "Then I shall be back in a moment." He heads through the dining room and from there into (presumeably) a kitchen. Thankyou for offering. We would appreaciate it. * Woman is left with the rest of you. * Kaede sighs and puts his glasses back on, slumping a bit against the wall. * Katie looks around, then hesitantly sits on the empty couch. * Haruko chooses a spot then sits down and addresses the woman. "Hello, I hope we aren't overly inconviencing you with our visit." * Man comes back with a tray with enough tea for everyone, and sets it on a coffee table. "Where are my manners? I'm Katsuchiyo Iwato. Old name, you know." * Woman shakes her head slowly. * Katie smiles. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Katie Andrews, as you probably guessed. These are my friends: Satoshi, Taki, Haruko, and Kaede." This is Yumi Maeda, my fiancee. * Man bows. "A pleasure." * Taki bows as her name is mentioned. * Katie bows as best she can while sitting. * Kaede bows as his name is mentioned, then goes back to sighing. * Haruko does likewise. * Satoshi bows as well. * Remi takes a seat. She wasn't introduced ;_; * Katie blinks. "And Remi." ^^; Nice of you to remember me. * Taki sits down next to Katie, "May I ask when your father is going to return?" * Katie fidgets in embarrassment. "Sorry." * Katsuchiyo checks his watch. Not a Rolex, but it's a pretty one all the same. "Hmm... His class just ended, so he should be back in about half an hour." * Kaede frowns slightly and looks at his own watch. "Half an hour..." He lets out another sigh..he's been doing that a lot lately. Ahh, thankyou. I'm sorry to trouble you. * Katsuchiyo shrugs. "That's quite alright." He doesn't have an English accent, though. * Haruko crosses her legs uncomfortably and fidgits a bit. * Yumi examines everyone in turn. * Remi glances around the room, her gaze settling on Yumi, but she doesn't speak. * Katie clutches the book and looks down towards the carpet. "So, um..." * Haruko casts her eyes downward a bit. "Pardon me, but perhaps if I could use your bathroom." Of course. Up the stairs, third door on the left. Thank you. Come on, you must have something to talk about besides philosophy. * Haruko stands, discomfort and humility immediately washing away, and proceeds upstairs and looks around. * Satoshi does not mention hockey. * Katie smiles faintly. "Well, I draw and carve. I'm not sure if you'd want to talk about either of those." * Kaede doesn't have anything to talk about. We could talk about the weather, but I've had enough snow for several lifetimes allready this year. It's..um..very white. Yes, well, spring will be here soon enough. * Katie sighs. "That'd be nice." I guess it's good we don't get many customers during the winter anyhow..I mean, Nanami would have never let me do this if it were the summer. Well, not for me. I'm allergic to cherry blossoms. * Taki nods "Perhaps then we'll be able to dig out the rest of my grandparents house." You are? That's terrible. Yes. In the spring... well, there's as many cherry blossom petals floating around then as there is snow right now. But it's a minor allergy. I've..never been to a sakura festival..I wouldn't know. Kind of like hay fever? * Katsuchiyo nods. "Right. * Katie wrinkles her nose. "My dad has that. He's indoors all summer because of it." * Katsuchiyo puts an arm around the girl. "Well, neither have I, but I'm going to brace myself so I can go to one with Yumi." * Katie smiles. * Haruko returns downstairs and reenters the room and sits down. "Thanks again." * Kaede looks at the two of them and rubs his nose. 'Very brave of you..to overcome suffering for a girl.' (Tell me, does Yumi save a candy-themed planet in her offtime? Maybe with an angry girl, an indecisive boy, and a disgustingly cute pet?) ( No, that's Eriko. ) (Hate is very very bad! We should love instead!) That's sweet. * Katsuchiyo nods. "Yes, well, Yumi always likes them. Don't you, dear?" Just hope that you don't sneeze in her face or something equally awful.. * Yumi smiles and nots at Katsuchiyo, but doesn't keep her gaze on him long. She concentrates on Remi. * Katsuchiyo chuckles. "That makes two of us." * Kaede blinks again, he didn't mean that as a joke. * Katie giggles. [Time crawls along...] Hee. Don't worry about it, and have fun together. * Haruko looks restless. "If you don't mind me asking, have you two been engaged long? You seem rather a happy couple." * Katsuchiyo thinks. "It's been... a little less than six months, I think." * Kaede fidgets a little, feeling very out of place with the romantic talk. * Satoshi feels just as out of place as Kaede. * Remi is still starring at Yumi. She casts a few side glances to the others. * Katie tilts her head to one side, still smiling. "Well, I'm glad you're happy together." Thank you. * Haruko giggles "You may want to remember the exact date for future reference." * Katie coughs. Perhaps. It's the wedding that's really important, though, is it not? How did you two meet? * Kaede pushes his glasses up his nose. And her birthday, but remembering important firsts is a good idea. * Haruko smiles, "Yep, and besides, may as well use any excuse for a celebration, romantic drive, that sort of thing." Not much of a story there, I'm afraid. We happened to bump into each other a few times, and it just kind of built from there. [The door opens. "Katsuchiyo? I'm home."] Well, that sounds like father. * Katsuchiyo calls. "Father, you've got guests." * Kaede stands up straight and smoothes out his uniform, looking towards the hall. * Katie nods. "Thank you for entertaining us, Katsuchiyo." * Haruko stands and awaits the entrance of the professor. ["Oh?" a middle aged man appears in the hallway,undoing a tie. He's completely bald, but has a short beard. He's rather over weight.] * Taki stands to face the door. * Katsuchiyo stands. Yumi rises with him. "Think nothing of it. We shall leave you to your discussion now." * Katsuchiyo leaves! * Yumi leaves with him! * Katie smiles nervously and gets to her feet. "Ah, Mr. Iwato. We're fans of yours, and we were wondering, um... if you would sign this for us?" [The man faces you all, and smiles widely when he sees the book. "Of course. I'll do even better than that. I'll discuss the principles of that book with you in person." ^_^] [Session End]