[Day: Sunday, February 16th. Time: 1:00 a.m.] [Weather: Snowy and icy, with lotsa cold.] [The group decided to go to a night club where the Band was playing, bringing along Saki, Ryuji, Eriko and Jin. Kyoko was supposed to show up, but she never did. When they got there, they saw four members of the band performing and one, Tenjirou, in the audience. The last one also seemed to have attracted Kaede's sister Nanami.] [They went backstage and, after some discussion, you decided to follow. Then, after some more discussion, Haruko, Kaede, Jin and Saki went into the room the Band was hanging out in after their performance, while the others stayed outside, out of sight.] [The room is large, stuffed with equipment. There's a single table with three chairs and a bench to one side. Shingo is leaning against the wall (you know it's him; the mask is off). Sumire is sitting with her arms folded over her knee, chatting with Natsuko.] [Takeo's also sitting in a chair, staring infuriated at Tenjiro. And, finally, Tenjiro is sitting on the corner of the couch with Nanami on his lap. He casually runs his hands over her chest, and she doesn't seem to mind. Takeo, however, evidently does, as he's saying, "...Using your powers like that. If you don't knock it off right now, Tenjirou, I'm gonna... wha?". And that's when you come in!] [Session Start] * Haruko glances about the room she just entered and then addresses the band, "Hello Arcana, we have something in common that merits discussion. Oh, hello Nanami, fancy meeting you here." * Kaede walks in slowly behind Haruko, then stops, trying to prevent himself from going into coughing fits upon seeing Nanami. Takeo gets up in a hurry, asking the obvious question, "Who the hell are you?" * Taki leans against one of the walls in the hall and waits nerviously. * Nanami doesn't seem to notice Haruko at all, gazing up into Tenjiro's eyes and running her fingernail over his chest, playing with the netting. * Haruko glances at Nanami, then continues. "Also Arcana so to speak, from Sakuragaoka High School, we've been hearing a lot about your group lately and thought we should meet." Natsuko also rises after a minute, starring at Saki. "I know you." Sumire idly looks over towards Nanami, then back to Haruko. "Rather blunt, huh?" * Kaede looks at Haruko for a second, then at Nanami, rather at a loss at what to say. * Haruko grins. "Perhaps, we may want to excuse Nanami, I don't think she'd be interested in this discussion." Wha...I mean...errm... How could she..I mean...um... Takeo says bluntly, "A little late, don't you think?" * Kaede swallows hard. And Tenjirou adds, "Aw, come on. She won't mind." He gives a shiny smile than causes Takeo to glare at him. "You just shut up." * Kaede finally snaps out of it and glares at Tenjirou. "Just what in the hell do you think you're doing to my sister??" * Haruko looks at Takeo shrugs, "And what you said when we entered is more discrete than what I said?" He looks at Kaede calmly. "Your sister, eh? Well, she seems to like me. I can't very well refuse, can I?" Takeo replies, "It's not like we were expecting this." And Jin adds helpfully, "We weren't?" He peers at Haruko. "I thought we planned this out." * Kaede wrinkles his nose. "Nanami's not like that..she wouldn't stand for you putting your hand...all over like you are.." * Haruko smiles up to Jin, "Leave the talking to me please. As I was saying, this will be easier if we excuse her." Tenjirou blinks. "She wouldn't?" He looks down at Nanami. "You don't mind, do you?" Jin: "Uh, okay..." * Nanami just gives Tenjirou a glazed look and shakes her head slowly. Tenjirou: "See?" Takeo growls. "That's it! I've had enough!" * Kaede folds his arms, giving Tenjirou another glare but not saying anything. He looks over at Kaede. "Get your sister out of here. PRY her from him if you have to." * Haruko exhales with a look of relief. Tenjirou pouts. "You always spoil the fun, Takeo. I knew I shouldn't have bothered coming back here to say hi." * Kaede blinks slightly, then looks from Takeo to Tenjirou and back, a bit confused. "There seems to be some dissention in the group..." Sumire shrugs. "They're always like that." * Kaede lets out a sigh of relief and goes over to Tenjirou and Nanami, taking her by the arm. "Come on, let's get out of here." * Nanami doesn't even look at her brother as she pulls her arm back, linking it with Tenjirou's. Hurry back if you can Kaede, but we'll be alright if you can't. Tenjirou smiles. "Seems like she doesn't want to go." He grins and smiles at Nanami. "Don't worry, I'll call you sometime." * Kaede keeps looking at Nanami and frowns. * Haruko grits her teeth, but keeps her mouth shut for the moment. * Nanami smiles back, though it looks a little mechanical and releases her grip a little, but only slightly. Takeo grinds his teeth. You can almost hear it. ( But not quite, because the music from the club is too loud ^_^ ) * Kaede takes her by the wrist and pulls her up, more forcefully but still gentle. She is family after all. Come on, Nanami..let's get out of here for a moment...sorry to cause you..problems.. * Kaede heads for the door to take her out, tugging by the wrist. Sumire shrugs. "We're not going anywhere. * Nanami keeps looking back at Tenjirou with a longing look, walking almost backwards. Tenjirou winks and waves. * Kaede closes the door behind and comes back in a moment later, without Nanami and his back to the door with a breath. * Haruko attempts to restrain a look of disgust at Tenjirou. Now, I apologize for my rudeness earlier, my name is Haruko Kinsha. Tenjirou doesn't notice. He's got that coy, annoying grin on his face. * Kaede opens his eyes and looks at Takeo, trying his best to keep his voice even. "Kindly tell me what that was all about?" * Haruko bows, and watches Kaede. Takeo does, in an angry rant. "He ALWAYS does that! He uses his power to pick up girls and brings them here and-" Tenjirou cups his chin with one hand. "Takeo's just mad because his girl's in a coma." Takeo clenches his fists and starts on his way to Tenjirou, but Natsuko gets in his way. "Knock it off." * Kaede clenches and unclenches his fists, giving Haruko a brief look and resting his back against the door. His face seems very strained. Sumire says, "So, you want to talk, and you bring the legendary Saki Morikawa to do it. I can't imagine what this is about." * Kaede blinks, taken aback enough as to lose a trace of her anger. "Wait, did you say legendary?" Saki simply says, "I don't know you." Sumire nods. "Of course. Don't you remember?" * Haruko had nodded in response to Kaede's look earlier and seems relieved at the change of topic. "And your birthday is coming up too, isn't it, Saki?" "April Fools, wasn't it? Fitting for the one who got away." Saki just shrugs. "Whatever." Jin looks around dumbly. "Uh... Should I be dancing?" Wait, what's important about the birthday? * Haruko shakes her head at Jin and moves her hand a bit closer to his leash. "Nope, just stand here for now." Sumire: "Nothing, really. It's the same as any other. But you're friends, right? Tell me, what do you give a 75-year old?" "Or is that a secret?" Saki: "Wouldn't call 'em friends." * Haruko looks deeply confused but tries to cover it up. * Kaede panfaces. "Saki's...75..." Sumire adds. "But the, are you really that old? Maybe you're only sixty. I'm a bit puzzled." Sumire nods to Kaede. "Didn't she tell you?" [And for the record, all of the other people in the room seem surprised as well.] Sumire shrugs. "Well, I doubt you came to talk about that." Sumire: "So, Arcana from Sakuragaoka, and Saki Morikawa herself. What exactly is it that you want?" We came to talk about the source of the disappearances, we've heard you're trying to work against it. Shingo hasn't done anything yet, but at that he says. "Yeah." * Kaede rubs his head. "Well..it seems a little late, but I'd rather be known as Kaede than "Arcana from Sakuragaoka." Kaede Takeuchi. Takeo offers: "There's a girl at your school. She's Judgement. If you know anything about Arcana, you know that's bad. * Haruko gestures to Jin. "And this is Jin." Jin waves. "Hi, I'm Jin." We heard you believe something like that. Who is it and how do you know it's her? * Kaede tilts his head to the side. "What makes you think that's true? What evidence do you have?" That's..kind of why we came..if there's a way to detect Judgment.. Shingo offers. "I had a very convincing dream." (Shingo got blowed up!) * Haruko laughs. "Alright, that's something, what else?" Shingo: "The fact that in the dream, there were people I've never seen before. But they're real. And they're Arcana." What...does that have to do with anything though really? Unless you've had other predictive dreams, I can't see the merit of it..." * Haruko shakes her head, "That does mean something, it just isn't proof in and of itself." Shingo shrugs. "I don't take chances. It could cost me my life." * Kaede narrows his eyes. "You would kill an innocent life just on a hunch..? Natsuko adds, "But Zein said so too, when Shingo told him. He's usually right." Whose Zein? Tenjirou says. "Could be. I'm thinking I'll get her to sleep with me, and maybe she'll tell us." Sumire offers: "Zein is our guitarist. He's not here tonight." * Haruko is less succesful in containing her look of disgust at Tenjirou. So, who is judgment? So's Takeo, and Natsuko, too. Shingo. "Her name's Katie Andrews. She's part American; you'll know her when you see her." I know her. She consistently draws Page of Swords. That and I rather think she isn't the most dangerous girl at our school. But..what about Zein? Why do you trust his judgment so much too? It's got to be more than simply being right.." * Haruko doesn't bother to glance at Saki after making her comment. Sumire says, "Zein seems to have many of his memories. Far more than even me." * Kaede tilts his head to the side slightly. "Memories..?" Memories? "He know's what's going on; he's the best person for the job." Sumire nods. "You don't have any, do you? That's a shame. But not many of us do." * Haruko shakes her head. "I'd never even heard about such things before, except for the new age stuff about past lives." I don't even know what you're talking about..I'm not really sure about this whole Arcana thing anyhow..I mean nothing's really come up to make me unique. So I draw a certain card..it doesn't seem like much of a talent.. Sumire: "It takes time. Some people discover their abilities slowly, like you. Some are quicker, like me. Some seem to have it all worked out, like Zein." * Sumire looks over at Saki and grins. "And some of us don't have that problem in the first place. Saki shrugs. "Like I care." * Haruko looks contemplative for a bit. * Kaede leans back against the wall. "So you're saying there's some kind of past history behind Arcana..." Sumire: "Oh yes, there's plenty. Not that I know it all." "But tell me, haven't you ever thought it strange that we're all around the same age?" I figured it was a generational thing. Sumire: "No. There was no previous generation. Ours is different from the others." She grins yet again at Saki. "I'm sure Saki could tell you all about that." Sumire: "It's not just age, either. We're all Japanese, to some extent." * Haruko settles into an expression of confusion. "Yet the concept of the Tarot deck is foreign, no? Doesn't that strike you as odd?" * Kaede rubs his head and sighs. "To be honest, little strikes me as odd lately. If I concentrated on that, then I'd be overloaded.." But continue.. Absolutely, it doesn't seem Japanese at all. I mean there's some stuff about balance and it's highly concerned with this world, but otherwise... Sumire shrugs: "If balance were the issue, why aren't there African Arcana? Or South American? Or even Chinese?" * Haruko nods. "Good point." Is it something to do with the tower itself? Sumire shakes her head. "I don't know about that. What about before Tokyo Tower was built?" Sumire: "Zein might know." Tenjirou yawns. "Back through this monologue again." * Kaede gives Tenjirou a moderate glare of disgust before returning to Sumire. * Haruko looks at Sumire with interest and does her best to ignore Tenjirou. So...does this Zein know what Judgment actually is? Natsuko: "He seems to. But he doesn't always tell us stuff." What has he told you? Takeo: "He told us that Andrews girl is Judgement, and between that and Shingo's dream, I'm convinced." Takeo: "Won't get us, though. She's only gone after people who were alone, you notice? We stay in a group like this, and we'll beat her, I'm sure." Tenjirou: "Nice and optimistic. You go, Takeo." * Kaede frowns and shakes his head. "You seem to place a lot of faith in these dreams. Considering this Zein hardly seems to tell you anything..." Has he explained how she could be both Judgment and the Page of Swords? Shingo shrugs. "Coincidence is doubtful." Sumire grins again. "Yet another thing dear Saki can tell you." * Haruko shrugs. "Dreams don't have to be random or truthful, they can also lie, they're actually known for that." Shingo says, "But everything so far has been true." Doesn't mean that he can't fail sometime...or that he'll always give you the full story. How can you be sure how much of it he has himself? * Kaede adjusts his glasses carefully, looking at Shingo. Natsuko shrugs. "We can't." So...as I said, you'd kill someone over a hunch..? Or try to at least... The best lies are mostly true. Regardless, we know that she draws Page of Swords, and at very least puts up an perfect front of being a good person. Natsuko, "What if we could? What if we did?" Takeo: "See?" Natsuko: "If it's me or her, I pick her." Yes, but couldn't the real Judgment LIKE it if you're given false leads? And while you're using all your energy tracking her, the real Judgment could slowly be plotting... Takeo eyes Kaede. "Sounds like you're trying real hard to convince us it's not her." * Kaede eyes Takeo back. "I'm just trying to think about it logically..and it makes sense when you think about it.." You're going on minimal information..and if Judgment knows you're that impulsive, then he or she can use that against you... We like her and have a hard time believing that she's someone who would kill or hurt people at random. Moreover, we know she draws Page of Swords, and have a second source on that information. If she is Judgment and is killing innocents though, we'll help stop her. Shingo rolls his eyes. "Yeah, maybe it's just one big conspiracy. I bet the government is using Judgement to kidnap people for experimental testing, right?" Jin: "They do?" * Kaede sighs and shakes his head. "Then we're wasting your time. Judgment already has won then." Jin looks at Haruko: "Experimental testing... Is that bad?" * Kaede turns around and shakes his head. "I think they're pretty hopeless, Haruko, what do you think..? * Haruko nods. "If the person doesn't give consent." Takeo stands up straight. "You wanna say that again?" Tenjirou: "Oh boy, here we go." * Haruko looks at Kaede and then Takeo, "Calm down guys, let's keep talking." * Kaede looks over his shoulder. "Alright. But you know how I hate talking to unreasonable people.." There's a fact in dispute here, we each have evidence, but given none of us know what Judgment is it's tricky. Tenjirou smiles. "Now there's a woman with sense. What's say we maybe get together later?" Natsuko: "Zein probably knows, though. He knows a lot. If he says she's Judgement, maybe she is." Shingo: "Criminals are the ones who are innocent until proven guilty. I'm just trying to stay alive." I'd like to hear why HE thinks she's Judgment though.. We're not willing to trust someone who won't show his cards to even his allies. * Haruko shrudders in response to Tenjirou's comment but with great effort doesn't reply. Takeo: "What's that supposed to mean?" Zein isn't telling you what Judgment is, right? He nods. So, we know Katie, she's proved trust worthy as far as we know. We don't know Zein but you do. If he isn't telling you everything, even assuming we trust you completely, we could hardly trust him. Jin: "I'd show you my cards, but I don't have any." Sumire nods. "You have a point." Much to Natsuko's, Shingo's and Takeo's surprise. * Kaede lets out a deep breath and nods a little to Sumire. "Glad someone is at least willing to listen.." Natsuko: "What are you saying? Zein's not... he wouldn't lie to us!" Takeo: "Yeah, and these guys... If they know Judgement..." No one's saying he's lied...but do you know how he gets his information? Shingo nods to Takeo: "Maybe they're working for her, trying to throw us off guard." If Katie Andrews lies, she is a very good actor.. * Kaede shrugs slightly. 'She goes to my school. I can't picture her making people disappear." Takeo nods, and cracks his knuckles. "You all seem to have faith in her. Maybe you're the ones being decieved. Or maybe you're just trying to fool us." We don't expect you to belive us immediately. But we're being pretty direct for would-be conspirators aren't we? Sumire: "They have a point as well. And sometimes the direct approach is best." Saki just yawns. "Man, this is stupid." Look, stay together, stay cautious, but let's try to work this out. Katie has friends, including us, and unless you can give us proof that she's Judgment we're going to back her. Let's assume we're telling the truth for now, wouldn't you do the same thing in our position? If an acquantence of yours had been honorable and good whenever you worked with them, wouldn't the evidence your presenting be less than compelling. Takeo: "Of course!" Shingo: "No." Natsuko: "Um..." Sumire: "Perhaps, but I wouldn't let my guard down." Tenjirou: "If she was cute? Maybe." * Kaede sighs ever so slightly. "Well, let's assume that she is...why would you think you'd be "judged" anyhow? So here's the position, Katie has a range of friends, if you go after her without proof then we will support her. However, we are willing to work to earn your trust, I can understand you're fear, and you have no reason to believe us, but perhaps if we start carefully working together... Takeo: "No way." Natsuko: "We'll have to see what Zein says." Tenjirou: "I'll do it if you sleep with me." * Kaede shrugs. "I'm wondering if they can make a decision without this Zein...I make my own judgments." Sumire shakes her head. "I'm afraid we can't trust you just yet." * Haruko looks at Kaede. "He's a knowledgable ally, it makes sense for them to consult him." Takeo growls and takes a few steps towards Kaede. "What, you think you're better than us, huh?" Alright. Look, I'm a healer, if any of you are hurt then you are welcome to come to me, in a group, to get help. Consult yes, but it seems like they're just agreeing without even giving it a second thought...except her. * Haruko is a bit red, whether from anger or embarrassment at Tenjirou's comment it's hard to say. * Kaede points over at Sumire. "I think you'd do well to listen to her. She seems to actually consider all views." 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-1) and gets 10. (DR1) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-1) and gets 6. (If that was a check from behind the wall to figure out why Haruko is red, it's mostly anger. ^_^) * Kaede calmly looks at Takeo and frowns, adjusting his glasses. "No, I don't think I'm better than you. In fact, you're really showing a lot of passion towards your goal.." Takeo stomps towards Kaede. "That's enough! I am sick of you treating us like a bunch of morons." * Haruko steps between Takeo and Kaede. "Please, don't fight." * Kaede frowns even more, taking a step back. "When did I say you were morons?" Tenjirou: "Damn. I don't wanna fight tonight." * Haruko looks at Takeo. "Wouldn't you be on edge tonight if Nanami were your sister." ( Takeo IS on edge c.c ) (Well yes ) Takeo: "Of course I would! I don't like Tenjirou either." Tenjirou: "You wound me, Takeo." * Kaede looks over at Tenjirou and his face darkens. "Well, at least we agree on that note.." (Takeo: "Not as much as I'd like to...") Maybe you and Kaede just wouldn't get along, but tonight is not the night to figure that out, or to fight it out. Takeo: "That's what you think. I'm so damn angry right now... I'd love to hurt somebody." He scowls at Kaede. "Just give me the chance, punk. I dare you." * Kaede wrinkles his nose. "Punk...?" We should probably go, I don't think either of our groups will gain by sticking around right now. Natsuko: "Yeah, maybe." Saki scowls. "I came here for this. What a waste of time." Jin: "Uh? Me too?" * Haruko lists her email. "If you need healing, I'd be happy to prove my good will. We can arrange a meeting in a mutually safe place." * Kaede lets out a deep breath, and puts his hand on his forehead. "Well, I have no problems with you...no matter what you think..." Tenjirou: "Damn. And I lost my gal for the night, too." (He's into jailbait.) Shingo: "But what matters is if we have problems with you. And I'm not about to trust you." * Kaede adjusts his glasses. "I understand that..and we have problems trusting you.." Takeo: "Like we care." So one side is going to be convinced one way or the other. I just hope you'll give it some thought.. I think one of our groups is honestly dangerously wrong about Judgment, we'd both gain by knowing the troop. Remember my offer. * Kaede sighs slightly. "Feel that way if you have to..." Natsuko: "And I hope you'll see how wrong you are when Zein proves that girl really is Judgement." * Haruko opens the door. "Let's head out to the hallway Jin." Sumire: "Thank you. Haruko, correct? I'll keep it in mind." Jin: "Uh... Sure." If he does, then he does..I won't argue with you. Thank you for your time... * Haruko smiles at Natsuko and Sumire. "I hope to earn your trust and fight the true Judgment together. And yeah, Haruko, and I'm sorry but I don't think I caught your name. Tenjirou shoots Saki a glance, but Sumire says hurriedly, "Tenjirou, don't even think about it!" * Kaede glances slightly at Tenjirou and lets out a growl under his breath, then says in a lower voice. 'Just keep him away from us..I don't mind any of the rest of you.." Sumire: "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you knew it already. Sumire Himeyama." * Haruko grins as she thinks about Tenjirou and Saki. * Haruko smiles. "A pleasure to meet you Sumire, hope to talk to you sometime soon, but not because you're injured." (Saki: Sure, I'd love a dinner date with you...who should I bring?) * Haruko bows. "Thanks for meeting with us." She then walks out the door. * Kaede takes a bow towards Sumire. "And thank you for being the most attentive, Himeyama-san." * Kaede turns to the door, just checking Takeo's expression a bit worried. Takeo looks even more irritated when Kaede says that. [Ok, you're in the hall. Everyone! Except Katie and Saki.] * Kaede sighs and shakes his head, heading out. [And Nanami, too :P] Where's Nanami? * Kaede steps out into the hall, looking a little grim. Katie took her off to talk. We figured it was safer if they weren't here in case things started to go wrong. And I say we get out of here. Ryuji: "That would probably be wise." * Haruko nods. "Absolutely." She then walks to do just that. * Kaede just walks with the group, keeping his head looking at the ground. I'll fill you in once we're out of the building. Jin follows Haruko: "Okay. Back to Satoshi's house?" * Taki nods, "And call Katie." * Kyon picks up his bag and follows. * Satoshi pulls out his cell phone as he walks and dials Kyon's number, because Katie has Kyon's phone. * Taki walks...wherever everyone else is going. [As you get a few steps down the hall, there's a male scream, and Saki comes storming out of the room looking angry as ever.] * Haruko seems to look progressively angrier as she gets farther away from the band. * Taki turns around, "Wha?" (If that was Saki doing something painful to Tenjirou, I think she's just earned our undying love. ;p) * Haruko looks back smiling. "Saki, please tell me that was Tenjirou." * Satoshi nearly drops the phone. God..he..he was...how could he..? Saki doesn't slow down. She just replies. "Fuckin' asshole." * Kyon shakes his head bemusedly, and watches her go by. I'll take that as a yes. Eriko grins slightly. Even Ryuji does, too. Jin just looks confused. "Huh?" * Kaede just sulks into himself and goes silent. * Satoshi speaks into the phone. "Katie, it's Satoshi. We're done talking with the Band." * Haruko keeps walking "We can discuss this out of the building." She seems a good bit happier though. * Kyon walks on for the exit from the club. [It's easy to get to the exit :P] * Satoshi continues talking into the phone. "Saki did something to him. We think. But other than that, everybody made it out unscathed... barely, in a few cases." * Taki follows Kyon out of the building. [And Saki is with you, probably because Eriko and Ryuji still are, too.] * Satoshi looks up at the group. "Where are we going?" * Kyon shrugs. "Where are they?" * Satoshi talks into the phone. "Ahh... okay..." She's...alright, right..? * Taki looks at Satoshi. * Satoshi looks at Kyon. "An okonomiyaki place nearby. And Nanami's with her. And, well, Katie said she knows." * Kaede pales a bit. * Haruko scowls. "To think I was being optimistic to think that she was a hostage." * Satoshi listens into the phone. * Satoshi looks up again. "She knows about the existance of Arcana, and that Kaede's one, and they're still talking. Should I tell Katie that we'll be right over?" * Taki shivers, "Remind me to find a way to hurt him from far away..." Ryuji: "Do you want us to come with you? I owe you that explanation, but it can wait until tomorrow. It is rather late, after all." * Kaede goes silent again, his face darkening as he looks at the ground. * Haruko looks sympathetically at Kaede. "I'm sorry if she knows because of me. I wanted to get her out of there as quickly as humanly possible." * Kaede doesn't reply. * Satoshi speaks into the phone. "We'll be right over." If could come Ryuji, I think it would be helpful, if you don't need to be somewhere tomorrow. * Kyon looks over to Ryuji. "If you're hungry, come along. If not, explain tomorrow." * Satoshi nods a few times. "Thanks. See you in a few." He hangs up. Ryuji: "I have no particular plans." He looks to Eriko, who nods, and Saki, who shrugs. Jin: "I'm hungry, so I get to come!" * Satoshi gives the group directions to the okonomiyaki place. Yeah Jin, you get to come. [Time: 2:00 a.m. They arrive at the okonomiyaki resturaunt, which is open late because the man loves his job.] (Of course.) (Can't argue with dedication like that.) (What I wouldn't give for an all-night okonomiyaki place nearby. Does he franchise?) (It's a family run buisness) [Katie and Nanami are sitting at a table. The chef waves enthusiastically as you enter. "Hi every-bo-di!"] Chef: "What can I get you to-day?" * Katie glances up from her hushed conversation with Nanami and gives a slight wave. * Taki waves to Katie as she comes in the door. [And the restaurant is empty except for you guys. 'cause it's late] * Satoshi waves back at Katie and hands Jin some money. "Here, get what you want." He walks back to the table where Katie and Nanami are sitting. * Kyon heads inside, and nods at the cook. "Normal okonomiyaki, light sauce, no noodles." Then he stalks over to the table. * Haruko smiles wanely and waves to Katie, she then proceeds to buy some no frills okonomiyaki. Jin looks at Haruko hopefully. (But I already gave him some money.) [Eriko and Ryuji buy okonomiyaki, while Saki wonders why they couldn't just go to a hamburger place.] (Because it wouldn't be open.) Jin has money! * Taki searches for money, and then places a small order. ... so? :P * Haruko orders a second dish of okonomiyaki, one with chicken. (So she doesn't have to pay for him. ;p) Jin smiles at Haruko. "Is that for me?... Or are you really hungry?" (Jin likes Haruko! She gives him chicken!) * Kaede just stands at the door, looking at the floor. * Haruko grins. "It's for you Jin, although if you don't need it, I could I use the money Satoshi just gave you." Jin: "Sure." He gives Haruko the money. * Katie rolls her eyes and gets to her feet, putting on one of her sterner expressions. She stalks over to Kaede. "You." She pokes at his chest. "Have some explaining to do." * Kaede doesn't respond...or look up. * Kyon sits at the table, and waits. He surveys the others, and moves another table over next to theirs. And if you don't, I'll set your hair on fire. (You're channeling Rei. ;p) ...go ahead.. * Kaede takes slow steps past Katie after he looks up. (Or possibly Kyon.) * Katie frowns and watches Kaede walk past her. She kicks him in the back of the shin. * Haruko grimaces for a moment, that finds a seat and invites Jin to sit next to her. He may be exasperating, but exasperation would feel good about now. Saki sits down at the table at the first available chair. She's ordered a really simple-ish okonomiyaki, be even still doesn't look too pleased. * Kaede winces a bit and stops, but only for a second. He seems to be purposely avoiding looking at Nanami. C'mon Kaede, it's probibly best to get this over with...Then again I haven't told my dad yet....But he'd only worry... Eriko and Ryuji too. Man, lotsa people. And Jin sits near Haruko. (Yes! My plan to foist Jin on Haruko is working!) * Nanami looks around at everyone wide-eyed. "So do you all have those power things too?" (Better be grateful. And you're delusional if you think he's staying with her. ^_~ ) * Kyon watches Katie bemusedly before turning to Nanami, and pointing a finger at Eriko. "She doesn't." Fortunatly or unfortunatly, depending on how you look at it. (Well, yes, I knew I couldn't hope for that much. But every little bit helps. ^_~) * Eriko glowers at Kyon's finger. "Yeah. Not me." Yep. * Nanami lets out a little squeal of delight. "I can't believe it! It's like one of those fantasy novels!" * Satoshi shakes his head. "It's not nearly that much fun." * Kaede finally finds a seat. It's not really near to anyone else, and he doesn't look like he's going to order anything. He just plops down in it and looks at the top of it. * Haruko smiles widely at Nanami's reaction, her first truly pleased expression in the last few hours. * Kyon shrugs. "Not a bad analogy. People do try to attack us about as often as one of those novels." Saki chuckles. "Yeah, you could say that." * Nanami looks over at Kyon and tilts her head, grinning. "Yeah..you seem like a troll to me." * Haruko giggles and surpress it. "More of a dragon, really." Naaah..not noble enough to be a dragon... Though arrogant enough maybe... * Kyon shakes his head tersely, and looks off at the cook. "Think what you want, kid." * Nanami scratches her chin as if she's thinking... * Haruko loses her fight against giggles. * Nanami sticks her tongue out at Kyon. "As if you could try and get me to do something else." * Katie watches Kaede a bit longer, then sighs and walks over and sits. So, if our wonderfull Vice Prez is a troll...what does that make the rest of us? * Kaede doesn't seem to be moving a muscle... Hmmm... I think you're a pixie. Jin: "I'm Jin." * Haruko looks curiously at Nanami. "How about me?" * Retrieving #arcana info... Hee. * Satoshi grins at Taki. [The cook brings food over in no time. Unless he gave it to you already. I forget.] You seem like those...mmm..what are they called? They dress in those long robes, usually white ones.. Jin looks at Haruko: "You're the Queen of Cups." Clerics? * Taki gains 1 okonomyaki * Nanami tilts her head at Haruko, her braid falling into her eyes. "What's a Queen of Cups?" Jin: "Haruko." * Katie lets out a breath. "Okay. Nanami." * Haruko looks puzzled. "Yeah, I am a Miko, so I guess that fits. Queen of Cups is a card that I am affiliated with, I'll let Katie explain it." The way we have these powers is we each represent a tarot card. Haruko's card is the Queen of Cups. * Kyon breaks some chopsticks, scrapes the sauce around, and starts eating. * Nanami looks up. "Really? What's my brother's then?" Two of Pentacles. Huh... * Haruko eats, hearing the explaination again doesn't interest her. ( No kidding. This is like the 10th time we've done it c.c ) * Kaede 's head falls on the table with a solid thunk...he doesn't seem to be picking it back up. * Satoshi just sits and listens, ignoring Kaede. He has no food, probably because he either isn't hungry or knew it would give him indigestion. Jin walks over to Kaede and picks his head up for him. :P * Nanami looks over and rolls her eyes. "Oh honestly brother...you..." She frowns. "When'd he get in here?" (We need an explanatory card, maybe get a tarot deck and find the rules card for people who gain power from Tarot cards. ^_^) * Taki slowly eats. ( Heh ) * Haruko looks up from her food for a second. "Let me know when I should give the run down of the meeting, I don't think Kaede feels up for it and I assume Saki doesn't want to." * Nanami "He..." She frowns even more, turning bright red. "Oh God, he saw me." Everyone eats! Except Jin, who's holding Kaede's head up. "Uh, are you gonna be able to keep your head up by yourself? I'm kinda hungry..." * Katie eyes Kaede, then jabs a finger into his ribs. "It's not your fault, Nanami." But....god, why did I let him do that? Why? Because he made you. * Satoshi looks at Nanami. "Because he has powers too." He..wait, what? ( 'cause he's cute :P ) Like you said, this is a fantasy novel...and not all the characters are nice or good. No, I remember distinctly he..um...errr... * Kyon looks over at Saki as he talks. "Yeah. And doesn't seem particularly concerned about where he tries to use them. Not much self-constraint." * Nanami frowns and then screams, slamming the table. "That bastard!" * Haruko returns to eating, only to stop at Nanami's comment. "It's his power, the Arcana equivilent of date..., uh the drugs that." * Satoshi winces. "Yeah." Saki smirks at Kyon: "Be he has more now." But... Good. * Haruko nods. "Saki, could you tell us what you did to him, I think we'd all like to hear." (Kyon is being smirked *at*? ;p) * Nanami blushes deeply. "Why me though? I mean." Eriko frowns. "As opposed to the normal ones." She decides now's a good time to light up a cigarette. Saki shrugs. "He's alive, if that's what you're thinking." * Katie , in a particularly surreal moment, grins at Saki. "Please say..." She tries to think of a word for it. Oh, gotcha. "'Castration'." * Satoshi winces in sympathy, even if he hates Tenjirou. * Kaede opens his eyes suddenly, half open though. "It doesn't matter. What's done is done." * Kyon smirks slightly more widely, and nods tersely to Saki. "He's not that bad a fighter, but he's too easily distracted." Wouldn't he have yelled a lot more? "Sorry. Just broke a rib or two." * Satoshi looks relieved. * Haruko frowns. "Another time perhaps." * Kaede gets up slowly and lets out a deep breath. "I'm no good to you...like this.." Kaede, sit down and stop being so damned dramatic. I wonder if this means he'll be taking you up on that off...Kaede? * Nanami narrows her eyes at her brother's comments. "Damn it, bro. Just sit down and shut up." I'm trying to be happy for YOUR benefit, you know. * Demota is now known as DemoSleep * Kaede blinks and looks over. "But he tried to...I mean..." * Haruko nods. "When all this is over, if not sooner, we need to make sure he's in jail." That'd be good, but it still has the same problem of how do we keep him there? * Katie folds her arms and scowls. "He's lucky Saki was there, because if it were *me* I would have damn well castrated him. It's not your fault, Kaede." * Kyon shrugs, and looks up irritatedly at Kaede. "Look. You didn't know she was here, and you didn't know what he was doing. But if you still feel the need for self-mutilation, the bathrooms are over there." Saki: "Jail doesn't work." * Haruko frowns. "There is always castration, beats death and it would get the job done." Yeah, well, I can take care of myself. * Satoshi twitches. "Look, I hate Tenjirou too, but can we please *not* talk about... that?" We just need to figure a way to get that close without him using his power. * Kaede sits down at the table and folds his arms. "Fine...so what are we going to do if they keep listening to this Zein though?" * Haruko giggles at Satoshi's discomfort, "Guess what they say about males not be empathic is wrong." Did you guys listen in? Or do I need to go over what happened? Ryuji: "We heard." * Kaede frowns at Haruko a bit but adjusts his seating and lets out a deep breath. He's really trying to calm himself, really he is. I caught most of it through the door, missed some at the begining and end though. The end was mostly avoiding a fight, and Sumire will probably contact me in the future. The begining was just getting Nanami out of the room. * Kyon shrugs. "I heard just about everything. Took more chances than you had to, but it worked. No fight." * Nanami makes a face. "Because that guy was controlling me right?" * Taki nods. "Right." * Haruko nods. "And if it came to a fight, I wanted to make sure you were safe." * Kaede shakes his head. "I don't think so. They need to realize that they could be wrong..and there seems to be a lot of dissent between them, despite the fact that they stress being a team. Okay, what did you hear? I was listening, but Nanami and I left, remember? You nearly got to be on the receiving end of that dissent, Kaede. That one guy sounded like he was about to attack you. Saki: "They said the same about you, though. You could be wrong." I think they're only together because that Zein guy gave them the idea that groups don't get attacked by Judgment. * Kaede sighs slightly. "That's his trouble..it only shows that he doesn't like to the possibility that he could be wrong.." Eriko: "A lot of people don't." I think he got so upset just because he saw that we could be right, even just slightly... * Katie looks over at Kaede. If he's wrong, he's back at square one. And the fact that you were insulting him probably wasn't helping. * Kaede blinks. "When did I insult him?" * Taki facepalms. * Haruko shrugs. "They have no reason to trust us yet though, we can work with Sumire to change that. Takeo and Shingo are far too aggressive, but they don't seem to be bad people." * Kyon leans back in his seat. "Yeah. Saying that they can't make their own decisions was a great tack." Hmm... let's say, most of the conversation. But...it's true! If they listen to someone without thinking things out for themselves, relying only on advice they have no information on... Ryuji frowns a bit at that. I didn't hear one person say how this Zein guy proved himself to be honest. Eriko: "It's not so different with you, though." * Kaede turns to Eriko. "What do you mean?" * Kyon smirks at Kaede. "How exactly did I manage to prove myself to be honest to you?" Eriko: "Well, where's your proof? You don't have any either." * Haruko is done arguing for the night and eats more. * Kaede looks evenly at Kyon. "Who said I follow your advice without thinking?" Look we've got this deck of trick cards and some magic tricks! Belive us! * Katie eats. Dammit, I'm hungry now. * Kaede sighs and leans on the table. "It doesn't matter what proof we gave...they didn't want to hear it." * Satoshi gets up and quickly orders some food, then returns to the table with it. * Kyon shakes his head. "You are here." He goes back to the remaining okonomiyaki half. Eriko: "And did you want to hear theirs?" I was listening. Eriko: "That's not what I asked." * Haruko glances out the window and keeps eating. From what I heard, neither of us has any more proof than the other. Me being a nice person doesn't mean anything. You know this, right? Saki: "The whole thing is lame anyhow. At least I know the drugs are bad for certain." * Kaede nods slightly. "But you pulling your card does say something." (Saki and Ken are related.) Ryuji: "Not necessarily." If it doesn't, then there's no meaning to ANY of the Arcana. * Haruko shakes her head. "That's not true. Personal experience and judgment means far more than dreams, it isn't even close." It means something to me. You're my freind Katie. * Katie glances at Ryuji and nods. "Meimi could change her card. What's to say she, or something else, can't change mine?" Jin: "Want me to draw a different card for you?" * Haruko looks to Ryuji. "Is that what you meant? Or is there something else about the cards we don't know?" * Kaede frowns slightly. "But...if you were really Judgment too, why would you want to cast doubt on us?" * Katie grins at Taki. "Well, yeah. But it still doesn't prove that I'm not Judgement, or that I am, come to think of it. So it's not useful right now." So, all we know for certain is this. * Satoshi looks at Jin. "What do you mean by that, Jin?" Ryuji: "Most of us are fairly new to being Arcana, correct? You can't rely on all of the so called rules to be absolute. Because in many cases, they're not." If you ARE Judgment, Katie, you don't know about it. That still makes you innocent in my book. Jin: "I can draw any card I want. Didn't I tell you that?" Yes, but would it still be that person's card? Jin: "If they want it, I'd give it to them." * Haruko nods. "I'd appreciate it you could share your wisdom when you get the chance Ryuji." * Nanami seems lost in her okonomiyaki as people talk around her. * Satoshi eats and thinks. "Hmm." Ryuji: "I'd be happy to. Though maybe Saki would be better to tell the story." * Haruko grins. Hot and helpful, there's a combination she hasn't seen recently. (Yes, Haruko, but you know he's compensating for something.) (He has no car? ;_;) Saki chews on her okonomiyaki. "It's not like it's a big deal." * Satoshi eyes his watch. "Uh-oh." Taki? Yes? You remember me telling you about the emergency practice session this Sunday? Yeaaah? It's Sunday. Practice starts in seven hours. I think we need to go. Eriko puffs on her cigarette with a slight grin at the two. "'Oops'?" "Oops" is right. Ack! YesItsbeenfunI'vegottagonowtellmethestorylaterBYE! * Taki runs out the door. * Satoshi watches Taki zoom off. "I'll call one of you guys tomorrow! Bye!" He runs after her. * Kyon smirks, and waves at Satoshi's back. * Haruko waves at the dust clouds. * Kyon nods quickly, and turns to Katie. "Reminds me. Give me back my phone." * Katie laughs. Aww, but I wanted to keep it. * Kaede watches them go. "They're so energetic...it's..interesting to watch." * Katie hands it over. Yeah, they make a cute couple. * Nanami punches Kaede in the shoulder, her mouth full of okonomiyaki. "You're such a sap, brother. Can't you just say they're cute?" * Kyon shrugs at Katie, and holds a hand out. * Kaede rubs his shoulder and pouts, looking at his sister. "I never thought you were into that sort of couples stuff..." * Nanami rolls her eyes. "Oh please, brother. I'm not going to be the baby forever you know." * Katie plunks the phone in Kyon's hand. * Nanami waggles her finger in front of Kaede's nose. "Just because you got some super duper powers now doesn't give you a reason to boss me around." * Haruko leans back into a relaxed, if slightly tired looking slouch and keeps eating. * Kyon pockets it, and shakes his head. "Should just get one yourself. Make things easier." I don't have the money. * Katie finishes her okonomiyaki. * Haruko nods in agreement. I'd let you borrow mine but too many people have the number.. Jin yawns. * Kyon shakes his head, and smirks. "I know where you can get one really cheap, if you need it. Won't be nice like mine, but it would work." * Kaede would ask if Jin was tired, but he'll probably respond "No, I'm Jin" Yikes! Jin's still here and I don't think he has a key! That's all right. My money's going somewhere else. * Katie looks over at Kaede. Jin: "I'm not sure." * Kaede blinks a bit. "What?" He's sleeping at Satoshi's and Satoshi just left. Come on, Kaede. There's something you haven't been telling us. Jin: "No, I'm sitting right here." I don't know what you're talking about, Katie. * Kyon shrugs. "Suit yourself. Get in trouble 'cause you don't have one, it's your fault." I think it's just a little more important to help my friend's family right now, thanks. * Kyon looks sidewise at Jin. "Can take him for the night. If Kumaguro likes him." * Haruko looks relieved. "Good, I'm sure Satoshi won't mind." * Kaede blushes a bit and looks over at Nanami. Jin: "But I don't want to be eaten." Ryuji and Eriko exchange glances. (No Jin, that's staying at Saki's house.) * Nanami looks off to the side, only sideglancing at Kaede. "Well, I just broke down." * Kyon turns and looks more fully at Katie. "What? Running a charity?" He ignores Jin. * Haruko looks over to Ryuji and Eriko, "Have we told you about Jin yet?" * Katie looks over at Kyon. "You could say that. It might be better for one of them to explain, though." She tilts her head towards the brother-sister pair. Ryuji: "No, but we've pieced it together" * Kaede puts his hand on his forehead. "Oh great...look, it's not a big deal really. It's something we can handle...I'm..I'm certain of it.." * Katie whirls on Kaede. "No, it's *not*. You're in trouble, and not asking for help or even telling us is... it's stupid!" * Kyon turns to look at Kaede with a bemused look. "What is it?" * Kaede glares at Katie. "Who said it was your business to look into everyone's problems anyways? Do you HAVE to save the world??" * Haruko is fairly oblivious to the rest of the conversation. "Yeah, he has amnesia, but he remembers some Arcana people and card pairings, he remembers something about hospitals and needles, and he has a message he's forgotten." If I can save the world, I will! * Haruko actually tunes in to the raised voices. "What's the point of having super powers if you don't try to save the world?" Ryuji: "That's rather unusual." * Kaede looks surprised at himself. "I'm...sorry, I don't know what came over me." * Kyon smirks. "A sudden bout of being you, I think." * Haruko switches her attention back to Ryuji. "Yep, oh and when we first met him he was in some sort of traditional garb and had Chinese coins. He also knows how to fight and has a Chinese pole type weapon." Jin nods at Kaede. "Yeah, he's still him." * Kaede lets out a tsk sound. "And since when have you been helpful either? At least she tries.." * Haruko then grimaces a bit. "Which reminds me, Jin, take off that collar, you kept yourself under control admirably, it was unnecessary." Jin: "Uh... Okay." He takes it off. "Does that mean you want me to lose control now?" You know? Screw this. If we're going to sit and snipe at each other, I have better things to do. Like sleep. * Nanami slams her hands down on the table and leans over, giving her brother a hearty slap across the face. * Haruko shakes her head. "Nope, keep acting in the same way." Jin: "....Okay." * Haruko once again focuses on Kaede's conversation. Jin sees the slap. "... Are we fighting now? Should I hurt something?" No Jin! Jin: "Oh. Okay." God, if she wants to help, just let her. Screw your stupid pride! I'm going home. I'll see you there, "brother" (The last being said awfully snidely) * Nanami stomps out of the restaurant. Eriko: "Dissention in the group." * Kyon turns to Eriko and shakes his head. "She's not really part of the group." * Kaede seems to have froze from when Nanami slapped him. * Haruko waves at Nanami's back. "Could we not fight right now? I've played peacemaker enough for the night." * Katie dips her fingers in some water and splashes it onto Kaede's face. * Kaede starts coughing and sputtering. Eriko shrugs. "Don't think any group gets along without getting at least a bit frustrated at each other occasionally." * Katie goes back to sipping her tea, keeping an eye on Kaede. * Kaede looks over at Katie, ashamed. "Katie..I..." * Kyon nods tersely, and looks down at Ryuji. "So. Enough of that. What's the story?" Go apologize to Nanami. You're already forgiven here. Ryuji: "Ah yes. Saki?" He nods to her. * Kaede hangs his head slightly. "You're right.." He bows his head. "Thanks for caring...you just.." * Kaede curses himself and rushes out of the restaurant. * Katie watches him leave. "I know. Pushy." Saki shrugs. "Like I said, it's not a big deal." * Kyon flicks his eyes back at Katie. "Have to tell me what that's about later. For now..." He turns back to Saki. * Katie nods at Kyon. * Haruko grins. "If you're evil Katie, you're the best actor I've ever seen." She then turns to watch and listen to Saki. Saki: "'Sides, I'm no good at this whole explanation thing anyhow." Ryuji: "Why not start with the memories, then?" * Saki shrugs. "Ok, the memories." She looks towards the ceiling. "Uh..." Actually, I don't know much about it. Doesn't apply to me. * Saki smiles slightly. * Ryuji sighs. "All right, I'll fill in this part for you." * Ryuji looks at everyone as he speaks. "You've probably guessed, but we aren't the first Arcana to walk the earth." * Haruko watches and waits grinning with amusement at the interaction. * Saki takes a bite of her food. "That's for sure." * Kyon takes a sip of his water, and nods tersely. * Katie nods. "You understand the concept of reincarnation, I presume?" * Haruko hadn't guessed before tonight, but now it's all old hat. * Haruko nods. * Katie frowns a little at that word and looks to Kyon. Well, speaking from my own perspective, I have memories from my previous lives. Albeit, only a few. * Kyon nods tersely. "Yeah. Same person getting reborn in a new body." * Katie blinks. "Oh, . Yes." Perhaps not the same person per se... Perhaps the memories are merely linked through the cards. I do not know, myself. So... whoever was your card before you. What is it, anyway? * Haruko tilts her head a bit. "Ah, good, seems weird to have earlier mes running around." * Ryuji looks to Katie. "The Ace of Swords." * Katie ahs and nods. I have some of the previous Ace's memories. * Kyon cocks his head. "Like what? And just from the previous one?" Nothing important. I fought with the Knight of Swords once. Perhaps that is why we fought again in my time. I like to think that may have been coincidence, however. * Katie shakes her head. "Shingo's been following you." * Haruko nods at Ryuji. * Ryuji nods. "I'm aware. But I'd rather not go into that right now." I remember his wife's name. He had a child who died in the war. And he was much older than I. * Katie frowns a little at that. "Do you remember what time this took place? And were all Arcana older?" Many of them were. Happened long ago. Don't remember the dates. Never was a fan of history. Not that long. You were there. * Saki shrugs. "Maybe it just seems long." * Kyon nods thoughtfully. "You know if it happened before that group?" * Ryuji shakes his head. * Katie blinks, then laughs. "You have to know who you are." She shakes her head. * Haruko tries to follow along. * Saki shrugs. I can tell you about the last group, though. Wanna know why we're all around the same age? * Katie blinks. "If I were to guess, we all died around the same time." * Haruko grimaces. * Saki nods. "Good guess." How? They were dumb enough to have the council in Hiroshima. * Katie sighs. "World War II, then. I figured." * Haruko widens her eyes. Were you there? * Kyon raises an eyebrow. "Bad timing." * Saki laughs. "It's funny, really." Yeah, I was there. Sort of. I'll fill in this part. I don't remember what the council was for. I do remember, however, that among other things, they were out to stop Death. Not so different from Judgement in our time. I wonder if they reined in rogue Arcana? It seems like a necessary function. Death was rogue. In fact, she threatened to prove our existance to the world. * Kyon nods tersely. "Yeah. To get everyone together." He cocks his head. "So, Death had a physical personification?" * Ryuji nods. "A girl named Saki Morikawa." * Katie blinks and looks over at Saki. Hey, don't give me that. * Haruko drops her chopsticks, and fumbles to recover them. I'm not the same as I was back then. You see, they sent this guy to kill me. Devil, I think. Yeah? * Saki shrugs. "And we never had a chance to fight. We both happened to be right there when the nuke was dropped. It hurt like hell, by the way." * Kyon nods, and looks at her sidewise. "So. You survived a nuclear explosion." Sort of. Maybe I was born from it. * Haruko nods. "I can't even imagine, I mean there were normal human survivors to, but...." I'm not death now. I'm life. So, I don't die. But I'm also Devil. * Katie blinks, then pales a bit. "That... that explains a lot." * Saki grins kinda nastily. * Kyon cocks his head. "So you took over your opponent's life as well?" So, one can be two cards at once? * Saki nods. "Sorta. The other one I haven't seen again. I imagine he's the Angel of Death now." But if it was anything like what I went through, he's also different. Or she, maybe. I don't know. Do me a favor, Saki? If and when you become a zombie, can you *not* go after me? Please? Zombie? That seems pretty stupid. * Kyon cocks his head. "This Devil they sent. What did he look like? You look the same as you did then?" Sorry. But I've been around a long time now, and I haven't seen any undead. (I'd like it noted for the record that I did not bring up zombies this session. ^_~) * Katie shakes her head. "Figure of speech." (Very well done, Greg. ^^) Seen any canabalism? (Cheeeeese.) * Saki shrugs at Kyon. "I don't remember. It was a long time ago, and I didn't see him for very long." And I don't know if I looked the same, either. And canabalism... I'm told that's what the other me did, before the whole nuclear thing. So yeah, I sort of get why they wanted to kill me. * Katie looks down at her tea. "You might be doing it again," she says quietly. I don't think so. Eating human flesh is something I'm pretty sure I'd remember. When- the reason I'm so afraid of you, Saki, is I- Eriko: "Saki wouldn't do a thing like that." * Haruko watches Katie. * Ryuji does too. * Katie takes a deep breath. "I and Taki and... we tracked you to a warehouse, and I asked you where Hiro Kasuga was. Because- because maybe he... because we didn't know what was happening with this Arcana thing, and maybe you could help us." * Kyon watches Saki. And because he was missing, and we saw you chasing him the day before. Do you remember that? (Join us Kyon! Watch Katie!) * Saki nods frowning. "Yeah. I lost him. He could've led me to at least one group manufacturing the drugs, but he vanished." Y- yeah. Um. * Katie swallows, but keeps going. "Anyway. We tracked you down to the warehouse, and I heard you eating... something. So we walked over to you." * Saki frowns deeper, figuring out where this is going. "And?" I- we asked you where Hiro Kasuga was, and you turned and told me that he was right here. And... you, or someone who looked like you, were eating an *arm*, Saki. A human arm. I know my anatomy. * Haruko blanches a bit, she's heard the story before, but even so. And then you tried to kill us. * Saki blanches. "I KNOW I'd remember that." Eriko: "Yeah! That couldn'tve been Saki." What where her powers Katie? They may be different. * Haruko pushes away what remains of her food. * Katie keeps staring down at her tea. "A blue flash whenever she hit. I think if she hit me, I would have been dead, but Taki teleported us before we could get hurt more than we did." She acted like... a zombie. Really. Said the magic made us taste sweet. Blue flash? I can do that. But still, eating people? Blech. Do you ever have periods where you can't remember what you've done? Sometimes after I drink too much. * Katie chuckles a little at that, but it sounds forced. Well, that's normal, but you drink too much at night, right. Not during school? Of course not. All I ever do during school is cut class. Occasionally. * Katie comments in a slightly lighter tone, "And violate the dress code." Eh, the dress code sucks anyhow. Eriko chuckles. * Kyon shrugs. "I do that too. Doesn't matter." I swear, I should start making a habit of it. The dress code *does* suck. * Katie sighs and runs a hand through her hair. * Haruko nods and smiles at Katie's comment. "So either you lose control and your memories are deceiving you or you have a doppleganger out there." * Kyon looks at Katie bemusedly. "Think you could pull it off?" * Katie says dryly, "Oh yes, Kyon. I have the whole rebel thing down." Eriko: "It's gotta be a doppleganger. Saki would never do that." * Haruko glances over to Ryuji. "Any insight?" Ryuji shifts his hands on his katana's hilt: "This is the first I've heard of it. However, I trust Saki." * Kyon smirks, and turns back to Saki. "Is it possible that since you changed, something of you before was left behind?" * Saki shrugs. "Beats me. Its not like I'm an expert on this stuff." I've never come across myself, though. * Kyon nods quickly. "You seem aware of yourself in general. And there was something else about the one Katie saw that made her seem different. Think I can trust you about it." * Haruko sits up a bit. "Illusions were bad enough... Uh, Saki, care to pick a code phrase or something? If we encounter this doppleganger again it would be helpful to be sure it wasn't you." Code phrase? Uhh... * Katie closes her eyes. "It's pretty obvious which one's which, really." * Haruko shrugs. "Sounds like it, but, I dunno, if I have a drunk Saki at my door or something, I want to be sure." * Katie laughs. If she's drunk, she won't remember. * Saki laughs. "I'm not usually that bad. Not like Eriko." Eriko blinks twice and blushes. "H-hey. You're not supposed to mention that." Well maybe just a fact or something that she's guaranteed to remember. Pet's name, a modification on your bike, something like that. * Saki shrugs. "Not the type to keep pets." * Haruko chuckles slightly, "We'll never tell Eriko, besides, I owe you one for the drink ealier anyways." ( And Brett doesn't know enough about bikes to list modifications ;_; ) ( Neither do I, probably enough just to say "Saki names an engine mod" and we'll assume it refers to something ) * Kyon shrugs. "Use something non-sensical, but easy to remember. Revenge of the Tap-Dancing Orangutan. Like that." * Haruko giggles at Kyon's phrase. * Katie grins. "An imagination. I didn't know you had one of those." * Saki shrugs. "Uh.... Has a certain ring to it, I guess." * Kyon looks sidewise at Katie, and smirks. "The books have to come from somewhere." Books? The audience you write for? That doesn't need any imagination at all. You're a writer Kyon? Neat. * Kyon shivers slightly, and rolls his eyes before looking at Haruko. "Right. You weren't there." * Haruko shrugs, "Apparently, anything I'd know?" * Katie lets Kyon answer that. * Kyon nods quickly. "Those stories in the paper. Those are mine. And my new book just came out." * Saki yawns. "Been a long day. I'm heading home." * Kyon winces slightly. "Just don't tell people." * Haruko looks a little guilty. "Guess I should actually read the stories then. I'll keep it to myself." * Ryuji rises. "I think I could use some sleep as well." * Katie stifles a yawn. "Good night." She checks her watch. Eriko blinks when Saki gets up, and rises herself. "Yeah, me too." [The wave and head out.] * Kyon straightens his face and nods to the departing trio. "Right. This's worked well. Should work together more in the future." (Awww. Too slow!) (Kyon, your moves are lame.) ( Your skill is not enough ;_; ) * Haruko stands up. "Yup. Oh and Katie, remember the tap dancing thing too. Just in case you have a Judgment doppleganger out there." The Revenge of the Tap Dancing Orangutan? Can't I just say 'Zombies Like Cheese' or something? Jin peers at Katie. "You can tapdance? Can I see?" * Haruko grins. "That'd do too." * Katie shakes her head. "No, I don't tapdance." Do you like cheese? * Haruko begins to walk out. As a matter of fact, I do. But I'm not a zombie. Honest. Jin: "That's good." Don't worry, I understand enough logic to realize get that. * Katie stands and stretches. She glances around. "Time to see if any random Band members jump me on the way home." Jin: "But wouldn't that hurt? Being jumped on, I mean." (Just hope it's not Tenjirou) * Haruko heads out the door. "Oh, and I like you Katie, but there's no way I'd ever let rapist boy touch me even for an alliance to protect you. Though I'd be happy to hit him repeatedly with a wrench if need be." * Kyon stands up, then gets his bag. "Fought him before. You wouldn't need the wrench." He smirks. Jin watches everyone leave. Jin: "Uh..." * Haruko walks out. "Good, but who said I needed it. Jin, follow Kyon, don't let his cat eat you." * Kyon looks back over his shoulder. "C'mon, kid, you're with me tonight." Jin gets up and follows Kyon. "Okay." [Session End] rett> Jin peers at Katie. "You can tapdance? Can I see?" * Haruko grins. "That'd do too." * Katie shakes her head. "No, I don't tapdance." Do you like cheese? * Haruko begins to walk out. As a matter of fact, I do. But I'm not a zombie. Honest. Jin: "That's good." Don't worry, I understand enough logic to realize get that. * Katie stands and stretches. She glances around. "Time to see if any random Band members jump me on the way home." Jin: "But wouldn't that hurt? Being jumped on, I mean." (Just hope it's not Tenjirou) * Haruko heads out the door. "Oh, and I like you Katie, but there's no way I'd ever let rapist boy touch me even for an alliance to protect you. Though I'd be happy to hit him repeatedly with a wrench if need be." * Kyon stands up, then gets his bag. "Fought him before. You wouldn't need the wrench." He smirks. Jin watches everyone leave. Jin: "Uh..." * Haruko walks out. "Good, but who said I needed it. Jin, follow Kyon, don't let his cat eat you." * Kyon looks back over his shoulder. "C'mon, kid, you're with me tonight." Jin gets up and follows Kyon. "Okay." [Session End]