[Day: Monday, February 17th. Time: 2:50 p.m.] [Weather: It snowed lightly last night, but this ended sometime around 10:00. Skies are cloudy. However, there's supposed to be somewhat of a snow- storm tonight.] [Saturday, you went to meet the Band. You succeeded, though maybe the results of the meeting weren't what you were looking for. You also found out you had connection to Arcana in the past, and that Saki is over 70. No wonder she's always so cranky.] [Then yesterday, a buncha stuff happened, to different people. Today, you gather at (surprise!) the lockers!] [Session Start] * Haruko walks up and leans against a locker, looking cheery but thoughtful. * Katie closes her locker then sits, pulling out her sketchbook and getting to work. [Actually, nobody knows. Kyon took him Saturday night, but Sunday he was missing.] * Kaede walks down the hallway without looking quite where he's going. He has a bunch of envelopes in his hands and his expression sours more with each one he looks at. * Satoshi walks over to his locker, seeming a bit preoccupied. * Katie glances up as Kaede nearly passes her. "What's wrong?" * Kaede stops and looks down, almost having passed her and lets out a deep breath. "Well...you already know..." * Katie nods. I think you should tell the others, though. * Haruko looks up. "Store troubles?" * Kaede holds out one of the envelopes lengthwise. It's definitely bill material. It's... * Satoshi closes his locker and walks over to Katie, Kaede, and Haruko. "Hey, guys. What's up?" * Kaede rubs his forehead. "It's more complicated than that..." * Katie waves for Satoshi to shush and tilts her head towards Kaede. * Satoshi frowns slightly but is quiet. * Haruko waves at Satoshi. They're..well...they're looking to stop my grandfather's upkeep.. * Kaede hangs his head and lets out a deep breath. * Satoshi blinks. "They're... what?" * Kaede nods and flops down on the floor. * Haruko looks confused but worried. That's..that's what Nanami told Katie the other night... And why we kind of got into..well, you know. * Kaede frowns. "I'm really sorry for how I acted." * Haruko figures it out and nods sympathetically. * Satoshi finally puts it all together. "Oh, geez, Kaede... I had no idea... I'm really sorry." Katie... You don't...really want me to transfer...do you? Hmm? No. Transfer? What? * Kaede waves his hand. "It's nothing..." I was just angry, and I wanted you to see how stupid you were being. I... well, I guess I said it to hurt you, a little, but I mostly just wanted you to wake up. * Kaede looks down at the floor tiles. "I see..." * Katie smiles a little. "I'd hate for you to actually transfer, though. I hope you know that." * Taki slowly walks in from her last class, with a pair of dark circles under her eyes. * Kaede leans his head back against the locker and closes his eyes, just nodding slightly. * Satoshi waves at Taki. "Heya, Taki! ...I see practice hit you really hard. Sorry about that. The coach was really a slavedriver yesterday, wasn't he?" * Haruko glances over to Taki. "Hey Taki, too much homework? Oh, hockey, forgot about that." (Actually, it's probably more likely that *Satoshi* was the slavedriver. ;p) I think if you counted up the number of times I've fallen in my entire life before yesterday, it still wouldn't total up. I was so sore I couldn't sleep and kept having nightmares. * Katie looks up at Taki and blinks, then frowns slightly. "Nightmares?" * Kyon comes in from the other direction from Taki, carrying his bag along with him. He waves curtly at the person he had been talking to, and stalks over. No papers this time, and he doesn't look tired at all. To contrast. * Satoshi smiles encouragingly. "It'll get better over time. You don't want to know how nervous I was before my first competi- game." * Kaede opens his eyes, giving the letters one last glaring look before slipping them in the front sleeve of his kaban. * Taki counts them off on her fingers, "First there was the one where Ryo locked me in kitchen and made me cook for him for all of eternity, then the one where some American kept hitting me with a toy baseball bat while shouting incohearantly, and then there was the one where I had to come up with way to serve Satoshi to K...Saki...I can't even talk straight. And thoes are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head. That's really stra... * Haruko frowns. "Yikes! Guess your body is paying you back for the day you put it through. My subconscious has always been more direct about it." * Kaede blinks and scratches his chin a moment. "Wait a moment..when did you meet Ryo?" * Satoshi shudders involuntarily. "Well, I certainly hope that last one doesn't happen. I'm sorry this has made you so upset." That's pretty nasty. Did you try sleeping pills or- * Katie blinks and looks over at Kaede, then back at Taki. "That's a good question." * Taki shrugs, "He looked just like you said he did, brown eyes, brown hair, convinced he's the greatest thing that ever happend to anybody, and locked me in." * Kaede frowns a little. "Maybe..." That's weird. I mean, usually in dreams... * Katie sighs. "Dreams are funny things, though. I guess if Shingo could have a dream about me without knowing me, then it makes sense." * Taki shrugs again, "Maybe it was something my past life threw at me." Yeah, that's too real, like Shingo's dream. Wonder if Meimi is involved. * Satoshi ponders. "I can't really remember any Arcana-related dreams." * Haruko shrudders. "Me neither, my nightmares don't really have characters, and my other dreams are random, happy, and don't involve super powers." Anyway, Satoshi, my next hocky practice is going to be shorter, and not untill after I stop aching. I don't want another night like that again. * Satoshi nods. "I understand... and I'm sorry. I really hope I didn't pressure you into doing something you didn't want to." It's ok, I had fun right up to the bit where the adrenialn wore off. * Satoshi smiles. "Good. 'Cause we're all really grateful to you." I'm happy to be able to help... * Haruko stops frowning and closes her eyes, remaining in a resting position against the locker. * Kyon shrugs, and leans back against the locker. "The eight hours make much of a difference?" * Kaede looks up slowly. "Oh, by the way. I talked to Nanami about Saori. She said they just talked occassionally. Not really the closest of friends.." Who's Saori? Saori... she's the fortuneteller girl? A girl Haruko and I met yesterday. * Katie nods. Saori Yamaoka apparently. * Kaede nods. Ahh. * Haruko nods and looks slightly distracted. "That reminds me, the Emperor card. That's not *the* Emperor, right?" She also said she'd met you guys the other day...she couldn't remember where though. You tell Taki about the reading yet, Katie? * Kyon looks down at Katie. "She gave you a reading?" Yeah, she said she's always right, and she's an Arcana, besides. * Katie sets her sketchbook on her lap and leans back against her locker, closing her eyes. "The cards were in this order:" * Taki listens to Katie. * Haruko distractedly plays with her hair as Katie gives exposition. * Kyon watches wordlessly. Page of Swords, far left. Judgement to the right. Knight of Cups above Judgement; Ace of Wands below. Death to the right of Judgement, and The Emperor to the right of Death. Saori was confused as to if I'm Page of Swords involved with Judgement, or if I'm Judgement with the Page of Swords backing me. * Katie snickers. "I really shouldn't be surprised." * Taki blinks, "Me, you, Satoshi, and Saki?" Or Saki Reversed. * Kaede rubs his head. "I have a feeling it's going to be a while before we get straight answers..." * Katie opens one eye. "Well, maybe Saki. Or maybe-" She nods. * Haruko looks a bit distant. "By all the Kami, I hope not. Although, he'd be magnanimus, yeah, so it should be alright." Why would Death be a he? Maybe Death is the Saki that keeps trying to eat people. In any event... um. * Haruko slowly calms herself down. * Kyon shakes his head, and looks down at it quietly. Then he palms his cards, and slumps down next to Katie. * Katie frowns a little. "Anyway, a few interpretations were given. One is that I'm moving Judgement towards Death, which means the Emperor will be killed or changed by it. The Ace of Wands and Knight of Cups are either drawn closer to me, and all of this, or they're being pushed away from me and each other." Another is that the Emperor is ordering Judgement to kill or change the Page, Ace, and Knight. I don't much like that one. Neither do I. * Taki looks stunned. But...if it is Zien..I mean he does seem to be controlling the Band offhand... * Haruko pales a bit at the mentioning of killing the Emperor and again at assassination orders from the Emperor. She quietly murmurs to herself. "It's not *him*, can't be." * Satoshi looks over at Taki with concern. "I know. It's hard to hear. But... trust me, I'm *not* going to let any of this pushing away stuff happen. I promise." * Kaede frowns and shakes his head. "I'm not going to think like that.." * Katie blinks at Haruko. "What?" ...Thakyou...Thankyou very much Satoshi. * Kaede looks at Katie then turns his gaze towards Haruko adjusting his glasses and looking curious. * Haruko opens her eyes. "Nothing, it can't be him, and who ever this Arcana Emperor is, we won't let him hurt any of you." * Satoshi smiles at Taki. You're welcome. What are you talking about, Haruko? * Kyon shrugs and looks up at Haruko. "Yeah. You know who it is?" He starts shuffling his cards. Nothing. Don't worry about it, just getting carried away with speculation and over-literalism. Emperor's probably Zein or some other kid. Probably. Yeah. But any ideas you have are good. Wait...I just thought of something. Saori seemed convinced she wasn't Arcana...but still she referred to the cards as if they were people... * Haruko plays with her hair as she makes herself believe what she said. "No Satoshi, this is a bad idea, but I don't think it fits, so it should be alright." * Kyon looks sidewise at Kaede. "You know, they do mostly have people on them. You don't have to know everything for it." Then he quiets, draws a breath, and flips the first card over, placing it up and away from him. * Katie chuckles. "I thought it was stranger that she didn't react much to a bunch of people disappearing, but..." But she didn't give any alternative explanations really..she didn't explain WHAT the Page meant..most fortune tellers would. At least...I don't remember it.. * Taki stays quite and looks at the floor. * Katie flicks her eyes to Taki, then pays attention to Kyon's reading. [Kyon draws everyone's happy friend. Judgement!] * Kaede looks down at the cards, going quiet. * Kaede goes quieter at the first card, if that's possible. * Haruko is actually calming down as she has the good sense to keep her eyes shut. * Kyon snorts, and lays the second card down and pretty far to the left of the first one. * Taki studies her ragged shoelaces. [Kyon draws the Page of Swords.] * Satoshi watches Kyon draw cards. [Kyon draws the Emperor!] * Kyon glances up and looks slightly thoughtful, then flips the fourth card, far down and slightly to the right of the second. [Kyon draws the Star.] * Kyon looks at that one more oddly then the second, then flips the fifth card, and puts it on a horizontal line from the fourth, far down and to the left of the third. Nice pentagon there now. [Kyon draws the Wheel of Fortune... reversed!] * Kyon shakes his head at that one, takes in a deep breath, blows it out, and flips the sixth card, laying it in the middle of the pentagon. Now it's a nice star shape. [Kyon draws the Three of Swords.] * Kyon leans back against the wall, and looks down at it thoughtfully. So... what's it all mean? * Katie looks at the spread, taking it all in. * Kaede looks at the cards slowly, inspecting the pattern one more time. * Haruko finally opens her eyes and slowly stands up and stretches. "Oh? More readings? Wonderful." * Taki finaly looks up, "That..is a lot of cards." * Kyon smirks up at Haruko. "I'd rather do my own to verify than just trust the reading of someone I don't know. Who I'm sure was giving you the reading from the bottom of her heart, and not for some other reason." * Kyon then sobers up a bit, and looks coolly over to Katie. "The reading was focused on her. Not the card, not Judgment, the person." * Haruko giggles. "Smart man, heck, I may have induced her to include Judgment in the reading. That's a happy thought... Oh, it's here too, sheesh." * Katie blinks. "Me?" * Kyon nods tersely. "You were the driving force in two of her readings; best place to start from." Okay. (I'm not quite visualizing the reading properly. 6 is in the center, but what's the clockwise order of the rest?) * Katie shifts her position a little and picks up a pencil, fiddling with it. "So what does it mean?" * Kyon reaches over and taps Judgment. "Which makes this interesting. Because that's the present situation, the reason for asking. Which was you. That's what I was focusing on." (From the top, 1, 3, 5, 4, 2.) (Thanks) (Starting top, clockwise: Judgement, The Emperor, Wheel of Fortune Reversed, The Star, Page of Swords. Or Kyon could do that. ;P) So the reading thinks I'm Judgement. * Kyon nods tersely, and moves his finger to the second card. "And this card here represents the cause of the problems, the impediments in the situation." He doesn't move his eyes from Katie. * Katie glances at the card. "But... why would I make problems for myself? That doesn't make any sense." * Kaede closes his eyes. "No one said everything has to make sense..doesn't mean you know you're causing the problems anyhow." It could just be your personality too, Katie...that could get you into some dangerous situations.. It has, but it's gotten me out of more situations than it put me in. * Haruko rubs her temples. "Or there could be two of you. Remember the phrase from Saturday night Katie?" (Oh, like *you're* one to talk, Kaede. ;p) * Kyon presses his back against the locker to stretch. "The biker girl says she could be two cards at once. One on top of the other." Well, it can be the cause and solution here too then right...? (Hush..even though I was thinking the same thing ^_^; Why do you think Kaede knows what he's talking about? :P) * Katie blinks at Haruko. "Which phrase?" She pauses. "And what are you saying, Kyon? That I'm both Judgement and the Page of Swords? It's already crossed my mind." * Kaede nods and opens his eyes slowly. "Mine too, as much as I hate to admit it.." * Kyon nods, and smirks slightly. "Doesn't have to be new information. Just a suggestion from the cards." * Satoshi looks like he wants to say something, but can't find the words. Finally, he just gives up and shakes his head. * Haruko furrows her brow a bit "The code phrase, you know, you picked at the okonomiyaki place. In case of dopplegangers." * Katie snerks. "What, 'Zombies like cheese'?" * Kyon moves his gaze from Katie, and looks over to the third card. "Emperor. In the position for what needs to be changed to overcome. I don't know an Emperor. Could be someone. From the card's meaning, the Emperor is structure. Order from chaos. Overcoming it might mean being above order. Or being very unorthodox." * Haruko grins sheepishly. "Right, and I'm getting paranoid...." * Katie nods. She doesn't have much to say to that one. * Taki thinks. * Kyon looks to the fourth card. "Don't know a Star, either. It's in the position of the powers needed to get out of it, to work through. Star carries a meaning of faith, of hope. Belief. Inspiration." He looks thoughtful again. "Not a bad card for getting past an Emperor." Inspiration eh...well, she seemed pretty hopeful..." * Kyon jerks his head up and looks at Kaede. "You know the Star?" * Taki blinks. * Kaede shakes his head. "No no..I'm just thinking of something else..." * Katie tilts her head. " That's not what I usually do, I think." She glances at Kaede. "What?" Well, it just brought up an image of Saori...I could be wrong though... But...it seems whenever the cards wouldn't tell us who is who, they were always higher Arcana... * Kyon shrugs. "Means we should worry about the amnesiac." Wouldn't surprise me... * Kaede goes back to thinking. So, if the two readings coincide, then the Saori's reading should probably be interpretted to mean that the Emperor must be changed or killed. Or maybe the two readings are at cross purposes, with Saori's being Katie's and this being Judgment's * Katie shakes her head. "I don't think so. Both readings were done with me in mind. Not Judgement, not the Page of Swords." * Taki looks at cards, "But both cards came up in the readings..." Alright then, so we could use this one to help understand Saori's and we can eliminate a few possible interpretations. Which really suggests that there has to be a link between Judgement, the Page of Swords, and Katie... * Kyon looks back to the fifth card. "Wheel of Fortune reversed. In the Arcana sense, that could mean an expulsion, being driven away." He looks over to Katie. "Could mean it's best if you try to leave. But the slot carries a lesser chance of success than the fourth one." * Katie taps that card. "If I try to leave. How do you mean?" * Satoshi mutters. "Figures Jin would pick *now* to disappear..." * Taki blinks and then frowns, "Jin?" ::looks around:: He'll be back..he still has a message to deliver. * Haruko gets out a piece of paper and starts drawing a fairly complex and illegible diagram on the floor. * Kyon shrugs. "Wheel of Fortune drew people into Tokyo. Reversed could expel them, or could let you go." He smirks. "In the other sense, it could be a big change that resolves the problem without any effort on your own." * Katie shakes her head. * Kyon looks up at Satoshi. "He left my place Sunday. Thought he went to yours." I don't like that. Usually, when a problem solves itself, it... well, the end isn't as good as it could be. I was out almost all day... great. He could be anywhere now. * Kyon nods tersely. "Especially considering the last card here." He taps the Three of Swords. "Doesn't bode well." * Haruko shrugs. "Jin managed for himself before he met us." * Kaede takes out his notepad and taps it with his pen. Where would we even start to look for him? * Katie looks at the Three of Swords, frowning as she tries to remember what it means. "Heartbreak, loneliness, and betrayal." That's terrible! What does the position mean? Not a good combination. * Taki gets that stunned look again, but recovers on her own this time. * Kyon looks over at Katie. "Right. Throw in some rejection, too. Logic and power over emotion." He taps the card again without looking. "It's in the final result position." [Chikako comes along!] * Kaede frowns even more. "It couldn't mean..." He stops himself just as Chikako comes. * Katie sighs and slumps back against the locker. "So, what? The Page of Swords is ruining my life? But I-" She looks up at Chikako. * Chikako waves. "Hi everyone! Is that a new card game? It looks cool!" Oh, heya, Chikako. What's cool today? * Kyon looks up at Chikako, and smiles thinly. "Hey. Could say that." Hi Chikako, what's news? * Chikako grins at Satoshi. "We're supposed to get a lot of snow tonight, so they might cancel school. Won't that be cool?" * Satoshi frowns. "Makes it harder to get to the rink, though." * Haruko looks relieved at Chikako's arrival. "Hey Chikako, if you have a minute I'd like to ask you a question after we get your cool paper." * Kyon smirks. "Cool. Nostalgic, more." I'd offer to go with you Satoshi, but I don't think I'd survive. * Chikako happily hands out papers. "I did a review on that movie." She giggles. "It was so cool!" * Satoshi grins at Taki. "Don't worry about it. We've got time for you to recover." What movie? * Haruko nods happily and takes a paper and flips to the review. * Kaede takes the paper cautiously and adjusts his glasses to look at it. * Katie chuckles and takes the paper. "Thanks." "Land of the Rising Black." it was cool! * Kyon takes a paper, and flips it open. Yup! [There is, indeed, a review of the movie there. Nothing else important, though.] * Satoshi accepts a paper and starts reading it. * Katie rolls her eyes. "Did everyone like that movie more than me?" she sighs, sounding entirely too put upon. * Chikako looks over at Katie. "You didn't like it?" She pouts. "I thought it was cool." * Haruko giggles. "You can hardly blame us for your lack of appreciation for the value of that movie." I never heard of it..what's it about? * Taki takes a paper and starts to read. * Satoshi skims the review. "Hmm... doesn't look like it's really my thing, to be honest." No, I just didn't like it as much as you did. And who asked you, Haruko? * Katie sticks her tongue out at Haruko. * Haruko responds in kind. "Who said I needed to be asked." I said! And what I say goes. * Katie nods. It's about this ultra cool guy in post apocalyptic Japan who rides a cool motorcycle and fights with a cool sword while uncovering a really cool conspiracy by the new government! * Kaede looks at the review too and reads it carefully. "What's the plot? I can't get it from here." * Kyon just reads through, and doesn't stop at the review. He does roll his eyes at Katie and Haruko's exchange, though. I think it's just been handed to you Kaede. * Haruko snerks. "Maybe once you realize how important cool guys on ultra cool motorcycles are it will go." But...that's not really...oh never mind. * Taki reads. * Haruko improves her posture and sticks her nose up with a bit of a grin. "But until that point, I shall keep my own council. And speaking of that, could I borrow you for a second Chikako?" Haruko gestures a bit down the hall and walks a way from the group. * Kaede scans for any other things of interest. * Kyon finishes, finding relatively little for him, and scoops up the cards. He shuffles them a few times. * Katie blinks as Kyon removes the spread. * Chikako follows Haruko cheerily. * Kyon fans the cards, and holds them out to Katie. "Take one." * Katie hesitates a moment, then takes a card and flips it over. * Haruko waits til she is a bit away from the group and then turns to Chikako, biting her lip but grinning. "Mind if I call on your vast stores of information Chikako?" * Taki worriedly watches. [Katie draws... the Page of Swords] * Kyon doesn't even bother looking at it. "Take another." * Katie sets it down and draws another. ... * Kaede folds the paper and sets it to the side. * Satoshi watches intently. [Katie draws the Queen of Pentacles.] Wha? ...Has that stopped working? * Katie flips it over. "No Judgement." * Kaede frowns slightly. "No..." But... * Kyon looks at the card, then back sidewise at Taki. "Could work, and she's not Judgment." * Satoshi blinks. "What?" I hope it's not true what I said before...that the higher Arcana draw different cards..." * Kaede rubs his head. "Let me try. I'm pretty sure that I'm not one of them." It could just be like what happened with Jin... * Kyon shrugs. "I do believe that the comatose girl drew the Moon, when she let down the illusions." Besides, illusions are the power of the Moon, right? * Katie just puts that to the side and picks out her sketchpad, switching to another page. She closes her eyes for a moment, then starts sketching quickly: much faster than she usually does. So what's the Quen of ::looks hard at the card:: Pentacles? In this case? I think it's a random card I drew because there was no Page of Swords. * Katie starts writing on the sketch. Maybe..though with the Arcana powers...but they might not be as mystical as all that.. So...if there's two decks... * Kaede rubs the bridge of his nose. "I'm thinking too much about this." You'd draw your card in both? * Kyon eyes it. "Actually? Maybe not. Queen of Pentacles reflects the power of a major Arcana in a lesser form. Specifically, the Empress. But it could be taken as you not being Judgment, but a reflection thereof." Maybe. * Haruko heads back to the group with no small smile. * Kyon shrugs. "Doesn't really matter. Just wanted to see what you would pull. There's a more important question." * Chikako heads back with a large grin. But that's pretty normal. * Katie sketches a bit more, then lays the pad on the floor and frowns at it, tapping her pencil against the pad. She scribbles a few more things down. "Sure. And what are you two up to?" * Taki looks confused. * Kaede taps his notepad, then looks at Katie, stopping. * Haruko gives a wicked smile. "Don't worry, nothing innocent. " Haruko... you scare me sometimes. * Chikako grins. "It was cool!" I think I should be worried. I always am...especially after Saturday... * Kaede looks slowly up at Haruko, tipping his head to one side. * Chikako blinks. "What happened Saturday?" Let's just say Haruko had an..interesting present for Jin. * Haruko smiles over at Satoshi. "If you're thinking of the leash, just remember who took Jin off you're hands that night, and what you got to do instead." * Satoshi blushes slightly. "Well, yeah, that's true." Now, let's speak no more of it. Deal. * Kyon sits, waits, and smirks. "But it makes for such a good story. You're not going to tell Chikako?" * Haruko nods and gives a sharp bow of agreement. * Katie glances up at Satoshi and snickers despite herself. "You're turning red." She goes back to concentrating on the sketch. Where is Jin, anyhow? He's cool. * Satoshi blushes more deeply. * Kaede frowns. "We..don't really know." * Taki blinks a bit at Katie and then smiles at Satoshi. He's roaming free. * Haruko shoots a pleading look to Kyon, hoping to stay on the topic of Jin. * Kaede goes back to tapping. Oh. That's not cool. He has a tendancy to come back, though. Cool. * Satoshi shakes his head in an attempt to clear it and maybe stop blushing so much. I bet if we ask him where he's been, he'll say "Um..I'm not sure." Yeah. That's exactly what he'll say. * Chikako grins. "That's why he's cool ^_^ Hmmph..and we're not? * Kyon considers for a second at Haruko's look, and then pushes himself up the locker. "Because he's not got the sense to know where he is, or why he does anything?" Yup. And great review of the movie Chikako, I certainly couldn't have put it better." * Haruko gives Kyon a grateful smile. * Chikako grins at Haruko. "Cool!" Know what'd be really cool? * Kyon looks down at Katie's sketch. "What?" * Katie is frowning now. "Hmm?" * Haruko prays quickly to herself. * Kaede flips his pad and looks down at it, writing something down quickly. * Chikako spreads her arms wide and giggles. "Snowball fight! C'mon!" * Satoshi laughs. "You're on!" * Katie laughs. Yeah! Great idea! whew. * Chikako giggles. * Katie calms down a bit. "Sure, but do you want to do it now or when it stops snowing?" She still doesn't look up from her sketch. * Chikako runs to her locker and grabs her jacket. "Now, of course! It'll be cool! C'mon!" * Taki sighs "I vote for tomarrow when we have lots of fresh amunition." * Haruko goes with Chikako, but pauses when Taki speaks. A..snowball fight? Um... * Chikako keeps grinning. "We can do it twice! It'll be so cool!" * Kaede pushes his glasses up. * Chikako runs out the door! You can see her start to pile up ammunition. * Taki starts walking twords the door, "Don't let me stop you." C'mon, guys, before Chikako beats us all! * Haruko runs after Chikako smiling and giggling, anyone who can read her mind can see a super deformed Kaede being pelted with snowballs which completely cover his glasses. * Satoshi realizes something and frowns. "I just have to remember to be careful how hard I throw." Don't throw ice. I'll catch up to you in a little bit. * Kyon looks down at Katie. "Yeah. I'll be along in a little while." * Satoshi grins at her. "Ice is for skating, not throwing." He follows Haruko and Taki out. * Kaede looks down at the sketch again. Then outside. "They're nuts.." Snowball fights? No, they keep you sane. * Kyon smirks at Kaede. "Never been in one? Must have had one hell of an interesting childhood." I..well, a long time ago. But looking back on it now.. Plus we're still in uniform. * Katie looks up at Kaede and says, with utmost seriousness, "It keeps you sane." * Kyon shrugs. "Haven't been in one since up north. This much snow in Tokyo, it's not normal." He looks down at Kaede. "So go take advantage of it while you can." * Kaede looks at Katie and frowns a bit, but not seriously. "You're not letting me get out of this, are you?" * Katie smiles. "Never." She goes back to her sketch and taps her pencil. * Kaede adjusts his glasses. "Well then..I know my first target." But what's that say around there..? Just try it. You'd better get out there and warm up, because you're not going to hit me. * Kaede points to the words around the sketch. * Katie blinks. "Oh? Just some of what we were talking about. I'm trying to make sense of this." * Kyon rolls his shoulders, and smirks. "Her? Or me?" * Kaede nods. "I figured as much..is it just the name of the cards then?" Name, description. How it relates to the others. And theory, of course. Always theory. It'd help if we knew more about Saori though...I might be able to press Nanami, but she knows she's my sister...might get suspicious.. * Katie shrugs. "Okay." In the meantime, I'll go be sane. * Kaede waves and heads outside. * Katie waves. * Kyon looks down, and reads it over. He crouches down next to Katie. "Really bothering you, isn't it." How can't it? Two readings, really... the same, in some ways. * Katie points at the Page of Swords in her first sketch: the star spread. "And that." * Kyon nods quickly. "That the Page looks like it's in the way. And neither of them end well. Yeah." So, what? Is it the Page, or is it me? In this one, I- I'm Judgement, right? * Kyon shrugs disinterestedly. "It's what it looks like to me. That's the spot it fills, and you were the focus." * Katie blinks, then crosses out two sets of words next to the lower sketch, leaving a third: The Page of Swords pushes the Ace of Wands and Knight of Cups away from itself and each other. Then what does Judgement mean again? * Kyon looks down at it. "Judgment the card. Major change, can often be for the better. Can also carry a meaning of having to answer for your actions." Answer for my actions? The change can be in your hands, though. And it can have a cleansing meaning; a fresh slate. * Katie jots that down next to Judgement on the star spread, then pokes the Page of the same spread with her pencil. She bites her lip. "And if this stands for my actions..." She nods. * Kyon looks at Katie's face. "Yeah." He looks at her interpretation that she left, then back to his reading. "I was going to ask. What are you doing?" He taps the drawing of the Three of Swords. "What are you in that's leading you here?" Leading me there? * Kyon snorts. "Don't be stupid. Your fortunes don't just fall out of the stars; you build some of them on your own." He gestures curtly to the page. "That one's not one that you don't help out." * Katie studies the Three of Swords. "I don't get it. I don't get either one of these readings. Taki... she's been with me since the start of the mess. Satoshi's a very good friend. I've tried to be good to both of them, and they've gotten closer to me... not further away. Haven't they?" * Kyon shrugs. "You don't have to understand all of them. The future, even through this, isn't easy to define. And we don't know all the cards." He jams his hands in his pockets. "And have they gotten closer? Maybe they have. What's your perspective?" I- I don't know! I don't know anymore! All of this, Judgement, Page of Swords? Ending in death and betrayal and... two of my best friends, and... * Katie almost jams her pencil into the ground and continues in a panicked voice, switching to English, "" * Kyon hesitates, and speaks in a low tone. "Look. If you panic, it gets worse. You need to stay cool. Can't work things out if you lose control." * Katie throws her pencil across the hall and puts her head in her hands. "" * Kyon hesitates even more, tugs at an armwarmer, and rests a hand lightly on Katie's shoulder. * Katie shakes her head, wiping away a few tears. "" * Kyon shakes his head, and switches. "" He cocks his head. "" * Katie stops when she realizes she's rambling. * Kyon nods curtly. "" He smirks. "" * Katie stares down at her sketch. "" * Kyon smiles ruefully. "" * Katie hesitates a moment, then circles The Star. "" * Kyon nods curtly. "" * Katie smiles faintly. "" She closes the sketchbook. "" * Kyon shakes his head, and his smile turns slightly awkward. "" * Katie looks up at Kyon, then laughs. * Katie stands, opening her locker and shoving her satchel inside. She sets her sketchbook in more gently. "" * Kyon shrugs, and smirks. "You've been turning into me for a while. Can't stop now." He salutes mockingly, then picks up his bag. Maybe *you've* been turning into me. Think about that? I bet you're getting soft. * Katie starts to the exit. * Kyon shakes his head, and smirks. "Doesn't pay to offend everyone all the time. Just some of it." He runs a hand through his hair, and chuckles softly. "Soft." He turns on his heel, and heads the other way. [Outside, people are covered with snow, especially Haruko.] * Katie glances back. Is Kyon coming with her, or did he run off like the pansy he is? ;P * Kaede looks towards the exit at Katie, still tossing the snowball. "Took you long enough...and here you suggested I get into it too." ( Katie, roll defense at +2, then init ) 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6+2) and gets 7. d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (d6+6) and gets 7. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6-2) and gets 1. (There..now it's official ^^) [Katie gets hit in the back of the head with a snowball.] * Katie oofs, then whirls. "Kaede!" * Kaede frowns a little. "Oh I'm sorry...but I thought you said I wouldn't hit you..." Thought you were ready though...that IS why you came out...right? [Current init is: Haruko, Taki, Kaede, Katie, Chikako, Satoshi. Katie starts next round.] * Haruko laughs. "Great taunt Kaede! Didn't realize you had it in you." * Chikako tosses a snowball at Kaede! 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Chikako (2d6-2) and gets 9. * Chikako misses by a mile ;_; [And... Satoshi's turn!] * Satoshi grins at Katie. "This is what we do to late people!" He tosses one at her! 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Satoshi (2d6-2) and gets 6. ...okay, apparently we miss them. [Satoshi misses Katie ;_;] [Haruko's turn!] * Kaede grins and puts his hands in his pockets to warm them a little. "Thought I taught you better than that..." * Katie sticks her tongue out at Satoshi. "What, you mean miss?" * Haruko stands up again. "Well, the late must be punished, lets see how you taught me Kaede." She throws a ball at Katie. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-2) and gets 6. * Satoshi grins at Kaede. "Hey, I got *you* when you were late, didn't I?" Let's...not talk about it, alright...? * Satoshi laughs. "Suuure. Whatever you say." 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6+2) and gets 11. [Katie gets hit with another!] [Taki's turn!] * Katie gets hit by the snowball, stumbles, and falls into the snow. "I am slain!" * Kaede tosses another snowball that he readied. "Just as I thought...all talk." * Kaede chuckles and shakes his head. Fear not! For I shall once again avenge! * Taki throws her snowball at Kaede. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 2. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6+2) and gets 9. [Splat! Kaede takes another snowball.] [Chikako's turn!] (Just as well, as you can't hit me ;p) * Kaede stumbles forward a bit and drops the snowball he was tossing. "Oof. Good one!" * Chikako tosses one at Kaede again, 'cause she missed so bad last time. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Chikako (2d6-2) and gets 6. * Chikako misses again ;_; [Kaede's turn] * Kaede packs one up quickly and whirls back around to throw at Taki. "But revenge is even-handed!" 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6-2) and gets 4. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6+2) and gets 10. [Taki is rerevenged] [Katie's turn] * Kaede brings his arm down in a victorious motion. "Triumph!" Alas! * Katie pulls herself out of the snow and throws a prepacked handful at Haruko. "I demand cheese! And justice!" 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-2) and gets 10, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "I hate being random." (DR1! Hee. ^^) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-2) and gets 4. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-1) and gets 4. [Haruko dodges! ;_;] ... How about just cheese? [Now Chikako's turn! But she went and missed ;_;] [Satoshi's turn] * Haruko power poses and laughs heartily. "If you had paid more attention to the post apocalyptic ash fight in the movie, that would have been a hit, but no." * Satoshi gathers snow and flings it at Kaede. "Ha! Vengeance shall be-" 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Satoshi (2d6-2) and gets 4. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6+2) and gets 11. Mine! Yeah! [Kaede gets hit!] ...Yes, yours. [Suddenly, Katie gets hit too!] [Haruko's turn!] * Katie oofs, then looks up. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-4) and gets 5. * Kaede stops and turns around at Katie's noise. * Haruko grins and chucks a snowball at Chikako. "I don't think I've properly paid you back for your betrayals yet." 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-2) and gets 6. (potential) 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Chikako (2d6+2) and gets 5. * Chikako gets hit ;_; [Taki's turn!] I owe you a few of these Haruko! 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 7. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-1) and gets 9. [Haruko gets hit!] [Kaede's turn!] Ha! And that's just the begining! * Kaede drops the snowball and heads over towards Katie, tilting his head to the side. (no action) [And suddenly, Chikako gets hit again!] [Chikako's turn!] * Haruko teeters and falls. "Tell my dream-bike that I love him." * Chikako looks around for whoever threw that, and figures it was Haruko. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Chikako (2d6-2) and gets 6. * Chikako misses again ;_; [Katie, who I forgot again x.x] 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-4) and gets 0. [Satoshi's turn!] * Satoshi tosses another one at Taki. "Catch this one!" 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Satoshi (2d6-2) and gets 4. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6+2) and gets 6. * Taki cactches it all right. [Splat.] [Haruko's turn!] * Haruko again stands up. "Don't think I've actually hit you yet Kaede, lets remedy that." 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "That was close. One cycle later and you'd have fit nicely into a sandwich." [Kaede gets hit in the mouth :P] * Haruko giggles. [Taki's turn!] * Kaede wipes it from his mouth and looks up. "Wait..something weird's going on.." * Satoshi cheers for Haruko. "You really got him that time!" Beautiful! But I'm not done with you yet! 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 5. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-1) and gets 6. [Haruko didn't dodge that one. Splat!] * Haruko beams. "Yup, don't complain Kaede, it was a fair... Ooof." [Kaede's turn] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6) and gets 8. [Katie and Kaede both see someone on the roof appear and throw four snowballs down. Haruko, Satoshi and Taki need defense rolls. Unfortunately for Kaede, he gets hit right in the face.] 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-2) and gets 8. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6+2) and gets 10. * Kaede gets knocked back and wipes the snow from his glasses, grimacing. "I knew it." [Everyone gets hit!] * Haruko falls on her back, which should give her a better, if colder view. Okay, who threw that one? * Katie laughs as people are pelted. "Kyon, you ass!" I didn....Kyon?! * Chikako looks up. "That's not cool! Come down here and fight fair." I just wish I thought of it first. Man. * Kyon looks down from the roof, smirking, and calls out in a lilting, mocking voice, "Tactics..." * Satoshi laughs. "Unfair tactical advantage!" * Katie calls back, "You forgot one thing!" * Kaede shakes his head and chuckles. "And here I thought he'd be too cool to join us.." * Haruko giggles and then yells, "Alright Kyon, for being good you get a free hit or two on me. No payback for now." * Taki thinks of ways to get Kyon back, and then remembers that Chikako is right here. * Kyon shakes his head, and smirks. "Yeah?" He ducks back from the edge a bit. * Kaede goes over and whispers something to Taki. * Katie scoops up some snow and packs it, grinning up at Kyon. "Yeah!" * Haruko makes a snow Kami (however that works) as people banter. * Taki shakes her head. * Kaede nods a bit and looks up at Kyon. * Katie grabs Taki by the arm and pulls her into the school. "C'mon, we're gonna let Kyon have it. Chikako, stall for time!" * Chikako looks from Kyon to Katie. "Cool. Whatcha gonna do?" * Kaede smirks a little. "Didn't think she had it in here either.." * Taki ...is pulled by Katie. "Yi-Ow!" * Kyon looks down at Taki, and shakes his head quickly. He makes another snowball, and sets it aside as he watches. Then he looks back over his shoulder and tenses. * Chikako blinks a few times then looks up. "Hey, it's not cool to do that! Come down here and fight fair!" * Haruko chuckles and continues to play in the snow. He doesn't know the meaning of the word fair..he plays to win..isn't that right, Kyon? Betcha wish you'd thought of it Chikako. * Satoshi tries to sneak up on Kaede while he's distracted. Well... It was a pretty cool idea. * Haruko grins and stands up. "Try that again Kyon, when I know where your shooting from." It takes a bit of fun out of it though...I still think I've got the best record." * Satoshi lobs a snowball at Kaede. "Maybe." 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Satoshi (2d6-2) and gets 5. * Kyon gives a hard smile, and nods quickly. "Yeah? I haven't been hit yet." He makes another one, and holds the snowball ready. Then he looks pensive for just a sec. You got hit in the face three times! That's not that cool. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6+2) and gets 7. [Kaede gets pelted! Meanwhile, Taki and Katie appear on the roof, not that anyone but Kyon sees.] C'mon Kyon, use that aresnal and your tactical advantage. Gimme your best shot. * Katie throws her snowball the moment she sees Kyon. * Kaede flops down in the snow and uses this chance to make additional ammunition. "Oh now you're going to get it.." * Taki does the same. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 7. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-2) and gets 5. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6+2) and gets 8. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6+2) and gets 10. [Kyon gets hit! Twice!] * Kaede grins up at Kyon. "You were saying..?" * Demota is now known as Demotafk * Kyon shakes his head, and looks down. "First attack makes the difference." He turns and hurls his two snowballs back at Katie and Taki. * Satoshi flops backwards into the snow and starts making a snow angel. "Ahh... haven't done this in *ages*." I didn't even get a chance to dodge, that doesn't count. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6) and gets 5. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6) and gets 6. * Chikako giggles and joins the crowd. * Haruko giggles and then pouts. "Now we're missing all the roof fun." [Meanwhile, Katie and Taki need defense rolls! * Taki doesn't even bother to dodge. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6+2) and gets 11. [Taki and Katie get hit.] * Katie is splatted, then holds up her hands and grins. "Truce." * Kaede shrugs slightly. "I think we've had enough sanity workout for one day.." Truce nothing, I surrender. * Satoshi sits up. "You think so?" * Kyon nods quickly, and grins fiercely. "Good idea. Should go on down." * Kaede turns around towards Satoshi, still holding the snowball he had a while ago. "Nah." He lobs it. But we have him outnumbered! ... Well, did. Way to ruin negotiations, Taki. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6-2) and gets 8. * Katie sticks her tongue out at Taki. * Chikako grins and sits up. "But it was cool, though, huh? Nice try, Kaede. * Satoshi grins. [Satoshi gets hit again :P] * Taki sticks out her toung back, "Bah, just for that you can walk down..." ::heads for the stairs:: Well, I can't be a champion snowballer all the time. Nah, just some of the time. * Haruko shivers but sticks out her tongue. "It is getting kinda cold, but give me one last shot Kyon. Your first one was lucky and had surprise." * Katie grabs a handful of snow and dumps it on Taki's head. "And you can go down with more snow!" * Satoshi stands up and brushes himself off. "So... hot chocolate, anybody?" * Haruko defends as she taunts. * Kyon raises an eyebrow, and looks down. "You want me to through another snowball down at you?" * Haruko grins. "Yeah, you get another free shot." * Taki nods and manages to spill most of it off. "If you say so." * Kyon sculpts a snowball together, and tosses it off. * Katie blinks, then peers at the other girl. "Is something wrong?" [Kyon hits Haruko!] * Kyon grins even more fiercely, and points to himself. "That's why I'm the star pitcher of the baseball team. Don't even miss once." * Haruko takes one in the face. "Niffe vone," She pauses to spit out the snow. "So I see." * Katie eyes Taki, and doesn't sound quite convinced. "If you say so." * Satoshi laughs. "I guess if we were hitting snowballs with hockey sticks, I'd be pretty good." It would be completely silly, but, hey. * Haruko giggles at the image. I'm going to be sore and cranky, but it's times like this that make it all worth it. * Chikako grins at Satoshi. "I think it'd be cool!" * Kyon barks out a laugh, and turns back to Katie and Taki. "Going down?" Yes, the long way. * Katie smiles at Taki. "I'm glad." She turns her attention to Kyon and shrugs. [Session End]