[Day: Thursday, February 20th. Time: 2:50 p.m.] [Weather: Sunny and chilly. Still some snow, but it's starting to melt ever so slightly.] [Yesterday was a fun day in which Katie went to kendo club and the rest of you eavesdropped (I know, Kyon: except for you). Tonight, Haruko has a date. Will they eavesdrop on her too? You're all at (or heading to) the lockers. Let's find out!] [Session Start] * Haruko skips along down the hallway towards the ever popular lockers. * Satoshi does the usual: open locker, put books in, take other books out, close locker, look to see who else is here. * Kaede 's already sitting down at the lockers. His expression twists this way and that as he looks at his notebook and chews his pencil. * Katie sits, coloring one of her sketches with colored pencil. * Taki walks down the hall looking a bit confused. * Haruko grins at the gang and then sits down against a locker. * Satoshi walks over to where the others are seated. "Afternoon, all. Anything weird happen since last night?" (I'm going to assume that Kaede filled me in on at least some of it when he dropped Jin off.) Since or during? Well, Kaede did tell me some of it when he dropped Jin off at my place. * Katie ahs. "Not to me." Of course, I had to work pretty hard to get it out of him. * Satoshi looks down at Kaede. * Kaede doesn't notice any of the talking, scribbling at the pencil. * Haruko takes out a catalog and casually flips through it. (I'd assume that Satoshi would have called Taki at some point to tell her that the plan was off?) Jin, by the way, is asleep on the couch. I told him last night that if he stayed put today, I'd give him lots of chicken. So hopefully he will. * Kaede keeps looking at his notebook. "Doubtful." He makes another mark. * Katie snickers, then blinks. "Has anyone fed him anything else?" * Haruko finds the page she was looking for. And stares at it for a minute. I tried at first, Katie, but he wouldn't eat anything else. So I've given up. * Kaede makes another mark. "It's easy to give up." * Satoshi looks down at Kaede. "You implying something, Kaede?" * Haruko doesn't look up. "Easy and enjoyable. Just be happy I taught him to eat something cheap." I didn't say it was unusual to though. * Kaede sets down his notepad and sighs, looking at the floor and adjusting his glasses before meeting Satoshi's gaze. Seems everyone just doesn't want to try and ask him anything because it's too difficult..but there's got to be a way to make him remember.. That's what I meant by giving up. It's too easy to pass it off as that's just the way he is. I don't buy that. * Haruko shrugs. "Hey, Katie, question for you." * Satoshi shakes his head. "I don't really buy it either, but right now I just don't have the patience for dealing with him. So long as we can keep him around and happy, eventually we'll figure things out. * Kaede nods and points with his eraser. "You keep him happy. I'll keep pressing." * Katie blinks and looks up at Haruko. "Hrm?" * Satoshi half-smiles. "Works for me." * Haruko holds up the catalog she's been looking through, it's obvious now that it's one for leather jackets. "This spread confuses me." * Katie peers at it. * Taki finaly arrives. (my goodness that's a long hall) Why's that? * Haruko hands the catalog to Katie, it's open to a two page bit of Hell's Angels Jackets. * Kaede looks over at Haruko with an odd expression. "Don't TELL me you were serious about that..." I looked the words up in English, doesn't make any sense. I mean, I don't know the religion, but still. * Satoshi *eyes* the catalog. "What, you're going for the Saki look now, Haruko?" Hi, and what's she serious about? * Haruko excitedly stands and looks at Taki and Satoshi. "No, but last night, Katie had a terrific idea!" * Satoshi smiles at Taki and waves. (Just get a jacket with A Beast of Prey written on the back.) * Kaede sighs and puts his palm against his forehead. "She mentioned the other night about a motorcycle gang of sorts...' * Haruko nod nods. Oh? ::waves back to Satoshi:: * Katie laughs. You didn't take me seriously, did you? But its a good idea! It'd be fun, we could ride around, and I dunno, do cool stuff. * Katie snickers. "The world is doomed." She looks at the catalog, though. I don't ride motorcycles...I wouldn't even know the first thing... Same here. Sounds like it'd be fun though * Satoshi shakes his head. "You're never getting me on one of those things." * Haruko nods. "You could learn, no rush. Wouldn't even be expensive, I can fix up some old junkers." Oh...um..Katie. I have something to ask you too...in private..? When you're done...of course. Ohshit! Guys! * Haruko grins. "I'll just teach Taki, or are you gonna turn down an opportunity to ride behind her. Field! One thing at a time, thou... * Katie glances up at Kaede, then looks back down at the catalog. "Of course." She carefully closes her sketchbook and- What? * Satoshi looks around frantically, trying to pinpoint the source. * Kaede swivels around towards Satoshi and eyes widen. "WHAT? NOW?" * Katie looks around. Yes! Now! * Haruko looks at Satoshi. "Dang it." * Taki looks around, "Wonderfull." * Kaede gets up quickly and puts his stuff in his kaban. * Katie stuffs her sketchbook in her bag, along with the pencils. * Katie gets to her feet, picking up her satchel. "Okay. Do you know where it's coming from?" * Kyon turns the corner and heads towards the group, carrying his bag in one hand and his jacket in the other. He stalks towards the group, and moves slightly more quickly as he surveys the looks on their faces. * Satoshi concentrates. Can he feel anything? * Kaede scowls and widens his stance a bit, nodding to Kyon. "We have a mild problem..." * Taki waves to Kyon, "You wouldn't know any thing about this would you?" [It's not hard to pinpoint the source. There's one boy about your age at the doors of the school, opening them with one hand with some difficulty. His other hand grasps a walking stick. He's wearing a zipped up silver jacket, slacks, and sunglasses. His hair is short and black.] * Satoshi points to the guy. "I'd say it's him." * Katie manages to deadpan, "You think?" That's...a good guess I'd say.. * Haruko looks over the kid. "Good afternoon!" * Kyon shrugs, and puts down his bag. He unzips it, and then stands and shrugs on his jacket. He rocks back on his heels and gives the boy a cool glare. Can we help you with anything? * Boy stays at the door, replying to Haruko. "Good afternoon." Yes, I should like to speak with the six of you, outside. * Kaede looks at the boy for a moment, then sighs. "Why bother then? It's already up." I know, but I'd rather be outdoors. I... prefer it, that way. * Kaede frowns a little. "Prefer it..do you?" * Katie tilts her head. "Why?" * Haruko glances around. "Seems fair enough, if it was an ambush he could have just waited outside anyways." Right. All the same, I think I'll stand in the doorway. * Boy chuckles. "Ambush... No, it's no ambush. You are many, and I am but one, I am." Very well. * Boy closes the door and moves down the walk a small distance. He turns and faces the door, waiting for you. * Haruko walks up to the boy. * Katie frowns slightly as she looks the boy over, then nods and walks after him. Shall we? ::walks twords the door:: * Satoshi shrugs. "I guess." * Kaede walks over to the door, leaning his back against it and both holding it open for everyone else and taking his position by doing so. * Kyon leans down again, and picks up his bag, but doesn't zip it up. He stalks ahead, heads outside, and moves to stand against the wall next to the door. * Boy smiles. "Much better, yes. So there's six of you. Good. Just as the cards predicted." * Haruko bows once she reaches the boy. "Haruko Kinsha, pleasure to meet you." Before we get too far...would you tell us which one you are? We'd better trust you if you introduced yourself. Both selves that is. And I'm Norishige Matsushina. Quite a mouthful, I know. * Taki walks past Kaede and Kyon, but not as far as Haruko yet. * Satoshi stands next to Taki and watches Norishige. * Kaede nods slightly and bows his head. "Kaede Takeuchi. It's a pleasure." * Katie grins. "That's all right. My name's Katie Andrews." I suppose you have a right to know, yes. I'm the Four. Of Swords. Four of Swords, yes. Now might I know who I am speaking to? * Kaede smiles just faintly. "That's better. Two of Pentacles here then apparently. Didn't believe it much at first.. And I'm Taki Shimeru, Knight of Cups. ::bows:: * Kyon shrugs quickly, and leans back against the wall. "The cards predicted it, right? So you should know already." * Satoshi nods politely to Norishige. "Satoshi Watanabe. Ace of Wands." * Haruko smiles "Queen of Cups." * Kaede looks over at Kyon. "He might mean to meet a different 6 though.." It seems like there's more and more of us cropping up at this school.. * Kaede sighs slightly. More of us...I don't like the sound of that really... Oh, the cards are not so accurate. No, they're not. * Kyon turns his cool look on Kaede. "If he doesn't want to meet me, then I don't see a reason to be here." Oh? Who were you expecting then? If I may ask. No? I thought you were always on the look out for new arcana, Kyon. I mean, if you'd accept the computer VP, you'd accept anyone. Me? Oh, no, I was expecting this, yes I was. * Katie nods. "What did you need to talk to us about, Norishige?" So... what did you want to talk to us about? Only six, though. And six there are. (Argh. Out of head, Katie. ;p) (No!) * Kyon shrugs, and smirks. "Finding out who the people are is always a good idea. Otherwise, it comes back to bite you." (Headglomps Satoshi, "He says out.") Well, as the cards said, you would be here. And here you are. Fate can't be changed, no it can't. * Kaede looks over at Norishige. "We seem to be the most...organized of those here at least...and we're the few that actually know.." * Kaede wrinkles his nose at that comment but says nothing. (Wah! They're fighting over me in my head!) * Haruko narrows her eys slightly at Norishige's statement, but she quickly resumes a happier expression. Okay, we're here. And...? So, what does fate have to say about the six of us then? And now, I'm sure you will not like this idea, not at all. But we will fight, yes we will. * Kyon shrugs, and nods tersely. "You're here to speak for fate?" You're right. We don't like it. Why? I agree, we are against fighting you. * Kaede frowns. "Who's this we? And why tell us in advance?" * Haruko casually reaches into her bag. "Not too the death I'd hope." Because fate says so. Can't be changed, no it can't. No, not to the death. The cards say we will conflict no less than three times. * Haruko grins. "I don't suppose we could just settle this in an arcade then." We need not fight now, but I thought we should do so on good terms. (And before the cock crows, you shall deny me three times." :P) Oh, that would be bad, yes it would. * Taki blinks, "Can't we just have an argument about why we're not going to fight then?" We don't *have* to fight... can't we just hold a debate or something? (Out of my head too, Taki. ;p) (foo ::leaves::) * Norishige removes his shades. His eyes are pale, almost blank. "You see, I cannot play such games. No I can't." * Katie stares. "What happened to you?" * Satoshi blinks. "You're blind?" I'm blind. Yes I am. I thought it was obvious, I did. Would explain the walking stick.. How'd... The cane usually gives it away, yes it does. * Haruko frowns. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think." It is no trouble. None at all. Yes, I thought so, but... why does that mean we have to fight? I get by, yes I do. Please forgive my overlooking that. * Kaede closes his eyes and sighs. "You still haven't answered my question. Is it just you and us or does the "we" refer to more than that?" I'm afraid so. Blood must be spilt, at least. I do not understand what you mean, no I don't. That's crazy. * Kyon crams his hands into his pockets. "Fate. Right. You working with anyone, kid?" "We" means you and me, it does. Whether there will be anyone else involved, I cannot say. No I can't. You said "we" must fight. I'm assuming half of it is us. But...yes, what Kyon said. For the time being, I am not. No, not technically. But I will be, though I know not with whom. So...you're alone in this... * Kaede frowns. * Kyon shrugs, and looks down at him. "And you know it's not with us?" Which is why the duel will be one-on-one. Yes it will. I don't know that. No, I don't. What did you mean....not technically? * Katie looks past Norishige for a moment, then her eyes snap into focus. "One on one? With which one of us?" However, I am to fight with you, that I am. So I will. * Kyon smirks. "So. If you don't know, you risk losing your way later if you fight now." Oh, no, that is not the case. No, it's not. * Satoshi shakes his head. "I'm really confused..." I expected as much, I did. No offense meant. None at all. * Taki nods, "He seems set on fighting though." For now, you merely need to choose someone to fight me. Yes, that's all. * Katie shakes her head. "If blood has to be spilt, can't I just cut my hand or something?" We...choose? * Kyon shrugs, takes his hands out of his pockets, and pushes off the wall. "Because if you're fated to be with us, you'll be with us, whether you fight us now or not." * Katie grumbles that more than anything, though. These Arcana are impossible. * Norishige nods to Kyon. "It's true, that is. But if and only if." So...you're saying it doesn't matter which of us fight? Why bother fighting then? Just because the cards say so?" * Norishige nods. "That's right it is." That's nonsense! We need not fight now if you'd prefer, no we need not. * Haruko nods. "But, as Katie said perhaps you could cut one of our hands, just enough to spill blood. Would that do?" But eventually we will. Perhaps under less favorable circumstances. I'd prefer it if we didn't fight at all. Oh no, that will not do at all. Why not? Because it must be a battle. Yes, it must. * Kyon snorts. "Kid, anyone ever tell you fate is inscrutable?" How much of a battle? * Kaede snorts. "This is ridiculous. You seem so set on something you don't even know why you're doing it, beyond the fact that some slivers of cardboard with pretty pictures tell you to." On the contrary, yes. You can't escape fate, no you can't. First blood. Or even first strike, yes. That's all that's needed. But aren't you trying to right now by controlling the conditions? * Katie studies Norishige. "You're set on this, aren't you." What's to say that you're not fated to fail to convince us to fight you? First strike... so one of us just has to hit the other once, and that's it? I am controlling the conditions, yes, but within the conditions. I do not fight fate, no I don't. But if it's first strike then there might not be any blood... What are the most limited terms you could accept? * Norishige nods to Satoshi. "Yes, that's right, as long as we're trying earnestly." Norishige...I don't know that much about Tarot..but I've picked up that there are usually multiple results in the cards...right? Otherwise it is not a real battle, no it's not. * Norishige nods to Kaede. "Correct. I've studied them, yes I have. As I've said, we will fight no less than three times, be it now or later. Now or later, yes." And then what? What's the result of us fighting? I do not yet know. No, that I don't. How do you know it won't just lead to more fighting...? It may. But not between us, no. * Kaede sighs. "Diving blindly into the future eh? No offense..." I wonder if precognition is such a good trait to have after all... * Haruko stretches. "Enough of this, are you willing to restrain yourself to prevent deeply harming anyone, in any manner?" That depends on what you mean, it does. I certainly will refrain from trying to kill you, yes I will. Go on. * Kyon shrugs, and leans down. "Going to refrain from doing irreparable injury, as well?" Norishige..there's just one problem with your plan... I shall not attempt it. No, I shall not. * Kaede sighs. It is no plan. No. It is fate's design, it is. * Kyon nods tersely. "So. No death, no irreparable harm. This is your fight?" If you tell us all this, then we subconsciously draw back, and it's not a fight to the utmost..it may not even count in fate.. Would sparring be acceptable? If you hold back, I will win. So it will be fine. * Kaede looks over to Haruko. "That..might work.." I may not look it, but I can fight, yes I can. * Katie just watches Norishige. Oh, I believe you. And sparring is not a real fight, no it's not. * Kaede gets quiet, lost in thought and rubbing his chin. * Kyon shakes his head quickly. "Right. No irreparable harm, no death. Yes or no." * Haruko shrugs. "Any conflict into which one puts one's entire spirit is a real fight." * Norishige nods. "That would be ideal, yes." Ideal....but not guarenteed.... * Kaede sighs. I cannot guarentee because I know not the outcome. No, I do not. Great... What's the point of fate if you don't know how it turns out? Alright, but understand, we will intercede if our champion appears to be in real danger of irreperable harm. * Norishige shrugs. "Fate is fate." * Norishige shrugs at Haruko. "I cannot stop you. No, I can't." * Kaede closes his eyes. * Katie looks around the apparently deserted schoolyard. "" I'll do it....if I have to... * Satoshi looks at Katie. "" * Kyon nods tersely. "Right. You don't know." He leans down to his bag, and pulls out his sword. "I'll do it." He smirks at Kaede. "Whether or not you have to." * Taki mumbles to herself, "If I fight fate, does that mean that fate decided that?" I don't believe you can, no you can't. Fate will come true, whether you expect it or not. That it will. Kyon's probably our best choice. * Katie glances at Taki. "In the end, who cares?" * Haruko watches Kyon, she gives a glum smile. "I'll be waiting for you afterwards." * Kaede starts to walk forward from the door. "Maybe. Maybe not." * Taki shrugs, "Either way, I'm still going to go on like I've got a choice." * Haruko looks to Katie. "Have your kit ready? Or should I go get one." I just don't want to see anyone hurt. Believe it or not, that includes you Kyon. * Kyon shrugs, and tugs on his armwarmers. "Fate or no fate, he has a field up, and we're not leaving till he lets it down. If that takes a fight, he gets one." * Katie opens her satchel and pulls out her first aid kit, which she hands over to Haruko. * Kaede sighs and walks over to a tree. "Fine..." He slumps against it. * Haruko takes the kit, and glances through it. "Allerigic to anything Norishige?" I don't believe so, no I don't. Good. Stick around after the fight, if your conduct is honorable, I have a first aid kit with which to tend to any wounds, after Kyon I'm afraid. * Norishige holds out his hand. A brown owl swoops down towards him, carrying a western-style broadsword. Norishige snatches the blade out of the scabbard as it flies by and holds it in a ready position. ( init time ) d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (d6+6) and gets 8. * Satoshi watches. "...nice." ... ...it's definitely to first blood now... * Kyon leaves his smirk in place, and shakes his head bemusedly as he waits. [Kyon, then Nori.] [Kyon's turn!] (How far apart are they?) (I misread that as Norii. ^^;) * Kaede pushes his glasses up and watches Nori carefully. * Katie watches. "See," she says almost casually, "Now I feel left out. All the *other* Swords use blades." ( You can get to him and attack in one round. ) * Haruko watches the arrival of the broadsword, a bit impressed, she then steps a bit back from Kyon. But Kyon's a Wand. I didn't say Wands don't use blades. It's not like me and Haruko go around dumping water on people. * Katie grins, though it's a bit forced. "Kyon using a club might work better, though." What would I use then? Maybe you should. And I guess I could use my hockey stick, if it came to that. What the heck IS a Pentacle anyhow? * Kaede rubs his head in confusion. * Haruko smiles at Taki. "Not that it's necessarily a bad idea. Some people could use it." Five-pointed star. * Kaede looks casually at Katie and deadpans. "Great. So I'm a sailor moon reject." * Taki looks over at the combatants, "You're right." So... Kaede could use throwing stars or something. * Kaede rubs his head and groans. "Nanami watches FAR too many cartoons.." * Kyon looks around the field, then nods and shrugs. He tenses his hands, moves them out to the sides around him, and concentrates for a second. Fire comes out from his hands, then swirls around him, creating a field. He opens his eyes, and looks back at Nori. ... Oh my. This is a bit of a problem, yes it is. * Haruko flinches. I didn't know he could do that much... [Nori's turn] * Satoshi nods to Taki. "Me neither. Learn something new every day..." * Kaede looks back at the two fighters, as if he's analyzing them. * Katie looks surprised, then mildly fascinated. "I wonder if I could copy that." * Norishige just stands there and considers his options. [Kyon's turn] Like a wind screen? Yeah. * Kaede doesn't look at Katie when he speaks, fixated on what's ahead. For some reason, I don't think my powers are very combative.. Probably just as well. * Satoshi watches the two fighters. "Mine are." Neither are mine or Haruko's, don't worry about it. Yes, but they'd still be useful for it. Yours for getting away and Haruko's for the aftermath. I just make cell phones go beep apparently. * Haruko walks over to Satoshi, she appears to be staying as close as she is to the fight by shear force of will. "So.. Hockey Sticks.. You had said you break them if you use full force." * Kyon advances towards Nori, steps in, and does a simple thrust with his sword towards Nori's shoulder. Remarkably like the one he did to Riko way back when. * Satoshi nods, half-distracted. "Yeah. Think about what I could do if I used one on somebody." 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6-4) and gets 0. Which makes me very glad you wern't shooting at full force at practice... * Kaede turns towards Satoshi. "You're...not actually thinking of DOING that to someone, are you?" * Haruko stands in such a way that she can look at Satoshi, while averting her eyes from Kyon. * Norishige slides sideways, out of harms way. [Nori's turn] * Satoshi gives Kaede a Look. "Of *course* not! What kind of person do you think I am?" It scares the hell out of me that I'm even capable of it! * Norishige continues his spin, bringing his blade around to strike Kyon. "No choice. None at all!" * Kaede stares evenly, adjusting his glasses. "I didn't say that. You just said to think about it, so I did." 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6-4) and gets 4. Could you perhaps use a metal stick? If only for combat. It'd be better not to have to, but.... Look, I don't like all this talk about fighting. Why do we even HAVE to fight anyways...? It's stupid! [Kyon turns the blade aside.] [Kyon's turn!] I didn't really mean it literally, Kaede... All of this is stupid. * Satoshi sighs and turns to Haruko. "A metal stick? Yeah, I guess." * Kaede sighs and closes his eyes, adjusting his glasses again. "I agree..." I'd rather not get into any situations where I'd need it, though. * Haruko nods. "It is horrible, but so long as there are Arcana that want to hurt innocents, hurt my friends, we have to be prepared." * Kaede leans, slackening against the tree. "I want another snow ball fight..." ( If this were MC, Kaede would be hit with a snowball now :P ) * Taki thinks about Haruko's suggestion of dumping water on people, but in reverse "...I wonder if this field goes all the way too the pool, nah, there might be someone in there." So do I, Kaede... so do I. * Katie smiles faintly as she keeps watching. "It's good for your sanity." (But it's not, so hah!) * Kyon keeps Nori's blade off to the side of his, and turns forward with a fist that ignites on the way to Nori's chest. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6-2) and gets 5. * Kaede adjusts his glasses carefully. "Yes...there's got to be other things that are good for it too..this whole situation is insane..." [Kyon hits Nori in the chest, who falls to a ground with an off. He rolls over quickly to extinguish the flames.] * Kaede shakes his head. "You shouldn't need to be that good with a sword in this day and age..." * Kyon looks down at Nori, not letting his field drop yet. "Yield?" * Haruko forces herself to watch the fight, she regrets it and her right hand is shaking, but she keeps watching. "Would guns be better?" I...didn't say that and you know it, Haruko... * Norishige pushes himself up, smiling slightly. "Yes, of course. That counts, yes it does." Well, they suffer from the rather large disadvantage of being illegal. Hey, that's a good question. I'm American. Why don't I have a gun? * Katie grins. "Looks like it's over." Because you're in Japan? * Satoshi lets out a breath. "Kyon won, looks like." * Haruko settles down a bit. "Take any hits, Kyon?" * Kyon nods tersely, and lets the field drop. "Right." He smirks. "Fate satisfied?" Whee, only two more to go... * Kaede stands up and dusts off his legs. "I don't believe in stereotypes either." * Norishige grabs his sword from the ground and waits. Shortly, the owl flies back down. Norishige takes the scabbar from its talons and resheaths the blade. "For now, yes." * Katie rolls her eyes. "And I need a cowboy hat." White or black? ( Katie will be in RSP! :P ) White, because I'm one of the good guys. I think. (Ha! She can have an enchanted gun that fires wind bullets!) * Kaede smiles slightly again. "Right..." He loses it right after. * Kyon nods quickly. "Anything else fate has to say about me at the moment?" Nothing I know of. Nothing, no. * Taki watches. [Meanwhile, the owl takes off with the blade, and the field drops.] * Kaede walks forward. "Now tell me Norishige...why would you want to make the confrontation like this? You don't really know us to do us the courtesy.. * Haruko walks up to the combatents, kit in hand, and looks them over. It's down, guys. * Katie nods. * Taki looks around for people. (People popping up, now that the field's down?) * Kaede nods to Satoshi then looks back at him. [That's evident be the students here and there.] * Norishige shrugs. "It was destined to happen. I simply felt it should happen on good terms. That's all, yes." * Kyon lowers his sword to his side, and rocks back on his heels. "Nice blade." He looks Norishige over again. "And you won't ally with me now. For your good terms." * Norishige picks up his walking stick, too. * Taki blinks as Nori finds the stick. It would not be wise to ally now. No, it wouldn't. For we will fight no less than two more times, we will. * Kaede takes a deep breath. "I'm all for good terms, but I'm still curious to your motivation..." * Norishige finds things rather easily for a blind person. * Haruko smiles at Kyon's lack of any apparent injury and looks again at Nirshige. "Would you like me to tend to your wound?" * Katie looks up in the direction the owl went. [The owl seems to be circling overhead.] I suppose so, yes. That's interesting. * Kaede looks at Katie. "What is?" Perhaps we should find a somewhat more discrete place. * Kyon shrugs, and smirks. "Right. And you'll give us notice of when that might be? I'm sure we can work you into the schedule of people who want to kill us, if you let us know ahead of time." * Katie keeps watching the owl. "I saw Norishige's owl before, is all." * Taki looks at the students, "I think that's a good idea." * Kaede blinks. "You did?" * Kaede looks up at it too. Where? When? * Satoshi watches the owl. Yes. When I went with Taro to Tokyo Tower. * Satoshi frowns. "Huh." I can give no notice yet, no I can't. * Haruko looks over at Katie, surprised, glances up at the owl, then looks back to Norishige. * Taki looks up. * Katie turns her attention to Norishige. "Do you use your owl to help you see?" * Kaede keeps his eye on the bird. "Fate huh...?" * Kyon listens to the conversation, but doesn't look away from Norishige. * Norishige nods. "Yes. Yukinaga is his name. I suppose you could say he is my eyes, yes." * Kaede keeps his eyes on the bird. "Now for something that's been bothering me, Norishige....if I can ask now..." * Haruko waits, patiently, for now. * Katie goes back to watching the owl. "He's a lovely bird." By all means, yes, though I can't promise an answer, no. Were we not going to go somewhere more discreet, though? * Kyon looks up at the owl quickly. "Don't see your sword there." It's there. Yes. Discreet...and out doors...hmmm. * Kaede nods slighly. "Some place more discreet..though you know, it's not really good to talk about speaking somewhere discrete in the open... * Haruko taps her foot. * Kaede looks around. "Where would it be less crowded this time of day?" * Kaede looks at Katie. "How about that playground we passed by a while back?" It'd at least be better than here... A playground...after school? Could you simply raise the field again Norishige? Or would that be tiring? It seemed out of the way... * Katie blinks. "There? Sure, it should be empty." She shivers. "Cold enough." It is draining, yes, but I suppose I could do it if there was not much else to say. Which I don't believe there is, yes. * Kaede nods. "It's your choice." One question from me first then, do you know anything of Judgment, or the disappearing Arcana? * Kaede looks at Haruko for a moment. "I'm...not sure he raised it just yet..." * Kyon shrugs. "You like being outdoors so your owl can see, right? He could sit on a windowsill, and we could use the Student Council room. Simple." He hasn't. ... (I was gonna suggest that, actually. I should have. ;p) * Haruko shrug. "Fairly meaningless words out of context." On second though, we may as well stay here for now, yes. I'll be leaving shortly anyhow, yes I will. * Haruko nods. "And as to my question?" Oh, i've heard of them, yes. Not that I have anything to say about them, no I don't. * Kaede pushes up his glasses. "As long as we're all putting the questions forward..." * Haruko frowns. "Do you know anything that you could perhaps tell us later." * Kaede waits...again. * Kyon turns and looks down at Nori sidewise. "Owls like that aren't common around here. Where are you from?" * Norishige smiles slyly. "Perhaps I will, later." Oh, you can be assured I live here in Tokyo, yes I do. * Haruko grins. "Right then, not too much later I hope." Haruko nods to Kaede, "I'm done." You have several questions, you do. * Kaede smirks slightly (but no, not like Kyon, no he's not). "Thank you." * Kyon waves a hand dismissively. "Not the question. Where are you from to begin with?" Now, I don't see why that should matter. No, I don't. * Kaede waits...again. * Haruko sits down and glances through the kit, taking the things she needs. She cradles the kit in her lap, so it would be hard for a random student to see it. * Kaede shakes his head slowly. "Maybe mine'll actually get an answer..." * Kyon smirks, and shakes his head. "Humor me." * Norishige shrugs. "I was born in Izumo, I was. West of here, yes, and closer to nature, though not so much." ("Izumo?" "Izumo." ;p) (HA! Exactly what I thought.) * Kyon nods curtly, and turns on his heel, stalking back to his bag. (One of us had to. ^_~) (*is lost* ;_;) (Go look at the original MC page.) * Kaede nods then looks at Nori. "You said earlier that you "weren't technically" working with someone...but that's not a no, is it?" I suppose it would depend on your deffinition, it would. I have friends, yes I do. But the point is...yes, that's what I thought... But to say I work for them, well... Are you willing to tell us who your friends are? No, that I'm not. * Kaede sighs slightly. "Perhaps later then..." Perhaps. Perhaps... Well, the hour grows late. I'd best be on my way, yes I would. Guess we'll be seeing you again sometime. I hope you don't mind answering more questions next time, there are probably a bunch that I should ask, but I can't think of them. * Kaede nods slightly and waves. * Haruko narrows her eyes a bit. "Wait a moment to raise the field then. I'll be quick." Perhaps I will. Yes, perhaps I will. Very well. I shall do so. [And he does!] * Satoshi rubs the back of his neck. "Okay, it's up. * Kyon comes back with his bag, his sword properly stowed. He gives Haruko a cool look, then rolls his eyes. * Haruko approaches Norishige, and tends to his wound with the kit. * Kaede goes to pick up his kaban from the ground. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-2) and gets 6. [Haruko patches him up.] * Norishige drops the field. "I appreciate it. Yes, I do." Well, I will be on my way now, yes. Farewell. * Haruko nods. "You choose a humane course by which to obey fate. Good bye." Right. See you. * Kaede nods slightly and watches him go. * Haruko puts the kit back together and returns it to Katie. * Norishige heads out the school gate. "Farewell, yes." He doesn't start using the walking stick until he actually reaches it. * Kyon nods quickly, and waves disinterestedly at Norishige's back. (...not the best choice of words to use on someone who's blind, he realizes a bit too late ^^;) * Satoshi sighs. "Well. That was... different." [Anyone who bothers looking (like Katie, for instance) sees the owl fly off too.] * Kaede turns to look at Katie and rubs his head. "..Guess what I had to talk to you about doesn't seem all that important now..." * Katie blinks, snapping out of it. "Yeah, it was." Hrm? Oh yeah. Do you still want to talk? Well..I guess I could... All this talk of fate reminds me. I have a bit of unpleasant business we should deal with. I've been putting it off for to long. It can wait on Katie and Kaede though. Oh, Haruko? * Kaede turns towards the gate. "Just..like I said, it doesn't seem as..important..." * Kyon slouches just a bit, and a weary look flashes across his face for a moment before he turns back to smirking. Is it something we can do while they talk? ...Probably not... * Haruko nods. "I've mentioned it before, but not to the whole group, I'd prefer if we all were here." * Kaede seems to be wrestling something for a bit then comes to a decision and starts to walk off, looking at the others. "It won't take long..we'll be back." * Haruko closes her eyes and rubs the scarred side of her face. Um... Haruko? * Katie walks after Kaede and waves. * Kaede turns around the edge of the building quickly. * Kyon waves dismissively at Kaede's back, then turns to walk back towards the wall of the school with his bag. * Haruko turns in Satoshi's direction without openning her eyes. "I mentioned it to you and Kaede the other day. Just need to decide whether to pursue that lead." * Taki looks at Haruko and unconsiously runs a hand down the side of her face covered by her hair. Oh yeah, that... actually, I had another question for you, but I can wait. * Kyon leans up against the wall of the school, and looks over the others quickly. Then he closes his eyes. ( They're all scared and bruised! Agh! ) (Because Marked is an easy defect. ^^) * Haruko opens her eyes. "Well, that's alright, I wouldn't mind.... But, no, I can't get distracted." (Satoshi does *not* touch his nose, or stick his tongue in the spot where his tooth is missing. ;p) I'll try not to distract you. I hope I won't, anyway. But that metal stick thing you mentioned earlier... it'd be just like a hockey stick, only made out of some alloy? ( Yup. Probably metal. :P ) * Haruko nods. "I know you aren't trying, and I... Sheesh, I have some restraint. Alloy is doable, let me think for a moment." * Satoshi looks embarassed. Sorry. * Haruko actively ponders, she actually continues rubbing the side of her head, but looks far happier. * Haruko grins. "Now I remember, I have an idea for you. I've seen baseball bats that have this neat adaptation." Oh? What'd they do? * Haruko grabs a notebook and begins to sketch something, badly. "Absorbs wasted force, makes for a more powerful blow." ...So you're going to try and do it backwords? * Haruko points to some scribbles that look vaguely like the handle of a bat with some sort of schock absorber. "When you swing the bat, or the stick I'm sure..." ( \_ <- Haruko's sketch :P ) * Haruko draws a few force lines around the bat. "It shakes, well normally, that's wasted energy, inefficient." (Essentially) * Satoshi watches Haruko intently. So, what this bat does, isn't absorb the force of hitting the ball, but absorb the force that would normally be wasted in the bat shaking. It's pretty cool, I read an article about it in Elite Mechanics, they said it wasn't tournament legal, whatever that means. Sounds interesting... and it's not like I'd be using this in a tournament... * Kyon opens his eyes, and looks down at Haruko. "It means that that absorption adds too much advantage to a player's power, and thus is an unfair advantage." But, I think the principle would apply to Hockey sticks, get the right metal, and one of those bats, do some welding... * Satoshi sighs. "I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of carrying around a weapon, but it looks like it might be necessary. Especially against somebody using a sword... I'd like something to actually be able to defend with." * Haruko nods at Kyon. "Ah, I see, I never get sports. Aren't supposed to use technology, the basis of civilization, and instead you just hit things with sticks. Any ways." * Kaede comes back from around the corner, his kaban over one shoulder. It's fun, that's why. * Katie walks after him. * Satoshi grins at Haruko. "Guess it's just something you either love obsessively or don't understand at all." * Kyon shrugs, and smirks. "Technology does too much for you. Sometimes, it's better to just rely on yourself." * Haruko grins at Taki. "Toys are more fun. Any ways, get me one of those bats, they're commercially available, expensive but not crazy, and a hockey stick to use for reference, and I'll see what I can do." What's this about? You want me to give you a stick after we're done here, Haruko? * Kyon turns to look at Katie sidewise. "Arming the Ace here." We're trying to make Satoshi a hockey stick that won't break. * Kaede looks up and sighs a little. "Well, I guess we need to be prepared for anything, but still..." * Katie ahs and nods, then snickers. "How are you going to carry it around without people noticing? Not everyone's like Ryuji." Or Kyon. * Haruko ponders some more. "Sure, and, if you like, I could even add something that lets you put on padding, maybe knock someone out but do less real harm." * Satoshi shrugs. "Sports equipment bag, I guess." And that'd be great, Haruko. It...IS just a hockey stick...right? * Kaede eyes Haruko suspiciously. I wouldn't carry it to class or anything... just stow it in my locker. * Haruko nods. "Get me the stick, and get me the bat when you can. I can find the article again if you can't find one." * Satoshi nods. "Will do." * Kaede takes a deep breath. "Next thing you know, she makes me a nitro powered bicycle.." * Kyon smirks. "You could use one. Get you everywhere faster." * Satoshi grins at Kaede. "Don't tempt her. She will." I pedal fast enough. * Haruko then stretches and grins over at Kyon. "If you ever find all that technology is dulling you're edge, I'll be happy to look after your bike." She then looks at Kaede, thoughtfully. * Kaede blinks at Haruko, then waves his hands frantically, palms out. "Ooooh no...nononononono..." * Taki grins. See? * Kyon gives Kaede a hard smile. "Just get a motorcycle, and have it over with." * Haruko grins, it's a tinge manic, but only a tinge. * Kaede hangs his head. "Me and my big mouth..." * Katie comments, "You could make it a nitro-powered tricycle. Less chance of falling over." * Kaede looks over at Katie and deadpans. "How old do you think I am?" * Katie grins at Kaede. "Do you want me to answer that?" No. At least YOU understand a rhetorical comment... * Kyon holds up both hands with his fingers splayed out, and smirks at Kaede. That's what you think. * Kaede tilts his head. "If you didn't, you wouldn't have asked..." * Kaede pokes Katie on the nose. * Satoshi blinks. * Taki does too. * Katie wails, falling backwards and clutching her nose. "The pain, the pain!" * Kaede rolls his eyes. "Drama queen. Yesh, you're as bad as my sister." * Haruko appears to be nigh in heaven. She giggles as Katie falls. * Taki glares at Kaede and looks around for snowball ammo. * Kyon eyes Kaede, shakes his head bemusedly, and leans back against the wall again, hands jammed in his pockets, eyes closed. * Katie stumbles into the wall and sticks her tongue out at Kaede. "Must be why we get along." * Kaede grins. "Maybe...." * Haruko ponders. "I don't think Nitrogen is actually practical, I mean, for motorcycles sure, but you'd need a basic motor first for the bicycle." Why don't we get something to eat? * Taki gathers up a handfull of snow and then decides against using it. * Haruko shakes her head. "I have dinner coming tonight." * Katie looks around. "Sure, but Chikako hasn't come by yet." * Kaede looks a bit at Haruko, then shrugs. "Suit yourself...good luck on that.." * Haruko beams a bit, which is surprising as she shouldn't be able to be any happier. * Kaede looks at Katie, then blinks. "You're right...she hasn't..." * Satoshi looks at Taki. "You weren't thinking about using that on me, were you?" He grins. A quick snack maybe, I don't want anybody else going near my kitchen for a while. [Speaking of Chikako, she comes out of the school.] It's weird that I've kind of come to expect that... * Katie waves. "Hi Chikako!" Not on you no. Heh. Thank you. * Kaede jumps a little at her showing up and then waves with a meek smile. * Chikako blinks and runs over. "Hi Katie! You left without talking to me! That's not cool." Hey Chikako, wanna start a biker gang? We could ride around and do cool stuff! * Kyon doesn't open his eyes, but he waves tersely in the direction of where Chikako's voice came from. A biker gang? That'd be so cool! Sorry. Someone wanted to talk to us outside, and I haven't managed to get back into the building yet. * Katie snickers. Oh... Well, it's cool then. Hi Chikako, we can talk now. Heya, Chikako. * Haruko grins at Chikako and then gives a fake glare to Katie. "See, she gets it, you should have more faith in your ideas." I think it'd be cool! We're not saying we get it it's just... * Katie says, with a straight face, "We'd be the scariest biker gang ever." * Kaede sighs and decides it's better if he not say anything more incriminating. Here, Katie, hand the catalog over to Chikako, she has good taste. Oh, and did you figure out what that page meant? * Kyon smirks, and still doesn't open his eyes. "No denying it. Put the gang girl to shame." Saki could join too, she's not so bad. We'd be the coolest gang ever, though! * Katie pulls the catalog out of her satchel and hands it over to Chikako. "The words on the back? Just gang names." * Haruko nod nods. Uhmm...Some of us can't drive bikes... * Chikako looks at the catalog. * Kaede shakes his head ever so slightly. "I don't like gangs..." Or would want to ride on them, for that matter. * Chikako pouts. "But they're cool!" I can teach you Taki, and we'd be a good gang Kaede, and Satoshi, you can just hold on to Taki, and umm, she can get you out of trouble in a hurry if need be. * Kaede takes a deep breath. "Chikako....I imagine I could count the things you think are NOT cool on one hand." But she's right about stuff that isn't cool. And this is cool! Uhm...Allright...I think. * Satoshi shakes his head. "You are *not* getting me on one of those things." * Katie sidles up to Kyon as the others argue. "You okay?" How about a side car? Better, but not by much. * Chikako looks up from the jacket to grin at Kaede. "Really? Cool!" * Kaede shakes his head then takes out his notepad and jots down a few notes. * Haruko walks over to Chikako and points out a few cool jackets. * Kyon nods quickly, but still doesn't open his eyes. "The field. Just worked it out recently. Takes a lot." * Chikako agrees that they're cool. Satoshi, just wait til you see Taki when she's learned to drive a bike and is wearing one of these. You'll change your mind. * Katie nods, then looks back to the conversation. Wearing one of what? And how am I going to get a bike with a side car anyway? * Kaede doesn't look up from his notepad. "I wouldn't look good in leather." * Taki wanders over to take a look at the jackets. * Satoshi tries to picture it and fails. Taki would look so cool in one of these! * Haruko points out some favorites to Taki. "And we could find a junked bike, fix it up, might take a week to get it looking really good and running, but it wouldn't be pricey." * Kyon smirks, and shakes his head bemusedly. "Could try mine on and see how it looks." * Haruko nod nods in agreement with Chikako. Imagine that. Kyon's willing to help. Give up now, Satoshi. That's good, because I don't have much money to spare. ...I'm doomed, aren't I? * Kaede sighs and puts away his pad. "Pricey or not, my money has a much better place it needs to go..." Neither do I, but if my parents let me get a bike, I'd already have one. I...think I should head off to help her... * Kaede shakes his head slightly and looks up at the school gates. * Kyon opens his eyes, and looks sidewise at Katie. "Having an Arcana biker gang gives us a good advantage." He smirks. "And a definite image." * Taki looks at jackets, "That one would be nice...if I were about foot taller it's going to hang down to my knees." Maybe on Satoshi... * Haruko looks at Kyon in a new light. "Yup!" * Katie laughs. Arcana? Is that gonna be the name of your gang? It sounds cool! * Taki looks over at him. * Kaede picks himself off of the tree and starts to walk towards his bike. * Satoshi notices Taki looking at him and gets very nervous. * Katie hears Chikako say that and stops suddenly. * Chikako looks at everyone in confusion. "What?" It's an idea. * Kyon looks over at Chikako quietly, and shakes his head bemusedly. "It already is." * Haruko is too engrossed in the catalog to notice anything. * Chikako tilts her head. "You mean you're already a gang? That's cool!... but you didn't invite me!" No, we're- it's- * Katie sighs and turns to Kyon, speaking quietly, in rapid English. "" * Chikako pouts at Katie. "And you too? You're in it and you didn't tell me? That's not cool." * Taki tries to understand the fast moving English. * Kyon eyes Katie, and smirks more widely. "" * Haruko glances up and bites her lip as she notices her comrade in gang formation is distracted. * Satoshi looks relieved that the girls aren't trying to do... whatever it was they were planning on doing to him before. * Kyon looks at Chikako sidewise, and shrugs. "" * Chikako scratches her head and looks at Taki. "I don't get it." I'm only getting half of it, I wish they'd talk slower. * Katie pauses. "" * Chikako waves her arms frantically. "Hey, I don't get it! It's not cool to suddenly switch languages like that, you know!" * Haruko steps back and awaits Katie's decision once she and the others are done babbling. * Kyon looks at Katie coolly, and rolls his shoulders. He looks around to see how many other students are around. (YOU thought you could get away with a 2 hour session...HAH I say!_ [There are other students here and there. Kyon spots Makoto and Makoto walking past them towards the gate.] * Chikako blinks as her watch beeps. "Eek! I gotta get back to the office." * Kyon leans down towards Chikako, and speaks softly enough that only our group should hear. "Right. Chikako, she was talking about a secret. We've had for a while." He smirks. "You can wait to know it till later." * Chikako waves and starts off. "I'll call you tonight Katie. Cool?" * Katie blinks and switches back to Japanese. "You do? Yeah, that's cool. Maybe we can do something." * Chikako stops halfway. "A secret? Aw..." * Katie steps on Kyon's foot, rather hard. * Chikako pouts. "I wanna know!" * Katie eyes Kyon and makes her decision. "You'll know. I'll tell you tonight, okay?" * Kyon glares down at Katie, and his eyes glint red. "" He gestures forcefully. "Then do it." * Chikako slumps disappointedly. "Ok. I guess that's cool." * Chikako waves again and hurries off. * Taki lets out a small sigh. * Satoshi sighs. "Bye, Chikako. * Haruko waves. "See ya Chikako." * Katie waves halfheartedly, then storms over to that tree Kaede was sitting against back when and kicks it rather viciously. * Kyon leans back against the wall, and smirks off at Katie. "Why do things in half measures?" Because some of us don't want to tell our secrets here, Kyon. You didn't need to do that to her. * Haruko looks at Kyon. "Because it can hurt less, and accomplish the same thing." * Kyon shrugs. "Do what? You wanted her to know. She'll know. Doesn't put her in less danger to only tell her half the story." There are, I think, better ways to tell her...Worse ones too... I wasn't *going* to only tell her half the story! But now she'll be depressed and confused and wonder what the hell's going on until I finish! * Kyon nods tersely, smirks, and gestures quickly towards the door. "So go tell her now." * Katie opens her mouth, then looks over at the door. "" She runs after Chikako. * Haruko blinks at the english and waves at Katie's back. * Kyon lets his smirk turn self-satisfied, waves curtly at Katie's back, and closes his eyes again. * Taki watches Katie go and then glares at Kyon for a bit. * Kirby is now known as Chikako * Haruko also glares at Kyon, then gives up and yawns. "Guess I should be going soon..." She then scratches her head for a moment, confused. I guess you get to tell us your great idea some other time.... Great idea? * Satoshi frowns at Kyon, then turns to Haruko. "Yeah. Gotta go raid the equipment room, and stop by a sporting goods store for the bat." I'll have it for you tomorrow. * Kyon doesn't really notice the glaring and frowning, 'cause, well, his eyes are closed. * Haruko nods at Satoshi, "It'll take four days or so, if I still do my other work. But, what do you mean Taki?" * Taki turns to Haruko, "You said you thought of something that you had to tell all of us, and we arn't all here anymore." * Satoshi nods. "Thanks a lot, Haruko. If there's anything I can ever do for you, just let me know." ( Get on the motercycle Satoshi.) * Haruko nods and smiles at Satoshi, then thinks a moment and stomps her foot and pouts. "Don't distract me, I forgot all about the thing, and..." She then sighs as she notices Taki is right and the gang is spread. We'll just have to wait untill she gets back, or tomarrow might be better. * Haruko nods, "We'll see how long it takes. It can wait, but Satoshi, you remind me in case I forget." * Satoshi nods. "Got it." Ok. Actually, Taki, I should tell you the general idea now, I think I've mentioned to everyone else. ::Haruko walks to quite conversation range with Taki:: (No seperate channel need, not that important) * Kyon smirks. "But tomorrow is the Queen's date. Can't let ideas get in the way of that." * Haruko shakes her head and smiles. "No, tonight! That's why I wanted to get this over with." * Haruko then turns and speaks softly to Taki. "I may have figured out what my way to find Reiji is. I don't see the connection, but who knows. There's a problem though." * Taki mummers back, "What's the catch?" * Haruko keeps a quiet tone. "I'm honor bound to not give any real details, so I'd have to perhaps start down the path to Judgment without everyone knowing what was happening." * Taki uses the same tone, "...I don't know what to say, both paths didn't look too good to me, but if you think your path is the right one..." (So go for it, if you want. 20 minutes isn't enough time, you think?) * Haruko frowns and stays quiet. "I'm not sure. But I think I'll know more before I commit myself." * Haruko continues talking quietly. "The talk will be a vote, I'd want everyone's okay on this first. Particularly as it might impact on one of us." * Taki nods and then quietly adds, "That sounds like a good idea, the more we know... or in this case you know, the better decision you can make." * Haruko nods in agreement with Taki. * Kyon shrugs quickly. "So wait. Can do it later." He leans down, picks up his bag, and walks off towards the gate and his motorcycle. [Session End]