[Day: Monday, March 10th. Time: 5:30 p.m.] [Weather: Warm and rainy.] [Earlier you met a freaky guy, then did some experiments, then met a woman who demanded you make her life easier. As she was leaving Kaede got a phone call that probably bodes poorly. You're all in the lobby of Tokyo Tower, except Haruko, who chased after the mystery woman.] [And Satoshi! Satoshi isn't there!] [Session Start] * Katie wipes at her eyes, then goes back to looking at Kaede. "Who was it?" * Kaede draws his phone away from his ear and holds it in front of his face, just staring at it for a few moments. * Taki watches Kaede for a bit, "What happened?" * Kaede suddenly breaks out into a run, heading for the entrance as quick as his feet take him, manuevering through people if he has to. Kaede?! * Katie blinks, then jumps to her feet, barely grabs the satchel in time, and runs after him. * Taki pushes herself to her feet and runs after Katie. [On the way out, Kaede bumps into Haruko. Literally.] * Kaede mutters under his breath. "Damn it...not now..why now?" He looks over his shoulder at the yells and oofs, landing on his bottom and his glasses go flying. * Haruko had been scowling a bit as she walked, and now she's on the ground, with a more confused scowl. Damn it, damn it damn it... Uh? Kaede? What's going on? * Kaede scowers amongst the floor to reclaim his glasses. * Taki slows down just in time to avoid adding herself to the pile on the ground. "Kaede? Are you allright? What happened?" * Katie slows and stops, picking up Kaede's glasses. She hands them to him. * Haruko gets up, keeping her eyes on Kaede. * Kaede reaches for his glasses and puts them on his face, adjusting them properly. "It's Remi." Is she in trouble? * Katie seems about to say something, but Haruko beat her to it. I...the phone cut out mid-sentence...but she sounded frantic... * Kaede scrambles to his feet. We've got to go. NOW! * Haruko nods. "Alright. Where is she." She didn't have a chance to say...either the school or her house...I'd check her house first. Where's her house? Have you been there Taki? Sorry, I don't know where it is. * Katie looks at Kaede. "Do you think... maybe, can you track her with the phone? Can your powers work that way?" It's a loong ways from here though...I'll try. * Haruko had still been wearing the insulated gloves, as Kaede is question she slips them off and puts on her leather ones. * Kaede blinks slightly. "I...it's possible." He looks at the phone. "But the thing is..even if it doesn't work, would that be because they don't work that way or that it'd only work if she were on the line..." We'll start moving. Try it as we go. Don't worry about that, we aren't experimenting at the moment. * Taki nods. Actualy... * Taki digs out her cellphone. * Kaede grips his phone and concentrates. Hard. * Taki calls Satoshi. * Haruko finishes with her gloves and glances around the street as she waits. * Haruko runs a gloved hand through her hair, taking out what seems to be some sort of strange hair pin she keeps scanning the immediate vicinity. * Kaede presses the callback button and concentrates. His brow creases a bit. * Katie glances at Haruko's hairpin, but doesn't comment. She runs her hand over her eyes one more time and takes a deep breath, forcing herself to be calm. Or at least seem calm. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6+2) and gets 9. * Taki starts to pace as she waits. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6-2) and gets 8. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6) and gets 12, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "The gods giveth, and the gods taketh away. This time, they taketh away." * Katie blinks, then gives Haruko a double-take. * Taki continues to pace. * Haruko flicks her eyes towards Katie for a moment as she notices the double take, but doesn't say anything. Instead she starts looking through her bag, regularly looking up at Kaede as she does so. * Kaede opens his eyes slowly. A flash flickers across them just briefly as does so, and puts away the phone. "Got it. Come on." * Taki stops walking in circles and asks Kaede where we're going. * Kaede starts to walk away, then stumbles, falling to his knees and rubbing his forehead. * Haruko looks up at Kaede again and in a fairly commanding voice queries. "Where are we going?" * Katie nods. "Okay." She blinks, then runs over to Kaede and reaches down to help him up. I'm...not sure. It's just a feeling. * Haruko grabs a ruler from her bag. * Taki runs twords Kaede, and watches Katie get there first. Think the subway is the fastes way there? * Kaede waves off the help and tries to pick himself up. His eyes look fairly droopy. * Haruko closes and grabs her bag and the runs over to Kaede. * Katie helps him up, whether he wants it or not. Let's...go to the station. * Katie nods and helps him head there, too, since she doesn't trust him to walk on his own. * Kaede dusts himself off and hurries out. * Taki nods and follows the group. * Haruko gets next to him. "Alright, but if it'd be faster, we could drive, you could navigate." * Katie blinks, then hurries after him. You have a car, Haruko? Drive in what? Nevermind that. Would it be faster? I don't think we need trouble with the law right now. I'd ride my bike, but I think she needs all the help she can get. All I know is we need to get there somehow..come on. * Kaede heads towards the nearest subway station. I wish I could help. * Taki follows Kaede some more. * Haruko follows and rolls her eyes. "Speed might matter.." (Aagh! Eye-rolling! She's channeling Kyon!) (She hasn't smirked yet though) Do you have the car HERE, Haruko? If I need one enough, yes, do your instincts say it'd be much better to take one? ...you're not hotwiring a car for this. In that case we run. * Haruko gets running. "For Kami sake if the dangers bad enough it's worth it. If we get pulled over Taki can just teleport us to a rooftop after we park." Let's not get that lady any angrier at us than we have too. * Katie just runs. Fast. Screw her, Remi matters more. * Taki makes with the running. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kaede (2d6) and gets 9. [About a block from the station, Kaede stumbles and falls.] (...ow.) (Poor Kaede. This isn't his day. ;_;) * Kaede thumps face first on the pavement. Kaede! * Haruko runs to his side and bends down. Kaede! * Taki runs up as well. * Haruko quickly checks him over. "Are you alright?" * Katie stops to help him up again. * Kaede groans and shakes his head, his eyes slowly opening. "Dammit dammit dammit...I lost it..." It...wasn't her house..I know that much. * Haruko bites her lip. "Alright, school, or fortune teller?" * Taki kneels next to him, "Wherever it is, we'll help you get there..to her." Did you lose it completely? (Did Haruko still have her phone or had she lent it to someone?) * Kaede nods. It looks like he's being overly cautious about nodding. As if he's afraid his head'll fall off if he does it too quickly. I think...I still remember where it last was though. Okay. * Katie offers him help up. "Where?" * Haruko puts a hand on Kaede's arm. "Here, put your arm over my shoulder. Katie or Taki too I guess, we can help you move." * Taki nods again. I...I told you, I don't know the name of it..it's just...a direction. Like a blip kind of. Then we'll go twords that blip. Then we'll help you get there. You said we don't have time. Take me to the station. * Kaede weakly puts his arm around Haruko's shoulder. * Haruko holds on and tries to carefully get up, testing her strength. * Taki offers her shoulder for Kaede's other arm and if he doesn't take it she'll walk beside him. [Kaede's cell phone rings!] * Haruko manages to get him up and gets moving, she's not going too fast but she's striving for a good pace. * Kaede starts to reach for Taki, then blinks, reaching into his pocket and putting his cell to his ear. "He-hello?" * Haruko holds up unless Kaede makes any effort to keep moving. * Kaede tries to walk and talk. * Taki stays with him * Kaede 's eyes narrow. He looks slightly more alert. "Who's this?" * Haruko gets moving again, trying for as fast as Kaede can go. * Katie scoots after them. Hovering, kind of, but... her eyes widen. * Kaede blinks again, then pulls his phone away. His expression cracks a bit and he snarls, tossing his cell in the snow. Kaede? * Kaede turns his head slowly to Katie. His expression looks rather dark. "They want you." * Katie 's eyes widen. "Me? Wait, The Band?" Wha? * Haruko grimaces. "Did they give a meeting place?" Maybe...they want Judgment. Seiryuu. * Kaede turns to Taki. "And no teleporting" * Katie picks up Kaede's phone and holds it out to him. [It rains harder. You're really wet.] They were explicit about that. Damnit. But...but She wasn't even there when Satoshi hurt...Okaay. Did they say Taki had to be there? I guess this means I'll have to call Satoshi again. They just said to bring Judgement. No cops, no teleporting in. * Kaede snatches the phone. His locks drip down over his face. * Katie nods at Taki. "Call him." She seems to have a good clamp on her emotions now, as all that really shows is anger in her eyes. "If they want me, they can have me." What will it take for them to belive us when we tell them that you arn't Judgment? * Taki turns away and dials Satoshi again. * Haruko nods and gets moving. "Alright..." Her expression goes sort of blank. "Perhaps Taki should gather allies and listen in on a cell phone." A miracle. Or Judgement obliterating them for real..whichever comes first. * Kaede sighs. "Let's just head that way." If they put up a field it won't do any good. * Haruko bites her lip and gets moving. "There's another way, it just may not be good enough." * Katie brushes her drenched hair out of her face and starts walking to the station. * Haruko nods. "True.. Hmm.. Keade, do you think you have enough energy to make one last call from a field if you have to?" * Taki is getting sogged, but she doesn't seem to mind much as she holds the phone to her ear. * Kaede frowns slightly as he remembers something. "The subway's not going to get there fast enough..." * Katie glances at Kaede. "When do we need to get there?" Teleport...like two blocks away or so. I don't think they'll be against that. * Katie looks to Taki. * Kaede turns to Katie. "15 minutes." * Haruko nods. "Good idea." * Katie stops and turns to Taki. "Fine." There's no other way I can think of we can get there in time. I wonder what she's going to do to me for this? * Katie glances around. (Are there many people here?) C'mon people let's get this madness started. * Haruko looks at Kaede. "It is a fifteen minute drive, but I think you're right about teleporting." [There's not too many people around; it's raining, so nobody's out unless they need to be.] It's cutting it too close...way too close. Let's just go! Now! * Taki concentraits in the direction of the school. * Haruko awkwardly puts her hairpin away with her free arm as she waits for the teleport. (Spends the EP to boost her Mind) 2 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2 2d6-2) and gets 2 8. (Well, we got halfway there...) (DR?) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "I love you. Do you love me too? Y_ N_" (Well, that's good) (I'd say so.) (::puts a great big heart next to the Y::) [You teleport, winding up on the block across the street from Seiryuu High. Since the campus is really large, you probably weren't noticed.] * Taki rubs at her head, "Remind me not to do this again anytime soon..." * Kaede looks up at the school. "This is it, isn't it...? * Katie nods. She walks to the school. Well, we're here... * Haruko gets moving towards the school, helping Kaede along. * Kaede tries to walk on his own, yet still can't quite make it, so resigns himself to the help. [The rain begins to slow down. Seiryuu's campus looks a lot more impressive with the cherry blossom trees now blooming. And Satoshi is coming down the street just as you get to the gate.] * Satoshi spots the rest of the group and runs towards them. * Taki walks alongside Kaede, rubbing at her head with the arm away from him. * Katie doesn't even look in his direction; she just walks through. * Haruko gives a weak wave over to Satoshi. She glances over at Taki as she walks. "Think we should call Ryuji, see if we have more backup available?" Ryuji, Saki, anybody else you want, if this goes badly they probibly won't get here in time. Are you too tired to pick them up? If we're lucky and they're somewhere you've been before at least. Unless we send me or Jin to get them...yeah I could try. * Satoshi nods to Haruko. He looks very, very angry. * Katie looks to Kaede. "Where at Seiryuu?" * Kaede shakes his head slowly. "They..they didn't say. Just said at Seiryuu." * Haruko keeps moving and grabs her cell phone with her free hand. "Wouldn't hurt to call. I could do it if someone gave me his number, or you could call Taki." I don't have very many phone numbers... * Katie heads into the building. * Taki finaly notices Satoshi, "Satoshi! Could you go with Katie?" [You get closer to the school. It looks like all the teachers have gone home for the night. And the sun is setting behind you.] * Haruko calls after her, "Katie, what's Ryuji's number?" * Satoshi nods and follows Katie in, saying nothing. I don't know. * Kaede breaks away from Haruko and stumbles his way in. * Haruko hovers next to Kaede, ready to catch him if need be. "Uh, Kaede, do you know Ryuji's nunmber?" * Taki looks at Haruko, "I could try the roof of our school, but they've probibly gone home by now..." * Haruko mutters to herself. "Why didn't I get it.. sure it would have been forward but..." * Kaede rattles off Ryuji's number. It looks like he doesn't fully hear Haruko's question and he's doing it subconsciously from memory. He's still walking forward. * Haruko dials it and keeps at Kaede's side. [The school looks like an old European cathedral. The front doors lead to a hall that goes either left or right, or a staircase upward.] * Katie looks around. "We don't have time." She pulls her ear helpers from her satchel and puts them in, closing her eyes. * Haruko still makes the call, and listens to see if anyone picks up. * Satoshi adjusts the strap of his sports bag, which is slung over his shoulder. He still hasn't said anything. [Nobody picks up.] * Kaede tries to make as little noise as possible, which is hard since his feet feel heavy. * Katie grits her teeth and walks away from Haruko, heading for the stairs. * Kaede follows Katie. * Taki waits with Haruko to see if there's anywhere she has to go before she can't teleport. * Haruko sighs and hangs up the phone, she shakes her head in Taki's direction. * Haruko keeps right next to Kaede. * Taki nods and heads into the school. * Katie goes up the stairs! If possible. [It IS possible to go up the stairs! They go up!] (But do they also go down? ....Why can I remember stupid lawer tricks and not anything usefull?) [They go down, too.] * Satoshi follows Katie up the stairs. * Katie narrows her eyes and removes the helpers, stuffing them in her pocket. She starts running up the stairs. * Satoshi runs after Katie. * Kaede goes as fast as he can in his state after Katie. * Taki runs after Katie, she's been doing a lot of that today. * Haruko turns to Kaede as they move. "Here, put your arm around me again, it'll be faster." * Kaede sighs but doesn't seem to put up much of a fight, doing as told. * Haruko does her best to move him along, she looks like she's seriously straining but makes the pace a bit quicker. * Haruko doesn't keep up with the runners though. [You go up and up, past the door that leads towards the roof, and to the one that leads to the belltower.] (Oooh, nice and dramatic.) (...I'm having flashbacks to one of my dreams here @_@) (Heh. That all the descrip, Brett?) ( Oh? How do you want me to kill Taki? :P ) ( Until you open the door, yes. ) * Haruko mutters as she goes. "Why'd it have to be a roof.?" * Katie opens the door to the tower and steps in without a hint of hesitation. (Third story, one of Katies knives in the back) (Yes, most of your dreams do end in a disturbingly similar manner...) ( It's not a roof. It's a belltower :P ) (I can arrange that.) (Fortunatly Taki lived through that one) * Satoshi follows Katie in, hesitating for just the briefest of moments. * Taki doesn't hesitate as she runs through. * Haruko sighs as she passes the roof and keeps moving, still at least a few paces behind the others 'cause she and Kaede aren't fast. "Oh, a belltower, even better." * Kaede tries to push Haruko forward with him. Mush. (*laughs*) (::laughs:: Well, that makes the first time that, by implication in this case, Haruko's been called a bitch.) (Ha!) [The door opens into a large, mostly empty square floor. The walls go up, eventually turning to columns that support the steeple (is that the right word? Steeple?). A narrow staircase at the end leads to a walkway around the large bell, which hangs overhead.] (Hmm, no floors...not the tower in my dream) [Near the stairs is a chair. Tied to the chair and gagged is a Remi. Behind the Remi is a boy about your ages that you haven't seen before. He's sort of handsome, if you can get passed the X-shaped scar between his eyes. He's got long black hair tied into a ponytail at his neck, and blue eyes. He's wearing a black suit and a grey trenchcoat.] * Katie glances around, then focuses on the man and walks toward him. "What do you want?" (Manboy!) (Whatever. :P) (People our age get called man or boy, woman or girl!) * Man holds out a hand. "Don't move." His voice is calm, like Ryuji's, but deeper, and sounds almost emotionless. * Taki stops running when she sees Remi and the man, she says a a single word, "Why?" * Katie stops, glaring at him. * Satoshi halts, his hands at his sides, trying really hard not to clench them into fists. * Kaede stumbles in, half dragging Haruko with him, taking in the scene, stopping once he hears the order. * Haruko stumbles in, half dragging Kaede with her, and does the same. Well. You called. * Taki stays where she is. The answer to that question should be obvious. You've heard of the phrase, "An eye for an eye"? Many times. Why? * Taki blinks and looks at the mans scar. * Haruko looks up at the man and straightens up a bit. It's your turn to lose an eye. * Satoshi finally speaks up. "For *what*, exactly?" ( The man's scar doesn't look that bad. In fact, it might even be considered cool. ) What did she do to you? (Kenshin-scar except over the nose.) * Haruko bites her lip for a moment and seems to be thinking. Everyone. Quiet. [Natsuko steps out from a corner. "You hurt Tenjirou."] Katie had nothing to do with that! * Haruko looks up. "Let her go and I'll heal him." * Katie doesn't make any show of emotion. She looks at Natsuko. "No, I don't think I did." *He* started it. And if you want somebody... take me. * Kaede turns towards Natsuko. "I didn't think you cared. You threw the first punch. * Kaede holds up his hand for everyone to quiet down. And I have no intention of hurting the girl. She's just our hostage. And what he did to me doesn't count for anything? * Haruko bites her lip but defers to Kaede. He ensnared them with his mind control powers. *That's* starting it, if you ask me. * Satoshi then shuts up. * Kaede looks cooly to Taki, then back to the man. "You're right. I did." * Taki grits her teath, but quites down. And I'm sure, in my position, you'd do the same. You're absolutely right. That's why we're in this position now. * Katie goes back to looking up at the man. So you let Tenjirou run wild like that instead? You think you have a right to decide how he can live? * Taki bursts out, "You think he has the right to decide how *I* live?" Let me guess...you're Zein? * Haruko glares at Natsuko. "If it invovles being a rapist, yeah, I do." * Katie winces, slightly. * Kaede looks straight at the man as he speaks, ignoring the shouts around him. Zein? Hardly. Then I'd prefer a proper introduction. I don't explain my actions to strangers. I wouldn't be so hasty to make demands if I were you. * Haruko then regains more control, there's still anger in her eyes, but she looks more formal and distant and shuts up again. * Man puts his hand on Remi's shoulder. "Someone could get hurt." Remi, for her part, looks pretty terrified. But you can't really blame her. * Taki is trembling slightly, and dripping on the floor, but that's not important. It wasn't a demand. It was more a request. I don't think you'll listen to what I have to say anyways. You're right. Why don't you let her go. She's my trump card. * Kaede looks slowly at Natsuko. "Tell me honestly. Why do you think I hit Tenjirou?" Because he said so. That's not what I meant... More importantly...why would I call the ambulance after? Because you're terrified of being labelled murderers. * Satoshi winces. * Kaede looks at the man. And his face cracks. He starts snickering, then laughing nervously. * Haruko looks at the man. "Labels are irrelevent, we don't want to kill, not because we're afraid, but because it's wrong." Is it? It's what we were designed for. And come now. There was a field up. We could have gotten away easily without anyone implicating us. * Taki just shakes her head and tries to find her voice again. How many Arcana do you know who have powers that would be extremely useful in a war? How many do you know that have very specific powers that do nothing other than destroy? * Katie looks evenly at him. "So we were designed to kill? Murder? Is that what you think?" What about the ones that don't though? Shingo Ryuuzaki can only create weapons with his transmutation power. Think about that. * Haruko tilts her head. "Many would do equally well at espionage or theft. As for myself I protect and heal, destruction is not all of our purposes." * Kaede pushes his glasses up his nose. You can use a knife for things other than hurting people. * Man shrugs at Haruko. "You heal the wounded soldiers." And what do you use a spear for? How about a mace? In very old times, fishing. * Taki speaks softly, "That cannot be all...And even if it was once, there are other things that can be done with our powers...Has Shingo ever tried to make a tool? An axe is both a weapon and a tool." Then why can't he make a pitchfork? Or a shovel? Police have weapons too. It's about the intent behind the weapon. Killing is the easy way, but it isn't the best way. * Kaede shakes his head slowly. "This isn't about what Arcana were "designed" for. This is about Tenjirou." It's the only way for us. You'll figure that out. Or you'll die. All of us will die eventualy...It's one of thoes things that happens to things that are alive... What matters to me is what we do while we're alive. (Tell Saki that. ^_~) (She too will pass.) We live on. Not our bodies, but our memories. * Katie smiles humorlessly. "So it was some memory that told you this." Do you truely think otherwise? Then I'd like to look back at this life and know that I lived it the way I wanted to. And your decendant will have to live with your failure. There was a Arcana council once. That means there could be another way, a means of regulation for the rogues and some peace for the rest. * Kaede growls slightly and holds out both arms, stumbling slightly. "I've had enough." * Kaede looks slowly up at the man. "You asked me here. What exactly is it you want?" * Taki bites back a retort and looks at Kaede. * Katie glares back at her own group. I'm sorry to say..I didn't bring Judgement though. * Man casts his eyes down at Remi. "You didn't? That's unfortunate." If you're looking for Katherine Andrews, though, I'm right here. * Kaede looks cooly at the man. "I brought who you seem to believe is Judgement. And that would be.." He gestures his head towards Katie. But it's up to you to decide if she really is Judgement or not. And if she is not, YOUR descendant will have to live with your failure. You have no idea what failure is. * Kaede smirks slightly. "Don't I? What do you really know about me?" Hmm. Don't know any more about you than you know about Tenjirou. Fair enough. But I do know that he was using her... * Kaede gestures his head towards Remi. She came to him. And Kaede's sister? And he did the same to my sister. Did she come to him? They always come to him. * Kaede tilts his head slightly to the side. "Willingly?" * Taki glares at Natsuko, "I certainly don't remember coming to him willingly." That depends. On what? On? There's justifaction for this? He can't turn it off. Then why hasn't it worked on you? * Kaede tilts his head to the other side. "...or has it?" Who says it hasn't? But he wouldn't do anything to me. * Taki blinks and looses a good chunck of her rage in confusion. Apparently, he would to others. * Katie continues, ever so calmly, "But him not doing anything to you must make it okay." And if you had a power like that? What would you do? How long could you honestly push people away without destroying your soul? If I did? I would probably become a nun. * Katie looks at Natsuko. "I'd find out." * Taki mumbles something about half her life. * Natsuko shrugs. "So did he." So you're saying Tenjirou's a victim? I don't believe this. (Tenjirou became a nun?) (I love that image. Tenjirou in a habit!) (Tenjirou as Bridget. Hee. ^^) (I suddenly wish I could gouge out my mental eyes...) I'm saying it isn't fair. No. It's not, it isn't fair for the girls either though. And he has a choice, they don't. Guess he doesn't have the superhuman willpower you people seem to. Hah. Willpower. * Taki shakes her head sadly. I don't excuse rape. I can't believe you would. * Katie glances at the man. "Anything else?" If I had the willpower you thought I had, I wouldn't have punched him. And it was only supposed to be ONE punch. Tenjirou's the one that was out for blood. You're telling me you wouldn't fight back if someone attacked you? * Taki looks at Natsuko, "You're telling me that if you saw one of your friends being used, you wouldn't try do everything you could to stop it?" * Kaede shrugs slightly, his palms facing up. "That depends." * Haruko nods in agreement with Taki. Irregardless. * Kaede pushes his glasses up his nose. "You want an eye for an eye? I'm here. You agree that I'm the one that threw the punch. Go ahead and throw one back, if you feel Tenjirou's really the victim here." One punch isn't enough. We're going to leave you with some cracked ribs, at the very least. That's fine. Kaede! You could barely walk here! * Katie grits her teeth, but doesn't say a word.. Stay out of this, Taki-san. * Man shrugs. "Tenjirou couldn't walk at all when you finished with him." So why are you still talking? * Natsuko heads over towards the man. * Kaede takes off his uniform jacket and tosses it to the nearest person. Kaede, *no*! It should be me. *I'm* the one that did this. (That'd probably be Haruko. Haruko, catch jacket!) * Haruko grabs the jacket. "Damn it, I could heal him, isn't that good enough? It's better than more violence." It would be, but he doesn't want reason, he wants revenge... Satoshi. Shut up. * Man whispers something to Natsuko, then moves forwards, untill he's halfway between you and her. "No, it's not. Feel free to heal your friend when I'm through, but we will see bloodshed." But... So...this will be Justice? This isn't justice. But it's Kaede's choice. * Katie looks at Taki. "You'll respect that." * Taki nods slowly. I really don't care who it is. Any one of you will do. * Kaede holds his arms straight out to his sides, looking straight at the man with a completely neutral gaze. * Haruko looks at the man. "Leave no injury I can't heal." * Man eyes Haruko. "They didn't seem to care about that when they attacked Tenjirou." * Katie laughs, then says, "I'd offer myself, but I don't think he'd let me." She looks at Kaede. "Would you?" * Kaede doesn't say a word. He just keeps his steady eyes on the man approaching. All of us who were there had some part in it. * Haruko bites her lip. "Don't scar Kaede and I'll do what I can for Tenjirou. But understand, I will never let Tenjirou alone with a woman unless I am certain it's of her own free will." * Satoshi blinks several times, looking like he's on the verge of... crying? Exploding? It's really hard to tell. * Man has stopped in the center of the room, actually. * Kaede hasn't let up his gaze yet. He's barely blinked. But he's pretty much as still as a statue. * Katie looks at him, then Kaede. * Man is actually kinda tall, now that you notice he's not standing behind Remi. And muscular, too. * Katie lets several uncomfortable moments pass, then takes a step past Kaede. And another one. She walks to meet the unnamed, possible band member. ...why are you hesitating? * Satoshi fights back the urge to run after her. * Taki watches Katie. Katie, step back. You said it was my choice. I'm waiting for you to come to me. * Taki walks forward, "And this is our choice." You don't want to come to me then? * Kaede blinks and looks at Taki, cracking just a bit of a scowl. * Katie stops and looks back at Kaede. "Then make it." Her tone is even, but she's obviously restraining something, "But I don't want to see you hurt." * Kaede steps forward slowly and puts a hand on Katie's shoulder, replying evenly. "Then don't watch." You did throw the first punch, but there is no denying that if I wasn't there Satoshi wouldn't have done what he did, so this is also my responcibiity. * Haruko moves forward to stand next to Taki. It doesn't matter. It does to me. And if you want him to take it all out on you I won't stop you. I belive that I was also at fault. * Kaede looks over at each of them, then back to the man. * Man waits patiently. His experession hasn't changed since you came in here. Just..stay back. Please. Katie...you too. * Haruko looks at the mans eyes. "Does it have to be only one person, or are you willing to divide it?" * Satoshi takes a step forward. "It's *my* fault he ended up like he did. I'm the one he should be taking it out on... but, Kaede... I'll..." He can't seem to finish. It's no easy thing to divide pain. * Satoshi is very visibly torn. Nor is it easy to accept that you made a mistake. One hit each versus rather than one person hit five times, the math is simple enough. * Katie clenches her fists and glares at the floor, but just for a moment. She turns the glare to Natsuko, who's standing near Remi. "Let her go." When this is over. * Taki nods "I will not run." No. Let her go now. I have no reason to trust you not to kill Kaede. Why don't you give me one. * Satoshi looks shocked. Apparently, *that* possibility hadn't occurred to him yet. Poor, naive Satoshi. * Kaede turns towards the man and pushes his glasses. "Katie..it'll be alright." Would you rather we kill the girl? * Katie turns those gray eyes to meet the man who just spoke. I would rather you not kill anybody, but since when has what I said mattered to anyone here? * Man betrays no emotion to Katie. * Katie only shows fury to him, but it's contained disturbingly well. "I should not have to make a choice as to who dies. If what you said was right, nobody will. Now, let her go." There's no reason for us to believe you won't just teleport out of here if we do. Katie. Don't argue. Just...why doesn't anyone listen to me? * Haruko just watches. Then hit me first, then let her go. Because I care about you. * Katie turns her attention to Natsuko. "Well?" * Kaede looks oddly at Katie, then sighs. "Then, you'll respect my decision." After. * Katie growls. "I have no reason to believe you." She looks at Kaede. "I think they might kill you. I don't think they'll care. And if you don't care if you live or die, that's up to you, but I do." * Kaede blinks slightly at that. * Kaede turns to the man. "I'm tired of this. Hit me now." Very well. * Katie closes her eyes. * Taki trembles again, but she watches * Haruko stares at Kaede and the man. * Man throws a right hook at Kaede's face, smashing him in the cheek. * Man then tosses a fist into his gut. * Taki winces with each hit. * Haruko flinches with each hit and starts to cry, but she doesn't turn away. * Man bashes an elbow into Kaede's head while he's bent over from the last blow, knocking him to the ground. * Kaede 's cheek turns with the impact, he turns slightly to face the man again, then bends slightly at the second hit, giving a oof and staggering a little but trying not to flinch. * Man kicks him once in the ribs while he's down there, with an accompanied crack. * Taki pushes her hair out from infront of her face and continues to watch silently untill Kaede falls. * Katie winces, placing her hands over her ears as this happens. At the sound of the cracks, she yells, "Stop!" * Kaede flies just an inch off the ground before landing on his back, letting out a grimace at the kick. Stop this! That's *enough*! It's.... We stopped when he couldn't stand anymore! * Kaede coughs out a bit of blood and collapses. You've more than made up for what *he* did! This... this goes way beyond that. Take it out on *me*, dammit! It's *my* fault! * Satoshi rushes over. * Katie opens her eyes and turns to Natsuko, storming up to her. "Let her go! Now!" * Man looks down at Kaede. "And it looks like he can't stand anymore either." * Haruko rushes forward to Kaede and holds and heals him. He couldn't stand before you kicked him! * Natsuko looks over to the man, who nods. She starts undoing Remi's bonds. * Natsuko finishes and heads over to the door. So does the man. * Katie is visibly restraining herself. A wild wind picks up inside the tower, and she steps after them. "Wait." * Man waits, half turning. If he's impressed at all, he doesn't show it. * Taki stops stareing into space as the wind blows her hair back into it's usual place. * Kaede isn't moving at all. He's a complete mess. His eyes are closed almost peacefully though. * Katie doesn't seem to have noticed the weather effects. "If you think I'm Judgement, why don't you kill me?" * Haruko is kneeling next to Kaede and has pulled him up a bit so his head rest on her legs. She has one hand on his cheek and the other on his chest and barely notices the wind. * Natsuko says bitterly, "I'd like to." * Taki turns to look at the man. * Satoshi looks at Kaede, horror evident on his face, then turns to watch the two Band members. Senshirou? How about you? Because you're not Judgement. * Natsuko looks at Senshirou, evidently surprised. * Taki says bitterly, "I'm glad somebody belives that." It was a test. * Man (Senshirou) turns and heads down the stairs. Natsuko follows after a few seconds of shock. * Remi meanwhile finishes untying herself from the chair and hurries over to Kaede. She's already crying. * Katie watches them leave, then falls to her knees, sobbing. * Taki turns to the others, "Do any of you know where I can go scream and scream untill it stops hurting?" * Satoshi just stands there, completely unable to say anything. [Session End]