[Day: Unknown. Time: Unknown.] [Weather: Either very clear of very cloudy, it's hard to tell; the sky seems grey. There's ample light, but no way of even approximating the time of day.] [Kyon and Taki wake up iiiiin.... A church! The church is as tall as a three-story building, yet the church itself only has one floor. It sports tall stained-glass windows and a pipe-organ. Taki is sprawled across the alter while Kyon's slumped in the confessional. Symbolism? Or do I just not have any better ideas? You decide.] [Start!] d2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (d2) and gets 2. * Kyon stirs, and looks cautiously around the little room for a bit before realizing what it is. He looks at the screen, trying to see if anyone's on the other side of it. * Taki rolls onto her side and rubs her eyes, "Ugh...I forget the alarm again? * Taki sits up, and then rubs her eyes again. Jin? [Kyon can't tell if there's someone on the other side; the hatch is closed.] * Kyon shrugs quickly, and pulls the curtain open a bit, peeking outside to see if anyone's around. * Taki crawls to the edge of the alter and looks around for Jin, or at least a good idea of how high up she is. [Kyon sees... Taki! Taki sees... not Jin. And the alter isn't that high. 3, maybe 4 feet.] * Taki sits down on the edge of the alter and then slides off, "Oof...Jin, are you here?" * Kyon steps out of the confession booth completely, and smirks at Taki. "Thought the bike salesman was the martyr. Taking over his role?" Ahh, there's one...And I'm not ready to die yet, I've still got things I want to do...Howabout you? Anything that you need to get off you chest? * Kyon looks back over his shoulder. "Reiji always had a strange sense of humor." I wonder if he talked Jin into this, or if it's something he can do... * Taki gives another quick look around for the chicken-obsessed boy. * Kyon shrugs disinterestedly. "When you got ported around before, ever end up somewhere like this?" He moves quietly in front of the door to the other side of the booth, and opens it a bit. [Taki sees no Jin!] * Taki tilts her head a bit, "I only got dragged off once...I just suddenly noticed that I was at a train station, and didn't have the faintest idea how I'd gotten there." * Taki walks down the pews looking to see if anybody is on any of them. * Kyon nods tersely, and opens it a bit more, looking in. "The others never mentioned anything like this. Probably not the vague kid, then." Hmm, so many people who can do this... And I seem to be the only one who asks first. [Kyon sees nobody on that side of the booth.] * Kyon turns back to face the main area, and slowly scans the room to see if there's anything interesting looking. "Yours and his are different. And his and whatever this is seem to be as well." [Kyon sees holy stuff.] * Taki nods, "You're right, it's just annoying when people walk into your life, change it all around and don't even bother to warn you about it." * Kyon starts walking around and examines holy things for something that seems useful. "No one asks for it. But this is what we've got. So I'll deal." [It's hard to tell what could be useful, although Kyon could maybe steal the wine.] * Taki nods, "It's as good a plan as any..." [There's candles, too.] * Taki looks around for any other places her friends might be hidden in. [There's also a cross, a bunch of communion wafers, a Bible...] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6) and gets 8. * Kyon looks at the candles oddly, as if trying to decide if lighting them would be smart, then scans a bit more. Maybe there're some cool looking talismans or something. [Taki doesn't see anywhere her friends could be hiding.] * Taki sighs, "I guess it's just you and me." * Kyon walks down the rows towards the door, looking back and forth and around as he does so, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary or useful. "Better than nothing." I know several people who would argue with you on that. * Kyon smirks, and looks back at her. "I know more than several. Does it matter?" Not in the least. * Kyon turns back away and heads to the door, opening it slowly and bracing himself a bit. * Taki goes to help Kyon with the door. [You open the door. Sure enough, it's not much brighter outside than it was in the church. The first thing you immediately notice is the weather, or lack thereof.] [As for the surroundings, the church is on a block in a city that must be in Japan, because the signs you can see are in Japanese.] Oh good, we can't be that far from home. Now we just need to figure out how to ask how to get to Tokyo without looking like compleat idiots. * Kyon steps out and looks around. He scowls. "You see anyone to ask?" * Taki looks around as well. "Uhm...." [Nope!] Empty church...empty streets... ( Must be in Canada ) * Taki checks the watch that Chikako gave her. [The watch shows nothing.] (Canada has lots of people. And not lots of Japanese. =P) Oh joy...I think we're in a field... * Kyon shrugs hard, and looks around to see if one direction to go is more likely than the other. "Never seen one strong enough to stop the weather." Well, this one stopped my watch too, maybe there's more than one kind of field, like there's more than one way to teleport. [It's hard to tell which direction goes where, not knowing where you are and all.] * Kyon nods somewhat disinterestedly, and arbitrarily starts stalking off towards the left, scanning around as he goes. * Taki follows Kyon for lack of any better ideas. ( This is called "Brett didn't think this out very well". ) [After a bit of walking, Kyon starts to notice a few places he passed while riding; you seem to be somewhere in Tokyo.] * Taki doesn't let the lack of good ideas cut into her babbling though, "It's too bad we don't have anybody who can put one of these, then I wouldn't have to worry if somebody would see us arrive...Wait, wouldn't we have to put the field up before we got there? Then we'd need somebody there before hand, but if we got them there, why not anybody else?" (I can go back to the church and lead Taki in some prayers, if you'd like. ^^) (*laughs*) (Namu namu namu) (*Taki listens to Kyon for a bit, "Very pretty, this helps...How?") * Kyon lets Taki talk as he tries to get more of a bearing. Specifically, he tries to keep eyes open for subway stations or signs or famous landmarks. (If we pray long enough, Katie will come and judge us.) ( "Cast in the name of God...Ye not Guil...wait wrong script.") [You come to an intersection. The traffic lights are, of course, not working.] * Taki continues to babble about the impracticalites of trying to teleport without anybody seeing them. * Kyon looks back at her coolly. "Either this field is so big that going one place to another wouldn't be an issue, or whoever's creating it is following us. Or, it's not a field." He looks around the intersection for anything useful for direction. [Down a ways, at the center of another intersection, you see something unexpected: A figure shrouded in a black cloak with a hood. You can see no hands or arms on the garment. It's face is covered by a mask: It's round and white, with three round black dots where the eyes and mouth should be; it looks kind of like a bowling ball.] ( The mask looks like a bowling ball, not the figure :P ) (It's one of those forest spirits!) * Taki whispers to Kyon, "I'm going to go with the following theory." (Oooh! Does its head tilt and then it clatters?) (Oh wait. No. It's that no-name thing from Spirited Away.) (Oh. Well, whatever you do, don't take the gold, then!) ( Yes, it resembles the Spirited Away thing, but the mask is different :P ) ( And it's not trying to eat you ) (That's always an advantage.) (::tries to picture it giving Taki what she wants, and then winces at the twisted parodies of the rest of the cast that are all calm and nice and happy:: >.>) * Kyon rocks back on his heels, and squints off into the distance, looking at it. Then he looks around for anything else. He nods tersely. [Kyon sees nothing else!] (No, something *else* is trying to eat you. >.>) (I thought *you* had Saki.) (Lets see, other psycho Arcana...I know, it's Chariot!) * Taki whispers again, "So, shall we go say hello, or stand here staring all day?" * Kyon stands regarding it a bit longer, then says in a very low tone, "We go. If it's hostile, we cut out." He starts down towards the thing. * Taki follows a step or two behind Kyon and replies in the same tone, "Think the church is far enough?" * Kyon shrugs tersely and nods minutely as he goes on. * Taki lapses into silence. [The thing is apparently staring to the left of the street you come down, it's not moving at all.] * Kyon glances off in the direction that the thing is staring at to see if there's a reason for it. * Taki waits for a better view. [The world itself seems like there's a shade of grey cast across everything. Like it's on somewhat low-quality film. ] [Kyon can't see anything special down that road.] [When you get closer, you can hear the thing breathing; it's loud, sounding like Darth Vader.] * Taki takes a deep breath, glances at Kyon, and then walks to the front of the figure, "Uhm...excuse me." * Kyon rocks back on his heels and waits, jamming his hands in his pockets. [The thing doesn't respond to Taki at all.] * Taki swallows and tries again, "My friend and I are lost, and I was wondering if you could help us." [No response.] * Kyon withdraws his deck of tarot cards, and shuffles them against his chest with a snap. * Taki hears the sound and looks to see what Kyon's up to. [Still nothing!] * Kyon smirks, and shuffles them again. "Look like a Hermit." * Taki blinks. * Kyon holds them up in a fan, and shakes his head bemusedly. "Don't suppose you feel like taking one." * Taki tries to figure out what he's looking at. * Kyon holds out the cards a bit more, then glances through them and picks out the Hermit himself, holding it up facing the figure. "No?" [No response!] * Kyon shrugs, shuffles them one more time with a snap, then tucks them away. He looks sidewise at Taki. "This is a waste of time. Let's move on." That has to be the most boring existance I can think of...I wonder what he thinks about...or if he's just going to stare at the road forever doing nothing. * Kyon walks on a bit past the figure, then looks back over him towards where he's staring it to see if the viewpoint changed anything. ( Gimme a perception roll, Kyon! ) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6) and gets 8. [Nothing out of the ordinary. Save tall dark and silent here.] (Fine... DR, why not.) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6) and gets 6. [Oh wait! Just when he thought he didn't recognize anything, he sees Seiryuu High School in the distance!] * Kyon scowls a bit, and tries to tell if that's where the guy is staring. * Taki watches Kyon. [Nope, it's in a different direction.] ( Kyon, gimme a mind roll - navigation ) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6) and gets 6. [Kyon is able to figure out that Tokyo Tower is in the general direction that the thing is staring in.] [Although you can't actually see the tower from here.] * Kyon scowls more strongly, and steps back a bit. "Are you even seeing the buildings? Or are you just looking at the Tower?" * Taki blinks, "The Tower...you know where we are?" * Taki looks around for the big pointy metal thing. [Kyon gets no response from the figure.] [And Taki can't see it from here any more than Kyon can.] * Kyon shakes his head quickly, but points off in the direction the figure is looking, then gestures off towards Seiryuu. "Seiryuu is that direction. The Tower would then be the way he's looking." * Taki looks down the street where Kyon pointed, "Ahah! Now that I know where we are...where do you want to go?" * Kyon scans the signs at the intersection to try to memorize where this is, then shrugs quickly. "Seiryuu's closest. Might as well head that way." Mhm, might as well walk then...not that there's anybody here to see if we go the quick way... * Taki guestures to the figure, "Not like he's going to tell anybody." * Kyon shakes his head quickly. "Walk. Save your strength, we might need it." * Taki shrugs, "It's gotten a lot easier for me recently." * Kyon eyes her sidewise, and rolls his shoulders. "If you want to do it that way, fine." * Taki holds her hand out to Kyon, "I was planning on going there anyway, I have some petty revenge to deal out." * Kyon very gingerly reaches out a hand to Taki, and takes hers very lightly. ( Hey!) * Taki makes for the front of the school at the speed of...something fast. (Be quiet. I'll set you up with Kaoru.) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 7. (and nothing happens untill I burn a DR or two ...) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 9, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "The gods giveth, and the gods taketh away. This time, they taketh away." (Yeah, that's something happening alright) (Let's try the other one...it might have bells on) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 0. (And it's door number three!) [Zip! You're in front of the school! Doesn't seem to be anyone here though.] And here we are. * Kyon lets go of Taki's hand, and fixes his armwarmer as he looks around. * Taki doesn't wipe her hand off on her skirt...honest. (Bah. Half the school would have been happy to take your place. =P) * Kyon rocks back on his heels, and jams his hands back into his pockets. "Not much out here. Go in?" * Taki looks around the front of the school anyway, "I wish I knew where Remi's locker was, and that I had still had the chocolate...and that I wasn't in this field. And I don't know, there might be somebody here, it might just be another big building like that church, it's worth a few minuts of our lives." * Kyon nods quickly, and heads inside, constantly looking around as he goes. * Taki follows Kyon in. [Seiryuu High school seems as utterly empty as the rest of the city.] There has to be something here other than us and that...Hermit you called him? Another card I'm going to have to look up when I get home. * Kyon pokes around a bit anyway. He heads down hallways, pokes his head into doorways and looks into room, and searches around. "Yeah. Searching within, staring off but really into yourself, trying to find your answers. Didn't seem like he was looking at much." * Kaede has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer ) * Taki nods as she follows Kyon down the hall. I guess a giant field would fit well, keeps all the distractions out...except us for some reason. * Kyon looks back at Taki sidewise. "Fields never keep us out." Especially if Reiji started it. Though he couldn't before. But if he did, we were right there. * Taki nods, "Then how did the Hermit get here? Maybe he lives in Satoshi's building or something." ( Heh. He's the next door neighbor ^^ ) (He and Jin get together sometimes for tea and chicken.) * Kyon shrugs disinterestedly. "No idea what he was, so no point in speculating. Not even sure this is really a field. Haven't heard of this sort of thing before." He keeps poking around the school, looking for anything or anyone around. [All of the classrooms seem bare.] I guess there realy is nothing here...What do you want to try next? The place he was looking, or back to Satoshi's place? * Kyon heads back towards the school office, then. "If he was looking at the Tower so intently, maybe there's something there. But that's just a guess." * Taki nods, " That's a looong way...and how would we get down there, the elevator...works...anyway..." ...Maybe it's steam powered. I'll have to ask Haruko and Kaede next time we go there together. ( Give me hearing checks ) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6) and gets 9. (I would have made that!) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6) and gets 10. (So? You get deafend by passing trucks) * Kyon goes for the school office, and opens the door. He shrugs as he goes. "The Tower's inherently an Arcana, so it not being affected much makes sense." (Yeah, but I would've made that, too. Nyaaaah. ;P) * Taki nods and follows, she's doing a lot of that today. (And I wouldn't have stuck around long enough to get hit so there :P) [Nobody in there, either.] * Kyon blows out a breath irritatedly, and heads for the gym. ( More hearing checks, at -2! ) * Taki follows Kyon and admires the school. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 7. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kyon (2d6-2) and gets 2. * Kyon stops, and cocks his head. He motions curtly to Taki and starts stalking towards the front of the school again quietly. * Taki doesn't say anything and tries to follow Kyon quitly. [You walk towards the front of the school quietly! Several seconds pass, before a voice with a thick English accent calls, "Oh, come off it. I know you're here."] * Taki looks at Kyon. * Kyon shrugs quickly, and walks out, hands in his pockets and scanning around for the speaker. * Taki follows Kyon into the open, but she doesn't sleep there. (But it's good!) (*Taki points at Kyon, "With him!?.... .... Here, I mean...yeah....) [It's hard to miss him, seeing as how he's the only person you've seen since you've been here (the weird figure not applying). It's an old man, with white hair and a moustache/beard combo; kind of looks like Sean Connery. He's wearing slacks (with suspenders) and a dress shirt under an open brown trenchcoat, and has a bowler hat on his head. His arms rest on a walking cane.] * OldMan looks at you expectantly. "Well? No surprised questioning? Not the least bit curious as to what's going on?" I could demand that you tell us what's going on if you wanted me to. Quite right, but I needn't tell you if I don't want to. However, I'd assumed there would be some questioning involved. We've still got a few minutes before we have to pick up the others. Just don't ask any of the obvious questions. I don't want to have to repeat myself. * Kyon exits the school, then leans back against the doorframe, looking down at the man with a cool expression. "Right. In that case, what was the black-clad thing staring at?" Couldn't tell you for the life of me! (Mmm. He's straight out of Chrono Trigger. ^^) Allright, do you know who or what it is? ( Is not ;_; ) ( He's Winston Churchill crossed with Sean Connery ;_; ) (Nah, there's no lamppost involved.) (Satoshi could give him a lamp post!) (...yes, I could.) (But the city would want it back eventualy) Not completely, no, but I know what it's not. It's not Arcana. * Taki blinks, and tries to think of another question. * OldMan turns and starts heading out. "Come along, we may as well start." Do you know how it got here then? No, I'm afraid it's well before my time. * Kyon nods tersely, and follows along behind. "Got a name? Even if you don't want to give us all the details." Ahh. What, is "Mysterious Old Man" not good enough for you? I'm Winston Connery. (...) ( ^_^_v ) (That was all my fault. I'm sorry. ^^;) ( Nah, I typed it in before looking at /msg :P ) Well, for one thing it takes a long time to say, and for another, my name is Taki Shimiru. Yes, I know. And he's Kyon Sorata. * Kyon smirks, and shrugs quickly. "It'd have been fine, if you were willing to stick with calling me 'Impertinent Young Man.'" I may very well do that. When you get old like me, you're able to call people all kinds of things and they can't do anything about it. (Just call him M.O.M for short) Ahh, so many things I don't know, so many questions...and all of them are probibly thoes common ones you said you'd wait on. * Winston walks along, using his cane for support. "There are some things, albeit a few, that are not Arcana in this world. * Kyon shakes his head bemusedly. "I usually call people what I want." He nods quickly. "But you don't know what they really are?" Not yet. That makes it sound like you've got a way to find out. In a matter of speaking, you could say I do. * Kyon walks along, and looks down at him. "Yeah? And we fit into this? Or just collecting us for now?" And does this get explained now? When we find the others? Or after it's too late? * Winston taps his foot. "Speaking of which, that was rather foolish of me to forget." In a moment, in a moment. * Taki nods and waits. First, Taki, would you be so kind as to take us to Tokyo Tower? It will be much faster that way. Sure, it's a long way though. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 2. * Taki holds her hands out to Kyon and Winston. * Winston takes Taki's hand, holding his cane with the other. * Kyon looks the other way, and very gingerly takes Taki's hand again. * Taki goes! (And would like to keep that roll.) [Taki makes it to Tokyo Tower! The tower is... upside down, like someone stuck it in the ground by the pointy thing on top. Oh, and Katie and Haruko are there laughing at it.] * Haruko grins over at Katie. "I'm tempted to poke at it and see if it falls over. Is that wrong?" And we're....Oooooooh! * Katie giggles some more. "Nope. Probably not. Hey, there's Taki." * Kyon takes his hand away from Taki's again, adjusting the armwarmer. * Katie looks to Taki and Kyon and waves, then calls, "He's not going to eat us, is he?" * Haruko waves excitedly at Taki and Kyon. "Hi guys! Saki nearly ate us. How were things on your end?" * Winston leans on his cane and looks up at the tower. "Fitting as anywhere, I suppose." Then he looks down. Katie Andrews and Haruko Kinsha. Now we just have to wait for the other two." * Taki nearly teleglomps Katie, but settles for landing a few feet in front of her and then hugging her. * Winston mutters, "Who should be here by now." * Katie blinks. "Two in one day?" ( Sorry, we got a little delayed with an elevator...) Ahh, I thought I was going to get stuck with Kyon for the rest of my life and never see any of you again! * Haruko bows politely with a touch of a flourish. "The one and same, and who do I have the honor of meeting?" Oh. That's pretty scary. A Mysterious Old Man. * Katie lightly hugs Taki back, giving Kyon a how-did-it-go look. * Haruko laughs. "Should I call you Man-san?" * Kyon shakes his head bemusedly at Taki's reaction, and nods to the guy. "It's like he named himself just for me." Call me Winston. Just Winston. I'll never understand your screwy language. Hey, it's not *my* language. * Kyon catches Katie's look, and shrugs dismissively. * Katie pulls herself from Taki's grip. "So nobody's seen Kaede and Satoshi, then." * Haruko nods. "Well it is mine, but Winston I can certainly accept. Pleasure to meet you." They should BE here by now. That darn kid's taking too long. Again. Kaede you mean? * Taki lets go of Katie and gives Haruko a brief hug. * Haruko happily briefly hugs back. Saki's a lot scarier without you around. * Katie raises an eyebrow. "Kid?" Wait...You ran into Saki? Here? Yeah. The hungry one. (Shingo. You know him?) * Winston taps his foot, looking annoyed. "Any day now..." (Katie got to be the Shingo.) Ugh, all we ran into was Winston here, and this wierd thing in black cloak and a mask that Winston says isn't actualy Arcana. But no getting attacked? Wow, we're just lucky. * Haruko nods. "Though she seemed less zombish than before, except when she was going to bite my neck, then there was the cool Christian guy who saved the day." * Katie nods. "Less zombie, more vampire." Oh, you've met him? Good. * Taki blinks, "So she was right...There is a vampire Saki running around." Who is he? Or are you waiting for Kaede and Satoshi to show up first? * Haruko nods. "Then once we ran away Katie and I talked for a bit, she can probably tell you about it. I'm afraid if I do my headache will come back." [Jin walks around the corner of a nearby building, with Kaede and Satoshi in tow.] * Taki gives Haruko a confused look. * Haruko glances over to see them, waves emphatically, then runs over to poke the tower while she still has a chance. * Satoshi blinks. "It worked." * Satoshi waves at the others. Satoshi! * Katie turns when she hears their footsteps. "Jin. I shouldn't be surprised." * Kaede blinks too, then blinks again and peers at the Tower. "Well that's new too." It's about time. Kid's always slow. * Satoshi *eyes* the Tower. "Um. How'd *that* happen?" He points. * Kaede looks at Winston and pushes up his glasses. "You're his messenger, I presume?" * Haruko pokes at it and giggles. "Tokyo tower, it's attacking the city... or not." * Haruko then rejoins the group. Quite right. * Kyon looks at Jin to see if he seems different. [Kyon's not sure.] * Katie eyes Haruko for a moment, then shakes her head. So Winston, is now the part where you explain everything? Because I'm really looking forward to that part. * Taki repeats her teleport and hug preformance on Satoshi, right down to repeating her fear of getting trapped with Kyon. So mind telling us the message? Because he didn't remember...quite thoroughly at least. * Kyon stalks over to Jin, smirking down at him. "You come here often?" Yes, yes. Explanations and such. "I'm... not sure." * Satoshi hugs Taki back, blushing slightly, and laughs. "It's really good to see you again, too." * Katie looks relieved. "Thank God." So...we're in some sort of reversed world? * Kaede looks up at the Tower again. Obvious, is it? I always was master of the obvious. But I like making sure others are on the same page. We're outside the Tower Reversed, I think. I wondered what it was like. So... do the fields take us here? Hmm.. I'll let you tell the story, simpler that way. ::Haruko then folds her hands behind her back and listens attentively:: Mhmmm, and now we know...it's mostly boring out here with a few lurking horrors....so it's just like the other side, only grey and empty. And shadows. Shadows? Only Satoshi saw them though. * Kyon rocks back on his heels, shoves his hands in his pockets, and listens. * Katie shakes her head at all of the talking. Naturally. Yeah. I saw people's shadows. Why? * Taki looks up into Satoshi's face. So..if we're in a field...now his power is working in reverse perhaps? ( You know, Satoshi, now that I get a closer look... ... Yes? You're ugly. ...) (Taki allready knows that) * Haruko works on that whole actually listening to people thing that's been recommended to her. (...yeah. How, exactly, did I end up with a girl again?) (You're not crazy) (By being the best hockey player in Japan. =P) (You're the only male arcana without MAS :P) (Same way Kaede ended up with several. Because the GM likes toturing us) Of course he would see them, being the one who put them there. Haruko's didn't work in reverse, or I would be in trouble. * Katie blinks. "What?" What? I put... how? Uhm...could you explain a little bit clearer? * Kaede turns to the man and folds his arms over his chest. 'Well, that's interesting. I'd say please explain, but if you want us to know, you'll tell us anyhow." He eyes Taki. Well, not you specifically. * Haruko comments quietly. "Hmm.. figured it was the telepathy, was good to listen.." Your other self, more like. Other Ace of Wands? The one who came before me? * Katie blinks, then nods. "The Ace of Wands, reversed." * Winston frowns. "Oh dear, you still think...?" (No, we stopped thinking long ago.) (Really. It's hazardous to our health.) * Taki listens to Winston, and makes no move to let go of Satoshi anytime soon. * Haruko tilts her head. "Oh... So.." She then hears Winston and shuts up again. * Kaede eyes good old nameless-know-it-all man. No, what you're seeing is everyone who's ever been Judged. And you know what that means: You're not the Ace of Wands at all. [Session End]