[Day: Unknown. Time: Unknown.] [Weather: It's hard to tell if the sky is very clear or very cloudy. The sky seems very grey. There's light, as though it were day time, but no way of knowing whether it's afternoon or morning.] [Haruko wakes up under such a sky. And under Katie, too. Isn't that awkward?] [Session Start] * Haruko blinks looking up. "Uh.. wha? Umm.. Katie, would it trouble you terribly to move a bit." [Katie wakes up shortly after.] * Haruko pokes gently at Katie's arm before trying to move her. * Katie groans and opens her eyes at the sound of Haruko's voice. She blinks, then scoots, rolling off of her. "What hit us?" * Haruko sits up and rubs her head for a moment. "Reiji I guess. I.. was sorta reading a magazine. I'm not sure." * Katie grimaces, then stands. "Yeah. Reiji." (Does she have her belongings with her?) * Haruko then stands up and looks around and checks for her cell phone. ( No, you're both completely naked. Just kidding, yeah you do :P ) ( That would have made the awakening a bit more awkward ) * Katie adjusts her satchel and gets a better look around. (Nooo kidding.) * Haruko gets out her cell and checks for reception. "Maybe we were drag ported, but I don't think we normally black out. Though that one night I was asleep so I'm not sure." [Katie finds herself on the roof of Sakuragaoka high. And Haruko's phone won't turn on.] * Haruko puts away the cell. "It's not working, so where are we?" Haruko looks around herself. I'm pretty sure we don't. * Katie blinks. "It looks like our school. But I wouldn't count on it. Let's go down." * Haruko nods and heads to the stairs. [The door to the stairs opens! Betcha didn't think it would.] * Katie follows, still glancing. "If it won't turn on, we might be in a field." * Haruko takes a moment while she goes down the stairs to get out her wrench. "Well, no Taki to save us here, hopefully whoever put it up is willing to talk." Hopefully, yeah. * Katie frowns slightly. She keeps an eye and ear out. [Ouch... Hope Haruko can help her put them back in...] (*cracks up*) ( Did I ever say how many floors were in the school? ) (I don't recall it ever coming up.) (*thwaps Brett* No, you didn't. Only first, second, and roof were mentioned, so I assumed two.) * Haruko giggles nervously as she walks. "My first instinct is to procure a vehicle, but with a field up I may as well hotwire a dumpster." ( Ok, good enough for me. ) (*Grysar nods at Katie's comment) Yeah. We'll see, right? [You go downstairs to the second floor. The halls are quiet, but that's probably 'cause everyone went home.] ( I'm gonna have Haruko drive a dumpster at one point, just watch ) * Haruko nods. "We're smart, we can handle this." ( No objections here. :P ) * Katie doesn't sound all that nervous, but she's paying obvious attention to what's going on. "I hope so. I think we can." * Haruko starts to head to the first floor. "Guess we should find an exit, unless you have a better idea." * Katie shakes her head and walks after her. * Haruko looks distant for a moment as she walks and then speaks up again. "I think this is some sort of test. So Reiji can figure out if he can trust us. If someone wanted to hurt us, they would have had a prime chance on the roof." [You get to the first floor. Same as always. Unfortunately, you don't find everyone else gathered at the lockers.] * Haruko heads for an exit. [Haruko gets to the front doors without incident.] * Haruko glances back to see if Katie is still with and then tries to open them. He said it was a way to show us. Maybe the only way, but I don't think he meant a pretty one. * Katie is still with her, yup. * Haruko nods and walks out. "Least someone is trying to explain things for a change." [You walk outside. Now that you're out of the building, the surroundings look rather bleak. The grey sky seems to cast it's shade on everything, making it look darker than usual.] * Katie steps out, too, and frowns. "Yeah, but I still don't like this." * Haruko nods. "Wanna go to one of our houses? Or maybe my shrine. Haven't tested yet for the presense of Kami in fields." Haruko glances back with a grin after that comment. * Katie looks around, frowns slightly, then shakes her head. "Let's start walking towards the Tower." * Haruko nods and gets walking. "Any point in trying the subway do you think?" * Haruko then shakes her head. "No, that's dumb, no cells, no cars, no trains." If we're in a field, there really- yeah. * Katie runs a hand through her hair. Maybe we'll find the others. I'd like that, but I don't think it'll be that easy. [You step out into the street, only to find it's barren. No cars, no people... even RamenGuy is missing from his stand.] * Katie snickers. Of course not. Nothing's ever that easy. * Haruko glances around. "It's really creepy to see the city so empty. It feels so unnatural without any them, so lonely." * Katie nods. Yeah. The sky's bothering me, too. * Haruko looks up. "Yeah, though I guess we're lucky it's not raining or snowing. Been doing that a lot lately." * Katie looks at Haruko for a moment, then smiles slightly and shakes her head. * Haruko looks back at Katie. "Hmm?" It's not anything big right now. * Katie manages thoughtful and amused at the same time. She glances at the sky again. [The sky is very cloudy. Or very clear. It's hard to tell.] But if you haven't noticed, I think you've got a mood ring. * Haruko shrugs. "We've got a long walk. If somethings on your mind may as well share, else I'll just babble." She stops leading Katie and walks next to her, better for conversation. And you babble a lot. * Haruko glances at her hands for a moment and then back at Katie. "I assume you mean a metaphorical one, not an invisible one." ( ... I'm not even gonna try to follow that @_@ ) * Katie doesn't try following it, either. "Oh, the weather works great as a mood ring. If I couldn't tell how you were feeling before, I really can now." * Haruko looks puzzled and then glances up at the sky for a moment. "So how am I feeling now?" *If* it works the way it normally does, you're probably not sad or angry. Right now. * Katie shrugs. "And not going by weather, I'd guess you're worried, nervous, and curious." * Haruko nods absentmindedly and just thinks for a bit. * Haruko keeps quiet for a minute or two and then nods. "You may be right... Mind walking under an overhang for a bit Katie?" Why? * Haruko reaches into the bag of chocolates and grabs a rather generic looking box. "Because I'd rather be experimenting than babbling. More enlightening." * Katie looks at her for a moment, then reaches into her own bag and pops a chocolate into her mouth. "Sure," she says around it. "But we're going to keep going." * Haruko nods. "Yeah, but no point in you getting wet." She then starts staring at the box with a miffed expression, looking like she's concentrating intensely. She doesn't move under cover. * Haruko keeps walking and mutters under her breath. "And would something vaguely personal have been so hard... guys I've never talked to tend to manage little car shaped ones." * Katie rolls her eyes. Kyon? * Haruko shrugs. "It's petty, but it's what I got on hand. I mean, I found him one shaped like his bike and I'm not even attracted to him." * Katie laughs. Why not? He's cute. (Yeah, why not?) * Haruko shrugs. "He's an ass, and he's an ass because he enjoys it not because he can't handle social interaction." Not really. He doesn't seem to be that good at it for long periods of time. Kind of like you. * Haruko glances at Katie oddly. "You think so? I've got friends I can talk to for hours, without being snarky oncec I might add." * Katie grins at Haruko, and it's not a particularly nice one. "Are you very close to them?" * Haruko shrugs and puts the chocolate away. before looking back at Katie. [Katie looks evil.] (Wow, and I didn't even have to roll for it. This rules.) (And she didn't even have to roll, what's up with that?) (*laughs*) (Stop stealing my thoughts, other self. ;_;) (MINE.) * Haruko gives a contented smile. "A few, but enough. Thought I was getting close to Taki before... but I don't just go to cars when I want company." [You continue to walk. No cars, no people, no electricity. You pass a blank traffic light.] Maybe you are. I'm sure she's great company. You guys make an interesting pair. * Haruko glances up at the traffic light as she walks under it with an excited grin before glances back to Katie. * Katie rolls her eyes. "The light's off. It would make sense for it to be off, because you couldn't turn your phone on." Time will tell, she'll have to decide if she can accept all of me. I've never told the others, but I know they would. ( ... That one's too easy. ) No. You just think they would, because it's easier to live with what you do that way. You probably can't work up a way to tell them. Yeah, it's easier, easier for him too, but mostly for me. But that doesn't mean I don't know. * Haruko quietly sings to herself as she walks. "No stop lights, speed limits, nobody trying to slow me down." o/~ No way to drive, either. Who's him? * Katie snickers. "And you don't know, Haruko. You can't. You're not Satoshi." * Haruko smiles faintly. "Hiroji.. and it's not his mind I'm reading." I'd borrowed his coat for a bit. Which was why it was big for me. Ooh. Not interested in Ryuji anymore? Naw.. Hiroji can accept who I am, he can't accept that I'm a better mechanic. Ryuji shouldn't have that problem. * Haruko then sighs. So neither of your would-be boyfriends know. This is the start of a stable relationship. * Haruko shrugs. "Stopped dating Hiroji a bit back... I guess I could tell Ryuji. If he turned out to care about me, if he turns out to really feel about most anything." * Katie snorts. "Right. I'm sure he'll support your habit." * Haruko gives a noncommital shrug, "The whole Arcana thing is gonna be the hard part for anyone who isn't." I didn't know we were talking about that. Why do you like changing topics so much, Haruko? Staying in one place doesn't make you think too hard, does it? * Haruko frowns for a minute. "What do you want to talk about?" * Katie shrugs and comments, casually, "I hear some people talk a lot so they don't have to think." * Haruko looks slightly perturbed. "I'm sure some people do. But while I'm in over my head with this whole Arcana thing, I've never had any trouble thinking." No. You have a lot of trouble thinking. * Haruko looks more perturbed and glances expectently at the sky for a moment and then back at Katie. "Do tell." * Katie walks forward a bit longer, then turns back to regard Haruko. "I don't think I have to. What, you don't have a clever subject change? Nothing about crazy theories with Jin?" * Katie pauses, then frowns. She faces forward and starts walking again. * Haruko keeps walking. "No, you don't have to tell, but I'm not changing the topic." You have a lot of trouble thinking. And you're very good at putting us down the wrong track. The way you throw out things like they were facts, it's a wonder we're not all dead yet. * Katie continues, not sounding quite so calm anymore, "I used to like you a lot, you know." * Haruko glances at the sky again and comments in a rather mixed tone. "I know." And it bothered me that I don't anymore. Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with me, but I guess it's you. * Haruko looks back at Katie. "I'm not good at it, but I'm not like Satoshi or Taki, I can't just hope other people will figure things out, make things right. I've got to try. Regardless of what you think I work hard at figuring stuff out, it just doesn't help." * Katie snorts. "Satoshi and Taki? They just think that if they close their eyes, the problem will go away." * Haruko shrugs. "But I'd probably be less irksome to you if I took that approach. But how about Yushiro, is concentrating on him so wrong?" No. Did I say concentrating on anything was? But that's what I've been trying to do. Outside events don't often allow it but whenever I can I've focused on finding out more facts. All I've gotten is a card, but I'd welcome any outright criticisms if they could lead me to finding the truth. You get them all the time. It doesn't mean you listen. * Katie shrugs. "Never mind. I'm not getting through to you anyway." She glances at her watch. [Katie's watch is blinking 12:00 over and over.] * Katie sighs in frustration and just keeps walking. (Katie should get herself an analog watch. =P) ( Actually, It shouldn't be showing anything. ^^ ) (I thought she had an analog watch, but it really doesn't matter.) * Haruko keeps walking. "I'm listening now." (A mainspring and escapement one, so it doesn't even need batteries. Bet that'd work. ^^) That's a first. (Tower research would seem to indicate that's a yes) ( It probably wouldn't on account of I know nothing about watches and can't be bothered to learn the difference :P ) * Haruko shrugs. "First critique, I don't listen. Go on.." (It's not electric; it's how watches were done before batteries. They're the kind you wind up, and such.) ( Then it still wouldn't work on she probably wouldn't have had it wound :P ) 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-6) and gets 3. * Katie tilts her head slightly, then starts running. "This way!" * Haruko follows and runs. * Katie keeps running, to the right. She actually outdistances Haruko a bit, but fortunately reaches a small restaurant before she gets too far. She slows to a walk and opens the door. * Haruko follows Katie in silence, while actively looking around for anything that looks significant or familar. [Inside is still and quiet.] * Katie steps in, looking around. * Haruko follows, trying not to make noise or distract Katie in any other way. * Katie walks over to the back, not bothering to glance for Haruko. She pushes open the door to the kitchen. * Haruko pursues her. [Inside, you can both hear someone scrumaging through a refrigerator. But the door is open, so you can't see who. And something else of note: You can see perfectly fine in here even though there's no lights or windows.] (Eh, Katie can do that wherever she is, I think. =P) * Katie frowns. She looks back to Haruko before trying to edge around the refrigerator door without being noticed. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-4) and gets 0. * Haruko grips the wrench a bit tighter and wonders whether it's Jin or whether she needs to reassess her assumptions about Arcana who raid fridges. * Haruko doesn't move otherwise. [Katie inches sloooooly around the refridgerator until she gets to see who it is. It's Saki!] * Katie freezes for a moment, but forces herself to relax. She tries to get a look at what Saki's snatching. * Saki is apparently grabbing random food stuffs and checking to see if they're any good. * Haruko will soon begin the fridge assumption reevaluation process if she lives long enough. She watches Katie with a worried expression. * Katie closes her eyes for a moment, then opens them. She speaks up. "It's not much, but if you're hungry, I could share some chocolate with you." * Haruko holds the wrnench behind her back and watches the fridge to see who will emerge. * Saki turns around slowly to look at Katie. As soon as she does, she drops everything she was holding, smiling darkly. "Good... So hungry." * Saki takes a few slow steps towards Katie. * Haruko takes the wrench out from behind her back and tries to stay out of Saki's field of vision, watching Katie for a signal. * Katie backs away. She reaches into her bag and withdraws Taro's box, opening it and tossing a chocolate at her. It takes effort, but her voice remains steady. "Really? When's the last time you've eaten?" * Haruko holds the wrench with both hands hand tenses her legs a bit. She watches Katie with an oddly calm expression. * Saki swats the chocolate out of the air. "Not for a long time." She suddenly lunges! ( I need init rolls ) d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (d6+6) and gets 10. ( And Katie needs a defense roll ) d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (d6+6) and gets 8. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6) and gets 9. (DR1) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6) and gets 8. * Saki collides with Katie, pushing her up against the wall. She grins widely, revealing elongated canines. [Katie's turn!] * Katie shrieks, wind whipping around her. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6+2) and gets 6. [A strong wind pushes up suddenly forcing Saki to back away.] [Haruko's turn!] * Haruko rushes at Saki swinging her wrench with what little strength she possesses. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6) and gets 8. (nope) [Said strength isn't much. Haruko swings right over Saki's head.] * Saki reaches for Haruko! 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "o/~I love you... you love me... o/~" [Haruko pushes Saki back; she falls over but is already starting to get to her feet.] [Katie's turn!] (Haruko's sumo is sufficient. ^_^ ) ( Better than her wrenching skills. ) * Katie gasps and manages to stay on her feet, pulling the pepper spray from her pocket. She runs to Saki and tries to get her in the face. ( If Saki were a car she'd have cleaned her transmission fluid by now. Course that'd make her run better, so probably just as well. ) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-2) and gets 1. * Saki reaches up and covers her face with her jacket as Katie pushes the button. [Haruko's turn!] * Haruko swings again, trying to aim a bit lower this time. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6) and gets 7. [Haruko overestimates the size of her wrench; it misses Saki by a few inches.] ( We're going to need a bigger wrench. ) * Saki slips to her feet and throws a somewhat sloppy punch at Katie. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6) and gets 6. [There's a bluish flash as Saki's fist connects with Katie's stomach. She's sent staggering back and slams into the wall behind her.] [Katie's turn!] * Katie slams and pushes her free hand back, trying to brace herself against the wall. She shakes her head. * Katie edges towards the exit, mace still in hand. "Run." [Haruko's turn!] * Haruko keeps swinging with far more spirit than skill. As she does this she tries to distract Saki to the best of her ability. "After you Katie. Fight the beast off Saki! This isn't you, you like to eat fast food not people." 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6) and gets 8. Damnit, Haruko, you never listen! [Haruko does a good job of keeping Saki distracted; the biker seizes on her chance when Haruko misses, grasping at her throat.] 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-2) and gets 9. (dr) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-2) and gets 2. [Haruko almost gets grabbed, but slips away at the last second; she can still feel the girl's cold fingers at her throat.] [Katie's turn] * Haruko 's eyes widen. "I'll run, but you better follow." Just go! [Haruko's turn] * Haruko scrams and makes glances back at Katie once she gets out of the room. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-4) and gets 5. [Katie sprays the mace in Saki's eyes. She growls and swipes in front of her, narrowly missing Katie. Her hand glows blue as it impacts with the door frame, and takes a huge chunk out of it.] [Katie's turn!] * Katie turns and RUNS LIKE HELL. [Haruko's turn!] * Haruko figures Katie's got the right idea and does the same. [Saki chases after, rubbing the stuff out of her eyes as she goes. When a table gets in her way, she just pounds it, smashing the thing.] [Katie's turn!] * Katie doesn't stop. The table thing really doesn't make her want to stop. [Haruko's turn!] * Haruko tries to keep up, she calls after Katie in a speaking tone. "Shit... uh.. chemicals may be our best hope... they work here." Like what! [Katie stays out of range, but Haruko isn't quite so fast. Saki gradually catches up as you get out into the street and reaches for the back of her collar.] Gas or acid... maybe a factory.. we ::pant:: I don't think we can out run her. SHIT! 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6-2) and gets 7. [Haruko gets grabbed, finding herself pinned standing by Saki.] [Katie's turn!] (Pinned standing?) (You can be pinned standing, but it's usually against something, I think.) ( I mean her arms are pinned to her sides. ) * Katie whirls when she hears the curse and brings up her spray. "Haruko!" [Haruko's turn] * Haruko closes her eyes and saves her struggle until when Saki get's sprayed. [Katie!] * Katie runs over and tries to mace Saki in the face. Again. Most baddies would have given up by now. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katie (2d6-4) and gets 3. * Saki blocks with Haruko! (Cheater!) * Haruko struggles desperately against Saki's hold while keeping her eyes shut. 2d6+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6+4) and gets 9. [Haruko does not escape Saki, and she brings her teeth down to Haruko's neck triumphantly.] [But before Saki can actually do anything, a deus ex machin... er, a mysterious man rushes passed Katie and presses his palm to Saki's forehead. He gives a shout and a brilliant white flash appears, knocking the biker back a good few feet and causing her to tumble when she hits the ground.] * Katie stares. [He pushes Haruko towards Katie. "Quick, get out of here now!" He's got a handsome face, in his early-middle 20s, and kind of long bluish hair. He's wearing a black robe with a white collar and a crucifix around his neck. In his other hand he's god a staff with a cross on top.] * Saki already starts to rise. The man rushes at her, shouting to Katie, "What are you waiting for? Go!" * Haruko runs. * Katie opens her mouth to say something, then decides against it and gets to running, too. [The man makes the sign of the cross with his free hand and then hefts his staff, bracing as Saki charges. What follows is a fantastic battle with flashy lights that you don't see because you're running.] [Before long, you're well away from the battlefield.] [Haruko and Katie continue on their way towards Tokyo Tower! ... It takes a long time to get there on foot.] * Haruko keeps moving at a fairly steady pace, she's been quiet and distant since they got away from Saki. * Katie heads towards Tokyo Tower! She still seems rather freaked, one hand holding her stomach. Now that she's not running, she's moving unusually slowly... actually, she looks like she wants to collapse. Not a word out of her. * Haruko suddenly snaps out of her silence and looks over to Katie. "Want to find somewhere to hide for a few minutes so I can heal you?" * Katie nearly jumps and looks up at Haruko. "What's the point? There's nobody to hide from." * Haruko finds a bench or some other place to sit. "Well then, take a break for a minute. I don't think it will make a huge difference if we take a few minutes extra to get to the tower." Haruko looks a bit winded herself and still sounds a bit distant. * Katie nods twice, walks a bit more, and settles on one of those ledges with flowers on it. You know the type. She winces as she sits. * Haruko sits next to her and gingerly puts a hand on her shoulder. After a few moments she looks at Katie and comments levelly. "I think I nearly got you killed back there. For what it's worth I'm sorry." * Haruko is content to let the comment hang for a bit and concentrates on healing Katie. * Katie says, distantly, "It's not your fault." She rubs at the back of her head, grimaces, then continues, "Do you heal better when you have skin to skin contact?" * Haruko shrugs. "It couldn't hurt." She then thinks for a moment more. No, but I should have listened immediately when you said to run. But that's not the big thing. * Haruko 's voice has been keeping calm and level. Not in the emotionally blunted way, just sort of peaceful. * Haruko pauses for a moment to collect her thoughts. * Katie shrugs. "She would have caught us anyway." She untucks her shirt and unbuttons the bottom: her stomach's horribly bruised. * Haruko very gently puts her hand directly on the wound, careful to put no pressure on it. * Haruko shakes her head. "I could have survived being caught, I should have known that. You're a fast runner and if you didn't come back to save me you probably could have gotten far enough away to hide." * Katie flinches at the touch, but doesn't make a sound. Probably. I was always a little fast, but not that fast. Either being scared does something, or... * Katie shrugs again. * Haruko 's tone acquires a touch of curiousity. "We should test that later, but... has your life ever flashed before your eyes? I mean, when you feel like you might actually die." * Katie blinks. Why? Because I mean it went I said that I could have survived. When I shut my eyes while Saki was grabbing me, I remembered back what it was like in the garage. * Katie takes a breath. "I don't know what you mean, but I never had my life flash before me. I have regrets, but not that." I think... * Haruko tilts her head and listens. I mean, I've had times - a lot of times, now - where I thought I was going to die. But it never happened, because I never believed there wasn't a chance. * Haruko nods and waits a moment to see if Katie has more to say. So, no. My life never flashed before my eyes. * Katie looks away, studying a flower. "No bugs." Maybe it wasn't that, maybe I was just remembering something, or maybe it was... ::Haruko looks over at the flower:: I mean, that's what's really wrong about this. Not that there's no people, but that there's no animals. You were saying? * Haruko nods. "Guess the fields extend to them too... yeah, but I've been think some about what I've been trying not to think about. After what you said before we met Saki." * Katie blinks. "What? Oh." * Haruko then pauses for a second. "Did that make sense? I could try saying it more clearly." * Katie reaches over to poke at the flower, careful not to move otherwise. "I... I'm sorry." * Haruko looks rather surprised. ( "I'm sorry. I should've killed you when I had the chance." ) (Heheheh.) (Ha! Too late, sucker. :P ) * Haruko actually looks at a lose for words. Might want to take a picture, this expression doesn't come up much. * Katie studies it a little longer, then looks fully at Haruko. "I was playing with you. You wanted to make it rain, and while part of me wanted to show it to you, it was... just mean of me. I shouldn't have said things like that." ( Chikako shows up and takes a picture! "Tomorrow's article is gonna be so cool!" ) (Colored girls in an uncolored world!) ( The world is colored. It's just very dark colors :P ) * Haruko gives a half grin. "Well... it rather worked, so I guess that power doesn't work here or the rain has been a freakish coincidence. Because I think you do have a theory that fits with observational data." * Katie smirks and says in a very Kyonish tone, "I'm good at what I do." * Haruko nods and grins a bit more. "That you are, and I accept your apology. Besides, it'd take a lot more than that to really hurt me." Her grin adopts a faint trace of a smirk. I think we can live without testing that. * Katie looks down at Haruko's healing job. * Haruko nods. "Science will live without that data." * Haruko then bites her lip for a moment before she regains her composure. "I could use your help with what I'm going to say next." Hrm? When I thought back to being trapped in the garage while Saki held me, it made me think I was missing something. But I've always had a difficult time thinking about it." Missing something? * Haruko nods. "Did you ever read about the garage fire? It was last year, and I think Chikako covered it." * Katie thinks. * Katie nods. "Yeah. I remember reading about something like that." * Haruko starts breathing slightly heavier and grabs the bench with her free hand, but she's careful not to put any more pressure Katie's wound. "Well..." * Katie looks at Haruko with mild concern. The fire had started innocently enough, and all the students were quickly evacuated, except for the one who had been silly enough to take a nap under a car. * Katie blinks. A nap under a car? Go on. When I woke up, I managed to bang my head, which didn't help. And as I tried to get out, in the next few seconds, I got these. ::Haruko gestures to the marks down her face and a few other scatter ones. * Haruko then bites her lip for a moment and goes back to gripping the bench with some force. Although not enough force to be indicative of any sort of super strength. * Katie nods slowly. * Haruko closes her eyes for a moment and starts to lose the level tone of voice. "But I still managed to get out into the garage, the flames were much worse then, and the fire department wouldn't be there for several minutes yet." She sounds obviously on edge at the end of her description. * Katie nods again, even though Haruko can't see it. * Haruko shivers a little and doesn't speak for a while. * Haruko opens her eyes and looks back at Katie, although she's still shaking a bit and her eye's betray no small amount of fear. * Katie speaks up, now. "You don't have to finish." * Haruko shakes her head and regains a slight amount of composure. "No I do, and I need the part of you that pushed me to find out if I could make it rain." * Katie frowns. "Why? I know we don't always get along, but..." * Haruko stops shaking and looks Katie dead on. "Because it wasn't the Kami, well, not directly that got me out of that place. And if I don't figure out how, you or someone else is going to get seriously hurt or worse trying to save me next time." * Katie stares at her for a moment, then nods. "Fine." She looks up at the sky, then back to Haruko with considerably less compassion. So you went back in. Then what? * Haruko shakes her head. "Didn't go back in, got out from under the car. And got pinned when a beam fell, the place was really falling apart." Haruko's speaking a bit quicker and with a slight manic edge, but the breaks are shorter. But if you were pinned, how did you live through the fire? The entire place was brought down. That's the thing... I passed out and woke up in a burn unit in a nearby hospital, in a world of pain, but quite alive. Did they tell you where they found you? * Haruko nods. "In the sewars, they'd sent out search parties once they realized I'd been in the building but couldn't find my body." The sewers? Nobody would carry you there, even if someone did go into the fire. * Haruko continues in a fairly detached if energetic tone. "Apparently I can manage some impressive moans of pain when not really with it." * Katie doesn't respond to that. She looks off thoughtfully. "The sewers. Hrm." * Haruko nods. "There was a grate from the garage, but I checked later and I couldn't move it. I mean danger gives you strength, but, I couldn't even come close." It does. You might have moved it, but if you did, why didn't you just run out? You could have vanished somewhere, but I don't know why you would pick the sewers as a place to end up. * Katie tilts her head. "They weren't special to you in some way, were they?" ( Yes. I was a huge Ninja Turtles fan when I was younger. Donatello was my idol.) * Haruko shakes her head and wrinkles her nose. "No, I went back there afterwards. It smelled." Yeah. They do that. (I've always been fond of Raphael. You could never tell.) You had to get there somehow. Think about it. Anything else? * Haruko then blushes a bit. "Well.." * Haruko actually seems more embarrassed than scared for a moment. * Katie eyes Haruko. "Spit it out." In the sewar, I was.. well.. Uh.. that is to say. Stinky? Wet? Covered in really gross stuff? * Haruko looks away for a minute and plays with her hair. "The remains of my clothes and stuff were in the garage." Oh, naked. * Haruko blushes a bit more. * Katie doesn't seem to care. She thinks a little more. "So they found you naked in a sewer. How long after the fire?" * Haruko thinks for a minute. I don't remember exactly.. less than a half hour I think. I woke up afterwards, but people told me in the hospital. * Katie studies the burns, not bothering to hide the fact that she's doing it. She even turns Haruko's head to get a better look. * Haruko has a few droplet type marks down the side of her face, and a bigger ellipse or two on her arms. ( Haruko is the living embodiment of "..." ) (Haw!) Okay. First, I'd like to say that falling asleep under a car was asking for trouble. A lot of it. Really, really stupid. * Haruko nods. "It was sloppy, I haven't done it again. I take naps at my workbench now." ( * Katie takes out her knife and cuts Haruko's hair so she has a better view of the burns. ) (Snip!) (Gah! That's creepy even for Katie) Second, I don't think you were carried. Even if someone wanted to rape you, they wouldn't throw your clothes back. Way too much work. * Haruko nods and seems very happy to accept Katie's analysis rather than think too hard about that herself. And I don't think you teleported. All of the teleports I've seen keep clothes, and even if there's a kind that doesn't, I'd think you would go somewhere near, like in the street, or close to you, like your home or the shrine. * Haruko nods fervently. ( Somewhere close to you, like under your car... oh. ) (*cackle*) (Naw she'd need to teleport on top of a bike and ride out out with an explosion behind her. It's the cinematic thing to do. :P ) If you could move the beam and the drain, then you could get out just as easily, and there would be no reason to go down. So I don't think you could have. * Haruko nods. "I never really though about that, but you're right." * Katie nods. "I think this is a power. They pop up when we're under stress. Maybe you could..." * Katie thinks some more. * Haruko bites her lip and then very slowly says. "I trust you." Turn into something that could go into the sewers, but not move the beam. You would have to leave your clothes behind. Maybe you wouldn't have had to move the drain. * Katie tilts her head. "Because if you did, you wouldn't have bothered moving it back." * Haruko nods and looks slightly relieved at the direction Katie's thought headed. You're a Cups. If that idea's true, it's probably something water- based, which would also explain the sewers. * Haruko wrinkles her knows again. "If that's the case, swords may have a real advantage element wise." No sewars in the air. * Haruko then looks vaguelly distracted. "Although... there is smog, which I suppose could be thought as such..." Pay attention, Haruko. Do you remember turning into something? Think about it. * Haruko shakes her head for a moment and then focuses back on Katie. "So.. something liquidy.. grate..." She focuses for a bit. * Haruko grips the bench fairly hard, closes her eyes, and lifts her healing hand a bit just to be safe. * Katie watches. * Haruko keeps at it for a minute or two and then shakes her head. "It might be a really strong mental block, but I think I really blacked out. I've tried imagining what might of happened but it doesn't seem familar at all." Okay. * Katie folds her hands. "So remembering won't work. How about testing it, without beams and fire this time." * Haruko opens her eyes and goes back to healing Katie. "How, just concentrating?" Sure. Like how you concentrate on healing. * Haruko nods "Guess I'll try to think liquidy thoughts." She takes a water bottle out of her bag and takes a quick swig before continuing. 2d6+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6+4) and gets 10. (dr) 2d6+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Haruko (2d6+4) and gets 16, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Your logic is faulty, your intelligence is doubtful, and your sumo is insufficient." (...) (...) (*me snerks) (...) (note to self, Cups should not make rolls tonight) [Haruko concentrates! And concentrates! And... gets a hell of a headache.] * Haruko rubs her forehead. "Ouch." * Haruko looks at her feet. "Maybe I do have trouble thinking too hard." * Katie smirks. "Thinking about one thing, anyway." She looks down at her stomach, and gingerly runs a hand over it. How's your stomach doing? ( Haruko notices her feat is toughness. Boy did she get gypped. ) (Haha!) (Woohoo, three hp, I'm so cool ;_; ) A lot better. Thanks. * Katie buttons her shirt back up and stands, tucking it in. * Haruko keeps rubbing her forehead. "Welcome, wish I could heal this." * Haruko switches to rubbing her temples with both hands, now that Katie's healed. It might be too late to heal now, anyway. * Haruko nods. "So what should I do now?" I don't know. I told you what I thought about it. It's up to you to act, right? Maybe if you thought about it a different way... * Katie picks up her satchel and shoulders it. "Or I could be wrong." * Haruko sighs and stands up. "Well.. could wait until someone tries to kill me again, but the idea I've had isn't all that much more appealing." * Katie grins suddenly, mirroring the one she gave Haruko not long before Saki came to town. "I could help you with that." * Haruko doesn't really look at Katie as she continues. "Actually, you're probably the only one who could. Satoshi and Taki couldn't follow through. Kaede would think it was a waste of time, and Kyon..." * Katie loses the grin. "I was kidding. Come on, you can think while we walk." She grabs Haruko gently by the arm and starts them walking towards the Tower again. * Haruko is guided. "Oh.. right." Is your stomach still really sensative? * Katie shakes her head. "Just some minor scratches." * Haruko nods and smiles. "Good." She then gives Katie a tight hug. * Katie oofs, stiffening in susprise, then hugs back. "What was that for?" It used to be something I couldn't face, now it's a puzzle, I can handle puzzles. * Katie laughs, and detaches herself from Haruko. "Want me to tell you a secret?" * Haruko lets Katie go easily enough and then smiles a bit. "Sure!" For me, the secret behind handling things I don't like, or don't understand, is to think of them like puzzles. I just turn them into small enough chunks for me to handle. Like you said, you can solve puzzles. * Haruko nods cheerily. "It's a good strategy." * Katie goes back to walking. "The hard part is following it." * Haruko keeps up. [You turn the corner, and, Ta da! There's the Tower!... Except it's upside down?] * Katie blinks, then bursts into laughter. * Haruko keeps speaking in a cheery disposition. "Although I've tried explaining that sort of thing to be the boys, that I look at their personality problems as part of a broken machine that needs to be fixed, they tell me I'm being scary. Go figure... OOooooh tower!" (*laughs*) * Katie gasps for breath. "That's because you are." She giggles. "Oh. Wow. This just figures." * Haruko grins a little and shrugs. "Perhaps."