~You hear anything?~ ~Yeah. Foosteps. Not sure how many.~ ~I think I hear about six people.~ ~Six? That's quite the group. Maybe a gang?~ ~Possibly. I'm going to warn the others.~ ~Do it. I was about to.~ ~That's... hard. Trying to get all of you at once.~ ~And I was hoping they'd keep quiet, which is why I used telepathy instead of talking but... oh, yay.~ ~It doesn't matter, Satoshi.~ ~At least, this time, I don't think it does.~ ~Hope not. I should probably talk to everybody about it before I try doing it again, though.~ ~With any luck, they'll ignore us. We don't have that kind of luck.~ ~Of course we don't.~ ~No. We don't.~ ~Oh, look! School. That's a lame pick-up line. Bet they don't get many dates.~ ~Someone has to have put them up to this. There's no point in beating up a random bunch of kids.~ ~We'll just have to find out who, then, won't we?~ ~Yeah, we will.~ * Katie sounds faintly amused. ~Keep one alive for questioning.~ ~I won't hit them *too* hard.~ ~...yeah, I would say that Kyon's not in a good mood.~ ~Nice trick. Oh, probably not!~ ~If there are rival superpowered gangs hanging out here, I'll... okay, I'm not sure what I'll do, but I won't be happy about it.~ ~What's a Jackel?~ ~It's not impossible to consider. Someone has to be distributing the drugs, and they at least have the Chariot and can make a field.~ ~That makes sense, sadly. Hopefully we can get some answers out of these guys without crisping them or whatever.~ ~Even if they are crisped, can't you look through their heads? Or is that something you refuse or can't do?~ ~I'm... I'm pretty sure I can only read Arcana. I actually tried at school on a couple of random people, and I could feel it wasn't working.~ ~All right.~ ~...I really need to work on this.~ ~It was impressive. And look, he's still alive.~ ~Oh, good.~ ~Mmm, pepper spray's more useful, but not quite so scary. And you guys have this well in hand.~ ~I just hope we can get one to give us answers. Maybe I should rip a drainage pipe off a wall or something. Are there any drainage pipes around here?~ ~I don't know? I guess we could look for one. But really, I think the fireball wins. Or maybe the teleportation. Probably the fireball.~ ~Definitely the fireball.~ ~Hey, who invited the fighting game character?~ ~He's Ken and Ryu, all in one!~ ~Yeah! I can't believe I know that.~ ~What's wrong with knowing about video games? I never play them, but I pick stuff up. And careful, Taki.~ ~She'll be fine. Taki's more skilled than she lets on.~ ~You're right.~ ~I'm pretty sure she doesn't realize how good she is. Taki's like that, along with some other people I know.~ ~...yeah, I know.~ ~Sometimes I wish I could really help in these situations. Maybe I should ask Kyon to teach me how to fight.~ ~Hey, nobody taught me. It's just something I've picked up from scuffles on the ice.~ ~That's one way of teaching.~ ~But I don't recommend that method, as you end up with missing or dislocated facial features.~ ~Aw, it can't be *that* bad. Okay, so it can, but still.~ ~Trust me, you don't want it. You're too pretty to have that happen to you.~ *amused* ~You think I'm pretty? Thanks.~ ~Uh. I did *not* mean to think that at you. Really. But... yeah. Okay, fight now, get into trouble in own head later...~ ~You're always in trouble.~ ~Aww, man. I was afraid of that. What'd I do this time?~ ~You didn't do anything. Aren't you the one who said fight now?~