The phone rings! Then it's answered, " *ahem* Hello?" It's Katie's father, believe it or not. <"I took the day off from work to search for my daughter, dag nabbit! Where in tarnation have you been?!"> <"Sorry? That's not goin' to cut it this time, little lady. Now this happened before and bygone, we let you off easy then. But now you're missin' school over it, too? What in Sam Hill?"> <"This is the second time this week. I ain't sayin' it's a bad thing to wanna help your friends, but gosh durn it! Once it starts affecting your school life... Well, maybe you should see about getting different friends.>" <"Your mother nearly had a heart attack when the school said you didn't show up! We called all the neighbors and everything... Hell, we thought you vanished like those other gosh durn kids have been all year."> He sighs a big Texan sigh. <"Look, kiddo. You might think that now, an' that's fine. But what do you think your future will be like if this keeps happening?>" " "" "" "" " "" " "" "" <"Well, I better call yer mother before she has a stroke."> <"Don' worry 'bout it. I had my say, I'm done. Now ya just gotta hear it from yer mother."> "" <"Yeah, take it easy, kiddo."> [Hanged up!]