[Day: Thursday, February 6th. Time: 12:45 p.m.] [Weather: Cloudy, but nice out. It's supposed to get cold later, though.] [Katie and Chikako and just finishing lunch in the cafeteria! As usual, Chikako is babbling about really cool stuff.] [Session Start] * Katie picks at her food, idly listening to Chikako's babble. * Chikako grins and shovels rice from her bento into her mouth. She pauses long enough to say. "So, anyhow, the bseball team is running a one of those dunk-the- teacher tanks at the Sakura Festival. Isn't that cool?" * Katie pops some fish in her mouth. "It is, yeah. I wonder if we can dunk Kyon." * Chikako giggles. "Maybe. That'd be so cool! And you don't know what you're doing yet, right?" She grins. [The bell rings!] * Katie grabs her stuff. "I'm thinking about face painting. And I'll give you some stuff to raffle off, if you want." * Chikako looks up in surprise. "Already? Uncool! I barely got to eat!" She stands up and shovels food in her mouth with amazing speed. Really? That'd be cool! Thanks. * Katie nods with a smile. "No problem. I have to get to class." * Chikako nods. "Cool. I'll walk with you part way." * Katie grins. "All right." She starts heading to class. * Chikako follows ^_^ [On the way, Katie bumps into a student. Or he bumps into her. One or the other.] Oof! * Kaede winces and falls hard on the floor, his kaban hitting the floor just as hard, his glasses sliding to the edge of his nose. * Katie blinks, amazingly staying upright. "Sorry! Are you okay?" * Kaede murmers a quick incomprehendable response and looks around the floor for something. * Chikako looks back and forth between the two. * Kaede picks up a small notebook and stands quickly, flipping the page and pushing his glasses up along his nose, then grabs his kaban and keeps hurrying down the hall. * Katie blinks a few times, pulling back the hand she was going to offer. "Uh... yeah." * Chikako watches him go, then turns her attention to Katie. * Chikako grins. "Cool! New friend?" I... don't think so. I mean, I ran into him and he ran off without a word. Oh. Well, Kaede's mind always seems to be somewhere else, so it's cool. * Katie chuckles. "I'm used to that." * Chikako waves. "Cool. I'll see you after classes!" * Katie waves. "Sure. Bye!" [One scene transition later...] [Time: 2:15 p.m.] (Swirling Saki head!) ( Nah. Running Chikako horizontal wipe. :P ) [Katie is in her last class of the day! The professor stands at the front of the class, reading from a book in a monotone voice, calling on students periodically to read parts.] [The professor points to a student near the back, calling on him to read the next few paragraphs!] ( Isn't this exciting? :P ) * Katie listens. The students are more interesting than the professor, that's for sure. * Kaede doesn't seem to hear the teacher, continuing to look at his notepad, mumbling low under his voice "Well, I guess I could do that..but it'd just cost about.." [The class is silent. The professor says loudly, irritatedly, "Mr. Takeuchi."] No wait, that'd be too much..we couldn'.. * Kaede gets up quickly, knocking over his chair and getting a startled look, standing at full attention. "Ha...hai?" [The professor clears his throat. "If you would be so kind as to pick up where I left off...?"] * Katie blinks and looks back at the poor flustered student. * Kaede has a worried look on his face behind his thin glasses, his dark brown hair slightly parted in the middle with a short conservative cut, in the standard uniform, with the jacket slightly open. * Kaede picks up the book quickly "Right..right..where you left.." He flips through the book, looking more worried each section..the book doesn't even look like it was open. [The professor rolls his eyes. "Sit down, Takeuchi."] * Kaede sets down the book, scoffing slightly and turning his head to the side. "It's such a pointless waste of time anyways..." [He turns to another student. "Mr. Ogata, if you would." The student stands and starts reading.] * Katie shakes her head and goes back to listening without looking like she's paying attention. * Kaede shakes his head and adjusts his glasses again, going back to what he was working on. [Then, all of a sudden, he stops. Because he's not there. Neither is anyone else, except Katie and Kaede.] * Katie blinks. Mr. professor, you seem..to have.. * Kaede slowly raises his head and looks up from his notes, dropping off as he does. * Katie looks around, then starts cursing in English. She grabs her books and looks over to Kaede. * Kaede grumbles "Come on, I'm not THAT oblivious..class couldn't have ended so soon..." It didn't. [A boy about your ages walks in. He's wearing black jeans, a black shirt, and a blue jacket. His hair is brown and short, not really combed. His eyes brown. He walks in with a smile on his face. "That's better. It must be boring listening to that guy drone on and on all day, huh?"] * Kaede turns towards Katie's voice, as if noticing her there for the first time, tilting his head. * Boy waves. "Yo." * Katie waves at the boy. "A little, yes. What's going on?" * Kaede turns his head to the boy and gets a slight grimace. "Oh please..you don't expect me to believe you did that.." But since it seems like there's nothing more to do here, I'm thinking of heading home.. * Kaede reaches down to pick up his kaban. * Boy smiles very wide. He walks up to a desk in the front of class and sits on it, with his feet on the chair. Aw, don't leave yet! * Katie glances at Kaede. "Oh, he did it. And he's going to tell us why, right?" She addresses this last bit to the student at the desk. * Boy smiles wider. He's possibly smiling as wide as Chikako, but something about his eyes isn't as friendly as Chikako's. You bet! See, I know all about you guys. * Kaede slowly walks towards the door, keeping one eye on the boy. "Look, if you expect me to stick around and listen to some silly magic tricks..." Well, not all about you, but the important things. * Kaede scoffs again and waves over his shoulder. * Boy shrugs. "You can try to leave if you want, but... well, you can't." * Katie blinks. "Important things? Like what?" * Kaede turns his head over his shoulder. "Who are you to say I can't?" He tries the doorknob. [The knob doesn't even turn.] * Kaede blinks and turns his full attention towards the door, trying it again with more force. * Boy grins at Kaede. "Told ya so." [It still doesn't budge.] * Kaede turns around and leans his back against the door, taking a deep breath, looking exaserbated. Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted... I know important things. * Kaede lets his mind drift, barely listening to the boy, trying to think of another way out. * Boy points to Kaede. "I know you're the Two of Pentacles." He points to Katie. "And you're the Page of Swords." * Kaede raises an eyebrow, snapped out of his revelry. "The two of what now? The Two of Pentacles. Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you know what it means or not. * Katie shrugs. "Okay. And what are you, then?" It means you're making me awfully upset by locking the doors or whatever you did.. * Boy grins. "Me? Someone very important." * Kaede turns his face towards Katie. "Don't tell me you BELIEVE all this stuff...you gaijins are so gullible sometimes.." * Katie glares at Kaede. * Boy smiles at Kaede. "And that doesn't matter, either! Isn't it grand?" * Kaede wilts under the stare and blushes, looking at the floor. Anyhow, I've come to offer you two a choice. * Katie breaks the glare and turns back to the boy. "Go on." What's say you all join me, eh? The rest of your friends, too. I'm not going to join you if I don't know who you are and what you stand for. * Kaede blinks and looks up. "Join an after-school club? Sorry, don't have the time..other people've tried but.." I stand for life, liberty, and the persuit of... ok, not really. * Kaede walks over towards the windows and tries to open one of them. * Boy grins at Kaede. "But it's the club of clubs! Well, no, no clubs in this suite." [The windows don't open, either!] (Why am I not surprised? ^_^) (Because you're not. ;P) * Katie tilts her head, still waiting for a response. * Kaede folds his arms and sighs again, looking more and more worried by the second. "I've really got to get home.." As for who I am... oh, do you really care? Yes, and what I said earlier still stands. * Boy pouts. "That's so mean." * Kaede doesn't seem to know what they're talking about and is half paying attention, his face showing his mind to wander. * Katie smiles faintly. "So is what you just did." All right. I'll tell you. * Kaede blinks and turns his head to Katie. "What..DID he do..? My name... * Katie glances at Kaede. "I'll tell you as well as I can later." * Boy stands on the desk and powerposes. "Is Ryo Shinjo!" * Boy is now known as Ryo * Kaede sweatdrops at the powerpose. You can call me Ryo. For now. All...right.. * Ryo grins. * Katie blinks up at the boy, then claps. "Okay, Ryo." So, whatcha say, huh? * Kaede holds his head, seeming to get a massive headache. * Ryo grins at Kaede. "He's speechless." I know your name, but I still don't know why you want us to join you. * Katie grins and shakes her head. * Ryo shrugs. "Me neither, really." I just..can't deal with this... I just don't want my big brother to get you, you know? I mean, he's... Oh, Sho? * Ryo mock shudders. "Weird." * Katie snickers. * Kaede looks up at Ryo calmly. "And you're not? Mmm-hmm, that's him. Me? Nah! I'm totally likeable! * Ryo grins. * Katie nods. "Oh, yes. Very likeable." (Compared to Sho, she doesn't add.) * Ryo nods back. "Your friend sure thought so." * Kaede crosses his arms. "That's one..well two people's opinions..." * Katie walks over to the desk and offers Ryo help down. * Kaede sighs and looks down. "Look, if you wanted something fixed, you could have just called it in..I don't know why else you'd want to talk to me.." * Ryo grins, and does a backflip off the desk, landing on a crouch. No one ever talks to me except about that..so.. * Kaede shrugs as if it doesn't mean much. * Katie puts her hands on her hips and mock pouts. "Show off." Oh, it's got nothing to do with... Well, you'll see soon enough, one way or the other. Anyhow, might want to get back to your seats; I'm about to head out. What do you mean...one way..or the other..? Mmm, all right. Take care, Ryo. * Ryo grins at Kaede. "Think about it. Or don't." * Katie grabs Kaede lightly by the wrist. "Get to your seat. We'll talk about this after class, okay?" * Ryo bows to Katie. "A pleasure, ma'am." * Kaede blinks and pushes his glasses up his nose again, then looks at Katie, at first looking a bit annoyed, then yielding any resistance. * Ryo heads for the door (which opens easily for him). * Katie waves at Ryo, then goes and has a seat, pulling out her text once she does so. Alright..fine..you seem to know more than me about..that weird kid.. * Ryo waves as he walks out. "Oh yeah, Jiro says 'hi'." * Katie blinks. "Jiro?" [The class comes back as he leaves!] * Kaede heads for his seat. [Session End]