[Warning, incoming game. Warning, incoming game.] [Date: Monday Ramuh 9th, 1360. Our heroes have gotten word of who's on the caravan and who's not via moogle mail. Those who did get on got the complete list. Those who didn't just got a 'Sorry, you're not on' note. Not like it's hard to find out. The notes went out Sunday morning, so you've had some time to think about it.] [There's word of hitchiking aboard the caravan, or stowawaying. Particularly, the moogles favor this idea becuase they rarely, if ever, get on the crystal caravan any other way. The weather's starting to warm up. Maybe in the mid to high 60s, earth. The sky is clear with a cloud blowing through every so often.] [It's near the woods, a favorite hangout for many of the crystal caravaners this year. You guys are relatively close for some strange reason. Maybe because the GM doesn't want to think about it.] [Mini Start!] (Lazy ass GM.) (I'm lazier.) ( I didn't know moogles rarely got on caravans via auditions ) (Now you do. Shut up about how silly that is. :P) * Mona is near the woods, at an unspecified time. She's got her ranseur out. It's pointy. [Oh, time. Thanks. Um... We'll say morning.] * Sai_Link is there to train, apparently. He's dressed for it, armor and weapons and all. The swords and knives are not pointy, for they are not out. He pads up to Mona quietly, the only real obvious part about his approach being the bells on his wrists. * Mona hears Sai come up by the bells, and turns. She looks very happy. Look out. "Good morning, Sai Link. Congratulations." * Kupel floats at roughly eye level, flapping her little wings and holding a travel bag, kupo. Good morning kupo! * Kupel waves a ltitle paw. (Which direction did she come from?) ( The... er... northeasy. ) (Well, I more meant, "Sai way or not.") ( Oh. Sure. ) * Sai_Link closes his eyes for a moment, sounding amused. "Congratulations? Are you to say whether I made it on or not?" ( Say, did Mog get in via audition, or did he smuggle himself in too? ) ( He disguised himself as a yuke for his audition ) * Mona taps her robe. "I got the list, Sai." She turns to Kupel slowly, and says with a hint of nervousness, "Uh, Morning, Kupel." * Sai_Link nods. "Then you made it on too." Ah, hello Mona. How are you this morning? * Mona nods slowly, but doesn't respond to Sai. "Well." She gestures with the butt-end of her spear. "Going somewhere?" * Sai_Link starts a-walking into the forest at the prompt, happy to lead the way. * Kupel smiles. Kupo! Another friend of yours? ^.^ ( Is that a decent approximation of a moogle face? ) * Mona nods slightly and gets a bit of a smile, "I know her. So where are you going, Kupel?" She starts to follow Sai. Oh, all sorts of places. * Kupel flies around Mona's head, kupo. * Sai_Link falls back in pace, to match the moogle. "I am Sai Link. And you are ... Kupel?" Yes, kupo! Pleased to meet you! * Kupel curtseys. Or at least, as close as you can when you're that compressed. * Mona mms, and says with what sounds like a bit of actual enthusiasm over the slight hesitance, "Really? Sounds exciting." * Harmony is up in a tree! This you know, because she accidently fumbles with an apple, dropping it on Sai's head.] Are you packed for the caravan, kupo? (Er. Did Kupel exploit her contacts to figure out who was on the caravan? ^^;) (Or it's not hard to find out and I can't read. Nevermind.) * Mona blinks, and says, "A few more things, maybe." Ah, like what? * Kupel blinks at Harmony Morning, kupo! * Sai_Link jumps back, switching a dagger to hand, searching for what decided to viciously attack him with the apple of DOOM. Or maybe he's just surprised. * Harmony peeks down timidly. "... oops?" * Mona looks up at Harmony/Kupel's line of sight, and peers. ... Harmony, wasn't it? * Harmony waves shyly. "Hi.... Um... are you okay?" * Sai_Link looks at the other Selkie. He doesn't relax the dagger, but he does quit aiming it at her. * Kupel flits up to the tree. How is it in there, kupO? * Sai_Link thinks a moment. "Yeah, I'm okay." * Harmony blinks at the moogle. Blink. Kupo! * Kupel waves a paw. Are you planning on trying to hit me with any more apples? I might not be okay then. * Harmony shakes her head hurriedly. ( PAINT ME KUPO ) ( How high up is she? ) * Mona hits Sai with the butt-end of her spear, in the side, saying with slight exasperation. "Oh, stop it. She's on the caravan too." * Sai_Link quickly steps away, gracefully. "Hmm. I really should have read that list, then." (I hope you did. You'd have to in order to know you were accepted.) (He didn't read it. His Bro did, Sai didn't want to read it himself.) * Harmony pokes her fingers together. * Mona rolls her eyes. "It helps. Do I have to teach you how to read common, now?" It's nothing like that. ... I was just too nervous to read it myself. And I don't know what happened to it afterwards. You're Harmony, right kupo? I think i've seen you around, though I don't think we've talked * Harmony nods. "... um..." She nods to that too. * Sai_Link scrambles up the tree, and perches next to Harmony, crouching with his legs bent out. "You're on the caravan too?" He extends a hand. "Sai Link Green. And you are...?" * Harmony backs away subtly, hesitantly shaking hands. "H-Harmony Lenora." * Sai_Link has the apple she dropped in his hand. ^_^; * Mona watches Sai scramble up the tree, then shakes her head and leans on her spear. She looks at her silver bracelet, which has a... completely weird materia slotted in it. Not that anyone's paying attention. * Harmony ... takes the apple? * Sai_Link grins. "Next question. What are you doing up in this tree all by your lonesome? Shouldn't you be celebrating, or preparing, or something like that?" Um... But I am... prepared. All done packing? Then... celebrating? * Harmony pokes her fingers together. "W-well... I'm, um.... going to later... I guess." * Sai_Link blinks for a moment. "... well, the time to celebrate is usually when you first get the news." Oh. Well, I did... sort of... So, what are you doing up in this tree all by your lonesome? *glances at his feet* Well, maybe not alone anymore. Nothing much... It at least involves apples. * Sai_Link points at the apple. * Kupel looks at the apples ( Striped? ) I was hungry. (Yes. Striped apple.) Ooh. Striped apples. Those look tasty. ( /me peeks at summons. ) * Mona shakes her head, after staring at the materia for a bid. ( ... Z, you did. I'm not sure whether to blame you or Ard. ) * Sai_Link watches the non-conversational Selkie a bit more. "... am I bothering you? Maybe I'm being an utter jerk and infringing on you alone time with the tree. Should I go? ... I should go, shouldn't I." * Sai_Link makes to jump down. * Harmony blinks. "Oh, no, it's okay!" She says hurriedly. "But... um..." She looks down at Mona. "Maybe, um, we should both go down?" * Sai_Link stops, and rebalances himself. "You sure?" Hmm... say, Mona? Where are your bags, anyway? Mind if I take a look at them? * Harmony nods. * Mona looks up at Kupel. "Uh... they'd be at my house? Until I hide them so that Fawyn can't sabotage them and laugh at me." * Sai_Link smiles at Harmony. "That'd be great." Aaah. Good plan. Kupo! * Sai_Link jumps down, landing gracfully. * Harmony follows; she just rolls over and falls right off, yet manages to land on her feet. * Harmony waves to Mona. "Hi." She thinks about that for a minute, then blushes and adds, "Again." * Sai_Link blinks at Mona. "... is there anyone you don't know?" ( Yup. Me.) * Mona smiles slightly at Harmony, then says at Sai, "Yes. But I wouldn't know if I didn't know them." * Mona smiles a little more teasingly at Harmony. "Good to see you escaped Mugoichi." Hey, what happened with her and Mugoichi kupo? * Harmony blushes a bit at the. "Y-Yeah..." * Mona shakes her head and says with a small smile. "Nothing important. I was just joking with her." Ah, okay kupo. * Kupel smiles and flaps wing * Sai_Link hmms. "Hm. Mona, would you happen to know... a rabite breeder?" (Uh... People don't breed rabites.) (It's a trick question.) * Mona turns and eyes Sai like he's insane. * Harmony tiltes her head. "I thought... people don't breed rabites." * Kupel BLINKS at Sai. * Sai_Link lets out a breath. "I was worried you would mention one. ... then I'd be scared." * Mona closes her eyes for a second, then says, "Not even your dumb question can sour my mood today." She opens her eyes, chuckles and starts walking more into the forest. "Now why were you wondering about my luggage, kupo?" I was wondering if there was some spare space, kupo. * Sai_Link resumes walking, too, quietly but for the faint jingling with each step. * Harmony tlits her head. "Luggage...?" * Mona mms, and says, "Always good to have spare space. Never know when you'll pick something up." She mms to herself, then says, in broken Moogle, Kupo! * Kupel bobs her pompom Any idea where the others are, kupo? * Mona reaches the firt clearing. Aah, the first clearing. She stretches. "Nikki'd probably be at home. Or with Leran. Leran would be with Nikki, or studying rocks. Xanithern's probably in the library. Ne Rina..." she hrms, and then says, "That one, I don't know." * Mona grips her spear in both hands. "Guess there is someone I don't really know after all." * Sai_Link raises an eyebrow at Mona. "Amazing." Ooh, nice. * Sai_Link looks around the clearing, like he's been here a million times before. And... er... Imza Doltt. I don't know where he is either. That's still, um, still a lot of people. * Mona looks over at Kupel and does a little better by throwing her body into the moogle, even without the pom-pom. * Mona says, then looks over at Harmony. "Sai Link and I came to practice a little. You can watch if you want?" * Sai_Link glances at Harmony, after he's done looking over the clearing. O...kay. (Harmony would kick his butt.) Ooh. This sounds like fun. (Knowing Brett? Most likely.) * Sai_Link pulls out his twin shortswords, fixing his attention back to Mona. * Mona spins the spear slightly. Not quickly, but slightly. "A little fun, maybe." (It's a simple contest of fighter vs. expert. Fighter wins.) ( Well, race would factor into it if they weren't both Selkie with quickened FAs. ) * Harmony takes a seat against a tree. She stares at the ground as they draw their weapons, a somewhat disappointed look on her face. (Expert without Materia wins.) * Mona lets her ranseur set into her hands and says casually, "So, have you made any progress with the magic absorbtion technique?" Look at her, using fancy terms! * Sai_Link shakes his head. "There's something I'm just not getting." * Mona smiles faintly. "Story of our lives. Ready?" * Sai_Link crouches low, then stands up on one leg and spins, ending in a pose with one sword pointed ahead, one up. "Anytime." Um... Are you using r-r-real weapons? (True daughter of Gwesus.) * Kupel blinks. (Yessir.) Careful, kupo. * Sai_Link doesn't answer. But they are sharp, shiny swords. (Hope one of you has a cure magicite handy. I'll say one of you does... Kupel! You do! You really do, actually.) (I had planned on it, actually.) (Since Mona knew this was coming. ^_^;) (Mona's the prepare-ahead time and can borrow her moms magicite. She has it. ... I hope. ) * Mona closes with Sai carefully, and then begins to strike towards Sai's weapon. (Provoke AoO.) * Sai_Link crouches at the approaching Lilty, taking a swipe. (Ha! You didn't break my DR. No damage dealt.) [The attack glances off of Mona's armor, unable to penetrate its armored armorness.] * Mona grins and finishes her strike at his weapon. "Gotta hit harder to get me, Sai Link!" You gotta hit me! [Mona does hit him! She grabs the hilt of his weapon with the curve of the ransur, and in an expert move forces it out of his hand and up, spinning and landing behind Sai Link, tip down in the ground. For cinematic effects, of course.] * Mona grins. "What was that, disarmed one?" * Sai_Link spins and slices at Mona- too high, whiffs-, dancing backwards to the fallen blade. "Hitting my sword isn't hitting me, my dear Lilty." * Harmony watches the fight. [Whiff! Sai Link makes good air motions at Mona!] * Mona takes a good old step forward and gives it the good old Lilty try, as the Ranseur comes around in a high sweeping arc to actually hit our poor friend. [The flat of the ransur hits with a satisfying thunk, taking some of the wind out of our nimble Selkie] * Sai_Link 'whoofs', then crouches low and focuses for a moment... * Mona attempts to strike at Sai, but it just doesn't come together into a solid hit... * Sai_Link ... as Sai dashes -through- the spot Mona was. [Sai dashes through and hits more air! Man, he's not lucky today.] * Mona chuckles faintly and spins around to face Sai. "Whoo. Close one there, Sai Link." She brings the ranseur around and in for another quick strike. [Mona hits the ground right where Sai Link was just a moment ago. Stupid fskin' fast Selkies.] * Harmony watches the exciting fight! * Sai_Link smirks. "Not close enough." He dances backward, producing a dagger in his offhand, then spins and runs at her, making sure to aim low... [Sai Link does a good impression of a lawnmower with dull blades. Next!] * Mona tries to whack him over the head! Male head trauma! It's not just for Nikki and Leran anymore. [Mona whiffs!] * Sai_Link drops to the ground in a quick split, bringing both blades striaght down at her shoulders, with the flats. [Sai misses with the sword, but makes a nice chink sound as his dagger connects with metal.] Tag, you're it. * Harmony watches the exciting fight! The one who can't hit vs. the one who can't hurt. * Mona hmphs and twists the ranseur from its hit into a hopefully solid smack with the butt end. [Mona almost hits Sai's legs, but he dodges at the last second.] * Sai_Link pushes himself up with his hands, twisting in midair and landing on his feet. "Well then." He doesn't waste a moment, jumping and flipping behind Mona, trying to hit her again en route. [Sai Link misses again en-route. He's being really flashy. Better hope I don't require you to make jump and tumble rolls next time] * Mona spins and attempts to give Sai a blunt pole to the gut. [Mona lands a *very* solid blow to Sai, and a somewhat sickening 'crunch' sound can be heard. Maybe she pushed a *little* too hard. Silly Lilties. Sai... Well, he's out. Let's see what his player does with him.] * Sai_Link takes that rather badly, as his feet haven't gotten back to the ground yet... he lands on his side. ... Geh. Not again. * Sai_Link stays on his side, too. * Harmony blinks and gets up. "Um. Is he, um. Um. Um... Okay?" * Sai_Link groans, and rolls to his other side, clutching his gut. * Mona looks down at Sai and sighs. then glances over at Harmony. "He'll be fine..." she puts her ranseur in her other hand and concentrates. "He's just out. Materia work wonders." * Mona hears the groan and chuckles. "Maybe not that out. Hold still for a second, Sai Link." A materia on her bracelet starts to glow. Are you sure...? * Mona nods slowly, and then says a few funny nonsense words, before causing the glow to envelop (but not envelope) Sai! Oof. You're faster, this time. Um... That was... * Harmony searches for a nice sounding word, but doesn't find one, so she says lamely, "... neat." * Sai_Link waits for the magic-in-a-bottle to take effect, then stands up. * Mona nods slightly and says, "I try. Maybe it's just not your day." She looks over at Harmony. "Well, I'm glad it didn't look quite as bad as it felt." * Sai_Link retrieves the disarmed sword, then rubs his ribs again. [Sai feels much better now. Before. You know.] * Mona stretches slightly, glances around, then mms. "So, Harmony. How does it feel to be on the caravan?" * Harmony smiles. "Oh, very good. I'm glad I got on." * Sai_Link sits down, cross-legged, resheathing his swords. * Harmony takes a deep breath. "Um..." ("You suck at fighting.") ( "You suck at ... wait, no!" ) * Harmony folds her arms behind her back. "I was wondering if, um... if..." She pokes the ground with her toe. "Maybe... Can I try?" * Sai_Link points at himself, then Mona. * Mona stretches slightly, then frowns. "No thanks. Mom thinks you're good, and I'm trying to save my strength in case Fawyn decides that today's a good day for revenge." * Harmony nods. "Okay." She looks a bit dejected. She also doesn't ask who Fawyn is. * Mona shakes her head. "Eh, don't feel so bad. Another time, maybe. If we're going to be on the Caravan, I'm sure we'll get another opportunity." * Sai_Link tilts his head at Harmony curiously. * Harmony nods. "Okay." * Mona turns and walks over towards Sai, before having a seat herself. She leaves room in the not quite a circle for another person. Implicit invitation! * Harmony doesn't sit down. She might not be welcome. ;_; * Sai_Link extends a hand and makes a 'come hither' motion at Harmony, smiling. * Mona puts the spear down to her side, and then leans back on her hands. C'mon. We don't bite. * Mona murmurs something in a snakey-sounding tongue, with an amused look on her face. * Harmony offers a nervous smile and hesitantly sits down in the circle. * Mona mms, then rubs her neck. "You'll never guess what Yarksetnik sent me." Huh? What? * Sai_Link twists his wrists, and the soft jingling coming from the bells on them shortly cease. ( An inquisitive what more than a misunderstanding what! XD ) Hmm? * Mona sits forward with an mm, brings her right arm forward, and pops a blue- streaked materia out of the bracelet. If you look carefully, you can see a bunch of question marks in the middle of a hazy blackness that you can't see through to the other side. * Mona holds it out. "This was in my acceptance letter." * Harmony scratches her head. "Um... It it a puzzle?" (The materia has all the questionmarks, not the bracelet.^^;) * Sai_Link monotones, "The secrets of the universe are in the palms of your hands." ... interesting, nontheless. * Mona snickers, then glances over at Sai with a faint smile. "You're partially riight." She then looks at Harmony. "And it is a puzzle. It's part of the puzzle I've been working on for the past forever." Any luck on figuring it out yet? * Mona smiles faintly and brings it up to look at it herself, saying in a pleased tone, "No more than normal, but at least this one is mine. A Blue Magicite of my very own." * Sai_Link claps. * Harmony claps her hands together. "Ooh!" Congratulations. * Mona nod at Sai then looks over at Harmony. "Well, it's very good for me. If only I could figure out how to use it." ... you think you can use it on anything around here? A rabite, maybe? * Sai_Link thinks for a moment. "... although, that leads me to wonder how exactly you use a blue magicite." * Mona shakes her head. "I'm not even sure what it does. Yarksetnik thought it would be funny to send me a materia with Question Marks in it." She pronounces Question Marks as if it were a proper name. * Mona looks over at Harmony and says, explainingly, "It's just one of the monster spells that a blue magicite can theoretically hold." Oh. * Harmony pulls up her legs and points at her spiffy boots. "Um... I, um, got these." ( Try using it on Harmony, you can get Blood Suck from her. ) * Mona looks at the spiffy boots as invited! [They're spiffy leather boots! XD] * Sai_Link looks at the boots, then momentarilly at his own shoes, then back at Harmony's boots. * Mona finally says, honestly, "... Very nice boots. Did you get those in your acceptance letter, then, too?" * Harmony nods. Hmmh. Well, then, everyone probably got something. *a faint laugh* Maybe that's their way of apologizing for killing us. * Sai_Link snorts. ... sorry. * Harmony looks to Sai. "D-Did you...?" * Mona glances over at Sai, then shakes her head. "No, no, I get it." She then looks between Harmony and Sai. ... if you were accepted, you went through the audition too. [Mona sees a mushroom.] ... and I was accepted, and I went through the audition, ... so. Yeah. ... Oh. * Mona nods. "Yeah. We're all together here." She chuckles. "That's what Darrel said to me... after. You're one of us now." * Mona does look a little haunted. Just a little. Really. * Harmony smiles. ... it was awful. I'm not going to let anyone stay there if I can help it. * Mona closes her eyes and nods slightly, before reopening them, reslotting the blue materia, and leaning back on her hands. * Sai_Link flops down to the ground. "We should talk about something cheerier." * Mona glances over at Harmony. Surely she's reacting... or... something? * Harmony blinks. "Huh? Uh... What?" She looks confused. I got these shoes from Darrel. * Sai_Link pulls up his knees, so his feet are plainly visible. "They're real comfortable." * Mona shakes her head and looks over at Sai's shoes! She likes shoes. * Harmony smiles. "Mine too." Huh. Selkies and shoes. * Mona chuckles to herself, then says, "Any idea what they do? They can't be just normal shoes." They don't make any sounds of their own. I couldn't walk quieter if I was barefoot. Um... I don't know about mine... but they're really comfortable... * Mona mms. "Well, they do something, I'm sure." * Harmony nods in assent. * Sai_Link re-sets his feet on the ground. "Huh." Huh what? Just wondering about her boots. (Well, I'd spellcraft or something, but Zeg's away.) (That's why he's not asking to try them out. And hey, Sai has spellcaft too. ;_; ) ( I don't! Nyahaha! ) ( Ninja Magic doesn't work offa spellcraft, it works offa Kung-Fu? ) ( I'll let you know when I get some ninja magic :P ) * Mona mms, then shrugs. "I could take a look..." she trails off and gives Harmony a wink. "But I don't think she wants to give them up." Um... (No magic works off of spellcraft, Sai. ^_~) (Spellcraft is almost pure detection.) * Harmony pokes her fingers together and doesn't say more than that. * Sai_Link laughs. "I don't want to take mine off to try them. They're too nice." * Mona rolls her eyes. "I didn't mean try them. I do know about shoes and enchantments, you know." I didn't completely waste my youth, despite my mother's insistance. I know about enchantments, and wearing shoes. Me too... I mean shoes, not... um... * Mona looks over at Harmony and smiles a little. "Oh? From a crafting family too?" I'd take a gander and guess that my guess would be good as your guess. Um... Dad is a t-tailor. So... I guess not... * Mona looks a little disheartened, then says, "Oh, but you know how to work with shoes anyway." She laughs a little, then flicks her ear lobe, on which hangs a nice emerald earring, set in a silver stud. "I'm a jewelry person, really." * Harmony blushes a bit. "Well... clothes, really..." * Mona says, "Well, that's why you're a tailor." She thumbs towards Sai and says a little teasingly, "He doesn't know how to make anything but paper shapes." Hey now, I can dance. And I've paid some attention to my dads trade, too. I don't think any of those are the reason I got on, though... * Harmony giggles a bit. "I don't think I could dance well..." It's not really that hard. * Mona says quietly, "Well, I'm not a big dancer." Beat, then a little louder. "I mean, it's fun, sometimes, but..." Just let go of yourself, and listen to your feet. * Harmony scratches her head at Sai. She looks down doubtfully at her feet. * Sai_Link chuckles. "Don't take me too literally, now." * Mona shakes one of her feet, and says in a high pitched tone, "Get off of me! Get off of me!" She then looks over at Sai. "Not good for dancing." * Harmony giggles a bit. ( Again! XD ) * Sai_Link laughs. * Mona smiles faintly. "Guess Kupi's wearing off on me." Moogle? * Mona nods. * Mona says, "A friend of mine. Her family's a bunch of tailors..." she smiles slightly, "But she really liked magic more." Oh. Kupan's much more of a tailor, but... * Mona shakes her head. "Sorry. I'm talking a bit too much." Nothing wrong with that. * Harmony nods. "There's nothing wrong with t-t-talk...ing." You're the one who knows everyone, it stands to reason you'd have the most interesting tales to tell, or the most interesting people to talk about. * Mona glances over at Sai and says with a little exasperation, "I don't know *everyone*. I thought we established this." Effectively. * Mona rolls her eyes and looks over at Harmony, saying with a teasing tone, "How do you deal with Selkie men? I mean, really." * Mona looks back at Sai and says, "So exasperating." * Harmony blinks at Mona. She blushes fiercely. "Um... Um... Umm.... I haven't, um.... not, ummm... yet.... uh..." Haven't made, um... friends... I mean close... uh.... * Sai_Link grins. "Well you Lilties are certainly exaasperating physically. We've got to even up the score somehow." * Harmony becomes preoccupied with her fingers. Fingers are so interesting. * Mona chuckles, looks back at Harmony, blinks for a second, then blushes slightly herself. It's easy to see, with the pale skin. "That's... not what I meant, Harmony..." she trails off, then says, "You don't have any male selkie friends at all?" * Harmony shakes her head. Oh, well, then. * Mona looks over at Sai. "Sai Link Green? You're now Harmony's first male selkie friend. Congratulations." * Harmony blinks. "But I d-don't know him that well yet!" * Sai_Link laughs. "Well knight me and call me king. I'm honored." * Mona looks back at Harmony. "So, that just means you're not close friends." She leans over a little and says in a stage whisper, "And once you get him talking, you'll know him better." * Harmony stares at Mona. (Obviously, Harmony's definition of 'male selkie friend' is different from Mona's. ^_~) * Sai_Link sits up, and looks square at Harmony, and grins ear-to-ear. "So do you like long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and staring at the stars?" ( That and Harmony doesn't have any friends :P ) * Mona snorts. Ummm... I don't know. The stars are pretty, but usually I go to sleep when they come out. And, uh, I've never tried the other two. Becuase if you do, then we have nothing in common. So what do you do? Um... I read a lot... And, uh, sew... * Sai_Link nods, listening. "Then you know interesting stories too." * Harmony nods. * Mona asks, "Just reading for fun?" Not always... but sometimes... You bringing any books with you? * Harmony nods. "I'm going to. I might need to do a lot of reading." * Sai_Link whistles. "So you do have a voice to you, after all." I do? Uh, I mean I do! Hmm. So far you read, you sew, you hang out in trees and are good with throwing apples at people. Anything else I've forgotten? * Sai_Link continues watching Harmony, a friendly smile on his face. * Harmony is intimidated! Um... That's about it... Mog thinks I should try to s-sing, but... * Sai_Link eyes light up at 'sing'. * Mona quirks her head. "Really? Well, if you could put a little more force in your voice... or maybe that's just the storyteller in me." Are you sure there's not nothing more? * Harmony looks down. "Um..." She stops there. Becuase I'm sure there's not. You seemed interested in our match. Well... Dad taught me to fight... a little bit. * Mona nods a little at that. Interest at least. * Mona mms, then stretches. "I'm going to head back to town, I think. Like I said, not completely packed." She picks up her spear and pushes herself to her feet. * Sai_Link eyes Mona. This wouldn't happen to have any ulterior motive of leaving the two of us alone together, would it? * Mona laughs faintly. "Why would I do that?" * Mona puts the spear down her back, inside the robe. "I'm not either of your keepers. I didn't think you needed a chaperone?" * Sai_Link doesn't answer, other than to look increasingly amused. * Mona shakes her head, and says, "I'll see both of you around. Sai Link." She looks at Harmony carefully, and smiles very slightly. "Harmony." * Sai_Link waves. "Have fun. I'm sure you've got a lot of goodbyes to make before the Caravan takes off." * Harmony clambers to her feet. "Um, I should, uh, go too, and... huh?" * Mona says idly, "A few..." she watches Harmony get up. "You sure? He's really more interesting than he seems." She grins a little at that. * Sai_Link blinks flatly. "I knew it." Um... Um... I'm sure, uh, we can t-talk more on the c-caravan. * Mona nods, and looks over at Sai. "What? She said it herself, she doesn't have any Selkie male friends. Honestly, you selkie men." She rolls her eyes, and then pats Harmony on the shoulder before walking off. Mmm. Well, if you put it that way... * Sai_Link springs to his feet. * Harmony eeps. She waves shyly to Sai and hurries to catch up with Mona. * Mona is caught up with! Yay. Ditch the Sai. * Sai_Link waves. "I'll let you two have your girl talk. Seeya." * Harmony is left to girl talk! ... it's not much of a talk. [But we'll never know how much talk there was, because mini end!]