[Date: Wednesday, Ramuh 18th, 1360] [Time: Afternoon, there's still light in the sky as the sun is 3/4ths of the way on its trip across the sky. The sky, speaking of which, is rather cloudy. In fact, it's expected to rain before the end of the day, possibly even a thunderstorm. But that hasn't started yet, so we look to the forest for enjoyment. A small section of the wooded area is a popular place for our caravaners-to-be.] [air is still, as if awaiting the impending storm to come within the next two hours or so.] [Mini Start!] * Sai_Link is already there. He's doing a one-handed handstand, eyes closed, and his free arm has a ring of green bubbles just hanging about it. * Sai_Link has been like that for the past 20 minutes or so at least, in case anyone's been watching. (... Mona would be proud, if she weren't busy explaining to her mom why she's so damn tired.) ( When I want you training in the morning, I mean I want you training IN THE MORNING.) ( ... just the morning?) ( *Yawn* It was the morning.) ( Don't start with me kid.) ( At least I don't eat my young.) * Dorn hasn't really been paying much attention, focusing entirely on the practice dummy in front of him. His left arm is held in a low guard, buckler strapped to it. His right is holding a practice polearm, held back and up in a position that facilitates a quick, low sweeping strike. ( At least I don't fall into traps.) ( .... shut up. >__<) * Sai_Link isn't moving, nope. He's still playing Jedi. * Dorn exhales and moves forward in a quick double-step, sweeping the polearm down and then up again, following that with a spin-and-slash, and ending the kata with a double-impale aimed at the upper torso. * Sai_Link cracks open one eye, peering at the Lilty. This is when he falls, somehow managing to land on his feet, and the Poison spell he's been holding goes off in midair. (Is this midair-near-Dorn or midair-harmless?) ( the latter.) (No girls are watching, FYI.) * Sai_Link jingles a lot with all the motion. Jingle, jingle. He only jingles more as he decides to watch the Lilty. ( Heh. Nothing at all to do with it. =p ) * Dorn pauses, watching the Poison spell go off. * Sai_Link looks faintly annoyed as he slowly murmers something in Ancient Selkic, summoning up another cloud of sickly green bubbles around his hand. * Dorn leans the polearm against the practice dummy, walking over to the tree that he left his pack at. * Sai_Link waves with the non-magic-covered hand. "Hey there. Is it just that all Lilties like spears, or are you happy to see me too?" (The storm will come about around when you guys finally get shelter. If you want to make up new places to go, that's fine. I'd prefer you stick with your own abodes or pre-established areas, however.) ( Sai's not gonna seek shelter. More training! ) (Well, in that case...) ( Who knows when you'll have to keep careful control of magic in a fight in a storm? ^_~ ) [The crack of thunder and spark of lightning can be heard/seen in the distance, calling the coming of the rain. This storm promises to be one of the reasons the month is named after Ramuh, controller of lightning.] * Dorn looks over at Sai, smiling wryly. "The company's appreciated, at least." * Sai_Link eyes the practice dummy for a second, then his arm, then crouches and jumps up on the practice dummy. Hopefully he keeps his balance! Sai Link Green. And you are? I would offer to shake your hand, but... *he waves his Very Green hand faintly* * Dorn hops up into the tree, reclining between two large, sturdy branches. "Dorn Ahlatt." * Sai_Link grins, amused. "Finally, someone who's not on the caravan too." * Sai_Link doesn't follow Dorn up the tree. At least not yet. ..Yeah. * Sai_Link looks up. "Are you going to stick through the storm too?" I'm not sure if you noticed it coming.... you looked pretty intent on the dummy I'm standing on. * Dorn glances up at the sky. "You say 'stick' like rain's a bad thing." * Sai_Link glances at his still-bubbly wrist again, then shrugs. "Some find it so." Their loss. * Sai_Link cocks his head at Dorn. "But not you, apparently." * Sai_Link grins. "Or me, for that matter." * Dorn smiles slightly. "Not me." * Sai_Link looks up. "That does beg the question though, if you don't mind me asking." If you're not on the Caravan, why would you be out here practicing through the storm? I enjoy it. And I want to stay sharp. Born in Leviathan? Palidor, actually. [Another thunderbolt streaks through the sky and impacts a tree not too far away as the downpour sets in, making it harder to not only see, but hear things as well. The winds pick up and start going through and around you, making it harder to keep solid footing. You still have no problem staying up, but a moogle would easily be blown away if that's any indication.] * Sai_Link looks over at the impact. "It's getting closer." *he glances over at Dorn. "... at least I won't be cold, wet, and alone." Just cold and wet, right? * Sai_Link laughs. "Yeah." * Sai_Link hops off of the dummy, then heads to the base of the tree that Dorn's in. [Another thunderbolt streaks down and strikes the tree very near to where the two are, with a deafening roar. So deafaning, it causes both of you to temporarily go deaf. The tree remains standing, although how much longer that may be the case is questionable.] * Sai_Link gives up trying to hold the spell, and lets if shoot off somewhere. * Dorn reels, turning and sliding off the tree. * Sai_Link then covers his ears. "DORN!" YEAH?! * Sai_Link backs away from the struck tree, looking for the liltie. "DORN!?" * Dorn leans down, trying to gather up his gear. He's mildly oblivious to Sai. * Sai_Link hunches down next to Dorn, tapping him on the shoulder, and then pointing back to town. * Dorn nods and picks up his pack, trudging back and leaving his practice gear behind. * Sai_Link then points at his ears, and slices the air with a flat hand. "I can't hear! Too loud!" * Dorn points to his as well, then to both of them, and mouths out 'later'. "Me too. We'll meet--" * Sai_Link heads back with Dorn, glancing up. * Sai_Link shakes his head when Dorn starts to try to talk. He keeps glancing around to make sure they're heading back, and not getting lost. * Dorn sighs and follows. [And so they went back to town to find shelter, like sensible people who DON'T want to win the Darwin Award. Mini end! For now.]