[Warning, incoming game. Warning, incoming game.] [Date: Thursday, Ramuh 19th, 1360. Time: Around noon.] [Using a bit of information she gleamed from whatever sources she has, Kupel found out where Mona is at this particular time. Who knows! It could have even been a lucky guess. The forecast for today is currently rainey, but not so bad it's impossable to go out. The camera starts with Mona doing what she's doing at this approximate time, and Kupel can come in whenever provided the location isn't a fortress...] [And maybe even if it WAS a fortress. That'd be funny.] [Session start!] * Mona isn't actually in a fortress. She _is_ in a less travelled part of the library, with her book before her, two or three other books around her on the floor, and a thoughtful look on her face. She's tapping her (favorite!) pen on the book. * Kupel flits into the library, pompom bobbing cheerfully. * Kupel flits into the less-travelled part of the library. * Mona smiles faintly at the book and draws something into it. Whatcha readin there, kupo? * Mona looks over at Kupel with slightly surprised eyes and says, "Kupel!" She scoops up her book and adds in a much more library voice, "What are you doing back here?" I was looking for ya. * Kupel waves her paw and bobs her pompom, tilting her left wing slightly ...Right. Of course. * Kupel smiles. * Mona holds the book so that Kupel can't see it, but leaves it open. (Does she seem distrustful of Kupel, or just kinda embarassed, or what?) (Roll me a sense motive check, Kupel.) * Kupel lowers the tone of voice. "Now, about the caravan..." * Mona slowly, carefully, closes her book before replying in a quiet library tone, "Yeees?" How easily do you think you could sneak me along? * Mona blinks at Kupel a few times. Big, slow, blue-eyed blinks. * Kupel slowly nods... Uh... I suppose it wouldn't be that hard, but... pardon me for asking, why? I wanna see the world, visit new places. And hey, someone's gotta carry that chalice around. It'd be helping lotsa people... * Mona sweeps up one of the other books and puts it on top of another. "Right, but... okay, I was sorta surprised when you apped for the caravan, you know. It's... a long trip." Yeah... yeah... I know. * Kupel has a seat. I was thinking maybe the trip would do me some good * Mona shifts on the floor, and turns a litle more towards her. "Uh... it'll do you some good, but... well..." her voice lowers. "...how did you handle the last trial?" * Kupel shivers. It was... unsettling * Mona sees Kupel's shiver and nods a little after she replies. "That's... about the size of it, really. To hear it told, you get hungry, wet, cold... have to go through dungeons, deal with traps... it's not something you just do. And you're a moogle. You could see the world on your own, without all this added on work. Are you really sure you want to put yourself through this?" This town's been great to me, and it's probably about time I gave something back. * Mona nods a little, then chuckles to herself. "A moogle with a social conscience. We're all doomed." * Kupel smirks * Mona mms slightly, and nods a little. "Uh... okay. What do you do? Spells?" * Mona suddenly sneezes, and seems surprised at it. Yeah, some magic... and people skills. * Kupel stretches. And I'm cute and cuddly! * Kupel smiles and flaps her wings a bit. * Mona rubs her nose and continues quietly, with a fading smile, "Nnh. Um, well, cute and cuddly is nice, and I'm not really against a stowaway but..." she rubs her head. "By Shoat, I sound like mom, but I don't want to let you tag along if you're not going to be ready to fight and die." * Kupel nods slowly... I still wanna go. I'm not the strongest, or the smartest, but I've certainly got the spirit for it, and isn't that what counts? * Mona chuckles weakly. "If spirit were all it took, they'd just have a dying contest." * Kupel makes a fist with her paw and puts it into her palm for emphasis! Heh... Well, I wanna come along, kupo! The only question is how I'll be traveling... * Mona mms, then shrugs, with a slight smile. "Oh, why not. I was going to tag along with the Tipa caravan if mom got in my way anyway." * Kupel grins * Mona looks at Kupel carefully, then says, "You were asking about spare space a couple weeks ago." Oh, yes. I'm still up for that, assuming there's suitable ventilation. Maybe a nice blanket, and some food... until I can safeul come out, of course * Mona licks her lips and says, "Well, I could probably do that... but that'd only last for a few days, maybe... You'd have to talk to everyone eventually." * Kupel nods... You mind sticking with me when I talk to them? I always find it can't hurt to keep others around who'll vouch for you too * Mona smiles with a little teasing twist. "I'm gonna need a little more than your word to vouch for you, kupo." Like what, a little moogle dance, kupo? Well, what I _mean_... * Mona picks up the books she was gathering earlier and stands. "We've all been training for the past month. How about you?" * Kupel frowns. "Been working at it, though I haven't really had the proper facilities. Still, I practice pretty often." * Mona nods slightly. Why do moogles have such a hard time getting in, kupo? * Kupel sounds upset. First time in a pretty long while she has. * Mona chuckles a little, and shakes her head. "Do you want my professional opinion?" Ehn, sure, kupo. * Mona stretches a little and says, "Well... think about all the reasons you quoted..." Everyone else gets to use those. They don't get to travel in miasma. The only one that really matters, for a moogle? Is the one about really wanting to help the town. So... * Mona holds up her hands like a scale. "You have to either be really good, or really convince them you care. That's my guess." * Kupel nods * Mona adds with a little harshness in it, "You've got more options, and less real need to care. It's not like you or your family die if the caravan fails..." * Kupel nods... I guess those are okay reasons. No, they're really not, but... Though still, shouldn't affect things to the extent that they do, kupo. Well, I meant okay as in justifiable, not okay as in right. * Mona mms and nods slightly. "Ah. Well, you'll find almost anything is justifiable." True. * Mona reshelves one of the books in her stack, finishing, "But right... well, that's different." * Mona smiles a little at the bookshelves and turns to Kupel, whispering a little more conspiritorially, "So! With you being social and all... leaving behind any boyfriends to make this dangerous little trip?" * Kupel blinks and blushes. Well, none at the moment.... Thouhg that Mugoichi guy was kinda cute... haven't seen him in a while, though. (And freakish. What kind of moogle oogles over mammary glands?) ( Well, he just said "Soft" ) * Mona blinks a few times. "Mugoichi... cute... " she smiles and shakes her head, before saying a little teasingly, "Well, no accounting for another woman's taste." (You know that only hurts his case.) * Kupel smiles. Well, who do YOU find cute? * Mona blinks and looks away as she reshelves the last book. "Me? Well, a little intelligence goes a long way... green eyes, maybe... oh, I don't know." She turns with a chuckle. "I spend all my time with moogles, yukes, and books, and, no offense to you, they all make poor boyfriends." * Mona snickers. "Well, and Sai Link, but he is very far from cute." * Kupel laughs So if you spent more time with clavats, lilties, or selkies, which would it be? Uh... well, I can't really answer that, can I? Why not, kupo? Because I don't spend time with them. * Mona draws a circle in the air. ( Why a cirlce/ ) Well, "If"... (Because the question is circular.) * Mona shakes her head. "I'm no... okay, I am decent at hypotheticals, but that's not one I'm gonna touch." Aww. That's kinda dissapointing. * Mona says in sorta a teasing 'there there' voice, "Well, when we go out and see the world, you can point me at attractive menfolk, and we can find out together." * Kupel laughs * Kupel smiles. "Sure, sure." * Mona exhales tiredly. "So much to go through. Not having these books, starting in a week and a half is really going to be a both." * Kupel nods... There's a lot I'm gonna miss The guys over at Firaga and Ice... * Mona nods a little. "Kupi, Kupan and Kutep... Lasarelas and Sebejias... my younger brothers... as I said. It will be a long trip." * Kupel nods... (No Kupon, though!) I hope my parents can keep the shop running smoothly Though... well, I'm sure you don't need to worry about your mom. * Kupel laughs nervously * Mona skims the titles on the shelf and laughs a little. "Yeah, I don't think my parents are going to have any trouble without me around." Beat. "T'll probably be very quiet." Probably the biggest thing they'll have to worry about is keeping Ramsey entertained. ( What's Ramsey, precious? ) (Youngest brother.) Is he hard to keep occupied? * Mona smiles a little and picks out a book, the spine of it in a straaaange language. "Not when I'm involved." Hee. What's your secret, kupo? * Mona smiles. "Stories about monsters and special places. It's the moogle touch." * Mona has a seat on the floor and starts flipping through the new strange book. Yeah... my parents always used to tell me such nice stories.... what book is that, kupo? Mmm? Oh, it's an ancient little tome from some Selkic explorers. The most interesting part is certain passage about the Tower of Leires and Kerstantch. * Mona opens her other book and flips through it to a certain point, dips her pen in the ink that she'd left on the ground and not crushed, and begins writing. "Like I said. Not having these books will be a great pain." * Kupel nods... What's it say about them? * Mona looks over at Kupel and smiles teasingly, "Interested in ancient history, suddenly?" * Mona shakes her head and mms down at the book. "Well, a lot of it is the basics, although the amusing tone of Ancient Selkic comes through. The Selkies are somewhat disbelieving of the tower, and wonder how far they could see from the top, if there were no miasma." Well, I've just been kinda curious. Something else I've been curious about... the Selkies came from the sea, right, kupo? Some people say that, yes... and their biggest city is out in the ocean. * Kupel nods. Does anyone know if there's miasma under the water too? I was thinking it'd be kinda neat if we found a big old underwater Selkie civilization still thriving or something. * Mona looks at Kupel funny and shakes her head slowly. "I don't think there's miasma... really, it's hard enough to breathe underwater as is." Well, if they came from the sea.... ( Kupel's pretty much been joking around, BTW. ^^; ) (Heh.) Well, water is like earth... it can get tainted. But you mean like Akilan En Mal, really. What's that? Legendary underwater city. * Mona chuckles a little. "It's more a story than anything, really, but people say there's no miasma there." Huh. Must be some nice crystal. * Mona shakes her head. "How could it be a crystal? There's no myrr trees ." * Mona scribbles a little more in the book. "If there's no miasma, it's because it can't reach... but it is just a story." Any stories about what it is, and why it's here? * Mona blinks, and turns a little towards Kupel. "Well... not really. There's a lot of legends, and one story that I know, but really can't tell. It's been a while since I spent too much time on legends..." I think they're fun... * Mona smiles a little a her, but there is a tinge of exasperation. "Well, yes, which means I listen when they come up, but... when I'm in the library, I'm not looking up legends, is what I meant." Ah, okay, kupo. ^^; * Mona smiles a little at the book. "I'm not a storyteller. I'm a researcher. Boring, I know." Nah, finding mysteries and such is fun too * Mona smiles a little over at Kupel. "Now, are you just saying that or do you mean it?" Of course I mean it. ... well, depends on what kinda research, really * Kupel scratches the back of her head Ah, well, I suppose that's good enough. * Mona flips a few more pages in the book and continues with the scribbling. * Kupel ponders.... Why did you decide to come along on the caravan? * Mona looks over at Kupel, then looks down at the book and says in a flat voice. "Would you believe it if I said 'mom said so?'" * Kupel blinks. ... given how scary she can be, probably. * Mona chuckles. "Oh, good." * Kupel laughs nervously * Mona sighs slightly and makes a mark in her book before flipping through the Selkic book. "But really, it's just about my research. The fact that I'm well trained is a big help, though." * Kupel nods. "Whatcha hope to find out there, kupo?" * Mona chuckles. "Everything that isn't here." There's a lot to look at. Monsters, old research, what was in certain journal logs... Selkie boys? * Mona looks over at Kupel with a smirk. "Ah, ah, didn't I already say I didn't know about that?" * Kupel smirks back. * Mona looks back at her journal. "I think you were just trying to get me to tell you something." Like what, kupo? Something about whether I find Selkie boys cute or not? * Kupel gigles * Mona goes, "Hmph. I knew it." She does seem a little amused. * Kupel smiles. "I'm just here to lighten things up, kupo." * Mona nods a little. "As long as you can blow a few of them up as well. You'd better make sure you're caught up with our training... otherwise, you'll be in trouble." Oh, I certainly plan on it, kupo. Though I'd like a nice place to practice and compare. Mmm? Well, Nikki and Xanithern are our real magicians... I don't happen to qualify. * Kupel nods. "I'll have to talk to them about it, kupo. And talk about tagging along, too!" * Mona mms and murmurs, "Well, you'll have to be careful about that. Somehow, I do not see Xanithern as the moogle enjoying type." * Kupel frowns. ... as I think about it, I have only ever seen him enjoy one thing, and that is discussing languages and the Tower of Leires with me. Wow, kupo. That takes some focus. Well, since he can't speak, just having a discussion with him was very full of interesting languages. say I'd imagine so, kupo. * Kupel ponders. * Mona scribbles a bit more from the book. I'm gonna go practice magic some more, kupo. Gotta make sure I can pull my weight around the Caravan I'll see you later, kupo! * Kupel flutters off * Kupel is now known as Demota * Mona waves at Kupel. "Later, Kupel." * Mona reads her books! In the library. La la la. She's so booky. [End!]