[Warning, incoming game. Warning, incoming game.] [Date: Monday, Ramuh 16th, 1360 AI.] [Time: Uh... Midday. 11ish, we'll say.] [The caravaners, and even some who aren't caravaners, were invited to lunch with Mog. The occassion? He's going to be handing off the journal to one of the lucky caravan members. For this, the day is rather nice and sunny, as well as cloudless. The meeting is taking place in the library, in one of the few meeting rooms. An odd feature, indeed, but one that proved useful time and time again throughout the years.] [Now, some of the caravaners simply couldn't make it and that's too bad for them. But at least you came, right? A rather cute male clavat is acting as guard for this occurance, as it is one of the few cases where a few of the musty tomes from the vault is being taken out of said vault, and not all the council members are 100% sure Mog can keep the peace. Which... shouldn't be surprising.] [You may already be there, or be walking in when (or even after) the session starts. Which will be...] [Wait for it...] [Right about...] [Now! Session Start!] (YAY FOR MARK.) ( Can I come in later? I gotta afk ^^; ) (Sure. ^^) (We love you Mark! Clavat cuteness yay.) ( K. AFK! ) (Is Mark talkable to? Or is he too busy working?) * Mona is there. Heck, she probably had to walk all of 10 feet to get there. Maybe 20. (The guard? Sure, you can talk to him. ^^) * Nikki tags along. She smiles and waves at Mark. * Kupel flits hello * Kupel flits along Morning kupo! * Mark smiles at the ladies and waves. "Morning ladies." * Mona waves at Mark too and says with a smile, "How is everything, Mark?" * Mark shrugs. "Can't complain. Could be better, could be worse. But hey, at least the pay's decent." (Everyone's in the room, ne?) (Except Harmony?) (Harmony's gonna be late. Which is okay, I just want to know if I can continue. :P) (Yeeees.) * Mona chuckles a little. "I'd hope so. I wonder if you'd see anyone at all if I didn't visit." * Kupel waves her widdle arm People come of course. How much they talk is something else. But, if you wouldn't mind, Mog's been spending a good deal of time in there waiting for you. I'll be around for most of today, so you shouldn't keep him waiting. ~_^ Alright, kupo! * Kupel flaps her little wings and wobbles into the room * Mona walks in too and says teasingly, "Try not to let any books walk out." * Zegon smiles back at Mona. (... MARK does that. Dammit.) * Mark smiles back at Mona. * Nikki snickers. She waves. "Bye, Mark." And heads in. Wow, she was quiet. THAT won't last. [Inside the room are a number of books stacked on the table, each of them definable as a caravan's journal by the special binding, rather large size, and markings. Mog is looking into one right now while eating a small sandwich of lettuce, nuts, chopped fruit, and mayonayse. He doesn't seem to notice you entering, instead seemingly absorbed in the book.] Hello kupo! [There are chairs at the table, and Dem should hopefully wait until I'm done with description...] ( Oh. sorry ) (Heh, I was about to pose too.) [No prob, I shoulda typed 'cont'. Anyways, there are chairs at the table, and in one of the chairs sits a very pretty Selkie with a clear sign of clavat influence in her family. Those of you familiar with it would know she's part of the Tipa caravan. She gives each of you a glance and a customary smile.] [The Selkie is currently glancing over the books, although you get the feeling that's not the only reason she's here today.] [The room is well-lit and gives a somewhat warm atmosphere.] [Okay, you can start again.] Hello kupo. * Kupel flies over to a chair and has a seat. Unfortunately, all that can be seen of her above the table is her pompom, which wiggles as she talks * Nikki smiles at the girl, then beams at the moogle. "Hey, Mog!" * Mona looks over the woman and nods at her while heading over to one of the books herself and checking the markings. * Mog looks up from the book and almost fumbles his sandwich, catching it at the last moment and beaming a smile at Nikki. "Hi Nikki! And Mona, and Kupel too! I'm happy you could make it." Kupopo! ^.^ Pokupopo! (Share what you mean for the moogle speaking in the class? ^_~) * Nikki lets them talk their crazy moogle. She goes and has a seat! * Mona mms slightly. "It wasn't too tough of a trek. I'm surprised Ne Rina isn't here, though..." (It's not that importnat, honestly. ^^;) ('Kay.) (Yaaay, Xani!) (If you want ^^;) Is there anything I can get for you, kupo? Oh! And I'd like you to meet Ann Hol, from the Tipa caravan. * Nikki starts, then does another take at the Selkie. "Oh. Hi! I'm Nikki." She holds a hand out to her; she managed to pick the seat next to Ann Hol, so that's not much of a stretch. Hi Ann Hol! * Kupel waves her little paw * Ann Hol takes Nikki's hand and shakes it softly, smiling. "Hello Nikki, nice to meet you." She giggles at the moogle. "And hello to you too." ( Back! ) * Mona waits for Ann to react to Nikki, then says, "I'm Mona. Are you the journal writer for the Tipa caravan, then?" Afraid not, Mona. Punashalim takes care of that, but should he have problems I suppose I could take it up... I'm here more for reading the journals and looking at the competetion. * Nikki blinks. "Journaling is a competitive sport now?" * Harmony pokes her head out from behind the door, wondering if it's safe to come in. Harmony! Come on in, kupo! We haven't started yet. ^_^ * Harmony smiles timidly and walks slowly into the room, glancing at everyone in turn. ( urgh. Guys, it's getting pretty late. I'm gonna have to turn in... can we do this earlier next time? ) No, but caravaning can be, or so I've heard. *glances over at Harmony* Morning, Harmony. * Harmony waves nervously. * Kupel is now known as Demota Also nice to meet you in person. Enzo's said very much about you. (Dem... At LEAST have your character exit the scene.) * Mona blinks and rests her hand on a book. Click click click... * Kupel goes to look throuhg the library books to read up on caravaning * Nikki turns and smiles cheerfully. "Haromy!" She waves her over to the other seat next to her. ( Enzo? O.o ) Oh, so you're Enzo's... well, it's nice to meet you too, then. * Harmony smiles slightly and walks over to Nikki, nervously taking a seat next to her. * Mona smiles a little weakly. "I'm afraid I haven't heard too much about you, but I don't see Enzo a lot." * Xanithern lets the door creak as he opens it, looking about the room. He steps softly in after surveying the surroundings and shuts the door without comment. Which knowing Xani is pretty common anyway. * Nikki waves at Xanithern, too. (Note: It should be Harmony up there.) ( I thought she just forgot my name :P ) * Ann Hol nods and smiles. "That's correct. And Harmony? That's a little strange for a Selkie name, but I'm not one to judge by names." * Xanithern peers at Nikki. Peer. He then walks forward to take a seat. * Harmony blinks at Ann Hol. But all she says is, "Oh." * Mona looks away from Ann when she turns her attention to Harmony, and says, "Morning, Xanithern." * Mog looks at the new entries and takes a quick bite out of his sandwich. "Kupo! We can start now. But before we do, are any of you hungry? I can get someone to bring food if you like?" * Xanithern bows his head to Mona as he takes a seat, then looks at Ann with an even stare. * Mona taps her hand on the book and mms slightly, but doesn't speak up on the food issue. * Harmony doesn't actually say anything, but looks at Mog longingly. * Ann Hol smiles at Xanithern. "I don't suppose you could stop staring? It may result in... discomfort." Is that 'no food', kupo? * Xanithern keeps staring at Ann and then looks down as he takes his chalkboard out and sketches out in common. ~Whose discomfort?~ ( "Ever had an axe in your head?" ) * Ann Hol grins. "If you keep looking, you'll find out, won't you?" * Mona snickers a little, raising her hand to her mouth to hide it, then says when she lowers it, "Well, depending on how long this is going to last, I might want something, but right now I'm fine." * Xanithern keeps looking for a while anyhow, then looks at Mog, seperating sections on his chalkboard and writing out, ~I don't suppose you have more of the world, do you?~ * Nikki blinks. And then she looks to Harmony, and then Mog. "Oh! Well, I guess I could go for something." * Mog nods. "Kupo." Mog takes down the journal he penned and puts it on the table and pulls out a piece of magicite. "What would you like?" * Harmony speaks, "Um... I-I-I'd like some too... if that's okay." * Nikki looks at the magicite curiously. "Surprise me." She smiles. "I'm not picky. But no fish!" Okay! Harmony? * Ann Hol shakes her head. "I already ate. Thank you for the offer." Um... Um.... (* Nikki gets the Leviathon summon magicite) I guess... uh, anything is okay... (Works for me!) (That's certainly surprising) * Mona looks over the journals lying about again before taking a seat... somewhere. Probably near Xani, since Nikki's all boxed in. * Mog nods and talks into the magicite, much like (you guessed it Brett) a linkpearl. "Two surprises and a snack tray, kupo." ( <.< ) ( ^_^ ) Now you all want to know about the journals, kupo? (No comprendo.) (He talked into it.) * Harmony nods slowly. Yup. That's what we're here for. * Nikki idly draws circles on the table with a finger. * Xanithern stares at Mog. That may be a yes. Of course, it may just be Xani. Okay! Now, each caravan writes their own travels in these journals... as truthfully as they can. Why? Ot (Dammit.) * Mona slides her ranseur out from where it rests on her back and leans it againt her chair, then leans back slightly to listen to Mog. Okay! Now, each caravan writes their own travels in these journals... as truthfully as they can. Why? It's tradition, and some is very good reading too, kupo! We have journals aging back from the year 0 AI. And they tell us much about the world back then, and how it has changed. ( "Day 1: We walked a lot." "Day 2: More walking." "Day 3: Walked some more..." ) Which makes them a very powerful piece of art and resource for us. And now you too. ( It's Piccazzo, Shakespeare and Campbell all in one! ) * Mog takes a bite and thinks, then speaks again. "Kupo, you may wonder how the books last so long, and survive so much? It's because they are all enchanted and warded against all but the worst that can happen to a book. Even jelly stains drip off of it!.. Don't ask how I know, kupo." * Xanithern watches Mog carefully and writes down, ~What do you mean "as truthfully as they can?" Why can't it always be truthful?~ * Mona lets out a little amused snort. (And I didn't even intend that timing.) (Hehe.) * Mog reads Xanithern's question. "Sometimes people lie, or stretch the truth. A little embellishment to get the point across is a good thing, I say! But you should be able to remember your travels from the book." * Nikki snickers. Kupo, one of you will have to take up the book and be the author for your caravan. It's important that they like to write, are a good writer, and aren't boring. Boring is not memorable. * Xanithern watches Mog and then writes some more. ~How exactly can we remember our travels from the book if the book includes lies?~ * Mog looks confused by Xanithern's statement. "Who said there were lies?" * Xanithern glances at Mog and erases. Skritch skritch skritch. ~You did. Just a moment ago.~ * Harmony reads. "No he didn't. He said it was important not to lie!" * Harmony then realizes what she said (namely, anything) and tries to hide herself behind Nikki. ~But he also said sometimes people lie. Presumably in the journals as well. That is the implication.~ * Mona watches Xani's board as best she can. * Nikki blinks at Harmony. * Nikki is, uh, a hiding place? * Harmony looks doubtful, but she's had her outburst for the day. * Mog sighs. "Sometimes the author doesn't know what happened, and thus writes a falsehood. You should make sure that doesn't happen, kupo!" Well, I think he didn't meant lying so much as making sure things are told in an interesting way. Like how telling a story where you just give straight facts and not opinions can be really boring. And then, if you make it really boring, nobody'll want to read it. * Mog nods. "Kupoku!" () * Nikki smiles. She has no idea what Mog said! * Xanithern stares at Nikki, then looks at Mog, then board, then Nikki, then board, then Mog, then writes. ~He still should not use the word "truthful" and imply that some people lie if that is not true then.~ * Harmony whispers something to Nikki. * Nikki grins at Harmony and nods once, then looks to Xanithern. "Yeah, but you *know* what he meant now, right? We can stop arguing over somethign that can't be changed." (Something, too.) * Mona look over at Xani and nods slightly with Nikki's statement. * Xanithern peers at Nikki. And doesn't stop staring. * Nikki smiles back. * Xanithern peers. * Nikki smiles! * Mona interposes her hands in front of the stare, signing at Xanithern. * Mog floats down and stands on the table again. At this point Mark walks in holding three large trays. "Geeze, what did you order!" He puts them down on the table. "Well, here's lunch for you guys." One of the trays is larger, must be the snack tray, and the other two are probably the two lunches. * Mark waves to the caravaners. "See ya later." He goes back out to do his job. * Nikki blinks at the trays. "Uh, the surprise, I guess. Bye." * The trays are covered. If you want it, you'll have to take the lid off. * Xanithern looks at Mona and signs back quickly and deftly. * Harmony hesitantly takes one of the trays, and pulls the top off. * Mona leans back in her chair, now that she's got Xani's attention, and signs back. * Nikki peeks under her lid. Is it... fish? * The larger snack tray, which Mog removes the lid for, is surprisingly well-organized, if complex. Assorted crackers, cheeses, meats (both cold and warm), and melted cheese sauces. Some greens, fruits, and dipping sauces made it on as well. * The dishes that Nikki and Harmony got just plain smell good. Extra-large pancakes, two of them, and two smaller pancakes. There is a small amount of both grilled chicken and smoked ham, and cold cuts of cheese. On the side are hash browns and grapes. ( Unfortunately the warm meat heats up the cold meat and the cold meat freezes the warm meat. Doh! ) * Xanithern just finishes off by staring at Mona. (They're seperated. :P) * Harmony smiles. Pancakes wai! Kupo, do any of you have questions on the journals? * Mona rolls her eyes and signs something short back. (The influence for this dish: Moondance Diner.) * Nikki sniffs, then grins and removes the lid. She looks over at Mog. "Someone has to keep track of everything in it, right? I mean, a designated writer? Or do we just pass it off?" * Mona then turns away from Xani slightly and gets a look at the snack platter. * Xanithern keeps staring. * Mog nods. "Kupo, I was the writer for the journal last. So it falls on me to pick who next is the main writer of the journal." * Mona takes it in stride, and picks out some crackers and meats, if she can reach, and doesn't if she can't! * Mog finishes his sandwich. "Most of the authors are Clavats and Yukes, though. Not many moogles writing in the journals at all." (Mona gets 1x Crackers and 1x Meats!) (Woo!) (Idle for a bit. Keep going.) * Xanithern looks at Mog at that statement and writes it down. ~Why is that?~ Kupo, I don't know. * Mona opens her mouth for a second, then closes it. * Mona chews her lip and finally says, in a very questioning tone, her eyes looking right at him, "Mog? If the history and perspective is so important, why don't you let people read most of the journals, especially the one from the 1330 Caravan?" * Harmony blinks. "1330?" (Mona is as subtle as a... uh... well... Lilty Jump Focus Attack.) (WHAM.) * Mog starts at that. "The... The 1330-1339 journal is not open to the public out of respect for those who did not make it back... and for those who did, kupo. The others are kept away to keep them from getting stolen or damaged. While the enchantment prevents staining, heat, cold, water, and the like... It will not prevent tears in the pages." * Xanithern looks at Mona and secretly writes her a note in Yuke. ~I thought you were going to give him a "little bit of time"~ (A note on paper, or a note on chalkboard?) (Chalkboard) What happened on that caravan? * Xanithern then erases the message and writes out casually to Harmony, holding it out for all to see. ~I suspect only two people know for certain...~ * Mog shudders. "You'd have to ask Gwesus to know. Not even Yarksetnik knows... or she does and she's not telling." * Nikki reads that. "Yeah. They're not gonna tell." * Mona mms slightly, having caught Xani's message, then says, "All you need to know, I guess, is that most of the caravan died." Oh. So, if most of them died, why is the journal locked away so much? Shouldn't we learn from it? * Mona gets a thin smile before quickly covering it with the cracker-and-meat that she acquired earlier! That's Gwesus's and Squenix's decision, not mine. I've... had the opportunity to read some of it kupo. There's nothing there that would be of use to you. The training they give would cover that? Kupo? * Xanithern writes down again. ~No one claims the journal to be as accurate as first hand accounts anyway..~ * Nikki eats quietly. Quiet Nikki. Strange. It's probably her player's fault. * Mona swallows, and says, "Really, I just wanted to see what Mog's opinion was, with being so open to questions." * Mog walks over to his (elevated) seat and sits down. "Any other questions, kupo?" He's clearly a bit upset by the previous question. * Xanithern writes down. ~What sort of progress should we document exactly?~ (;_;) * Harmony looks like she's going to ask something, but winds up... not. Myrr, traveling, important places... Anything! If it's important, write it down. Umm... Kupo, Harmony? Do you, um... have to have any experience? Experience doing what, kupo? With, uh, writing and t-talking and knowing important things... and stuff. * Mog looks genuinely confused. "Uh... To do what?" To, um... write. In the journal. Oh! I guess not, kupo, but it doesn't hurt. Whoever the author is could take what you want to say and put it down in better words. Or you could write in it yourself, kupo! Just because one person is the main writer doesn't mean others can't add to it. Oh. Anything else? * Harmony shakes her head hurriedly before she can make a bigger fool of herself. * Mona chuckles a little and gestures at the room, at the books. "Any recommendations besides your caravan's journal?" * Harmony eats her pancakes before they get cold. Kupo. ^^ History buffs should look at 0, of course, 370, 660, and 1010. 1210 was written by Naila Shel Phelson, a Selkie with a very young mentality. But it makes for very very good reading! 240 is very dramatic and epic-like. Ceril was on that caravan, after all... 580 had a poet writing the journal. Some of it isn't good at all, but there are a few gems. ~So we are allowed to read it?~ Kupo... For what most read like, I'd suggest 1040. * Mog nods. "Right now, you can read any of the journals in this room. I hand-picked them myself, kupo!" (Note that this room is not the vault. ^^;) Umm... Do you, um... have the one from, uh... 1340? * Mog takes up a blank journal, with the numbers 1360-1369 on the binding and puts it on the table. "Kupo... Yes I do. It's somewhere in that stack." He points at the stack of books on the floor. "But first, before you start reading... Who would like to write for the caravan?" * Harmony glances at the others before timidly raising her hand. * Xanithern writes down, looking at his chalkboard. ~I am willing to write.~ * Mona nods slightly. "I don't really fit the profile, but I think I would." * Mog looks a bit surprised. "Kupo, no offense, but I was hoping Nikki would." * Harmony looks down at the floor and lowers her hand. "Oh." * Nikki blinks. She looks around. "What, me?" And then she looks at Mog. "Are you sure?" * Xanithern looks oddly at Mog before responding. ~Well if you were hoping that, why did you ask the question of who wished to write in it in the first place?~ He glances at Harmony for a second before continuing. ~I suspect some are disappointed..~ * Mona chuckles slightly and looks over at Nikki, before saying with a hint of amusement, "I suppose it'd have been a lot of work to keep up two journals anyway." * Nikki looks at Xanithern's writing, then she smiles, almost sheepishly. "Uh, yeah. When other people volunteered..." She trails off for a moment, then continues, "Besides, I'm not really known as the most *honest* person in town, y'know?" * Mog nods and flitters over to Nikki. "You're perfect for the job, kupo! Harmony was right, in that expereience is important. And while you would be plenty analytical, I fear your work would be... boring, kupo." (He said that second sentence to Xanithern.) (Oh diss oh smack.) If you're sure. * Xanithern eyes Mog dryly. ~To a moogle, I suspect many things are boring.~ * Nikki smiles. "I'd be happy to, then. Oh! There's nothing wrong with other people writing in the journal, right? I'd just be in charge of it." * Mog hands the journal over to Nikki and nods. "Yup, kupo! Keep it safe, it is very important. And write everything you think is important in it." He gives Nikki a kiss on her hand and floats over to the books. "Now, who wanted what year?" (Alright, I'm done for the night assuming you don't have questions. I'll reveal what you get in the journals at a later date, if you don't mind?) * Xanithern eyes Mog with the terror of a thousand Yukes. Umm... Can I, um.... come back later? * Mog, having to deal with Squenix, doesn't seem too bothered. * Mona drums her fingers on the table for a second, then says, "1210, since you so glowingly recommended it." Kupo, okay! * Harmony makes her way to the door. "I'll... just... come back later. Bye!" She rushes off. * Mog blinks as Harmony runs out. (Last poses!) * Xanithern watches Harmony go then writes a quick note to Mog. ~You scared her off.~ * Nikki blinks as Harmony goes. "Bye Harmony." She looks down at the journal in her hands, and there's a small moment of awe before she opens it up to leaf through the blank pages. * Mona rubs her neck and chews her lip, befroe looking over at Nikki. "Congratulations, I think." She quirks a weak smile. "Is 10 years of writing a good thing, or a bad one?" Well, I always wanted to find as many stories as I could. * Nikki looks up, then grins at Mona. "I've just gotta write them, now." ~This is certainly an opportunity.~ [Session End!]