Session Start: Sat Nov 29 16:21:34 2003 [Tuesday, November 4, 2003. The Palace.] [8:35 local time] * TheQueen has already mounted her mountainous throne of pillows. She reads the morning newspaper as three servants carefully brush out her lengthy hair. * PrincessPurity sticks her head in the door. Your Majesty? * PrincessPurity looks extremely nervous this morning. You summoned me? * TheQueen looks up and smiles. Yes, dear Purity. I just needed you for a couple of minutes while I interview... someone. He shouldn't be dangerous, but you are best suited to deal with him, I think. So if you just want to take a seat... * TheQueen waves a graceful hand at the bottom row of pillows. * PrincessPurity blinks, as if this was not what she was expecting, but goes to sit at her queen's feet. * TheQueen turns to her servants. "Please, show in the other guest, then leave us." A uniformed servant girl opens the door, and bows as a young Lord walks in. * LordChimera is shown into this room. A few glances around for orientation later he slowly steps towards where the Queen sits and kneels before her, his cloak laying behind him. * LordChimera has on matching charcoal slacks and vest over a white long, billowy-sleeved dress-shirt with both cuffs tied at the wrist. In lieu of any sort of tie, he adorns a jet black collar-stay roughly one-inch in diameter. The collar-stay also serves as a brooch for his full-length royal-blue which cloak hangs from his shoulders. A similar black gem rests on his forehead held by a wide matching blue headband. * TheQueen looks grave. (somewhat forced) My Queen... Good morning, Lord... Lord... ...who are you? * LordChimera 's eyes are cast downward. His face looks as if troubled by something. I am Lord.. Lord Chimera, my Queen. * TheQueen tilts her head slightly. ...I suppose that makes as much sense as anything. * PrincessPurity is wide-eyed. He looks like Lord Superfluous! I chose the name myself... To be apart from what.. From what was before me. In a sense, I think he is, Purity. * LordChimera casts a hurt expression towards Princess Purity, then gazes again at the floor before The Queen. Is he a ghost, then? * LordChimera closes his eyes momentarily. Lord Chimera, how much do remember from... before? ... First, I'd like to thank you for the hospitality I've been shown here since I awoke. As for any memories I have from before then... * TheQueen makes a little throw-away gesture. "It was no more than I would do for any of my vassals." * LordChimera nods slowly. I remember a few names. Faces.. Glimmers of moments.. but nothing I can hold on to It all seems like a dream. The more I try to remember, the more it feels to slip away... I- Do you remember your... progenitor? Lord Superfluous? Hosukinguzu Andoru?" Much of what is in your head originally belonged to him. You yourself were only awake for a week or so. I think that I do... his feelings. Sometimes I find myself thinking of people I've no recollection of meeting at any time. * TheQueen sighs. He doesn't seem like a person I want to be... He was... unlamented. And I should emphasize that. He died rather ingloriously about three months ago. * LordChimera appears to sink into himself at the response. I don't wish to know anything more about him than what I have to. The real question we must settle here is what I should do with you. Yes, My Queen. * LordChimera straightens his posture somewhat, nearly at attention. He faces The Queen directly for the first time. When I... unsummoned your form three years ago, I truly thought you were merely a construct to be discarded. * PrincessPurity looks mildly agog at this. * LordChimera again lowers his gaze to the floor in front of him. I hope that won't be necessary... That you have returned seems to indicate otherwise. And I honestly am unsure if I could do so again. On the face of it, you seem to have a life and a soul of your own. And I am loathe to waste it. Do you think... are you ready to function in normal society? Thank you, My Queen. I will serve in whatever way I can. Even if... Even if I'm no where near what came before me. I can. * TheQueen nods. What would you have me do, my Queen? Very well. ...because of what you are, and who your resemble, and your lack of family, I can not, at the moment, place you with a normal team, or leave you to operate on your own. I understand. * TheQueen looks doubtful. "I don't think you are going to be able to operate on your own, anyway - I can sense that your powers are much diminished from the level that Superfluous wielded." I've come to similar conclusions during my rest here in your company. I'm sorry, but I will serve in any way I can, I assure you. * LordChimera tenses his fist against the ground where he kneels and lowers his head as he says this. I do have one situation that would work. She'll be a bit angry at taking in one more stray, but you'll make a worthy addition to Sakura's irregulars. ... I'll-- be with a team? They... do things differently. They handle threats from directions other than the sea. Yes, a team. Sakura is as old as I am, and even though she is merely a Lady, she will be in charge. Is that clear? ...your Majesty... do you really want to put him *there*? Yes, My Queen. Thank you. *pauses, looks up* But the other threats you speak of.. what could possibly be more dangerous than the Ningyo? * LordChimera looks quizzically towards Princess Purity, unsure. Shush, Purity. He's cute, yes, but that can not be a factor right now. I'm sorry, I spoke too soon. And the threats they face are, mostly, less dangerous than Ningyo. Sakura will brief you in. Yes, My Queen. * PrincessPurity pouts slightly. I have an appointment this morning which I must attend, or I would answer more of your questions. Princess Purity, would you please escort Lord Sup- uh, Lord Chimera to Sakura's place? I think you know where it is, and it's not far from your school. * PrincessPurity inclines her head. "Yes, your Majesty." I am sorry to rush, but both of you should get going. Not at all, My Queen. Thank you for everything. *Lifts his gaze towards Purity* Thank you as well. * LordChimera stands and does a short bow towards the Queen before going into a slouch and walking out of the room. * PrincessPurity lingers a bit. "Um, your Majesty? ...there's this little matter with Lady Mallet and I..." [end mini]