Session Start: Sat Feb 28 16:19:04 2004 Last time, on Hunters: (We weren't this late starting. ^^;;;) The team got back to Sakura's and let everything out. There was much sobbing and self-flagellation and paranoia... but nothing really got settled except for the universal conviction that they absolutely have to look into this Lady Handcuff's actions. Leena wanted to go, uh, interrogate her right then and there, but Sakura was very insistent on not charging off alone and half-cocked. Sakura promised that she'd hit up some of her contacts overnight, and that everyone would meet up the next day and they'd make a plan. So she wobbled (only a little drunk) out the door to meet with someone as the meeting broke up. Taki, being Taki, decided to tag, uh, trail... no, sneak along behind. [December 3, 2003 2035 local time] [mini start] * Sakura putters along the darkened streets, making an almost-straight line towards the train station. * LadyNightshade cautiously watches Sakura walk along the streets keeping a good distance between the two of them. * Sakura wanders up to the station and goes over to the map and schedule. It's obvious this isn't a route she's taken very often. * LadyNightshade still hadn't transformed back since the incident. As Sakura waits for the train, she pulls out a cell phone and punches a couple of buttons. * LadyNightshade goes invisible behind a pillar and tries to get close enough to listen in. Taki isn't quite close enough to make out all of what she's saying, but she gets a few bits of it. of mine... ...close enough, but... grab you this late. I need to... there in twenty or so. Thanks... * Sakura hangs up. Just in time, too, as the train comes in. Sakura makes a point of heading to the front car. * LadyNightshade stays invisible as she follows her onto the train. The platform isn't that well lit, but the train is bright and white inside - Taki isn't going to be able to maintain invisible. * LadyNightshade grumbles and ducks behind a pillar and reappears before rushing onto the train. The train rolls away towards central Tokyo. It's not too crowded tonight, but there are probably a dozen passengers in each car. * Sakura sits down and tilts her head back against the window as the train rumbles on. She's starting to look a little flushed. Maybe the vodka wasn't such a good idea. * LadyNightshade worries a bit about her condition but figures she's used to this. * LadyNightshade takes up a seat on the far side of the car and casually looks out the window. The train is definitely going into downtown - the buildings around it are getting taller and taller, and it looks like you're heading almost to the base of the Tokyo tower. * Sakura lurches to her feet before the train reaches the station, shakes herself a little, and shuffles back through the car. She squints at each rider in turn. Oi! Taki! Where the fuck are you? * LadyNightshade tightens up, but doesn't say anything. * LadyNightshade ducks down behind the person sitting next to her. * Sakura gets to the back of the car and notices the girl hunching behind another rider. Excuse... me. * LadyNightshade looks guiltily up towards Sakura. * Sakura reaches over the rider and grabs Taki by the ear. I um... I um... I was going... shopping? C'mon, little lady, this is our stop. * LadyNightshade is drug off the train. Owie... The train slows and shudders to a halt. You're not quite at the base of the tower after all, but it's only a half-click away. * Sakura regards Taki as they step off the train platform. You... you're entirely too predican... pedicab... predictable. You know that? I'm sorry... Eh, no problem. Just, you know, don't do it all the time. Okay... I was just worried and uh... stuff. * Sakura is heading down the block a ways to a cluster of government buildings. That's... shweeet of you. But we both know that you just like to snoop. Heeeee. Have you followed Darkmoon home yet? Um... not yet. ... I mean no. Well, DON'T. Why not? Not unless he tells you you can. * LadyNightshade blushes a bit at that. * Sakura stops in front of a brightly lit building. There's a nice stone sign with "Tokyo Prefectural Investigations Bureau" engraved on it beside the door. * Sakura pulls her jacket straight, and shakes out her hair in a useless effort to not look disheveled. So how did you know I was there? ^^; I didn't. You should have been a few cars further... further back. I might have given up looking. Okay... you've seen where I'm going. Unfortunately, I can't get you in past security, so you'll need to wait in the lobby or out here. Oh. Okay. Um... *looks around for a place to sit.* There's a handy stone bench in the midst of the landscaping. * Sakura turns away and heads straight in. * LadyNightshade walks over to the bunch and has a seat, looking rather disappointed in herself. Less than twenty minutes later, Sakura is back out. She has a folder under her arm, and an odd look on her face. Aw... you waited. Yeah. Well. I didn't have much else to do... Good for you. I was afraid you'd try to bust in. That would be amusing, but I didn't want to spend the evening getting you out of jail. Heh... hehe. Did you find anything interesting? * Sakura flips open the folder. There's a printout of a bunch of numbers inside. The secretary will have to go through this tonight. We'll find out tomorrow. * Sakura ruffles Taki's hair. Thanks for the comp - *hic* - company. Welcome... [end mini]