Session Start: Sat Apr 03 16:18:20 2004 Previously, on Hunters. Princess Pie is dead, long live Princess Sakura or something. "Or something" may definitely be in the offing, as the Queen has commanded the team and their captured/rescued/recruited girls to an audience the very next day. The team gets out of school *again*, and caught a 9:30 train around the bay to Ichihara. The servants let them in politely, but then leave them to wait for nearly an hour in the "throne room's" entryway. [Friday, December 5, 2003 - 1145 local time] [Waiting in the anteroom at the palace in Ichihara] [Session start] * LadyMallet has the Mallet out, and has been twirling it about, bored. Bored bored bored. * PrincessSakura sits patiently in the too-small chair. She hasn't even twitched in the last hour. * LadyRoyal has been playing card games with any willing participants around. * Lord_Darkmoon arrives just a bit after the others, nodding politely to the servant as he clicks into the room on his wooden sandals. He visibly restrains himself from pacing while he waits, and gladly accepts Lady Royal's proposed card game. * LadyMysteria is busy, as usual, working on the ring trick, looking like that night really hadn't even happened. "... hn, wrong angle..." Handcuff and Amplifier are quite visibly nervous. They're about to meet the evil Queen they've heard so much about. * Lord_Darkmoon keeps holding the cards as if they were a fan, and obscures the bottom half of his face as he ponders his moves. * LordChimera fidgets around uncomfortably until he comes across the opportunity to distract himself with the card game being played. * LadyNightshade sits in a corner, pretty pissed off that she has to wear this outfit. Ah, report time. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to or dreading this... Unannounced, Princess Squeegee throws the doors wide open. "It's time." * LadyMysteria glances Handcuff and Amplifier's way for a second, then stands and moves towards the doorway. * LadyMallet blinks, surprised, and almost drops the Mallet, before catching it just before it hits the ground. * LadyRoyal looks up and scoops the cards from her hand back into the deck, holding out her hands for Darkmoon and Chimera's cards. Hey! Knock next time! * LordChimera startles and takes a deep breath. * PrincessSakura nods and stands, her face still blank. * Lord_Darkmoon rises smoothly to his feet, handing Lady Royal's cards back to her with a small bow. "Thank you for the game." * LadyRoyal nods as she stands and stuffs the cards away. "Welcome." * LadyNightshade stands and follows at the tail end of the group dragging her feet. * LadyMallet evilglares at Squeegee, walking by her, and slings the Mallet over her shoulder. "Geez. You'd think a sponge would soak in some MANNERS." * Lord_Darkmoon strides towards the throne room, his face as blank as the Queen's. He does spare a word for the two new, and nervous, Ladies, however. "Be calm. She will not hurt you." He does not sound entirely sure of the veracity of his own words, however. ... Leena, now's not the time... Leena, shut up. * LadyRoyal continues walking. Princess Squeegee stares back blankly, though you can almost see her making the mental note. * LordChimera slouches into the room, noticing the nice patterns on the floor. The throne room is almost exactly as you remember it from before. The stack of cushions in the center may be a couple layers higher now, or is it that the Queen seems bigger? * LadyMysteria curtsies politely upon entering, but keeps quiet for now. * LordChimera takes his spot on the floor and kneels. * Lord_Darkmoon unfolds his Tessen (which is in fan-form, rather than a katana today), and holds it to cover his face as he bows, then rests on one knee, awaiting the Queen's pleasure. * LadyMallet stands, waiting, looking up at the pillows. Out the eastern window, the pastoral scene is just like before, except snowy. Out the west window, the sea is really troubled and roiling today - if it seemed threatening the first time you visited, today it looks like it's going to smash through the window and try to crush you under its waves. * LadyRoyal cuts a by-the-letter-and-not-an-inch-more curtsey and sinks gracefully to her knees, back ramrod-straight and her expression completely closed. * PrincessSakura bows once, politely, as a Princess is expected to. * Lord_Darkmoon 's eyes dance behind his fan. Was that an amused/approving glance he cast to Lady Royal? Nah, must be a trick of the light bouncing off that angry sea. * LadyNightshade stands at the back of the group, a look of boredom and annoyance on her face. Amplifier and Handcuff kneel, huddled together, and don't look at Her Majesty. ...good day to you all. * LadyMallet has most pointedly not knelt. She looks angry. Good afternoon, my Queen. Squeegee returns to her place at the base of the cushions. She stares pointedly at Lady Mallet, but holds her peace. How dare you say that... * LadyNightshade mumbles a vague greeting sounding thing. * LadyMysteria looks... serious, for the most; the relaxed demeanor she was wearing is long gone, perhaps as the night's memories come back to her. Thank you for the sentiment, My Queen. *quietly, respectful tone* Your Majesty. I have brought my team as you commanded, and the girls we... rescued yesterday. * PrincessSakura attempts to talk over Mallet. * LadyRoyal quickly wipes an expression from her face. Was it a disgusted look at Mallet? Most likely. * LordChimera continues staring down at the floor, unable to watch in front of The Queen. * TheQueen apparently is going to just ignore Lady Mallet's lack of humility. "Yes, I see. Thank you, Sakura. Lady Amplifier, Lady Handcuff, I welcome you to our company, and apologize for the difficult circumstances that kept you in such... an unpleasant situation." * TheQueen actually stands up, and comes don the pile to stand in front of the two girls. She raises them to their feet, and whispers something only they can hear. Lady Amplifier smiles, and Handcuff's eyes go wide. ... We will take steps to see that this does not happen to any other girl. * Lord_Darkmoon 's eyes narrow, but if he strained (unsuccessfully) to hear, it was not obvious. * LadyMysteria glances over, but still doesn't really react too much. * LadyMallet tightens her grip, watching intently. * LadyRoyal doesn't look over at that.. * TheQueen turns to eye the team, but continues to address the two new girls. "Princess Squeegee will help introduce you to our organization. Please go with her." They nod, and Squeegee leads them back out the door. * PrincessSakura finally looks mildly perturbed as the Queen goes back to the cushions. * TheQueen does not climb all the way back up, but instead lounges at the bottom of the pile. * LadyMallet keeps watching the Queen like a hawk. An angry hawk. * LadyRoyal actually doesn't seem to be watching much of anything. She's just staring straight ahead at a point which seems to be slightly over and to the left of the Queen's head. What about the other girl. Lady Hardhat, I believe? What has become of her? * LadyRoyal winces at that, but doesn't say anything. She's in the hospital, because we had to fight. * LadyMysteria finally just goes back to watching the Queen, betraying a mild bit of concern as she looks Sakura's way. * Lord_Darkmoon tilts his head behind his fan, allowing Princess Sakura to tell it as she--or Mallet to blurt something, as the case may be. I checked with the hospital this morning. She apparently woke up last night, and was expected to recover... but she was missing when the morning rounds looked in. * LadyRoyal blinks twice, slowly like a lizard. I expect she transformed, and healed, and is now... on the run. * LadyMysteria betrays another momentary look of concern. * LadyMallet smiles for a half-second, before going back to 'angry'. * Lord_Darkmoon 's reaction is well hidden, if he in fact reacted at all. I... see. Well, we'll have to deal with that eventually. * TheQueen looks over the group and smiles. * LadyMallet is a bit creeped out by the Queens smile. That can't be good. I am so very proud of all of you - you have far exceeded my expectations. * LadyMysteria can't help but blink at the word of praise. * PrincessSakura is a lot creeped out by this, and does show it. * LadyRoyal narrows her eyes and tenses. * LordChimera looks up for the first time, moderately surprised but still kneeling. ... what? * LadyNightshade quirks an eyebrow. An angry eyebrow. You succeeded at one mission, failed at another but did not lose any of your team, and you tackled one of the ugliest internal problems that my Queendom has faced. Oh. I see. * Lord_Darkmoon 's tessen deflects the smile and praise! Well, he's holding it like a shield, at least. Oh, fine. He's trying very hard not to react in an obviously emotional fashion. Well done. Well done, my Ladies. You're happy that we cleaned up one of your 'problems.' ... ah. WE try our best, m'lady. * LadyMysteria gives Leena a sidelong glance; irritation? Mebbe. ...and you brought me a new Princess. Oh, Sakura, I had almost given up hope! * PrincessSakura moues. * LadyMallet narrows her eyes, recalling the conditions, and actions, that Sakura upgraded in. Your Ladies are a credit to all Magical Girls, My Queen. The new Princess, in particular. Everyone else on your original team... but that doesn't matter now. What matters is that Princess Sakura has arrived, and I will definitely take advantage of that situation. * LadyRoyal blinks. * Lord_Darkmoon tilts his head questioningly. I don't like the way you said that... ...Your Majesty? *aside* Shut UP, Leena... * LadyMallet glances back at Sakura out of the corner of her eyes. "But..." You're getting a promotion to go with your promotion, Sakura. ... eh? You're going to join my staff. ... * LordChimera chokes audibly but says nothing. * LadyMallet mumbles something. It's probably not nice, but she didn't say it out loud, at least. * LadyMysteria pales a little when she hears that. "But... your Majesty, we... we need Sakura..." * Lord_Darkmoon suddenly has something in his throat, but a few discrete coughs clear it up. Squeegee has been stretched, recently, covering all the bases, and you have the most excellent credentials to take an important role from her. * LadyRoyal bites her lip, then returns to a semblance of a normal expression, but with much more of a clenched demeanor. So... you'll be here, or at least around here full time. But what about my team? * LadyMallet looks... horror struck. "No..." You said that our purpose was important! Your team will go on. It has a very important role to play, after all. If you take her away, it's not going to ... is whatever you're dragging her away more important? * LadyNightshade looks worried. And you will nominally be in charge of it - it will be in your... department, after all. I am sure Her Majesty has, in her wisdom, determined who shall take over Sakura's position. But it will take you away from them most of the time. * LadyMysteria gets ready to say something, but just closes her mouth. She finally looks rather worried, and a bit off-centered by the sudden news. * LadyRoyal remains silent. * PrincessSakura opens and closes her mouth several times, then turns to look helplessly at the team. "I accept, Your Majesty." Of course you do, dear. You'll need to move closer to the Palace, but the funding for the agency front will remain. .... girls, no wild parties on *my* property while Sakura's not around, okay? * LadyMysteria nods, dumbly, still rather stunned. * LadyRoyal blinks. * Lord_Darkmoon smirks behind his tessen. "Does that mean they can't have boys over, My Queen?" .... I hate you. And yes, you'll need to choose a leader. Make sure it's someone... acceptable, Sakura. You understand. No we won't! Give us back Sakura! * LadyRoyal blinks more. ... Leena, she's decided. It's done. Leena. Save it. I'm sorry, uh, Leena? I do need her here. * LadyMysteria sounds rather unhappy about saying that, but she says it anyway. I do understand. Oh, yes. * LadyMallet laughs. "... sorry." Don't just say sorry... * LadyNightshade looks really nervous... Leena, I know you've been chafing at the restrictions Sakura has set for the team - well, I'm sure you'll have more input in what happens now. * LadyRoyal starts looking freaked-out. And I think I will relax the rules somewhat too - I still want you to be sure, but I do think the time has come for more preemptive actions. * LadyMysteria eyes Minami, still nervous as hell to the point where she's drumming her fingers on her thighs. * Lord_Darkmoon snaps the fan shut, then open again, at that. I will be most upset if innocents are damaged. But the large enemy action in Soka has convinced me we must be more aggressive. Sakura will be a large part of that, in managing my intelligence and action assets. ...oh. * LadyMallet points a shaking finger at the Queen. "Don't you dare say it. Don't you DARE." * TheQueen reclines against the pile. Say what, dear? ... nothing. * LadyMysteria almost wants to say what 'it' was, but declines and returns to finger-drumming. You have a bit of an attitude problem, girl. In any other team, that would be... punished. In your context, I believe I like it. We don't need a leader. We're a team, and we act like one. If you're taking away Sakura, let us make up our own damned minds! * TheQueen bares her teeth in a feral smile. Don't push your luck, though. * LadyRoyal closes her eyes and sighs resignedly. Anyway. * LadyRoyal opens her eyes again. * LadyMysteria flinches a little, going from nervous to mildly worried about Leena, if her eye-darting is any indication. Sakura, I want to know who you choose by this evening. Whoever it is, she will have the same authority as you did as a Lady. Is that understood? And get back here tomorrow morning - there's a lot for you to do. * TheQueen said that. Yes, your Majesty. * TheQueen turns slightly to address just the team. As for your next assignment, I have something less... taxing. * LadyMysteria proceeds to relax... a bit. Fingers are still a-drummin', though. We're going to stake out an arcade? ^__^ Close... Next weekend, you're going to escort my favorite little cousin on a little trip. * LadyRoyal blinks. "Princess?" ... To an arcade? *bounces in place, hopefully* ... ah. She rather liked you all - I was somewhat surprised. * LadyMysteria does a master's job of not looking shocked in a totally different direction. No, Leena, but I expect there will be an arcade at the amusement park. *_* Will that be sufficient? It'll do as a peace offering for now. ^__^ It's overnight - Saturday and Sunday. I'll send the itinerary to your office. After that... well, we'll see. There will inevitably be more serious work. * PrincessSakura looks around. * TheQueen does. * LadyMysteria simply nods, biting her lip. * LadyNightshade doesn't look back at the queen. Well, either way, you're not getting Sakura yet! We're stealing her today... we've got something to settle, and you BETTER not try and interfere. ...huh? * LadyRoyal looks back at the Queen. * LordChimera nods his head and continues staring at the floor somberly. ...what? * LadyRoyal also hisses out of the corner of her mouth. "*Quiet*, Leena." Well, whatever. Sakura, I need you to stay for a minute. If the rest of you could wait outside...? ... eh? Leena, what in the world... never mind. * LordChimera takes the first opportunity to stand up, bow out and slouch out of the room. * LadyMysteria shakes her head, then proceeds on out, staring at the ground. * Lord_Darkmoon rises to his feet, bowing to the Queen. He closes the tessen, walks over to Leena, and lightly *thwaps* her on the head with the folded fan. "No need to be so rude. I'll buy you some ice cream when we leave." * LadyRoyal stands up and bows her head in acquiescence. "Very well, your Majesty." * LadyRoyal heads out. * LadyNightshade slips out the door behind everyone. * Lord_Darkmoon strides from the room, a light wooden clicking announcing each step. * PrincessSakura approaches the... throne as everyone exits. * LadyMallet bidahs the Queen, and almost-walks out. The antechamber is still small and uncomfortable, but it's only about three minutes before Sakura returns. * Lord_Darkmoon waits quietly for Sakura to return, then. :P * LadyMysteria takes a very long, slow breath as she's out of Queen range. "... unfair." (in the next room) *takes a deep breath* That woman scares the hell out of me... * LadyMallet grabs Sakura by the arm, and starts dragging her (gently), heading out. Come on, come on! We gotta have a going away party while we still can! What the... ... * PrincessSakura detransforms in the hallway. She's wearing a long, brown, soft leather skirt today and a unremarkable pink blouse. Yikes! Calm down, Leena. ... that's not a bad idea at all, Leena. * LadyMysteria manages a smile, although she looks like she badly wants to start crying. * LadyMallet stops, and looks up at Sakura. "She said no parties while you're not there. So we need you there!" * LordChimera removes his cloak and headband and stows them somewhere, keeping a more normal look of slacks and a vest. * Lord_Darkmoon chuckles as he clicks along with the departing group. "Leena, I must thank you for the most amusing audience with the Queen I've ever had. I wish I dared be you." * LadyRoyal just shakes her head, rolling her eyes. * LadyNightshade detransforms too, uncovering a shirt and skirt. * LadyMallet blinks at Darkmoon's.... compliment? "Ano... you're welcome?" I think she just meant not to trash the place, Leena. But... Leena. You have every right to be angry, but... be careful. Please. I worry about you. * LadyRoyal twitches. "Forthright word for it." yeah- that was.. kinda overboard, Leena. * LadyMallet blinks. "I hate her, though." So? So do I. Mind you, I *will* be pissed off if there's drunken debauchery at the agency. * LadyMysteria detransforms into a t-shirt, button-loaded vest and slightly- baggy corduroy pants, all black yet somehow not-gothy. * LordChimera blinks at the thought of drunken debauchery. ...I don't think any of us would do such a thing, Sakura. That doesn't mean you don't need to know how to keep your fuggin' mouth shut. And Leena, I can't protect you directly any more. So if you piss off the Queen, it's on your head. That's fiiiine. Just remember that. * LadyRoyal smoothly sets her satchel aside, detransforms, and puts on the satchel again, in what's become a very fluid movement. Anyway, we can talk about that later! Party! * Lord_Darkmoon waves the tessen, and shifts into a solid red t-shirt tucked into a neatly-belted pair of black trousers over some old, gray tennis shoes. Yeah, and don't think the rest of us won't get any shit just 'cause you decide not to control that trap of yours. We really should go out... it's just a shame we have to lose you, Sakura. We just started, too... I.. think so too.. Yes... I think this is premature. * Minami swipes a hand through her hair and sighs. "I dun wanna think about it. Let's just go out, have fun, and...worry about what happens later. It's out of our hands now." * Maya shrugs sadly. "But what can we do? Let's go out in style." ^^ It will be much harder now, without you around. We'll all miss you. I don't even know whether or not to congratulate you on your "promotion" to go with your Promotion. Heh. * Sakura leads the way out of the "palace". It sounds- like you'll be getting a lot more done... Well, it does look like I will have some opportunities to do worthwhile things. * LadyMallet almost-walks along, just itching to take the lead, detransforming somewhere along the way. * Maya tags along, slowly decompressing. "But we're getting left in the dust... it's just not fair." If they don't tie everything up first. On the other hand, I get saddled with managing Pie's section of town now. "Left in the trenches" is more accurate, Maya. *almost-grumbled* That sucks. But I guess... the question is, if it weren't for us, would you accept? * Maya nods in reply to Darkmoon. "Generally, yes..." Yes. Yes, definitely - I get to see some of the answers. Or at least that's what Her Majesty implied. ... I... * Taki looks down at her feet. That, at least, will be good. I can even find something to envy, in that. And while I'm sure she's going to wrap me up in secrecy orders, I've always had a knack for finding loopholes. Heh. You BETETR! You know we're gonna hate to do this blind! I hope... I hope I can find a way to point you in the right direction. Um.... *blinks* cloak and dagger... ? Do you have a cellphone? ...would you like a pet? I don't want to think about that meeting anymore. Can we go have some fun now? We can all get color-coordinated cellphones! Taki gets pink! And then we can stay in touch, even if you're elsewhere, or we're busy on a stupid assignment! * Sakura smiles. "And I *will* be around, sometimes. You are part of my purview. You are going to be, arguably, my most important asset. And if there's something big going down, it will be my responsibility to help. Of course I have a phone. No, sorry, don't want a pet. * Minami nods. * Sakura sighs. * Maya reaches over to lightly bop Leena on the head. * Lord_Darkmoon snaps his fingers, disappointed. "Oh, well. So much for that idea." That's for the pink phone comment. * Leena blinks. * LordChimera snerks. * Maya smiles. ^^ * Lord_Darkmoon blinks at Maya. "Why, Taki, you've changed!" That was a joke! Right, Taki? Uh... I guess... Or is that just a Maya Cosplay outfit? ;) * Maya rolls her eyes at Darkmoon. ... What? Well, let's get lunch. I have a little decision to make, and then we can party. Party sounds good. * Leena drops to a lower voice, slower and more drawn out. It's a mock-creepy voice. "She'd probably get blood red, or black, or something scary or gothy." * Sakura points at a handy pizza joint. "That will do." Nothing wrong with black... All right. Oh, and Leena? I'll bet you an ice-cream that you can't get through an audience with the Queen without openly smarting off. Just for future reference. ^_^ I add an afternoon of arcade time to that bet. .... Hey! I could! But you're just trying to trick me, Dorkmoon! ^_~ No trick. I just want free ice cream. ... * Minami snickers. You're on. * Maya giggles into her hand. You gotta say something you always wanted to say to her, if I win, though! * Maya proceeds to tag along behind Sakura, because... well, y'know, pizza. *stage whispered* and would you -please- stop calling me that? ^^; It's after the normal lunch hour, so there's almost no one inside. The windows are blacked out, and stained red tablecloths give the place a vaguely gothy feel. The smell, however, is glorious. ...that list is nigh endless, my Lady Leena. *mock-bows, and gestures for her to precede him into the pizza joint* You're all grumpy because you hold everything in! You'd be happy, too, if you even let a little bit out. ^__^ * Taki looks around the place, trailing at the rear of the group. The team gets a good sized table with no waiting, and suddenly we're at the most horrible conflict any group can have - what to get on the pizzas. * Leena steps inside, looking around. She doesn't mind the gothy-ness, because it's PIZZA! * Lord_Darkmoon 's face darkens, almost sadly, at Leena's comment, but then brightens again. "Perhaps." Well, maybe not "bright", but at least not sad. * Taki looks around for a salad bar. No salad bar here! * Leena glances up at the waitress. "Do you have marshmallows?" Um. NO. * Maya takes a seat and casually announces, "If anyone orders a pizza with mayo, we will fight." * Lord_Darkmoon enters, and seems amused that his choice of clothing today matches the place's decor. I think.. I'm gonna get some cheese bread... I'm not fussy, but nothing weird, okay? Because I want marshmallows.... what's wrong with marshmallows? Have you ever -had- marshmallows? You'd like it, trust me! How many pizzas, anyway? There are 7 of us here; two pizzas enough, you think? Or should we get three? The waitress sniffs. "We do NOT serve marshmallows." * Leena blinks. "That settles that, then." Eight. * LordChimera looks around the table. "... leftovers are good." * Minami shrugs. And... three or four. I'm paying. Or rather, the Queen is. * Lord_Darkmoon theatrically counts, up to seven. Because he (intentionally, this time) forgets to count himself. "Seven!" ^_~ Can... Can I get a dinner salad please? You mean a veggie pizza? ... heh. It's good to be bankrolled by the Queen, huh? I've never...uhh... One cheese, one pepperoni and sausage, one veggie, and one with everything? That should cover everything anyone could want... Umm. How about this? Red peppers, extra cheese, sausage, extra cheese, more red peppers, and every meat you got that I forgot to say! It's bread with sauce and cheese, with other toppings to suit your taste. * Minami blinks. Ohhh. You'll see. * LordChimera watches everyone around the table and sits back in his chair with a look of quiet contentment as they order. It's better with marshmallows. *sniff* Okay, one like Leena wants, one with just extra cheese, one with pepperoni, one supreme. ...and a salad for Taki. No dressing too please. ...right. They're nice. A bit heavy, but... well, we're growing girls and boys. And... I'll have what everyone else is having, I guess. * Taki bows her head politely. The waitress leaves, and the team is alone at the table. Wai! ... eh? * Maya focuses on Sakura. So. Dammit, none of you are ready, * Leena turns to Sakura, blinking. "If it's about... that. Maybe we take turns?" * Minami nods quietly. Sorry, Leena, the Queen would not appreciate that. Oh. Do it with the official statement, then. I... I'm sorry. Sorry? For not being ready... Because... good leaders... it's hard to pick. They can be made or broke by taking the spot, and .. we've got several... * LordChimera turns a concerned look to Taki. "..." It's not your fault. It's not any of ours. ... yeah. It's just a really bad situation right now in terms of timing... It's the Queen's fault. Blame her for everything, all of this. *hisses 'queen' out* * Minami rolls her eyes at Leena. You couldn't possibly be ready. You've seen this for a month. Two, I guess. We are a team, though. We can do this as a team, and see who turns up as leader. You shouldn't force yourself to pick someone, if you're not sure.... But you all are more ready than I was when I got thrown at this assignment in the beginning. So... there's hope this won't be a disaster. * Minami hehs quietly. * Taki brightens a little bit. .. I think we can do it. * Sakura sighs and sits back. It's not like we'll never see you again. That's right. We can call you... and ask questions... and stuff. Yes, I'm just the big boss now. We're going to have to do it, Kenji... failing's not really an option anymore. On the downside, the Queen said that I would have to choose an "acceptable" leader. * LordChimera nods and looks down at the table. "I know.. and I'm serious.. I think we can do this." * Minami twitches. Acceptable... I'd say Minami would be good. * Minami starts, blinking. "" ... She's level-headed, at least. I will be entirely honest. If I had my druthers, I would choose Rin. She doesn't panic, or break down, and that's something. But the Queen doesn't want a Lord in control? ...that too. Yes. * Minami hehs embarrassedly. "Rin's pretty level-headed too--oh." The Queen.. she implied that it would be female... That's true. Me... I hate the thought of fighting people... Rinada and the... inner circle have had some... unfortunate encounters in the past. ... Really? * Taki looks over at Darkmoon. I'd have trouble making the tough decisions... I dunno if I could get past that, in time. I... see. * Sakura eyes Darkmoon. "Yes, ask him why he's so leery of the wolf form sometime." And there are... other complications as well. ... but I agree with Leena, in any event. Taki, you'd be a decent choice too, but you have some enemies in the hierarchy as well. ... Me? * Taki blushes. Well, "enemies" is perhaps too strong. You aren't... respected. ... wait, Taki actually does? Why, she seems like she wouldn't cause any trouble... oh. * LordChimera fidgets his tableware a bit. * Minami frowns. "Not respect *Taki*? She's..." Taki's ... she doesn't like being a MG... that'd count against, I'd think. She's very good at what *we* do. That's just cause Squeegee is... Shut up, Minami. Why are we talking about this? Because we have to! What? I *don't* see why you wouldn't be respected. She rather emphatically does not fit in in the normal teams. The Queen said for -you- to pick, not politics! I don't see-- why it matters. Heh. No, she said to pick someone that the politics won't be a problem for. Oh... I'm sorry. I thought you were... If you're gonna pick someone, you have to pick someone, pick someone you think won't get us killed, regardless of what anyone else thinks! * Sakura eyes Leena. Of course. * Minami shrugs at Taki. "Well...I think I understand. But I was serious." Some 'politics' need to change. Honestly... that's so unfair. Anyway... It seems like that's all that matters... politics. Besides, I don't care what the Princesses have to say. If you can't make up your mind, hold off... I can just as easily ignore them. The Queen can't Order you to make up your mind when you're not sure. * Sakura looks around the table, slowly. Not like I haven't been doing that all along. Of course she can, Leena. * Sakura relaxes momentarily. Orders are Orders... sadly. * Leena blinks. "Well, she won't. She listens to you, about your partners before, and in this matter, doesn't she?" You know, the best way to avoid orders is not to force situations where orders will be given. you want the Queen to choose? No, we do this now. I don't know if anyone will want to listen to me though... ... We'd give you a chance, at least. You think to lowly of yourself... Taki, you've got to believe in yourself... we believe in you, so the rest is up to you. ... no, you do believe in yourself, else you wouldn't be as good as you are. It's just... I dunno... Maya? * Taki blushes a bit and looks down. Sakura? * Sakura extends a long, pointing finger. * Minami nods, agreeing with Leena and Maya. Congratulations. You're it. * Leena blinkblinks. ... * Maya just freezes. * Minami grins. "Awesome." * LordChimera breaks out into a wide-mouthed grin Congratulations... I... I... I dunno, Sakura... I was really impressed with your courage last night. And you're steady. * Maya blushes a tad. "I was just doing what you told me to do..." And I think the team can live with you as their leader. * Minami nods with what Sakura says. "You were just talking about how Taki believes in need to do that, too." * Leena claps. "Congratulations!" She can't bounce sitting down, or she'd be doing that, too. ... you're right, Mina. But... I feel kinda sorry for you, too. *glances at Sakura* ...yes. She'll have to see the Queen a lot more often. True. But she can handle it. As if Oldman wasn't bad enough. ^^; Good choice. :) Mmm. Well, you'll have more... protection from Oldman now. Heh! * Maya shakes her head. "I think he has a crush on me or something... it's a mite bit creepy, if you ask me." * Taki blushes a bit at that. * Minami shrugs. "He is a teenage guy. Just one that goes around looking like an ol' geezer most of the time." You apparently inherit my full set of orders and duties, which gives you a lot more freedom to ignore Lords and Princesses, except for me. Tell me to beat him up if he tries something! ^__^ ... I just might, Leena. * Leena pumps a fist into the air. "That's the spirit!" But... in any event, I guess it's settled. I'll... I'll do my best. I promise. Congratulations, Lady Mysteria. * Minami grins, standing up and starting to clap loudly. "Standing ovation!" * Sakura stands and applauds solemnly. * LordChimera looks around at any other patrons before standing up and clapping a few times. "Yorosiku onagaisimasu!" * Leena stands up, and copies Minami. Except with an insane amount of enthusiasm, almost enough to drown out the gothy feel of the place. * Maya just stares at the table; it's kinda hard to tell if she's legitimately happy or just suddenly a lot more nervous. * Taki stands up embarrassedly and claps a bit. ...and the pizzas arrive, on a large cart. * Taki sits back down hurriedly. Dibs on the extra cheese! Just don't touch mine! * Maya decides to focus on pizza for now. "... h-hey, save some for me!" * LordChimera remembers he forgot to ask for that cheese bread but, looking at the cart, decides not to mention it as he takes his seat. * Minami sniffs and looks experimentally. " seems good...." * Leena sits down, kneeling on the seat, instead of sitting normally. Taki's salad arrives a second later. * Taki takes her salad and eats it quietly, leaving the dressing on the side. It has no dressing, but there is shredded pepperoni mixed in. Go figure. ... What do you want to do this afternoon? * Taki eats around the pepperoni as best she can. [end session]