[Friday, January 23, 2004 - 1750 local time] [Seishou Tokyo residence] [mini start] * Rin has changed out of her school uniform and into a lovely yet practical blue silk kimono with a sakura-blossom print, in which she is busy cleaning up the kitchen and setting out various pet bowls for filling with food and water. A red cat and a black dog with red spots on his back are arguing in fluent Japanese near her feet. Tsubasa is perched on one of her shoulders, eyeing a pair of smaller, stranger looking birds who are complaining in Osakan accents about being chased off by the lowly, nonmagical beast. * Rin chuckles, looking at the cat and dog as she lowers their bowls to the floor, filled with pet food. "Sunset, Patches, -I- moved the remote control. You two wouldn't stop watching TV with it up too loud; neighbors were complaining about me leaving it on when I'm not home." * Rin goes to her school bag, and pulls out said instrument, tossing it on the couch. "There it is. If you two exercise some self-control tonight, I might leave it here tomorrow." She whistles to the reddish, but normal-looking mutt snoozing by the unlit fireplace. "Aka, food's ready." The front gate buzzer buzzes politely. * Rin gracefully rises from setting out the bowls, and walks sedately to the door, looking through the peep-hole at who might be out there. There is a smallish limousine at the curb outside the gate, and two people standing at the gate. The light is dim, but Rin recognizes them instantly as her father and mother. * Rin 's eyes go wide for a moment, and she goes back into the house proper to issue quick instructions to her charges. "My parents are here. Be on your best behavior, and don't draw attention. Patches, you and Sunset are in charge of making sure no one comes out who shouldn't." She then quickly returns to the door, takes a deep breath, puts on a polite smile just like her mother taught her, and opens the door. Father, Mother, it is wonderful to see you again. *bows politely, stepping aside to let them in* * Father opens the gate and strides stiffly though the front garden to meet her. It is wonderful to see you as well, daughter. Won't you come inside? You did not call ahead, or I would have prepared dinner for us all. May I get you and Mother some tea? * Mother is slower, pausing to close the gate behind her, and walking with the smaller steps enforced by her formal kimono. * Mother bows to Rin as she catches up, then straightens with a small smile. That would be quite pleasant, Rin. * Rin returns the smile, slightly less formal and more genuine. She includes her father in it, and ushers them inside to the living room, where she sees that they are comfortably seated while she goes to the kitchen to make the tea. And to compose herself. * Father helps his wife up the steps, then sits uncomfortably in the living room. * Mother follows him in, still silent, and takes a seat beside him on the low couch. * Rin whispers to Aka and Tsubasa to stay in the kitchen, where their food bowls are, with everyone else, as she prepares the tea. A few minutes later, when it is ready, she takes it out on a lovely tray, carrying it steady as a rock as she gracefully takes it to the coffee table where, kneeling, she sets the tray down. * Mother nods just slightly in approval. * Rin begins pouring the tea in the ritual motions of a tea ceremony, and serves first her father, then her mother, then herself. She waits for her parents to sip before taking one herself, and seating herself, stiff-backed and perfectly postured, on the floor opposite the low couch. * Father seems faintly out of sorts tonight, but he is keeping his discomfort crushed down below the surface. ...Rin-chan. How are you doing? * Mother sips her tea quietly. * Rin , too, is keeping things under a tight mask, and politely notices only her father's mask, not his discomfort. At least officially. "I am well, Otou-sama. I am doing well in school, and in Kendo, and I am practicing my formalities daily. I hope my performance of them meets with your approval," she says, bowing her head and raising it to emphasize the last bit. You have kept a proper household, and I am pleased with your grades. You are a proper daughter, in all respects. I apologize for not informing you I was in Tokyo - my schedule has been busy, and it was uncertain if I could find time to visit with you properly. * Rin smiles, eyes bright with restrained pride. "Thank you, Father." She takes a subtle calming breath, and sips her tea again, watching her parents. Her father in particular. Something nervous and worried dances hidden behind the pride in her eyes. How are your friends? Have you made any new ones? * Father shifts just slightly, as if he is impatient, for once, with formal conversation. * Rin blinks, then clears her throat with a polite cough covered by setting down her teacup. "They are well. Kenta-kun is still president of the Kendo club, and the others are likewise well. We came in third at the last competition. I have made a few new acquaintances, some girls from another school. Very exclusive. We see each other occasionally; it is an educational experience, and sometimes fun." I see. It is always wise to develop one's connections. It can take some time for that strategy to bear fruit, though when it does, that fruit is often the sweetest. I found that out personally in the last year. Are you giving thought to your future plans? Some, yes. I am preparing for my college entrance exams; they are coming up. I hope to acquire further education in economics and history, to better maintain a household, and expand my studies of literature, as well as working on my kendo skills, for personal enjoyment. I have found that that last is important to maintaining a balanced outlook. * Rin looks up at her father. "Have you some advice or desires for me, regarding my future plans, Father?" Perhaps... * Father trails off, and looks away. * Mother almost imperceptibly glances at her husband in puzzlement, then smiles and asks in a faint voice, "And what about... boys?" That question catches Father's attention, and his head snaps back for Rin's answer. * Rin turns to her mother, turning a bit red. "I... Kenta and his friends are friends of mine...but I have no boyfriend." She lowers her eyes demurely. "Yet." I have not been looking, truthfully, Mother. Life has been busy, with school, clubs, and everything. * Rin sips her tea again, as something to focus her eyes on. * Father ponders this momentarily, then muses out loud. "It might be wise not to cultivate any potential suitors - we might have an opportunity... but no, that is far too premature to rely upon. If you can find someone suitable, the family would be glad of it. * Rin nods. "As you say, Father. May I inquire as to the opportunity that we may have?" * Mother's eyebrows twitch hard at that implication. * Rin tops off her mother's tea, and her father's, if his needs it. I am sorry - as I said, I am speculating wildly... and on further reflection it may not be a wise thing to pursue. As you wish. *bows her head once more, before looking up to watch her parents' faces* * Father looks away again, somewhat embarrassed at his verbal misstep. * Rin changes the subject, as she has been trained to do in uncomfortable silences. "How is your new job, Father? Is it the fruition of the contacts that you have tasted so sweetly? You seem very successful, as if the world finally recognized the greatness in you." It is perhaps not the return to glory that my father would have envisioned, but as the current age measures these things it very well could be. I find myself the special assistant for Universal Shipbuilding to the chairman and CEO of the Hitachi-2osen Group. That sounds most excellent, Father. What does it mean? Your daughter is not so well-versed in the language of the corporate world, though she will endeavor to learn it if you feel it requisite for this day's measure of glory. I am, perhaps, the second or third most powerful man in a five- trillion-yen conglomeration. ...in some ways, my power dwarfs that of any feudal lord... and the wealth that comes with it has restored us to our ancestral home. * Mother touches her husband's arm. Well, yes. It *will* restore us, I should say. Your mother quite properly is refusing to move until modern plumbing is installed. And electricity. * Rin blinks, conveying a sense that she is impressed behind her carefully manicured mask. She then chuckles. "That is an excellent point, and one I am pleased to hear you are listening to your wife's womanly wisdom on." She smiles with a "Men, what can you do with them?" look at her mother. I thought it would be a pleasant adventure, but... As a girl, I spent some summer holidays at an ancient mansion. It was a heady way of life, but so was the stench. No matter the problems of today's age, the modern conveniences are one of its better conceptions. * Mother smiles affectionately at her daughter. ...so. * Rin returns the smile, then turns with a more serious look to her father at his interjection, waiting politely for him to continue. * Father takes a deep breath, betraying uncustomary nervousness. Rin-chan, I want you to come back with us to Osaka. * Mother is entirely surprised. Her eyes pop open, her poise shatters, and she starts, "...what?" * Rin tilts her head to the side. "Why, Father? Nothing has changed about my reasons for wishing to remain here; if anything, they've grown stronger. It would break some tenuous connections I have formed, and it would damage my chances of getting into college." We had an agreement with Rin-chan, dear - why are you trying to break it? * Father glances angrily at his wife. She returns this stare for once, not casting her eyes aside. * Father decides that the best strategy is to work on his real target first, then fight the rearguard battle as necessary. Rin, I will be entirely frank. I see a lot of... information in my current exalted position. * Rin nods, waiting for him to continue. It has come to my attention through various channels that Tokyo and its surroundings are becoming unsafe. In what way, Father? *mask more firmly in place, whether to hide that she knows...or that she's upset about his breaking the agreement, is hard to tell* You know, of course, of the Ningyo, and of the magical girls - the so- called "Ladies" that are fighting them. Of course. I have... seen indications that their battle is increasing in scope and intensity. What sort of indications? I said that Tokyo is unsafe. *leans forward, adopting a very forward, rude posture* I mean that in the most extreme senses imaginable. I fear there may be a war. I fear that at its end, there may be no city here. It all seems very random, from the news. And the Ladies - whether worthy of the title or no - seem to beat them every time. *still maintaining full, formal politeness, though a bit forward for a daughter to her father* How is it unsafe? How---war? What have you seen to indicate this? *mask still covering any fear she may feel* * Father looks away. "There are oaths and loyalties in play here - I can not discuss that with even my closest family. Even saying this much is perhaps dishonorable." ...are you certain, dear? This seems so... out of the blue. But surely, if there is to be war between the Ladies and the Ningyo...it would be best to warn the government, that they may aid the Ladies and keep this city from being destroyed. If they defeat the Ningyo...wherever they come from...wouldn't that be best for all? * Rin is really trying to sound innocent behind that mask of formality. It's ridiculously hard to have a mask covering a mask covering your true feelings. @_@ Both groups are dangerous. The monsters invading seem more threatening than the girls that defend... but who do the girls answer to? Where is their true loyalty? If they were truly on Tokyo's side, why do they not work with the government? * Mother sits back in a mild huff. "Is there no room for romance in your soul, dear? No appreciation for heroism?" I do not know. But who else's side would they be on? They are Japanese, they are human. And there is the television shows about girls like them, telling them to keep their identities secret. As Mother said, romance appeals to the modern girl's soul. Rin-chan, this is not something that may be debated. You will come with- *acidly* Is it not? Regardless of propriety, this is high-handed in the extreme. * Rin quietly refills the teacups with warmer tea from the pot while her parents argue. * Father stares at his wife, and she stares right back. *not looking away* Rin, what is your desire? Your father may be right - perhaps there will be some calamity. Will you risk that? I would. I must stay here, I have too much I cannot leave just now. Surely, in a war, it is necessary to choose a side - what other side would you choose, but to trust in the humans fighting the monsters? But... I am sure they will keep the city safe...unless you have more you are not telling us. To whom have you sworn these oaths? Do they not wish to defeat the Ningyo, or at least end the conflict with them in a beneficial manner? * Rin sips her tea, regaining control of her tongue, which might just have run away with her. That was a bit rude. Husband, I am not convinced of your supposed disaster. Even were I, it would be dishonorable to act on information that was dishonorably shared. * Father collapses into himself, and a look of great sadness, almost terror, surfaces in his expression momentarily. It is quickly covered by resigned defeat, and he raises his cup of tea in a begrudging salute. I see that I am once again overmatched by my fine ladies. Rin-chan, I take it you will not relent? * Rin 's mask slips a bit, pain at seeing her father so defeated quickly suppressed by a smile at his supposed joke, and rests her hand on his free one. "Father, I love you. I thank you for all you do for me. If ever you need me to help you, tell me how and why and I will, but you trained me that a woman's place is not blind obedience - it is to be the hidden strength." I cannot relent; I cannot help you if you cannot tell me why, so I can judge how. I know you cannot; honor demands, and you must uphold your honor. I pray that neither of us is making a mistake. Oh, Father, Mother, it is wonderful to see you again; I will have to visit you in Osaka, especially when you get our ancestral home up to code. *winks* But I cannot leave here, leave my friends and school and obligations. I have sworn oaths, too. Less formal, but every bit as serious. ...I will indeed pray, Rin. And it was... wonderful to see you as well. * Father lurches to his feet and moves towards the door. * Rin pulls back, using her iron-ribbed black silk fan to hide her face while she blinks back a tear or two. Snapping it shut and spiriting it up her sleeve again, she rises, smiling, and begins clearing the tea set. "Can you stay for dinner? I will make something special, if you can." No, no, we must make our flight back to Osaka. The chairman graciously gave us this much time, but he can not delay long. * Mother rises much more graciously. She looks quite disturbed. Just a moment, then. *rushes into the kitchen, and comes back out with a cloth wrapped around a loaf of bread* I just made this today. Please give it to the Chairman with my compliments, as a thank you for loaning me my father for an afternoon. *offers it, bowing* * Father accepts it and bows back. "I shall. And he will receive it in good humor, I am sure." Good night, Rin. May the gods keep you safe. Good night, Father. May they do the same for you, wherever you may walk. * Father exits at an indelicately high speed. * Mother does not follow him out the door. * Rin bows to her mother. "Thank you for visiting, Mother. Watch over Father; he seems to need it. I hope the price he has paid for our family is not too high for him to bear." He has found himself thrust into a position I fear his training and temperament are not ideal for - he executes his duties well enough, but it has changed him in ways I am not sure I approve of. This, though... * Mother shakes her head in a most unladylike manner. This was entirely out of the blue. He is zaibatsu now, one of the modern chosen few - but they owe loyalty to no one save their corporate masters. What oaths, what honor enters this equation? What has he seen? Daughter, I am scared by this, and scared for you. Do not worry for me, Mother. *sighs* As for what he's seen, it must be worrisome. Think on it. If you should discover what it is in a way that will not besmirch his honor, perhaps it can be used to help him. But do not be scared for me; I have friends who look after me. * Mother tilts her head. "Friends, daughter?" * Rin smiles. "Zaibatsu...everything he's ever dreamed. Why must dreams so often turn to nightmares?" She looks up. "Yes, of course. Kenta-kun and the others... and I continue to make new acquaintances; they may help me, if I need it, as well." ...I see, I think. Be careful of assuming where your acquaintances' loyalties lay - not everyone is so honorable. But be not paranoid, either. Walk in peace, and honor, and safety, daughter. * Rin nods sadly. "I know. Share that advice with Father, as well; sometimes he forgets how much the world has changed, even as he bemoans it." She leans forward to kiss her mother on the cheek. * Mother hugs Rin briefly, politely, then bows. I will walk in honor always, and peace and safety as I can. I wish the same for you. I will call; I have yet to come out and see our new home, or visit you there. Good-bye, Mother. * Rin bows farewell. We must meet again - and not nearly so long this time. Goodbye, Rin- chan. * Mother exits to the waiting limousine. * Rin smiles as she closes the door. Then her face saddens as she pulls out her cell phone, and pushes the auto-dial for Sakura. Go. It's me, Rin. Father and Mother were just here. ...do tell. Father's terrified for my safety, staying here. Something he's seen as zaibatsu to the CEO of Hitachi-2osen leads him to believe that full-fledged war between the Ningyo and the Queen's forces will destroy the city. * Rin does not sound particularly terrified for her own safety, though. There's a long pause on the other end. That's... interesting. Did he mention any particular timeframe? * Rin goes on. "No. He could not tell me much of why he suspects this. He has, apparently, sworn oaths. As zaibatsu, that can only be to the CEO. I'm sure you can guess as well as I where the information is probably coming from. I cannot fathom why my father's company is dealing with them, though." *sigh* I fear I was not very useful in this; keeping my own involvement secret precluded asking too many questions, and he could not have answered anyway. ...I do not think I could bare the shame of telling him what I am, anyway. *the last is whispered* ...it would be most... uncomfortable, I would imagine. But... the whole *city*?!? That's what he fears. A matter of "escalation" of the Ladies' fight with the Ningyo, he called it. But what would... Even then... gah. I tried to suggest he should approach the city government...get them to support a more direct war on the Ningyo. More to see his response than anything. And? It was...strange. He didn't come right out and say it, but somehow, he honestly believes that the Ladies are as big a threat as the Ningyo, if not greater. Mmm. Which, given what his company is financing, is to be expected. But WHY? ...if only it would not involve swearing an oath to break it, I would almost ask that he take me back with him, to sign on with his company. *sigh* ...was there anything else? Nothing pertinent to your or Her Royal Majesty's concerns or interests. It was a fight to prevent him from taking me back to Osaka. Tonight. But it was won. Poor Father... I apologize for disturbing you at this late hour with what may be nothing, but I felt you should know, given what we know of my father's job. I see. Rest assured, this will be discussed at the highest levels. And we will have to take action in regards to his corporation, though I fear deciding what that action will be is going to be a war in itself. ...I just ask that you not harm him if you can. This means so much to him...to see it destroyed would destroy him. But we cannot allow them to betray humanity to the Ningyo. Rin can hear the mental gears turning in Sakura's head, before her eventual response of "We shall see." She seems somewhat curt tonight. Dammit, why couldn't the Queen have left me out of her world? I was content, not knowing, not having this hateful transformation. I could have ignored it. ...sorry. Unless you have anything else for me or that you want from me, I will let you get back to whatever you're working on. ...work? No... I'm actually working on getting quite drunk tonight. ...I'm sorry for disturbing you, then. I will see you around, Rin. There's nothing coming down the pipe yet, but I'm sure there will be more work. * Sakura hangs up. There always is. Good night, my Princess. * Rin hangs up. * Rin sighs, and goes about cleaning up after the animals. She's notably less contented in it, now, though. What an afternoon. ;_; [end mini]