[At the Agency, most everyone left after Princess Squeegee awoke, and declared she had to go. Lady Mallet was sleeping on the floor in a corner, and, once the couch was unoccupied, Darkmoon gently moved her to it. He quietly volunteered to stay and keep an eye on her, so the others could go home. He's sitting, watching her sleep, with a closed mask hiding any thoughts.] * Lord_Darkmoon is in full Lord regalia, sitting stiffly in a chair facing the couch, unnaturally still. * LadyMallet stirs, slowly opening one eye, then closing it again, curling up into a small(er) ball. * Lord_Darkmoon blinks. That, and his lips as he speaks, is the only motion. "Lady Mallet." After a pause, "Leena?" * LadyMallet replies, after a moment, in a small, quiet voice that barely carries at all, "Leena doesn't want to talk." * Lord_Darkmoon closes his eyes, squeezing them shut, then opens them again. He takes a breath like he's going to say something, but then releases it without talking. All the while holding himself very still. Don-- *grits his teeth, then forces himself to relax* * LadyMallet sniffles, and blinks, before wiping tears from her face with the back of her hand. I-- *chokes, swallows, and forces relaxation once more* ... why is it when... when I try to do something on ... my own... ... it always turns out bad? * Lord_Darkmoon grits his teeth and swallows, again. "Because... you do it on your own. Without us. Without--" he shivers. * LadyMallet sniffles again. "Why doesn't anybody ever think I'm right enough to help? Or listen to? Am I dumb, or a moron? I know I don't do that great in school..." Am I too dumb to help? God knows I want it... but no one ever agrees with me. I COULDN'T HELP YOU, LEENA! I CAN'T BREATHE UND-- *pauses, takes a breath, forces the mania out of his voice* underwater. ... * LadyMallet stays silent for a moment, opening one eye slowly. I couldn't do-- anything. I *pause* I couldn't be there for you. * Lord_Darkmoon is staring down at his hands, clenching the fabric of his hakama on his knees. Forcing himself to breathe slowly, almost calmly. I had to get them to shore. It's all I could do. You were gone, on your own, with no help, and I COULD NOT HE-- help. you. ... I... ... you can. Help. Me. I think. * LadyMallet closes her eye again. "Because I'm too dumb to help anyone else." * Lord_Darkmoon looks up, meeting Leena's gaze. His mask is on, but badly cracked. He hurts. "No." He shakes his head. "No. No. You're not dumb, Leena. Stop saying that. Right now." I'm just being honest. It's my fault, because I'm too dumb to think when the Ningyo are around. * Lord_Darkmoon grits his teeth, holding himself in place with his hands on his knees. He doesn't say anything, shaking. * LadyMallet has no gaze. Her eyes are closed. * Lord_Darkmoon lunges forward, arms wrapping around her and squeezing tight. "Don't. Just don't." I can't take this, Leena. I thought-- I thought you were gone. Don't. Insult. Yourself. * LadyMallet gasps at the embrace. And then she starts sobbing, not putting any resistance up. .. but... *sob* .. it- it's.. *sob* * Lord_Darkmoon just holds her, tightly. "You-- you're too important. Don't ever leave me-- or us-- again. We need you, Leena. We're a Team, we're FRIENDS, aren't we? Aren't we!?" * LadyMallet loses her attempt to respond in more sobs, burying her head in his chest. * Lord_Darkmoon relaxes his death-grip, and starts rubbing her back soothingly with one hand while patting the back of her head with the other. He tries to say something, but stops when it causes him to stiffen momentarily. * LadyMallet bites down on her lips, shutting off her sobs suddenly. She opens her mouth, closes it again. ... I... ... * Lord_Darkmoon eventually pulls back, holding her gently by the shoulders. Order me. Now, while I won't resist. Leena... you're my friend. You're MY best friend. Not to do anything stupid. Like that. I-- I couldn't take it if I lost you. I couldn't take it if you hated me. I need you, Leena. I-- you were my first real friend. Don't do any-- *forces back a sob* Please, don't make me do this to you. I HATE it. I don't want to be that kind of monster. * Lord_Darkmoon shakes his head back and forth as he says this. * LadyMallet closes her eyes, and looks down to the ground. "... friend. It's not... evil or wrong... if it's a friend asking." Like... Sakura Ordering Anzu to wake up. * Lord_Darkmoon swallows. "Promise...promise you won't hate me?" That is definitely NOT an Order. * LadyMallet quirks her mouth in an attempt to smile. It doesn't work very well. "... we're friends, yeah? Why would I hate my friend- one of closest ones- for doing a favor that I asked of him?" * Lord_Darkmoon shakes a bit, for a moment, then sighs, relaxing. It almost looks genuine. "Then look at me, Leena. And listen." He tries to smile gently, but only the gentleness actually makes it to his expression. * LadyMallet slowly lifts her head, looking up at him through tear-filled eyes. She doesn't bother wiping the tears off. Leena Leena, Titled Lady Mallet. I, Seishou Rinada, Titled Lord Darkmoon, Order--no, I charge you to remember that you are a part of a Team. A Team that cares about you, and depends on you. I charge you to remember that we are your friends, that -I- am your friend. *he swallows, and takes a breath before continuing* I charge you to remember that your first duty is to this Team, and its mission. I charge you to remember who you are, and that we can only hope to succeed if we act as a Team. To value your life for its own sake, and for the sake of those who care about you. And finally, *he actually manages a half- joking smile* I Order you to never do 'something stupid' again. In return... I vow I will always be there for you, as long as you'll let me. And ask that you never make that impossible again. *looks down* Forgive me, please. * LadyMallet sniffles. "Th-thank you... you should... forgive me, though." I... swore to myself I'd never let ... *sniffle* anyone see me ...cry. *she turns her head slightly away at that* You have no idea...how much it hurt. When I thought you wouldn't come back. *turns her head back to look at him with thumb and forefinger on her chin* There is no shame in letting a friend see you cry. *pulls out a handkerchief, with which he wipes her tears* Thank you. Thank you for coming back. For letting me see you cry. Thank you for being my friend. * LadyMallet shakes her head, and does wipe away her tears this time. "... I'll try... not to hurt you. Again. ... God, I'm not making any sense." You... you're crystal clear. I'm just a mess. * Lord_Darkmoon releases her. "You're a strong woman, Leena," he smiles. "Stronger than you give yourself credit for. That is why we need you. You're not a mess." He studies her, and jokes, "You could probably use a touch up on your makeup right now, but ..." * LadyMallet shakes her head again, more softly than last time. "There's all these things jumbled up in my head about you, and they all refuse to make any sense. You..." ... I'm a mess and I'm stupid and I'm naive and I've got a really short temper. You... you're so .. calm. Like a rock. * Lord_Darkmoon averts his gaze. "It's alright. I--" ... I don't want to see you go away either. I'm glad, I suppose, it seems that way. I was not calm, today. I am not calm, now. I... I ordered a princess today, Leena. And it felt good. I know she only obeyed because she was confused, but... *swallows* Why do we have such IDIOTS in charge? This whole mission, a debacle... It almost cost-- and we could have done better, if she'd-- *grits his teeth* I'm...not going anywhere. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. And...I promised you, didn't I? I am not going anywhere. ... don't remind me. I want to grab her by the neck and shove a metal pole in her back so she can at least pretend to have a spine. * Lord_Darkmoon quirks a smile in spite of himself at that image. If she'd just have LISTENED. Just held the boat up... I almost made it inside the ship before her Order caught me. You and me both. I-- I'm sorry. I abandoned you back there. Thank you for coming back anyway. I-- Pity we can't do anything about them, isn't it? ...now I'm the incoherent one. ^^; * LadyMallet wrenches her eyes shut, and calms down, shaking her head. "...stupid... stupidstupidstupid... Maya said it a couple of days a ago... that I used to say that there were ways besides fighting. Now look at me." ... you didn't abandon me. I got carried away. I did. It was I who gave the order to leave you behind, when you left. But I had to. I-- Princess Squeegee had-- the mortals. We'd taken responsibility for them. I had to leave you, when I should have gone after you. Or at least sent a fish to watch. I'd have gone hunting when we'd reached shore, but I knew that would have been too late. Thank you for coming back. ... you were right. I didn't mean to come back... I just led them right back to you, and that one guy got his spine broke... You came back. We won. He'll live. That's all that matters. I didn't mean to come back! Another stupid Order made me! Shh. You came back. That's ALL that matters. ... I guess. * LadyMallet sighs. "... I should detransform. ... I've lost track of how long I've been transformed..." I didn't abandon you, and we're all okay. All of us. Come on. I'll take you out for some tea, and then home. We both need to get some rest after today. ...why does that matter? ... I don't know. Why do you stay transformed? You, at least, are always YOU. You are Lady Mallet and Leena Leena. You are my friend. * Lord_Darkmoon looks away, but does not answer the question. He rises. "Shall we get that tea? I fear I'm too nerve-shakey to make some myself." * LadyMallet nods, mostly to herself. "It's okay... about the home thing. I think I'll just stay here tonight." ...your parents will worry. ... maybe. I'm not going back tonight, though. ... tea. At least call them. But...for now, let's just go. *opens the door for the Lady to step out first* I'll bring you back here, after tea. ^^ * LadyMallet sets her feet, testing her balance, before walking. She smiles faintly at the held door. "... thank you." * Lord_Darkmoon smiles, "Ladies first." * LadyMallet steps through! [And so began their glorious quest for TEA! Mini End!]