Session Start: Sat Jul 02 15:33:55 2005 Last time, on Hunters: The team, smarting from their encounter that afternoon in the subways, went on to fulfill their agreed-to guarding of the US Navy encampment on the Universal Shipbuilding lot. Not much really happened. A Ningyo did some observation of the coastline, but nothing attacked. A USC executive bullied his way into their trailer, but what he knows or thinks about who they are is entirely unclear. And they briefed their still-unnamed civilian contact on what they knew of the opposition, and made arrangements for dropping off their latest prisoner. is now the next morning, and a bunch of the team are hanging around the Agency. Leena is still getting over the nasty chest wound she suffered yesterday. Taki is quite notably missing. [Friday, March 11, 2004 - 840 local time] [The Agency} [Session start.] * LadyMallet is loafing around on the couch, watching the news. Top news this morning is the shootout on the subway yesterday - it's being played as another attack by gunmen on teenaged girls, or magical girls, depending on which channel you're watching. * LadyHeat is fangirling over the new L'arc~en~ciel album in a corner *_* There's a fair amount of editorial and talking-head hand-wringing about how stuff like this doesn't happen in modern Japan. * Maya is watching the news with the sort of amused detachment that helps one take it all in without going into a frothing rage about the State of Things. Hitomi no Juunin is so... beautiful. * LadyMallet watches it with a flat, silent detachment, eyes glazing over occasionally. Eventually, some national agency officials come on and categorically deny that the government has anything to do with the hunting of magical girls. * Maya makes a very sour face. "Mmmmmn." * LadyMallet 's mouth twitches into the barest traces of a frown. There's also a special report on the attack at Takeuchi Memorial - apparently the media has noticed that there are a couple dozen girls unaccounted for, and speculation on their fate and their... true identity is rampant. Heh. At least they catch on quick. The front door buzzer interrupts the otherwise tranquil morning. * LadyMallet closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. There's an angry undercurrent in her voice, so she almost snarls out the low whisper... "... nothing on the Mallet. Just noise." * LadyHeat gets to get the door. * HistoryTeacher is waiting in the front lobby. ...excuse me, this is the Blossom Agency, right? * LadyHeat stares a little. "Yes, but uh, we're closed for business today." I'm supposed to tell you that Sakura sent me. Oh. Let me talk to my uhm, coworkers for a minute. * HistoryTeacher hands over a manila folder, with a note signed by both Sakura and Princess Squeegee. ...Oh. Come in then. Apparently, she's your new tutor. * LadyHeat opens the door so she can come in and goes to sit with the others. ... what in the world is going on? Um. Who are you, exactly? I suppose you're transformed... * LadyMallet blinks, and looks at the teacher for a long moment, then takes an equally long breath, and exhales. Mayuki demonstrated how that worked - it's really quite remarkable. This is our new teacher... *holds the note out to anyone who wants to look* Are you starting today, Inouye-sensei? *** HistoryTeacher is now known as Inouye-sensei There's not much time left in the school year. We need to make sure all of you meet the standards. ...but... if I don't know who you are, I don't know what we need to do. Lady Mallet can't right now. *points to Leena* ... Inouye-sensei. Are you happy with the answers you found? What's that supposed to mean? ... when Leena told you the one clue, about taking part in saving Junko. * LadyHeat mumbles. "...I'm not going first." Mmm. I suppose the answers found me - found all of us, really. * Inouye-sensei curls her lip. "I suppose that makes you Leena, doesn't it?" * LadyMallet nods, once. "Yeah. Forgive me for not proving it, but I've got a bullet in my heart I'm still recovering from." * Inouye-sensei blinks. Shouldn't you be in the hospital or something? ... too many questions, and I really rather like the fact that the world thinks I'm dead. I don't want to lose that yet. Yeah, but will you be okay? Us Magical Girls can recover from anything that doesn't kill us, really. So, yeah. Gods. She was worse after it happened. * Inouye-sensei recaptures her notes from Kyouko, and looks over them. "Who are the other... four?" * LadyHeat goes first and detransforms. *** LadyHeat is now known as Kyouko ...right. The swimming girl, uh... Mizui Kyouko. And who else? * Kyouko introduces Haruko, Maya, and the others. * LadyMallet points about, sitting up a little, and does the same thing Kyo-chan does. Ah. I'm not sure yet exactly how this is going to work - there was some mention of getting me an apartment upstairs. I don't know... I'm not living here. Well, I am, but I don't know the arrangements. Might be in the letter. But I have been hired for a rather exorbitant fee to make sure you are properly educated while you are unable to attend school. So you'd better work with me, or you'll get orders to do so. * LadyMallet gestures for the envelope to be handed over. ...or at least that's what Mayuki told me to say. ... hehe. Ordered. They'd do it... * Kyouko sighs. I'll do what I can to get education done... I've missed a lot, and frankly, I'm welcome for the distraction. * Haruko sighs. This is going to be all of the learning with none of the fun parts of school, isn't it? ... well, Inouye-sensei, welcome to our world. That depends on what you make of it, Haruko. * LadyMallet giggles. "Haruko, silly. It's a lot less time to be tutored. And a lot more casual, as long as you get what you need to get done, done." * Inouye-sensei ignores Leena's gesture. "Yes, it needn't be unpleasant." I guess.. Your world, huh? I'd better not get shot - I don't heal very fast. The lobby buzzer sounds again. * Inouye-sensei twitches. "What's that?" * LadyMallet blinks, and looks up. "More company." The cameras show a familiar detective in the lobby. * LadyMallet groans. "Inouye-sensei, could you start setting up? I'd rather not our new guest knowing about you just yet." Um. * Inouye-sensei looks around, and spots a side room with office furnishings. "Okay, I'll wait in there." * Inouye-sensei moves out of the way, and closes the door. * LadyMallet groans again, and gets to her feet, standing. Haruko, transform. Oh? * Haruko looks over at the camera. Oh! Is anyone there? * LadyMallet walks over to the main door, calling out, "Coming!" * Haruko quickly steps into the side room and transforms. * LadyMallet opens the door, and waves. "Morioka, hello." * Morioka looks like he hasn't slept in a week. He shuffles into the room. ...hi. * LadyMallet lets him by, blinking. "... want some coffee?" Are you okay? Yeah, coffee is good. And... I suppose I'm better off than you guys are. All things considered. * LadyMallet walks in after him, making sure all the appropriate doors are shut on the way. "I guess. What's up?" * LadyMallet heads over to the kitchen, to start on the coffee. * Morioka snerks. "What *isn't* up?" * Lady_MakeBelieve comes back in. Mallet, can you grab me a coffee while you're in there? Are all of you okay? There was a report from one of the train survivors yesterday... Mya... you're taller than me! Fine! We'll be fine. * LadyMallet makes a light 'whoosh' sound as she simply jumps onto the counter to get it all done, and comes back down the same way, returning with 2 mugs of coffee. * Morioka shrugs. "If you say so. It sounded pretty bad." ... it was. Thank you. ... It was awful. I know, I heard from Norcliff. * LadyMallet lets out a snarl. "And not just because I got shot in the heart." * Lady_MakeBelieve pats Mallet on the shoulder * LadyHeat sits down on the floor. But everyone is all right? * LadyMallet quirks her mouth. "... I am, physically. But..." ... could you do me a favor? I suppose I can imag- oh? Maybe... Mmm. Well. Could you keep an eye out around Omori station, especially for property damage, or the Mallet? The... Mallet? ... yeah. * Morioka blinks. "THE Mallet?" YOUR Mallet? * LadyMallet closes her eyes, and sighs. "... yeah." ...yeah. * Morioka closes his eyes, and rubs his forehead. "Oi." ... thank you. And if you come up with anything, ANYTHING, call immediately. Is whoever has it able to use it? He was around Omori station yesterday afternoon with it... dunno if he's still there. ... I'd guess yes. Don't mess with him at -all.- I'll keep that in mind. Him, huh? Yeah. Right. Thank you. * Morioka sighs. "I already had too much to worry about." ... and I'm sorry to have added to your burden. There were a couple of things I needed to talk to you about. * LadyMallet takes a seat. "Shoot." ...first, Junko is okay. I have her stashed away up north with her mother. * LadyMallet nods. "How much effort did that take? How many more people could you do that with?" * Morioka grimaces. Actually, I can't even really do it for her very long. ... I'm glad Junko will have peace, at least, but... god, this is going to turn into a war, if something doesn't change. I either need to keep going up there, or they'll have to expose themselves, or we're going to have to bring them back into the Tokyo safehouse system. And none of those options are really feasible. There's so many of us. * LadyMallet rubs her forehead. "A bit over my head there. But... I guess, keep doing whatever works, and I'll talk to someone, see what they can do." You guys... you made a whole bunch of people disappear after Takeuchi... went down. * LadyMallet nods. "Yeah. I'm going to see about that. Keep in touch, we'll do the same if we're gonna do something." If you could do that for Junko, it may very well save her life. It'll take a bit of time to query, though. So keep up what you're doing, please? I'll let you know by tonight or tomorrow what the answer is. * Morioka sits back in his chair and sips his coffee. ... I've got a question, before we move on, though. Shoot. What's next? Does it get better or worse from here? Does what get better or worse? The next thing you've got to say. * Morioka chortles. Well, I guess the other issue is worse. Oh, yay. Worse? gh. Figures. *sigh* Let's hear it. Well... It's pretty obvious that you guys dragged the one surviving attacker away yesterday... That bit hasn't made it into the news yet, but it will sooner or later. The powers that be are a little... unhappy about this. * LadyMallet nods, slowly. "... you're right. That is worse." It's stupid, really. If you'd killed him, there wouldn't be any problem. * LadyMallet snerks. "Yeah. I suppose they're completely ignoring that the missing guy opened fire on an innocent crowd, too." Well, it's not so much that they *care* about him. It's more that they don't like the idea of you guys stepping on their prerogatives. I guess. There were plenty enough leftovers for them to have, Um. * Morioka looks around. "You wouldn't happen to still have him...?" ... nope, sorry. Can I ask...? * LadyMallet 'nnghs.' Not really. It's a bit of a private issue. And there's no chance we could get our hands on him? ... I'm not sure there'll be enough of him left to get any hands on, honestly. ... why so curious now? I'll be sure *not* to relay that to my superiors, thank you. We could always ask... * LadyMallet grimaces. I don't know if we'd be able to get him back though. * Morioka shakes his head. "Just some pressure from the top brass. They really hate the idea of vigilantism taking root, despite the fact that they've left all the Ningyo work to you for years." What kind of pressure? Do they want us to stop, or are they curious enough to try and figure out who the goons are? The usual veiled threats. Just leave us enough tidbits to work with, please? * LadyMallet nods. They know I've been the point man for magical shit for the last few years, so it's just coming down on me a little. * LadyMallet thinks for a moment, then nods to herself. "No promises, but... I'll try." If the chance arrives, would knocking out one and leaving them tied up or incapacitated, but alive, help you out? Give you a call to get there ASAP? And... do consider the potential backlash if the public learns that you're, uh, doing more than battleground defensive actions. Maybe. Sure. ... that said, the chances of that happening a second time are pretty low. They're pretty gung-ho. Yeah. * Morioka stands up, uncomfortably. Sorry to pile on. ... it's okay. I was worried I'd get a chance to relax here, anyway. You're busy, yeah, but are you okay? They're not hunting me, are they? Take care of yourself. * LadyMallet nods. "You too. Thanks for taking time out to talk to us, we really appreciate it." ... * Morioka shakes his head, and goes for the door. "Stay smart, okay? I have this strange feeling that you guys are the only thing that's keeping this from turning into a complete disaster." * Morioka heads out. * LadyMallet waves goodbye. * Inouye-sensei peeks her head out. "Is it safe?" Yeah. What exactly *do* you do with evil villains, anyway? ... Ningyo, we fight. Assassins, we kill, hopefully before they kill us. That's not what I meant. Oh, well. And... it's probably obvious, but it's worth saying anyway. You'll hear a lot, staying here. Whatever goes on here, stays here. [end session]