Session Start: Sat Jul 30 15:26:37 2005 Previously, on Hunters: The Ningyo finally attacked the US Navy encampment at USC, and were, mostly, driven off by the team. A few trailers got washed over the sea wall, and there were a couple of people missing afterwards, but the military contacts seemed satisfied with your performance. Minami cleaned up at poker, too. The next night was extremely calm, even boring, but the morning after *that* turned into something rather more exciting as Sakura walked into the Agency living quarters at an ungodly hour. [Wednesday, March 16, 2004 - 625 local time] [The Blossom Agency] [Session start!] * PrincessSakura tosses the main door open and switches on the lights. * Taki is up in the middle of her morning exercises. Wha? * Haruko snoozes upstairs * PrincessSakura blinks. I see you're not the only one who keeps insane hours, Sakura. Huh? * Taki looks over at Anzu. * Anzu is in her school uniform, but looks like she needs three more hours of sleep. Anzu is just bitter about my waking her up at four. You don't usually get up that early? No. * Anzu heads for the kitchen, and some very strong tea. Heh. So uh... what's up? * Rin steps through the door, closing it lightly behind her. She, too, is wearing her school uniform, but is smiling mysteriously. "I can't say that I blame her, Sakura-sama. I do not believe I had made it to bed by that time, myself." She bows politely once fully into the room. * Minami looks up from the stove and blinks at Anzu's entrance. "Uhh, hi." Hi. * Anzu stares at the teakettle morosely as it heats up. * Minami takes in Anzu's "I need sleep" condition. "Let me guess. Super-strong tea?" Yeah. * PrincessSakura ducks up the rear stairs, and starts pounding on doors. "Wake up, wake up!" Mm. * Minami digs around in one of the cabinets and digs out the *good* stuff. * Taki follows Sakura around. "Is someone in trouble?" * Rin sniffs the air, and smiles approvingly. She smoothes her fuku-skirt, though seems to have found the time to apply make-up to hide any traces of tiredness, for now. She notes that the kitchen has enough hands, so seats herself gracefully on the couch, legs crossed demurely at the ankles. Oh... you could say that. * Minami glances at Anzu out the corner of her eye as she does so. "So. Good news or bad news?" Well, it's going to be bad news for someone. Uh...huh. Oh fun. * Minami mutters under her breath as she sets up the tray. "Long as it's not us." Mmm. Wake up, Haruko! * Rin briefly opens her tessen, concealing her face. When she closes it in her lap again, she's smiling mysteriously once more, waiting patiently for things to be explained. She's good at sleeping in... The Princess is transformed, and looking quite businesslike today. Taki finds herself admiring the professional suit, perfect hair, and almost-concealed holster set. * Haruko starts up out of bed. After a few seconds, she starts stumbling downstairs and into the room, not bothering to change out of her PJs. The resident tutor sticks her head out her door. "Me too?" * Haruko mumbles sleepily and rubs her eyes "'m up." Oh, yeah, uh, no. This is not something you should be seeing. The door closes again, muffling the frustrated muttering behind it. Whaz goin on? * Taki is in her usual work out clothes, a black tank top and those black pants with the buttons down the side. * PrincessSakura bombs back down the stairs as fast as she can in her heels. Right, right. * Taki follows! It's a mission, I guess. * Haruko manages to wake up a bit. "Is it trouble?" We probably need to move another clock. * Minami , starting to doze off herself at the counter while waiting, shakes herself awake at that. "Yay, a mission." * PrincessSakura grins ferally. "Oh, it's trouble all right." Anzu, this is really your show. Do you want to run the presentation? Er, what should I do? * Rin pats the couch. "Have a seat, Haruko-san." * Minami takes the kettle off after it comes to boiling and starts pouring, letting Anzu have the first cup. Right. * Taki stands against the wall since she's still all sweaty from her exercises. * Anzu chugs the steaming tea, allowing the heat to wake herself up. * Minami pours for everyone else and takes the tray out. * Taki sips. Yow. Okay... well, I had some time a couple of weeks ago, and I decided to look back through the records we have on attacks against Ladies. * Haruko sits down and starts drinking tea. * Rin accepts a cup, bowing slightly. "Thank you, Minami-san," she whispers, paying attention to Anzu. Gah, did you put a whole bush in here? * Minami nods an acknowledgment to Rin and snerks at Haruko. "It's the strong stuff. Figured we might need to be on our toes." Back in the really early days, we didn't keep very good records, and even later on most of this information is stuff that Squeegee and I correlated from newspaper reports and some police data. * Rin nods at Minami's statement, and takes a small sip. * PrincessSakura blushes. "Sorry about that." * Minami finishes passing and takes a cup and a seat for herself. No, its ok, it's just early... Well, the modern Hierarchy is really only four years old, and it didn't develop good reporting systems until a couple years ago, so it's not your fault you weren't filling out nonexistent paperwork. But anyway. Sakura and her secretary had told me that there were no real patterns in the data we had, but I decided to take another look. * Rin nods attentively, holding her tea cup in her lap. In fact, a lot of the Yakuza attackers seemed to be from random groups, or have no formal affiliation... but after rereading the police case files, I spotted something. * Minami raises an eyebrow and makes an inquisitive "mm?" sound. * Haruko seems to be paying slightly more attention as the tea wakes her up. * Taki listens quietly trying not to look at Sakura too too much. * Anzu lights up the computer projector, and starts bringing up casefiles. * Minami tests her tea and starts drinking once it's a little less likely to scald her tongue. If you look closely, there's sort of a second-level pattern here. In almost half of the police-documented files, one of the attackers' friends is a known member of a single Yakuza group. That could be a coincidence, but there are a LOT of Yakuza groups, and this one, the so-called Millennial Blooded, are not one of the larger ones. * Minami listens attentively, her curiosity piqued. * Rin sips. She mentioned this to me, and I passed it along to Squeej, who sicced her forensic accountant on the case. So we have someone to beat up? * Haruko looks disapprovingly at Taki * Anzu pulls up a spreadsheet. "It appears that Universal Shipbuilding was, even then, financing the attacks. She found cash withdrawals that are coincident with the attacks... and there is a documented police record of the MB's getting much more powerful through that period. * Rin takes another sip. And oh-so-carefully sets her cup down before folding her hands in her lap. * Minami finds her tea of acceptable hot-but-not-scalding temperature and starts to gulp it down. So while it's probably nothing we could prove in court... these guys are recruiters for at least half of the hits on Ladies through 2003. And they seem to have gotten rich from it. * Anzu sits down and shuts off the projector. ...well, shit. So. Do we get to beat them up? * Rin taps her folded tessen against her lips, contemplatively. Retribution is the order for the day, yes. Whee. Good stuff. * Haruko looks uneasy. It is an impressive piece of detective work, Anzu-san. You should be most proud. Um. * Anzu looks almost as uneasy as Haruko. * PrincessSakura pulls out a folder, and starts handing out maps. * Taki looks it over. So were doing what exactly? * Minami takes hers and studies it. * Rin is trying very hard to maintain that mysterious smile, but all she's managing now is a cold mask. She takes a map and devotes her full attention to that. Kicking ass and taking names it sounds like. They seem to have settled in the Suginami district. Most of their profits appear to have gone into buying a building, buying some fancy cars for their officers, and obtaining some weapons. So then we have names and addresses? The building is a general hangout and garage... I'd like it to be a pile of rubble. Names is a stretch - street names, sure. We can do that. Sounds good. Well the cars have to be registered to someone. Most likely to pseudonyms, or not at all. And I'd like to make sure they know who did it and why. What do they do in this...building? Any chance of innocent bystanders inside? Not much. It used to be a deserted warehouse for a local chain of stores. There are some commercial buildings nearby, and some apartments a block away, but no one should be in there except for them. * Minami grunts. "Good." A worm does not die from merely crushing its body. The head can regrow a new wriggling mass, no matter how marked the old one's remains are. But Feral would enjoy this piece of vengeance, nevertheless. Do we want anyone left to uh... question? Personally, I'd love to just kill them all. But we don't have time to get in a protracted war with some gang. Make the point, and then we'll move on. * Minami nods sharply. Don't forget - these people were responsible in one way or another for more than twenty dead Ladies. Yeah, we know. * Rin acknowledges with a slow bow of her head. But if we don't get the one who's controlling them, won't more just spring up? We're more prepared now. * PrincessSakura makes a face. "A lot of whom were your predecessors." * Rin nods once to Haruko's statement. This is more of a...statement. Before they thought we had no idea who they were, so they thought they couldn't be hurt. We're just leaving them a little memo that'll let them know that they're wrong. If nothing else, United Shipbuilding Company will find it more expensive to hire middlemen, after this. But it doesn't *solve* anything, and a lot of people are going to die? So what if it "costs them more" Do you think they care? It's unclear if USC is even in that business anymore. They do care. *mask cracks a little* Though I pray they are not, Sakura-sama. Well, we *could* just let them go, and have people think it's all fine and dandy to kill magical girls. There has been a dearth of both Ningyo attacks and Yakuza attacks of late. If it didn't make me so nervous, I would be happy. The whole point of justice is to serve as a warning to the unjust. We need to strike at the evil then, not at its tools. You're missing the point. No you're missing the point. THEY ARE PEOPLE. People that kill our kind! These aren't unknowing "tools", Haruko. If we kill them we become no better than them! They knew damn well what they were doing. Willing tools are as responsible as their wielders. They still deserve punishment! How can we claim to be the forces of good when we become exactly like what we fight? No, we don't. They killed us for profit and the chance to glorify themselves. It is the duty of the protectors to deliver justice, and justice demands blood for blood. Stop thinking in black and white, Haruko. They don't exist. How can we claim to be the forces of anything, when we do not fight to protect ourselves? * Taki nods at Sakura. Fighting does not have to mean killing. * Rin smiles calmly at Minami. "Black and white do exist. There is no grey here; the only evil we commit is if we allow these murderers to go unpunished." It does if they'll kill us if we don't. And I say if you kill them then *you* are a murderer as well. And you deserve punishment. It's not like we haven't killed people already. Haruko-san, what is the just punishment for murder? They come to our homes, and try to kill us, and it is wrong, but when we go to their homes, and try to kill them, it is no less wrong! This isn't a home! It's a building they bought with our blood! So, what, are you just gonna knock on their door and say "Hi, we don't like the fact that you're killing us. Would you please stop? You're bad people. No TV for a week." Would you allow a man who would slay your friend to live, knowing your only chance to stop him is before he does it? * PrincessSakura shrugs. "I'm not telling you to kill them. But I won't pretend that this can possibly be bloodless." Rehabilitation is the proper punishment for murder. ... If someone is sick, you don't kill them to cure the sickness. But you do kill them to stop them from spreading it to the well. That is what quarantine is for. They will not stay in quarantine. Fine, you try and talk to them while they're shooting at you. Put them in jail! You say they are all Yakuza, all criminals. They will break free, and kill you to do so. Then you must be ever vigilant! You don't think if that was even an option they'd already be there? We ARE being ever vigilant already! We can't be everywhere at once. God this is stupid. * Rin looks at Haruko, sadly. "You should study history, Haruko-san." If you don't want to go, then don't go. ...Taki's right. I will not be party to a justless massacre. The rest of us will go and do our jobs. The rest of you will go and *murder* You can stay here and live in your fantasy world. Our job is to protect, not to slay. * Rin smiles kindly. "Nor will I." She then rises. "Shall we go and deliver justice to our enemies?" Fine. Stay here. You can write letters of protest and send them to all the people who would rather kill you than speak to you. Haruko, where have you been? Were you not at the school when the enemies came to kill you and all your friends? * Rin points her Tessen at the floor, and brings it up in the half-circle gesture that briefly summons a purple moon. A moment later, Lord Darkmoon uses the tessen to turn the clothes into a boy's school uniform. Did I stop you from fighting then? It was sad, but there was no time for discussion. But now we *have* options. And we are evil if we do not use them. Yes you did actually. Were you not at the mall when the enemies came and killed two Ladies? You stopped Rin and put everyone at risk. And the Sailors and I helped ever... I was given no warning, I had never seen him before, and he wore the face of evil! * Minami rubs her head where she took a hit that day in memory. And the guys with guns DIDN'T? THEY ARE PEOPLE DAMN IT! Were you not aware of what happened to Lady Goggles? Our enemies are not going to be reformed. Our enemies are not going to stop being our enemies. It is time that you grow up. SOME PEOPLE ARE EVIL. There is no point in this argument. Haruko has made her decision, and has chosen what she wants to hear. As I will be allowing the Feral Beast out again, it may be for the better that she is not there. PEOPLE WHO KILL ARE EVIL. YOU CANNOT FIGHT EVIL WITH EVIL, EVIL WILL ALWAYS WIN. This is not an anime, Haruko. In the end, there is no one more dangerous than one who refuses to see the difference between justice and evil. *looks at Haruko with pitying condemnation* Argh. My Ladies, my Princess, shall we go? I'm going to get cleaned up. No, the one who attempts to clothe evil in finery is the most evil of all. * Haruko looks at Darkmoon with cold scorn. It is also not a democracy. * Taki grabs a change of clothes and heads to the bathroom. * Lord_Darkmoon looks at Haruko. "Then stop doing so." Would that I had a mirror to show you the truth of your black soul. We're doing this so that others don't have to be darkened as well. You, obviously, would rather have *all* magical girls be killers in order to protect themselves than save them that by taking the burden upon yourself. Selfish. My soul is that of a samurai. I am honorable, and just. I would be remiss in my duties were I to listen to the deceiving words of the peacemonger, who would sacrifice the innocent to attempt to save the guilty. * Taki takes a quick shower, transforms and gets dressed. Do not summon the Ki Rin in Feral's presence. It would be the last time you ever saw it. You may come or not, as you desire. Hinder us in this mission, and I will treat you as an enemy. * PrincessSakura sits back, looking greatly unhappy. * Haruko gets up and storms out before Darkmoon finishes his foolish ultimatum. * Minami leans forward, head in her hands, rubbing her temples. "Aaaagh." * Lord_Darkmoon turns to Sakura. "I am sorry if I have overstepped myself, my Princess. I should have allowed you to deal with her." How would I have dealt with her? * PrincessSakura shakes her head. "I have one tool, and it would probably cause more problems at this point." * Minami raises an eyebrow. "Huh." * Lord_Darkmoon bows. "It was your right. I am pleased I did not step on your toes." * LadyNightshade steps out of the restroom, her hair still wet. * Minami hears Taki finish with the restroom and heads in with her everpresent satchel. * Minami transforms and changes and all that jazz. Sakura... I'm not so stupid to think that this isn't appropriate, but it does make me a bit queasy. We're *not* the police. And you can't pretend that this isn't personal for you. That's why I'm not going. It's not like they don't deserve it. * LadyNightshade sighs and flops on the couch. * LadyRoyal returns. You're not going because Princess Squeegee got the Queen to Order you not to. * LadyRoyal raises an eyebrow at that. ... * PrincessSakura smiles fiercely. "Yeah, that too. They are right... I just don't want them to be." We have set ourselves up as the police and special ops team for the Magical Girls, Anzu. We are at war with these people. What they do is not a criminal matter for the police to deal with - they can't. There isn't enough of the right kind of evidence. What they do is orchestrate the assassination of our Ladies and Princesses, as a human arm of our enemy. They are fighting a war; we must do the same. ... Orders. I am sorry for you, my Princess. Wait, so this isn't like official? Squeej gave me her invaluable resource lecture. It's more official than I meant it to be, actually. More like, we're more expendable than she is, I bet. * LadyRoyal doesn't sound very bitter about that. Well of course we are. There are times when one's personal honor is more important than her value to her superiors. Princess Squeegee does not understand the insult she has given you, I am sure. See, she ordered me not to go along with you. Darkmoon. She trained us. ...the funny thing is that I could easily get around that by going by myself. But that would be... foolish. * LadyRoyal nods sharply to Sakura. "We'll get 'em for you." * Lord_Darkmoon grins. "Nothing stops you from going alone...after we're already on our way." I am just making an observation, of course. Except as soon as I saw you there, I'd have to leave. If you choose to interpret it that way. You can fine-parse Orders to a point, but there's a limit. Believe me, I've tried. Very true. I tried. *grins sardonically as he unintentionally echoes Sakura* Take your time. Scout the place, make a plan, do it *right*. * LadyRoyal nods. "Yes'm." Of course. Yes, my Princess. This time surprise is on our side. * PrincessSakura gets misty-eyed, an unexpected expression you've never seen on her before. * LadyNightshade grins a little sadistically. Sakura? So many partners... it would be unfortunate to lose more in this attack. We'll be fine. * Lord_Darkmoon states flatly, as if saying it makes it so, "All of us who go shall return." * PrincessSakura stands up. "I'll get out of your way. I have an appointment at the Diet in a couple of hours, and Mayuki will have a fit if I'm late. * LadyRoyal raises her eyebrows. "Good luck with that." Um... bye Sakura. She'll charm them to death. * LadyNightshade blushes a bit and looks down, embarrassed by her own thoughts. * Anzu puts away some papers, and follows after Sakura. Good hunting, guys. * LadyNightshade looks up at the others. "So." Thanks. * LadyRoyal looks over at Taki. "So." I guess we should go catch a train. * LadyRoyal gets up. "Let me go pick up our gear." * LadyRoyal goes and does just that. * LadyNightshade grabs her coat and prepares to head out. [break session] Session Start: Sat Aug 06 15:48:50 2005 Last time, on Hunters: Sakura and Anzu came over frighteningly early one morning to bring news and information and a mission. Anzu had done some closer looking at police records of attacks on MG's through the last four years, and came up with a subtle pattern which pointed at a newer Yakuza group, the so-called "Millennial Blooded". Princess Squeegee had sicced one of her accounting drones on the data, and confirmed that USC was paying them a lot of money to arrange the hits. Sakura has given you orders to scout out the building that they bought with that money, and reduce it to rubble to make the obligatory point. [Wednesday, March 16, 2004 - 820 local time] [The train station overlooking Suginami] [session start] * LadyMallet isn't in her MG uniform- she's in a pink cowboy hat, a pink shirt that says 'Tough Girls Wear Pink', shinypink leather pants, all covered up, for the moment, with a black trenchcoat. Yup, it's a scouting outfit. Really. Plus, pink doesn't show bloodstains so well. ^_^ * LadyNightshade tries not to vomit at the sight of Leena as she heads out of the train station, moving towards their target building. * LadyRoyal is wearing navy and grey and steadfastly trying not to look at Leena's outfit, lest it blinds her. She heads to the building, running over the building plans in her head. * LadyMallet hops, skips, and jumps along, with her of-old all too energetic gait. The Suginami district stretches out in the valley below you. It seems to have had mixed fortunes through the last decade, as you can see prosperous patches, haloed by zones where things are slightly run-down, amidst pockets of outright destitution. [scratch the building plans part] * LadyMallet slows, as she sees how dreary some of the spots are. "... lovely place." * LadyRoyal looks sourly at Leena, but otherwise ignores her. We're not here to sight see anyway. Maybe it'll look better after we chase the rats out. * LadyRoyal grits her teeth. "Let's just get going, hmm?" You can actually see the roof of the target building from here. It's tucked into some other commercial warehousing, on the edge of a relatively nice new housing development. * LadyMallet blinks at Royal. "Yeah." * LadyMallet resumes her previous over-energetic pace, with the target in sight. * LadyNightshade walks along at a casual pace, looking the area over. * LadyRoyal looks around. The group descends into the valley. The roads are slightly busy, and a few horns are honked at the passel of schoolgirls as they pass. Commercial vehicles are intermixed with conservative passenger sedans. As they get closer, they find themselves in a run-down light industrial zone, where gangs and small-scale manufacturing seem to be the primary occupations among those you see. * LadyMallet eyes the gangs, a bit enviously- especially if they have motorcycles. * LadyRoyal starts to keep an eye to the back as well as to the front, checking for anyone who might be following them around. The neighborhood seems to improve slightly as you come within just a couple of blocks - there are some stores here where young women are shopping, though none of them linger in the streets. * LadyNightshade walks like she belongs there, trying to maintain a confident air. * LadyMallet tones down her exuberance a little bit. Probably not enough, though. Up ahead you can see a gleaming new apartment complex - large apartments, by Tokyo standards - and at its base is the former warehouse. It's been painted blood-orange since the photographs you have were taken. * LadyRoyal stretches out and tones down her rear surveillance to glancing in store windows and making sure no-one seems to be following them. * LadyRoyal raises an eyebrow and mutters under her breath. "Fascinating color scheme." Well that's an eyesore. * LadyMallet quirks her eyes at the paint-job. I sort of feel like we're doing the community even more of a favor now. People *are* looking at the small group - young girls on these streets during these hours are not a common sight - but no one is following. You think. Didn't I tell ya it'd look better once we clear the rats out? * LadyRoyal curls her lip. "Somehow I don't think you were talking about paint jobs." Well, it can't hurt to burn the house they're in down on their ears. * LadyMallet grins. So do you think anyone's home? Let's take a look, shall we? * LadyRoyal glances at the others. "Split up?" I'll check the roof. ... yeah. Check out the perimeter, first, then get a closer look. * LadyNightshade heads around to the side of the building to wall jump her way up to the top. * LadyRoyal jerks her head in her chosen direction. "East side for me." * LadyMallet takes off to the left, doing a counter-clockwise walk of the building. * LadyRoyal fits action to words and heads off there. The warehouse seems to be relatively featureless. It's not really huge - maybe 500 square meters, and the north and south walls have no windows or doors or anything. The north end has a single door, of normal size. There is a light (unlit in daytime) above it, and a security camera mounted nearby on the wall. * LadyNightshade peeks over the edge of the roof, looking for cameras and such. The south end has three garage doors, all closed. Another camera watches the street there. * Dragon_Lord is gliding down onto the roof as Nightshade peeks at it. * LadyMallet whispers, "Cameras on the north and south side. Royal, it'd be a good idea for you to knock those out before we do anything." Up on the roof, Taki finds absolutely nothing. There's a ladder to climb up or down on one side, and a lot of cigarette butts, and two loudly humming air-conditioning units. Oh goddamn it. Did Haruko follow us? Taki, what's up? * LadyRoyal whispers back. "I'll get to them, but closer to when we start. Don't wanna warn 'em." What is it? The Dragon thing is here. * LadyMallet gasps. "Wha... it is? For real?" * Dragon_Lord comes to a landing, then walks directly for Taki. No, she is not here. I need you to carry a message to her. * LadyNightshade sighs heavily. interesting development. Is he interfering, or...? And that is? She must seek me out where the Dragon Lines meet. Dragon lines. Right. Ano... Are you gonna help us while you're here? * LadyRoyal keeps making her rounds, waiting for Taki to finish with the Dragon Lord before asking her what's up. * LadyMallet keeps do the 'looking for stuff' thing, too. If that is what it takes for you to deliver the message, yes. Though my time here is limited. Alrighty. What do you need assistance with? Well we're planning on reducing this building to rubble. Right now, we're scouting it out so we don't get ourselves killed in the process. Very well. So uh yeah. Try not to get in the way. I take it he's going to be helping us out? * LadyNightshade walks the perimeter of the roof, looking around for anything of note. ... fun. All things considered, the building seems pretty dead. The power is on, but that's the only sign of life. * LadyRoyal rounds another corner. Yeah, I guess. At least Haruko can do something. * LadyMallet keeps walking. Mm. * Dragon_Lord simply watches Nightshade There's a girl across the street on the north side of the warehouse, trying to hide in the entrance of a store that does not open until later but managing to make herself look more suspicious. She's staring at the warehouse door very intensely. Hey Mina, there's a girl across the street watching the place. We should probably find out what she wants with these guys. On my way. Do I need a descrip? Ditto that. * LadyNightshade gives a brief description of the store she's taking cover in and adds "Try not to get noticed so she doesn't get away." 'Course. Royal, pincer her, just in case. I'll come in the other side. * LadyMallet goes to do that. Yup. * LadyRoyal does so. I'm gonna get down off this thing in case uh, something happens. * LadyMallet also tries to do it not so obviously. * LadyNightshade moves over to the edge and almost as an afterthought, turns to the dragon. "Heads up. Be on the look out for anything coming at this place. I'll let you know when we plan to head in." Leena gets in sight of the girl sooner. She's a young teenager... in a somewhat exotic fuku. With a bib. * LadyNightshade makes her way down to the ground. * LadyMallet waits for Royal to get into position. "... uh." She's pretty, and looks like she just finished crying about something, but right now she's watching the building with intense hate, and murmuring something to herself. Okay, and I thought Anzu's outfit was over the top. What's up? ... it's hard to put into words, Minami. You'll just... have to see for yourself. * LadyNightshade gets into position so she can watch her from across the street, just in case they need to give chase. * LadyRoyal probably comes into view right about now, unless she doesn't. * LadyRoyal raises her eyebrows. "Mm." ... We got two choices, I think. Head her off, or let her do what she will. The girl sighs, and comes out of her lousy hiding spot. ... she certainly hides like a Magical Girl, too. * LadyMallet giggles. Could always one of us ask her. She doesn't look too inclined to be on their side. Well. I'll take it, then. Stay ready in case something comes up. * LadyMallet fully rounds the corner, and walks briskly towards the girl, taking care to stay out of the camera. 'Course. * LadyMallet waves at the girl, silently, still taking care to avoid the camera. She doesn't see Leena - she's too focussed on that door. * LadyMallet makes a face, and picks up a loose rock- barring a pre-loose one, simply digs a chunk out of the ground with a hand- and tosses it near the girl. * LadyRoyal shakes her head and backs up, going just around the corner--if anything happens, she can zip back. * LadyMysteria hovers somewhat close to Nightshade's position (perhaps in some vain hope that her innate stealth will rub off) while keeping an eye on the bib- wearing matter at hand. "Something about this bothers me... and I don't know why." Leena, damn it. Don't throw things at her. The girl whispers something, reaches back, then hurls something thin and brown at the doorknob... which, along with a 20cm section of the door frame, explodes. Ah fuck. Just trying to get her attention... * Lady charges at the door, screaming, and bashes it inwards with her shoulder. She disappears into the unlit interior. ... and this is where the element of surprise dies. * LadyRoyal hurries back around at the explosion. "What the--" Well. Follow her, and this -perfect- chance to go in with a bang, or wait a few? * LadyMysteria shakes her head. "Follow. If we can keep her from getting killed, so much the better." * LadyRoyal swears and cuts out any known cameras on her side. Royal, tag the came- thanks! The camera falls to the pavement, narrowly missing Leena's head. Sorry 'bout that. * LadyMallet charges after the Bibbed Lady, tossing the trenchcoat off, and pulling out her gun. Alright, let's do this. * LadyNightshade sighs and shakes her head. * LadyNightshade runs in after the girl, ready for... whatever. Leena runs into the building... and as soon as she is out of the puddle of light at the doorway, charges blindly into a car in the dark interior. * LadyMysteria trails behind Taki, wand in hand. Should at least one of us go in the back? (The car skids sideways a meter.) * LadyRoyal shrugs and follows the crowd. * Dragon_Lord follows after Nightshade * LadyMallet bounces off, eyes swirly for a moment. It's *dark* in here! Avoid splitting up for the moment. Uh, guys, got any light? Dragon, can you make a skylight? * Lady is somewhere in the interior too, as she can be heard stumbling forward not too far away. * LadyRoyal stands out of the light coming in from the doorway to avoid being silhouetted, waiting for her eyes to adjust. * LadyMallet hops to her feet, and more slowly heads right, trying to find a wall. * LadyNightshade tries to find the Lady in the dark. * Dragon_Lord winds his way up to the ceiling, where he proceeds to tear it open with claw and fang. * LadyMysteria stops upon seeing how dark it is, and pauses to adjust---wait, nope. No need for that. "... mn." * Lady looks around as more light floods in, and spots Leena with her trenchcoat and gun. * Lady poses, one hand above her head. Hey wait! * LadyRoyal shakes her head as more light goes in and spots the Lady. "Don't shoot!" * LadyMallet waves. "Waitasec! We're the good guys!" * LadyNightshade moves to dive tackle the girl. I mean, what kinda goon would wear pink? They're all pansies! * LadyRoyal looks around the place, keeping the main focus on the girl but checking for other threats. Yakuza have troubled this neighborhood for far too long! I, Lady Chopsticks, will end your reign of terr- OOF! * LadyMallet glances around for something to use as a shield- like a car, or battleship, or goon, or something. >_> <_< * LadyMysteria wants to laugh so, so badly, but does not. She instead slaps her forehead. * LadyRoyal groans. "Oh, great. A *dumb* vigilante." * Dragon_Lord drops down, shaking the ground. Good Lady, you need not bother with that. * LadyMallet giggles, and makes her way over to Chopsticks, gun held in a non- threatening manner. * LadyChopsticks thrashes underneath Taki. "Get off of me! You'll regret this!" * LadyNightshade gets up off the girl. "Sorry. We're Ladies too. So like, don't kill us. * LadyRoyal doesn't have time for this. She starts scouting around the area. Alright. Quick question, Chopsticks. You're here by yourself? What? You're just Yakuza girls! Chopsticks appear in her hand. * LadyNightshade sighs. What the hell are Yakuza girls? Am not! ... We're here to kick their ass, and with you being all loud and 'splodey, you're messing us up! * LadyRoyal mutters into the radios as she looks around. "Just tell her we're the Hunters. She should've been briefed." * LadyChopsticks dashes away from Taki, and hurls her sticks at Leena. * LadyNightshade moves to stop her again. * LadyMallet ducks! >_< * LadyMysteria sighs, and gives her wand a wave. While it's hard to see, the burst of ribbon does indeed flow towards Chopsticks. "... I swear! Stay still!" * Dragon_Lord moves to grapple the girl. Just tell her who we are already! We don't have time to waste, and we couldn't lie about this sort of thing anyway. Mallet ducks in the Wrong Direction, and the chopsticks blow her backwards through the side of a car. She stumbles away, dazed. Agh! * LadyNightshade tackles the girl again. * LadyMallet shakes her head. "... yeesh." Look! We're the Hunters team! Didn't your Princess tell you about us? * LadyChopsticks blinks as she is suddenly wrapped in multicolored ribbons. I have this! Look, Lady. I'm Mallet, and I'm still standing, because I"m -not- a Yakuza goon. I would love to explain the whole story to you, but right now we're trying to pull off a COVERT OPERATION, and we don't have the time for this! Mrrfle? * LadyRoyal shakes her head and continues looking/feeling around. Is this level just a garage, or what? * LadyMysteria spits out a nasty comment, then turns to Mallet on her way to Chopsticks. "You alright, Mallet?" * LadyMallet RIPS the car door off from the one she just slammed into, and walks over to Chopsticks, bends it into a crude tent, and sets it over her. ... hey, move that. She's coming with us, I just needed to calm her down a little. Yeah, just a sec. * LadyMallet knocks on the door. "You calm?" There are about eight cars scattered around the interior of this garage space. There is a large stereo system and what looks like a bar against the west wall, and a door into an inset office area to the south. * LadyNightshade gets up again. Mrrfle once for yes, twice for no. Well we should be happy that no one is in here... * LadyNightshade heads towards the office area. * LadyRoyal heads there too. Mmmf! That we should. Mallet, if she's calm, tear the ribbons. We need to hurry. There is a light showing underneath the office door. Okay! We'll fill you in later, but for now, I'll sum this up real quick. * LadyRoyal mutters into her breath, probably just loud enough to be caught over the radios. "Something's wrong here...either that, or no-one's home." * LadyMysteria walks off without another word and starts to investigate. We're here to deliver the beatdown to the Yakuza. You being here, if you've been an MG for any amount of time, is no coincidence. So help us, or scram, because one girl like you won't do much except bleed. * Dragon_Lord lays down, since it seems like nothing requires his attention at the moment. * LadyMallet moves the car door off. Err... spoke too soon. Do you understand that? ...may have, yeah. Same code. Mrffle once for yes, twice for no. ... what's wrong? Mmmg. Ummg Imm nnenn! * LadyRoyal glances at Taki and then at the group of girls around Chopsticks and back. "Now, or after they're done?" she mouths. Mallet, can you throw a car through this door please? * LadyMallet reaches down, and tears the ribbon off. "Okay." * LadyMallet then nods to Nightshade. Wow, real Ladies! ...Or we could do it that way. * LadyNightshade shrugs at Royal. "No sense being subtle at this point. Let's not waste time. True. How did you find me, magic? * LadyRoyal gets a couple cards ready. * LadyMallet stalks over to the most expensive car she sees, and takes a moment to pick it up. * LadyMysteria then turns to Chopsticks. "Fight. Don't think. We'll explain later." * LadyRoyal glances back. "...sounds like a newbie." Cuz, like, I've never transformed before! ....yup. Get her out of here. We don't want her to kill herself if she's got no idea what she's doing. Hey, they beat up my brother and burned down our shop. I have more right to be here than you! * LadyRoyal barks out a short laugh. "You don't know the half of it." Maybe, but this will get you into something deeper than a burned shop. * LadyMallet picks it up, and lines it up with the door... * LadyRoyal waves a hand. "Ssst." * LadyRoyal steps up just beside the door and readies her cards. * LadyMysteria sighs, and preps for battle. Mina, you might wanna move... I'm already here, and I know enough that they won't recognize me like this! * LadyRoyal raises her eyebrows and takes several large steps backwards, still hugging the wall. * LadyNightshade eyes Royal. "What's up?" Somethin' moving back there. We're about to have company. *eyes the girl* More company. That's the point of the car. * LadyNightshade gestures at Leena. Yup. Best get on with it, then. I can blow it! * LadyChopsticks whips out more chopsticks. That's exactly what we're afraid of. * LadyMysteria waves at Chopsticks in a 'DON'T!' manner. A voice sounds as the doorknob turns. "Hey, you know the rules, guys..." * LadyMallet takes a step back, bend back a little, then takes a few more steps forward, and CHUCKS the car at the door. * LadyNightshade gets ready to fight whatever survives. The car spears through the wall, and the door, which crumples underneath it. You catch a glimpse of a human form getting squashed as well, but it's hard to see. The car ends up lodged inside the doorway, making getting through it difficult in the extreme. * LadyMallet doesn't waste a second- she charges after it, intending to ram the car the rest of the way through the door. * LadyMysteria falls back and prepares for trouble. She does whisper a little prayer, though. Leena's mentioned more than once. * LadyRoyal gives Leena plenty of room. It's difficult, even for Lady Mallet, and it takes almost ten seconds before she crumples the metal walls enough and pops into the office space. * LadyRoyal rushes in right after Leena. * LadyNightshade pounces in behind Leena. * LadyMallet has her gun out and looking around ASAP. * Dragon_Lord brings up the rear. There are two men in the next room over, scrambling for something in a metal chest. * LadyRoyal cards 'em. * LadyChopsticks dashes through, screaming what she imagines is a battle cry. * LadyNightshade charges them so she can ninja them in the face. * LadyMallet shoots at em. * Dragon_Lord shreds any that are left * LadyMysteria is on her way as well, hanging back to do the ranged assault thing. ...the two men are promptly carded, ninja'd, shot, and shredded. ... well. * LadyRoyal slaps her forehead. "So much for pumping 'em for information." * LadyMallet briskly walks over to the chest they were about to open, and opens that. * LadyRoyal heads in to check them, and the metal chest, out. Surprisingly, one of them is even somewhat alive afterwards, and only bleeds profusely. * LadyRoyal checks the alive guy. "Yo. Don't have a lot of patience now, so here's the basics: Talk or die." * LadyNightshade makes sure he's bound up good with rope/duct tape/whatever's around. Make sure he doesn't bleed out on us, Royal. * LadyMysteria stays back and scans about, in case more show up. Mm. The men were dressed in expensive-looking pajamas, and the former office space has been converted to a sumptuous apartment, decorated elaborately and richly. * LadyRoyal patches up the most bleederiffic wounds while she's waiting for his answer. * LadyMallet opens the chest the easy way- picking it up and dumping it out completely, onto the ground. *cough* Who are you? Automatic weaponry clatters out onto the carpet. Retribution. Y'all have killed a lot of Magical Girls in the past. We don't really appreciate that. * Guy focuses on Lady Chopsticks, as the obvious MG in the room. "We didn't kill them!" * LadyMallet holsters her pistol, and picks up one of the weapons. "Then what're these toys for?" We have... to protect ourselves. * LadyRoyal backhands him across the face, lightly. "We know you're lying." You have to ruin the lives of your neighbors! * LadyMallet points it at the survivor. "These things are kinda hard to come by here. This is a bit overkill for protecting yourselves." * LadyChopsticks runs forward and kicks him in the groin, hard. UUUUGH! --I was going to slice you, but that works too. But keep back, kid. Tell you what, when we've got all we want to know, you can finish him off. ... easy, girl! Unless you come up with a golden halo and sprout wings, we're gonna wipe out every one of you Millennial Blooded. Um... you mean kill him? Oh gods, oh... *pant* * LadyRoyal stares at him. "Well?" * LadyMysteria shoots Chopsticks a look, and Order is thick in her words. "Sit back and let us handle this." ...look, we just hired some people for some other people! We don't have anything against you girls, and we aren't in that business any more! * LadyChopsticks doesn't blink, as the Order does nothing. We are the hand of divine justice, the anger of all the Magical Girls you've been targeting given focus and form. Oh, *really*? "Nothing personal," huh? Well, it was personal to *us*. ... huh. Who were these "some people"? Who were the "some other people"? Anger does not forget. * LadyMysteria makes a note of that. Oh, the shooters were just idiots. I mean, who wants to shoot up a magical girl, really! Where'd you find 'em? You'd be surprised. Who was your employer? Just down-on-their-luck Yakuza burnouts. Our employer... I don't know. But they had a LOT of money, and they acted like suits. Don't we already know all that? Confirmation. Let's just burn this place to the ground and get out of here. Wait. * LadyRoyal glances at Taki. "And checking for other targets." We need to let one of them live. * LadyNightshade heads back out into the garage area to check things out. How else is our legend going to spread, and grow? * LadyMallet grins cheerfully. ^_^ *small voice* I don't really want to kill him that's okay... No, that might compromise too much... * LadyRoyal looks back at the guy, grabs him by the collar, and uses it to knock his head against the ground. "You had to keep track of it somehow." How did you get instructions from this employer? * LadyMysteria seems to be thinking about this rather clinically. * LadyNightshade drags Chopsticks with her. "You probably don't want to watch then." How many of you goons are there? There was a messenger. He brought cash, and we set things up. Description. Now. * LadyChopsticks is dragged! When did he start? Name, contact information, how often? * Guy gesticulates. "Just this guy. Short-cropped hair, forties, glasses, usually in a brown suit... How did he meet you? Any other features? Anything that stands out? He would find us. He'd bring notes on location and time, and we'd recruit someone to be there. When was your first contract? His eyes were different colors. ... hm. Who's in charge of your ops? The guy we crushed? * LadyMysteria commits that to memory, then resumes keeping an eye out. "Get what you can. And... it may do well for him to stay alive after all." That's all, man, it was just this guy. He showed up in the middle of 2000, and then it was on and off after that. Sometimes twice a month. What colors were his eyes? Light brown and almost-black. Never saw an eye like that before, but he seemed to see with it. Why you? * LadyNightshade looks up at the Dragon. "Shouldn't be too hard to knock this place down, right? *cough, wince* We were just tools, man. He fount a gang without even a name, and used us for what he wanted. Paid really well - too well. ... then he's smart to not act directly. Mn. Who. Was. In. Charge. Here. * LadyMysteria seems to be muttering more to herself. It will crumple like paper in the rain. I'm the boss. Always have been - but listen, I'm not gonna go up against no magical girls... * LadyChopsticks smiles. * LadyRoyal snorts. Smart guy. Spread the word, educate your fellows. A bundle of chopsticks appears in one hand. * LadyRoyal looks up at Maya. "Well. Decision?" Hey, let them finish up in there first! * LadyChopsticks starts winging the sticks into support beams, roof structures... fortunately they don't explode - just stick there. Just say when you want me to! * LadyNightshade eyes the chopstick. "Err.. Okay." How many others are there? * LadyNightshade sits up on top of a nearby table and sighs. Not just here. Where are your other bases? We have about twenty members. This is the only real base. ... damn. For a newcomer, girl, you're useful. ... Royal. He lives. Drag him out, bring the place down. Where are the rest of your guys? * LadyMysteria sighs. "He's smart enough to not try anything. We'll have to gamble he stays that way." * LadyNightshade says into the comms, "So someone else is bound to show up around here. If we really want to have a long drawn out conversation with this guy we should take him to our place and get out of here..." They've got their own places to stay. * LadyRoyal nods sharply at Maya. "Gotcha." * LadyRoyal puts quick bindings on the rest of his wounds, and tries to get him up. * Guy stands, sort-of. * LadyMysteria starts on her way out. "Understand, sir... as angry as we seem, this is mostly business." Can I do it yet? I'm sure you understand that. *NO*. Wait. Business! Business, yes! Let the girl do what she wants. * LadyMallet hangs behind the guy, escorting him with one of those automatic weapons. * LadyMysteria gives Chopsticks an angry look on the way out. * LadyRoyal drags him out. * LadyChopsticks follows the others. * LadyNightshade tails the group out. * Dragon_Lord grabs Nightshade before she leaves Are you done here? * LadyNightshade tries to shrug her way out of his grip. "Uh yeah. You can go back to uh... whereever it is she keeps you. * LadyMallet gives Chopsticks a thumbs-up as she passes her. Now I am confined to the Dragon Lines. Remember my message. Yeah. Talk to you at the Dragon things. Right. And let it all come down. Let's finish this and get some things solved, people. * LadyChopsticks bounces. "Now can I do it?" Big and flashy! Yup. The intersection of the Dragon Lines. REMEMBER. * LadyRoyal takes a spare rag and gets it ready. Yeah yeah. * LadyChopsticks pumps a fist into the air. "CHOPSTICKS RETRIBUTION!" * Dragon_Lord climbs out of the hole in the ceiling and soars off into the sky, going west. The warehouse doesn't quite blow up. The little explosions, though, are plenty to make the metal structure implode inward messily. * Guy sobs quietly. * LadyRoyal raises her eyebrows in approval. ... not too bad. * LadyMallet pats the Millennial Blooded guy on the head. "Oh, c'mon, cheer up! You're still alive, got the shirt on your back, and know who not to piss off now." Yeah. You may have lost millions in property, but you've learned a priceless lesson. ^_^ * LadyMysteria looks to the Guy. "... I wish I could say that I'm sorry, but... I'm fighting for my life, and the life of others like me. I have no time to feel sorry. My apologies." * Guy is mildly concussed by Mallet's patting. "Y-yeah..." ... let's go. Ta-ta. Leave him, or bring him to the cops? Let Chopsticks call it. * LadyMallet wrenches the automatic gun into a circle, and drops it at the guys feet. Well, we're going to have to bring her *glances at the guy* to...certain people anyway, so. Ano... how would we possibly be able to take him to the cops? We'd have to testify, and they'd want to know who we are... And it's not like he killed anyone, right? Don't you worry about it. We have our ways. ... Just leave him here so he can tell others not to mess with us. ...right? ...wrong. ... * LadyMallet shakes her head, slowly, and sadly. He hasn't done anything he can really be arrested for anyway. He's a Yakuza thug. They'll think of something. * Guy is trying to stagger away. Let him be. Call an ambulance to make sure he lives. * LadyMysteria doesn't even really look, unleashing a wave of Rainbow Ribbons his way. * LadyRoyal glances at Chopsticks. "Maybe not with his own hands, but he just admitted to being in the chain of people leading to the deaths of...a number of magical girls." * Guy thuds to the ground in a tight tangled bundle. ...huh? Why would Yakuza kill us?'s a long story. Let's discuss this elsewhere. C'mon. Oh! Oh! * LadyMallet starts walking. * LadyRoyal studies Chopsticks and manages a small smile. "So. First time transforming? You'll have a lot to learn. Come with us." * LadyChopsticks jumps up and down. Where do you want to go? * LadyMysteria chaps her hands of imaginary dust... then reaches into her attire and pulls out an agency card. "... Chopsticks. This is very important... don't try to think about it, but if you see anything odd, call. Make sure *no one* gets their hands on this." ... and you're on to something, Royal. Still, keep the card. * LadyChopsticks takes the card with one hand, and pulls out an unsplit pair of chopsticks with another. * LadyRoyal raises her eyebrows. " have transportation powers?" Where?! Where!? .... the Agency. We should really take her to the palace. Nightshade's right. Want me to? Um... where's tha- we have a PALACE? ... not just yet. We can report there, too. Get two birds with one stone. She's just activated, Mallet, we can't just leave her to her own devices. * LadyRoyal smirks a little at the thought though, somewhat reminiscently. * LadyMallet frowns. "Give her a chance to make up her own mind. Tell her what it involves." At the Agency. ... point, yes. Hrm. ... We don't need another Pie incident. * LadyRoyal gives Mallet a Look. "You planning on becoming another Pie? Let's just take her and let the Princesses deal with her. * LadyMysteria rubs her chin. "Palace first. An Order didn't take, so she needs to be into the loop." * LadyRoyal nods. ... * LadyMallet doesn't answer that, closing her eyes. Anyway, let's get moving. We don't want to have to deal with anything more than we have to. * LadyRoyal turns back to Chopsticks. "So. Izzat a transportation trick you're warming up there? Could speed up the process a lot." * Guy worms his way away a bit. Yeah, though I can only go places I've been before. Ah. Well, I guess we have to do the ordinary thing, then. * LadyRoyal follows Maya. * LadyMallet pulls out her phone, and makes the obligatory 911 call, to get someone out to help the guy. Well, where is it? I can probably get us a lot closer... * LadyRoyal raises her eyebrows at Maya inquisitively. A fire engine sounds in the distance. Well let's move quickly in any case. * LadyMysteria pauses. "It would be fast, but---okay, we should." She leans over and whispers a not-too-close locale nearby the Palace into Chopsticks' ear. Um... how about Chiba Station? That'll chop an hour off the ride. Works. Quickly, now. Everyone gather close! * LadyRoyal gathers close. * LadyMallet gets close. * LadyMysteria is already there, so. * LadyChopsticks cries out "Chopsticks Chopsticks WISH!" and carefully breaks the chopsticks apart. The world around you goes POOF! ...and you regain your footing in a subway bathroom stall. * LadyNightshade cringes as she casts her spell, expecting the worst. * LadyRoyal looks around and blinks. "Not too shabby." She pauses. "Spell, that is." Yeah! * LadyMallet giggles, and gets out., like, you guys are transformed but not? * LadyMysteria jerks at the shift. "... more or less, yes." * LadyRoyal exits and takes the opportunity to wash her hands as best she can. Blood = icky. Ever tried taking off your transformed outfit? Work from there., but I haven't had much - ooooh. In-cog-ni-to, right? ... yeah. * LadyChopsticks detransforms before coming out of the stall. My name's Sanako. ... mebbe we should change, too. ... Hey. * LadyMallet frowns. "Sa. Na. Ko." She sounds that out, uncomfortably. * Sanako is a cute young teen, younger than her Lady form appears, in a private school uniform. * LadyMysteria smiles, a little. She looks a bit tired. "... the private outfit explains a lot." ...yeah, Sanako. Is that a problem? ... a memory more than a problem. Relax. What? We can explain on the way. You're going to have to transform again, though. * LadyMallet shakes her head. "Later. C'mon." What? I'm not your worst enemy's younger second cousin or something, right? ... is today when you first transformed? Well, it was a few days ago. Give me a date. * Sanako heads for the train platform. Sunday. Our store had burned down, and I was wishing more than anything that I had the power to repay those meanies, and... I just knew. * LadyMysteria sticks close. "... the power of a wish. Heh. Well, welcome to the band." * Sanako leans close in to Taki. "Are *all* of those Ladies in the card sets real? I mean, like, isn't that a lot?" The 13th... the 5th. * LadyMallet frowns, musing mostly to herself as she walks. Um... Yeah I'm pretty sure most of them existed at one point or another. * LadyRoyal dries her hands and follows. Oh, so some of them are... dead. It's a very real fight we're in. Mm. Right. * LadyMysteria tries to offer a reassuring smile. "But... it's for all the right reasons, in the end." The group of girls boards a southbound train out of Chiba. Wait, how did you know about I collected the cards? It's pretty much empty - lunch traffic has not started. You collect? That's cool. I was thinking maybe I'd have to give up the hobby now... you know... * LadyMallet flops onto several seats, onto her back. She's still very very Pink. * LadyMysteria looks at Sanako, then at Taki. * LadyRoyal cracks her back and listens to the conversation, thinking things over. * Sanako looks around, and sees they're alone. So... there's an organization and everything? Yup. That's weird. The other Sanako I uh... knew collected cards too. She's the one who got me into it... That's funny. Maybe we should meet sometime. * LadyMallet leans her head fully back, and sniffles. ...what? Oh, never mind. This is going to be so cool! [end session]