[Saturday, March 26, 2004] [The front porch of the forest retreat which has become Taki's parents' primary residence.] [mini start] * Taki just sorta stands there in front of the door, not moving to enter or even knock. ... Maybe we should go back. * Rin is dressed nicely, but not overly ostentatiously, in a simple blue kimono with a purple sash. Her hair is done up in a fairly traditional bun. Though the attempt at moderate simplicity is a bit ruined by the fact that she is still glowing. You should greet your parents. They'll be pleased to see their daughter. *rests a hand encouragingly on Taki's shoulder for a moment* Birds chirp, squirrels chitter, it's a NICE day in the mountains. Even the birds think you should. *smiles jokingly...or is she joking?* * Junko stays quiet, as she has for most of the journey. * Taki is wearing the nice traditional kimono Rin picked out for her. She probably looks nice in it. You wouldn't be able to get her to admit it, though. It's black with a red floral print. * Taki swallows and reaches a hand up to knock and stops. She pulls her hand back to fix her hair and straighten her clothes. Taking a deep breath, she actually goes for it and knocks politely. There is no response for a few seconds, then soft foot-sounds are heard approaching the door. * Girl opens the door and peeks out... then starts in surprise and throws the door open as she bows. * Taki can't hardly look inside when the door is open, her skin is a bright red. Some of it is from the make up, but most if it is just her own blushing. Taki-sama! How good of you to come home! Mutsumi-sama will be so happy to see you... * Rin has her face set in its polite mask - the one with the small, mysterious smile - as she looks to Taki to take the lead. * Taki smiles politely. Yeah. Um... Is she home? ...and your... glowing? *looks away from Rin quickly* Your friends. She is out back, getting some exercise and practice. * Rin inclines her head faintly in acknowledgement. Oh. Um. Okay. May we go see her? I will fetch her. * Girl scurries off to retrieve the lady of the house. * Taki almost collapse right there as soon as the girl is out of sight. She stumbles back a step or two. * Girl calls back, "Please come in!" * Rin puts a steadying hand on Taki's back until she gets her balance, and offers her an encouraging smile. * Taki takes a step or two inside before turning back to the other two girls. "Come in, please." * Rin bows slightly, then steps forward with Junko - nudging her forward if needs be. "Thank you, Taki-san." * Taki moves into the house, looking around like it was her first time ever being there. * Junko follows, silently. * Rin follows a few steps behind, her glow more noticeable now that she's indoors, rather than in the sun. The retreat is basically unchanged from their last visit here. While it seems somewhat primitive, the amount of room inside is startling to anyone who has been living long in Tokyo. * Mutsumi walks in - she's wearing green-and-black leathers which would serve as good camouflage in the forest, and has a wakazashi strapped unconventionally to her back. Taki! Hi. * Taki stands there nervously when her mother walks in. * Mutsumi dashes for her daughter and hugs her to death. Almost. * Rin silently observes, maintaining her polite face and mysterious smile. * Taki is hugged and just takes it for a moment, before slowly hugging her mother back. I... missed you. Oh, I miss you... * Mutsumi lets go eventually. "And so nicely dressed, for once!" Yeah. Rin was kind enough to lend me one of her outfits. * Taki gestures to her friend behind her. * Rin bows in greeting. Rin has good taste. ...Rin is also glowing. I'm not quite as perceptive as your father... is she transformed or something? She claims it makes me more attractive. *laughs nervously* No, that's just... a thing. That happened. We're looking into it. Oh, dear. It's not contagious, is it? I hope not. I haven't caught it yet. And who is your other friend? No, Kurosaki-san, it is not. I hope it will not bother you terribly much. Oh um. Her name is Junko. She-- You probably heard about her on the News. ...there has been so much happening with Ladies recently, I'm not sure... She's sorta the reason we're here. Um. *coughs* I was the girl who got kidnapped and... raped. Is Father around? And then attacked by assassins. Again. * Taki looks rather visibly ill at Junko's bluntness. * Junko recites this with relatively little emotion. Yeah. Oh. I think I remember something about that... No, your father is not here - he went on a mission this week. ... Oh. Will he be back? I mean, when? Not for several days. Taki-san, if I may be so bold... your mother has not seen you in quite some time. Perhaps she would like to hear a little of what you have been doing since last we met? I am sure you both have much news to exchange, and we do not have a particular rush. That is, if we may impose on Kurosaki-san's hospitality for that long. *bows deeply and formally, in the traditional Japanese I'm-sorry-for-taking-your-time-this-way manner* ... * Taki looks down. "I... I don't want to impose. We... we can come back another time..." This is your home! This is no imposition, it's good to have company, especially with Heishiro away. Oh, well, not much has happened here. Your father has consolidated some power on the council, and business is good, but... *shrug* not much news. Well... um... We've had lots of stuff. Too much stuff even... Can we sit down, please? * Mutsumi waves graciously at a grouping of cushions. "Of course, of course." She kneels on one herself. * Taki tries to sit down one way and then another and looks a bit flustered as she flops down on her backside. Sitting in a kimono is hard. * Rin waits for Taki to claim one, then kneels gracefully on an unclaimed one. She does not react to Taki's difficulties. * Junko sits - in pants, it's not so hard. So - I don't imagine you came here, with... friends, just to see us? Sorry. There's just not enough time for visiting lately. Junko is the girl we were looking for the first time we came here. Oooh, okay. * Mutsumi looks vaguely uncomfortable about that. And um... After we rescued her, she was put into protective custody. But... we can't even trust them anymore. So we need an alternative... * Rin nods to support Taki's statements. ...and? I'm sorry. I shouldn't even ask this of you... * Taki looks to Rin in a help-me sort of way. A recent problem involving an important corporate figure has given those with less than pure motives within the police the opportunity to turn protective custody into a potential hostage situation, Kurosaki-san. The police will no longer protect Junko, and would have simply thrown her onto the street were it not for the actions of one noble individual amidst their ranks. I see... you're hoping that we can shelter her? She'd already be dead if it weren't for him... Yes. I'm sorry. You don't have to say yes. Yes. The problem goes deeper, still. I'm sure we can figure something else out... * Rin 's expression becomes darker, a mixture of very mild sorrow and anger. "The police -do- still have her parents in 'protective custody,'" she says, looking up and meeting Mutsumi's eyes, letting the implications of that sink in. * Mutsumi isn't the sort that things sink into that quickly. That seems strange... We... We don't want them to be used as any sort of leverage against us. I think they're hostages. * Rin nods. Ah. You heard about what they did at the school... These people will stop at nothing to hurt us. * Mutsumi thinks about this for a few moments. And a public relations trap. If Junko's Lady friends were to attempt to free them, regardless of their success... imagine the headlines: "Magical Girls Attack Police Officers" ...Taki, we would do anything for you, personally. For your... allies, we can not stretch quite so far. I know. I'm sorry. We shouldn't have even asked... Then again, we are, in the modern parlance, a service industry. And what happened to Junko was, at some levels, our fault. * Taki is trying really hard to not look as scared to be there as she is. But you couldn't have known those guys would be there at that time... Kurosaki-san, we do not expect that you would do this simply for Taki- san's sake. Or even to placate a debt for past actions. I would like to employ your...services. * Mutsumi looks at Junko, and smiles even as she winces. "Our clan created the situation in which she was abducted." * Junko tries not to react, and almost succeeds. This has been... explained to me. I suppose I shouldn't take it personally, but... you know. The clan... It could align itself with our side. I'm sure something can be worked out so we're compensated for whatever help we offer... us. If I may, Kurosaki-san... I am willing to take her on as another apprentice, for the cost of her room and board. Help beyond that... well, as you said, you will have to employ us under standard terms. * Taki nods. Having a magical girl living amongst your clan - even as a protectee - could greatly help Taki-san's position with her people when the time comes for her to assume her duties. As an apprentice...could be even better, for all concerned. Junko, dear, if you stay with us, you'll be trained with my other apprentice in the arts of the ninja. This is somewhat... arduous. Would you be willing to do that, Junko? * Junko smiles bitterly. "I think it's obvious that I can't protect myself properly even with my powers... yes. Yes, I would be happy to have your training." I have to say it would be interesting to train a Lady... * Taki looks down at that. All I can do is materialize eyewear. * Rin raises an eyebrow at that. Hmmm. Well, if your... group can pay for your board, we'll see what we can do with that. I'm sure Squeegee would be more than happy to pay whatever the cost was. Thank you, ma'am. I'm not sure that there's really so much to be learned by the clan as you think, Rin. But perhaps you are right. I'm sorry. They shouldn't have to get used to me. Just because I'm a girl... or whatever... * Rin smiles. "It is less about 'learning' than about 'getting used to'. I very much, as a friend more than a magical girl, wish for Taki-san to find friends and welcome wherever she goes, and, when the time comes, for her to find her duties are smoothly taken up." Taki-san... everything takes getting used to. Every idea, person, and place. The best we can do is attempt to understand the situations and people before we must deal directly with them - and to get to know them before things are forced upon us. Yeah... Now... if you truly would like the clan to do something about Junko's parents... that is something that will have to be handled on a transactional basis. Of course. *bows her head for just a moment* I apologize for my inexperience, but how are such things done, Kurosaki-san? * Taki nods. The fee for this sort of job begins at five million yen. ...from what little you have described, I expect that it will be closer to thirty million yen, once expenses are included. Well Squeegee said we weren't spending enough of our budget. * Rin actually smiles and suppresses a laugh at that. "Indeed she did." Do you really have that much money to spend? Arrangements for Junko-san's parents to live nearby would also be desirable, of course. They are in need of protection, as well. * Rin turns and smiles warmly at Junko. "We will." It's for a good cause. If you can afford the initial operation, I don't think the long term support will be a problem. ... Is this really okay? * Rin bows once in acknowledgement. "The details of the operation are beyond my limited understandings, but the key point from our perspective is that this in no way point to our group, but rather to a failure of the police to protect Junko-san's parents from the same assassins that attacked the magical girl school." Hmm. So does that mean you want to kill the policemen guarding them, or would you prefer to simply "disappear" her parents? * Rin considers this for a moment. ... As long as they aren't able to trace back who did it... ...the latter would be preferable. The policemen themselves are not necessarily villains. We hope. Ensuring that there is no way whereby the media could be lead to believe that our group was responsible is key. Embarrassing the villains behind this...is secondary. I understand. Do not place too high a value on the guards' lives, but do not seek to hunt them down for the pure purpose of killing them. Thank you, Kurosaki-san. *bows from the waist* Right. Is... Is okay to decide all this without father around? I will have to run this by the council, but there should be no problem with it... as long as you can cover the costs. If you can not pay, there will be consequences. We'll call to make sure... I will see to it, Kurosaki-san. I assure you that I wish for nothing but cordial relations. * Mutsumi nods. "My daughter has nothing to fear, of course. And I would suggest arranging for prepayment... but I do not wish to frighten you." That was my intention. * Rin looks from Taki to her mother, and quirks a small smile and feigns surprise at the time. I must apologize for monopolizing your time with such unpleasant business, Kurosaki-san. Perhaps it would be best for Junko-san to become acquainted with her new home under the expert guidance of her fellow apprentice. I would love to see your beautiful home, as well. If that would not be too great an imposition. You want to give me time alone with Taki. That's very kind of you, Rin. * Mutsumi snaps her fingers and the girl seemingly leaps through the back door. "Give Rin and... Junko? Give them the tour. Show them the training grounds. Demonstrate what the training can do." * Rin does blush a bit at that, but bows graciously as she rises, then offers the girl a friendly smile. * Taki just sits their awkwardly while everyone else moves about. Yes, Mutsumi-sama. Have... fun. * Junko stands, and smiles nervously. The girl gestures politely to the door, and then goes through it herself. * Rin glides after her. * Junko isn't quite up to gliding, so she just follows. * Taki watches them leave, trying not to show how much she wishes she wasn't being left alone. How are you, Taki? I'm... I'm getting by. Doesn't Mitsuko report in to you? Oh, a little. Mostly she reports on your progress in skill. Oh. Great... She does not report on your life. She is not a spy. That's debatable... I understand your discomfort with her... that was intentional on our part. Why? Was I getting too comfortable? But she is doing her job. Part of what you need to learn is exactly that - your professional responsibilities must transcend what you feel about the people you work with. So I'm just supposed to forget everything because they're paying me? No, because your duty is to the clan. * Taki sighs. "Yeah, I know all that. I can't help but think about that in everything I do..." Taki, your father was a little harsh with you last time you visited... but he had a good point. If you are to lead the clan, you must not have other obligations. Yes. I know. I'm working on that. But there are some things that are just beyond my control... * Mutsumi nods. "I understand that may not be easy in your situation. But please keep us informed." And even if I did have the choice to just leave, I would not-- I will not abandon my friends. * Mutsumi smiles gently. "That is good, and healthy." That's not going to hurt me, when I have to take over? I can not promise you that it will not hurt you. ... It may be the most difficult thing in your whole life. I'm scared, mom. I... I don't know what's going to happen. I just want everyone to be happy... * Taki eyes start to water up. Oh, Taki... it's horribly trite, but you don't always get what you want. All you can do is plan, and negotiate, and hope that your obligations do not conflict. * Taki sighs. "I wish you guys weren't so far away all the time..." You are always welcome to move back home... but I am sure that is not an option for you now. * Taki scoots closer to her mom. "No. It really isn't. But I will come back... When everything is finished..." * Taki lays her head on her mom's shoulder. * Mutsumi pats Taki gently. "I know, dear. I know." Do you like Rin? She'd probably make a much better ninja than me... I do like her, but she is no ninja. Really? She is as close to a lady in the classical sense as you can find today. You can see in the way she moves that she has been trained for perfection and for ruling. That she also has the air of a fighter is admirable, but that is not how she truly thinks of herself. How... How do you know all that? It's how she moves dear, how she acts. And how she guards herself. I don't think you should model yourself after her, but you should admire her. Ninja, though, do not need that perfect carriage - they must blend in, and be invisible as grass. Oh. *fingers the edge of her kimono uncomfortably* Yeah, I'm used to not being noticed... That doesn't mean that you can not be pretty - in fact, with the dynastic role you play it is expected that you will. Just do not let that become your identity. Do you think I'd be able to run things okay? As a girl? That does not matter - we are not like the Imperial Family, to deny the merit of our daughters. There have been Clan Ladies before, and you are just one more. * Taki sighs. Oh, Taki, just relax. You are learning the blade, and learning to fight, and we'll have plenty of time to teach you to rule. I'm sorry. I worry too much. I apologize too much. Yes, you do. So stop it! I-- Okay. * Mutsumi whaps Taki on the head. Ow! * Taki mock whimpers. Mom? Hmm? Can I train with you a bit? Just while I'm here? Of course, dear. * Taki smiles. * Mutsumi hugs Taki again. "Of course." Thank you. * Taki hugs back. [end mini]