Session Start: Sat Jan 28 16:35:42 2006 Previously, on Hunters: The Queen's vision - or at least what everyone assumes her vision was - is coming to pass. The Tokko has traced the Hierarchy back to the Palace, and signal intercepts provided by the Americans indicate that they are mobilizing for a massive assault. The Princesses have chosen to meet this challenge head-on, and have gathered more than a hundred Ladies at the Palace for the showdown. Some friendly press is on hand, and preparations for a publicity blitz in the aftermath are progressing well. ...except the Hunters are not there. They've moved to a handy penthouse apartment facing the grounds of the Imperial Household Agency, where they have a reasonably good view of the half-dozen buildings on its campus, and in the distance are the lights of the Imperial Palace itself. Their mission is... nebulous, and a little dependent on what happens at the Palace, so for the moment they sit and wait. [Thursday, March 30, 2004 - 1800 local time] [An unfurnished apartment in the heart of Tokyo] [Session start] * LadyNightshade sits off in a corner by herself waiting. Her eyes occasionally glance up at various members of the team. * LadyMysteria looks like she's about to pop, pacing back and forth while practicing with the rings. Tink. Tink. Tink-clink. * Lady_MakeBelieve is sitting in the corner, oddly quiet for her. * LadyRoyal is laying out cards by the window, occasionally looking out the window. * Lord_Darkmoon stands at the window, gripping his Tessen at his hip as if it were already in its bladed form. It's almost as if he wishes he were in full regalia, rather than street clothes. His face is serenely unreadable as he stares out over the Palace and surrounding grounds. He hasn't said more than a dozen words all day, though occasionally he glances at Lady Mysteria. * Norcliff has left his usually perch on Make-Believe's shoulder and seems to be nervously looking for something... like a squirrel who can't remember where he buried his acorns, but desperately needs them. The apartment is on the thirtieth floor, and has a window facing out over the entire IHA campus. The secretary left a care package of binoculars and cameras when she stopped by earlier, but nothing worth looking closer at has happened yet. * LadyNightshade doesn't look near as depressed though as she had the past few days. She's just... quiet. Ladies, I hate to ruin your plan... but is there some other place we could wait? There's something wrong here. * LadyRoyal frowns and glances at Norcliff. "What is it?" What is it? Oh god. You better fucking not. I don't know... there’s just something *wrong* * LadyNightshade looks straight at Haruko. Mysteria's phone rings. Who is it? The closest thing I can come up with is like what I felt before Hardhat, but its different than that. It's localized to this building? This room? This mission? How so? The phone keeps ringing. It's all over the building... I don't *think* it has anything to do with the mission, though I don't know. * LadyNightshade looks over to Maya as her phone rings. These days, everything's got to do with the mission. This building or the one we're watching? Definitely this one. It's making my skin crawl. * LadyMysteria snaps it open. "Talk." * Lady_MakeBelieve is ignoring this, odd for her. And where else are we supposed to go? Hello to you, too? How's it going so far? I don't know... I just had to say something. If there’s no other place you can wait and least I can warn you. ..mmm. Just antsy. I dunno why, but I... just feel like I should be at the palace, is all. Everyone's alright, all things considered. Maya--is that Squeej? I'll grab a bird and scout the building exterior. How immediate is it? * LadyMysteria nods. * LadyRoyal jerks her head at Norcliff. "Tell her about this." What does she want? Might not be anything to be done, but at least we'll know. * Norcliff scampers up to Mysteria's shoulder and repeats his uneasy feelings into the phone. Hm. Also, Norcliff's senses are going haywire about some sort of... 'wrong feeling', as you just heard. And Darkmoon, I don't about any sort of time frame. It's been getting worse as we've been here longer, but not quickly. Maybe it's Hardhat again? Want me to check the roof? It's dark enough now I should be able to stay invisible. It feels different. And I don't sense any Princess level concentrations of Earth Magic. Well, outside of the Palace. Please. I'll see if there're any bats or night birds out. * Lord_Darkmoon 's irises are covered by glowing purple moons. Keep a watch, I guess, but that's the only good lookout spot that was up for rent. Unless you want to stand in the streets for however long it takes. I'd rather not do that... there's nowhere else to go? Mn... * LadyMysteria shakes her head at Norcliff. "Looks like we have to stay for now, fella." Fine. I'll be up there. Call me if you need me. Not with a window facing the IHA. Alright.... just everyone keep an eye out... I'm going to go check on Haruko... it seems to be affecting her too. * LadyNightshade moves towards the door. * LadyHeat keeps her eye out. Right. And everyone, yeah, keep your eyes peeled. Squeegee... what's the word on your end? * Norcliff goes over prods Haruko, managing to get her into a quiet conversation. Look, we'll call you when something happens on our end - get a plan together to assault the floors the Americans specified if you haven't already. * LadyNightshade heads down the hall towards the elevator, hitting the button for the top floor/roof access. * LadyHeat tries to keep herself aware of her surroundings. We've spotted another lookout position, and Sakura thinks... well, we have some targets. Right. * LadyNightshade whispers over the radio. "Ask how Mitsuko is doing." ... ah. One thing. How is Mitsuko? A little flighty - she does her own thing, but she's helped out a lot. Okay, keep in touch then. * PrincessSqueegee hangs up. * LadyMysteria closes her phone and sighs. "Right. Squeegee stated to get out plan of attack together." * LadyNightshade goes invisible before she steps makes her way out to the roof, scanning the area around her. Right. * LadyRoyal lays out a final card and looks at the layout on the table, then frowns. One...minute...please. * LadyHeat goes to look at Royal's cards. "What're you doing?" * LadyMysteria nods, taking a moment to put her rings away. * LadyRoyal glances up at Kyouko. "Oh. Um. Some fortunetelling." The evening air is chilly, particularly almost a hundred meters above the ground, and Taki shivers as she looks around and sees... nothing. It's nothing really serious, just sort of to pass the time, you know? Oh. Does this mean anything? I don't see anything out here. And it's rather cold. Thank you Haruko. * Lady_MakeBelieve stops the conversation with Norcliff long enough to conjure a blanket and wrap it around herself, looking for all the world like a caterpillar in a blue fuzzy cocoon. * LadyMysteria then... resumes pacing furiously, hands behind her back. "Mn." So what, are we just gonna take the elevator to their floor? * Lord_Darkmoon shivers a bit, despite the fact that the room is heated. Well, that would be dramatic, but we need to think of a better way to do this than just diving in headlong. I'm open to suggestions on that. * LadyNightshade bundles up in her leather coat, pacing around the edge of the roof with one of the pairs of binoculars. Well, we can take the stairs and come in winded. I'm sure they're not going to expect us to show up in any case... Point. Still... We could mail ourselves in a big package... * LadyRoyal tilts her head as though she's listening, but she's still looking at the cards, tapping her fingers on t he table unconsciously. We could dress up as girl scouts. Seriously though, we should make sure Sato goes down first. After that just cause as much damage as we can. Lady Royal lays out a pattern of cards, ending with three cards in the center. Death. The Five of Swords. The Empress. The queen is going to be stabbed to death? ... What? ...the not usually...literal... Oh. Maybe she'll met a tall, dark, handsome stranger who throws knives and they'll elope. What the hell are you talking about? * LadyMysteria looks up for a moment, then shakes her head. "Fair enough. Rushing in and just breaking faces may well be the best approach if they've thrown the majority of their forces at the Palace." * LadyNightshade continues pacing the rooftop. I'm interpreting the cards! What cards? Why are we talking about cards? * LadyHeat points to the Tarot cards in front of Royal. I don't know what they mean, but I can still try. * LadyMysteria glances over. "Tarot reading, Nightshade." ... Can't this wait? That junk doesn't work anyway. We're magical girls and there are evil mermaids. How do you know that? Because it's dumb. Save this for another time, ladies. * Lady_MakeBelieve walks over, still wrapped in her blanket to look at the cards. "What was the question?" * Lord_Darkmoon is still staring sightlessly out the window through eerily glowing irises, shivering a bit. * LadyRoyal shakes her head, snapping out of the quasi-meditative state she was in. "Maya's right. We've got work to do." * Lady_MakeBelieve pulls another blanket out and drapes it over Darkmoon's shoulders. How much security do you think they'd still leave in there? * Lord_Darkmoon huddles into it, but doesn't seem warmed. * LadyRoyal glances out the window. "Probably the grunts." People that aren't far enough initiated to really want to massacre teenage girls yet. I wouldn't past Sato to have some sort of emergency exit lined up. That's why I think we should locate him first. Maybe I should go in alone... Should... take... Norcliff... * LadyRoyal stands up and puts the cards away properly. "He's right." Will someone keep an eye on Haruko for me then? I'll be fine.... I... will... If you feel you need to, Taki. Just don't attempt to engage anyone if you run into trouble. Maybe you guys can set up on the floor below and come in when we're ready. * Lord_Darkmoon yelps, scrabbling at the air defensively and throwing the blanket off of himself before falling down on it. Blinking a moment, and breathing heavily, he picks himself up, looking embarrassed. "...what...?" Yow! Right. What the hell was THAT? Nightshade, do you see anything up there? --What. That’s what I said! What happened? Are you okay Darkmoon? * LadyNightshade looks around. I just got--er, the bat I was controlling, it just got eaten. I'm off to go find Nightshade, I'll look around too. No, Norcliff! Eaten? ... by what? Do you know? Where was it exactly? Wait for Nightshade to come to you. Or I'll take you to her. You're not going out alone. What did you see? Maybe they have their own slavering beast...? Mn. Something on loan from the ningyo? I doubt it, but we've seen odder things. I don't see anything... I saw nothing. Just felt the teeth close around me...and the crushing sensation moments before it died. Whatever it was, it was big enough to snap it in one bite. Were you near where Taki was? Although... the sky looks funny. So at least the size of a large dog, then? Something airborne. It was over the IHA. At least. I don't know where it was. Norcliff, is that what you've been sensing? It's getting harder to see the stars... Taki, come down here. But we need someone to keep watch. ...I wonder... If it's an animal... ... if things get worse, Taki, come down. Stay for now and keep us posted. Do you remember where the bat was when it got eaten? * Lord_Darkmoon 's eyes start glowing again, as he tries to find the mind of the creature that ate his last host. I don't know... but it is getting worse. Whatever it is, it feels like its starting. Then we'll find out when we find out. * LadyNightshade focuses on the sky over the IHA, trying to figure out what's going on. * LadyRoyal fidgets nervously, more evidently than she ever does. Is it sea magic? * LadyMysteria starts to bounce on her toes, nervously. The rings are out again, but she's only twirling them around her fingers. * Lord_Darkmoon shakes his head, his eyes clearing to their normal near-black. "Whatever it is, it's not an animal." * LadyRoyal goes up close to the window and peers out, looking up and then down. No, its not Sea Magic. The only magic I can identify is You all and the Palace. It *is* getting harder to see out the window. The lights in the street below are barely visible. ..What's going on? ... something very wrong's happening. ... is anyone else getting colder? Pity none of us can fly. Something capable of -- it's like a fog. We'd better get out there. ...yeah. * Lady_MakeBelieve huddles in her blanket I really, really don't think we should stay in here. I thought it was just from the animals being outside. * LadyMysteria whips out her phone and dials up Squeegee. Or at least not somewhere where it's so hard to get out. It's not a fog - not anything blocking the view - it's just *darker*. Except for the IHA buildings, which loom below you with the same luminosity as before. * Norcliff whips out her phone and dials Sunshine. You guys should get out. We should find out if we can get away from it. * Lord_Darkmoon opens the door, and holds it for the girls. "Nightshade, we're heading out. Are you still okay?" If it is just this building... Moving might be a good idea... let me call Squeegee first. Let's just get down to the ground floor while we wait for Squeej to pick up. * PrincessSqueegee picks up after a second. * LadyRoyal grabs stuff. Go. * LadyHeat helps people move their stuff, * LadyHeat carries things! * LadyNightshade looks down at the IHA building with her binoculars to see if she notices anything funny going on inside. * Lady_MakeBelieve shuffles out, talking with Sunbeam about the cold and darkness. Are things getting odd on your end? It's getting darker and colder in our area for some reason. Taki doesn't see... well... maybe... are the buildings starting to glow red? Or is she just imagining it? * LadyMysteria helps out while talking, looking around most nervously. The... They're glowing red. The buildings. What the fuck. What? .... Ours or theirs? Are you guys leaving? They're glowing? You should be leaving. On our way out now. ... glowing. We've got building glowing out here. Tell me this is some Lady's or Princess' doing, Squeegee. Oh yeah. What do yo*FIIIZZZCHRHCH*ing happening here. We're ok*FFFFFFFFFFFFFFRRRCH*-lo? * LadyRoyal hustles. * LadyHeat moves out! Hel-*sssssssssss* Do we know Sato is even still in the city? ... I just lost my signal. The connection drops, and the call ends. * Lady_MakeBelieve is still talking on her phone. Get out get out get out. * LadyNightshade pulls out her phone and checks her signal. * LadyMysteria puts her phone away. "Not good. Let's move!" No bars! I'm not getting any reception either. ... We're being shifted into one of --no, it can't be. Hers aren't so dark. *looks at Make Believe before he shakes his head* * LadyRoyal doesn't need to be told twice. She gets *out*. * LadyMysteria is on the move as well. "Damn it all, of all the time!" Hurry up! * LadyNightshade swallows, and continues watching the buildings. Are you guys out yet? * Lady_MakeBelieve turns the blanket into a coat and runs along with the others, finally finishing her call. * LadyHeat uses her awesome legs to MOVE. The hallway seems subtly different as everyone crowds in front of the elevator. * LadyRoyal grits her teeth. * Lord_Darkmoon follows behind the girls. "Get ready to join us, Nightshade. We don't want to be separated any more than we already are." I think we should take the stairs. Kyou's right. Stairs good. * LadyRoyal heads over. "Hey, Haruko." mmm? What's the thickest mattress you can imagine? Stairs, then... mattress? * LadyRoyal heads down the hall trying to find the stairs, then. We're 30 floors up. * LadyHeat runs around trying to find the stairs. I really don't want to know if we're faster than whatever this is. Mina notices something - there are no emergency exit signs now. Um... I can't imagine very big ones. Unless you want an air mattress. I could make a really big one of those. ...where the hell did the emergency exit signs go. Where are the stairs?! They should be around here somewhere! Calm down. We'll find them. The elevator goes *ding* and opens behind you. ...let's just take this. * LadyRoyal whips around to face it. * Norcliff whirls around, fur bristling ...We're going to have our brains eaten by zombies. Ta--Nightshade, come down. Are you out yet? Nothing jumps out of the elevator at you! We're getting on the elevator now. Gotta be a way not to go the way they want us to... ... I don't think we have much of a choice but to take the elevator. Come on. * LadyRoyal piles in, checking the elevator. * LadyHeat gets into the elevator, but takes out a water bottle and nervously drinks some. * Lord_Darkmoon holds the elevator door for everyone. * LadyMysteria heads on into the 'vator, on edge judging by how she bounces on her toes. * Lady_MakeBelieve runs into the elevator... "Zombies don't exist, right?" The elevator seems normal... * LadyNightshade continues to keep watch until everyone is out. I hope not. * Lord_Darkmoon has, at some point during this, reverted to full regalia, complete with sheathed Katana. * LadyNightshade scans the street below to see if anyone else is noticing what's going on. I've never seen a zombie ningyo or anything, usually when they die they stay dead. * LadyRoyal points to the panel in the top. "Can someone give me a boost? I just want to see..." * LadyHeat picks up Royal. * LadyMysteria cups her hands and holds them out. "H---bah!" The street below is completely invisible. Only the IHA buildings, pulsing a subtle angry red, and the apartment roof she's standing on can be seen at all. I... can't see the street. * LadyRoyal tries to open the panel, using cards if she has to. You can't see the street? Where did it go? The panel is a little stuck, but opens with a good thump from her palm. Above the elevator is the usual elevator machinery. I have no clue. What's going out there? We're... just going to have to go and do, people. * LadyRoyal growls. I can only see this roof and the IHA buildings. * Lord_Darkmoon lets the door close, and pushes the button for the ground floor. They're pulsing a deep red. * LadyRoyal drops down. * LadyMysteria grits her teeth. "I think we're just going to have to wait and find out the fun way... as terrible as that sounds." I really think she should come down with us. * Lord_Darkmoon grins grimly. "At least we didn't waste any time coming up with a brilliant plan." Darkmoon, can you detect anything alive at all? * Lord_Darkmoon checks, his eyes glowing. * Lord_Darkmoon blinks, clearing his eyes. "There are animals out there, but there's something inhibiting my power." ... Taki, follow us. If you can't see anything, you're kinda without a purpose. I can't actually touch them. But... What if something happens? * Norcliff pokes Haruko "Give me a piece of chalk" Join us, Taki. *gently* We need you with us. Everyone, can you clear some space at the center of the elevator? Then it's better for you to be with us than to be all alone. * Lord_Darkmoon gestures for people to make room for Norcliff to do...whatever. * LadyRoyal edges into a corner. * LadyHeat moves off to the side. How fast can you get down, then? * LadyMysteria moves as directed, bouncing more. * Lady_MakeBelieve gives Norcliff a piece of chalk and an odd look. I don't know. I can probably hop down the stairwell faster than taking the elevator... Stay there and keep us posted. If it gets to the point where you can't see anything and I give the order, come down immediately. Alright. * Norcliff starts chalking a circle with a 7 pointed star inside it, surrounded by some odd symbols that none of you really recognize. What are you doing, Norcliff? * LadyMysteria watches, but doesn't say anything. Trying to contact the Agency. *Something* is wrong here and my normal channels are closed. * LadyRoyal looks at the wall, tapping her fingers. "...helps them, but doesn't have to hurt us..." Yeah. Sunbeam said she felt something was wrong too, and she was going to try to call back when she got ahold of the other girls but she hasn't yet. * Lord_Darkmoon rests a calming hand on Mysteria's shoulder. "We're going to beat them, no matter what special effects they pull out, My Lady." I know. I simply don't like surprises. The last time we had one of those, innocent girls died. * Norcliff finishes chalking and steps back to eye his creation. "That'll have to do" What. The. Fuck. I wish I had thumbs sometimes. * LadyMysteria does relax, though, shoulders slumping. Taki? What's going on? * Norcliff hops nimbly into the center, and the entire thing begins to pulsate with a bright bluish light. There's... Mounted Knights coming out of the IHA building. ..What? on horses? What kind of knights?! You mean samurai? They're in black armor. Knights? Like King Arthur? * Norcliff squeaks a bit as his form seems to waver in and out of existence. No... I mean like medieval. Yeah. King Arthur. They're going East. Japan? What's East of here? What's east? I'm only telling you what I'm seeing! Knights... in Japan. On horseback. What in the hell is this? Wha...? Right. We read you, Nightshade. But what... This isn't our normal Earth magic, and it -definitely- isn't Sea magic. What -are- you up to, Sato? * LadyRoyal shakes her head. "...oh, no." Maybe he sold his soul to the devil! * LadyMysteria pauses. "...that's towards the bay." * Norcliff 's form finally solidifies with a near blinding flash of purple light. .... Ow. * LadyMysteria grits her teeth, and grabs her phone again, checking for any kind of reception. * LadyNightshade tries to get a count on the knights. "Would they even be better against Ladies than guys with guns?" * LadyRoyal finally takes note of Norcliff. "What are you doing?" What if it's guys with guns *and* them? I'm more concerned that they may us. Creatures of magic, empowered by whatever is creating this. I was trying to visit home, actually. Ah. Are you okay, Norcliff? It's bad news that I'm cut off. Yeah... ... not really. I'm trapped here. So what they're trying to shield this area so no one knows that this is happening? * Lord_Darkmoon tries hitting the button for the ground floor. "Come on, work." Which shouldn't be possible. I'm only *kept* here by magic. That could well be possible. But anyway, I was able to get ahold of them, and they said they were trying to send help. * Lord_Darkmoon eyes Make Believe, but doesn't say anything. "Good." The doors rattle slightly, then close. The elevator starts going down. ...not working? ..ah. They said they weren't sure what was going on, and I don't think they'd keep things from me at a time like this. Surprises. We need to warn the Palace. Are you guys out yet?! * LadyMysteria holds a fist to her mouth, frowning deeply. "We have to get down first! We're on our way." The elevator just started working, Nightshade. Be calm. You are in control of the situation as long as you keep control of yourself. * Lady_MakeBelieve concentrates for a minute and conjures a grenade in each hand. "If I shout, everyone close your eyes for a bit." * Lord_Darkmoon is gripping the hilt of his Katana in a way that indicates far less calm than his voice is betraying. * Lord_Darkmoon eyes the grenades. "Yes, ma'am." .... Okay. They're loud to, so brace for that. The elevator drops away... the little panel that shows the floor counts down. 25... 20... 15... 10... Right. * LadyRoyal twitches. ...and as it flips between 6 and 5, the elevator CRASHES, as if it just hit a solid obstruction in its shaft. * LadyNightshade tries to keep an eye on the Knights for as long as she can. I count... at least 100 of them. * LadyRoyal stumbles, but only slightly, as she's been braced nervously the entire time for something like this. "Fuck!" * Lady_MakeBelieve drops one of the grenades, and is really glad that she didn't decide to pull the pins already. * LadyMysteria jerks, bracing against the wall. "... a hundred?" She looks around for a second. "Everyone out!" What?! What happened? * Lord_Darkmoon winces, losing his balance before catching himself against the wall. "We crashed." Everyone is tossed to the floor as the metal framework around them shrieks. Elevator stopped on the sixt---gah! * LadyHeat braces herself. * Lord_Darkmoon picks himself up carefully from the floor, then. "Is everyone alright?" Are you guys okay? ... I lost a grenade... could someone hand it too me? It's not on. * LadyNightshade panics. A few seconds later, there is complete silence... and then the power in the elevator goes out, leaving everyone in complete darkness. GRENADE? ... better and better. I think we're fine. ... ... or not. Power's out. Okay. Let's find the door and force it open. * LadyRoyal lets out a string of curses. "Someone get me a light and lift me back to that panel again. " Can you get out? * LadyMysteria takes a deep breath, and gropes for the door. * Lady_MakeBelieve flicks on a flashlight * Lord_Darkmoon gropes for the door, too. The elevator door is where it was... and still closed. Anyone else need one of these? I don't think now is a good time to be in the dark. * LadyRoyal takes it. "Thanks." Yeah... Should I... Should I come down to you? * LadyRoyal stumbles over to Kyou and taps her on the shoulder, pointing up to the panel again. * LadyHeat picks Royal up again, and lifts her towards the panel. * LadyMysteria tries to find a seam in the door. "If I have to, I'll blast it open... Darkmoon, help me." * Lord_Darkmoon grabs one side of the door at the seam. "Ready when you are, my Lady." ... Nightshade, come down to about the sixth floor. Keep your eyes open! * LadyRoyal pushes it out again, shoving if she has to, and looks around with the light to see if there's any way to get out that way and whether they're actually *between* floors or at a door. Okay... * LadyMysteria sets herself, then does her damnedest to try and open the door. "Now." The panel opens easily this time. The elevator shaft gapes blackly above her - there are no lights other than her flashlight. Guessing by the structures around her, they are between floors as the 6th floor doors are about at shoulder level when standing on top of the elevator. * LadyNightshade scans the IHA buildings one last time before turning back to the rooftop, looking for the stairwell door. I didn't see anything else come out... I guess that's it... * LadyRoyal frowns and looks around, pointing the flashlight down to see if she can see anything around the edges of the elevator. So... what do you see up there... can we get out? The door opens about an inch for Darkmoon and Mysteria, then stops solidly. It feels like it has jumped off its track. * LadyNightshade moves over to the stairwell access, heading down. I...if we can get the doors open, maybe, ... mn. Nothing doing here. Everyone up, then. * LadyRoyal crouches down and holds a hand to people who are coming up. "Taki, come down to the sixth floor and see if you can get the elevator doors open..." ... I might be able to cut it open. ... that didn't sound good. ---eh? Taki emerges into the top-floor hallway... and it looks like it has been abandoned for years. There is no carpet, the paint has peeled off the walls, and none of the doors are on their hinges. Even the elevator door is wedged open. Want me to try to pull it open? Uh... We're going to have to break it to open it. What is it, Nightshade? This isn't good at all. What's going on? We well know this by now. What do you see? The top floor looks like it's been abandoned. ... what? Carpet's gone, paint's fallen off, no doors... ...shit. * LadyNightshade looks around for the main stairwell, not wanting to trust the elevator. Just like the others, Taki is unable to locate stairs. Guys, whether we're getting out up here or down there, we'd best get going. Where the fuck are the stairs? can't find them? Can you get to the elevator shaft? I'm... gonna have to hop down the elevator shaft. They disappeared... The doors are open at least... Wait, you can see down here? Lady Royal, is there an access ladder in the shaft? * LadyNightshade peers down the shaft. * LadyRoyal tries to signal with the flashlight. "Can you see this?" Do what you have to do, and hurry. We need to hurry, too. Taki, come down first. Or maybe you should slide down the elevator cables. Nightshade can see Royal's flashlight, and a rusty old ladder running the length of the shaft. Your hands will heal fast enough. Yeah... I can see your light. You do have a flashlight, don't you? Good. Yeah, Haruko made it. We do. Okay. * LadyNightshade hops over to the ladder, sliding down it and hopping off at the bottom. She joins Mina on the roof of the elevator car. * LadyRoyal nods at her. Mysteria, how do you want to do this? You blast it, or should I try to cut it? IF all else fails, I'll have you all get on top of the elevator and let Feral at the doors. So did we die? Is this the afterlife? ...cheerful thoughts. But no, I don't think we're quite that lucky. Blast it. Let's just go up. If this is the afterlife we're all in eternal trouble. And that's different from normal how? Right. *moves away from the door* * LadyRoyal kneels onto the roof and holds out a hand to anyone who's coming up. Let's see if we can open up the next floor. * LadyMysteria gets a grip on Royal's hand. "Going up!" * Lady_MakeBelieve follows Mysteria up * LadyRoyal heaves! * Norcliff just climbs. Hooray for squirrelly-grip! * LadyNightshade helps folks up. * Lord_Darkmoon lifts girls up from below, then lets them pull him up. It's a little crowded once everyone is standing on the roof, but there's no wobbling, no bouncing... it's as if the elevator really has come to rest on top of something. * LadyHeat pushes! Alright. Everyone... stand back. Okay... * LadyMysteria pulls out her wand, twirling it most dramatically along her fingers. * LadyRoyal moves out of Maya's way. The bottom of the door is at your shoulder level, and is a big, unmoving target. Mystery Star Gun... * LadyMysteria takes aim with a flourish. Old habits die hard. "... FIRE!" And with the characteristic bang, one spear of heat and light lances at the door, dead-center. And there's a fist-sized hole melted through the door! Right on the center seam, too. Do it bigger. Its going to take a lot of those to make a big enough hole for us. I... can't do it bigger, and I only have so many shots. We could try to open it, at least. Haruko, can you make anything so we can pry it open now? A crow bar I can do. You're on your own if you want the jaws of life. Want me to try and pull it open? * LadyRoyal glances at Heat and nods. "Probably see if Haruko can get you some gloves or something, though." ...stand back. Let's see if I can do fiction justice. *draws his Katana* * Lady_MakeBelieve stuffs a grenade in a satchel and then dangles a crowbar off of one finger. * LadyRoyal puts a hand on DM's arm. "Let Kyou try first. We don't have all that much room." So we're all going to try to open it once? Isn't that dangerous? ...right. * LadyRoyal nods at Heat. "Go ahead, it's all yours." Haruko, can you make me some heat proof gloves? * Lord_Darkmoon sheathes his Katana again. Er... I can make you some thick leather gloves... or oven mitts... I don't have much experience with actual heat proof stuff. Gloves are a start. Wait, I can pour water on the hole. .... wait. I have an idea. Let's just try *something*. Cold makes stuff all brittle. I can pour liquid air on it and then someone should just be able to hit it and shatter it. Wouldn't that be dangerous to the rest of us...? But what if we got touched by it and like, our hands froze? Kyou, go. Just go. Kyou. Okay. * LadyHeat just pours water on the hole, then waits a minute before going in to get a good grip. We'll take it from there. * LadyHeat braces herself then makes at pushing the elevator doors open. The doors resist for a second, then bounce open. * LadyNightshade hops through the door hole, looking around. * LadyRoyal stands ready to boost people up. Everybody out. * LadyMysteria takes the assisted boosting, scrabbling her way out. * LadyHeat lifts people up to the open doors. * LadyRoyal boosts and then is lifted and then pulls.. * Lady_MakeBelieve scrabbles her way up again. * Lord_Darkmoon boosts everyone out, then pulls himself up after. * Norcliff ,as usual, just jumps and climbs * LadyRoyal stands up and looks around. Okay. We're on the sixth floor. Theoretically. You're not in Tokyo any more. Okay, maybe you are, but low-ceilinged all-stone room you find yourself in doesn't seem much like any place you've seen in town before. a castle. ...We I swear this better not be Haruko doing this. re going to meet King Arthur? ...the he--oh, no. ... what’s going on here? * LadyNightshade tries to find a window. ... what in the hell is going on?! There's a stairway going down at the far end of the room. In between you and it is a standing skeleton, in a fuku. It's working its jaw as if to speak, but only making clacking noises. Over it's shoulder is looped a long length of chain.'re kidding me. ... ... oh god. * LadyMysteria winces at the skeleton... but nonetheless approaches, wand at the ready. ... does anyone.. recognize it? * LadyHeat pulls out a water bottle. At attention, prepare for combat. I don't recognize the fuku at all.... * Lord_Darkmoon draws his Katana and approaches it grimly, as well. "If you can speak, speak. If you cannot, stand aside, or give us a signal that you are going to help us." * LadyNightshade heads straight for it. * SkeletonLady makes a rackety throat-clearing sound, then coughs. Sorry, it's been a while. My master welcomes you to his demesne, and wishes to... meet you. Your master? Your...master? Master? Who are you, and who's your master? ...oh? * LadyNightshade stops right in front of it. Move. Nightshade, wait. Nightshade, hold. * LadyMysteria holds a hand up, waiting for some kind of an answer. * LadyNightshade stands there and fumes. I am no one. My master is all that matters. And he requires that you put on this before I take you to see him. No. Move. * LadyRoyal moves to flank Maya, and whispers in her ear. "I believe...we shouldn't antagonize whatever's going on unless we find out what it is. I saw...this may be it. Helps them, but doesn't necessarily hurt us..." Of course, it could also be something entirely different. Put on what? That being... that chain, yes? * SkeletonLady shrugs off the chain, and it becomes apparent that it is one long coffle - metal collars with heavy chains linking them. There's exactly the right number, and even a little collar for Norcliff. * LadyMysteria grits her teeth upon seeing that. * Lord_Darkmoon 's face darkens. "I wear no chains." Then you will be sealed here forever. ...lovely. Can I hit it now? No. Why?! We can't get out of here unless we're slaves? I seriously doubt it'll solve anything. It'll move it! Then we can leave. * LadyMysteria clenches her fists. "Just no, Nightshade. Any you." She actually pokes a finger at the skeleton's chest. Know you the way out, Nightshade? What promise can you give me that you're not lying through your skull? I'm not going to put that on. I'm not going to play along with this shit. I can give no promise - I will do what my master tells me to do. We need to get out of this and see to the others as quickly as possible. ... no matter what. That is our top priority. * LadyRoyal shakes her head, but says nothing. I don't want to put on the chain... ... You will have to Order me, my Lady. I will not begrudge you it, if you do, but I will not wear that willingly. Only another chain can bind me into that one. They probably seal our powers or something And how do we know this isn't her doing this? *points at Haruko* Odd howling noises come from the stairway. * LadyMysteria steps forward. "... if this is a trap, I promise you and your Master total and complete hell." She actually... sighs, rubbing her temples. "I don't want to give an order." ... but we need to hurry. Taki, Haruko's world wants to turn everything cute. It never had ex- Ladies... I doubt it. Not her style. * LadyRoyal nods at Maya. "She's right." I think you misunderstand me. * Lord_Darkmoon 's eyes flare silver for a moment at the howling. so? You must wear the chain to be taken to my master - who will bind your souls to him for all eternity, as he has mine. There is no way out of this place. Can I HIT it now? ... Okay then! I'm thinking it's about your turn now. I don't want to be some sort of evil zombie! * LadyMysteria sets herself to fight. I'd rather die. * Lord_Darkmoon throws back his head and laughs, maniacally. If you do not, then you will be sealed. Here. In this room. * LadyRoyal gets ready to card. * LadyHeat takes a sip of her water bottle. I'd. Rather. Die. I have a Queen to serve. Someone make it go away. It's probably the King or something. * LadyNightshade punches the Skeleton in the face. Repeatedly. No. The Queen bound me once, against my will. -No- one shall ever do so with my complicity. *runs at the skeleton, cutting at it as he attempts to pass, heading for the stairs beyond* * SkeletonLady is knocked backwards, her "face" smashed inwards, then her rib cage crunched by Darkmoon's stroke. * LadyNightshade moves towards the stairs. So either you're going to get off your high horse and get out of our way, or we're going to see your master ourselves. On our terms. ... or that could work, too. * LadyMysteria snorts, and starts walking. The end of the chain falls out of the skeleton's hand, and the bones rattle unnaturally on the floor. * Lord_Darkmoon continues down the stairs. The howling from the stairs grows louder, and Darkmoon slams into a veritable wall of cold, clammy flesh. * Lady_MakeBelieve hurries after Darkmoon, not wanting to be left alone in here with it. * LadyHeat runs after DM * LadyNightshade moves down the stairs looking for any way out of this place. Everyone, stay together! * Lord_Darkmoon might have slowed his pace a bit to let them catch up...but if so, it wasn't by much. * LadyHeat has absolutely no problem keeping pace. The Lord bounces back a few steps, and looks up to see two two-meter tall... things walking up the steps. They're almost human, or were, or... well... ...what are those? * LadyNightshade heads straight into them, leaping in to attack the whatever they are. I... don't want to know. They seem to be made of multiple human parts sewn together to make human forms. They are a pale-ish greenish color, and howl continuously. They are slowly climbing up the stairs, blocking the way down, but so far they are ignoring you. Frankenstein? ... I suppose all we can do is wait until they move or decide to turn around and harass us... The monsters move up one slow step at a time, backing the team towards the chamber they entered from. * LadyNightshade continues to attack the wall of... thing, seeing if she can make a hole in it. ... or not. Lady Nightshade's flying pink fists bounce off the left monster's chest ineffectually, but eventually she hears something inside it crack, and it finally looks down at her. Its unintelligible howls turn into unintelligible screams. Where the hell are we going to go? * LadyMysteria resumes standing for a battle, eyes narrowed. "Fight. What else can we do?" The monster raises one huge fist, and slams it downwards at Nightshade. It bashes into her head, and she is pounded down to the steps. Taki sees stars, but isn't out yet and scrambles backwards. Gh! Nightshade, be careful! Ow! You fuck! * Lord_Darkmoon hesitates a moment, surprised by their presence, and then pushes off the stairs, practically falling on them as he executes a downward cut with his Katana, blade shimmering silver with magical light. Darkmoon slices the one that hit Taki in a huge cut across the chest that might be fatal for a real human... but it just oozes blackish ichor and the monster doesn't slow. * LadyMysteria mutters to herself as she sets; she seems to be reminding herself how many Star Gun shots she has left, even as she lets one fly at the beast Darkmoon damaged, center-mass. "FIRE!" The Star Bolt burns into the monster, but doesn't blow a hole through it. There's a sudden scent of burning flesh. It doesn't even stumble. * Lady_MakeBelieve concentrates and forms a new grenade, lobbing this one over the shoulder of the monster, hoping its bulk will shield everyone from the blast. ... this is quite not good. ... The grenade skitters off the ceiling, around the corner, and out of sight. *WHAM* ... *jumps at the explosion* What the fuck?! No grenades! * LadyHeat tosses water towards the monstrosities and boils what hits their pseudo-flesh. There's a cracking HISSSSSSS, and both monsters are screaming, now... but still advancing, and now are reaching the top of the steps. Damnit, fall apart! The one on the left, which is visibly messed up by now, steps forward, but the other one which has only been steamed a little turns to one side and slams its fist into the masonry lining the stairs. The stones shatter, and the passage begins to crumble a little. The one that has stepped into the room swipes wildly at Lady Heat. It's trying to seal us in! I will destroy it. Lady Heat is pounded into a wall, and just stays there, dazed. Heat! Taki throws herself at the monster once more. *WHAMWHAMWHAMPINKWHAMWHAMWHAMWHAMWHAMPINK* And it wobbles as more bones are shattered... but doesn't stop coming. Die you big stupid whatever the hell you are! * Lord_Darkmoon snarls, a decidedly nonhuman sound, as he drops his Katana and runs past the wounded one. With little fanfare, he pushes himself off the ground, eyes brilliant silver and throat opening to release an unearthly howl that echoes up and down the hall, hollowly. The Feral Beast throws itself, claws first, into the slightly steamed monstrosity that is attacking the masonry, attempting to knock it down the steps. * LadyMysteria shudders as she sees the Beast called forth, losing her cool for a second. Darkmoon... The monster twists to one side, and the beast goes flying past it, only managing to tear most of its face off as it hurtles by. * Lord_Darkmoon screams in rage. * LadyMysteria looks to the one that Rin missed, and kisses her wand. "Please..." That done, she waves the wand, and a gout of colorful streamers swim towards the beast. "... don't fail me now!" The monster is suddenly sheathed in multicolor ribbons. It howls and stomps, but keeps its feet underneath it. At least it's contained. Finish the first one off! Remember what I said earlier! * Lady_MakeBelieve reaches into her pouch and tosses down the flash grenade from earlier, praying that it will work against these things. There's a second where nothing happens, then the puck-like object ignites with an impossible blast of light and noise. The front monster stumbles, blinded and deafened. The back one must have been shielded from the blast a little and is only somewhat shaken. [break session] Session Close: Sat Jan 28 20:18:34 2006 Session Start: Sat Feb 04 16:38:49 2006 [session resume] * LadyRoyal then is destroyed by the fourth wall. The front monster stumbles, blinded and deafened. The back one must have been shielded from the blast a little and is only somewhat shaken. Both of them make that horrific screaming howl once again - bright lights are not their favorite things! * LadyHeat is dazed against the wall. * LadyHeat slumps over a little more and begins to regain consciousness, but is still unable to act. The rear monster smashes one fist straight up into one of the capstones of the arched stairway. Cinderblocks begin to rain down around it. The one in front thrashes around, trying to hit everything, but quite unable to see anything. It manages to only rip more of the stitching that holds its various parts together. * LadyNightshade leaps at the back one, trying to distract it from destroying the place any further. She misjudges her distance and overshoots the initial assault, but she quickly turns around and pummels it good in a 5 hit combo of pink flashing punches and kicks. * LadyRoyal switches on the flashlight Haruko made, aims it at the front monster's eyes, dashes into close range of it and lets out a flurry at close to point-blank range before moving away. The monster disappears in a cloud of explosions... then reappears, still on its feet, though one arm has fallen off and black ichor is splashing out of its ruptured abdomen. Fuck! * Feral_Beast looms from the darkness in the stairs, illuminated briefly by Nightshade's pink flashes as it attempts to push its claw through the creature's chest, motion outlined in strobe by the pink light. The monstrosity - no, not Feral - staggers forward, is tripped up by the ribbons still surrounding it, and topples forward. Taki ducks out of the way, and the monster lands with a thud. It thrashes about, tearing the ribbons. * Lady_MakeBelieve decides to try a bit of old-fashioned self defense, pulls her taser out, and shoves it at the socket where the nearest one used to have an arm. The monster blindly flails out of her reach, and the stungun buzzes, but has no effect. * LadyHeat is more awake now, and fumbles with a water bottle on her belt to toss down the stairs. Unfortunately, when she tosses it, she loses sight of it completely and can't do anything. The monster in the stairway stands up slowly, picking apart the rest of the ribbons as it does. The one in the room thrashes blindly in Royal's direction, but still doesn't have its wits about it to thrash efficiently, or in a straight line. Taki steps back into the middle of the steps and continues to pound pinkly at the abomination... but it's starting to defend itself, and actually parries a few blows as it gets thumped. Its stitching is starting to fray, and Lady Nightshade's fists are getting covered with black goo. * LadyNightshade grins and bears the black goo, because it's all for a good cause. Namely, beating the crap out of something she's really pissed at. * LadyRoyal , keeping the light trained on the monster's eye/s, steps in and out again, repeating her flash-flurry maneuver, this time directly at the big gaping abdominal wound. The monstrosity flinches away... but when the explosions finish, it's in pieces, splattered all over the room and its occupants. ... geh. Finally! Finish the job! Only one left! * LadyHeat groans as she's splattered. Feral howls, then slams his jaws into the side of the remaining monster. And starts chewing. The monster screams, and tries ineffectually to force itself loose. * LadyMysteria blinks a few more times, trying to make all the pretty spots in her vision go away. Nonetheless, she homes in on the last one and mutters a small prayer under her breath. "Don'thithimdon'thithimdon'thithim... FIRE!" Another Star Burst leaps out from her wand, which promptly begins to spark a little. The monster is suddenly charred! It doesn't much like this and dies... or whatever. Feral, on the other hand, seems to think it improves the flavor tremendously, and continues tearing chunks off and gulping them down. * LadyMysteria proceeds to fight down some bile as she watches Feral eat. * LadyNightshade tries not to watch this after the monster collapses and instead heads down the stairs. Okay, let's go! * LadyNightshade rubs off the goop on her hands as best she can. * LadyRoyal wrinkles her nose. "Oh, he's not gonna enjoy that when he turns back..." * LadyHeat finally pulls herself up from the ground and rubs her head. * LadyHeat heads down the stairs, still slightly woozy. * LadyRoyal helps Kyouko up and starts leading her towards the stairs. Thanks. No prob. * Feral munches fiercely, ignoring the others as they go past. * LadyMysteria walks onward, pausing at Feral. ".... Rin?" * LadyNightshade looks around for anything else that needs some punching as she storms ahead down the steps. * Feral looks up, then at Mysteria. "RRRrrrrrrrrr?" We're moving on. Come when you feel you need to. * LadyMysteria pauses... then reaches out to give the big evil furry beast a hesitant pat, then keeps on movin'. * Feral shakes himself, and reforms into Lord Darkmoon. He scampers back into the room to retrieve his katana, then follows with a shout of "Hey, wait up!" Ok, we need to work out some sort of signal for next time, since a lot of you didn't seem to remember to close your eyes. How 'bout "Close your eyes!"? Maybe you shouldn't throw GRENADES at us like an idiot! Did any grenades hit you? No? Then maybe you shouldn't bitch. * LadyNightshade isn't even stopping to talk, and is just yelling into the radio. People... we didn't expect it, but things turned out well. Let's focus our anger on whatever the hell it is that has us here. Am I clear? And Royal, we need something that won't alert the enemy too. That's only because you're a bad shot. And that doesn't say much at all for your case. Oi, c'mon, save the energy for bone-girl's "master". Fine. Oh no. If I was aiming for you, I would have hit you. Well, I would've been more help if I could've seen... You yell at her Maya. The stairs wind downwards, changing directions several times. No, no one's yelling at anyone. * LadyNightshade tries to figure out exactly how far down they're going. * LadyMysteria shakes her hear, rubbing at her temples in hopes that her sudden headache will go away. It's been at least eighty steps so far... My point is that no signal that all of us can get--in the middle of a fight, I'm saying--wouldn't also be apparent to whatever we were fighting. Sure it is. like... "Sunglasses" And just how far do these steps go, anyway? * LadyRoyal shrugs. "I'm fundamentally opposed to giving enemies more warning than we have to. Next time we should probably just keep a better eye on what everyone else is doing." That doesn't change the fact that she through a regular grenade at the monster I was fighting. It was lucky that it was a bad throw and didn't land anywhere near where I was. And then she goes and throws another one after I asked her not to throw anymore. ...which would also help in cases like that. I *was* keeping an eye on what you were doing. I threw it behind them. Because unlike you, I don't try to hurt team members. As the group turns a corner, the stairs change in character, from rough but clean, to well-polished but grimy and smelly. Eww... Haruko--euch. * LadyNightshade ignores Haruko as she looks around the new surroundings. And now... things get interesting. Eyes forward, team. * LadyRoyal breathes gingerly out of her mouth. The stairs seem to widen here, but there's still a corner ahead. * LadyNightshade keeps pushing forward. It's hard to place the scent - it's a combination of sewer, and blood, and something else... ...Maybe her master is a vampire. Oh, that would be just lovely. Don't be stupid. We just fought a skeleton a Frankenstein zombies. Why not a vampire? It makes sense. We're probably going down to crypts or something. They weren't real. But what worries me more... is what this *is*. Someone is doing this to us. I just want to get out of here. We don't know if they're real or not. The group rounds the corner, and the stairs end abruptly in another room... This can't be any of Make-Believe's doing. So... who? I mean, we fight killer sea creatures on a regular basis, so why not vampires? * LadyNightshade looks around the room. ...a room filled with teenage girls, all about your age. They are all naked, and covered in filth to the point their skin seems black and mottled. In the center, on a lushly cushioned couch, reclines one more female figure. She is perfectly groomed, and has an enormous length of brown hair coiled about her. She wears a nearly-skintight red dress, but otherwise looks frighteningly like the Queen. The she opens her mouth to speak, and you can see the fangs. ..., Kyou. * LadyHeat hates it when she's right. I didn't want to be right! * Lady_MakeBelieve hates it when Heat is right too! * LadyNightshade scans the faces of all the girls... What the hell? Who are you? Ah, I sssee we have guests! Ssssay hello, my children... ... who... who *are* you?! * LadyMysteria looks practically rattled at this point, eyes darting to and fro. I am just another sssservant of my massster... but one who hassss ssservantsss of her own. What master? * LadyHeat fiddles with a water bottle or two. * LadyRoyal 's eyes flicker around, taking the details of the space into account. The other girls, who were previously silent, have started hissing sibilant syllables, but only nonsense, and not words. * Lady_MakeBelieve fiddles with the other flash grenade in her pouch. He wisshesss to meet you... Oh, I just bet. * LadyNightshade approaches the throne. Who is he? Where is he? That's all well and good, but we have a Queen to protect. * LadyMysteria manages a frown, swallowing down her fear. "So we simply must be going." Yesss... but not as you are now. You are... unpresssentable. * LadyMysteria tenses at that. Not this again. * LadyHeat doesn't want to be a dirty vampire slave girl. * LadyRoyal rolls her eyes. "Right, so who wants to start?" Are we going to have a problem. I can. Can everyone remember what to do this time? ... We're going to have to take out the girls. * LadyNightshade continues moving forward until she's in range of the throne. * VampireQueen slowly uncurls from the couch, and rises to her feet. She crooks a finger at Maya. "Come here, child..." ... Nightshade, stay back. I wish we had a priest. What, like a Shintoist? From what? I'm not afraid of this... cartoon. Someone who can bless my water. The command crackles across the room, with the potency of an Order, albeit a not-so-strong one. Maya twitches, hard, but stands her ground. * LadyMysteria grits her teeth, and she takes one step forward. She does not take a second. NO! You... you are not my Queen! The girls move to block Nightshade's path to the queen. * LadyNightshade eyes the girls. "Get out of my way. Now." * LadyRoyal looks puzzled at Kyouko. "" I'm not going to ask you again. They're vampires. Vampires hate holy water. Ah, but you can feel my right, the right of my blood! Kneel! All of you, before your new missstressss. Nightshade, not by yourself! Huh, never heard that. * LadyRoyal is ignoring the vamp, obviously. I'm not going to submit to you! * LadyMysteria twitches, and one leg demands to lower itself. She catches it mid-motion, then levels her wand at the beast. "If I must..." * LadyRoyal stumbles a bit at that last word and goes down slightly as though she's tripped (while standing in one place), but rights herself. Everyone, we have to fight! * LadyNightshade grits her teeth, but kneels none the less. She can't help herself. * LadyHeat bends her knees slightly as if to kneel, but stands back straight up and pulls two water bottles off her belt. The girls, already around Taki, pick her up and carry her directly to the Queen. * LadyRoyal steps forward. "OI! LET GO OF HER!" Ooooh, such a dark spirit, this one. Hey! Stop that! * LadyNightshade tries to struggle as best she can, which isn't really much. Her eyes are absolutely feral. Let her go! * VampireQueen leans forward, reaching for Taki's breast with her fangs... * LadyRoyal tosses a card at the Vampire Queen. * Lady_MakeBelieve flings the flash grenade at the dais shouting "Sunglasses!" The card zings across the room, and embeds itself in the queen's forehead just as her fangs brush Taki's chest. * VampireQueen blinks, backs off, and touches the card gingerly before pulling it out. The wound remains, but does not bleed. * LadyNightshade doesn't show any fear, just flat out anger as the Queen's bite approaches. There is a sense of relief though when the card strikes her. We can do it that way, too... girlssss? Two of the girls see the grenade and throw themselves on it. When it goes off, one of them seems to explode into a cloud of blood vapor. * LadyMysteria turns her focus on the false Queen, sliding to the side. "How *DARE* you pretend to be anything near the Queen of the Earth! I cannot... will not allow you to continue this... this... blasphemy!" A Star Gun shot pours from her wand, aimed at the Queen. The wand begins to smoke faintly. * VampireQueen is blasted in the shoulder. She doesn't seem to mind too much, though it does make her step back. The rest of the girls are not standing still, and are beginning to swarm about the attackers. The half-dozen holding Taki move her off to one side of the dais, and proceed to sit on her there. The rest gang rush the rest of the team... fortunately they seem to be rather lousy fighters. * LadyNightshade just sort of lays there on the dais... angrily. Mysteria gets slugged in the face. It hurts, but not like getting shot or hardhatted or waterblasted does. * LadyMysteria has her head snap back, then quickly looks at the girl that hit her like she just signed her death warrant. Lady Heat gets gang tackled, and finds herself pinned under two of the girls. The grime, she discovers at this close range, seems to have a large feces component. * LadyHeat pulls an arm free and explodes the water bottle she's holding. "You need to take a shower!" Boiling water showers over the three tangled girls on the floor, then Heat hears a strange sizzling sound and the two girls holding her seem to burst, blood spurting from the spots where they were splashed as they oddly... deflate. Heat ends up loose, but mostly red. * LadyHeat smiles. ... keep that up. * VampireQueen smiles fangily, then blurs across the room and is herself kneeling beside Heat. She plunges her fangs into the Lady's shoulder even as Heat sits up. * LadyHeat screams. ---Heat! Lady Heat slumps back down, curling into a fetal position and making odd cooing noises. All of you will join her, stop fighting and it will not be painful. * LadyMysteria takes a moment to swallow. "... I refuse." * LadyNightshade shakes her head as she's finally able to move again. "GET OFF ME YOU FUCKING BITCHES!" She lashes out against them attacking them violently and trying to get herself free. * LadyNightshade is absolutely livid. Punching these girls feels... weird to Taki. They feel firm, normal... until they burst like balloons, and it's as if they are only skin and blood and bone. Two of them explode, and another one is thrown off the Lady, leaving three struggling to hold onto Taki. * LadyRoyal leaps in the vampire's direction, trying to aim to hit her and not Kyou and flurrying her. Explosions burst all around the Queen. They muss up her dress. A little. * LadyRoyal hisses. On the other hand, one of the girls is caught on the edge of a blast, and splashes across a nearby wall. * Lady_MakeBelieve mutters for a second then an copy of an ofuda she's seen proclaimed to drive off evil appears in her hand, as she attempts to slap it on the vampire. No ofuda for you! Or not for the Queen, anyway. Haruko just can't quite get it to stick. * LadyMysteria looks to Heat... then to the Queen, and proceeds to let out an inarticulate snarl of rage as she fires yet again, clenching the wand with both hands. It lets loose the shot, then spits out a gout of sparks, close to depleted. The shot slams into the queen's gut burning through the dress and bouncing her back onto her ass behind Heat. She finally looks a little angry. The girls continue to mill about the room, throwing weak punches and trying to drag team members to the floor. Make-Believe gets kicked in the gut hard by one, while Lady Mysteria almost unconsciously counterpunches another, who puddles instantly. * LadyMysteria doesn't even look at the girl as she splatters, eyes fixed on the false Queen. * LadyHeat continues to gibber and twitch. * VampireQueen stands up, almost casually, but there's something tense about the way she's holding her head. Suddenly her floor-length tresses lift and coil towards Mina and Maya, trying to snag them and bring them back to fang range. Both Ladies are snagged - Mysteria by one shoulder, Royal by the neck, and yanked to the queen's side. * LadyMysteria snarls again, and struggles in vain to get away from the woman's hair. "Let... me go!" * VampireQueen smiles with an odd demurity, and whispers, "Oh, but why?" Because I will endeavor to make the rest of your short life HELL if you don't! * LadyNightshade struggles vainly with the last couple of girls on her, but makes exactly no progress in escaping. * LadyMysteria sounds resolute, even considering her position. Taki thrashes about, stomping one girl into a mush, but wrenching her knee and falling down the steps of the dais at the same time. * LadyRoyal gggkkks and tries to send a card slashing through the coils holding both her and Maya. * LadyNightshade gasps in pain at her twisted knee. The card slices enough free to release Mina, but Maya is still caught. The queen hisses, annoyed, but focuses on her immediate prey. I'm not letting you ruin their lives! * Lady_MakeBelieve desperately tries to slam the ofuda right on the Vampire Queen. She's closer this time, but still can't quite make the little seal connect. * LadyMysteria can still hold her wand, and she holds the thing right up to the vampire's face. "... let. Me. Go." It fires, with considerable force and a wild spray of sparks and smoke; the force is enough to make Maya's hand fly back. * VampireQueen flies back too, but somehow keeps a hold of Maya even as she slams back into the side wall. When the dust settles, the queen looks very singed, and very shaky, and very, very angry. * LadyMysteria spits in her face for good measure. The girls continue to mill about. Lady Nightshade gets head butted, lightly, and Lady Royal almost doesn't notice the flying kick that glances off her shoulder. * LadyNightshade oofs and glares at the girl, deciding to make her go pop next. * LadyHeat finally snaps out of her coma and badly tosses a water bottle towards the Vampire Queen, which misses. Kyouko was never good throw with her left arm. "Damnit!" * VampireQueen pulls Lady Mysteria in really, really close with both hair and hands, caressing the Lady delicately and smiling with a dangerous air of seduction and rage. * LadyMysteria manages a staggered, still-furious gasp, although she's in no position to do anything more. "... bitch..." There's a pause as the Lady and the vampire look into each others' eyes... then the queen twists to slam her fangs into Maya's throat. This isn't a polite bite, this is feeding, ripping the girl's throat out to get as much blood as she can in the shortest time possible. * Lady_MakeBelieve screams. Nooo! Maya! Oh my god! As she feeds, the Queen's mangled hair starts to regrow, and her holed and dirty dress begins to mend and clean itself. * LadyMysteria gurgles, eyes wide. Her hands twitch now and then, but is otherwise still. * LadyNightshade kicks the girl who head butted her square in the face. The girl collapses, then her head explodes like something seen in a bad anime. The other girl holding onto Taki lets go, and pukes onto the queen's couch. * LadyNightshade screams and flies across the room at the Queen in a rage. "LEAVE. HER. ALONE!" The queen is battered away from Maya, who drops like a rock when released. * VampireQueen isn't down, though, and by the time Taki's flurry of punches ends, she's blocking pretty well despite looking weak. LadyRoyal tosses a card into the middle of the scrap, and it lodges in the queen's side. * LadyMysteria stays right the hell where she is, facedown. I won't let you keep doing this! * Lady_MakeBelieve tries one last time to slam the ofuda onto the Vampire Queen. * Lady_MakeBelieve slams it straight into the queens forehead as it starts to glow, surprising her. * VampireQueen stops moving and topples over. After a few seconds, she starts shaking wildly, and screaming in agony. * LadyNightshade looks the Queen over and decides she's finished before moving down to Maya's side, checking her wound. Haruko, we need bandages right now! * Lady_MakeBelieve is already at Maya's side, dressing the wound. All the girls in the room are frozen, ululating in counterpoint to the queen's screaming. Come on Maya, don't die on me. * LadyNightshade helps keep pressure on the wound or whatever she can do. Maya, please... Not like this... * LadyMysteria doesn't react to the bandaging, although her fingers are still twitching now and then. Come on... Maya goes completely unconscious, but her heart keeps beating weakly but steadily. * LadyNightshade holds Maya's hand. Is she still healing? She's still breathing... I think she'll heal up. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAIIIIGGGGHHHHHH! Good... Someone go cut that things head off. Want me to boil it? * LadyNightshade gets up and goes over to the Queen, pulling out the gun she took from the train and fires a couple of rounds directly into its head. Shut up. Taki, move away for a minute. The bullets make holes, but they don't stop the screaming. That won't help, you need to decapitate them. * LadyHeat goes and empties a water bottle over the Queen, the steams it. Or stick a stake in their hearts, I forget which. I think you can do either... * VampireQueen smells like she's been cooked! Yum? But she's still screaming. * Lady_MakeBelieve sighs. * LadyNightshade growls and just punches her in the head as hard as she can. Now will someone please do one of those if you're through venting frustration. * VampireQueen has a hard head, and Taki bruises her hand. Look, here's a stake if anyone needs it. * Lady_MakeBelieve holds out a nice sharpened piece of cherry wood. * LadyHeat takes the stake and stabs it through the Queen's heart. * VampireQueen stops screaming. And moving. And anything. There's no blood, though. * Lady_MakeBelieve mutters about how no one ever listens to her. The girls shimmer, then fade out of sight. Someone else should ax her... I don't think I could aim it one handed. It's as if they were never there, except for the blood over everything. * LadyNightshade borrows Rin's sword and decapitates the Queen, just to be sure. * LadyMysteria is... well, it looks like the bleeding's stopped. But she's still nice and unresponsive. The room no longer smells like shit - just blood. Heat. Can you carry her? We need to keep moving. * LadyNightshade gives the sword back. It's probably bad to move her. Yeah. At least right now. We can wait a minute or too unless something else shows up. She's already healing, look. * LadyNightshade moves to the far side of the room to look out the doors in the back. Look, I want to get out of here as much as you do, but I don't think its safe to move her, and nothing is around right now. * LadyHeat clutches her right shoulder. "I hope this heals quickly." I'd have to sling her over my shoulder anyway. Oh, sorry, get over here and let me bandage that up. This isn't about us right now. We still need to warn the Palace. * Lady_MakeBelieve slips a pillow under Mysteria's head. They could very well already be under attack. ...Guys. Something bad is happening... What? * LadyNightshade looks around ... I have fangs. ... .... How do you feel? I want to stick one of these seals on you. If you start screaming uncontrollably we'll come up with something else. It feels really weird and now someone's going to get turned into a zombie, and someone will be a mummy and we already have a werewolf and we're going to be some kind of freakshow! * Lady_MakeBelieve attempts to affix it to Heat's forehead. Don't be stupid. That's not going to happen. * LadyNightshade checks out the doors in the back of the room, hoping to find a way out. The ofuda sticks, and lights up, but Kyouko doesn't start screaming. ... Maya's probably a vampire now too! No one is a vampire! It's just an illusion. Does it feel any different now Kyouko? Let's just get out of her. Come on, pick her up so we can move. It itches so much... can I take it off? I wouldn't. Please? If we're lucky it'll stop you from transforming. * LadyNightshade arghs and starts to move without them. But, I need to take it off. * Lady_MakeBelieve puts one on Maya just in case. The one on Maya does not light up. No. If its affecting you this much then its definitely working. I can't THINK like this! Would you rather think like a vampire? But this is like having chicken pox, except they're all concentrated right there on my head and I know exactly how to get rid of it but I can't. * LadyNightshade lets them argue with each other while she finds an exit. [end session] Session Close: Sat Feb 04 20:27:57 2006