[20:16] [Day: Saturday. Time: 7:15] [20:17] [After a very hectic two days, the majority of the MC spent Saturday evening watching an enjoyable movie staring Kirby, Bruce Willis, and that guy that does Otacon's voice in the MGS2 dub. The latter brought the movie down a bit, but overall it was fairly enjoyable.] [20:18] ( Otacon is one fucked up little man. ) [20:18] [But now the MC returns to the club room, preparing to return to the port tonight] [20:18] [Session Start] [20:18] Ah, what a wonderful movie. [20:19] * Eoi leans against the wall. [20:19] Kinda. A bit cheesy tho'. [20:19] Marshmallowy, actually. [20:19] [Eoi gazes fondly at Andrew] [20:19] * Miyu doesn't look like she was really thinking about the movie much... [20:19] Wasn't it sweet? [20:19] *** YuBGon is now known as Chelsea [20:19] ... [20:19] * Shigeru sits in a chair, looking over the rest of the group with bloodshot eyes. [20:20] (Hey Yu, nice to join us. :P) [20:20] * Eoi shakes his head. [20:20] Stop THAT! [20:20] I liked it. [20:20] And I can't say the company was bad, either. [20:20] [Eoi blushes] [20:20] ... [20:20] ( Damn this is fun ^_^_v ) [20:21] * Chelsea wanders in the door, humming to herself. [20:21] * Hikaru laughs into his hand. [20:21] Too bad more people couldn't join us, though. [20:21] * Shigeru snickers, then waves. "Hey, Chelsea." [20:22] * Norii yawns. [20:22] * Chelsea waves back. "Heya, Shiggy." [20:22] Geez, I still need to get caught up on those Microbial labs... [20:22] * Andrew walks over to Norii. [20:22] * Shigeru makes a face at that. [20:22] I don't believe we've met, miss. [20:22] * Chelsea walks over to Shigeru. "Man, you look beat." [20:23] ( how cute is he? ) [20:23] * Shigeru shrugs. [20:23] ( yes. ) [20:23] ( Quite ) [20:23] * Miyu just looks down... [20:23] I found that corner. Pretty theraputic, really. You? [20:23] That is a grevious oversight on my part. [20:23] * Norii 's eyse light up. [20:23] And who might you be, sir? [20:23] ( About as much as say... Hikaru or Shig. :P ) [20:23] * Miyu cries... [20:23] ( Andrew looks like Calvin, except with a nasty burn scar going from under his right eye all the way down his neck. ) [20:23] ( Except there's something more special about him. ) [20:24] Andrew Fort, at your service. [20:24] ( Yeah. Whatever it was that Calvin didn't have, Andrew has it. ) [20:24] ( In spades. ) [20:24] ( It's gotta be the Adam's apple. ) [20:24] Eh. I made some nice, cathartic shock-art. And took a nap, too. [20:24] My name is Norii... say, what are you doing later? [20:24] ... [20:24] Oh, we're going out to save some lives, I believe. [20:24] These two are perfect for each other. [20:24] Sounds good. [20:24] * Shigeru notices Miyu, then sighs and looks for a tissue box. [20:24] After that, who knows? [20:24] Sure, but after that? [20:24] Eh?! [20:25] [Eoi dashes between Andrew and Norii.] [20:25] ... [20:25] Hey! Hands off! This one's mine! [20:25] * Eoi twitches and moves away from Andrew and Norii. [20:25] * Norii bounces happily. [20:25] Kimiko. Stop. NOW. [20:25] Down, vamp-girl. [20:25] Now, now, no need to be possessive, lass. [20:25] *** DamienRoc is on IRC [20:25] [Eoi almost literally has to drag himself away :P] [20:26] Huh? Why'd you... ah. [20:26] * Hikaru looks at Norii and Andrew, and sighs in a relieved manner. [20:26] * Chelsea looks for a box of tissue as well. [20:26] ;_; [20:26] Aw, no need to be sad. [20:27] B-... but Calvin....... [20:27] ... Yes, need to be sad Andrew. [20:27] * Eoi sighs. [20:27] She's got every right to be sad. We can worry about problems with crying if it gets in the way of whatever we need to do, but that's later. [20:27] You're telling me ;_; [20:27] * Shigeru stands and grumbles, searching the room. "Where's the damn Kleenex?" [20:28] So. We have to go back to the island of the god-damned Smorfys... to face some almost unknown problem. [20:28] Right. [20:28] ... we need a vacation. [20:28] Sounds fun. [20:28] ...I forgot about that. [20:28] * Chelsea finds some kleenex, and takes it over to Miyu. [20:28] * Miyu uses the kleenex [20:28] I've got a bad feeling. Someone.. or something that Kaira can't handle? ... or is it Kaira herself? [20:29] Who is this Kaira person? [20:29] [The kleenex is not possessed, and Miyu succeeds in using it] [20:29] Miyu's sister, and the woman who killed Calvin. [20:29] She's the one who kidnapped Miyu. Probably the only smorfy on that island who can really fight, but she's *good*. [20:29] (... what would posessed kleenex do? And why would anyone want to posess it? ) [20:29] * Shigeru nods. "Doesn't like humans much." [20:29] She's.. damn tough. She can blind us, blast us with strong energy, fly and drain the life from you. [20:29] So we're going back to help her? [20:29] ( Suffocation :P ) [20:29] Sadly, yes. [20:30] Why? [20:30] Because we don't want everyone on the island to die. [20:30] Good answer. [20:30] I was thinking because we told the boat guy we would... [20:30] * Hikaru frowns with distaste. "...maybe...we have to help her fight it?" [20:30] Yeah, those Smorfies are nice other than her. [20:30] Maybe. [20:30] Well then, we should go, eh? [20:30] I'd rather help her than be against her again. [20:31] ..... Kaira... [20:31] Yes! Let's go! [20:31] Yep. Off we go. [20:31] ... [20:31] * Miyu goes with the group [20:31] Sure, let's scram. [20:31] [Eoi hops over and grabs Andrew's arm] [20:31] ... [20:31] * Eoi detaches himself from Andrew. [20:31] * Shigeru glances at Miyu. "You holding up okay?" [20:31] I'm really, REALLY sorry about her. [20:31] We can go togeth-hey! [20:31] ... [20:31] Kimiko, kindly stop. [20:31] You know, you just don't let that poor woman have any fun, Eoi. [20:32] ... if she's the only one who can defend them... [20:32] Maybe you can meet your younger sister, Miyu-san. [20:32] .... I don't have a younger sister. [20:32] Her having 'fun' would involve me also having fun. No thanks. [20:32] * Andrew eyes Eoi. [20:32] * Hikaru sighs. [20:32] [There's a bright flash of light, and Eoi is suddenly an ugly forest troll again. Er... back to being his male self, that is] [20:32] ( ... ) [20:32] ( Fuck you too. ) [20:33] ( Couldn't help it ^_^ ) [20:33] ... Ok. That's better. [20:33] Oh my. [20:33] ( ((_- ) [20:33] Can you change back? [20:33] * Eoi grins and powerposes. "Bette..." [20:33] Wah! [20:33] * Eoi eyes Andrew. [20:33] No. [20:33] I definitely prefer the other body. [20:33] Hey! He's baaaaack! [20:33] Good to see you being you again, Eoi. [20:33] Thanks. [20:33] * Hikaru blinks at Eoi, but doesn't say anything. [20:33] [Eoi suddenly shakes as though he was being throttled] [20:33] That's nice Andrew. Take it up with Kimiko when we get her body back. [20:33] I like him better this way - you don't know Kimiko that well yet. [20:33] Hey! Change back! [20:34] *** DamienRoc has left IRC [20:34] Not for all the poorly made Kirby Plushies in Mexico Kimiko. [20:34] Truth told, I don't know any of you all that well. [20:34] * Chelsea watches the display and chuckles. [20:34] It's not fair ;_; [20:35] Quite unfair. [20:35] Yeah, yeah. Let's go folks, before all the smorfys die. [20:35] ... [20:35] * Shigeru pushes his glasses up his nose. "I'm sure that'll change, Andrew. Let's get going." [20:35] * Miyu walks toward the dock place thingy. [20:35] Yes, lets. [20:35] * Eoi walks out of the club and starts the walk towards the dock. [20:35] * Shigeru walks out. Without being guided, yay. [20:35] * Andrew walks out beside Norii. [20:36] * Hikaru follows the group. [20:36] * Chelsea walks along with the others, humming again. [20:36] * Norii grabs Andrew around the waist and snuggles as they walk. [20:36] ;_; [20:36] ( Awful forward, there. ) [20:36] (Isn't she fun? ^_^) [20:36] * Andrew doesn't seem to notice, or react, anyway. [20:36] ( What's keeping Kimiko from grabbing Andrew right now? ) [20:36] ( It's a disadvantage. Deal. ) [20:37] ( I didn't say it was a _bad_ thing. ^_^ ) [20:37] [Time: 8:00. MC gets to the dock. The boat's still there, and so is the Mysterious Robed Person, leaning against the wheel... whittling.] [20:37] *** CyberKirby is now known as RobedPerson [20:37] * Miyu looks at the RobedPerson. [20:37] ... who's this guy? [20:37] Hello Mysterious Robed Person. [20:37] Hallo. [20:37] * Chelsea waves at the RobedPerson. "Hiya. We're back, ready to save the day and all that." [20:37] * Andrew waves jovially. [20:38] * RobedPerson whittles, while humming the 1812 Overture as best he can. [20:38] ... [20:38] Hey. Hey! [20:38] Oh, you're back. Good. [20:39] * RobedPerson gets up. "All set?" [20:39] Ready as we'll even be. [20:39] * Chelsea rolls her shoulders and brushes her hands against the legs of her pants. "I'm all set." [20:39] Well, that's a dirty lie. Give us a year or so to train, I'm sure we'd be much more ready. [20:39] Always ready to help. [20:39] ... [20:39] Ok. Off we go. [20:40] Sure. Are you going to let us know what we're dealing with, or are you going to wait for us to be well on our way first? [20:40] * RobedPerson turns about and starts up the boat. [20:40] It's probably better that I don't tell you. [20:40] ...You wouldn't want to know, I don't think. [20:40] *** Tris-chan has joined #besm [20:40] Lovely. We're going into this blind. [20:40] ...do you want help or now? [20:40] ... [20:40] Not until you're there, anyhow. [20:40] It's always better to know. [20:40] * Eoi frowns. [20:40] You know? [20:40] (Better hurry or you'll be late for the ship, Tris. :P) [20:40] ( Tris! Hurry and get into character. ) [20:41] ( My phone line JUST came back. It was cut earlier. Gomen. ) [20:41] *** Daisuke sets mode: +o Tris-chan [20:41] *** Tris-chan is now known as Vicki [20:41] ... and this will hurt us to know huh. [20:41] ( You almost missed the boat! Literally! ) [20:41] ( No problem. ) [20:41] ... I think you should tell us anyway. [20:41] [Vicki makes it just as the boat is leaving. Wai.] [20:41] * Andrew helps Vicki onto the boat. [20:41] This.. may be bad, but it's better then going in blind. [20:41] * Chelsea hums. [20:41] ( *grumbles about idiot phone companies that shut off phone lines for NO REAL REASON ) [20:41] ...are we going to be driven mad by knowing, or something? [20:41] Mmm... [20:41] You're lucky. You almost missed the boat. [20:42] If you are taking us to face Cthulu, I am going to just overboard. [20:42] Well, it's not just that I don't think you should know, but I can't tell you anyhow. [20:42] ...Where we going again? [20:42] ... [20:42] * Hikaru blinks, turns around, and smiles happily. "Vicki-san! You made it!" [20:42] ... Vicki. [20:42] ... Did anyone ever tell you, that you remind them of Xelloss? [20:42] Yes, me. You can hold off on the celebration of my not being here till later. [20:42] * Andrew lets Vicki's hand go once she's on to the boat, but just after Hikaru turns around. [20:42] And I was under the impression that you'd explain it to us tonight. At least, that's what I think you said yesterday. [20:42] Oh, from that old anime? I get that all the time! ((_^ [20:43] ... [20:43] ... [20:43] ... [20:43] No, no. A Xelloss face is ||^_^|| [20:43] .. [20:43] This ...bodes poorly. [20:43] Eh... Never said I was any good at it. [20:43] Yes, it does. [20:43] Okay, this is creepy. [20:43] * Hikaru holds his head. [20:44] Can we go back and go see a movie? I'll even treat for the pizza. [20:44] ... [20:44] Don't worry! We'll be fine! We've got Andrew on our side! [20:44] .... we're trying to save a race from extinction [20:44] Yes, but you said you would. So give us your half-baked explaination, because I'm not going to travel with someone who lies to me. [20:44] [Eoi looks at Andrew and sighs dreamily.] [20:44] You people are so uptight. [20:44] Relax a little. [20:44] * Shigeru folds his arms and eyes the robed guy. [20:44] ... [20:44] Hm? Did I say that? [20:44] Don't do that again Kimiko. [20:44] You'll never have enough information. [20:44] Comes with the territory, Andrew. ::stretches and yawns:: [20:44] Do what? [20:45] Ah, whatever. [20:45] I believe you did. [20:45] Ok. Well, if you MUST know, we're going to a ghost ship. [20:45] * Hikaru walks over and sits down beside Vicki. [20:45] ... [20:45] ... a ghost ship? [20:45] * Shigeru shrugs. "Okay." [20:45] Oh, that sounds fun. [20:45] Ghost.. ship? [20:45] * Eoi smiles. [20:45] Is that all? *changes clips* [20:45] * Hikaru blinks. "Ghost ship?" [20:45] A real li.. err, dead ghost ship? [20:45] ... Pretty much, yup. [20:45] * Chelsea frowns. [20:46] How...how does this threaten the Smorfy island? [20:46] ( If it's a ghost space ship, coming to take the Smorfies back to their home planet... ) [20:46] I'm sure there are horrible complications, and we're all going to be in horrible peril. [20:46] Well, see, that's the catch. [20:46] Ah, well. [20:46] It's not *actually* a ghost ship. [20:46] [The boat enters a Mysterious Fog] [20:47] *** Vicki has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) [20:47] Nice effect. [20:47] * Chelsea raises an eyebrow. "So it's a semi-sort-of ghost ship?" [20:47] ( Meep ) [20:47] What, a fake one? [20:47] ( blargh. ) [20:47] (Vicki dissapears in the fog! Aie!) [20:47] Oh dear god. We are going into an episode of Scooby Doo. [20:47] Eh. We're almost there. You'll see for yourself... Now, actually. [20:47] * Chelsea snerks at Eoi's comment. [20:48] * Shigeru snickers. "Who gets to be Scooby?" [20:48] Scooby what? [20:48] [Off in the distance, you make out through the fog, a ship.] [20:48] ... is that.... [20:48] I want my scooby snacks. [20:48] ( Quick! Someone pull the rubber mask off of Robed Person! ) [20:48] That's it alright. [20:48] * Chelsea looks. "What, we're there already?" [20:48] * Shigeru squints through his glasses. [20:48] Well, gotta run. Lotsa luck! [20:49] ... so what do we have to do to save htem? [20:49] .. [20:49] Hey! [20:49] * RobedPerson dives overboard. [20:49] ... [20:49] ...what? [20:49] Well, that's unusual. [20:49] * Hikaru clenches a fist. [20:49] *** RobedPerson is now known as Kirby [20:49] * Shigeru runs towards the splash and looks overboard. [20:49] ...Well. That was reassuring. [20:49] Normally they just disappear in a puff of smoke. [20:49] ( Should've gone on that date. :P ) [20:49] me moves to the rail and looks to see where he's swimming. [20:49] Or sometimes around the corner. [20:49] *** Vicki has joined #besm [20:49] [Shig sees nothing through the thick fog, although he did indeed hear a splash] [20:49] ( That sucked. ) [20:49] [Nobody can see him, though] [20:49] ( Welcome back ) [20:50] * Shigeru curses under his breath. "Figures." [20:50] ... [20:50] *** Daisuke sets mode: +o Vicki [20:50] ( Welcome to Dem's world, Tris. ) [20:50] This bodes. Poorly. [20:50] ( Rehi. ) [20:50] [The boat continues towards the ghost ship] [20:50] ( Dem, I will never again think you odd for raging at your connection. ) [20:50] ... [20:50] This thing on autopilot or something? [20:50] * Eoi pulls out his Naginata. [20:50] ...this isn't good. And he wouldn't even tell us how this threatens the Smorfys. -_- [20:50] It sure does. Say, I don't suppose anyone here knows how to pilot a boat? [20:51] ...Okay, so...umm... [20:51] He seems to like being mysterious a *little* too much, I think. [20:51] Well, until we get robe-boy's name, I'm calling him Xelloss. [20:51] * Andrew looks at the ship. [20:51] [As it draws nearer, it dawns that something's not quite right about the ghost ship. Namely, it's a modern day ship.] [20:51] ( How big? ) [20:51] I'm wondering if Xelloss has some other agenda.. [20:51] ..... [20:51] ( Big ) [20:51] ( Or should I say... BIG ) [20:51] ... are we going to have to sink that thing? [20:51] ...You know, I always thought ghost ships were like...pirate ships. [20:51] [It's steel-clad] [20:51] ( More than oh... 30 feet above the waterline? ) [20:51] ...yeah. Me too. [20:51] * Shigeru snickers. "Everyone does, Eoi. Let's just assume it, for the sake of simplicity." [20:52] (Like, cruise ship big, battleship big, aircraft carrier big, or supertanker big?) [20:52] [It looks militaristic] [20:52] .... ghost space ships... alien ghosts, coming to get us... [20:52] ... [20:52] [Your boat continues towards it.] [20:52] * Norii baps Miyu lightly. [20:52] * Hikaru looks at Vicki. "I...I don't like this." [20:52] ... [20:52] Oh dear god. [20:52] I don't either. [20:52] I think I've got it. Someone.. or something is trying to take over the Smorfys. [20:52] Like posession? [20:52] ... why? [20:53] Look how powerful a trained Smorfy is. [20:53] Imagine an army of them? [20:53] ... [20:53] Yah. [20:53] ... [20:53] ... [20:53] We could never even win once against her... [20:53] * Shigeru continues watching the ghost ship. "Just the ability to fly... yeah." [20:53] * Chelsea goes looking for the wheel of the boat they're on. [20:53] And we have above average powers. [20:53] So, let's go up on deck. [20:53] Oh hell. [20:53] ( Miyu doesn't know that :P ) [20:53] Anybody need a lift? [20:53] ... most of us. [20:53] I can take a passenger. [20:53] Andrew, take me. [20:53] ( Brett: Why? ) [20:54] * Andrew O_Os at Eoi. [20:54] ... [20:54] I thought you weren't that way. [20:54] ... [20:54] * Eoi smacks Andrew on his head. [20:54] ( Because she only fought her once. ) [20:54] * Shigeru cracks up. [20:54] Not THAT way you pervert. [20:54] [Chelsea finds it] [20:54] You're the one who said it! [20:54] ... [20:54] ( Oh yeah. ) [20:54] * Hikaru snickers. [20:54] You said you can take a passen... screw it. [20:54] No! [20:54] Take him! [20:54] Take Eoi! [20:54] ... [20:54] I wonder if drowing is better then this. [20:54] ( drowning. ) [20:55] * Norii goes looking for Chelsea. [20:55] Death is never better than life. [20:55] Find the controls yet? [20:55] ('Bout how close are we to the ship, Brett?) [20:55] [Eoi throws himself into Andrew's arms] [20:55] Found 'em. Gimme a sec. [20:55] Oh my. [20:55] ... [20:55] .... not if Calvin is there... [20:55] Eager, aren't you? [20:55] * Eoi pushes himself away. [20:55] Norii, do you know how to pilot a boat? [20:55] * Eoi twitches. [20:55] ( Approaching... not to quickly, but visibly. ) [20:56] Not really, but how hard can it be? [20:56] * Andrew bows to Vicki. "Can I offer you a ride to yon ship, miss?" [20:56] * Chelsea chuckles nervously. "All right, then." She attempts to pull the boat up alongside the 'ghost ship' without crashing into it or anything bad like that. [20:56] *** Vicki has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) [20:56] ( ... ) [20:56] [The ship draws nearer. It's... much bigger than your boat] [20:56] (No, Andrew, you cannot.) [20:56] [The controls do not move] [20:56] ( I'd say that's a no. ) [20:56] ... I've got a bad feeling about this. [20:56] ... ... Andrew. What information do you have on ghost sihps? [20:57] * Chelsea blinks, and checks to see if there's some sort of auto-pilot, cruise control, or other control-locking thingmajig on here. [20:57] Is this priestly intuition, normal intuition, or both? [20:57] Nothing more than you know, I'm sure. [20:57] * Hikaru eyes the ship warily. [20:57] [Fortunately, the boat decides to do just what Chelsea attempted on its own.] [20:57] C. [20:57] I've never been on one before. [20:57] * Chelsea lets out a sigh. "Well. Looks like I didn't need to worry." [20:57] ( Chelsea: Everything LOOKS fine ) [20:57] ...how will we get on? [20:57] ( poor Tris, cursed with Dem's connection. ) [20:58] ... I think it wants to take us on board. [20:58] ... Miyu, and whoever else can fly or something similar.. can you lift some folks up there? [20:58] * Shigeru eyes the ship some more. Any identifying marks, Brett? [20:58] [The ship is gigantic, compared to your boat.] [20:58] * Chelsea goes up and looks around for a ladder on the hull of the ghost ship. [20:58] ... they might have anti-air missiles. [20:58] ... [20:59] If they have anti-air missiles, we are screwed anyway. [20:59] ( No ladder. ) [20:59] Hey. Can anybody read that? [20:59] (Well, that's odd.) [20:59] * Norii looks. [20:59] Read what? [20:59] * Eoi looks. [20:59] * Shigeru points at the ghost ship. "Its name." [20:59] * Hikaru looks at what Shigeru's looking at. [20:59] * Andrew takes a look. [20:59] * Chelsea looks and tries to read it. [21:00] ( U.S.S. Kirby ) [21:00] ( U.S.S. King of Fighters. ) [21:00] ( U.S.S Kasumi. ) [21:00] ( FERNANDEZ ) [21:00] ( Isn't U.S.S. an American thing? ) [21:00] ( yeah ) [21:00] ( Yeah. ) [21:00] ( Thought so :P ) [21:00] ( Who's to say it's not America invading? ) [21:00] S.S. Yamto 3. [21:00] Yamato. [21:00] ( Maybe it's lost. :P ) [21:00] *** Vicki has joined #besm [21:01] ... Hmm. [21:01] ( Who's to say indeed? ^_^ ) [21:01] * Andrew bows to Vicki. "Can I offer you a ride to yon ship, miss?" [21:01] *** Daisuke sets mode: +o Vicki [21:01] ( Just in case she didn't see last time. ) [21:01] * Hikaru GLARES at Andrew. [21:01] ...not a very english name... [21:01] * Shigeru nods and sits unceremoniously on the floor, pulling out his laptop and booting up. "Gonna look for floor plans, articles, and whatnot." [21:01] ( she's already gone, I think. ) [21:01] Yamato 3. Hm. [21:01] ... that's probably the best course of action... [21:02] ( Christ, it reminds me of when ctsnet was having router problems. ) [21:02] ... [21:02] * Chelsea glances around, humming to herself and looking for any other discerning marks. [21:03] * Shigeru curses and shuts off his computer. [21:03] God damnit! [21:03] Huh? [21:03] ...eh? [21:03] Didn't find anything? [21:03] His internet access isn't working. [21:03] ( There's a few numbers here and there, but what they're for is beyond you people. ) [21:03] I didn't know the military's security... No, they were going to trace me. [21:03] ... [21:03] Eep. [21:03] Ah. That wouldn't be good. [21:03] * Shigeru stuffs the laptop into its case and mutters a few more curses under his breath. [21:04] *** Vicki has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) [21:04] ( @_@ ) [21:04] Military experimentation with paranormals? [21:04] ( Poor Tris. ) [21:04] ( No kidding. ) [21:04] Jeez. [21:04] Eh. We don't know anything yet. [21:04] ( If this keeps up, Hikaru and Andrew won't have anybody to fight over. ) [21:05] Hell if I know. I'm not going to try that again unless I have more time. Another screw up and they'll probably figure out who I am, if they haven't already. [21:05] (Heh.) [21:06] * Chelsea frowns. "So we have no idea what we're getting into, and we might not even be able to get into it at all." She shrugs. "Another day in the life. [21:06] This bodes. Poorly. [21:07] ( Are we alongside, yet? ) [21:07] It sure does. [21:07] I could just fly up if I wasn't stuck in here. [21:07] * Shigeru continues frowning, then stands. "Well, that's the way it goes. No more ideas here." [21:07] ... so, the government's been experimenting on paranormals all this time... [21:07] ( You've been alongside it. ) [21:07] ( You're just floating there at the same rate, staring at it :P ) [21:07] Beats me, Miyu. [21:07] I would have found out, but... [21:07] * Shigeru shrugs helplessly. "We ready?" [21:07] ... So, shall we try to get up? Or what? [21:07] Not necessarily, little one. [21:07] I guess. [21:07] Don't be so distrustful of the government. [21:08] ( We need a sneaking suit, a pack of cigarettes and a scope. ) [21:08] They've been covering up the alien landings... [21:08] Shigeru-san, could you look the boat up in the news, maybe? Maybe there was an accident or something? [21:08] ( Then, our problems are solved. ((_^ ) [21:08] ( But not a gun. :P ) [21:08] ( Eoi: We'd need a cardboard box too ) [21:08] ( Eoi can strangle someone and take their gun. ^_^ ) [21:08] ( Nah. We find the cardboard box on the ship. ) [21:08] * Shigeru shakes his head. "Already did a search on public stuff." [21:08] ... so, shall we board it now? [21:08] ( Damn straight I can! Oh, except for the gun taking part. I can't do that, I have to find it in a box. ) [21:09] Start easy, work your way down. Didn't find a thing. [21:09] ( Oh, right. Of course. ) [21:09] *** RDMgryphon has joined #besm [21:09] ... Hey, imagine if this is a ship of zombies with guns. Wouldn't that be fun?. [21:09] Ew! Zombies are gross! [21:09] Yeah, it would. [21:10] I'm assuming you're being sarcastic, Eoi. [21:10] ...strange kind of fun. [21:10] Zombies with guns. Right. Mind if I hide behind the rest of you? [21:10] Go right ahead, Shig. They'll prolly strike from behing anyway. ::grins:: [21:11] Eh. [21:11] [The two boats float side by side] [21:11] * Miyu starts to float slightly above the deck... [21:11] * Norii pulls out the pistol and chambers a round. [21:11] [Time: 9:00 pm] [21:11] ............... [21:11] * Shigeru snickers. "Don't jynx me. Let's board this thing already." [21:11] Let's do this. [21:11] So, would somebody like a ride? [21:11] * Chelsea chuckles. [21:11] I need a ride. This is not meant in an obscene way. [21:11] Suuuuure it's not. [21:11] ( Can people easily jump over to the other boat? ) [21:11] ... [21:12] Of course not! [21:12] C'mere, Eoi. [21:12] * Hikaru looks up. "I'm pretty sure I can't jump that high." [21:12] [Eoi bounds over to Andrew] [21:12] ... [21:12] ( Hikaru is probably right :P ) [21:12] * Andrew picks Eoi up in his arms. [21:12] Can we PLEASE find the vampire we need to find after we save the Smorfys? [21:12] Comfortable? [21:12] * Miyu floats into the air, and flies over the ghost ship, ready to lay down cover fire if needed [21:12] ( How high are you going, Miyu? ) [21:12] ... [21:12] *** Jet is now known as Zereth [21:12] How much does your ferry service cost, Andew? [21:12] ( Fairly low, but out of reach of melee ) [21:13] Cost? Nothing at all, fair maiden. [21:13] [Eoi sighs happily] [21:13] The way things are going, you'll have to make multiple trips. If you don't mind, of course. [21:13] * Andrew crouches and jumps for the deck of the ship. [21:13] ( /me is a cruel person :P ) [21:13] (We already figured that out. ;P) [21:13] * Hikaru blinks as he watches Andrew's leap. [21:13] * Chelsea chuckles. "Right, right. Go ahead and take me up there next, mmkay?" [21:14] [Andrew juuuuust manages to make it] [21:14] * Miyu blinks. [21:14] * Andrew sets Eoi down. [21:14] See if you can find something up there to lower down to us! [21:14] ... Gah. [21:14] Piece of cake. [21:14] * Andrew hops back down to the boat. [21:14] * Eoi looks around. [21:15] * Andrew holds his arms out for Chelsea. [21:15] [You're towards the front of the ship, sort of, standing between a big wall and the railing.] [21:15] I could demand a kiss, if you really want to pay for passage... [21:15] * Andrew winks. [21:15] [Eoi finds a conveniently placed rope] [21:15] ... [21:15] *** Callimovie is now known as Calli [21:15] I'll kiss you anytime! [21:15] * Eoi throws the rope over the side. [21:15] ... [21:15] You try it and I jump overboard Kimiko. [21:15] So? I can fly. [21:16] * Chelsea chuckles and walks over to Andrew. "Sorry. Just get me up there, okay?" [21:16] ... Oh wait. [21:16] ( I hope that rope was secured to something. :P ) [21:16] Damn [21:16] * Shigeru eyes the rope skeptically. "I never was good at gym class." [21:16] * Andrew picks Chelsea up and leaps for the deck again. [21:16] [Fortunately, the rope was already tied to something] [21:16] * Hikaru grabs the rope and attempts to climb up. [21:16] ( Yes, fortunate that. ) [21:16] ( How clean does the ship look, anyway? ) [21:17] ( ... ) [21:17] ( Does it look like a new one, or is there mold and decay all over? ) [21:17] ...anything better than that up there? [21:17] Like a ladder? [21:17] ( It looks servicable ) [21:17] I guess I could try lifting you... [21:17] [Hikaru makes it] [21:18] * Eoi looks around the deck. [21:18] Thank you, Eoi-san. [21:18] * Andrew sets Chelsea down on the deck. [21:18] * Chelsea looks around. (Doors, deck guns, zombies waiting to eat our neighbors?) [21:18] ...I don't think I'll be able to climb that. [21:18] ( How many people left on the small ship? ) [21:18] * Andrew jumps back down. [21:18] Thanks for the lift, A. [21:18] Me neither. Which means we'll probably have to take the And- yup, here he is. [21:18] You could always take the Andrew express. [21:18] * Hikaru looks around too. [21:19] I suppose. [21:19] * Norii hops into his arms. [21:19] Comfortable? [21:19] * Eoi stops and listens. [21:19] ( Is anyone left on the small ship? ) [21:19] (I am. :P) [21:19] *** Charles has quit IRC (Quit: ) [21:19] ( Funny, I'd expect that Norii would look forward to getting a ride from Andrew. :P ) [21:19] * Miyu flies down to Shigeru. [21:19] * Shigeru waves up at Miyu. [21:19] ( Norii thinks it's a dangerous way to fly. ) [21:20] ... you've been my biggest supporter after what happened to Calvin... [21:20] * Miyu floats down to Shigeru. [21:20] * Andrew jumps for the deck and lands safely. [21:20] ( Man. You people talk fast @_@ ) [21:20] * Andrew looks down at Norii. [21:20] * Miyu waits for Shiggy. [21:20] See? No problem. [21:20] * Shigeru blinks at Miyu. "Death sucks. There's nothing wrong with mourning." [21:20] * Andrew grins. [21:20] ... none of the others seem to care. [21:20] * Eoi makes shushing noises at everyone. [21:20] ( Hey! Eoi cared. ((_; ) [21:21] * Miyu extends a grabby thing whatever. [21:21] Except Eoi [21:21] * Andrew sets Norii on her feet. [21:21] * Eoi listens. [21:21] * Hikaru stops. [21:21] * Norii stands and looks around. [21:21] * Miyu WAITS for SHIGGY to GET ON. [21:21] * Shigeru glances up at Eoi, then thinks to Miyu, ~We all care. Just because the others might not show it doesn't mean they don't.~ [21:21] * Shigeru gets on the grabby thing whatever? [21:21] * Miyu flies! Whee! THere's nothing below Shigeru but Miyu! [21:22] * Miyu flies onto the large ship [21:22] Thanks, Miyu. [21:22] * Shigeru grins at Miyu. "Thanks." [21:22] * Miyu nods... [21:22] ... [21:23] * Miyu looks around the ship's deck [21:23] ( Everyone how ) [21:23] ( ... ) [21:23] ( Vicki will stay and watch over the boat. ) [21:23] ( So do we see anything, already?" ) [21:23] ( Everyone who's looking, into #IHearYou, unless you're all doing it. ) [21:23] * Shigeru steps onto the deck, gives the area a cursory glance, then lets his eyes unfocus. [21:23] (We're all doing it. Everyone's on the ship now, I think. ^^;) [21:23] ( In which case, I'll just do it here. ) [21:23] ( Oh ) [21:23] ( Just do it here. ) [21:24] * Miyu blinks, then takes something out. [21:24] Eoi? [21:24] HOw'd I get your Kirby plushie? [21:24] *** Chelsea has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer ) [21:25] * Hikaru glances back in the direction of the boat and sighs a bit. [21:25] [At the center of the deck (where this wall comes to a corner), the MC (Eoi and Hikaru in particular, being the first ones there) spies something] [21:25] ( christ on a crutch. ) [21:25] *** Chelsea has joined #besm [21:25] ( ... ) [21:25] (Oh, that was delightful.) [21:25] * Miyu blinks, then looks carefully [21:25] (IRC crashed. Can someone /msg me the last few lines?) [21:25] * Norii peeeeeeeeers ----------> at it. [21:26] * Andrew lets the others investigate. [21:26] * Chelsea looks at the thing that was noticed. [21:27] * Miyu looks at the thing.... [21:27] [They spy two 8-foot tall steel boxes with doors and small glass windows. Next to the boxes are three humans dressed in militaristic cloths, and holding rifles. One stands attentively, while the other two are standing, weapons pointed, at a figure lying on the ground. You also notice...] [21:27] *** Kirby is now known as WhiteHairedBishonen [21:27] *** TrueKirbyOfJustice is now known as HorseHeadedGuy [21:27] [... A familiar face] [21:27] * Miyu blinks [21:28] (o_O) [21:28] Well, that's an unusual sight. [21:28] * Shigeru blinks at the congregation. [21:28] ( Is that guy the one lying on the ground? ) [21:28] ... [21:28] ... don't want to hear excuses. [21:28] Who is that? [21:28] ( No ) [21:28] ( In fact... ) [21:28] (It's HorseHead and Sephiroth! *smacks self for even saying that*) [21:28] Oh, great. [21:28] [The one on the ground is Kaira] [21:28] *** Kaira has joined #besm [21:28] * Chelsea frowns. [21:28] * Shigeru puts a finger to his lips. [21:28] ... [21:29] * Shigeru stares. [21:29] * Miyu blinks. [21:29] ... [21:29] .... [21:29] ( Oi. Too many windows @_@ ) [21:29] * Eoi signs. [21:29] ( Heh. ) [21:29] ... [21:29] *** Daisuke sets mode: +o Kaira [21:29] Are the S-types ready or not? [21:29] * Andrew signs, [21:29] ... [21:29] [21:29] * Chelsea signs , and draws a throwing knife. [21:30] * Shigeru just concentrates on the group, especially Kaira, grabbing every scrap of information he can from them. Sensory, thoughts, emotions, whatnot. [21:30] * Norii signs. [21:30] * Andrew signs, [21:30] * HorseHeadedGuy shrugs, speaking in his obvious English accent. "'Ey, I'm no expert. The brain people say they're ready." [21:31] ... [21:31] * WhiteHairedBishonen is a rather handsome looking... well, bishonen, dressed in a black trench coat. He has no visible weapons. [21:31] * HorseHeadedGuy looks like he did in the other session. :P [21:31] ( Sephiroth! Damn you! ) [21:32] * WhiteHairedBishonen turns around. "I'm getting sick of the screw ups. I'm not paying you people for failures." [21:32] ( Nope. Hair's too short. ) [21:32] [21:32] (Oh. Then it must be Exoth. Should've known he'd be behind something evil anyway.) [21:33] ( Who? ) [21:33] * Chelsea turns and signs to Shig, [21:34] ( Never you mind. ^_^ ) [21:34] * Miyu listens a bit longer, trying to get as muhc info as she can... [21:34] * Hikaru looks around for a place to hide. [21:35] * Shigeru blinks once, then glances at Chelsea and signs, [21:35] * Chelsea nods. [21:35] * HorseHeadedGuy grumbles. "It's bloody well not my problem. The S-types are the scientists' creations, not mine." [21:35] ( ... ) [21:36] Go yell at them. I've got a bloody job to do. [21:36] * Shigeru signs, [21:36] * Miyu signs [21:36] [21:36] * WhiteHairedBishonen sighs. "All I'm saying is that if these S-types are finished, they better be... finished." [21:36] * Shigeru signs, [21:37] [21:37] [21:37] I don't want another Nakatomi incident. I can only cover these up so many times. [21:37] <... maybe even creating these guys > [21:37] [21:37] * Hikaru is too busy alternating between glaring at the horsehead and looking for a hiding place. [21:37] Roight, well, whateveh. [21:37] ( Is there cover? ) [21:37] * Shigeru nods and just thinks to the group this time. ~So do I. They're wrapping up.~ [21:37] ( Anywhere I can hide? ) [21:38] * HorseHeadedGuy turns towards Kaira. "What about this one?" [21:38] * Shigeru sucks in a breath and watches carefully. [21:38] ( Not really. You can back behind the wall. ) [21:38] ( That's about it. ) [21:38] * Chelsea licks her lips. [21:38] * Hikaru backs behind the wall, then. [21:39] * Norii does too. [21:39] If you're done with 'er, it's been a whoile since my last meal. Some ruffians kept me from eating that one. [21:39] <...> [21:39] ( I thought he only ate kids... ) [21:39] (..... wait a sec. ) [21:39] * WhiteHairedBishonen grins, and walks over to Kaira. "No, let's let her live." [21:39] ( He only goes after kids. ) [21:39] ( How the HELL does someone sign an ellipse? @_@ ) [21:39] ( how do you sign "..." ) [21:39] ( Very carefuly. ) [21:39] * Shigeru shifts his attention from Horsey to Bishounen. [21:40] < So Kaira's an S-Type? > [21:40] * Kimiko stomps down on Kaira's stomach, hard. "Let's let her see what it's like to have her race obliterated." [21:40] ( ... ) [21:40] * WhiteHairedBishonen does that X.x [21:40] * Andrew raises his voice. "Hey now, that's right about where I draw the line. Leave the lady alone." [21:40] ... [21:40] ... [21:40] Son of a... [21:40] * Andrew walks forward. [21:40] * Miyu rises, and floats. [21:40] ...idiot. [21:41] [Andrew gets the attention of everyone.] [21:41] * Eoi sighs and gets into an offensive stance. [21:41] Oh, shit. [21:41] * Shigeru hisses as he watches Andrew walk forward. [21:41] I don't know what you guys are trying... [21:41] [The soldiers point their weapons at him instantly.] [21:41] * Norii steps out with her pistol drawn but not raised. [21:41] ...oh, fuck me like a goat. [21:41] What the bloody...?! Not you again. [21:41] I'd rather not. [21:41] * Eoi pushes up against the wall, trying not to be noticed. [21:41] * WhiteHairedBishonen looks calmly at Andrew. "And what's this now?" [21:41] * Hikaru attempts to remain hidden. [21:41] * Miyu gets ready to shield everyone if needed... [21:41] ( I wan Kaira's reaction, not the horseman's! ) [21:42] I said leave the lady alone. [21:42] * Andrew continues advancing. [21:42] * Kaira does not seem to be able to react very well. [21:42] * Chelsea sighs, and signs [21:42] 'E's the bloody bahstahrd that kept me from my meal. [21:42] * HorseHeadedGuy draws his uzi. [21:42] 'E'll pay for that. [21:42] * Miyu shields everyone. [21:42] * Shigeru shrugs. ~So far as that goes,~ he thinks to the group. ~Watch it, Andrew.~ [21:42] So, a hero, eh? [21:43] Some people call me that. [21:43] ... [21:43] Mostly I just do my duty. Nothing heroic about that. [21:43] * WhiteHairedBishonen grins, and kicks Kaira again. "Hear that? You're in luck. We have someone else to test the S-types on instead." [21:43] * Eoi sighs. [21:43] What the hell is an S-type? [21:43] Wonderful. We are so fucking screwed. [21:43] * Chelsea draws her sword and dagger, making a gesture with the latter. [21:43] [The doors to the steel boxes slowly open.] [21:44] [And out steps... Shigeru. Two of them.] [21:44] ................ what... [21:44] ... [21:44] * Shigeru stares. [21:44] * Hikaru boggles. [21:44] * Miyu blinks. [21:44] Well now, that's a sight I didn't expect to see. [21:44] ................... [21:44] ... [21:44] Oh, fuck. [21:44] Oh SHIT. [21:44] ...oh. "S"-types. [21:44] Indeed. [21:44] Shiggyman. [21:44] * Eoi 's eyes open wide in understanding. [21:44] What the fuck is this? What... oh, hell. [21:44] ( Hair made of carrots? ) [21:44] ( combat time. Lemme roll init. ) [21:44] The Shiggyman. The Smorfy boogieman. [21:44] I.. SHIT! [21:44] What are the odds that they're blind? [21:44] * Shigeru starts shaking like a leaf as he stares at his doubles. [21:45] Bad. [21:45] ( Dude, shades of Viki, here. ^_^ ) [21:45] ( Don't talk too much. I'll have to scroll over it again X.x ) [21:45] Oh shit. We are dead if they have Shiggy's powers.. [21:45] ( Er, Vivi, I mean. ) [21:45] ( afk 45 sec ) [21:45] * Hikaru continues to stare. [21:45] ... we've got to take these guys down, FAST. [21:46] * Chelsea licks her lips, and whispers to Shigeru. "Keep your head down, Shig. Please." [21:46] ( Gah. This isn't going to work @_@ ) [21:46] ( Ok, everyone roll their own initiative. ) [21:46] * Shigeru continues staring at them. His mouth moves, but no sound comes out. [21:46] ( Hard, isn't it, brett? ) [21:47] d6+8 [21:47] ( Yes @_@ ) [21:47] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Andrew (d6+8) and gets 10. [21:47] d6+6 [21:47] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Shigeru (d6+6) and gets 8. [21:47] d6+8 [21:47] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Hikaru (d6+8) and gets 13. [21:47] d6+7 [21:47] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Chelsea (d6+7) and gets 11. [21:47] d6+7 [21:47] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Eoi (d6+7) and gets 13. [21:47] d6+6 [21:47] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Miyu (d6+6) and gets 7. [21:47] ( You see now what I go through in SMF^2? ) [21:47] d6+7 [21:47] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Norii (d6+7) and gets 11. [21:50] *** Norii has quit IRC (Quit: Sign up for Steam Phoenix! ) [21:50] *** Ked has joined #besm [21:50] (Um... wrong button? :P) [21:50] ( This is going to be one hell of a battle @_@ ) [21:50] *** Ked is now known as Norii [21:50] Not sure, seemed like mIRC stopped working. [21:50] (Gee, y'think?) [21:50] ( This is going to be insane. ) [21:51] ( And I can't believe that Shigeru is really Vivi. ^_^;;; ) [21:51] (My brain is crumbling from the magnitude already.) [21:51] *** Sidhe has quit IRC (Read error: Broken pipe ) [21:51] (Hey! I'll have you know that he'll probably live longer than Vivi was projected to! ... Maybe. If he gets through this.) [21:51] ( did I miss anything? the last I saw was my init roll ) [21:51] (That was the last there was.) [21:52] ( Well, I've reviewed the mental combat rules. ) [21:53] [Ok... WhiteHairedGuy, Hikaru, Eoi, FakeShig1, Horsey, Chelsea, Norii, FakeShig2, Guard1, Andrew, Shigeru, Guard2, Miyu, Guard3] [21:53] ( Oh God @_@ ) [21:53] ( Holy crap. ) [21:53] ( Dear sweet Jesus. ) [21:53] (Oh hell.) [21:53] [Bishonaman's turn] [21:53] ( Poor Brett. ) [21:53] (Oh, dear.) [21:53] ( ... Poor US. ) [21:53] (... well, damn. -_- ) [21:53] (We're all dead! ^_^) [21:53] ( don't you think this is a little more than *we* can handle? ) [21:53] ( No. ) [21:53] ( We'll survive. ) [21:54] ( Wasn't expecting you to walk into it @_@ ) [21:54] ( But you can beat them, probably. ) [21:54] ( Whew. x.x ) [21:54] (I think we will too, Andy, I was saying that with the utmost cheerfulness. ;P) [21:54] ( Uh, didn't Andrew get the same init as Hikaru did? ) [21:54] ( Brett: Well, what else was there to do? @_@ ) [21:54] ( Dammit, ND. ) [21:54] ( What? ) [21:54] ( No, he got 10 ) [21:54] ( Hikaru got 13 ) [21:54] ( Watch and wait. But Andrew had to give us away. ^_^ ) [21:55] ( Andrew did that. Not me. I think it's against his religion to let that happen to a woman. ) [21:55] * WhiteHairedBishonen folds his arms and smiles. "Alright, wound him, but don't kill him. I want to make sure the S-types work properly." [21:55] ( Oh, do me a favor. ) [21:55] ( Sure, but you keep rping these characters with no tactical sense... ) [21:55] ( If it's not your turn, don't speak IC. This is hard enough as it is. ) [21:56] [Hikaru's turn] [21:56] (Aye aye.) [21:56] ( some things are secondary to tactics. ) [21:56] * Hikaru jumps out from cover and tosses a volley of energy claws at the first clone. [21:57] ( The white haired bishonen is really Kuja, in Sephiroth's clothes. ) [21:57] ( heh ) [21:57] ( /me misses all the FF9 jokes! ) [21:58] ( I bought FF9 a month ago, but haven't started it yet. ^^; ) [21:58] [Hikaru catches the clone by surprise, hitting him dead on. He staggers back, but still appears capable] [21:59] ( can I shout out things like "Great job"? ) [21:59] ( No ) [21:59] ( I'm waiting for them to put it in the Greatest Hits category. ^_^; ) [21:59] [Eoi's turn] [22:00] * Eoi rushes for a shiggy clone and slashes at it's head. [22:00] ( Dangit, aim for the same one I did! ) [22:00] (Gotta be kinda creepy, fighting Shigeru. @_@) [22:00] ( Be nice, he doesn't have a ranged weapon. ) [22:00] * Eoi is aiming for the same was as Hikaru [22:01] [Eoi slashes just as Hikaru attacked. Unfortunately, since the clone was knocked back from the attack, Eoi misses] [22:01] [FakeShig1's turn] [22:01] [The clone looks at Eoi, and he feels something prying into his mind] [22:02] (Nice knowing you, Eoi.) [22:02] ( I'm dead. ) [22:02] ( Dammit. ) [22:02] ( Gweh. x.x ) [22:02] (Calm down.) [22:02] ( No you're not. ) [22:02] [Umm.... Horsey's turn] [22:03] ( Unless Brett is operating under house rules, each round of mental combat takes the same amount of time as a normal round. ) [22:03] Bloody 'ell! Shoulda known the rest of them were 'ere. [22:03] ( I'm hoping the FakeShigs have to concentrate to attack, and can't defend... ) [22:03] * HorseHeadedGuy fires at Andrew. [22:04] ( That's a general stipulation of mental combat, Dem. If you're mentally attacking, you can't defend physically. ) [22:04] ( Does Andrew know how to dodge? ) [22:04] ( Nope. ) [22:04] (*laughs*) [22:04] ( Didn't think so. ) [22:04] ( Stupid family. ) [22:04] (*chuckles*) [22:05] ( Don't suppose he cash rush and counter-attach the guy? ) [22:05] ( Who's for taking out Andrew so he can't breed? :P ) [22:05] ( Unfortunately, Brett won't let me do that. ) [22:05] ( Oh ) [22:05] [Two bullets rip into Andrew's flesh] [22:05] ( Well, you've got Miyu's siheld, at least. ^_^; ) [22:06] (... wow. Those are some high damage bullets ) [22:06] ( He does? [22:06] ( Miyu threw up the shield before the S-Types were released ) [22:06] ( You haven't activated it yet. ) [22:06] (.... oh. ) [22:06] ( Chel's turn, was it? ) [22:07] ( It should be Chel's, yes. ) [22:07] ( huh? How can he put it up but not activate it? ) [22:07] [Chelsea's turn] [22:07] ( I'm not quite sure ) [22:07] (How far am I from Mr. Horsey?) [22:07] ( But she put it up before combat. ) [22:07] ( Relax, guys. ) [22:07] ( THat's what I thought too... x.x ) [22:07] (Guys, just let it drop. She'll put it up on her turn.) [22:07] (You're up, Chel.) [22:07] ( It happened when I was busy with so many things that I couldn't even see what was going on. ) [22:07] (Again. How far am I from Mr. Horsey? ^^;) [22:08] ( Not terribly. You can theoretically run up and hit him in the same turn ) [22:08] ( You might wanna address the Shig clones first. @_@ ) [22:08] ( Chelsea does *not* want to attack anything Shig-like, thank you. :P ) [22:08] (They look like *Shigeru*. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be too comfortable attacking someone that looks like my friend.) [22:08] ( the... guy with the uzi seems more threatening, frankly ) [22:09] ( True. ) [22:09] * Chelsea dashes up the the horse-faced fellow and attempts to poke him in the eye with her sword. [22:09] ( Hikaru is working under the assumption that these things can fry brains just like Shig can, so he wants them down first. ) [22:09] ( No! Not the eyes! ) [22:10] ( /me starts having flashbacks. ) [22:10] ( Yeah, that's what I'm guessing. MIyu doesn't know that, though. But she's guessing that if they're in steel boxes, they're probably pretty damn dangerous ) [22:10] ( Go fer the eyes, Boo! ) [22:10] 2d6-4 [22:10] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Chelsea (2d6-4) and gets 5. [22:10] ( I already made the roll, Chel. ) [22:10] (Brett's doing the rolling this time, Yu. ^^;) [22:10] (...eh?) [22:10] ( I thought Brett was... yeah ) [22:10] (Oh. ^^;;;;) [22:10] ( -4 on a called shot?!?! ) [22:10] ( You weren't here for that :P ) [22:11] ( Norii: It's called Kensei. ) [22:11] ( I'm doing the rolls myself this time to see if it works any better. ) [22:11] (Precice Stroke, Norii.) [22:11] ( even so... wow. ) [22:11] ( /me hopes that Norii can blast a hole in horsey's head again. That was sweet. ) [22:11] ( Heh. ) [22:11] ( Let's hope it happens! ) [22:12] * HorseHeadedGuy ducks under the blow, kicking Chelsea as he rises. The kick knocks her to the ground. [22:12] * Chelsea curses. [22:12] [Norii's turn] [22:13] ( Eoi! Save Eoi! ) [22:13] * Norii draw's a bead on the Shig that's zotting Eoi. [22:13] *blam* [22:13] ( Poor shig ) [22:13] (x.x) [22:14] [Norii's bullet opens a large wound in Shiggy (the fake one :P). He falls to one knee, but seems intent on finishing his work.] [22:15] (... well, damn. It didn't break his concentration ) [22:15] [Shig2's turn] [22:16] [Other Shig clone goes after the nearest target, which happens to be Chelsea. She can feel him prying into her skull.] [22:16] [Guard1's turn] [22:17] [The guard takes a bead on Hikaru, and fires. The bullet pings on the wall behind him.] [22:18] [Andy's turn] [22:18] ( Yay for mooks! Or semi-mooks! ) [22:18] ( Semi indeed :P ) [22:18] ( These mooks are capable of making you say ouchie if they actually DO hit. ) [22:19] * Andrew leaps into the air, pulling his broadsword seemingly from nowhere, and decends on Horseman in a vicious falling slash. [22:19] ( Ah ) [22:19] Fort school Falling Angel Strike! [22:19] ( Go! Go! Go! ) [22:20] ( When it comes to my turn, do you guys want the shield, or to blast the Shiggy? [22:20] ( Yes. ) [22:20] [The attack cuts a nasty gash in horsey's shoulder, and he staggers back with a "Bloody, bloody... BLOODY 'ell!"] [22:20] ( not fair asking us ) [22:20] ( Yes! No! Wait, what was the question? ) [22:20] ( Do you want me to shield you from bullets, or speed up the destruction of Shiggy Clone 1? [22:21] ( And that's not really a proper question to ask OOC. ) [22:21] [Shiggy's turn] [22:21] ( And if anybody comments about a certain red haired ruroni as regards the falling angel strike, I'm gonna scream. ) [22:21] ( Sorry ) [22:21] ( Indeed. ) [22:22] * Shigeru continues staring at his doubles, ghostly pale and trembling. "Weapons. I- I-" His eyes flicker, but they stay the same violet color they were before. [22:22] (Fear my inaction. Next!) [22:22] ( Y'know, I wasn't picturing that UNTIL you brought it up. :P ) [22:22] ( Why do you think I brought it up? ) [22:22] [Guard2's turn] [22:22] ( Has Shig ever done ANYTHING in combat? ^_^; ) [22:22] (*grins*) [22:23] ( He telepathically berates our opponents! ) [22:23] [The guard sees Andrew's flashy, devastating move, and decides that he needs to go down quick.] [22:23] ( ... ) [22:23] (Sh, Hikaru, you're supposed to keep that sekrit.) [22:23] [Aaaand.... Andrew goes down quick.] [22:23] ( He's dead. ) [22:23] ( @_@ ) [22:23] ( You are a bad man! A very bad man! ) [22:23] (...) [22:23] (............... ) [22:23] (...) [22:23] ( ... ) [22:23] (.......... ) [22:24] ( You must be joking. ) [22:24] ( Damn pseudo-mooks. ) [22:24] ( This was a joke? Yes? ) [22:24] (.......... maybe if Kaira can heal him in time or something... ) [22:24] ( I certainly hope that was a crit. ) [22:24] [Miyu's turn] [22:24] ( It was. ) [22:24] (Uhm, maybe if the GM will be so kind as to fudge... n/m.) [22:24] ( He's dead? ) [22:24] ( ...no. ) [22:24] * Miyu fires a ball of energy at Shigclone1 [22:24] ( And Kaira's hands are tied to her feet. ) [22:24] ( NO fudging. ) [22:24] ( She's not likely to be helping anyone any time soon :P ) [22:24] ( Yu: You're about the only one here that fudges. ^^; ) [22:25] ( I meant if we free her ) [22:25] ( Looks like it's time to make a new character. ) [22:25] ( Is not. I fudge like crazy. ) [22:25] ( I would fudge, but discreetly. ) [22:25] ( Well. Yay me. :P ) [22:25] ( Fudging is an important GMing skill. ^_^ ) [22:25] ( I really, really hope that Andrew can be healed or something. x.x ) [22:25] [Miyu's blast tears a hole through the clone. Poor Shig] [22:26] [Guard3's turn] [22:26] ( Kaaameeehaaa...meHA! ) [22:26] [The guard aims at Miyu, for throwing such a powerful blast] [22:26] [Miyu, however, manages to hope out of the way in time.] [22:27] [Bishonen's turn] [22:27] ... Worthless. These S-Types aren't any better. [22:27] * WhiteHairedBishonen sees Eoi is unoccupied, and charges over, throwing a spinning kick at his back. [22:28] ( Crit miss! Crit miss! ) [22:28] [Eoi manages to turn in time to block the first kick, but is surprised when the bishonen quickly uses his momentum to spin around, connecting with a second kick.] [22:29] ( ... ) [22:29] (.... ) [22:29] [Hikaru's turn] [22:30] * Hikaru sees Andrew go down, and tosses more claws at the lucky guard #2. [22:31] [Hikaru's shining moment comes, and the claws rip through the poor guard.] [22:31] [Eoi's turn] [22:31] ( Hey, elf-boy is having a good night fo a change! ) [22:31] ( A bit late, though. ) [22:31] ( ^_^_v ) [22:31] ( Go for Shig2, Eoi! ) [22:32] * Eoi rushes at Bishiboy and aims for his head. [22:32] (...... geez. I REALLY hope there's a way to save Andrew. 3 character deaths within 3 sessions is a bit... extreme ) [22:32] ( 2.5 ) [22:33] * WhiteHairedBishonen grabs the naginata handle as Eoi swings it, halting it. As Eoi stand's stunned, the man lands a kick to his side.] [22:33] ( .... ) [22:34] ( I hatehatehate counterattacks. ;_; ) [22:34] [Horsey's turn] [22:34] ( ... ) [22:34] ( This is getting annoying. ) [22:34] ( How the hell does he keep getting crit-suc? ) [22:34] ( Atom: Same way the TSoaC enemies keep getting crits ) [22:34] ( It wasn't a crit success. He has a level of extra attacks and a counter-attack. ) [22:35] ( ...and "you should be able to take them"? ) [22:35] ( And we're supposed to be able to beat all these bastards? ) [22:35] * HorseHeadedGuy curses and pulls out a radio. "Oi, start the bloody chopper. We're under heavy attack 'ere." [22:35] ( That's what I was wondering. -_- ) [22:35] ( Should be, yes. ) [22:36] ( Well, I'm sorry, but we can't take these guys. x.x ) [22:36] [Chelsea's turn] [22:36] ( It's hardly hopeless, Dem ) [22:36] * HorseHeadedGuy is backing off a bit. [22:36] * Chelsea waves her dagger in the direction of the bishounen. "My magic attack." [22:36] ( It feels hopeless to me. These past few sessions have been completely devoid of hope. ) [22:37] (Stop it, Dem. Complain later, if you have to.) [22:37] [The attack fails to hit the man.] [22:37] ( Indeed. ) [22:37] ( I thought you LIKED Miyuki's ending. ) [22:37] ( Fine... ) [22:37] [Norii's turn] [22:38] ( I'll address that later... ) [22:38] ( Who's up? ) [22:38] (You are!) [22:38] ( You ) [22:38] ( I mean still standing? ) [22:38] (All but Andrew.) [22:38] ( Guard 1, bishounen, Shig2, Guard 3 ) [22:38] ( And horse head ) [22:38] ( Horsey's still up. ) [22:38] ( is that accurate, Brett? ) [22:38] ( Yeah. ) [22:39] ( One sec. ) [22:39] [You can hear a helicopter starting up on the other side of the boat. [22:39] ] [22:39] * Norii aims for Horsehead's head. [22:40] * Norii shoots! (Norii scores!) [22:40] [Norii's attack oh so narrowly misses.] [22:40] ( Dang. Wanted to try to get rid of him permanently. ) [22:41] [The "Other" Shig's turn] [22:41] ( You may yet. ) [22:41] ( sounds like he's running away. ) [22:41] ( again ) [22:41] ( Yeah, but you still might :P ) [22:41] [The other Shig continues pressing at Chelsea's Brains.] [22:42] [Guard1's turn] [22:42] [The guard fires at... Miyu] [22:43] [He succeeds in grazing her side] [22:43] Gh... [22:44] [Shiggy's turn] [22:45] * Shigeru looks down at Andrew and shudders, then glances at the other Shigeru, then brings his gaze up to the bishounen. His face goes expressionless. "You. You're behind all this," he says quietly as his eyes darken. [22:45] (And once again, he manages not to have an action.) [22:45] [Miyu's turn] [22:46] * Miyu fires off a shot at Shig2! Yay! [22:46] ( Ought to buy that boy a gun. ) [22:46] (He wouldn't know how to aim with one. :P) [22:46] [Miyu's shot collides with the FakeShig] [22:47] [He's still standing, though] [22:47] * Norii could... teach him! -^_v [22:47] ( ) [22:47] (Hee. ^_^) [22:47] [Guard3's turn] [22:47] [The guard fires at... Chelsea] [22:48] [He pathetically misses] [22:48] ( /me loves his inappropriate playlist of the moment. All Sailor Moon music. ^_^ ) [22:49] [A helicopter comes over the far end of the ship, a rope ladder hanging from its side. It slows next to the Bishonen long enough for him to grab on.] [22:49] [Hikaru's turn] [22:49] ( Slash the rope ladder! ) [22:49] *** Calculus is on IRC [22:49] * Hikaru tosses claws at guard 1. [22:49] ( Kill Horseface! ) [22:50] [Hikaru's luck apparently runs out, as his claws land in the wall next to the guard.] [22:50] * Hikaru growls. [22:50] ( If that guy escapes... ) [22:50] [Eoi's turn] [22:51] * Eoi rushes at Horceface and slashes at him [22:51] [Eoi's slash connects.] [22:51] ( Woo! Kill Horseass! ) [22:52] ( Norii waves Eoi fans about theatrically. ) [22:52] [Horsey's turn] [22:52] ( Someone rescue Chelsea. x.x ) [22:52] ( ... ) [22:52] ( Quit doing that, Miyu. ) [22:52] ( Barking out orders OOC is not appropriate. ) [22:52] ( Sorry. ) [22:53] * HorseHeadedGuy grabs on to the ladder as the helicopter passes, only to be kicked in the face by the Bishonen. [22:53] ( Yay! ) [22:53] Bloody 'ell! What are you tryin' to do? [22:53] These S-types are worthless. and so are you! [22:54] I'll see you in hell! [22:54] Shoot his ass, HOrseface! [22:54] ( What did I say, Miyu -_-# ) [22:54] (... oh yeah. Only speak on your turn. x.x ) [22:54] * HorseHeadedGuy yells after the chopper as it retreats. "Damn you, Quentin! Get the bloody 'ell back here!" [22:55] [Chelsea's turn] [22:55] *** WhiteHairedBishonen has quit IRC (Quit: ) [22:56] ( is she in mental combat? ) [22:56] ( She can still act. ) [22:56] ( Or she could mentally fight back. ) [22:56] ( Or try to expell the attacker ) [22:56] ( These S-types really are worthless. ) [22:57] ( Not unless they manage to get you alone. ) [22:57] ( 5 ) [22:57] (Gurk. One sec.) [22:57] ( 4 ) [22:57] (Dammit. Who's left?) [22:57] ( Me. ) [22:57] ( ((_^ ) [22:57] ( Horsey, Guard1, Guard3, Shig2 ) [22:58] ( And Eoi ) [22:58] ( Horsey, Guard 1, Guard 3, Shig 2. ) [22:58] ( two guards, one shig, and a horsey in a pear tree. ) [22:58] ( And Kaira :P ) [22:58] * Chelsea aims her spell at one of the guards. [22:59] [By some ungodly miracle, the chosen guard actually manages to not get hit @_@] [22:59] ( ... ) [22:59] (Lucky SOB. _) [22:59] [Norii's turn] [22:59] ( And how :P ) [23:00] * Norii shoots the guard Chel just missed. [23:00] [... You only get lucky once, I guess. The bullet strikes the guard in the shoulder. But he's still up.] [23:00] [Shig2's turn] [23:01] [Shig2 presses his attack on Chelsea.] [23:01] [Guard1's turn] [23:02] ( What about Miyu? ) [23:02] [The guard counter-aims at Norii, missing pathetically] [23:02] ( Miyu's not until before guard3 ) [23:02] ( I come after Shig ) [23:02] ( And G3 ) [23:02] [Shig's turn] [23:02] ( Although Shig's not likely to do anything ) [23:02] ( You're before guard3. He's the last. ) [23:02] ( do something!!! ) [23:02] ( oh. Whoops ) [23:03] ( Dance! :P ) [23:03] ( He rolled real sucky on init. ) [23:03] * Norii make like Michael Jackson and dance them all to death [23:03] ( ) [23:03] ( gah ) [23:04] * Shigeru watches the chopper leave and looks hopelessly lost for a moment, before he turns his attention to horsey. He puts one hand forward, attempting to invade his mind. [23:04] (Mental combat, Brett. Shall I roll?) [23:04] ( I'll do it :P ) [23:04] (Oh, wait. You do that. ^^;;) [23:05] [Miyu's turn] [23:05] * Miyu fires a shot at Shig2. [23:06] [The shot goes wild, and ALMOST hits Chelsea. But doesn't quite] [23:06] [Guard3's turn] [23:06] [The guard takes aim at Miyu, and fires] [23:07] [He successfully scores another hit, too] [23:07] * Miyu winces... [23:07] [Hikaru's turn] [23:08] * Hikaru shifts to Youkai form and grins viciously, before tossing energy claws at Horseass, [23:08] [Hikaru just misses] [23:09] [Eoi's turn] [23:09] ( We don't know if he's a horseass or not, do we? ) [23:09] * Eoi growls and slashes at Horseface's face. [23:10] * HorseHeadedGuy steps back, away from the blow. "Goddamnit!" [23:10] [Horsey's turn] [23:11] * HorseHeadedGuy fires at Eoi. "Fine! I'll bloody well take you all with me!" [23:12] [Eoi manages to dodge most of the spray of bullets, but takes one in the leg] [23:12] GAH! [23:12] [Chelsea's turn] [23:13] (How far am I from OtherShig?) [23:13] ( Right near him ) [23:13] * Chelsea turns, her face marred with strain, and tries to put her sword into FakeShig's head. [23:14] [Chelsea succeeds gracefully] [23:14] ( Wai. Damage summary of FakeShig2? ) [23:14] ( She should take up dancing! ) [23:14] [Norii's turn] [23:14] ( He has a sword in his head. What do you think? ) [23:14] ( Shig2 is down? ) [23:15] ( JUst making sure. Horse head got shot in the head and just said "Ow" that first session with him in it ) [23:15] ( No. He's still standing with a sword in his head. :P ) [23:15] ( He's dead. He's not "down", because he's being held by his head on Chelsea's sword] ) [23:15] (She does dance, actually.) [23:16] * Norii squeezes a round off at Guard1's head. [23:17] [Norii shoots the poor guard. He falls over, unmoving. We shall weep for his wife and children, even though he didn't have any and usually spent his free time drunk in a bar somewhere] [23:17] [Shiggy's turn] [23:17] * Shigeru continues staring at horsey as he presses his attack. [23:19] [Miyu's turn] [23:19] * Miyu dashes at Horsey, preparing a drain punch. [23:20] [Guard3's turn] [23:20] (.... wha? ) [23:20] ( You were a distance off. And flying ) [23:20] ( Oh ) [23:21] [The guard aims at Miyu, intent on stopping her charge] [23:21] [He fails, missing horribly] [23:22] [Hikaru's turn] [23:22] * Hikaru closes with horsehead and tries to rake him with his claws. [23:23] Hikaru succeeds, and horsey staggers back, clutching at the wounds with his free hands. [23:23] [Eoi's turn] [23:24] * Eoi does the same thing he does every round Pinky. [23:25] ( How much does the Taking Over The World skill cost, Brian? ) [23:25] ( Brain? ) [23:25] ( Everything you've got. And you have to take Diminuitive for 3 BP ) [23:25] [Eoi is totally caught off guard by Hikaru when he runs in, and ends up slashing him instead.] [23:25] ( ... ) [23:26] ( Ok. I give up. I can't do anything. ((_- ) [23:26] [Horsey's turn] [23:27] * HorseHeadedGuy pulls out a trigger from his coat. "Sorry, chaps, but there's no way I can let you see what's in this ship!" [23:27] * HorseHeadedGuy pushes the button, and explosions can be heard below. [23:28] ... [23:28] *sigh* [23:28] ... [23:28] [Chelsea's turn] [23:28] ( Look. We can't do anything! ) [23:28] What a pity. [23:28] * Chelsea takes a swipe at horsey. [23:28] ( Atom, if you're going to complain, do it after the session. ) [23:28] ( We'll just have to kill him before we leave, then! ) [23:29] [Chelsea utterly impales the horsehead.] [23:29] ( Argh! ) [23:29] * HorseHeadedGuy coughs up blood and slumps forward it. "Bloody... 'ell..." [23:29] (Who's left standing? ^_^) [23:29] [Norii's turn] [23:30] ( Guard 3 ) [23:30] ( That poor guy you're about to slaughter ) [23:30] ( Or torture info out of ) [23:30] * Norii yells. [23:30] ( He's a GUARD. He doesn't know squat. ) [23:30] Hey! You! Put the gun down and talk, and we won't slaughter you! [23:31] * Norii holds action until she sees what he does. [23:31] [Shig's turn] [23:32] * Shigeru looks down at Horsey with something close to disintrest, then turns to the guard and waits to see what he does. [23:32] (Holding action.) [23:32] *** HorseHeadedGuy has quit IRC (Quit: ) [23:32] [Miyu's turn] [23:32] * Miyu does similarly. [23:32] [Guard's turn] [23:33] [The guard looks like he's considering things carefully, but realizing he's outnumbered and the ship is sinking, he drops his gun and holds his hands up.] [23:34] *** Guard has joined #besm [23:34] .............. [23:34] Untie her. [23:34] * Miyu motions to Kaira. [23:34] *** Daisuke sets mode: +o Guard [23:34] * Guard does so. Very slowly. [23:34] Kaira. Heal Andrew. [23:34] ( Combat over? ) [23:34] ( I'd guess so ) [23:34] [Despite the fact that the ship is sinking...] [23:34] ( Yeah ) [23:34] ( Now, she kills us! ) [23:35] * Hikaru checks to see if Andrew is alive. [23:35] * Kaira looks horribly beaten, and probably didn't even hear Miyu. [23:35] [Andy lives!] [23:35] ( How fast are we sinking? ^^:;; ) [23:35] ... [23:35] ( Yay! ) [23:35] * Hikaru sighs in relief. [23:35] [Fairly slowly. And evenly, too. :P [23:35] ] [23:35] ........... [23:35] * Chelsea wipes her sword off with a handkerchief and reguards Horsehead. "Right sorry 'bout that, boyo." [23:35] ( But it's gonna hit bottom sooner or later. ) [23:35] ... [23:36] * Miyu turns to the Guard. [23:36] ... Ok. We stabbed them until they stopped moving. Can we go now? [23:36] Aynthing important not destroyed that we can easily take with us? [23:36] Hey - we need to get back on our boat... and I need to find a bed. Fast. [23:36] Yeah... [23:36] * Shigeru flicks his gaze from the guard to the rest of the group, then looks over at the dead clones. His eyes go back to their normal color, and he stares. [23:36] ... and everyone start getting on that boat. [23:36] * Miyu motions to the Little Boat [23:37] * Kaira doesn't even look like she can stand. [23:37] Fine with me. [23:37] ... [23:37] * Norii thinks she can manage to slide down the rope. [23:37] ( She's concious, though? ) [23:37] [Nobody sees what Miyu's motioning at, because this ship is so much bigger.] [23:37] ( Barely. ) [23:37] Is...is it alright to move Andrew-san? [23:37] * Miyu motions in the general direction [23:37] * Shigeru shudders and tears his eyes away. "Someone carry Kaira to the boat. Please." [23:37] * Miyu picks up Kaira, then flies down to the boat. [23:37] ... someone bring the Guard along too [23:38] * Chelsea sheathes her weapons and walks over to Shigeru. "You alright, Shig? [23:38] * Norii goes down the rope. She's weak, not clumsy. [23:38] * Guard is uninjured, and can follow without being carried. Yay! [23:38] ...Miyu-san, you're the only one who can get people down to the boat safely. [23:38] .... [23:38] * Miyu helps anyone who needs it get down to the boat. [23:38] * Shigeru opens his mouth, then closes it. "Not... really," he says with effort. "Let's go." [23:38] ... [23:38] * Hikaru gives Andrew to Miyu. [23:38] * Chelsea nods. [23:39] * Eoi sighs and climbs down the rope. Yay. [23:39] * Miyu also take Horsehead's body down to the boat, after Andrew and everyone. [23:39] * Shigeru glances one more time at his doubles, then slides down the rope to the boat. [23:39] Someone search him for anything important [23:39] * Guard follows everyone to the boat, remaining silent. [23:39] * Hikaru climbs down the rope. [23:39] * Chelsea follows down to the boat. [23:39] * Miyu starts to try healing Kaira. [23:40] If I can fall asleep, I can explore that boat, even if it goes down. [23:40] Kaira... are you there...... [23:40] * Shigeru nods slowly. [23:40] ( How badly hurt does Andrew look? ) [23:40] ( Very much so :P ) [23:40] Wha-what do you mean, Norii-san? [23:40] ( Bleeding, and whatnot. ) [23:40] ( DOes he look in danger of dying? ) [23:41] And someone attend to Andrew. [23:41] *** Calculus has left IRC [23:41] ( Maybe, if no medical attention is brought to him soon :P ) [23:41] Stabalize his condition if you can. [23:41] I can like astral project when I'm asleep. [23:41] * Miyu contninutes trying to heal Kaira... [23:41] Shigeru... try to talk to Kaira. [23:41] ( Dammit, Miyu, I'm a Youkai, not a doctor. ) [23:41] ( ... ) [23:41] ( ^_^ ) [23:41] ...and I want to know what's on that boat! [23:42] Dammit... [23:42] ...cool. [23:42] Andrew's the last of his family. [23:42] Someone DO something. [23:42] I don't know any first aid! I'm sorry! [23:42] I've got a medkit.. [23:42] But I'm probably too excited to fall asleep now, and there isn't exactly a good place to rest here. [23:42] ( Of course, they are quite ineffective. ) [23:42] I- okay. [23:42] Right> Eoi, go help him with that. At least try. [23:42] * Eoi pulls out his medkit and tries to help Andrew in any way he can. [23:42] Maybe we can give him a little more time... [23:43] ( Hey, Miyu's the one who's healing the non-critical condition person. ) [23:43] [A voice from the front of the boat says: "Relax, I'll fix him.] [23:43] ( Has Shig started yet? ) [23:43] * Shigeru looks over at Kaira and gently places a hand on her arm. "Hello?" he asks, both out loud and in her mind. "Can you hear me?" [23:43] .... eh? [23:43] * Miyu blinks, then looks [23:43] * Hikaru looks up. [23:43] ( Kaira can heal things in an instant ) [23:43] *** RobedGuy has joined #besm [23:43] *** Daisuke sets mode: +o RobedGuy [23:43] * Chelsea looks up to the voice. "Oh, you're back." [23:43] * RobedGuy walks over from the front of the boat. [23:43] .... please... help Calvin [23:43] ...... Andrew. [23:43] ... [23:44] ...about time you got back. -_- [23:44] ....... the threat to the island isn't over yet, is it? [23:44] * Norii frets. [23:44] Hm? No, it is. At least, for now, I think. [23:44] Ah yes. Thanks for the warning, we all almost died. Can you heal Andrew and take us back for pizza and soda? [23:44] .... for now? [23:44] * RobedGuy kneels and heals Andrew enough for him to talk. [23:44] There ya go. [23:44] * Andrew does not wake. [23:44] The- the threat was... me. I think. [23:44] .... I see. [23:45] Well, I don't know for sure if it'll be attacked or not again. [23:45] * Miyu turns to the Guard... [23:45] That wasn't you, Shigeru-san! They must've been something else! [23:45] You want to tell us who's making clones of Shiggy? [23:45] ... what is your name, by the way? [23:45] Anyhow... Looks like things are fine now. [23:45] ah. [23:45] Yeah. Fine. [23:45] * Shigeru shakes Kaira a bit. [23:46] * Norii stomps over to Guard3. [23:46] * Miyu looks down at Kaira. [23:46] ... [23:46] Shinnosuke Watanabe. Private. 70599. [23:46] How about you? Do YOU want to tell us who you're working for? [23:46] ( Is he cute? ) [23:46] * Kaira gradually begins to wake. [23:46] I don't know if I can ever forgive you, Kaira. But I'm not going to let you die. [23:46] ( Shinnosuke Wannabe? ) [23:46] ( Does he have an afro? ) [23:46] ( The guard? Not particularly. He's not ugly. ) [23:46] * Chelsea walks over to stand next to Shig. [23:47] ............. the threat to the island's been averted, and the ship has sunken. [23:47] Anyhow... This boat will head back to the harbor. Gotta go. [23:47] * Shigeru smiles with a small amount of relief. "Good, you're with us." [23:47] * Shigeru blinks. [23:47] * RobedGuy jumps into the water. [23:47] Horseface is dead, and the white haired man has escaped. [23:47] *** RobedGuy is now known as Kirby [23:47] ... [23:47] ... hey! [23:47] ... [23:47] * Shigeru looks up at Ro- "Shit!" [23:47] Darn. He didn't say "Sore wa... Himitsu Desu" [23:47] ... [23:47] ...that's ANNOYING! [23:47] ...geez. [23:47] [The boat starts moving] [23:48] ... so, what exactly was on that boat? [23:48] Shinnosuke Watanabe. Private. 70599. [23:48] * Chelsea sighs. "Swell." [23:48] Shig? [23:48] Can I push him overboard? [23:48] Options? [23:48] * Shigeru snarls as he jumps to his feet, even though he knows that the Robed Guy disappeared. "God damnit, what th-" He turns to the guard, and if they could, his eyes would burn a hole into him. "What do you know about the S- types?" [23:48] Name, rank, and serial number. Heh. [23:48] * Chelsea shrugs. "Ah, well. So much for the free movie." [23:48] ... no, Eoi. [23:48] Shinnosuke Watanabe. Private. 70599. [23:48] ... [23:49] .... [23:49] Is that... all he can say? [23:49] Please? [23:49] That's not a real serial number. Stop kidding us. [23:49] ( Yes it is :P ) [23:49] ( Maybe a real ZIP code... ) [23:49] * Shigeru storms over to him and glares directly into his eyes, probing him for thoughts and being none too careful about it. [23:49] ( Darned if I know what Japanese use for serial numbers in the military. Or the US, for that matter. ) [23:50] ( But five digits? Small army. ^^; ) [23:50] ( In that unit, yup ) [23:50] * Chelsea folloes behind Shigeru. "Shig, this man's brain is clearly incredibly small. I don't think he knows much at all about the S-types, other than the fact that they... nevermind." [23:50] ( 'Sides, the Japanese army IS fairly small. Until recently, it didn't even exist. ) [23:50] * Shigeru smiles nastily. "No, you're *going* to reveal information. Whether you want to or not. Take a good look at me." [23:50] * Eoi yawns. [23:51] * Miyu pokes Andrew with a stick. [23:51] Shinnosuke Watanabe. Private. 70599. [23:51] *** Guard is now known as Shinnosuke [23:51] * Andrew does not respond. [23:51] ...Miyu? [23:51] .... yes? [23:51] * Hikaru looks down. "We actually killed... humans this time." [23:51] .... I know, Hikaru. [23:51] Be nice. [23:52] ... hai. [23:52] ... Kimiko, see if you can awaken Andrew. [23:52] No. [23:52] Okay! [23:52] * Shigeru snarls. "Look, asshole, I can go into your brain and pick it apart piece by piece, and leave nothing but an empty shell afterwards. You do know that, don't you?" [23:52] NO. [23:52] * Eoi moves far away from Andrew. [23:52] Aw... [23:52] ... [23:52] ( Doh! ) [23:52] ... [23:53] I'm not going to fret about that. What they're doing makes some of those ghosts look like Kirbys. [23:53] ... what if that's the only thing this guy can say and think? [23:53] I'd know damn well if that were the case, Miyu. [23:53] If it is, then he doesn't have anything to lose. [23:53] * Shigeru doesn't look over at her as he says this. He continues glaring at the man. [23:54] B-but they're just guards. They're just following orders... [23:54] ... I know, Hikaru. [23:54] There was no choice, though. [23:54] We fought in self defense. [23:54] Actually, Andrew provoked them. [23:54] When we didn't need to be protected anymore... we spared what we could. [23:54] They signed up. They took those orders. They were going to slaughter the Snorfies. [23:54] * Shigeru blinks, then narrows his eyes into violet slits. [23:54] We snuck onto their ship. [23:55] But yeah, they were going to attack the Smorfys. [23:55] * Chelsea frowns. [23:55] ... I know. [23:55] Smorfies. God, that's a stupid name. [23:55] ....... what was it that they did, that they were able to subdue Kaira? [23:55] ( Had guns :P ) [23:55] ( but Kaira can blind them! ) [23:56] It's just...I hate how I always freak out when I fight! I get so vicious! I really wanted to rip that horseguy to pieces... [23:56] Eh - enough of... those could probably take down anyone. [23:56] ( Some of them, yeah. ) [23:56] Don't worry about the horse guy - he eats kids. [23:56] So, Shinnosuke. Do you have anything useful to say? Because otherwise, I guess I'm going to have to start ripping you apart. [23:56] When we get into combat, we don't really have any choice but to embrace our feral instincts or die. [23:56] Shinnosuke Watanabe. Private. 70599. [23:56] ( Some of them probably made their body rolls. Unlike us. :P ) [23:56] ... [23:56] Can I just push him overboard? Please? [23:57] .... no, Eoi. [23:57] * Shigeru screams in frustration and shoves the guard away from him. Not overboard, though. [23:57] I'm really in quite a bad mood, and he seems like a nice thing to take it out on. [23:57] He's our only source of information. [23:57] * Kirby staggers a bit, but doesn't fall overboard :P [23:57] Assuming we can GET any out of him... [23:57] * Hikaru winces at Shigeru. [23:57] ( ... ) [23:57] * Shinnosuke does that. [23:57] (Brett: Here's your idea for more sessions, since you ran out! ) [23:57] Sure. He has told us the valuble "Shinnosuke Watanabe. Private. 70599." [23:57] ( I know what I'm doing :P ) [23:57] I mean, come on. How is that NOT useful. [23:57] ( We can have a solid 5 session block of nothing but "Shinnosuke Watanabe. Private. 70599"! ) [23:58] Eh. That could be useful, but not likely. [23:58] * Hikaru looks down again. "Some of us are more feral than others, Miyu- san." [23:58] So, how about we let him go for a swim? [23:58] * Miyu tosses Eoi's Kirby plushie back to him. [23:58] * Shigeru looks up, then glares at Shinnosuke. "Don't think you're off the hook," he growls. "I want to know why you can't tell me." [23:58] Wai! Kirby! [23:58] Nah. Swimming's too pleasant. [23:58] Amuse yourself with this. [23:58] * Shinnosuke does that. [23:58] ( ... ) [23:58] Shinnosuke Watanabe. Private. 70599. [23:58] ( Dangit. ) [23:58] I found it on me when I woke up... [23:59] He's either a frigging moron, or under some kind of spell. [23:59] God damnit. [23:59] * Eoi puts the plushie back in his pack. "Yeah. Whatever." [23:59] .... this is irritating. [23:59] * Miyu holds her head... [23:59] What...do we do with him? We can't just kill him. [23:59] Push him overboard. [23:59] ... we keep him with us, I guess. [23:59] * Shigeru thinks to the group, ~He knows something, but he thinks he can't tell us about it, even if he wanted to. I don't know if it's fake or not.~ [23:59] We already dealt with the police once... [00:00] ... I don't understand... why do I feel so strongly attached to these "Smorfies"... [00:00] ...so he's like blocked, somehow? [00:00] Sore wa.. himitsu desu. [00:00] You are one, Miyu. [00:00] .. yeah, possibly blocked. [00:00] * Kaira is lying there in silence. [00:00] ... I'm human. [00:00] She won't listen Norii. [00:00] ... Kaira? [00:00] I don't know. Probably. He practically wet his pants a moment ago. [00:00] * Chelsea places a reassuring hand on Shigeru's shoulder. And while she's at it... ~Can you dig it out without hurting him?~ [00:00] I miss Miyuki. At least she wasn't a moron half the time. [00:00] * Eoi grumbles. [00:00] * Shigeru shudders and shakes his head. [00:00] ... [00:00] ... [00:01] Well... if I was careful. Maybe. [00:01] Can you dig it out by hurting him? [00:01] He's probably under some fun form of mind control. [00:01] D-don't say that, Eoi-san. [00:01] Ah yes. Probably from Bishi-boy. [00:01] ... listen. I was raised by humans as long as I can remember. I never heard ANYTHING to the contrary until I met you guys. [00:01] ( You guys just love the new villian, don't ya? ^_^ ) [00:01] Maybe, but he- I... need to be more in control before trying it. I'm- [00:01] (Oh, he is going *down*.) [00:02] ( Yep. ) [00:02] ( I wish we got his name, though ) [00:02] * Chelsea shakes her head. "That boat wasn't cheap. If whitey has half the resources I'm guessing, he'd have plenty of ways to brain-wash new recruits." [00:02] ( This kind of tops Miyu's little scenario... almost. ) [00:02] (We did.) [00:02] ( You did :P ) [00:02] ( We did. Quentin. ) [00:02] ( Oh ) [00:02] ( First name, any how. ) [00:02] Maybe...maybe he's real military? [00:03] * Shigeru shudders. "And... and me." He looks over at Kaira and moves to her a little too quickly. "How're you doing?" he asks, obviously trying to distract himself. [00:03] ... like I said. The government probably covers up a lot of things [00:03] ... I'm worried about Andrew and Kaira, though [00:03] Mmm. Depends how "real" you mean. [00:03] ... Kill me. [00:03] * Shigeru blinks once, then kneels next to the smorfy. "Why?" [00:03] ... why? [00:03] What?! Why? [00:04] * Eoi frowns. "I know we have some reasons, but we won't just murder you." [00:04] You've got me right where you want me, right? I'm far too weak to fight back. [00:04] Just end it. [00:04] .... we aren't here to kill you. [00:04] No. We won't murder anyone. [00:04] We came to save you and the other Smorfies. [00:04] That isn't our game. [00:04] * Shigeru stares. "But... we don't want to kill you." [00:04] I thought you said you wanted to kill her, Eoi! [00:04] From.. whatever the heck was threatening the island. [00:04] ( You murdered two guards :P ) [00:04] ( And Shig clones :P ) [00:04] I hate her. If she died, I wouldn't feel bad. [00:04] ( I didn't. ) [00:05] ( And horsey :P ) [00:05] (They were kinda attacking us. >.>;) [00:05] As much as we might wish to kill you, it wouldn't be right. [00:05] ( I didn't even HIT anyone really. ((_^ ) [00:05] but I don't want to murder her. [00:05] I...I'm not a killer. I'm NOT. [00:05] ...... you killed Calvin. I don't know if I will ever forgive you, and I know I won't forget what you did, but I won't seek out vengeance. [00:05] * Hikaru hugs his knees. [00:06] ... we won't kill helpless people. [00:06] Now, on the other hand... [00:06] ... [00:06] * Norii eyes Shinnosuke. [00:06] ... I know it must sound strange to you, Kaira... [00:07] * Chelsea looks from Shinnosuke to Kaira. [00:07] But for now, we have a common goal. Putting an end to whatever's threatening the island. [00:07] ( Gah.. I'm tired.. ) [00:08] ( We're... almost to a stopping point, I bet. ) [00:08] ( More or less. ) [00:08] ( Whenever you guys wanna stop.. ) [00:08] ( I wanna end it on a dramatic line ) [00:08] ( And the "common goal" quote is cliched ) [00:08] ( I would stop now - 4 hours is more than enough. ) [00:09] ( Hmm.... someone say something witty and dramatic and give the session a proper ending ) [00:09] Wai! Andy! [00:09] [Session End] [00:09] Stop. Now. [00:09] @_@;