[Date: Sunday, June 19th. Time: 1:20 p.m.] [Chie and Eoi get back to Cheng Yu's Cyberheaven, a cyber cafe where they are doing their research. Don't ask why they went to this place when they have sattelite connections anyhow. At any event, Chie and Chomei are outside, probably bored as hell.] [Session Start] * Chie looks back inside the windows of the cybercafe for a minute. "I don't understand how they can spend all that time on those computers." Her comment doesn't seem to be directed at anyone in particular. Oh, you would if you played on them more. * Chie looks over at Chomei and grins. "Never woulda had you pegged for a computer geek, Chomei." * Chomei shrugs. "Never was. Just played it when I got the chance... Which was not too often. By now though, I couldn't keep up even if I wanted to." Ehhh, you'd still probably beat me easily. Unless I got some sort of weird beginner's luck. But there are lots of things I'd rather do than sit in front of a computer for long periods of time. ( If you wanna play the latest Kirby fighter and find out, there's an arcade not far away. ) * Chomei smiles. "Yeah right. Only thing I do remember is how to speak l33t." * Chie eyes Chomei. "Please don't do that. Or I *will* get out the wards. Don't think that I won't." She then grins. ( "You are not a man of l33t! I shall strike you down in the name of true l33t!" ) (*laughs*) (HAHA!) * Chomei shrugs. "I really don't think the wards would work on me. I'm not a demon or anything." (So he thinks.) ( ^^; ) * Chie laughs. "Yeah, well... was worth a shot. So. You as bored as I am?" Very much so. * Chie grins. "Then let's do something!" * Chomei shrugs and smiles. "If you insist. What do you want to do?" Gosh, I really had to twist your arm there, didn't I? Well... hm. How 'bout we wander a bit, see what looks interesting. I mean, we're in an entirely new country. How often is that gonna happen? First time it's happened to me. Exactly! So we should take advantage of it! Let's go! [And so a-wandering they went. The city of Xi'an proved to be very impressive, but don't ask for specifics.] I hope you didn't twist my arm. That woulda hurt. * Chie snickers. "It's a figure of speech, Chomei. Although if you hadn't started moving..." She smirks at him. * Chomei smiles back. "Oh yes. I knew that... really." Suuuure you did. * Chie waves an arm at their surroundings. "Anyplace look interesting?" * Chomei shrugs. "Unless you think big buildings are interesting, nope." ( Yes it is. I just said so. ) Mmm. Buildings are buildings, really. I'm not sure why I expected things to be a lot different from Tokyo. 'Cuz everything's in a language I can't understand? * Chomei smiles. You can't. I can. * Chie winks. Seems like everyone else can. * Chomei hmmms.. "Anyways, I've been wondering. After that encounter with those spirits, wouldn't it be a good idea to have someone else also be able to hit those things?" Nahh. Just me and Rei. Oh, and her dad and Eoi-sensei, and... hmm? Hmm. I guess it's just me that can do that, isn't it? * Chomei shrugs. "Other than Eoi, who's not with us most of the time." And I seem to have developed this lovely tendancy lately to get incapacitated in the middle of a fight... * Chomei smirks. "Yeah. Invisible boulders and automatic shotguns just love to hit you." Boulders I can handle. Shotguns... aren't so much fun. I *really* need to avoid that sort of thing. I don't even know what happened. Other than it hurt, and next thing I knew, I was waking up in the hospital. Don't really wanna think about it too hard, though. You needed to feint to the right, then dodge to the left. That way, the gunmen aims his shot to your right while you dodge in the opposite direction. Sadly, all I think that was running through my mind then was "Ack, gun!" But I'll keep that in mind. Thanks. * Chomei shakes his head. "Gotta keep cool when the bullets fly. Back to my original thought, though. Do you suppose you could teach me how to channel some of that 'spirit' energy you did earlier? It was pretty effective, and I bet it could take out spirits no problem." * Chie blinks. "The Spirit Stream? Hmm... well, since it draws on just my own energy... I could *try*, I suppose." But, y'know... * Chomei raises an eyebrow. "Hmm?" * Chie grins. "I'm gonna be teachin' you a lot, then. My technique, and English lessons, and maybe how to drive the bike... so... you're gonna need to teach me somethin' in return. Only fair, right?" * Chomei smirks. "Well, I could teach you a few things. I just don't know if you'd be interested in them." Yeah? Try me. Ya ever play basketball? ( And thus Chie learned to speak l33t ) * Chie laughs. "I'm not exactly NBA material, you know. But, seriously... you play basketball?" * Chomei smiles. "Yup. I was pretty good in high school, too." * Chie smiles. "Well, hey. Learn somethin' new every day. I was wondering what you did for fun besides shoot things and speak l33t. Well, we can't all do destructive things for fun, right? And you're learning anyways. * Chie looks puzzled. "What am I learning?" l33t. How am I... oh, no. I didn't just say what I think I said, did I? * Chomei grins. "Yes you did." Gah! * Chie grins back. "You're a bad influence, Chomei. Which is funny, because I thought that was supposed to be my job." * Chomei smiles innocently. "Me? A bad influence? Yeah, I thought that was your job." Man. You're gonna learn my techniques, you're taking my job... what's next? * Chomei shrugs. "You're going to leave your hair the same color for more than a month." * Chie pats her hair. "It's been a while since I changed it, actually. 'Course, we've been rather busy... but that's it. First thing I do when we get home is break out the dye." Sure. As long as I'm not in the same mile as that stuff. * Chie grins. "Oh, okay. Just so long as you don't include my hair in with 'that stuff.' Because you're gonna be closer than a mile to me, I think." * Chomei grins. "Closer than a mile? What do you think I am, slow?" He rubs Chie's head. * Chie laughs. "Not a good habit for you to get into once I've changed it. You'll end up with dyed hands." She reaches up and ruffles his hair in return. Dye on my hands? Ewww. Yes. The horror. Yeah. I might actually have to *gasp* wash my hands. * Chie eyes Chomei. "And you touched my hair with those? Eww." She sticks her tongue out at him. Hey, they're clean! So you say. Maybe not anymore... but they were before I touched your hair. * Chomei grins. Oh, no. You do *not* insult my hair. You just don't. * Chie grins back. Is it going to attack me? No. But I am! * Chie attempts to tickle Chomei in the side. ( Chomei dies. ) * Chomei reacts and chuckles. He's tickilish... who woulda thunk? (Everybody.) * Chomei smiles. "Don't do that." * Chie grins. "Aha! I have found your weakness! And I'll only stop if you promise to not make disparaging comments about my hair. Deal?" * Chomei looks around with mock-suspicion. "Sure. As long as no one else finds out." * Chie smiles. "Your secret is safe with me. I won't even tell Rei." So, do you want to learn how to play basketball? Sure, why not? * Chomei shrugs. "I could tell you, but then you'd want to kill me." * Chie eyes him. "Oh, come on. I wouldn't want to do that." * Chomei raises an eyebrow in Chies direction. He's looking straight ahead. "You sure?" Yeah, go on. I'm curious now. And you know what I'm going to say too. Which is...? You're short. * Chie gives Chomei a flat look. "Gosh. I never realized that. Thank you for enlightening me." She mock-sighs. Really, Chomei... Do you think I'd let something like that stop me if I really want to learn something? Hey, you wanted to know. I suppose not. Exactly. I don't let things like that stop me. So what do you let stop you, hmm? * Chie grins. "Nothing. If I really want to learn something... I'll learn it." So if you wanted to know the absolute truth, you'd find it out? The absolute truth of what? Oh, you know. The absolute truth they always talk about in movies'n'stuff. Ahh, that. Actually, I don't think such a thing really exists. Not an absolute truth that's true for everyone. Ah, I see. You go through life, you try lots of different things, you learn what you like and what you don't like... eventually, you figure out who you want to be. * Chomei shrugs. "Maybe I'll figure out what I want to be someday too, right?" * Chie smiles. "Yeah. You and me both." But.. Hmm? Don't tell everybody that I don't quite have it all figured out yet. I've got a reputation to maintain and all. * Chie winks. * Chomei smirks. "Well that secret is safe with me." Just as safe as my secret is with you, right? Good. Just like yours is safe with me. So. Basketball lessons in exchange for English lessons, and maybe driving lessons. That takes care of the fun stuff. * Chomei nods. "Unless you want to learn how to sew or cook." I'll leave the sewing to you. And, as for cooking... well, that's not really my type of thing. I tend to eat while I'm working. So I just grab stuff and run. ( Chie's actually a small-time thief. ) (She's Maria's partner in crime!) (Shhh! We don't want that stupid policeman after both of us!) * Chomei shrugs. "Suit yourself." Now, as for the last part... yeah, I'll be happy to try teaching you my technique. And, maybe, you can help me learn how to dodge stuff? I mean, you can tell me how to do it all you want, but I learn a lot better when I'm actually trying. * Chomei blinks. "Do you want me to shoot at you?" Well... not exactly. I mean, not with Rownal. Maybe you could just demonstrate somehow. I don't know. I do have a normal bow, and I could use blunt arrows, but still... that can really hurt. Yeah. Okay, so that's not such a great idea. Or it requires more thinking. (It's Nerf or nothin'.) * Chomei smiles. "But that is the way I learned how. Good thing my parents weren't good shots." * Chie blinks. "Your parents *shot* at you?" With real arrows, or blunt ones? * Chomei blinks. "Sure. I think it was with blunt ones, but I don't remember anymore. All I know is it hurt if I got hit." * Chie sighs. "Pain's a good teacher. And it's not like Master Wei didn't get me good a lot of times. But still... I don't know. I guess I find it kind of hard to picture somebody's parents deliberately shooting at their kid, training or no." Well, you know what they say. You hurt the ones you love. Then again, MC as a whole must love a lot of people if that's true. ( Usually, they stick with one per member. But on the other hand, they tend to be obsessed with that person, so it evens out. ) (*laughs*) (Hehe.) But that's the thing. I don't like seeing the people I care about get hurt. It's part of the job, yeah, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. I doubt any of us do. Sure, I might not like some of the people I work with, but that doesn't mean I want them to be hurt. * Chie smiles. "Glad you feel that way. But I have to ask..." Ask about what? * Chie grins. "I don't fit into that category of 'people you work with but don't like,' do I?" Nah. Not last time I checked, anyways. * Chie smiles. "Good. I hope I don't ever fit into that category, really." * Chomei nods. "I try to keep it small, but some people make it in anyways." * Chie nods. "Yeah. It happens. You get a group of people together... there's no way they're all going to like each other all of the time. But we seem to manage for the most part." Especially considering some of what's happened... Yeah... But we can't let that stop us now. No, we can't. * Chie looks up and stops. "How 'bout that." * Chomei glances upwards. "We've come full circle." Yeah. Maybe they're done researching by now. We can hope, at least. Yeah. Why did they have to come here to research again? I don't know. Maybe Rei's dad requires coffee to do his reasearch or something. To be honest, I wasn't really paying attention. Maybe. Never heard of one that did, though. One what? * Chomei shrugs. "A psychic." * Chie laughs. "What, just 'cause you can read minds means you don't need caffeine?" * Chomei laughs. "Never thought of it that way. I was thinking along the lines of needing caffeine to read minds." (There's Satoshi's problem! Not enough caffeine!) (CAFFEINE! XD) * Chie grins. "Maybe I should start drinking more caffeine, then. Discover my untapped psychic powers. Or whatever they're supposed to be." Hey, it's called a stimulant for somthing, right? Maybe you'll grow a tail too. * Chomei winks. ( Drink your Corke and you'll be fine. ) Worth a shot, I suppose. * Chie pushes open the door. "Maybe I should start now." Don't tell me you've never drunk coffee before. Oh, I have. You've even seen me do it. Just not in massive quantities. * Chomei yawns. "Maybe I should have some while we're here, though..." Still tired, huh? Oh... before we go in... Yup. Still tired. Whatcha want? Was there anything else you wanted to ask me about? If there was, I can't remember it. * Chomei grins sheepishly. * Chie smiles. "Thought so. Okay, let's go work on improving our psychic powers." * Chomei chuckles. "Let's." [MC Forces Triumphant!]