[Day: Tuesday, June 21st. Time: 12:30 a.m.] [You assaulted Kanghua Enterprises, as planned. You quickly defeated Mai Shu, and thus never got to see the power of Xu Huang's Ax. Lazar and a werewolf tried to eat each other; neither tasted very good. Chie got poisoned by a wyvern, and is probably going to die unless you figure out something to do, and soon. And somewhere, someone ate a banana. Unlike Lazar and the werewolf, that WAS tasty.] ( Hah! ) ( This is a good Bananna, but it would be better if Naginata- shaped. ) [You're still AT Kanghua Enterprises, having called Shig, who's there. Mr. Werewolf occasionally regains consciousness, but since he isn't providing any information, Lazar just keeps knocking him out.] [Session Start] * Maria pouts. "You're hoggin' all the fun, Laz." * Chomei is sitting near Chie. "So, Mr. Ueda, is there anything you can do?" * Lazar steps back from the wall after knocking the werewolf out *again*... there are now several werewolf-shaped dents in the walls. * Lazar cinches in his full nelson again, just in case. "No is fun... well, maybe little bit. I mean, who keep poisonous creature in lab behind easily- breaking glass and no keep antidote around?" Idiots? Or people who don't need to worry about poison. * Makoto holds half of his combat yo-yo's severed string between the thumb and middle finger of his right hand, absentmindedly rubbing the frayed end of the string with his pointer finger as he watches the group. * SpiritRei floats gloomily, but brightens when her father enters the room. ~Dad!~ * Chie lies there. She'd almost look like she's sleeping, except for the fact that her face is a rather pale blue. At least she's still breathing... for now. My question is... where Peter? Probably watching his TV show. * Shigeru walks in and looks around, as unassuming as ever. "I got your call. Quite a mess." * Shigeru smiles a little. "Hi Rei." Yeah. Pete'd be able to home-brew an antidote, or somethin'. ...although, Rei *can* cook... ~You've gotta help Chie got bit or clawed or something by the wyvern and we don't know where the cure is and the stupid scientist werewolf guy said that we need to go to Transylvania for it and I'm fading away but I think that's just because I exerted myself too much!~ * Makoto wrinkles his nose, which apparently means he's at least a little distressed. * Shigeru blinks. Then blinks again. "Okay." He walks over to where Lazar's holding the werewolf scientist. * Maria paces and says something about wishing the place had windows, which probably means she's distressed. * Chomei looks more than a bit angry right now. No need to go to Transylvania... just said wyvern *from* Transylvania, and he no bring antidote from there. (If it wasn't before, I bet it will be now. :P) Why don't we find out. * Lazar eyes Shigeru. "No get too close... I have arms, but can still attack with claws on feet." ( Don't listen. Shigeru can become a psychic werewolf! ) (*cackle*) (Duh. :P) ( Hehe. ) * Lazar waits for Shigeru to do whatever it is he's doing, holding the werewolf completely still in the headlock. He's not even adjusting his grip... despite the logical explanation that, without muscles, he doesn't get cramps or anything, it's *still* kinda creepy. * Shigeru follows Lazar's advice and stops a bit aways. He closes his eyes for a moment, then opens them, and points a palm at his victim. His eyes flicker dark. ~Sanity Drain.~ 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Shigeru (2d6-3) and gets 3. [You now have an insane werewolf to deal with. Yay!] * Maria paces more. * SpiritRei stays by Chie, switching worried glances between her friend and her father. ( Insane werewolf. And you don't think Wereshiggy is a good idea? Shame on you. ) * Shigeru doesn't seem to care. He stuffs his hands in his pockets, keeping his gaze on the werewolf. His eyes go completely dark, not even flickering anymore. * Makoto rolls the yo-yo string from his fingers and into one of his pockets. Without missing a beat, he pulls a smaller yo-yo from a different pocket and spins it half-heartedly at his side. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Shigeru (2d6-3) and gets 4. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Shigeru (2d6-3) and gets 6. * Chomei is starring at at Shigeru. This is *very* facinating. And he'd better get the result. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Shigeru (2d6-3) and gets 5. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Shigeru (2d6-3) and gets 4. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Shigeru (2d6-3) and gets 4. * Maria pauses and blinks at Shigeru. * Shigeru doesn't move and doesn't change expression. He seems completely absorbed in... something. * Lazar is, if possible, moving *less* than Shigeru... if you didn't know better, you'd think the werewolf was being held in some sort of modern art sculpture exhibit. * SpiritRei watches. ~... Dad?~ Too bad she doesn't get an answer. * Lazar doesn't move. Nope, not at all. Not one bit, nosirree. Not wise to shake the werewolf around while Shiggy's trying to poke around its brain. * RDMgryphon is now known as RDeaDM * Makoto does move, though it's only to spin his yo-yo in the most basic up-and- down pattern. * Maria fidgets. * Chomei glances down at Chie, then up at Shig again. * Lazar looks up at the ceiling. He moved! Wowie! * Maria resumes pacing, this time a bit faster. ( * Lazar throws the werewolf at Shigeru. "Get on with it!" =P ) (The GM's looking up stuff. Stupid golem. :P) (Stupid dog!) ( * Lazar gets hungry, and starts nibbling on the werewolf. "Mmm. Taste like chicken." ) (... Eew?) ( What? It regenerates. It's like a self-replenishing Menchi! ) (Meeeenchiiii!) * Shigeru blinks, and his eyes return to their normal violet color. "There's no antidote here, but we might be able to make one." What need do? * Chomei says deadpan: "What do we need to do?" Okay! How? I don't know yet. I'm going to need to check with the rest of the division to see where we can get this stuff. * Maria frowns. * Makoto looks around the laboratory. "Division meaning, this building?" Well, if we can't get it here, I can grab it. I'm not omnipotent, Maria. Someone grab Chie and the man with the... guitar, and we'll see what we can do when we get back to headquarters. What do with werewolf? Take him, too. * Lazar looks at Shigeru like he's grown three new eyes, then shrugs and rams the werewolf into the wall again, just to be sure. * Chomei picks Chie up, not having too much trouble. "Let's go then." * Maria gets the guy with the guitar. She has a little more trouble. (Somebody get my stuff, too. ;p) Do we need body of wyvern? * SpiritRei watches her father, rather like she doesn't know what to do. * Makoto pockets his yo-yo and walks over to the fallen guitarist. He helps Maria lift him. "I can carry him if you want, Maria." * Chomei unsummons Rownal and slings Chie's backpack over his shoulder, while he's at it. I'll call in a clean up crew. They'll take care of the rest of the mess down here. * Shigeru glances in the direction of her daughter, never mind that he can't see her, and frowns ever so slightly before turning to lead the group out. Eh? Oh, thanks, Mak. I'll get his guitar. * Maria does that. Carry! * Makoto carries the full weight of the guitarist with only the slightest of grunts. Everybody keep distance from me as walk... no know when were-poodle wake up, and no want it to claw you with feet. Not a problem, Lazar. * Chomei does just that. [You're at the office. The two troublemakers are detained, the ax is taken in for inspection, and the clean up crew has been ready. Shig's called experts on how to make this antidote, and they're working on just that. They will call when ready, so you've got some time to kill.] * Shigeru lets out a deep sigh as he sinks into his chair and rubs at his forehead. He really does look like a middle-aged office worker. "I hate doing that." * Maria sits on the wall, looking slightly less worried than she did before. There's a possibility of a cure! Yay! * SpiritRei floats slowly to her body, which is off in a corner, and vanishes. Rei sits up and opens her eyes! Then slumps. * Chomei has a worried look over his face as he keeps watch over Chie. He glances around the room periodically. * Lazar traces a finger along the slashes made by the werewolf along his chest. "... wanted to go after wyvern first, but knew werewolf would do much more damage to rest of you than to golem..." *pounds a wall hard enough to make it creak slightly* * Shigeru grimaces. "Not more property damage, golem. Speaking of which, there's something you'd be interested in." * Rei blinks blearily at the clock, then sighs. "Well, shit." She lies on her back and listens to whatever's going on. * Makoto pops the knuckles in his hands by pulling on his fingers one at a time. He stands just beside the door, but on the side which would not involve him being struck with the door should it open inward on its hinges. He crosses the room and kneels beside Rei. "Feelin' okay, cutie?" No? Chie's poisoned and there's nothing I can do, I was fading away because I drained myself too much and if I do it anymore I might not exist, and I forgot to get you a present which I'm still not really sure what to do about because oh, it's just suck. * Lazar glares at Shigeru, and mumbles something in Yiddish. [Funnily you should mention it, there seems to be a light blue package with a purple bow in the room.] * Shigeru doesn't seem to care. He just looks tired and headachy. "If you *don't* want to hear about what's going on in your homeland, you don't have to. And- what's this?" * Maria blinks at the package. Package! * Maria hops over and snatches the package up! * Chomei isn't paying attention to the package. [The package is addressed to Makoto] * Makoto flexes the fingers of his right hand and then pats Rei's knee. "Don't worry, these things have a way of working themselves out. Chie will be fine and we'll all get some much-deserved rest and relaxation. Back in Japan." ...aww, it's for Mak. Mak, you mind if I open this? * Rei grins. "I miss home. Miss it a lot." * Rei lifts her head a little to see. "Aww, see! Even random invisible visitors get their presents to you before me!" * Makoto smiles at Rei and then looks up at Maria. "Huh? A package, eh? Well..." Last time one of us got a present, it was something really important that the addressee was supposed to hang on to. So maybe I should open it, Maria. * Makoto holds his left hand out toward the wall-crawler, palm up. * Maria pouts and hands the package to Mako. "No fun." * Makoto plops all the way down on the floor beside Rei, sitting crosslegged while he opens the package in his lap. "Let's see what it is... if it blows up in my face, Maria, I bet you'll be thankful you didn't open it for me." * Lazar eyes the package curiously. Prolly, yeah. Although if it were an explosive, I could prolly open it without it going off. [Inside is a brand new yo yo and a card from Naomi. Aww.] (She's so sweet. ^_^) (Aww!) * Makoto smiles and holds up a shiny new yo-yo, but he conscientiously reads the card before checking out his new toy any further; people like you to read their cards. Usually. * Lazar blinks. "... yoyo. That... what word... underwhelming." [The card is nothing special. Just a birthday card.] It could be an exploding yo-yo! * Rei reaches up to poke at it. [The phone rings!] True. But the question is weather it explodes when Mak wants it to. That'd be cool! * Shigeru blinks, then picks up the phone. "Hello? And before you ask, no, this isn't Eoi." (Eoi runs in and answers the phone!) Not really, Lazar. The other day I thought maybe I could commission a ceramic and steel yo-yo on a reinforced ultrathin cable. I figure it would be at least three times as effective in combat situations as my lacquered wood and silk cord ones. (*Chie wakes up. "Hey, is that the phone? Can I get it?") You could probably make a metal thread if done carefully enough. Kind of like piano wire, but that could be dangerous. Hmm. Was expecting message from mysterious person promising information in exchange for completing vague task what no doubt really trap. Hrm, good point. You'd have to make the finger loop padded, unless you wanted to call me Mister Nine-Fingers. Makoto Nine-Fingers! Cool! * Makoto grins. Don't really need metal thread. Just weave some heavy fishing line together. Better tensile strength. Mm, but fishing wire is too slick. At best, the yo-yo would wobble as the line tried to unwind itself. * Shigeru nods, paying attention to the phone. "Great. When will it be finished by? We don't have much time." ... that sound promising. Although perhaps a single heavy fishing line might wor--hm? * Chomei snaps up to Shigeru's talking. * Rei perks and sits up, then woozes, lying back down. * Maria shrugs. "Dunno about that. Just know you could make a heavier yo--" and then she stops and listens to Shig. * Makoto starts paying more attention to what Shigeru says. Which and where? We need this made within the next nine to fourteen hours. * Maria frowns. * Chomei hardens his gaze. Right. I'll look up their capabilities. And the other one? * Shigeru frowns slightly. "The triads? This'll be fun. Okay." * Shigeru listens for a bit. "Understood. I have a feeling I know who they are, anyway." Good. A girl's life is on the line. * Maria blinks. "Eh?" Good luck. * Shigeru scowls. "I see. I'm on it." Just get everything else. And let me know if you need anything else. * Maria fidgets! * Chomei waits for Shig to get off the phone. * Shigeru hangs up and jerks his computer out of energy saving mode, typing quickly as he says, "We have to get three of the ingredients." Huh wha? Right! Where are they? I can snag 'em! * Chomei nods. "What do we need, and where can we get them?" What need do? We need a bone from a supernatural called a paoxiao beast. They're under Mount Taishan. I'm looking up what they're capable of now. * Chomei scratches his head. "Paoxio beast?" And while you're explaining this, Mister Ueda, where's the soda machine? We're not going to get much sleep. Well, those of us who need it anyway. In the hall. Go left, it's around the corner. And get me one, too. * Rei woozes. "Like it maaaatters." Okay. What else? * Makoto nods, stands, and leaves the room. * Shigeru blinks. "Okay, on paoxiao. Old man's face, goat's body, extremely sharp teeth, and a small child's voice." ...right. ... Right. There's a reason they call it supernatural. * Shigeru goes back to typing. What else? And it probably doesn't want to give up any of it's bones, right? Sharp teeth all it has? Almost definitely not. If it were, most diseases wouldn't be a problem, since their bones can cure almost all of them. They're clever, and tend to stick to dark caves. Great. * Makoto returns to the room with several sodas, and wordlessly distributes them to everybody but Lazar. Sooooooda. * Rei sits up and holds her head, then pops one open and chugs. "Ah! Sugar! How I love thee! What else do we need to do so we can get this going, Dad?" * Shigeru looks intently at his screen. "Nightshade. It can only be harvested at three in the morning, and we don't have the time to get our own." * Makoto smiles down at Rei, and cracks open his own drink as he sits down beside her again. He takes a noisy swig and then watches--and listens to-- Shigeru once more. On the bright side, the triads have it. We just need to find and deal with them. * Chomei takes the soda, popping it open and sipping it. He nods. * Maria has soda. Triads? * Maria opens her soda and chugs it while waiting for an answer. The Chinese yakuza. Oh. I shouldn't have much trouble fiding 'em, then. Don't suppose no-subtle approach would work with triads... We could use your no-subtle approach to pound the paoxiao, Lazar. Hey, I'll have the stuff and be back before they know it's gone. 'S plenty subtle. * Makoto just drinks and listens. Okay. What third thing? * Shigeru rubs at his forehead and grabs a piece of paper, jotting stuff down. "The last is a pinachole root. They have no idea where to start with it." A what root? I suggest Eoi and I work on that one, because we're not sure what it entails. * Shigeru rips the sheet off the pad and looks over at the group. "Makoto, Maria, one of you take this." * Rei watches, still drinking soda. * Makoto stands quickly and moves to take the paper. "Okay. This the triad one?" * Chomei sips his soda quietly. How far away are each of the locations? Far enough away that I'll suggest you split. We don't have a lot of time. * Maria reads over Makoto's shoulder. * Makoto holds the paper where Maria can see it easily. * Shigeru nods at Makoto. "One of the gangs has been found frequently there, and their... boss would probably know something about the triads." It's not much, but it's a place to start. * Makoto nods. * Maria nods. Okay. So, we have to track this stuff down first, and THEN steal it. From criminals. * Rei speaks up, "I'll go with whoever's doing the drug thing." She hesitates. "I can keep quiet if I have to. I just suck at combat and get in the way and stuff." PLus need someone what speak Chinese, right? Steal it, buy it, whatever it takes. Just don't kill anybody. Better get started. I think Lazar and I should go after this Paoxio beast... We're the good guys. * Maria grins. "This should be fun." * Makoto looks at Maria, and then at Rei. "I guess that means it's the three of us on this one." ( Makoto seems so upset. ) Fun nothing. Get that nightshade. (Hee. ^_^) ( Makoto is an emotionless bastard 90% of the time, what did you expect? ^_^ ) * Maria sticks her tongue out at Chomei. "I *will* get it. That's the fun part." * Rei nods. "Plan! Makoto talks, Maria yoinks, I nap. It's all good." (I was interpreting that as, "Makoto seems so upset that he's getting paired with the two girls." ;p) Directions to where pao... pai... thingee we want bone from is? Mount Taishan. I'll arrange transportation for you. (Taishan. Taishan! ^^) ( D'oh. Of course. ) (Is that like the place we were at in China?) (Like, totally.) ( It's the closest sacred mountain to Shanghai I could think of :P ) (Like, yeah. That's so... So. Ya know?) (I know!) Uhm. Rei, if you're going to be napping, your little spirit better stick to the back of my head the whole time. If you're not whispering in my ear while we're out there I probably won't have a clue what anybody's talking about. Because they're- oh yeah. You don't speak Chinese. And neither does Maria. * Rei blinks, then grins. "Well, it's a good thing I decided to come with!" * Makoto grins right back at Rei. "Very." * Lazar mutters. "That what I said two minutes ago..." No astral Rei. Someone prop me up if I start to drop. * Maria nodnods. Will do. * Makoto walks over to Lazar and pats the golem on one of his mighty shoulders. "Don't worry, Lazar. I heard you, and agreed with you. Even if I didn't say anything at the time." After you come back, Lazar, I *do* have some things to tell you, concerning your village and purpose. * Maria blinks. * Chomei looks around. "When do we leave?" ... about who launch attack on village? Yup. * Makoto drinks the rest of his soda as he walks back to Maria and Rei. "Whee," he says as he tosses the empty can into a trash can, "an all-nighter. I haven't done one of these since... an event which has no bearing on our current situation and at any rate would not be of the slightest bit of interest to anyone. Let's go, shall we?" * Shigeru looks at Chomei. "As soon as possible." He picks up the phone and dials transportation, requesting a quick transport to Mount Taishan. (*laughs at Makoto's statement*) * Rei finishes. "Need coffee. More coffee. I don't drink coffee. Too bitter. What's wrong with me? Many things. Talking to self, self. What event? I wanna hear about it!" Ah... later, Rei. Definitely... later. * Lazar scowls. He looks VERY displeased, though at what it's not clear. "... we be back soon." * Chomei finishes his soda, scrunches the can in his hand, and throws it away. "WITH the bone." When later? Not tomorrow later, but probably next year later, when I forget all about it and it doesn't matter anymore. Does it have to be later? * Rei stands up anyway, trying to straighten her hair, but somehow it ends up even messier. I'm ready. How're you two gonna get there? Fly! Oh wait. * Shigeru glances at Rei, then requests a temporary vehicle for the other team, too. * Maria looks at Shig as he does that, then nods. "Right. You want me to ride with you, or shadow you?" * Makoto smiles gently. "Yeah, it should be later." You can ride with us, Maria. We'll be stopping a block away from this place anyway. * Rei folds her arms and pouts, then blinks at Makoto's expression. She tilts her head. * Maria nods. "Alright." * Shigeru hangs up. "Okay, someone's on his way for the paoxiao team. And there'll be a car waiting for the triad team as soon as they can get one here." * Rei blinks. "Car? As in, our car?" Cool! I get to drive! No other information except that it bite? Afraid not. ( Lazar and Chomei are still not up to full speed, y'know. ) Any weak points? Things we should look out for? I don't know... An aversion to Kirby Plushies? * Makoto nods. "Thanks, sir." He gives Rei a sidelong glance, but says nothing about the 'driving' comment. * Shigeru shakes his head. Just remember: while it's not known for its intelligence, it *can* talk. This won't be a cakewalk. * Rei grins madly. What language? * Shigeru snickers. "Chinese, most likely. But communication is usually a sign of some intelligence." Right. So all Laz needs to do is hold it's mouth shut. You might not be too far from the truth. Cho, you speak Chinese? No need hold mouth shut. Knock out, take arm, bring back. Simple. * Makoto reaches over and ruffles Rei's hair suddenly. "Okay, translator. How much do you charge for your services? I think tonight I will be a shrewd Japanese 'pharmaceuticals entrepeneur.'" I've been trying to learn, but no. * Rei yelps. Hey! Don't mess with the hair! I'll get you for this! I'll just add it to your hazard pay, cutie. * Rei eyes Makoto for a moment, then brightens. "I get hazard pay?" * Maria blinks, and then gets a horrified look on her face. "I'm not gonna have to wear those office clothes again, am I?" Not at all. You'll be the bodyguard. Uh. Makoto? She doesn't *look* bodyguardy. I can fix that. * Rei blinks, then goes ooooooh. Give her shades. * Maria grins. "Just means I'll have to prove it when they ask." [And suddenly the session ended!]