[Day: Wednsday, June 30th. Time: 8:00 p.m.] [Yesterday you fought Hitler and Dullahan and learned some stuff about Maria and Ensof. Ensof agreed to show you where the city was, although he didn't actually tell you since none of you asked about it. He said he would take care of travel arangements and get back to you in a day or too (presumably, you gave him your number).] [So in the meantime.... You're in the club room!] [Session Start] * Lazie rubs his jaw. "... no offense, Chie, but you body has glass jaw." * Reizar is in the clubroom. Golemy frown is on his face, and he's poking (very gently) at BOX's keys. That's because people don't usually slug me in it! Well, there problem. Need to get slugged more often, build up tolerance. * Choria is sitting on the wall where she would normally lean. "... Right. * Chisanjya has her hair down at the moment, and a few strands of it wave at her outburst. * Makoto chuckles. He's leaning against the wall beside the door, lazily spinning his yo-yo as is his wont. ...no, Laz. I don't think so. Back in Transylvania, was part of training. Beat up on each other, so used to it when were-yak trample you. ... of course, fact I so busy staring at vampyre Hitler that I no see punch coming no helped much. * Reizar grumbles, "Wonder if that's a cause for lost brainpower." Poke sullen poke. * Asanjei is sitting with her arms folded, flopped down over a desk. She looks petulant., Well, you aren't trying that with my body! * Mamei looks sullen as she sits slumped in her chair. "I had a terrible nightmare last night. About lameness. I think this body's getting to me." It's been through enough lately already. * Lazie chuckles. "Was no planning to, little one. This no Transylvania." It's not like those attacks make themselves, you know. Lame lame lamity lame. Hey, Asanjya, how's the cure coming? I'm not finding anything on this end, and it's starting to bug me... I mean, a lot of examples of body swaps, but nothing universal as far as fixing it. * Asanjei looks up at Mamei. "At least you sleep." Cheer up, guys. If Maria's people are so incredible, maybe they'll be able to help put everybody back in their correct bodies. If we can convince them to. If we can even make it out there. They sound like real jerks. And coming from Ensof, who's also a jerk, that really means a lot. ... would like to be in right body *before* back in Transylvania. Is too dangerous to be going in wrong bodies. * Chisanjya sits heavily. Her hair droops. * Choria sighs. * Asanjei sits up and says, in a surly manner, "We're buggered. Found a demon, summoned him, got his secretary, she told us to make an appointment and he's booked through 2093." * Chisanjya looks up. "Yep." * Reizar looks up. "2093? You've got to be kidding me." And that was hard enough. Probably 2094, now. Aww, you didn't schedule one! There's gotta be *some* other way. ... plus, need to take everyone to Moe's Transylvanian Survival Shop before leave. Foo. I don't plan on remaining like this for long enough to keep the appointment. I'm just at a total loss as to what it could be, is all. Moe's Transylv... Do you mind if I rob Moe blind, Laz? * Makoto shakes his head, apparently deciding that he probably doesn't want to know. No rob Moe! Moe is Transylvanian Jew! ... no of my people, but still! * Choria eyes Mamei. 'Cause if you mind, then you really don't need to take *everyone*. He run shop downtown. Sells everything need to survive in Transylvania. Stakes, holy water, holy symbols, silver weapons, candy bars... Candy bars? For when get hungry. What else would you use them for? Oh. Here I thought they were to fight off were-dentists or somethin'. Is no fun fight evil on empty stomach. * Lazie shakes his head. "No, no. Fight were-dentists by punching in mouth." Again with the punching in the jaw. * Asanjei flumps back over the desk, still looking decidedly grumpy. Mmmm, candy. Yeah, you don't want me in there. No jaw. Mouth. Knock out teeth, remove source of power. Jaw, mouth, whatever. * Makoto snorts as he pulls the strings on his yo-yo into a triangular shape. His spinning yo-yo rocks back and forth through the middle of the triangle made of its own strings, like a child on a swingset. ...there has to be a way to get us back. There just *has* to be. * Reizar looks rather grumpy, too. He hasn't turned his attention to the conversation, instead going back to poking about on his computer. Yeah. I don't want to be female for the rest of my life. * Mamei watches Makoto's yo-yo intently. Sounds silly, I know, but there many things in Transylvania that no die very easy. Many were-creatures no stay dead without silver, vampyres need stakes, holy water ALWAYS handy... Okay, so... we want to try and get everybody back in their bodies before we leave. Makes sense. Do we have ANY idea where to start looking, though? I wonder how Eoi-sensei felt when he... wait a second. That's it! Eoi-sensei said he was stuck as a girl for a while! Maybe *he* knows how to get back! Not anymore, I don't. ... should probably get some sort of holy symbol for necks. Keep vampyres from biting in favorite spot, give others time to knock vampyre away. * Chisanjya jumps up and runs for the phone, dialing the number for the China branch. * Choria watches Chisanjya spring into action. * Reizar looks up. "Eoi?" He blinks, then goes back to his computer. "Eoi, Eoi, Eoi Tabushi." Eoi? You mean the guy with the Naginata obsession? You know of another Eoi? C'mon, c'mon, somebody pick up! One could've snuck past me while I wasn't looking. * Makoto grins and lets go of one of the strings. "He was pretty cool," Makoto remarks as his yo-yo plummets toward the floor and stops, still spinning madly, centimeters above it. ... Eoi as girl. Heh heh... * Mamei pokes Lazar in the chest. "You're not one to be laughing about that, y'know." Aww, shit. Chie, I don't think it'll work. Is it worth a try? * Chisanjya hangs up. "Dammit. No answer." She then looks over at Reizar. "Why not?" * Lazie shrugs. "If no can laugh at self, who can laugh at?" Eoi's case was more like a sex change. Well, not really. He got Kimiko's body, and Kimiko got his, but they kept their abilities. Like Kimiko, in Eoi's body, was still a vampire. She could fly if she wanted. We don't have that. Besides, is no fact I in girl body I really mind. Aside from having to keep eyes closed when going to bathroom, in shower, changing... * Chisanjya sighs. "Dammit." * Lazie rubs his body. "I more mind just being in body what no my original... is like being taunted." * Makoto snaps the yo-yo back to his hand and gives it another spin. He pinches the string and uses it to twirl the already spinning yo-yo around in front of him. He stretches his hand out, and the yo-yo twirls faster and in a tighter radius. Then he closes his hand again and the yo-yo slows down and spins in a wider radius, as before. (Taunted by the jiggly goodness?) ( Hah! ) That does suck, actually. Kind of a gyp. I mean, I dead two years. Stuck in golem body. Finally, I in actual living body... but I no can do anything in it, because no mine. Is bad joke with no punchline. Is there something we're missing? Do we have to return to the scene of the crime or something? That'd be a mess. Maybe if I found the specs on that spirit bomb, but I don't want to duplicate it even if we could... * Chisanjya looks over at herself and sighs. "I'm sorry, Laz. Really, I am." * Choria looks deep in thought. Which is actually something for him, and probably won't last too long, and is just for show really. * Reizar turns his attention to Chie's body, and he frowns a little. "Y'know, you're already doing more than you realize in that body, and it's perfectly allowed. You should enjoy it." * Lazie shrugs, a weak grin on his/her face. "Is price I pay. Knew that when agreed to put spirit into golem. Just... no really thought about it at time. In shock, too angry." * Asanjei walks over to a pile of books she's moved to the clubhouse and flips through one page by page, quickly and aimlessly. * Lazie eyes Reizar. "Sure, can eat and drink. Can sleep. But no can go out, make friends in Chie body. No can exactly date. It partial life." It taste of what I missing, and I grateful for that. But only taste. No substance. ( Sure you can! ) * Makoto accidentally lets the yo-yo slip. It flies to the end of the string and jerks backwards before clattering against the floor. "Crap. We have GOT to get you guys back to normal. You're all driving me crazy." He pivots and slips out of the club room and into the hallway. * Reizar glares at him. "Yeah, but at least it's *there*. Don't knock it." * Reizar blinks, then looks to where Makoto was, and sighs. * Chisanjya turns from watching Lazar and Rei to see Makoto go. She sighs. Just keeps getting worse and worse, doesn't it? Yeah, it does. * Asanjei doesn't appear to look up from her book. "It can always get worse." She's got a point. Maybe two, somewhere in there. It wouldn't be so bad if we had some sort of direction... even just a little clue. Are we missing something? * Lazie looks at Rei. "Being in golem body driving you crazy, no?" Not as far as I can remember. * Reizar looks to Lazar. "How can you *stand* it? I can't sleep, sure, but... but... it's not the same! I can't feel anything, or taste anything, or- or- I can't even feel pain! What the hell!" So, uh. Anyone know any good magic shops? The kind that have body-switcher potions? That point. I no can stand it. But you've got it! For a little while, anyway, you've got the sensory input back. You should... I don't know, you should enjoy it. It's stupid not to enjoy it. Yeah. Laz, honestly... as long as you don't go getting me seriously injured, I don't mind. * Mamei fidgets. And I don't think you're gonna do that, so... * Lazie chuckles sadly. "Silly little one. You still no understand." *rubs forehead* "I no miss smelling, or tasting. I miss being Lazar." * Reizar stares at him for a moment. We'll never understand each other. I'm gonna talk to Makoto. * Reizar picks up BOX and lumbers out the door. You do that, little one. Maybe he help you feel no so crazy in golem body. Would be good. * Reizar grumbles as he leaves, "If anything, it's gonna make it worse." Shut the door. * Asanjei snaps the book shut. "This is going well. Another few days and we'll be jumping out windows." No kidding. Well, Cho might survive that, but I won't. ...didn't I used to be the optimistic one around here? * Makoto bumps into Reizar as the golem/girlfriend is leaving and the doppelganger/boyfriend is coming back into the club room. Optimism has hit an all-time low once we switched bodies, if you haven't noticed. You might still be. * Reizar blinks. "Hey. You're ruining my chance to get away from almost everything." * Asanjei throws up her hands. "I've tried all the demons and spells I know. I've got nothing, and no leads on anything." I dunno. I got lost somewhere after I got my lame transplant. Oof. Sorry about that, cutie. I think something's going on down on campus. Wanna come? * Chisanjya whirls on Choria, hair and cloak flying out behind her. "You're not helping!" * Chisanjya then puts a hand to her forehead. "I'm sorry, Chomei." Going down? Like what? * Choria sighs. This sucks. I so can't meet the entire rest of my race like this. Even if they do sound like evil jerks. * Makoto looks past Rei's temporary body and into the room behind. "Actually, maybe everybody should come. It looked like there was something fishy happening down there, and the way things are going I didn't want to go it alone." Duh. I can't meet you race like this. They'll think I'm one of them. Yeah, and a freak one, too. No magic, and you were born with the wrong eyes. Yeah, okay. * Chisanjya wordlessly walks out of the room, grabbing Asanjya's staff as she goes. And no can finish task like this... no offend, Chie. You very good. But golem built to avenge people. * Reizar turns and calls into the room, "Hey, guys! Something's going on in campus!" * Asanjei stands up and stretches. "Why not? We're all in the perfect mood to go investigate fish, aren't we?" She walks out. ...wha? I got a bad feeling about this. * Choria hops off the wall. "Let's get going." ... is better than sit here and mope. Tell me it has to do with mind transplantation. * Mamei gets up and walks over to Reizar. * Lazie stands, grabbing Chie's bag. "Want one of you swords before leave, Chie?" * Makoto watches Chisanjya leave without a word. "Oh, hey Chie, you coming with us? Please?" Eew, no. Brain transplants are messy and disgusting and bloody bloody bloody. Where's the insanity? (She left to go check out whatever.) Well, what is it then? Or is it a surprise? (So she probably didn't hear you guys.) * Lazie jogs after Chie, unconciously glad Chie introduced him to the wonders of the sports bra. * Reizar shrugs, scratches the back of his head out of habit, then stops when he realizes he can't feel anything. He heads out after them. * Makoto hurries toward the front of the strung-out group. "This way..." * Choria heads out as well. [Y'all go downstairs! Outside, the campus is sparsly lit by lamps here and there. But as for what's going on... All seems quiet.] * Chisanjya stops and waits for the others. "So what's going on?" * Asanjei looks around, nearly bumping into her body. "Whoa!" * Choria comes to a halt right next to Chisanjya, looking around. "Got me." * Reizar , thankfully, doesn't bump into anyone. He looks over them and around. "I don't see the trouble?" * Makoto stops a few steps in front of the others, farther away from the building that houses the club room as he looks around. "Uhm. Something was. Is. I'm pretty sure." * Chisanjya looks at Makoto. "Makoto, what'd you see?" Gwah? * Reizar edges his way around them (barely) and walks out. [As Asanjei turns, she spots a man who she didn't notice before. In fact, nobody did. He's an old man with silver hair and a long gaotee. He might be JesseLMan! He's about the right age. But probably not, because I don't think Jesse looks Chinese.] (*cracks up*) * Makoto shrugs. "I don't know. Something that got my attention. It was right around--ah!" Oh, that guy. Hey, guy! [He's wearing green silk Chinese clothes, and has his arms folded behind his back.] * Reizar waves. * Asanjei peers at him. * Chisanjya calls a greeting in Chinese. "" * Lazie peers at the guy. Looks kinda... nah. ( Hehe. ) * Choria just stands there. * Mamei blinks, grins, waves! "Master Jung!" * ChineseDude says back in Japanese, "Good evening." * ChineseDude is now known as Jung * Choria looks over at Mamei. "You know him?" * Asanjei peers harder. "CARL Jung? He was Austrian." Oh, hey! You know this guy, Maria? * Reizar blinks. "Carl?" * Chisanjya looks at Maria. "Wait, you've got an elderly Chinese martial arts master too?" * Makoto approaches the man without getting any closer than courtesy would allow. Yeah! He taught me to fight. And he let me borrow his roof back when I was a homeless waif an' stuff. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Makoto (2d6+2) and gets 12. ...waif's the right word, isn't it? Carl Jung. Father of Jungian psychology. Somehow I doubt this is him. ...except that right now, he's probably lookin' at Chomei and wonderin' what the hell's going on here. Waif's a pretty good word. It reminds me of food, but I can't eat anything. And I don't think he is. No, I believe I'm well aware of what is going on. * Choria nods. * Mamei blinks, then brightens. "Can you fix us?" Oh. Yeah, chi sensing and stuff. Master Wei'd probably be able to pull it off too. I need to learn how to do that. How do you do that? I can, indeed. * Makoto brightens at the prospect of getting a bit of help with the current body problem. ( "Chi-sensing? No Wei!" "Wei." ) (Haw.) (Woot, the body switch is driving Makoto crazy, too!) (No one is exempt from the craziness!) In fact, I came here for that very purpose. * Makoto frowns a little, all of a sudden. He turns his a bit to the side and sudies this Jung fellow from a different angle. You did! Awesome! * Jung was probably bishonen 30-40 years ago. Woo! * Chisanjya brightens immensely. * Reizar nods. "How'd you know?" * Asanjei perks up. * Mamei jumps for joy!, but is disappointed with the results. * Choria glances over at Makoto and raises an eyebrow. I know. * Makoto backs a half-step away from Jung. "Do you mind if I ask how you knew?" * Reizar glances at Makoto. You'll understand soon, but before that, there is something I need you to do for me. ( Fetch quest! ) * Chisanjya blinks. Her hair twitches slightly. "And what's that?" * Asanjei frowns. "I knew it." ( What, do your laundry?) ( I'm thirsty. Fetch me a bottle of sake. ) ( I need three bat wings for no real reason. Get them for easy money :P ) * Asanjei goes to find a tree to sit in, mumbling about how humans are more like demons than demons are. ( Great! We have them in Asanjya's basement!) ( ...where's Freud? ) * Makoto looks a bit skeptical. "Okay, sure. Anything to help these guys." * Jung paces a bit. "Anything?" * Chisanjya gives Makoto a look out of the corner of her eye. He didn't mean anything anything. I'm not going and slaughtering helpless peasants in the name of a god I don't believe in, for example. Peasants are in short supply, anyway. * Choria gives Makoto a look too. .oO(Bad choice of words...) * Jung chuckles. "No, that's not it." ... can please just tell us what want us to do? * Makoto takes on a puzzled look, almost as if remembering a conversation from long ago. "Well... almost anything. There's not a lot I haven't already done anyway. But... you probably knew that already." I know about your upcoming trip to the Et'Ada's city. What I want is what Dracula wants. Whatever he's after, bring it to me. If it doesn't involve stealing a green sword, I'm all for... gua? ...okay. Cure us first, then we'll go get it. But only 'cause you're an old friend! I'm afraid that's not possible. * Chisanjya frowns. ... And why isn't it? * Reizar folds his arms and eyes Jung. On Rei, it'd be cute. On Lazar, it's considerably more imposing. * Makoto smirks, despite the situation. "For starters, we wouldn't have any reason to help him if he fixed us first." Because then I would have no guarentee that you would go through with it. Oh, gods, *this* again! Look, we'd have a far, *far* easier time doin' this if we got fixed. ... well then, you kind of screwed. Because no way we can stop Dracula if no in right bodies. Frankly, I find that statement insulting. Do you want a contract or something? Doesn't anyone take an oath or somethin' anymore? Indeed. But that would not be.... too my advantage, you see. That and you're not very trusting. Especially if you're Maria's old teacher or friend or something. Hey, Maria. Hey, yeah? * Reizar looks at Maria-in-Chomei's body. "Did he always used to act like this? How could you stand him? No offense, Mr. Jung guy." * Choria cracks her knuckles. "You know what? I'm getting sick of this. Brute force is looking like a better and better option." That would not be.... advisable. Chomei, no. Whoa whoa wait, Chomei. Brute force wouldn't even *get* us anywhere. ... so it to your advantage to have Dracula kill us, take whatever he wants from Maria's people. That very smart. What does it matter? Even if we brought it to you, you wouldn't have a reason to help *us*. Maybe you could change just TWO of them back, just so we know that you can? No, this isn't how he used to act. Is it anything kinda sorta like how he used to act? Like, if you give him ten years, could he possibly change so he'd act this way? Did he even talk this way? * Lazie scowls. It'd probably look intimidating on his normal form. On Chie, it's just kinda cute. * Chisanjya walks over to Lazar and whispers. Not unless someone took over his brain? Hey, Master Jung. Do you remember why you kicked me out? Indeed. You stole an ancient sword. Oh, that's the easy part. What about that made you kick me out? * Jung considers that. * Choria doesn't look happy. At all. * Lazie shakes his head at Chie. I suppose it's because I made a mistake, taking you in. I had thought you would change for the better, but you surprised me. * Reizar looks from Jung to Not-Really-Chomei. Still, there is hope for you. You can use the skills you'e learned on the street to get me what Dracula is after, then all will be forgiven. * Chisanjya watches Jung from the corner of her eye. She's frowning, and her hair stiffens. * Makoto tilts his head. "So what *is* Dracula after? I mean, what if we have the chance to get lots of stuff that he wants and we're not sure which thing to bring back?" Why do you want it so badly, then? I do not know. But whatever it is, it is safer in my hands than in his. ( 2:1 odds say it's Ambition.) * Mamei nods slowly. "Alright. Good effort, whatever you are." She runs and jumps, aiming a flying kick at 'Jung's head. It'll take us quite a while to hunt that dow-WOAH! 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mamei (2d6-3) and gets 5. * Jung moves only as much as is necessary, and Mamei flies by harmlessly. Hmm... Well, I suppose it was fruitless to pretend after all. * Lazie blinks, and pulls out Chie's demon sword. He doesn't make any moves, for the moment. * Choria pulls out his/her bow. * Asanjei is quietly flying over this dude. Lying only gets you in trouble, y'know. * Chisanjya runs over to Lazar. "Laz, my other sword?" * Mamei summons Rownal. * Lazie tosses the normal sword to Chie. * Chisanjya grabs it and gets *behind* Rei. * Jung very suddenly changes appearances. He's now younger (late 30s-early 40s), dressed in a gret business suit. He wears glasses and has his black hair pulled back and tied into a ponytail at his neck. * Makoto watches Jung with dread as he pulls his combat yo-yo from a pocket. * Jung is now known as NotJung Oh... ( It's Nietschze! ) Hell-lo. ( Hah! ) (*laughs*) ( No, no. Nietzche is in ATC2. ) (Hehe.) ( ... Kirkregaard? ) ( Sure. ) (Kirbregaard?) Well, I suppose it was likely to fail. I was beginning to run out of patience anyway. That's one of our favorite tactics. Frustration. * Asanjei shouts down from above. "Who the hell are you?" Bad guys always fail. Because they dumb. * Reizar snickers at Makoto. Patience is a virtue. So... I'm not your master Jung, Minami. Maria. Whatever you call yourself. My name is Lin Kar Lau. * ProbablyNotNietschze is now known as Lin Wow, things go so much faster when you decide to just kick ass. (We are a self help book.) Lau? * Mamei pulls a windy arrow out and aims and aims. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Makoto (2d6) and gets 10. My, always so quick to the draw. You're quite the police officers, aren't you. We do sorta get paid for that kind of thing. But anyway, Mr. Lin Kar Lau, what are you? And what do you want, exactly? * Mamei twitches. "What did you call me?" Hang on a second, Maria. * Choria draws an arrow and aims. And what was the *point* of all that if you suck at pretending to be someone one of us knows- huh? Okay, Makoto." I am the director of Human Resources at Asahara. I'm here to offer you employment. . . . * Reizar facepalms. Big crunch. * Asanjei blinks. * Chisanjya LAUGHS. You have *got* to be fucking kidding me! ...holy shit, you're stupid! * Mamei says it as a statement of fact, not an insult. I'm sure you'll understand if we're a bit reluctant. We've had a bit of trouble with your employer in the past. My god, that's horrible. I mean, you had all the facts, but you are really, really stupid! Quite right. Precisely why we are offering the job. You've proven to be quite capable. * Reizar pulls his hand from his face. "Do you realize how much you people've messed up my *life*? Why the hell should I help you?" * Asanjei floats down to speaking level. "More capable than your scientists the other day, right?" I'm sorry... Did you say we messed up your life, Rei Ueda? Because if not for our technology, you wouldn't even have a life. Not to mention your entire family. Honestly, you're all so reluctant when most of you owe our corporation so much. I'm sorry. Who's the one who decided to put toxins into my bloodstream to control me because apparently I was too uppity the first time around? Oh yeah? What, exactly, do *I* owe? Seems to me you keep tryin' to *kill* me and my friends! I'm wondering the same exact thing. You do realise that these thins you're saying really don't help relations between your employer and us, right? * Asanjei folds her arms and eyes the man. "What I owe you at the moment is a headache and a misplaced soul." * Lazie snorts. "I never heard of Asahara until come to Japan. You guys really bad at evil. Would get eaten for lunch in Transylvania." Literally. You're an exception, Chieko. We don't particularly want another person who speaks with the dead, but we're willing to take you on because you've proven yourself. And Lazar... No, you don't owe us anything. But there is much we can do for you. * Chisanjya bristles at the use of her full name. "Ohh, so you just want me outta the goodness of your hearts, huh?" For instance, we can give you your body back. And I don't mean that hunk of animated rock. * Asanjei spins on her heel and stalks off a few steps, tapping her foot angrily. Sorry, but I've already got an employer, and their interests run contrary to yours. ...even if you prolly pay better. ...A LOT better, actually. * Makoto looks away from Lin. "I don't know... this guy has no emotions whatsoever, and he can change shape... I'm not the Professor, but I think that means he's either a demon or a doppelganger or something equally nasty. Be careful, guys." Maria... You'd be dead without our interference. * Lazie eyes Lin... and busts out laughing. Sure, Makoto. I got that idea. * Lazie keeps laughing, collapsing to the ground in fits of laughter. We've spent much effort into protecting you from a certain someone who would see you dead. * Chisanjya is practically shaking with rage. I suppose whatever employees you lost were just expendable resources then, huh? And Chomei Tochikura... * Mamei mutters something about government pay, then; "Oh, sure. And I suppose it was you and only you that kept me safe while I was homeless, right?" * Chisanjya goes very, very still. * Choria is remaining completly calm, aiming the arrow straight at Lin. You don't want to become a demon? We have the solution that will allow you to live on earth as a normal human. Oh... that *so* classic! 'Trust us... we give you new body if just come work for evil!' *stands up* Silly man. If get body back, it because God decide I earn it. Oh, I know you have the technology and the knowhow. That's pretty stupid not to notice. The real problem is your integrity is down the crapper. * Lin shakes his head sadly at Lazie. "Poor Lazar... You just don't want to believe it. Yet it's true." * Lin points at Rei. "After all, it worked for her." Oh, I sure you *can* make new body. Oh, how about that. Rei would be dead now if not for us. * Reizar just glares at him. It might have worked, but he's not happy. Or do you suppose that that vampire managed to steal our technology by herself? No, we let it happen. I shouldn't have died in the first place. As I recall, it was Kuro that helped me die. Ass. No, it was your brother. He was making some sort of deal with him. Don't think I didn't catch it before I entered that hunk of rock. Your own brother who- incidently- was born from a man who wouldn't exist without our technology either. Yeah, because you wanted to make a weapon! Quite right. We can't be responsible for the actions of outside parties. Did for Rei, even if you add a few no so good things. No question *can*. If I no human yet, it because I no finish task. If no become human after... *pauses* ... well, then maybe I no deserve body back. Is up to God. No you. What outside party? Way I see it, Kuro's done a *lot* of work for you. Not just a weapon.... Psychic powers have many more uses than as a means of attack. As you yourself have exploited with your astral projection. * Lin looks at Lazie, "And did God tell you to allow your soul to be transferred into a golem? That seems more like your elder's idea." Okay, okay, wait. Before we all get pissed off and start swinging, I want to know something. Yes, Felix? I survived for reason. God gave elder power to do so. Aww, but I don't usually- hey, how do you know all that stuff? * Makoto flinches. "I don't use that name here. How do you know it?" * Lin laughs aloud. Felix.... You work for us already! * Asanjei pulls up her legs and watches, frowning. * Reizar blinks. What? * Chisanjya shakes her head. "No, no, no. You're just sayin' that to build up our mistrust." Sorry, not buyin' it without some really damn good proof. Mmmm... How did he get out of hell? * Makoto clenches his fists. "What are you talking about?" Where does he keep going all these times? Oh, and let's not forget, how does a doppleganger surpress its urge to kill? ... frequent masturbation? I tell them. They know. I'm just... out. Around. My aunt and uncle need me to help them a lot these days... You don't have an aunt and uncle. * Mamei blinks. "What's masturbation?" Dopplegangers do not have human parents. Who said his parents were human? * Reizar blinks a few times, looking from Lin to Makoto and back. But they told me my mother took me there. I remember the flight. * Chisanjya takes a deep breath and bites her lip. "Makoto..." False memories. * Choria chuckles. "Wow, that's a good way to build trust. Tell someone all they know and remember is a falsification." False memories? You can't just stick memories in my head! (... Thank you, Lazar. I can't believe you thought Lazar wasn't some sort of comic relief, Jesse.) What really happened was our team saved you from Zukunft Corporation, which would have set you up for far worse than anything we had ever put you through. You aren't even a real doppleganger. You're modified. You're a fake! ( Actually, that was Lazar trying to get everyone to calm down and realize how ridiculous this was by saying something silly. =P ) * Asanjei speaks up. "You know, you're not gonna get anywhere without evidence. This could be totaly bullshit." And even if it is, it doesn't matter. * Choria nods. Check your home, then. Every night when you think you're going home, you come back to us. Question. * Reizar waves. "Hello. Question." * Mamei yawns, eases off the bow, and taps Lin on the shoulder. "Hey, you mind if I take a nap 'till you're done?" How could I go to his home and visit astrally, then? * Chisanjya smiles. It's not a nice smile. We were aware what you were planning, so we set up a false home. Oh, please. Wow, that's some serious Bullshiting. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Makoto (2d6) and gets 5. ... does it matter? I think you have answer. We sooner work at Suburb with zombies trying to eat brains than work for you. * Asanjei yawns. "And I'm sure you were behind the Kennedy assassination too, would you mind leaving now?" You evil. You lie. We no trust you. Now go away. That about sums it up. No. No, it's not bullshit. I hardly ever gave you guys a straight answer about where I was, you know that. * Reizar frowns and fixes his gaze on Makoto. "Yeah, but so?" Sometimes, when I thought about what I'd been doing, I realized there were jumps. You know, like in an old movie when the frames skip too far because they cut some tape out of the middle of a scene? No? I have not lied this entire conversation... barring the time before I revealed my true self. The simple fact is, you would rather believe I am lying than accept it for true. Makoto... remember that one time when I called you? Hey, do you have a phone? Mind if we order pizza? * Makoto frowns and rubs his forehead with thumb and forefinger. "Yeah. Maybe. What did we talk about?" I can't eat pizza. But I don't mind. I could make pizza, if you really want. You recovering from that zombie thing, and driving and stuff. Where were you when I called you? * Asanjei frowns for a second. "Hey, Lin. So what's in it for me, if I join?" You should have my phone on you, Maria. Oh, maybe you no tell lies. But leave out truths. Like when return body, you put mind control chip in head. Or poison blood, like do to Rei. You evil. You lie. Is what evil does. Oh, right. Uhm, anyone know a pizza-place number? I... was probably home. I think I was there a lot. Or out. * Reizar rattles one off without really paying attention. Those were Kuro's own initiatives. And quite frankly, his own position is currently less than satisfactory. * Mamei calls the pizza place! Ah, big business polotics. Mmmmhmmm. Ah, and Asanjya. * Chisanjya smiles at Makoto. "S'okay." Then she turns to Lau. "So you can't even keep your own employees in check? Wow. Speaks volumes about your position." * RowynWorkyn is now known as Rowyn * Makoto lapses into thoughtful silence. "You know..." We've got a library for you. Filled with far more original sources of information than your own paltry collection. Not to mention, Asahara holds much sway with certain powerful demons of the underworld. We could use someone skilled in that area, as well. * Lin turns to Chie. "And you can? I heard Rei's brother is in the hospital." * Asanjei narrows her eyes, for a second, and a Look crosses her face. Seems somebody wouldn't stop hitting the poor kid, and now he's got injuries that he'll never fully recover from. Not to mention... * Chisanjya winces. "I'm not the one in charge here," she says quietly. "I'm just one in a group of equals." * Reizar looks down at the ground. Isn't there a certain demoness that gets under your nerves? She's annoying. So what? Lots of people are annoying. She's a cousin. They're like that. Mmm Hmmm... Or is it something more than that? Hey. Hey! (Zing!) No messin' with Victoria, you got that? You sure don't act like she's "Just a cousin" when she's around Mr. Tochikura. * Mamei taps Lin on the shoulder. "You're gonna be here a while, so should I order pizza for you, too? You'll help pay, right?" Excuse me, Mr. Taltosh. So I get jealous. What business of it is yours?! Simply put, you're a hypocrite. * Asanjei opens her eyes as the Look passes. "... Naaaaah, my uncle'd have a fit." I'm sorry, what? Me being jealous has exactly *what* to do with you? * Lin grins at Asanjya. "Really?" * Choria raises an eyebrow. "Perhaps, perhaps not. But I live with all my ignorances just the same." "Because he didn't buy those books for you off of E-bay." * Asanjei smiles sweetly. "He'd have a fit if I got them before he did." Your uncle got his start in one of our subsideries. * Reizar coughs and looks at the sky, hmming to himself. He quietly starts, "If I joined Asahara, Dad would kick my ass. Followed by my mom, my other mom, Eoi, Aunt Chelsea, random kids on the street, small puppies..." Those books were by and large retirement gifts. I still don't see how the hell this helps your integrity. * Mamei sighs and rifles through Lin's pockets to pass the time. He'll help pay for pizza one way or another! (She's such a dear.) (Aww, isn't that sweet?) [Mamei rifles through his pockets and.... finds she can't seem to touch them. Her hands keep missing them.] I'll have to remember to sic a demon on him for that. * Mamei blinks. "Heeeey, cool! You're not really here, are you?" * Lin shrugs. "Actually, I'm over there." He points. * Chisanjya does not look. * Lin is over there! * Reizar glances, then glances back, then shrugs. * Lin is not over here when Rei glances back. He's over there! * Reizar lumbers over to Makoto and peers down at him. He doing okay? Oh, and by the way, Maria? * Mamei perks up. "You'll help pay for the pizza? Yay!" It's about time you used your real eyes. Don't you think? * Lin snaps his fingers, and Choria's eyes suddenly burn. * Makoto is still quiet and thoughtful, but he says to Reizar "I don't get it, Rei. I'm pretty sure I remember sleeping with lots of women, but now I don't know if it ever really happened." Oh, that. Not really? ( Makoto, you're still a virgin! Join us, and we can fix that.) * Choria closes her eyes and covers them with her hands. "Goddamn fucker!" ( Sign me up!! ) (*falls over laughing*) Stop it! (*cough* Is not. :P) * Chisanjya runs over to Chomei. Hey, wait. Hey, stop! * Reizar whirls and glares at him. "Not your fault about the toxins, huh? Turn it off!" * Mamei watches her body suffer in a confused sort of way. Wow... There is a heart underneath. Oh well, if you insist. * Lin snaps his fingers again, and the burning stops. * Choria clenches her fists as the sensation stops. "He's a dead man walking." Chomei, are you all right? I'll feel much better when I kick his ass. [Choria's hands are covered in what almost looks like gold glitter. His eyes are now a misty silver color.] ...wha? ( And if he had the contacts in, those are in his hands too. ) * Makoto watches the events with quiet interest. Your... eyes... Don't you understand? You're not a gold! You'd have been killed, if we hadn't saved you. I don't get it. What'd you do to my eyes? * Choria blinks, looking at the dust. ". . ." * Reizar watches. "I have a question, Lau." I have an answer. Uh... you saved me? Right. Cho, you okay? * Asanjei floats in the air a few feet up. ... I have to go to the bathroom. * Choria rubs her eyes. "Yeah, yeah." If what you say is true, and we do all owe it to Asahara or whatever that we even exist, for the most part, why'd you go in such a roundabout, stupid fashion to try to get us to work for you? To raise us? I've always known what Asahara was responsible for concerning me. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But I am curious. Can't be too careful, now, can we? * Chisanjya gently gives Chomei's shoulder a squeeze, then fixes Lau with a level gaze. * Makoto grunts. "It's kind of like Darwinian experimentation. You just sort of throw stuff out and see what survives." It was convenient for us to get a few potential agents into Interpol. Although, in your case, Makoto, we just needed a spy. If you guys really are that good at screwing with my brain, I guess I made a pretty good one. * Asanjei scrunches her brow. "Lessee... how's that go again?" * Choria looks over at Chisanjya, then back at Lau, then chuckles. Well, it's getting late. I'll give you some time to think over our offer. What, without even having pizza with us? * Asanjei grins. "Oh, right. 'Non serviam.'" She bobs about some more. * Lin turns, and looks over his shoulder. "I trust you'll make the right... Wait, no I don't. But that's okay too." * Lin walks towards the wall of the school. When he gets there, he flips over it without effort. ... nice jump. Yeah. Meh. You hope we'll do what's wrong. And I could do that. In my body. I think I speak for all of us when I say, Fuck you. * Choria nods. * Lazie rubs his head. "... so, anyone have any OTHER ideas about how to get back to right bodies?" ... Yeah. I have an idea. Well, tell us. Does it involve food? * Choria puts her bow away. "What is it?" * Asanjei gets a Look again, though a different one this time. It looks thoroughly out of place on Rei's face. She mutters, "Don't mess with me and mine, foul man, or you'll live just long enough to regret it." Then the look is gone. We have a superhuman with eyes that are the right color, now. * Makoto looks at Maria's physical face. * Reizar looks at Makoto. "Wait, what?" * Choria has silver eyes now. "Unless I'm mistaken, *gold* was the right color." * Reizar grins suddenly. "I think I get it." Hey. Stop looking at me like that, Makoto. Get what? I... don't see it. * Choria backs away from Makoto. "What are you thinking? Makoto can pass as Maria, can't he? Only with gold eyes. He touched her when she had gold eyes. ( Please don't tell me you're going to bathe in acid because you think your real bodies are hidden under your false ones x.x ) (... BRILLIANT!) (... I should try that.) (Why didn't *I* think of that?!) (Almost as good as setting your pants on fire!) Sorry, didn't mean anything by it. I was just thinking. ( Sure, let's all bathe in acid! What's the worst that could happen? XD ) (While singing Stairway to Heaven, thank you very much.) Yeah, well, Maria's not in this body to kick your ass if you try anything. She's in my body, which I think can do a lot more damage. ( ... I want my body back before I jump into acid. ) No offense. * Chisanjya blinks. The tension's finally draining from her. "What are you thinking?" 'Scept with my fists. Your hands are too soft, Cho. The way I see it, we can't go to Asahara and we certainly can't go to Dracula. And interpol's being as helpful as ever. * Makoto nods. So you're thinking of going to the city? Yeah. ( You realize that you pretty much are Interpol, so by insulting them, you're insulting yourself, right? :P ) ( Hehe. ) (Yessum. :P) If Ensof right about them... why they help us? The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Wait. You're thinking of going while we're all week and disoriented and in the wrong bodies, or after we fix all that? ( Well... Dracula and Asahara are enemies.... ) We don't have a choice, do we? (Or in this case, the enemy of both my enemies is my friend. :P) Uhm... I dunno? * Reizar shakes his head. "Chances are..." Well, think about it this way. Dracula and Asahara are both after them. The only two options we have are waiting until the last moment and trying to save them from one or the other, or... We're stuck, aren't we? Asahara isn't gonna wait very long for an answer. And Dracula's still causing a big mess. And... Asahara is *not* going to change us back without some sort of proof or promise that we'll cooperate with them. And the world's going to hell, and we all know it. * Lazie looks up at the sky. "A little help now would be nice..." Or we fake helping Asahara long enough to get ourselves back to fighting form. And then we just kick everybody's ass. [It starts to rain!] I kinda like that option. Hey, shower. ... Sorry, Makoto, but I haven't got that kind of acting ability. I hate soggy pizza. * Makoto looks up. "Oh. Rain." ... yup, that Old Testament God. *mutters* (Hee.) Good thing I didn't order yet. Let's go inside. You're the one who decided to be Jewish. * Asanjei ducks back under the doorway. * Mamei walks back inside. * Choria goes inside. "Geeze man, this just sucks." Is good thing I Jewish. You want me turning other cheek when face Dracula? * Reizar is getting shiny! But he looks at Makoto and wanders back in, anyway. I don't think Christians would turn the other cheek against vampires. They do the cross thing, y'know? * Chisanjya stares up at the sky. "The universe hates us, doesn't it?" She follows the others back in. * Reizar grins. It looks strange, since he's been sulking all this time. "Nah. The universe doesn't hate us." ( No, just Brett and Dicey. ) It does. I'm gonna meet the rest of my race, and I won't even be able to pretend to fit in long enough to rob them blind. ( Same thing. ) Yeah? How doesn't it? [Inside there's a Kirby plushie!] * Mamei contemplates playing Kick the Kirby. She picks it up instead. (There's your Kirby for the day. Don't you feel better?) * Makoto stays out in the rain and mutters, mostly to himself. "You don't have to try that hard to act like something you're not." He sighs and walks toward the building. [The Kirby is cute! It's got a little tag that reads: "Comfort Kirby (tm). Squeeze me!"] (Awww. ^_^) Anyone want to play baseball with a kirby? * Mamei stands there for a while before squeezing. I don't have a bat. * Reizar looks over at Makoto. [The Kirby latches onto Mamei's finger and goes, "Awwwwww.... Hug!" Then it lets go.] Not unless it were-Kirby. Normal Kirby cute. Like big, pink, round puppy. Just tear down a lamppoast. It should work just as well. It's just a plushie, Chomei. I used to have one like it when I was little. ... ( ... someone needs to die for that. ) * Makoto squishes back inside and stands in a puddle of rainwater as he watches the others with the plushie. "Hey, Chie and I got one of those once." ... Right. Does it say who sent it? Yeah, we did. Makoto, what'd you do with it? It's still in my car. You mind going and getting it? * Mamei sighs. "That's so cute," she says in a depressed voice. Then she looks to see if there's anything saying who sent it. I't can't hurt. (It, rather) Sure. It hasn't made any noise or anything since it fell on you, but it couldn't hurt. [Nope! It's just a Kirby.] It fell on you, remember? Oh. * Makoto rubs his forehead again. Right. I'll... I'll be right back. * Makoto goes out to his car. * Chisanjya abruptly loses her smile. * Reizar blinks, then turns and follows him wordlessly. Toss me the Kirby, will you, Maria? * Mamei does so! * Chisanjya gives it a squeeze. [The Kirby latches onto Chisanjya's finger. "Awwwwww.... Hug!" Then it lets go.] * Chisanjya tucks it under one arm and looks at the others. "So." She sighs. (This. Is MC2's answer to Dealing With Upper Management.) * Makoto trudges through the rain to his car, whose trunk he pops remotely with the keychain. He lifts it up and reaches in, pulling out another Kirby plush before closing the trunk. "Hey, Rei." Y'know, Makoto... (It's injecting you all with something through the finger. Don't trust it.) [Makoto's Kirby seems to be the normal non-talkey kind.] * Reizar stops for a moment, just looking awkward, but continues, "It doesn't really matter. Who made you, what you were made for. If everything he said is true." * Makoto hangs onto the ordinary Kirby plush anyway, because it's somehow comforting. ... was too much to hope Kirby save us, I suppose. Yeah. I mean, using a Kirby plush as a messenger... nobody'd do that, right? * Makoto smiles a crooked, impish smile at Reizar. "Sure it does. I'll have to sleep in my car now, since I'm sure as hell not going back home." You can come to my place? I mean, Asanjya's living there right now, and it's kinda crowded, and I do have a pet demon... I could clean up a little, I guess. Find a sleeping bag? * Asanjei is sitting on the ceiling, and motions for someone to throw her the Kirby. Oooh, I thought you'd never ask. We can all sit around and paint Lazar's nails and talk about boys, it'll be fun! * Chisanjya tosses Asanjya the Kirby. * Reizar shrugs. "Sure. I bet he'd love cherry-colored fingernails. Or he'd hate it, but he'd be so happy to be back in the hunk of stone he bargained for, he won't care." I wonder how far we could take that gratitude. Maybe paint a big yellow smiley face on his chest? Or a target. That way, people'd hit him instead of us. [As exciting as this is, folkes. It's now that time for the session to be at end.] [So... it's over!]