[Day: Sunday, November 9th, 2082. Time: 5:30 p.m.] [You've just gotten done training in the holoroom, with your Guardians. Yay! Afterwards, Gottlieb took off for an immediate appointment to... I dunno, have his false teeth cleaned? Or something. Whatever, he's gone.] (Excellent. Keiko? Your next mission is to steal Gottlieb's wooden teeth without him noticing.) [So that leaves the rest of you outside the holoroom, with time enough for a long break before you continue to whatever torture your guardians have planned next.] (I'm on it!) [Session Start] (Hopefully he's not using polygrip. I might not be able to pull hard enough.) (Wasn't there a sneaky plan to make him snort a goban at some point?) (Also yes.) (You would have a hard time fitting one of those inside a human nose) (Also amusing that it's the same day as the mini we just had.) * Roseli is talking to Hotaru and Ten as she walks and chews gum (at the same time). "... not fast enough. You must be able to defend yourself without powers." I am aware of this, but she can only move so fast. * Luana is wearing her usualy plain, boring colors - blue and brown today - but is wearing a skirt and doesn't have her hair tied back, so she hasn't been exercising. She's reading something that looks suspiciously like a copy of The Five Rings with another novel hidden inside it. Then you will move faster. * Heinrick smirks slightly at Roseli's statement and sticks his hands in his pockets. "We still need to work on anticipation ourselves." He glances at Keiko. "That protection can get overused if you depend on it." * Ten looks up at Hotaru's face for a moment and then at Roseli. "As you will have it." * Keiko is wearing black! Ha ha, consistency. She idly comments, "You are repeating yourself." Beat, then, to Luana, ~So, what are you really reading?~ * Heinrick lets out a mock sigh and shrugs slightly. "It never hurts to make sure your message is heard again." * Keiko replies, "Well, Roseli is repeating it as well, so you needn't worry." She runs a finger along her collar. * Luana shifts her grip to make the second book less obvious as she thinks, ~Lord of the Rings, the first one. Close enough, right?~ ~... I don't think so.~ [As you approach the corner, you see two men. One's a skinny bald guy, 30ish, on a step ladder, fiddling with a security camera. The other is tall, and fairly muscular, though he has a bit of a pot belly, too. He's maybe 40ish, with close-cropped blond hair.] (They're replacing the video cameras with homing lasers.) * Roseli glances at Luana and smiles a little. Sure, NOBODY can tell that a novel's hidden in a novel. (Even if it isn't a novel, it should be.) * Ten looks up at the repairmen. [He's talking rather loudly at the skinny guy. "No excuses! Our security needs to be air tight. If the camera went out at 4:15 a.m., it should have been fixed at 4:20!"] * Luana sees Roseli's smile as she looks up at the men and smiles back sheepishly. * Keiko eyes the step ladder. ~Ah, cameras.~ He isn't here. You don't have to pretend. [The larger man doesn't look like a repairman. In fact, he's wearing an all-black uniform of a security guard, complete with a utility belt with a tonfa, a communicator and a pistol. You don't have to ask his name, because he has a nametag: Jarek Degenhardt - Chief of Security] * Keiko adds, slightly teasing, ~Unless the camera sees you.~ * Ten demands at the security "Do you know why it malfunctioned?" * Heinrick shrugs at Roseli's statement. "My my. I wouldn't expect you to be encouraging her like that, Miss Tavares." * Luana blushes deeply. "Ah, well... I, um... I didn't know our security is so strict," she stammers out as she closes both books. * Heinrick sounds more amused than condescending. [The bald guy nods. "Yes, sir, sorry sir." He doesn't dare look at Ten.] * Keiko looks back to the guys repairing the camera as Roseli and Heinrick duel with their words. [Jarek looks at you. "It doesn't matter why it's not working. We need to get it fixed ASAP" He pronounces it Ay-sap. "And yes, of course security's important! You're one of the genmods, right? And you haven't figured that out yet?"] * Roseli grins at Heinrick. "Kids should have fun, or they'll grow up like us." * Luana continues blushing and ducks her head, moving a bit so that Keiko is between Jarek and herself. * Heinrick looks down with a smirk at that. "Oh dear. We wouldn't want *that*, now would we?" 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 6. [Without warning, the stepladder collapses, and the bald man tumbles to a heap. Jarek stares at him, nostrils flaring. "What do you think you're doing?"] * Roseli shrugs. "Hm. No, not healthy." She turns to the Jerek and Luana conversation. * Ten snorts. * Heinrick then looks at the security guard plainly, clearing his throat. "If you don't know, could it not malfunction again?" [The bald guy stands up. "I-I don't know! It just collapsed suddenly!"] Are- are you okay, s-sir? [Jarek glances at Heinrick out of the corner of his eye. "Not if it's fixed properly."] * Keiko jumps back slightly from the collapse (hey, she's dodging!) and then brushes a finger along the bill of the plush duck. Fixing it would involve determining the cause of the problem. Or it will happen again. [The bald guy looks at Luana. "I... I...." He looks down at the ladder and spots something. He kneels down, picking up a small object. "A s-screw came out. The ladder had a loose screw."] [Jarek frowns heavily at the bald man. "A loose screw. And you didn't check your equipment before you used it?"] [The bald guy stammers "B-but..."] * Heinrick quirks an eyebrow at the exchange, but lets them go through it. * Keiko says, idly, "They do not seem to be paying attention, Ten. They have their own problems." [Jarek pulls his communicator out of his belt. "Bachmann. It's me. Send a repairman down to C-14 in the basement to fix this camera. And send a security detail. Abt's about to be fired, and you know what that means."] [The bald guy stares at Jarek. "Wh-what?! But...! But it was the ladder! I-I didn't..."] Our problems take precidence so long as they work for us. * Luana 's eyes slowly deepen to a darker blue as she steps out from behind Keiko. "How is- how is he- you're just being difficult!" she manages to get out, glaring at Jarek. [Jarek glares at him. "Son, the safety of our country is entrusted to us. We have a duty to keep our people safe, and that duty requires competence. If you can't be bothered to even check your equipment before you use it, you don't belong here."] [Jarek glances at Luana. "I'm being strict, girl. There's a difference. Or would you like to wake up with a knife in your throat because some idiot forgot to make sure you were secure while you slept?"] [There's some heavy thumping of boots, and two armed guards appear down the stairs. "Sir?"] * Keiko holds out an arm to stop Luana from advancing, then looks to Jarek. ~Be quiet, Luana.~ [Jarek turns to them. "Abt has been terminated. Take him to the labs for mindwipe."] [The bald guy screams. "No! Sir, give me another chance! I don't want to be mindwiped! Please!"] * Luana slowly moves back to her previous position behind Keiko. She flinches as the repairman screams. Pardon me. But is it standard procedure to need to check all ladders before using them? Efficiency is of utmost importance, as you said. * Hotaru takes a step back and earns another glare from Ten. * Keiko smiles faintly to herself. [He stares at Heinrick. "B-but I-"] [Jarek turns back to him. "I think you'd thank me in the long run, if you were going to remember it. You obviously don't belong here." He nods to the guard closest to him.] * Heinrick shrugs. "I am merely checking protocol. If it is not in protocol, then it is understandable that he would not know. Do all your repairman know this policy?" [Said guard steps forward and addresses Abt. "Sir, if you'll come along with us."] (repairmen.) * Roseli hooks her hands in her pockets and watches calmly. ~That man is -terrible-.~ ~Yes.~ [Jarek nods. "Of course they do. I'll have to speak with Johnson about this."] [Speaking of, a familiar black engineer shows up. "Why don't you do that now?"] Make certain. If it is a problem with the instructors, then it might be important to realize that. * Heinrick then looks up at the new comer. [The bald guy looks at Robert Johnson helplessly. The engineer looks at him, then you, then turns to Jarek. "Is there a problem here, Degenhardt?"] [Jarek nods at the stepladder. "One of your men forgot to check his equipment."] [Robert turns to Abt. "Did you?"] *** Luana_ (WD@ has joined channel #Mc4 *** Signoff: Luana (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [Abt shakes his head hurriedly. "N-no! I checked to make sure before I brought the ladder out. I know I did!"] [Jarek snorts. "Could've fooled me."] * Keiko continues stroking the plush as she adds, ~That is how things are here, Luana. But it won't be long now.~ ~What do you mean?~ [Robert frowns at Jarek. "Be that as it may, he's my man. I'll see to his punishment."] *** Luana_ is now known as Luana [Jarek gives Robert a look which could kill. But doesn't actually do that. "I won't let the security of this facility be compromised."] Then find out why the camera was off. Let him do his job. [Robert stares at him for a second. Then he walks past the man to the step ladder, sets it up, pulls out a screwdriver, and screws the ladder back in. "There. Uncompromised."] ( ladder = screw ) Indeed. [Robert nods to Roseli. "Abt, take care of this. We'll talk about your punishment when we get back to the garage." He looks pointedly at Jarek. "Punishment that WON'T end in a mindwipe, I'm sure." ] [Jarek glares hard at Robert, then looks at the two guards. "Back to your rounds." He heads off, walking up the stairs.] [The bald guy watches him go, until Robert says, "Abt." He turns, blinking, then remembers the camera and gets to fixing it."] * Ten tilts her head. "Hmm." [Robert sighs and looks at you! OMG! "Sorry you had to see that, yo."] * Roseli snerks. "It's educational." Quite. * Heinrick nods. "Also, I'm worried about his interest in security but his lack of actually attending to it." [He frowns. "It pisses me off, is what it is. Does. Whatever. Man, working here sucks sometimes."] * Keiko looks after Jarek, then, shakes her head. "I wouldn't think it your fault, Robert." She lowers her arm because Luana doesn't need to be kept back no more! * Heinrick shrugs slightly. "In any organization, you will get that. The more important, the more so it will come out." ~How does that man expect anyone to work if he's harassing them the whole time?~ * Keiko thinks back, ~He's in charge. They won't fire him, so he can do what he wants.~ [Johnson shrugs. "Yeah, well... Maybe it's 'cause I'm not used to this secrecy stuff, but man, things were better in the States."] What'd you do there? ["Same thing, more or less. Mechanic, ex-military."] * Heinrick nods slightly in response. ["Sure, the brass was full of tough guys who rub your face in the mud if you didn't follow rules, but none of this mindwipe crap."] You worked for their counter supernatural program? [He shakes his head. "Nah. Not that. I worked on vehicles, mostly. And bots, later."] That'd be why. * Ten shrugs. "We do not exist. So you cannot be allowed to know we exist." [He frowns. "Yeah, well.... you dis my men, you dis me, and I don't take that shit from anyone."] [He glances down the hall. "I gotta get back. See ya." Then he leaves!] * Heinrick nods to Ten. "That is it, essentially." He then looks at Roberts and gives another nod. * Roseli watches him go, then comments, "Nostalgia must be nice." [Karin comes down the stairs, and watches him go. She stares after him for a bit, then starts toward you guys. "Wow, Robert looked mad. He didn't even notice me, for once. What'd you do to him?"] * Keiko touches her collar a moment. ~See? It's over.~ Nothing. * Luana shakes her head, her eyes back to their normal shade of light blue. ~That's the closest I've been to losing my temper in a long time.~ * Heinrick smirks slightly. "Some trouble with the chain of command, it seems." [Karin nods, understandingly. "Ahh. Yeah, we're one big happy family around here, huh?"] * Heinrick shrugs. "Complete with the annoying brother-in-law." Hmm. [Karin sighs. "Better find friends where you can. There's plenty of enemies to go around, inside and out."] We're... we're all on the same side though, right? Shouldn't we all just want the best for everything? [Karin nods. "It's just that people have trouble deciding what the best is."] * Keiko manages a small wry smile to herself, and then says, "Shouldn't we eat?" She glances to Heinrick. "Or something?" Were those two on the same side? [Karin claps her hands together. "Hey, yeah! Anyone wanna go out for dinner?"] * Luana freezes. "...Out?" * Heinrick raises an eyebrow at Karin. "Interesting suggestion." [Karin nods. "Yeah! You've got to be getting sick of cafeteria food by now."] * Roseli looks at Luana for a moment, then Hotaru and Ten. She studies them for a moment before turning back to Luana. Yes. I think she's ready. * Ten looks at Rosel. * Ten sighs. "If I must." * Heinrick looks at Karin. "I am assuming you plan to go with us then?" [Karin smiles innocently.] It's educational. I'll get you chocolate. * Luana looks a bit pale, but nods. "I guess I could... eat out..." She moves closer to Keiko. Oh yes, bribe my pristess with candy. Only because it works. No arguing with what is effective. * Keiko smiles a little to herself and says, ~I will be there the entire time.~ I ... yes. [Karin grins. "Great! I hate eating alone."] ~Thank you.~ * Roseli chuckles at her ward(s), then looks to Luana. "Do you want to come?" I... yes. I'll go. * Heinrick nods and looks to Karin. "You apparently had some place in mind. Where would you suggest?" ["How about Japanese?"] * Heinrick raises an eyebrow and glances at Keiko for a moment. I have no prefrences and my priestess does not remember if she does or not. * Keiko tenses a moment, but then nods slowly. "I would certainly eat that." * Ten adds after a moment. "She would prefer something with chocolate." * Heinrick smiles amused. "That would be fondue." [Karin blinks.] Anywhere is fine with me. * Keiko looks to Tentaru. "Chocolate is not a... dinner food." * Ten points at Roseli. "Blame her for bringing it up then." * Roseli raises an eyebrow. "I'm know that, Keiko." (I'm -> I) (But I'm talking to Tentaru!) [Karin smiles. "Alright, let's grab a van and go."] (I'm so behind this idea! And I have to drive home real quick, so Cham can sleep. I'll be right back.) (I'm still logging, though. ^_~) *** Signoff: Keiko (Quit: I log with psychic powers.) (*shakes his fist at Cham. "Damnit, that's what I want to do.") ( ._. ) (Sleep?) ( You guys wanna cut here? ) (Yeah, that more than kick Mecha out of my apartment. And while I don't want to quit here since I can't play next week, but the sleep defict is trying to collect on my eyeballs.) (We can cut here. I was wondering, though, could we arrange for an earlier start time, just generally? Like maybe 8:30 Central / 9:30 Eastern?) (Because I get tired a lot earlier than I used to.) (So it's more likely we'll have longer sessions. ^^) (I'm also okay with continuing for a while, if you guys want.) (Either's fine for me.) (I feel your pain, Ard. I've been getting tired at 9-10 myself.) *** Keiko (Mechalink@ip68-13-21-94.om.om.cox.net) has joined channel #mc4 (Back! Although there seems to be a sleep discussion.) (Hi! The channel seems to have gone somewhat deadish!) ( Yes, yes it has. I'm gonna call it since it seems people aren't up to playing ) (Also, I like early.) [Sooooo session end]