[And you guys? You're in Lydia's office. It's significantly less fun. It's a lot like your offices, but it's got a corner window, so she gets a better view. Near her computer is a photograph, but it's propped up facing away from you, so you don't get to see it.] [Lydia herself is sitting on a nice comfy chair, with a file in her hands. There's a chair for each of you, too, but you can stand if you want.] [Session Start] [Roseli's still injured; probably why she's not here.] * Gottlieb is standing for now. He looks all frowny and preoccupied. * Heinrick walks in and takes a seat slowly, possibly not to reaggrievate his wounds. His expression is...vaguely neutral. * Gottlieb glances at Heinrick, and sits as well, so as not to highlight his colleague's injuries. [Lydia puts the file on her desk and pushes it towards you. "The results of the medical tests for Keiko," she explains. "No need to read it, though; I can sum it up for you." ] * Heinrick folds his hands. "I trust this was a necessary procedure as well. I just wish I were informed of the matter beforehand." * Gottlieb looks even more frowny. [Lydia nods. "Quite necessary. You'll be interested to know that Keiko has a microchip in her brain."] * Heinrick doesn't change his expression, but stays silent for a beat. "Very interested. Analysis?" ["Someone's keeping tabs on her."] And I would hazard to guess this is new information to you as well. Otherwise you would have told me, correct? [Lydia nods. "How Roseli's charge wasn't able to detect it is beyond me."] Another piece of the puzzle as well. Miss Tavares's charges abilities are passive then I take it? * Gottlieb sits and listens impassively. (Throw another apostrophe in there somewhere too.) ["No, but she's used them often enough around Keiko. She ought to be able to detect it. Which brings me to a further point: Whoever put that microchip there has a lot of resources at his disposal."] * Heinrick nods and just listens too at this point. [Lydia is happy to continue talking. "The captives weren't much help. Russian mercenaries paid a very large sum. Neither one knows who contacted them."] * Heinrick raises an eyebrow at that. "Scrambled phone lines then? No face-to-face contact? What was their motivation?" ["However, they knew where and when to strike. They knew Keiko's abilities and had countermeasures. And while they didn't know about the rest of the wards, they were prepared to battle multiple targets."] [She looks at Heinrick. "We'll never know how they got the contract; their leader was killed during the raid. As for motivation, money. Lots of it."] (I thought the leader was one of the ones we captured.) * Gottlieb hrms. "I take it we haven't been able to detect any signals either incoming or outgoing from the microchip." [She nods to Gottlieb. "Also unusual, as our scramblers should have detected and caught it."] ( No, the leader was the one whose braisn were blown out by Roseli. ) (Ah. Pity then.) * Heinrick folds his hands again and lets them talk. [Lydia sits back. "I have to wonder if there's something your ward hasn't been telling us, Mr. Engels. She hasn't exactly been very cooperative."] As I see it, if this is part of something Ms. Hanano is a conscious and aware part of, her abilities seem to indicate that a microchip would not be necessary. * Heinrick doesn't looks up. "I've believed that to be a certainty ever since those men showed up, Ms. Sohn." ["See what you can find out, then. We need to find out who's behind this and put a stop to them, ASAP, before the brass decides Keiko's security is too compromised to be of any more use."] She may not know of the chip but the men I'm sure she would have. (What?) (What what?) (Sorry, h aving a hard time parsing that sentence) ( It's the comma lack ) (Mine?) ( Yeah, I think I get what you're saying though. ) (Meh, doesn't really need commas around "I'm sure" but okay.) (Also "...she would have [known about].") ( Needs a comma after but :P ) (Uh, hell no it doesn't. o.o) (Yes, that comma would be evil and wrong.) (It was the lack of "known about" that confused me. Okay, we're good. ^^) * Heinrick nods in reply to Lydia's statement. * Gottlieb nods as well. [Lydia nods also! "No time like the present."] * Heinrick stands. "At your leave then." * Gottlieb rises as well, nodding to Lydia. "Ms. Sohn." [Lydia nods. "Good luck to you. If you can't make any headway here, she'll have to be retired, so don't fail."] * Heinrick waits for a little bit for any indication that there's more to be said but barring that, turns out the door and heads to the rec room. * Gottlieb follows suit. Once they're in the hallway, he turns to Heinrick. "Would you mind if I asked Ms. Hall to inquire into the matter, or whether she has, before you confront Ms. Hanano with this?" * Heinrick continues walking without looking at Gottlieb. "It would be best if I were to confront this directly. She needs to know the serious of this matter. If it comes through Miss Hall as well, she would know that it was you who knew and not just her guardian." (*seriousness) * Gottlieb turns his hand out, palm up. "Your ward." ( When you're ready, you can go into #MC4 ) (that was all) (One last comment here.) * Heinrick turns slightly to Gottlieb. "I also need not remind you, but it may be prudent to recall the abilities of my ward as well. Keep your guard up." * Gottlieb raises an eyebrow and tilts his head slightly. * Heinrick doesn't say any more as he continues towards the rec room. [You get there!] (Brett! Manual doors or automatic doors to the rec room?) ( Hmmm, manual. ) (No swoosh for you!) (Lousy. What's the use of the future if it doesn't support our right to be lazy!?)