[Day: Monday, November 17th. Time 9:23 a.m.] [No sooner had Roseli returned to work from the hospital then her ward had demanded to meet with her. So, after clearing a bit of essential paperwork and making some hot chocolate bribes, Rose is waiting in her office.] (Yup, you know me.) [There's a soft and tentitive knock on the door!] * Roseli is, in fact, waiting! She's not completely clear of the paperwork, since she's still looking at some forms; a lot happens when you're gone. She's got a bit of a frown on her face. The hot chocolate is, however, in the pot nearby. * Roseli doesn't look up. "Enter." * Hotaru walks in, while her face is still blank, she's lost the serenity and cal of her body movement -her hands are trembling slightly- and comes to a stop in front of Rose's desk. We need to talk. * Roseli looks up, and the frown deepens. She sets her papers aside. "We do." Have a seat. * Roseli reaches over and pours a mug of mildly hot chocolate, then slides it to the other side of her desk, where the girl is. * Hotaru moves quickly ot one of Rose's chairs and sits, Ten's tray flat across her lap. One of her hand comes up for a moment, but then she quickly brings it down to grip the edge of the tray. One of the the other wards has tried to take liberties that do not belong to her, Hotaru's faith in me is slipping, and you have been gone for nearly a week! I'm sorry I've been gone, but I was severely injured and had to recover. * Roseli nudges the hot chocolate to Hotaru. "Have a sip." * Hotaru starts to move, pauses a moment and then reaches out for the cup with both hands. (How hot is it?) (A touch cooler than last time.) ( But it's the poison that gets to you. ) (This is true.) * Hotaru holds it with both hands for a moment, and then takes a small sip. Is it good? I'm not sure how hot to make it. * Ten nods after a moment. "It's still hot, but not as bad as before. I will have to remember this next time I need to calm her down." * Roseli nods. "It is calming." Now, what's this about a ward? * Hotaru shivers for a moment and spills some chocolate on her fingers. Crya, on the other team, groped Hotaru. And then Hotaru panicked and nobody would listen to me. It was so frustrating. * Roseli tsks, but not disapprovingly, and grabs a few tissues from a box nearby and hands them over. I see. Why did she do it? * Hotaru takes one, puts it on the table, puts the cup on that, and only then starts to dry her hands. Which she? Crya. I know why Hotaru panicked. ( You mean Cyra? :P ) (Yes, Cyra. Thank you, Gryph! :P) (... You're welcome! XD) * Ten sounds agitated and flustered. "How would I know? I barely understand a functioning organic mind, hers can hardly speak!" You were there, not me. I assumed you'd have a better idea. * Roseli frowns. "It's not good, anyway. I'll talk to Karin about it. Where and when did this happen?" * Roseli gently takes the tissues from Hotaru and starts cleaning her hands for her. * Ten paces on her tray. "Last Thursday in the break room, Keiko and I had a discussion and then she left. Shortly after Cyra came in and began prodding my priestess." * Roseli nods, continuing to dry Hotaru's hands. * Ten stops pacing and looks up and the hand drying. "I attempted to talk with her, but she seems incapable of civilized speach. As I was about to tell Hotaru to pick up her books, Cyra touched her breast, which is compleatly beyond the pale for a mear ward." (mere?) (I was kind of expecting a reaction there, but I can go on.) (No, I was like, you meant "mere", right? :P) (Oh... right! Gah, I fail at parsing twice! thanks) * Roseli removes the tissue, because she's done drying Hotaru's fingers now, and leans back in her chair. "It should be for anyone." * Ten points a tiny finger at Roseli. "You own Hotaru's body and may do with it as you see fit. If that is how you will have it, than that is how it will be." * Roseli raises an eyebrow. Did the previous 'owner' do this? My former priest? His obsession with it lead to his downfall. He seemed to forget the entire reason he called me into being after giving her this appearance. * Roseli fixes her gaze on Hotaru. "He molested you, then." As was his right. I own her mind, and he, and now you, own her body. * Roseli folds her hands. "But you don't want to be molested, do you?" * Ten lets some confusion into her voice. "I have no physical body to be molested." I'm not asking *you*, doll. Hotaru, answer the question. * Hotaru trembles for a moment and then shakes her head. Good. Bad enough Luana might take it with a smile. What happened after Cyra wouldn't listen to you? Hotaru panicked and tried to run away from Cyra. Unfortunatly she bolted away from the door and Cyra runs faster. She was chased around the couch a few times before Sebastion showed up. He was less than helpful and did nothing to stop Cyra. * Roseli nods. "And then?" And then Gottlieb of all people arrived and put a stop to things. * Roseli nods again and gives a faint 'hm'. Sebastion can actualy be useful when somebody he thinks has authority above him is giving orders. Not surprising. Hotaru has been... jumpy for lack of a better word for the past few days, and, if we were to encounter Cyra again, it would take all of my will to hold her, leaving nothing for whatever objective you might have for me. I see. * Roseli lightly scoots the chocolate over to Hotaru. "I promise I will do anything in my power to keep you from being molested by anyone in this organization." Thank you. * Ten cocks her head. "Hotaru thanks you too. For everything." * Ten eyes her. (her being Hotaru, not Rose) * Hotaru drops her arms to her sides and doesn't reach for the chocolate. * Roseli nods, then frowns. "It's disgusting that your previous guardian did what he did. Were he under my command, I would see him punished severely, memwiped, and expelled." That would be difficult given that my priest belived himself to the leader of his orginization. But he did not deserve such a position. This is clear. * Roseli starts arranging a few more papers on her desk, turning to file some away. "After this meeting, I will go speak with Karin. See if she can do something about Cyra or provide you with preventive measures." Perhaps a larger body? This one does not get taken seriously by more than half of the humans here, and I am loath to take direct control of Hotarus flesh. A larger body would be very awkward- oh, you mean the doll. * Roseli looks vaguely amused. "I'll let you pick one out, if you think it'll help." * Ten speaks coldly. "Yes, the doll. Not the human. The human is a person. The doll is a god. Wave at the nice and slightly confused lady Hotaru." * Hotaru lifts a hand and waves tentitvly. She also makes a grab for the chocolate with the same hand. Let me know if there are any more problems. Particularly of this kind. I will. (You'll be the fourth person to know!) * Roseli looks up from her files and fixes her gaze on Hotaru. "You're not with him anymore. You don't need to worry." (Hehe.) * Hotaru doesn't look back at Rose, or anything in paticular, must be that whole lack of eyes thing. We will keep that in mind. * Roseli nods. Anything else? She wants to thank you again. I want her to remember that she has to concentrate on me. * Hotaru sheepishly takes a sip of cocoa. * Roseli chuckles. "You're welcome." You can take the chocolate with you, Hotaru. Dismissed. * Ten nods. * Hotaru starts to put the cup on Ten's tray, freezes, and then sets it on the desk. Then she stands, opens the door, comes back for the cocoa and carries it out in one hand with Ten's tray balanced on the other. * Roseli continues to straighten up for a bit, then pops some gum into her mouth, and she's out the door, too. (Mini end?) [Mini End]