[You're in a van! Woot! You're actually on the road juuuust outside of Bremen, leading towards the Cayiltech complex. Roseli and Hotaru are in another van, agreeing that it's best if they don't go into the complex and did everything from there. Yah.] (Crazy.) [About a half-mile away, you can see the complex. Why that far? 'Cause there's pretty much no cover between here and there. The only reason you can see it through the dark is thanks to the arc lights that light the whole place up. It looks pretty big, even from this distance. You can even see the building you've targetted for invasion, 'cause it's the biggest one.] [The question is... how you gonna get to it?] [Session Start] * Togo looks out an open window. "Well designed place. No cover leading it. Professionally done... gonna hafta earn this one." * Keiko is sitting very still with her duck in her lap. Purple, I think, was the color of the day. Which is a fine, fine color. She's rubbing her collar. ( Anyone got binoculars? ) * Heinrick nods solemnly. "This is a complication, certainly." * Luana is wearing a dark blue T-shirt and black jeans, with her gun sitting in a holster on her right hip. She's also wearing a black jacket and is frowning out the window at the huge coverless area. * Togo pulls out a pair of binoculars from his jacket, and holds them out to Heinrick. "Take a look?" ( I have everything! =P ) * Heinrick raises an eyebrow at Togo but takes the binoculars and does, indeed, take a look. (Plushie blue bunny next!) ( Can we 'request information' from the off-camera players, or are they unavailable. ) [Heinrick sees bots patrolling, and a guard in a small guardbox at the front gate.] ( And yes, you can. Ten is on standby waiting for you to tell her what to do. Remember she can only do 9 things at once though. ) (The bunny and the duck can have a conversation.) * Heinrick scans the building roof and the fence in general, just to get a thorough scope of the building. (The original plan was...maybe a malfunction to fry the fence? WE didn't realize we couldn't even get near the base in the planning.) (Makes this difficult.) [There's a helecopter on one of the rooftops. And the fence looks like any other wire fence. Except there's signs warning people that it's electrified.] (It was actually to malfunction the bot.) (Right, that.) (Like a helicopter patrolling or just a helicopter at the ready for someone to take off?) ( It's just sitting there. ) * Keiko leans and looks out the window at the vast expanse of emptiness, then frowns. "I wish that were on the plans," she says flatly. * Heinrick relays the information. "Electrified fence, guard at the front gate, bots as we suspected. There is also a helicopter on the roof in waiting." * Heinrick lowers the binocs for a second and rubs his chin. "Hmm. Helicopter..." * Luana says hestiantly, "If Ten could hack into their system and get the information, maybe we can fake some credentials and get in that way...?" Risky. Then they would have face recognition. *nods* Not a bad idea, but given the level of security, prolly ain't workable [Heinrick's cell phone rings.] * Luana murmurs, "I can change my face..." and sort of trails off and goes back to looking out the window. * Heinrick looks at it curiously, as if it's an annoyance, then holds the binoculars back for Togo to take before answering the phone. "Hello?" I'd say have a bot malfunction and bust down part of the fence, but all the guards would come running there... maybe if we have a few bots malfunction at different points along the fence, to spread them out? ( On speakerphone? ) * Togo takes the binoculars and puts them back into his coat, where they vanish. (No) ( Dang it ) (Whoever's talking can ask to put it on speaker phone?) * Heinrick nods. "I'll put you on so everyone can hear." He switches to speaker and sets the phone down. "Go ahead." ( Sec. Havin' a little trouble ) ["I'll try to be as brief as I can. A few hours ago, Red Team finished their assignment, capturing a rogue doctor suspected of performing gene-modification for terrorists. I just finished sifting through his hard drive. There's some important information in his files."] (While you box-text, I run home. Go logging go!) *** Signoff: Keiko (Quit: Logs are awesome.) ["About a month ago, he performed a modification on an escaped criminal from Rosencrans Prison on Corsica. It's Eileen Rhodes."] ["The information leads us to believe she's taken on the identity of Ellen Schmidt, one of Hector Cayil's bodyguards. We don't know if he's aware of her true identity or not."] * Heinrick nods. "Information on the type of modification?" ["That part of the file was corrupted. But as you can probably guess, her appearance has been drastically altered. She looks completely different."] ( That's all o/~ ) Should the name Eileen Rhodes be significant? Never got a chance to review records before we got started on all this. (Did she hang-up after that or still on speaker?) ( She's still there ) * Heinrick lets Heidi answer Togo's question then! ["She's former German military. She's been gene-modded before, too, but the procedure wasn't as precise back then, and she came out with serious side effects. Namely, an appetite for malice."] * Heinrick lets out a breath. "Well. At least that makes her the perfect body guard." Okay, thanks. [Heidi continues. "She likes to cause physical and psychological suffering. She prefers her victims helpless, and specifically targets young women."] ["As for her modifications back then, she had increased strength and endurance, but we have no way of knowing whether she's retained these abilities."] *** Keiko (Mechalink@ip68-13-21-94.om.om.cox.net) has joined channel #mc4 So a delightful person all around. * Togo rubs his neck. "As far as getting in, we could have Ten make a few bots crash the gate at a few different places, but that'd be pretty suspicious. Or we could make Ten make a few bots near the guard not notice us, have one bot 'break down' in front of the guard, and jump him while he's distracted." * Keiko frowns a little and murmurs, "No shortage of targets." * Heinrick pushes his glasses up. "A pity she doesn't have a thing for fragile old men, then." There is another possibility... * Keiko glances to Heinrick a moment, then just says flatly, "She might have a harder time with helpless." I'm all ears. The helicopter on the roof. If Ten gets control of that...well, it would be a much greater distraction than the bots as a whole... The issue with that is that it is more outside the realm of possibility, and more likely to create an alert. Ten has that kinda range? That could work... have it take off and crash on the far side a coupla miles out, send the guards running out after it to investigate. [Heidi, who's still on the phone, gives you a convenient Deus Ex Machina. "Hang on... I've got a sattelite over the compound... Something's happening in there."] Right. But as I said, if there's no one flying it, it may raise suspicion more than a malfuncitoning bot. It's a risk, but it would possibly distract them for longer. ( Yay, convenient Deus Ex! ) * Keiko looks out the front window. Something happening? Let her see! ( May not be convenient for you, but.... ) [Keiko sees the compound. It's a half-mile away. Sight-roll +2! Or just ask Togo for the 'noculars.] 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 5. (I kan c.) [It's a long distance, but Keiko thiiiiinks she sees people running around the complex.] * Togo pulls out the binoculars again and holds them out to anyone who wants when he sees Keiko start looking ahead intently. * Heinrick looks at the complex himself. [Heidi helpfully supplies... "People are running around outside. Something must have happened."] 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-6) and gets a natural 3 for a result of -3. * Keiko murmurs, "Real busy." [Heinrick sees the same thing :P ] (Boo) (But he's more certain!) Thank you for your expert report, Heidi. * Heinrick turns to the rest. "I believe it would be time to 'move' now." * Togo nods, and pulls out his silenced SMG as he gets out of the van. ["I see a bunch of people clustered. It looks like they just grabbed someone and are hauling him back to one of the buildings... Damn this refresh rate."] (We gonna hot-foot a half-mile, Togo? You're awesome!) ( We are going for a degree of stealth, I assumed. =P ) * Luana follows her guardian's lead and gets out of the van. * Heinrick draws out a few of his knives and glances at Keiko. "Are you going to be alright making it that far or do you need assistance?" ( El oh el. ) * Keiko nods a little back at Heinrick, glances to Togo, then licks her lips nervously as she looks back to Heinrick. She then exhales a sigh before saying softly, "Assistance." ( If this were a TRPG, Keiko would have a MOV of 1. ) (Er, wait. Strike that.) ( But if this were Disgaea, you could pick her up and throw her over there! ) (I forgot which one we bought off.) (She can run it. She'll just _hate it_. (She'll be the slowest there though.) (So she may still need assistance to get there in *time*) (Certainly true.) * Keiko nods a little back at Heinrick, glances to Togo, then licks her lips nervously as she looks back to Heinrick. She then exhales a sigh before saying softly, "I can do it, but not quickly." * Heinrick nods slightly and stoops down in front of Keiko. "In the interest of speed. Note, I will not often make this sort of offer. Just so we're clear." I've got a saddle in here if you want. (You already left, bum!) ( I'm just outside the van! =P ) (The power of Togo-sarcasm knows no distance limits.) * Keiko looks at him a moment, then giggles despite herself before awkwardly clambering on his back in a classic piggyback. She crushes her duck to his back as she wraps her arms around him, then murmurs in Japanese, [The duck suffocates.] ( Good thing it had AFLAC. ) (Not Kioshi! He can breathe through my chest.) (I mean, if crushing him suffocated him, he'd be dead long ago.) * Heinrick nods to Togo and picks himself back up to his full 6 foot 2. "Ready to proceed?" Yup. We gonna hit the guard hut or try to sneak over the fence? I do not have much interest in climbing an electric fence. But if you would like to, please. Proceed. There're ways, but point taken. Tell Ten to make sure the bots don't notice us. *to Luana* Stay low to the ground while you move, and be ready to hit the dirt if needed. Yes, sir. (BRB, have to switch computers ) * Heinrick nods. "Keiko? Phone in my left pocket. My arms are a little busy at the moment." * Togo waits for the instructions to get to Ten before moving because, y'know, not wanting to be dogpiled by bots with machine guns. * Keiko floats the phone out of his pocket after a moment with her mind, and it hovers near to his ear. Who said TK wasn't useful? Nobody, that's who. [They get there.] ( Even before you call! ) [You give Ten instructions and she presumably complies. You approach the complex eventually. As you get closer, you hear a siren. The guard is still at his post, but he's not facing you. You can do stealth (silent movement) rolls at -3 bonus if you wanna approach quietly. Or you can do something else. What'ev.] 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-6) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 4. 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-6) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 6. ( Made by 3 ) *** Signoff: Luana (Ping timeout) (By 2 here) ( Luana's so silent, it's like she's not here! ) *** Luana (WD@ has joined channel #MC4 (Re, sorry about that) ( WD, roll stealth (silent movement) with -3 bonus ) 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-5) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 2. (I'm not rolling because I'm not moving, unless you want.) (What happened in the interim, anything?) (We began running!) (You're not running so I don't think the stealth is necessary for you.) ( WE called Ten, Ten did her thing off-camera. We assume. Or she could be leading us to our deaths. ) (*pastes to her*) (Problem solved, move on!) ( You don't all have to sneak up on him if you're just going to take him out anyhow :P ) ( Well, we did. =P ) (I was thinking sneak past, but if Togo or Keiko are taking him out...) ( I was assuming he was guarding a closed gate or somesuch. Can we just walk by? ) (Oh and Brett, siren was continually on as we approached right? We're obviously not the ones that triggered it?) ( Right ) ( The "gate" is just one of those driving barriers and some tire spikes. ) ( Okay then, sneak in it is. My bad. ) ( Well, then you all need the stealth roll :P ) (And we all made it.) ( We all just did the stealth roll. =P ) ( Op ) (They awesomed.) (It's good I'm not walking.) [You go inside the complex! There's 9 major buildings and several small buildings. A bot passes you by. It doesn't shoot, so I suppose Ten is doing her thing.] (Yay Ten.) [There are, however, guards outside, as well. They seem to be looking for something/one.] [The largest building, the one with the helicopter, is dead ahead down a corridor created by other 4 other buildings. ] (And the guards that seem to be in the way?) ( It's a fairly wide corridor.] ) * Togo waves to get Heinrick's attention, points to a few different buildings, then shrugs his shoulders questioningly. * Heinrick looks around at the buildings and takes out his phone to text Rose and Ten. *Now* that distraction would be good, around one of the other buildings to the right. ( What kind of distraction? ) (The malfunctioning bot thing.) ( Hokay. ) [You hear gunfire from the east! The guards hurry to investigate it.] * Heinrick nods to Togo and mutters quietly. "Was that what you were requesting?" * Keiko thinks at Luana, ~All ready?~ *whisper* That and to know which building. ~Definitely.~ (The larger building was our target, wasn't it?) ( Yah ) * Keiko points at The Big Building, yep. Keiko knows. Of course, she looks dumb doing it from Heinrick's back, but. * Heinrick looks at Togo. "Follow the ward's finger." He heads on that way. To set her down in front of the building. * Togo nods and follows, waving for Luana to follow along. * Heinrick adds, "when the coast is clear" to that statement. * Luana follows! [Too late! you're all caught and executed. Messily.] (Damn!) [Just kidding. You get to the big building! There's nobody guarding it inside. At least not that you can see. You can hear the siren inside, though. And hopefully Ten took care of those cameras.] ( And the undead robot ninjas with laser swords. ) * Keiko thinks at Togo/Luana (and whispers at Heinrick), "~Up to Cayhil's office, down to the computers with evidence.~" (I probably misremembered his name.) * Togo holds up one finger, points down, then holds up two fingers, then points up. (What's he thinking on that one?) * Heinrick glances at Togo and sticks up one finger. (Is he looking at us for opinions too?) ( Is it the middle finger? ) (Tempting but Heinrick doesn't have to be so blunt.) ( 'Cause this really isn't the place for that ) * Togo whispers. "If we go for the guy and the shit hits the fan, we won't have time to go back for the evidence. If the evidence isn't that important, skip it. Otherwise, I think we should go down first." (No, no, see. I was wondering what he was thinking, because I'm a telepath, and can save him having to whisper any louder than 2 inches away. ^_~) [Better decide quick! The guards might be coming back soon!] ( Whoops, sorry Mecha. ) * Heinrick sighs a little futilely and whispers. "We don't have anything to go after him *for*. We go down. We need to be certain of what he's doing. Up is only if we don't find what we're looking for." * Togo nods, and motions for Heinrick to lead on. * Heinrick becomes the leader! Again. Why is he always the leader? (I can't lead from the back!) ( For now, he's the leader because Togo wasn't properly briefed. =P ) (That's not the guardian's jobs to do. :P He's a big boy! He can look through records himself!) [You head into the building. There's branching corridors in the front, but luckily you can see the elevator from the entrance, down the central hallway.] * Keiko nods slightly at the elevator, keeping her grip on her guardian. Hey, less effort for her! (Heinrick set Keiko down once they got inside.) * Heinrick heads for the elevator but frowns slightly. It's too convenient. (Ah, I missed that. Okay. Repose.) * Keiko gets let off, so she re-takes her duck back against her chest. She nods slightly at the elevator and then drifts that way. [It's almost as though someone wants you to get done with this mission already!] [You get to the elevators! Now you can decide where to go whilst the GM afks for a soda.] * Luana continues following those who bother to lead. * Keiko presses the button helpfully as they approach, with her mighty TK. Because they're going down, you see. [You go down. Zhoop! The elevator doors open revealing a single corridor, with doors on either wall. The corridor goes for about twenty feet, then turns sharply right.] ( Hearing checks! ) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-4) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 5. 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-6) and gets a natural 4 for a result of -2. ( Made by 9 ) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8-2) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 12. (Bombed it!) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-4) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 5. [Everyone but Keiko hears footsteps coming from around the corner! Quickly!] * Heinrick gets out his chloroform and hides in the shadows in waiting. Ambush! [It's pretty well lit, actually.] (I can't feel them with my brane? Sad. ;_;) * Heinrick hides around the corner then, waiting for the footsteps to come close enough for grabbins. * Luana makes herself look a few years older, just in case someone can talk their way through this. * Togo pushes himself up against the wall, and pulls Luana back with him, in case she isn't already. (...) (I just had this bad image of Heinrick "accidently" mixing up his acid with the chloroform.) * Keiko doesn't hear footsteps. So it takes her an extra step or two to realize that everyone else just glued themselves to the wall, and she tries to do the same, if it's not too late. * Luana pulls Keiko with her when Togo pulls on her. [Someone does come around the corner: a tall, hispanic woman. You've seen her before! At the party. Well, Togo didn't, but... Anyhow... She's looking over her shoulder as she turns, and so doesn't see you, so make yet actions.] ( And ewww. ) ( Well, it'd work. Kinda. It wouldn't be very quiet ) * Keiko gets pulled, which is a bit awkward, but hey, lucky. (Seen her as a body guard or where?) (We could call it Liquid Lungs!) * Heinrick grabs her, trying to stay out of her line of sight to put her out of commission with the chloroform. And take her out of the hallway she's walking down. 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-2) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 6. [She's running, actually. Probably from the OTHER footsteps you now hear behind her, too!] [Anyhow, Heinrick grabs her. She mumbles a "Mph!"] (What was she thinking?) * Heinrick gestures to the corridor for the others with his head. ( I'd guess "MPH!" ) [Two guys with big guns run around the corner. They stop briefly in confusion.] * Keiko 's eyes widen slightly, then she thinks at Luana, ~I think she might have been what they were looking for.~ ( o/~ Gimme init rolls ) 2d8+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8+7) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 20. 2d8+8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8+8) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 18. 2d8+14 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8+14) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 26. 2d8+12 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8+12) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 22. ( Are they wearing body armor? ) [Order: Togo, Luana, Keiko, Heinrick, Guard1, Guard2.] ( Nope! Just got big guns. ) [Togo!] * Togo reaches into his coat with the hand holding his SMG, pulls out his silenced assault rifle, and tries to spray the two guards with bullets. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 1. ( Made by 8. With autofire and spreading. w00t ) ( How much damage did that do? ) ( 23 for first hit, 14 for subsequent. ) ( Oh. ) [Uhh... They dead.] (Togo first-rounded. Daymn.) (My new guardian ROCKS.) ( When autofire works well, it's gibtastic ) ( Actually I didn't want to waste time on two goons. Technically they should have 3 hp left a piece. ) (So out of combat?) [But they're dead, oozing blood into the corridor. ] ( Yep! ) [And you've got an unconscious Mexican woman to deal with. ] * Keiko shudders before saying again, but in a whisper, "I think she was what set off the alarm." (Wow, that chloroform works fast. Heinrick actually WASN'T going to knock her out after that. ^^;) * Togo replaces the clip in his assault rifle with a fresh one, and starts dragging the bodiesout of the hallway intersection. ( orz. Well, she might have done something, had I known. So... she's out!] ) (Okay!) Are we taking her in, continuing with the plan, or attempting to do both? ( You could always poke her with a sharp object til she wakes. ) * Heinrick looks at the slumped woman in his arms. "I'm unsure. Let's search the database to find out who exactly she is." * Heinrick picks the woman up with his left arm and slumps her over his shoulder. He makes this look easy. * Keiko offers, "I could look in her mind if we had a second. Do you think there'll be more guards down there?" * Luana thinks, amused, ~He could've done that with you, earlier.~ * Togo finishes dragging the first body, pulls out a pair of handcuffs, handcuffs the woman behind her back whie she's over Heinrick's shoulder, then sets about moving the second out of sight. ( s/whie/while ) ( Awkward. ) [The bodies are dragged! They leave blood behind.] * Keiko thinks back, ~It... not sure that's so good in a dress..." Let's head towards the computer room. Can't do anything about the blood. *nods at Heinrick* * Heinrick makes his way that way. "Keiko, when we get in there, search her memory. But we need to make certain the coast is clear." * Keiko looks at her duck a moment, then says, "Not a good sponge." [You head towards the computer room. No gundams attack on the way.] [As you approach, you discover two guards outside it. Roll init!] 2d8+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8+7) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 14. 2d8+12 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8+12) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 20. 2d8+8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8+8) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 19. 2d8+14 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8+14) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 21. [Togo, Luana, Heinrick, Keiko, G1, G2] [Togo!] * Togo tries the same plan again with his assault rifle. Bullets away! 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 7. ( Aww. Made by 2 ) [Togo hits! But the guards are still standing. No more freebies.] [Luana!] * Luana fires her pistol at one of the guards. No sense running in when Togo's feeling trigger happy. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-3) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 3. (Made by 4~) [Now he goes down. One left. Heinrick!] * Heinrick takes out one of his throwing knives and throws it at the guard! It's probably the quietest of what he's got at the moment. ( Trigger happy? No, trigger happy is 'Do I use my machine gun or my LAW?" =P ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-3) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 8. ( afk for bathroom for a sec ) (Other than the gun list of ridiculous, Luana knows very little about Togo.) [And Heinrick puts a knife in the guy's chest. He goes down too. Woot.] (Wait, you need to know more about Togo than that?) [Now the hard part: The door is closed, and locked with a mechanical lock requiring a button combination to open.] (Other than that he's blind.) * Heinrick walks towards the door, taking out one of his vials. "I advise people to stand back. Just in case." (Can I feel anyone inside?) ( Nope! ) ( back ) * Heinrick inspects the lock to see if he can find out where the mechanism connects and whether melting it would do any good or just make it unopenable. (Electronics roll?_ ( Gimme a..... ) (Or Mechanics?) ( Isn't there a lockpick skill now? ) (Sleight of Hand is straight lockpicking, with body.) (That's not electronic locks though. That's standard locks.) ( Performing Arts (Drama) roll. It's a Lloyd Webber lock ) ( Burglary? ) ( I'll say mechanics ) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-4) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 3. (Made by 8) [Heinrick figures it out!] (Which means he can pour corrosives on it to unlock it or not? :P) ( He can! ) * Heinrick nods and pours the concoction on the lock in just the right place. There's a hissing noise and he steps away while it does its work. ( I'm not gonna last too much longer. ) ( Mmmmmm..... ) [After several seconds, it opens!] ( Er... unlocks ) * Heinrick pushes the door open with his shoulder, ready for another attack if it comes! [None does. There's a big room of servers in there, though.] * Keiko drifts in afterwards and manages a slight smile at Heinrick. "I suppose silence is not a large issue." She then gestures at a chair or something. "Luana can do computers, I can do people..." I'm not gonna be much help with this, so I'll stand guard at the door. * Keiko turns and points at the door. "Like now, maybe, Togo!" * Luana heads right over to a computer and connects hers to it, then starts hacking/looking around! * Heinrick looks at Keiko, shaking his head. "It is no louder than that silenced gun that our dear friend Togo was sporting." (What do I roll for that?) ( Luana gimme a hacking roll aaaaat... +1! ) * Heinrick sets the women down against a wall. "Well now. Now is your time to do your thing with people." (Hacking is under.... what? I haven't done this before.) (Computers.) * Togo looks confused for a moment at Keiko, then glances over at Luana, nods, and heads to the door to watch the hallway. (Or Computer scanning.) (Usually Computers (intrusion/security) ) (Awesome, thanks) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-3) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 10. (Not that it helped. Missed by two.) * Keiko waves her duck in the air and thinks at Togo, ~People coming now,~ before sighing and turning to the woman, murmuring, "At least you'll make sense." [Meanwhile around the corner comes another of Cayil's bodyguards, a burnette in her late 20s. She's flanked by four other guards. "Terrorists? On a day like this? Boy, are you going to regret breaking in."] ( Gimme init rolls! ) 2d8+8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8+8) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 17. * Luana makes a frustrated noise and frowns at the screen, then turns around when the bodyguard comes in. 2d8+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8+7) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 20. 2d8+12 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8+12) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 25. 2d8+14 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8+14) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 24. (Actually, is it a good idea to start combat now?) ( Yes. I want to get this done so Ard and Gryph don't have to spend the next session doing nothing. ) ( I'll be ok ) [Order: Luana, Togo, bodyguard, Keiko, Heinrick, other guards.] ( Shouldn't take long, I hope ) ( I'll try to speed things along. =P ) [Luana! Who can't hack and fight at the same time and so has to choose one or the other.] [The woman is probably Odette Lycus, a former New Byzantine army officer who Ten may or may not have discussed with you. She looks unarmed.] * Luana picks hacking! ~Cover me,~ she thinks quickly at Keiko, and gets back to work. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-3) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 1. (HAH.) [Luana breaks in and starts downloading information! Odette notices and points. "Stop them!"] [Togo!] * Togo pulls out a grenade, pulls the pin, then tosses it down the hallway before getting out of the doorway. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 3. ( Made ) ( Well. <.< ) (Silence is really not on the docket here.) ( You give me large groups in confined spaces, I give you splodey. =P ) [Uh... Kaboom! All the guards except 1 are annihilated. And Oddette. She escaped the blast by getting into the room really fast. REALLY fast.] (Huzzah! XD) [And in fact, as she comes, she throws a clothesline-type punch at Togo! Who needs a defense roll!] * Heinrick rolls his eyes to the ceiling. Apparently stealth is no longer an option. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 9. ( Not no more! ) ( Nope. ) [Togo takes a blow to the jaw and tastes blood. Still, better than something more vital getting hit, like his spine.] (She started it! She called us terrorists. That's just -mean-.) [By the way, Odette then tries to knee Togo in the spine. Make another defense roll!] (We prefer the term "Espionage experts.) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 4. ( Made ) [Togo avoides that one by stepping out of the way! But did he step far enough to avoid Odette's following backhand? Let's find out!] ( That'd be another one o/~ ) ( Geez. What's the penalty for first defense beyond how many you have? ) (She's a speedy little thing!) ( +2 ) ( Yes, yes she is ) 2d8-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-1) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 13. ( Ha, no ) [Togo takes a hit on the other side of his jaw. Well, at least it hurts evenly now.] [Keiko!] * Keiko reaches out to touch her mind, assuming she doesn't have mind shield, but beyond that does nothing other than put up her force field and stand in front of Luana, preparing to not get her butt kicked. (Keiko uses COVER on Luana.) [Heinrick!] * Heinrick frowns slightly and reaches into his coat pocket, drawing out one of his knives and throwing them at Odette. She's the main threat. And probably not a good idea to pull out chemicals in a computer room. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-3) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 7. [Heinrick scores a grazing hit along her arm. She grimaces.] [The remaining guard takes a shot at Luana! But Keiko's in the way. Well, he misses anyhow.] [Luana!] * Luana keeps working on the data transferral. Unless it's automatic from here? ( Sure, ok! ) * Luana lets the computers do their thing, then, and steps out from behind Keiko to shot the remaining guard. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-3) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 4. (Made) [He's dead!] [Togo!] * Togo reels back a bit from the two shots to the jaw, circles a bit so he's firing away from the others, and tries to shoot the woman with his assault rifle. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 5. ( Made by 4 ) [She dodges most of the shots, but then takes two in the gut.] [Then, apparently, decides the odds are against her and flees.] * Heinrick keeps a steady gaze on the exit. "This is not good. Once we're finished, we need to get out of here." * Togo runs after her, trying to get her before she gets to the elevator. * Luana turns back to the computers to check on the process. [It's done! DING!] * Keiko glances to Heinrick and says, "She's given up on him." [Togo sooooo can't beat her to it. But the elevator is slow enough that he can get a parting shot if he wants.] * Keiko then drops her shield and walks over to the unconscious woman, before dropping down into lotus and closing her eyes. "Not everyone's loyal." * Luana announces, "Done," as she disconnects the computers and pockets hers. * Togo fires another burst at her as she either waits for the elevator or waits for the doors to close. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 4. ( Made by 5 ) [Togo hits her! Once. But she's still up when the doors close.] * Togo curses, then presses the button to get the elevator back down here. [It comes down. Odette's not in it.] Elevator's here! * Togo puts a fresh clip in his assault rifle while he holds the doors. * Heinrick picks up the woman again and looks at Luana. "Almost have the data?" I'm finished, we can leave. * Luana heads out in front of Heinrick in case any more guards come running. [None do!] * Heinrick looks somewhat amused by that but heads after Luana. Keiko can come too if she wishes! * Keiko is, uh... sitting on the floor. [The alarm IS still on, though.] * Heinrick turns around. "Keiko?" * Keiko is sitting on the ground, cross legged, slumped slightly, and does not respond. ... what's the holdup? ( Technically Togo and Keiko are some distance away. But I'll assume he asked that over comm. ) * Heinrick kneels next to Keiko and looks at her. Does she look asleep? ( He's asking because he's by the elevator and she's back in the room ) * Keiko looks very much like she's asleep. Slow breathing. * Keiko 's still a bit overly upright for someone who's sleeping, all things considered. Um... didn't she say she was going to look into that woman's mind? Maybe she just picked an inconvenient time to do it. * Heinrick shakes his head and calls over the comm. "Togo. Can you carry the woman?" *over comm* Sure, bring her over. * Heinrick calls back "You do realize that if it were that simple, I would not ask you over the comms, right?" * Heinrick shakes his head and picks Keiko up with his other arm. This shoulder noticeably slumps though, but he tries to adjust it. * Togo sighs, pulls out something to hold the elevator doors open with, and runs back to the room, swapping his assault rifle out for his much smaller SMG. * Heinrick walks towards the elevator with both of them in tow. * Togo sees what's going on and motions to take the woman from Heinrick. "What happened to Keiko?" * Keiko is slightly resistnat to the movement, but only slightly. Almost posable. Weird. My thought is that she's exploring the base. I'm not 100% certain though. * Togo nods, hefts the woman over his left shoulder, and heads back to the elevator. "You better contact Ten and let her know we're gonna need a distraction to get outta here." * Heinrick glances at Togo. "I do wonder when you plan to advance from apprenticeship to full guardianship." He takes out his phone with his free hand and texts Ten/Rose. * Heinrick goes for the elevator with +1 Keiko. * Luana follows into the elevator. [You reach the elevator!] * Keiko is just inventory space to you. ;_; ( Okay, my eyes are burning rather annoyingly. I can't go much longer. ) ( I'm trying to get it to end! D: ) Probably when they take the time to actually explain what the hell's going on. * Togo enters the elevator, removing the doorjam, and holds the door for the others. Indeed. You'll be at it for a long while then. [You're in the elevator!] ( Please tell me you're not waiting for us to press the button. =P ) ( I don't know where you're going >.> ) ( ... ) ( Are you leaving or going after Cayil himself? ) ( We said we were leaving 3 or 4 times. ) (We still have nothing solid to PIN on Cayil.) (We're an organization, not a vigilante group.) (Plus we're in no shape to take on all of them at once, and we have a hostage!) ( Okay.... ) [You exit the building! Hopefully that's some gooooood data, because if not, Cayil's going to have a thing or two to say about his murdered guards.] [As you leave, there's an explosion somewhere else in the complex. Must be the diversion.] (Pssh. Like who knows who to blame. >.>) ( All they know is that there were two girls, a guy with knives, and a moron who wears sunglasses indoors at night. =P ) [Cayil] I blame terrorists! [Blitzkrieg] We can safely say that it was totally -not-terrorists. Just sayin'. [Cayil] ...) (I am totally about to wake up. And I really hope we aren't compeltely gone when we do.) (Er, when I do.) [You're only halfway gone! We'll say you're close to the gate.] (Heinrick knows Keiko's range. He wouldn't go outside of that.) * Keiko starts in Heinrick's arms, then flails unsteadily. ( Dang, this should've been a 2-parter. ) (Well, this is a perfect time to bring in the others.) (Because we've got work to do. >_> <_<) ( Yes, especially since I'm about to fall asleep on my kebhsldahflasflksabnflkb ) ( K, sounds good. ) [Session End]