[Meanwhile, it's some time in the afternoon up in Russia. Probably.] (More time to recover EP is good.) ( Hasn't been that long. Just a few hours. ) (Anything else, or am I go?) ( We'll sayyyyy ) [Keiko just spent another grueling session of having her brain picked by the brainreader machine, which leaves her feeling somewhat tired. She's escorted back to her cell, which is then locked behind her.] * Keiko stumbles in as she's 'escorted in', and heads over to the bed, shaking as she does. She rubs her hands together, weakly, before managing to gingerly sit down on it. She's staring forward a bit vacantly. Very thousand-mile. [Keiko can't see 1000 miles.] * Keiko will just see towards the wall of her cell, then. Her hands move to her stomach, which she rubs gingerly, murmuring, in Japanese. She still stares somewhat blankly, though. [The cell across from Keiko is empty. How boring.] ( Hearing check! ) (Oh, one other thing I forgot to ask about. Any dead-people empathy here?) (Hearing is make by 4 on mind, miss by 2 on body, whichever one you're going for,.) ( Yes, actually. Quite a few, in fact. They're all sad and/or angry. ) (Nod.) (Just something to lump on her already shaky mental state.) [Keiko hears voices. She recognizes one as one of the non-Grovzi scientists who was working on her moments ago. "... but you can't! These subjects are vitally important to our research!"] * Keiko blinks a few times, as the voices penetrate her consciousness. She shakes her head and tries to figure out where they're coming from, biting her lip as she does. [They're coming from the door that leads out of the cell block. It's near Keiko's cell.] * Keiko slowly stands and walks over that way, to aid her hearing. She's still shaky, but she keeps her lip bit. Maybe for focus. * Keiko also wipes her face with her sleeve. [Another voice! Deep, male, and with a heavy Norwegian accent. "This was part of the deal. I accompanied your men on their experiment in Germany. I'm taking what's due."] (No recognition?) ( Nope ) (Can I astral, or do they have those nifty astral blockers?) ( Honestly, how many Norwegians do you know? Just the Great Mongoose. ) ( I'm gonna say they have them around the cell. ) ( s ) (Nod.) * Keiko frowns a little to herself, but since she can't go and look, she'll just have to stay and listen. [Doesn't matter, because shortly, he comes in! He's a tall man, nearly 7 feet, and dressed all in black. His eyes are blue, and his black hair is shaved along the sides. The top forms dread locks, which are tied into a ponytail at his neck.] [He does look at Keiko when he enters the room. The scientist with him follows his gaze, and gets in front of him. "Not that one! Grozvi would have a fit if you took her!"] * Keiko frowns and looks up at him, trying to see if he's mentally open or closed. [Keiko fails to sense anything. Either he's been modded the way Grozvi has, or he's just not human.] * Keiko wraps her arms around herself and bites her lip harder a moment. Not quite time to jump yet, that's for sure. [But he shrugs. "Fine." And continues down, glancing in each cell.] ( Gimme a hearing check! ) (Make by 2 on mind.) [Suddenly, Keiko hears screaming. But under that, she manages to make out the scientist saying, "There! You can have that one, Jonas!" He responds. "Hmph. Isn't that convenient timing for you?"] * Keiko winces at the scream, although at least she gets a name. She goes to the bars to look out down the way, and see what little she can see. [Keiko doesn't see anything. It's too far away. But just as abruptly, the screaming stops.] * Keiko grits her teeth a moment and continues looking. They've got to come back this way. Her hands grip the bars, instead of her sides, now, tightly. [Shortly, the Norwegian returns, followed by the scientist, whooooo.... (medical roll (diagnosis))!] (Miss by 1) [Keiko discerns nothing from his expression as they leave.] (Wait, it was his _expression_?) (Why not psych/sociology?) (I have psych!) (Would have been a bare make.) ( Oh. ) ( Ok fine. ) [Keiko discerns that the scientist looks like he's going to be sick.] * Keiko asks the scientist, Mr. Sicky, lowly, "So what happened to her?" (I assume, like all scientists, he's telepathy-immune.) ( Yep. You've met him before. ) [He looks at Keiko. "N-nothing. Everything's fine." Then he hurries out of the room before he throws up.] * Keiko smirks to herself for a half-second, then it fades away and she removes her hands fromt he bars, muttering, as she wraps them around her stomach again. She thinks down the way, at the nearest girl she can sense who hasn't already rejected her, "What happened down there?" [~I dunno. Only Cassiopiea was down on that side~.] * Keiko bites her lip again, sucks in a breath through her nose, then, ~Anyone else see or feel?~ A beat, then she adds, ~The guy said he had to take what was due.~ [Someone responds! ~I... She was in the Final Pain. It felt bad enough on its own. But then she actually started to ignore it, she was so full of fear. And then... nothing~] * Keiko shivers a bit and thinks back weakly, ~Sorry.~ A moment, then, ~Has anyone seen him before?~ [A lot of no's. Then... ~I have. Someone was talking to him, saying he was going to go with a bunch of other men to... I forget where. It had something to do with an experiment.~ ] ~Germany?~ [~Yeah! That was it.~] * Keiko is silent a split-second, then, ~If you didn't hear it, his name is Jonas. Some people say that gives power. We... can use every bit of power we have.~ [Same here. End!]