[Meanwhile, Keiko and Heinrick get out of the elevator and go to their hotel room. It's room on the fourty-second floor, in the middle of the ten-floor range for VIPs. Now what?] [Start] * Keiko and he were gonna go to the hotel room! Where Keiko could lay down on the bed and go astral. * Heinrick has joined #Casino * Keiko heads to the aforementioned room along with Heinrick, thinking at him, ~You... won't really be able to get my attention without trying hard. Don't break anything.~ * Heinrick keeps a poker face as he heads along, although his thoughts are faint with amusement. ~My my. You'd expect that I destroy everything I touch with that comment. So long as you maintain contact while you are in range, it should work fine.~ (I'll assume Heinrick has the key.) (Yis) * Keiko gets there and waits for Heinrick to unlock the door, running her finger along her collar. * Heinrick unlocks the door! And is probably the first time he's unlocked something with a key onscreen this whole time! (Haw haw.) (Well obviously opening the hotel door with acid would just look suspicious) * Keiko heads into the no-doubt-awesome room, murmuring slowly, "Father, I'm going to take a nap," as she heads to the bed. [Inside the door is the lack of a 400 lb. gorilla. It otherwise looks like a perfectly normal room.] * Heinrick sighs. "Already? Well, I suppose I can get some work done in the meantime." * Keiko lays down on the bed, on her back for a moment, before laying on her side and holding her duck against her. ~I'll be back,~ she thinks as she closes her eyes and... totally goes astral! Sweet. * Heinrick takes out a laptop and sets it up on wireless and starts typing. It's probably a rental, but he made sure there's no outward signs of that. So... (Assuming that the place isn't awfully astrally shielded, I'll take to the astral and start flying through rooms, looking for our favorite hostage.) ( Where are you going to start? ) (And remember, telepathy contact.) (As best I can!) (100 meters should cover most of the floors.) ( In which direction? ) Or rather, which floor? (Let's see. 34 to 44, and we're on 42.) (Let's say straight up to 44, and then sweeping down. ( There's 46 ) (Even better! Same thing, but sweeping down from 46.) ( Sorry. I got a bit distracted by the other channel. ) ( Talk about .... awkward. ) (It's weird to me that you're not just using a block defense.) ( Hmmmm.... I forgot about that ) ( Although it wouldn't apply to grapple anyhow ) (Still seems appropriate for shielding yourself with someone else.) (Anyway.) (Sweeping time!) [As she goes up, she starts noticing things. Things like guards with semi-automatic weapons. ] (Lovely.) [Keiko gets to the top floor! Which is a bit different. The hallway is carpetted, but otherwise bare. No plants, no benches, nothing. There are also only a few rooms compared to the other floors, though the hall seems to be the same size.] * Keiko floats there in astralland, a bit puzzled, but then it's time to try to sweep through the rooms, nearest first. * Heinrick thinks out, presuming Keiko's still in range. ~What have you found so far?~ * Keiko thinks back, since she has to be, ~People with lots of guns.~ [In the first room, Keiko finds... Sofia Hernandez! And Freidrich Stolt. And a fat, balding guy that resembles Thomas var Trier. and they're talking about stuff.] [In particular, Sofia is saying, "That's all I have to do?"] (Sofia, I remember. The other two aren't in the people list.) (*checks* Trier is the owner...) [And Thomas replies. "Do this for me and your 'freedom fighters', or whatever they're called, will be armed to the teeth for as long as this rebellion lasts."] [She frowns. "It's not a rebellion. It's a Civil War."] * Keiko adds, ~Hernandez, Stolt, the owner... they're all here. He wants them to do him a favor.~ ~For stuff. The supplier angle is confirmed.~ ~Any sign of who we're looking for yet?~ [He shrugs. "Call it what you will, it makes no difference to me. A chopper's waiting on the roof to take you to Ulm. Once I hear the results, I'll have my man contact you."] [Sofia shrugs. "Fine, we'll take care of it. You just keep your side of the bargain." And she leaves.] (Ulm's a place?) (Do I know?) (You can also think it back to H and see if he knows.) ~No. And Sofia's leaving for Ulm in a chopper.~ [Trier waits until she's gone, then says to the wall, "Are you sure it's wise to trust her? She failed you once already."] ~Cannot be helped. If we stop the supplies, she will have to rout herself anyways. And we have limited forces, so we cannot spread ourselves too thin.~ Brief pause. ~Ulm you say?~ [But instead of the wall saying anything, the old man from session 58 materializes. Along with Eileen Rhodes! "On the contrary, she's serving our purposes, even if she doesn't know it. You, on the other hand, really have failed the Society."] [Van Trier looks puzzled. "How so?"] * Keiko looks startled, her invisible astral form putting both hands to her stomach. ~Ulm--more people. Eileen. The guy from the resturant. They're all Society.~ [The old guy nods towards Stolt. "Him. And his unauthorized attack against the President and Defense Minister on March 31st.] [Van Trier looks at Stolt, who scowls, then back to the old man. "Mr. Harcourt, you can't hold me responsible for that! I just supply the weapons!"] * Keiko continues relaying, ~The assassination was unauthorized by the Society. The old guy seems really important.~ * Heinrick feels a bit displeased and also mentally wincing for a moment, though it may be unrelated. ~Too many to confront. This isn't good...~ [Stolt scowls. "What's it to you, anyhow? Who cares what happens, as long as we bring down this crappy nation and that damned company that owns it?"] [The old guy glares at him, and suddenly Stolt is gagging and clutching at his neck. "The Society cares. The Grant Master is most displeased by your insubordination, Stolt." He glares at van Trier. "And you supplied his outfit. You are guilty by association."] * Keiko starts. ~The old guy can choke people with a look. He's going to kill van Trier and Stolt.~ [Thomas stares at him. "Mr. Harcourt! I've always been loyal, you know that! If I've done something to offend you, surely you can let me make it up!"] [Harcourt's expression softens slightly, and Freidrich falls to his hands and knees, gasping. "Hmm... Yes, I think, perhaps, you can still be useful. Both of you."] * Keiko licks her invisible lips. ~Or not. His name is Harcourt. He's waffling.~ ~Well, it would have made our work easier. Pity. [Harcourt turns. "I have a... special assignment in mind for your dog, Van Trier. I'll be contacting you again soon. Very soon." He moves over to Eileen, and they vanish.] * Keiko runs her finger along her astral neck. ~And now they're gone.~ (I could not possibly be lucky enough that they don't have mind shield and are thinking of where Odval is.) [Van Trier visibly relaxes, then turns. "Dammit Stolt! What were you thinking?" He makes his way out the door.] ~See if you can make contact with Choybalsan.~ [Stolt follows him into the hall. "What was I thinking? You know what Zukunft has done to me! I want them to pay! I shouldn't have to wait for the 'Society' to give me the go ahead!"] * Keiko thinks back, ~Yeah... I don't wanna leave her alone.~ She starts trying to peek her head into other rooms as she follows them. [The next room over is all steel, and appears to be some sort of torture room, complete with medieval devices. No sign of Odval, though.] * Keiko immediately pulls her head out, shuddering. ~No... where is Odval. Where are you...~ Next room as she follows. [Van Trier walks. "I know. What they did to all of us. To my mother's body. But dammit, Stolt! The Society has the power. Don't you see that?" He enters the next room. "You can't just do what you want and expect them not to respond. You need to learn to bide your time."] [This room is a small dining room, sporting a rectangular table and four chairs, all of which are bolted down. Odval also appears to be here. She's naked, handcuffed, gagged, and linked to the chair by a chain around her neck. She glares at the two as they enter.] * Keiko looks at her to see if she's damaged. ~Found her! They're with her now.~ [Stolt scowls. "Like you bide your time? You need to kill this woman. She's a Blitzkrieg agent. And if the Society finds out your keeping her alive, they won't hesitate. Not to mention what happens if she escapes."] (What's the room number?) [Van Trier moves over to the chair. Odval cringes as he reaches out, but he picks her up and sits her on his lap. "Please. They don't need to know. And the only place she'll be escaping to is my bedroom, later this evening."] ( It's 463. ) ~Can you cause any disturbances from up there without putting her in danger?~ (I think you ruled that she can't MC... did you rule she can't TK either?) [Friedrich looks disgusted. "She's an enemy. And what about when Blitzkrieg shows up? What if they free her?"] ( I think so. ) (Yeah, figured.) * Keiko twitches violently, drawing back. ~Just feeling. No doing. I'll kill him. 463. Should I come back?~ [Van Trier shrugs. "We're ready for them." Odval grimaces as he feels her up. Then he glances at Stolt. "Aren't we? I seem to remember leaving you in charge of things."] ~If you have all the information you believe you can gather.~ [Stolt grumbles and walks out of the room.] * Keiko thinks back, ~He's going to--to--touch Odval. I can't--I can't.~ She heads out of the room, looking at Stolt for a moment as her astral self does a tight self-hug. [Stolt doesn't look very happy either. But he also doesn't monolog.] (No telepathy-monolog? I can't remember if he's got shielding.) [Uhhh... Ok, well he's thinking *damn that disgusting old man. If I didn't need him...*] (*monologue) [Freidrich goes off in one direction. Seconds later, Thomas emerges from the room. "Don't forget, bitch, you belong to me now. I'll see you in an hour." He grins, shutting the door, and heads off in the opposite direction as Stolt.] [A buncha guards patrol by.] * Keiko shivers a moment, glares at Freidrich, and then heads back into the room at Odval. She flies to her side, and the chain binding her. ~They split up. I--I'm gonna try to undo her chain.~ ~Be careful. If she is alone up there, she will be vulnerable. Chain or no.~ * Keiko thinks back, ~I... I don't know if I can do it.~ She tries to focus her TK on the chain. ~I don't...~ (I have no idea if this is something I can push for or buy, but Keiko has to try.) ( I don't see why not, but I'm not sure how to do it. ) (Well, you could consider her having to make a soul roll for the push for now, and we can figure out how CP, if any, need to be spent later. Or if you'll just unlock the capability.) ( No, if you push for it, you've got to buy it,. ) (Right.) ( But we can figure out the cost later. Roll for it now. ) (What I mean is more... if you decide it's a capability that needs CP.) * Heinrick frowns slightly. ~What's her escape plan?~ (Or maybe if it's just something she can get for hitting TK 3.) (Anyway.) (That is not a made soul roll. (It's a made as hell TK roll, but not on soul.) [Nothing happens!] * Keiko thinks back, ~It's not... there's no escape plan, I.. it's easier if she's free.~ * Heinrick thinks hard to her. ~And if she is not certain of what is happening, she may make noise. Or be trapped in the room with nowhere to go if she's found unchained!~ d2 * Keiko winces, then tries to think at her, ~Be... be calm, Odval. It's Keiko. We're here. I won't... I won't let him do that to you.~ She's shaking in astral. * Keiko starts, then thinks at her, ~Stop that, stop that, stop that!~ She then flees the room, adding, ~I--we'll be back!~ * Keiko flies straight back to her body, starting up as if from a nightmare. Panting with her duck pressed hard to her chest. * Heinrick closes his case and then turns to Keiko. "Looks as if it wasn't as good a nap as you expected." * Keiko starts off the bed and immediately backs away into a corner, away from Heinrick. She's still panting, not thinking anything at him. * Heinrick puts on his coat and gives her a stern look. "We should go. Quickly then." * Keiko 's panting slows and she thinks at him. ~We can't fail. I... give me a few moments.~ She turns her head away and it's clear she's starting to cry, her body shaking with a sob. ~I hate this. Please.~ * Heinrick stops at the door. He doesn't turn to Keiko. ~Well, it certainly wouldn't help being like this. And I can't leave you alone either. Such a dilemma.~ * Keiko thinks back, ~Just... stay still, you idiot.~ She draws her arms around her and sits down in the corner, shaking. * Heinrick smirks mentally at that. ~It's been a while since I've been called that. Though I'm amused that you would speak to your guardian that way....Very well.~ * Heinrick gives the mental impression that he had no intention of leaving in the first place, though. * Keiko thinks back, weakly, ~Do what you want later...~ and trails off. It takes her a few minutes before she takes a deep breath and stands to her feet, wiping at her eyes. * Heinrick deadpans. ~Maybe I'll take lessons from our dear friends upstairs.~ * Keiko looks at him as she pulls her duck away from her eyes, then thinks at him, ~Let's... let's go. How do you want this to go?~ ~We need to take out the outer guards as quietly as possible. If we make some noise on the other side of them, you can try to push them in that direction while I knock one of them out. Then we take care of the other as quietly as possible.~ ~Keep an eye out for any surveillances you may have missed outside the door.~ * Keiko nods slightly and thinks back, ~We're just guests, after all. We... have an advantage.~ ~I'm not so certain the guards would accept that.~ * Keiko replies, ~Only for a moment.~ (Lead on when you're ready!) * Heinrick takes out Keiko's old friends: the marbles! and smiles. ~I was thinking a little more of noises they might investigate. If you're up to "throwing" them over their heads.~ * Heinrick puts them away. ~But if you have another idea for a distraction, I'm willing to hear it.~ * Heinrick heads quickly and quietly towards ze room! * Keiko blinks, then thinks back with a weak smile, ~If you need a distraction... I was hoping to just grab them immediately.~ ~If you get them to look the other direction, then I can act.~ * Heinrick hands Keiko the marbles. ~I know you dislike these, but they could be useful as such. So use them as you see fit.~ * Keiko takes them in her off hand. ( To the elevator, then? ) (Why not stairs?) (Well, unless stairs.) (Elevators are dangerous.) (^5 Keiko.) ( You can take the stairs, too ) [So you do! Except... There's a camera in front of them.] [So maybe not.] (...and there won't be in the elevator?) (Can we get within 10 meters or so of it? I'd hope so, this is a hotel.) (If so, and it's a normal camera, I'd like to try to push it to look away from us.) ( Yep ) (Go go gadget TK!) (I TKed that one out!) [It moves!] ( Of course, someone's bound to notice. ) (If they're looking, yeah.) (Depends how on the ball they are.) (Guarding is a z-ful business.) * Keiko thinks at him, ~After you.~ * Heinrick moves quickly while the camera is away. * Keiko follows right with him, holding her duck and new box tight. (And even then, it's not like it'd be obvious what's going on.) [You're at the stairs!] (Up up up!) (And they wouldn't know who's coming.) * Heinrick goes upward bound, taking a cloth from his coat. It's obviously a handkerchief. He must have a cold! * Keiko doesn't react weirdly to that as they head up. Hopefully to 46. * Heinrick goes to 46, keeping his eye out for more cameras! [You get to the door leading to floor 46 without dying!] * Keiko thinks, ~Probably more cameras somewhere.~ * Heinrick nods. ~Any minds on the other side of the door?~ * Keiko checks! [There are! Two!] * Keiko nods slightly. ~Two.~ ~How far? And can you distract them from here?~ (Relay to the GM!) (Are they right on the other side or what?) ( About 10 feet from the door. ) * Keiko thinks back, ~10 feet,~ as she tries to mentally suggest to them that it's time to look the other way for intruders. (Which means Heinrick was good to suggest checking!) (My two MC rolls.) ( Hokay ) * Keiko thinks, after making the MC rolls, ~I tried. Ready to go.~ * Heinrick nods and sneaks out of the door quickly and stealthily. ~Be prepared to back me but make as little noise as possible.~ * Keiko float-follows, as her shield springs into place. That's quiet! ( Hooo boy ) ( That was a stealth roll, yah, Heinrick? ) (Heinricks' going for the nearest guard and grappling and chloroforming as quickly as possible. But sadly not quite as stealthy, yes.) [Heinrick kicks over an ashtray on his approach. Soooo... no, no stealthy.] ( Gimmie init, and I gotta afk a sec. ) (I tire. z.z) ( Back ) (You've been doing well!) (I have been. But now tired. And I figure Brett wants to finish this before next session, but combat...) (Could we possibly do it in a mini over the weekend?) (I could mind control them into losing!) ( That would be a good idea. ) ( Except not the weekend, because I can't tomorrow or Sunday ) (Hmm.) (Tuesday won't be good, Wednesday's iffy. Monday'd be best for me.) (Thursday's pretty open as well but pressing it close if something comes up.) ( I might or might not be able to do Monday. ) ( Tuesday.... More likely, but again, not sure. Wed. should be fine ) ( Or Thurs ) ( So... whatever works for you ) (As I said, Weds I'm not sure.) (Thursday I know will work, but it cuts it so close to game day.) ( Mmm, well, I got some papers to write, is the thing ) (*nods*) (Mecha needs to respond though.) ( So whether we can do it or not depends on whether I'm able to finish or not ) (Huh?) (I'm awake now, and I can find time whenever.) (It's what I do.) (Flexible work hours make for flexible flexibility, and I should have the proposal knocked out without killing myself.) [Regardless... end for now!]