[Saturday, May 9th. Sometime during the afternoon. Togo is in the gym, running on a treadmill. For once, he's not wearing his coat; it's laid over a chair a few feet away. He's wearing a US Army T-Shirt, long shorts, and sneakers, and his shades are laying on top of the machine. He's been going for a while now, and isn't expecting any company...] [Mini start] * Togo runs on the treadmill. He's in pretty good shape for a fairly old guy, but you can see some signs of wear and tear on his arms and legs. (Like, what, shearing? ;) ( Little scars here'n there. ) * Keiko floats her way through the door, wearing one of her green dresses. She's holding her duck to her chest and still has the obvious added mass at her shoulders of the bandages. She looks at Togo and says, fairly flatly, "I hope I don't look that bad if I live that long." * Brett has joined #MC4 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Brett * Keiko has a pad of notebook paper in her other hand, along with a clasped pencil. * Togo keeps running, not turning his head towards Keiko. "I wouldn't know, but I imagine I no longer have the legs to pull off a kilt." Never seen one in person. * Keiko walks over to a weight bench and sits down on it. "I doubt many men could anyway." It's like a skirt, but plaid. And that is very, very true. Something up? * Keiko grimaces at the image, then shakes her head and says, after a moment, "As... much as I could trust Lu to hold Kioshi, I'd rather..." she trails off, then rephrases, "I want to carry things like you do." ( Keiko wants to pull random objects from under her dress? ) (Not quite.) * Togo nods. "Like my coat?" * Keiko glances at his coat, half-smiles, and says, "Luana may like them, but I just needed one." She taps her pencil on the pad of paper. "Does it have to be a coat?" * Togo keeps running, but Keiko can see a grin on his face as he responds. "No, but I've been making progress on converting the whole team, so it'd be a shame to lose you now." * Keiko rolls her eyes and says, "I want to wear it all the time. Wearing a trenchcoat all the time is awful." * Keiko presses her duck up against her forehead. "Over a dress, too? No." ... okay, I have to admit you have a point about the dress thing. *pauses* Why the dresses out on missions though, outta curiousity? * Keiko looks back at him, tilts her head, and says, "I like dresses." She looks down to her paper. "Always have. And I haven't had my own kimono for years." Fair enough. So what did you have in mind, if not a trench? * Keiko replies, "Something... like a shawl? Do you know what a shawl is? I drew a picture, but I'm not sure what you can actually... see." * Togo shakes his head. "I don't, and I can't, sorry." * Keiko makes a little noise of annoyance, then waits a moment and says, "Is there any other way than for me to think it into your head?" * Togo stops the treadmill, wipes his face off with a towel, then puts his shades back on with a slight whirring sound as they connect into the back of his sockets. "Not really, no." * Togo grabs a chair and sits down a few feet from Keiko. "Do you need express permission to do that?" * Keiko 's voice goes flat again and she says, "No, but it doesn't hurt to be careful." She projects an image of herself in her blue dress, with a lighter blue shawl wrapped around her shoulders, draping down fairly lowly. Asymetrical and loose. "That." * Togo hrms. "... ah, so that's a shawl. Don't think that's gonna work. As it was explained to me, for the magic to hold it needs to form a consistant shape around your body, need to form a space you can reach into, and has to be something that stays on by itself." ( Can always seek out Sarah o/~ ) * Keiko presses her lips together a moment, sighs, and then picks up the pad and starts scratching on it, drawing sketches. "Alright, let me figure out something else..." No problem. The person who made my coat has also done cloaks, if that interests you at all... * Keiko frowns, then says, "Just something hanging off your shoulders that you slip on over your head?" With a relatively sturdy clasp around the neck. * Keiko sighs and says, "Are all magic people except Ras boring?" * Keiko taps her pencil on the paper a moment. ( Karin's not boring! D: ) Magic people like cloaks. They're classic. And like I said, there are limits on what kind of garment can hold and maintain the magic that allows access to the extradimensional space. * Keiko mutters, "I don't wanna just wear a bag over my head with a hole in it." * Togo chuckles. "If you're gonna be saving the world, might as well look good doing it?" * Keiko murmurs, "Yeah, like we'll save the world." She scratches on her paper with the pencil a moment, then flips back to another page, hrms, flips forward, and then says, "Alright, here we go." Hey, I've saved the world at least two and a half times. ( Plus he's responsible for Lucifer's existence! ) * Keiko mutters, "Lucky you," before she thinks at Togo. It's herself in a cloak. At first it's black, and got straight lines down with short sleeves, but then shifts into the left side being half thrown over her shoulder. Then a pin pulling it up to her chest. "I... think cloaks work like that." That... yeah, that probably works. Color and material are flexible, as long as it's nothing sheer or particularly fragile. The magic will repair it if it gets damaged. ( Loggin! ) * Brett has quit IRC (Quit: ) * Keiko blinks, then says, "... can you get that magic on other things? I'm getting tired of sewing up my dresses." Yeah, I don't see why not. Don't think the guy who's doing this would be too thrilled about it, though. * Togo rubs his neck. "Maybe one or two dresses... he does owe me a pretty big favor." * Keiko shrugs and says, "Whatever you can do." She taps her pencil on the paper. "Maybe it's better it's a cloak. You can have two colored sides on a cloak, right?" * Togo tilts his head. "I'm a bad person to ask for fashion advice." * Keiko frowns at him and replies, "I haven't had one before." She closes her eyes a moment, then shifts the image to having a light blue on one side, and black on the other. "Can the magic work if it's two sided, or is there a limit to that too?" Nah, that's no problem. One of the women I know who got a cloak got a double sided one. The other, if I remember correctly, got one that could change color. * Keiko 's eyes widen, and says, "That would be amazing." * Arwen has joined #mc4 * Arwen is now known as Roseli Did Brett show? ( Mini ) (He did. I think he'll be back.) (I'm stealing clothes from Togo too!) * Togo nods. "The color change one? That shouldn't be a problem. Do you still want it double-sided?" * Keiko nods and replies slowly, "Yeah. Yeah... that's perfect. If I can use it all the time... yes. Could it change size too?" How dramatically? ( Ard, you wanna have Rose walk in as Keiko finishes up? ) * Keiko shrugs. "I'm only a hundred sixty five centimeters tall?" She scratches on her pad a moment, then murmurs, "Maybe... thirty centimeters to a hundred twenty? Long and short sleeves both?" * Keiko has a smile on her face. Clearly considering the delicious possibilities. She murmurs, "I wish I had a dress like that. Only having one dress wouldn't be so bad if it were like that." (It's Saturday the 9th!) * RowynAway is now known as Rowyn ... I think it's possible, but I'll hafta check. And sorry, but I doubt I could get him to do all this to a second piece. Even getting the self-repair enchantment on the dresses is pushing things. * Keiko looks very annoyed for a moment as she looks up at him, then shakes her head. "They're your people. I'll draw it out so you can have something to show them." ... tell you what. I'll make you a deal. I'll twist his arm and get him to enchant up a dress if you promise to wear the cloak as a trenchoat every few missions. (Um sure, I can... actually, I'm going to call Kevin, so.) (HI KEVIN SEE YOU TOMORROW) * Keiko presses her lips together a moment, considering, then nods slightly. "Deal." * Togo grins and leans back in his chair. "My dreams of Togo and the Trenchcoat Brigade live on." * Keiko manages a slight smile. "Lu'd probably pay you to wear one. If she had any money, anyway." (And you're running this by Heinrick, right Togo? :D) (Ha ha ha ha.) ( Outta my head, Rowyn. =P ) Luana recognizes the subtle power of the trenchcoat. (Heinrick: Dream Crusher.) * Togo sits back up in his chair, and rolls his shoulder a bit. "You've cleared all this with Heinrick, I presume?" * Keiko tilts her head at him and says, "We just came up with most of it." He's not Rosali, but I can't just ask him from here. I meant the extradimensional cloak, mostly. I'll clear the dress thing with him before I send it out, but I can't see him objecting. (Bad pun, Jesse. Bad pun.) * Keiko replies, 'He sees the value." A moment, then, "If it's gonna be a trenchcoat, it'll have to change thickness and feel and such. Don't forget." ( Yes, I know. ) (I totally missed it.) That's not a problem. If we going for a full appearance change suite, material change'll be included. * Keiko nods, mms, then chuckles weakly and asks, "Do I even need to draw it anymore?" It doesn't have any shape now. Nah, not really. I can just specify a cloak-type with extradimensional space and a regular dress-type. (I'm back!) (Hooray!) (I just upgraded from 'extradimensional cloak' to 'self-repairing dynamic outfit and extradimensional cloak!') You realize that the coat comes with the ability to pull out pretty much any sort of everyday object, in addition to whatever you put in there, right? * Keiko looks at him funny, then says, "Should I ask where they come from?" I have absolutely no fucking idea. But if ever need something completely random, it's pretty handy. Do you just... want it? * Keiko looks thoughtful. "And out it comes?" Does it even have to exist before you think of it? (With a coat like that, Blitzy is so fucked.) (Keiko should shut up right about now.) (I think she will.) * Togo walks over to his coat, puts it on, reaches into his coat, and pulls out a coffin. "Pretty much whatever you think of." *puts the coffin back in* No complex machinery or electronics, unfortunately. (Shall I have Rose show? ^^ Also, where in HQ are you?) * Keiko murmurs, " much?" Well, macabre doesn't translate well! ( Gym. And sure. ) You'd be surprised how often having a coffin handy is useful in this line of work. (And you thought Heinrick was morbid.) * Keiko is silent a moment, then replies quietly, "I'd rather be surprised." * Roseli comes walking by, wearing sneakers, sweatpants, and a t-shirt. She seems intent on going to another part of the gym, but upon spotting the pair... well, she heads over there. Death's not really my friend. ... not like that. I meant that there're a few times of undead that will only stay dead in a coffin. And if you don't have one handy, it's a giant pain in the ass. When taking those on, coffins were always provided. * Roseli nods to the two. "Afternoon." * Togo pauses. "Plus, if you're working with someone with enhanced strength, they can beat a necromancer unconcious with it. Man, those were fun times..." *waves to Rose* Obviously, you've worked for a higher class of organziations that I have. * Keiko lets out a quiet, "Ah." She looks over to Rose, suddenly finding herself trapped with guardians all around her blocking the escape routes! Hm. You were freelance. Would explain it. Why the talk about your coat? (Quick! Let's have Heinrick exercise too!) (Aaaah!) (Sure, come on down. :P) Keiko's getting one. (Pfft. If Heinrick wants to get stronger, he uses science.) (Werd.) * Roseli raises an eyebrow and looks at Keiko. "Didn't think she was the trenchcoat type." * Keiko murmurs, "I'm not." Her notebook is covered with half-sketches of shawls and cloaks and other things which are certainly not trenchcoats. * Roseli glances at said notebook and then asks Keiko, "Clear this with Heinrick?" * Keiko sighs and gestures around. "He sees the value in the ability. We came up with some new ideas that people will have to talk about." * Roseli nods. "It's good. Will help your combat abilities tremendously, if it's cleared with Control." * Keiko nods, then floats to her.... near-feet, emotion slipping from her face. "I think we figured everything out, so I'll just get out of your hair." * Togo walks back over. "I'll write up the specs, run them by you, and then run them by Heinrick for final approval." * Keiko looks to him a long moment, then replies quietly, "Thank you." She then tries to float her way out of the room. * Roseli calls, preventing escape one more: "Keiko." * Togo takes his coat back off and sits down, stretching out his legs. * Keiko floats to a stop, turning in the air to face Rose as she does. Silence is all she replies with, though. Rose is gonna say something! ( For reference sake, Ard, Togo's wearing a US Army t-shirt, long shorts and sneakers ) * Roseli is silent for a second, then asks, "How is Pavla?" * Keiko looks down, then says, "She's okay. Angry. Lonely. Punky." * Roseli nods, digesting that, then asks, "How are you?" * Keiko looks back to Rose, seeming sligtly surprised. It takes her a moment before she manages to reply, "Not sure." (Better response than she gives Heinrick when he asks that.) (It's a different day.) * Roseli lets out a small chuckle. "I understand." Neither am I. Look... If you need to talk at odd hours, I'm on grounds sometimes. Check my office. * Roseli smiles slightly. "Doubt you do, though." She waves, indicating Keiko can go now. ( I'm available too! ... ) * Keiko starts to turn away, but she waits a moment. After listening, she replies, "I don't need to talk except to you." Like I said. * Roseli turns to Togo. "About that coat, was meaning to talk to you about something similar." * Keiko waits a split-second longer, then finishes her turn and drifts out. * Togo looks up from stretching. "Similar?" * Roseli nods. "Hm. What is it made out of?" Not the dimensional capabilities, but made out of. Noticed it cushions bullets better than kevlar. It and my clothes are made out of an advanced kevlar-like material. Resists bullets, slashes, stabs, absorbs impact, fire resistant, low conductivity... it's good stuff. I'd have even more scars than I already do without it. * Roseli nods. "How did you come by it?" Hamper your movement much? I started out in England working as a liason from the US government... got it through some contacts there. And no, it's pretty much the same weight as moderately thick clothes. Good contacts. Must still be in touch if you're getting a coat for Keiko. * Roseli chuckles. "Gonna tell them that it's for Blitzkrieg? They might have second thoughts." Oh, the coat's from outside the government. British mystic who owes me bigtime. Also makes the material? No, but I got him a sample and he was able to magic up a coat made of it. The clothes I got through my government contacts, along with Luana's. * Roseli raises an eyebrow. "They don't have a problem with it?" she asks, surprised. Surprised you still have those contacts... American government? * Togo smirks. "I've been in this a long time, and I have a lot of people who owe me a lot of favors who care more about the times I saved their lives than who I'm working for nowadays." You're lucky. * Roseli takes a breath and adjusts her position, relaxing slightly. "Well. If you want, I'd like to get in touch." Don't wear any armor because it interferes with espionage, but given recent missions... * Roseli smiles a little. "Can't afford to die. Costs a city." * Togo nods. "Not a problem. What do you usually wear out on missions?" * Roseli chuckles. "You've been working with me how long?" ( Negligee and thigh-high stockings. *twitch* Moron.) * Togo taps his glasses. "I get outlines. No color, no texture, no detail." Unless you trust my fashion sense? *grins* Boots, jeans, tank top, coat that's long enough to cover my holster. Usually denim or leather. Go through those fastest. * Roseli rolls her eyes. "Not interested in looking like a bruise." ( Green and brown is a bruise? ) (Hey, this Togo wears brown!) (Let's not talk about what that looks like.) (Oh, I thought he wore black and blue. ;P) (Nix Rose's most recent statement.) (That's Keiko.) (Keiko is a bruise!) (Just not at the same time.) (Yet.) ( Nope. Green shirt, brown pants, copper-brown coat. Which is what he wore in MC3 as well. =P ) (Rose frequently wears green and blue or tan.) (So earthy.) (You're all so earthy.) (We're earthy people.) ( It's his compromise from all-black. ) * Togo nods. "Okay. Pull together pictures of three sets of each, and I'll send them along to my guy." * Roseli smiles. "Thanks. What do I owe you?" Two things. One required, one optional. Optional one is easy... make one of the three coats a trenchcoat. Never wore a trenchcoat, but I'll think about it. The other? * Togo grins. "Perfect. Just have to get Jamie on board too and the Trenchcoat Brigade is a go." * Roseli replies in all seriousness, "Given that, your request is denied." ... you're killing me here. I got Keiko to agree to wear her cloak as a trenchcoat every few missions. (Roseli Tavares: Killing dreams since 2-ought-fifty) She's a ward. It's not hard. Granted. *pauses* No trenchcoat? Not even in the pursuit of team comraderie? ( I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong ) (Also, good move there, Rowyn. Rose actually was born in 2050.) (Boom!) (Ha! :D) * Roseli just gives a vague smile. "What's the other request?" * Togo leans back in his chair. "If I go down, look after Luana like you do Jamie, to the degree that you can." * Roseli folds her arms and comments, "Doubt she'll need someone giving her instructions as to every aspect of her life." But I will. You know that. * Togo nods. "Not planning on going out anytime soon, but I'm not what I used to be." * Roseli nods. "I understand. Thank you." ( *pokes her head in* Morbid much?) ( *throws a coffin at Keiko* ) (*shoots Togo* Right. *walks off* Luana o/~) ( It was either the coffin, or Togo was gonna pull out a life-sized plush Togo to demonstate the coat. ) ( er, demonstrate ) (A plush Togo is hardly a mundane item!) ( In reality, true. By game mechanics standards, however... ) Not a problem. Always glad to help a teammate avoid massive bodily harm. ( The danger of the plush Togo is that Keiko might be traumatized by it, mention it to Luana, and then Togo'll hafta avoid giving Luana one. ) * Roseli chuckles. "Here's hoping it works. I'll have those pictures for you by tomorrow." * Togo stands up, and grabs his coat. "Not a problem. I have to go ice my knees so I'll be able to walk tomorrow. See ya around." * Roseli nods and heads off to get her own training in. [Mini End]