[Day: Wednsday, May 27th. Time: 1:30 p.m.] [After a long, hard week, you gather in the briefing room. Red team's there, too, including Pavla and her new guardian: a rather well-built guy in his mid thirties, with a straw sticking out of the corner of his mouth.] [Nobody else there, though. Not yet.] [Start] * Keiko sits in the room with a pad of paper in front of her, duck next to it, as she writes on it with a good old fashioned wooden pencil. She's in a long black dress that completely covers her, with a sleeved blue cloak over her shoulders. * Roseli walks in. She has no coffee, and she looks kind of annoyed... but some of the annoyance fades upon seeing the new guy. * Roseli nods to him. "Good to see you." And goes to take her now customary seat. [He nods back. "Just got here and it's already time for action."] * Rowyn walks into the briefing room with his hands behind his back, glancing around and giving a brief nod to the new guardian before sitting near Keiko. (Err.) * Rowyn is now known as Heinrick * Jamie follows shortly behind Rose wearing a green and silver silk dress. She sits down without greeting anybody. * Heinrick does that. And looks better doing it! ( Did we anticipate WD not being here this week? ) ( Yah ) Yeah. Pretty normal, unfortunately. ( Okay. Is there an in-game explanation, or are we handwaving? ) * Roseli rubs at her eyes and pinches the top of her nose. "Hope this 'no coffee' thing is temporary." * Roseli glances at Pavla to see how she's reacting to her new guardian. ( Just don't bring it up :P ) [Pavla looks bored.] (That means no coffee. :() * Togo is sitting at the table as usual, not loading a magazine or cleaning a gun for once. [There's some loud arguing from outside, then Felix enters the room, Nene calling from behind him, "You can't undermine my authority like this! I answer directly to Minister Bernstein!"] * Heinrick glances in the direction of the arguments for a second but doesn't make a motion to rise. [To which Felix responds, "Who has given us command of Section 2. Take it up with the director if you've got a problem." Then he slaps the door, nearly hitting her in the process.] * Roseli raises an eyebrow Felix when he walks in. That's a lot of yelling. [He then walks behind the desk, and slams his hands down on it, staring at you. "Hypothetical question: How would a terrorist group manage to hide an entire army and take control of a nuclear power plant over night?"] * Heinrick raises an eyebrow. "As in what size army? Hypothetically, of course." * Keiko is looking down at her paper as she murmurs, "Someone that is good with computers. [He hits a bunch of keys and some pictures pops up on the computer screen. They show a power plant from different angels. It's fenced off, and patrolled by several guards armed with semiauto rifles. There's also quite a lot of military grade bots around the premis. "We're estimating at least eighty terrorists and fifteen bots on the outside. Somehow they managed to take control of a power plant near Riesa without our knowing about (without our knowing about) it."] * Roseli frowns, then asks, "Know what group they're affiliated with?" ["No. In fact, they seem to be a mixed nationality group. The bots, on the other hand..."] Was there anyone known on the inside? Any contacts? [He hits a few keys and a schematic of a bot pops up: A bi-pedal machine with twin machine guns, and what essentially amounts to a LAW on either shoulder. "Zukunft models, last-gen military bots. A grade down from what the military uses, and two from ours. But still some of the best bots ever built. Question is, where did they get them?"] ["That's what you're going to find out. Get to Riesa immediately. This--"] [Felix's phone rings. He answers it quickly, before the first ring is even done. "Schneider."] [He listens for a bit. "I see. What can she report?"] [And after another instant, his eyes narrow. "No, I don't. I really don't. I'm more concerned with stopping them before they trigger a meltdown. Now, what can she report?"] * Keiko taps her pencil on the pad, glancing to Heinrick, then back to Felix. [He listens a bit more, then hangs up without a word. "Well, now we know who's behind it."] * Heinrick is waiting and watching Felix intently until something useful happens. ["It seems Section 1 sent a team in already. They were caught, all executed except one. They let a female agent go. Albeit missing her arms, an eye, a tongue, an ear..." He looks at Keiko. "Fits the M.O. of a terrorist you know well."] * Roseli nods. She thought so. No, seriously; she did. * Keiko visibly shudders for a moment before balling her fists tight, and stopping that shudder. * Heinrick sighs slightly. "It would be a good way to hide an army though." * Jamie 's eyebrows furrow slightly. ["If they trigger a meltdown, the consequences will be disasterous. I want both teams at Riesa yesterday. You'll be coordinating with Commanders Jung and Kranz in Section 1. Let's avoid any friendly fire incidents."] * Roseli nods once, then stands and walks out, waving for Jamie to come with. * Heinrick nods quickly and stands up. "Keiko." He starts walking as well. * Jamie slides out of her chair and follows Rose. * Togo nods and follows the others out. * Keiko starts, then puts her writing stuff inside of her coat and heads out, duck in hand. She tugs at her collar a moment as she walks after Heinrick. [Red Team gets up and moves out, too, the new guy commenting, "Oscar, huh? Feels like it's been years."] ( FF? Or not-FF? ) * Heinrick notices and lowers his defenses for the time being. ~What is it?~ ( FF after the Keiko/Heinrick convo ends ) (Right. Got crossed wires, sorry) * Togo notices the new guy for the first time, and offers a handshake. "Pavla's new guardian, right? Togo, nice to meet ya." (Remove that line, then?) (Yeah. I'm braindead today.) [He shakes Togo's hand. "Fritz Vollenstein, y'all."] * Heinrick nods. "Good to see you made it." ( He's a German cowboy? ) ( More like a German farmboy ) * Keiko walks along silently, looking at nobody. Just straight forward, back ramrod straight. ( FF? :P ) ( Sure ) [Zooooooom! Across much of the country we go, via helijet, to Riesa. It's not a particularly large town, but it does have a big nuclear powerplant on its outskirts. The terrain on the outside is relativly flat and wooded, save for one small hill in the west, where Section 1 has set up camp.] [The helijet lands near the camp. Woo hoo.] (Did they bring marshmellows?) * Keiko floats out, duck no longer in her hands. She stored it in her cloak when they hit the ground! (We took all of Jamie's toys with us, I assume.) (I hope so!) (Otherwise I'm going to have to steal one of those bots down there) [Gertrude gets out on the opposite side, Sebastian following, and immediately heads towards the camp. Karin and Cyra follow, and finally Fritz and Pavla. Fritz has a kite shield on his arm. No kidding, a real kite shield.] [Pavla is not dressed like a dominatrix.] * Roseli gets out of the chopper and heads down with Jamie (who is no doubt not far beyond). And they're probably followed by Jamie's stuff. Darn tootin'. (You'll probably steal one of the bots anyway. :D) * Heinrick hops out of the helijet as well and puts his hands in his duster. * Togo hops out and follows along. * Jamie has boxes and boxes of stuff to cary, it's probably on cart of some sort by this point. [As you approach the gathering of Section 1 units, you're greeted by a guy you probably completely forgot: Daniel Hobbs. "Heyyyyyy. It's the 2-gens." Double thumbs up!] * Keiko looks back at him flatly. "This is not a fun situation." [He slides up to Pavla and whistles. "Wow. When did YOU join?"] * Jamie moves so Rose is between him and her. ( Fritz! Now is the time to prove yourself by smiting him! ) * Roseli is, in fact, in between the dude and Jamie. She eyes him for a moment, then moves on to meet with the commanders. [Pavla grins. "Is everyone in Section 1 this much of a dork?"] (You don't need to worry, Jamie. You're not hot anymore.) (I got into a lot of trouble because of him!) * Keiko manages a slight smile and says, "He is... especially a dork." * Heinrick goes with Rose. Because he doesn't have time or inclination to deal with horny teenagers. * Jamie moves with Rose, because if she stays hidden he can't get her in trouble. [Fritz steps in front of the guy, moving the shield to obscure his view. "Sorry, kid. She's busy."] [He and Pavla move on to catch up with everyone else, who's approaching Oscar Jung and Kranz, whose first name you've never learned. He sighs and mutters as you approach. "Great. As if we didn't have enough to worry about already."] * Roseli rolls her eyes, because seriously, this is getting old. "Section two reporting. What've we got?" ( Yah, you shot his man six months ago. You'd think he'd be over it by now. ) (HIS MAN DESERVED IT! >.<) [The other man, who must be Oscar Jung, because he's the other man in charge here, and you know Oscar Jung is supposed to be in charge with Kranz, and plus he looks like Oscar Jung, speaks. "The local Blitzkrieg office sent a unit in to try to locate the leader. You probably know what happened to them."] * Togo nods. "What's the current plan?" [Kranz turns back to Jung. "Which is why we should be able to succeed. They're few and inexperienced. My men are seasoned veterans."] [Oscar looks from Kranz to you. "To wait for Section 2."] Against this kind of enemy? * Togo has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [Kranz eyes Heinrick. "Does Section 2 only get off it's sorry ass when it can pick and choose its battles?"] * Heinrick smiles. "We do when we get orders. Just like you." He turns to Oscar. "So what *is* the situation?" [Jung speaks. "They have fifteen military grade bots. You have someone capable of controlling them at a distance. Do the math."] ( DANCE MY PUPPETS! DANCE! You're dead. >.<) * Heinrick nods slightly. "Actually, if there were no alterations, we may have two." [Kranz snorts.] * Keiko shoots Heinrick a glare. [Pavla blinks. "Me? I guess I could..."] * Roseli glances at Jamie. "How many bots can you control at once?" * Heinrick glances at Keiko a moment. * JesseLman has joined #MC4 ( re ) * JesseLman is now known as Togo ( Last I saw was Kranz saying his guys were up to the job because they were vets ) ( Also. COMCAST! *shakes fist* ) * Jamie looks flustered. "I uhm, controll 2... but uh... simple things maybe ten?" (You don't control Ten anymore, remember!? BZZZT) (Note the lowercase!) ( Did I miss anything important, or random 'what's the plan' stuff? ) * Heinrick turns to Pavla. "I doubt Fritz has started your training much at *this* point. So it would be a good opportunity to show him what you can already do." * Keiko runs her fingers along her collar when Heinrick breaks his glance, frowning to herself. [Pavla grins.] [Kranz rolls his eyes. "Sure. This mission's of minor enough importance that you can be careless and show off.] * Roseli nods at Jamie, then turns back to Kranz and Jung. "Jamie here can shut down over half. Pretty sure Pavla can take care of the others. Might want to until you're ready to order the move in." (might not want to, rather.) * Heinrick raises an eyebrow to Kranz. "I'm sorry. I thought you wanted a mission *done*." And she's more than capable of doing it. * Roseli ignores Kranz. She might get good at it, eventually. [Kranz nods at Heinrick. "Really? Because you're last 'capable' kid shot one of my men."] Kranz has a point. His people made for an excellent distraction in our last mission. We shouldn't sell them short. * Heinrick turns to Keiko. "Keiko, please don't shoot any more of their men." [Jung clears his throat. "There's no easy way to approach the plant without being spotted, so once the bots are disabled, we'll hit them from four sides. That way they'll have to divide up their force."] ( Ooooo.... Heinrick's gonna regret that order. XD ) * Togo nods at Jung. "Solid plan." * Keiko looks up to Heinrick with her lips pressed together in a frown. She doesn't like that order at all. (Is it really an order when she didn't shoot any of them in the first place? :P) (You never know when you have to shoot someone.) (Right.) [He gestures at the plant. "The towers are quite durable, but all the same it would be best not to hit them with any high yield explosives, such as the rockets the bots pack."] ( or a LAW or 3 ) ( I only have one! =P ) * Roseli nods. "Any idea what security's like in the building?" ["I would expect tight."] * Roseli nods. "Once we shut down the bots, I'll have Jamie mask any and all security cameras she has access to. If Pavla does it, too, we should be in the clear at least on that front." [Pavla grins. "Ok."] * Jamie nods ever so slightly as she's trying to hide from basicaly all of section 1 by this point. *to Oscar* Are the terrorists you've observed wearing body armor? [He nods. "Well armed, too."] (Pavla does enjoy recognition. ^^) * Togo nods. ( She's like.... The normal ward. ) (Luana's normal!) (She likes to burn things!) ( She likes Sebastian. ) (That's normal, that's desperation.) (She's more normal than the rest of us!) ["Semi-auto rifles, grenades... Spotted a few RPGs, too."] They ain't kidding around. * Keiko glances up to Togo. "Why would you?" ( What are their demands? Well... they want pie. Pie? Yes, all of our delicous pie... AND THEY CAN'T HAVE ANY!) Well, the bots and the sophistication of the infiltration spoke to their competance, but it's rare that you run into groups that're this well equipped. * Heinrick smirks slightly and shifts his glasses. "They have the advantage though. They don't care so much about stray shots." Society always seems well equipped. Question, though. They issue any demands? ["No."] * Roseli frowns. "Then what's the point." ["That's a good question."] [Kranz snorts. "Bet I can guess."] * Heinrick looks at Kranz seriously, waiting for an answer. ("The point is SECTION TWO SUCKS.") * Keiko says, annoyed, "It's a trap. It's always a trap." She self-hugs, then mutters, "She lures me every time." [Oscar raises an eyebrow at Keiko, then looks at Heinrick. "What's she talking about?"] * Heinrick sighs slightly. "Eileen Rhodes." [Gertrude frowns too. "And I don't care if she's out for you. She's mine."] (That sounds like a que for me to snipe her with rockets) (cue) (Whups! Wrong spelling) ( Que?! ) * Heinrick pushes up his glasses again. "There needs to be a way to isolate her. Or track her movements. She's the Society's greatest transport that we've seen." * Roseli nods. [Karin nods. "And she keeps gaining new abilities on the side."] * Heinrick turns to Roseli. "Would you grappling her work?" (Haven't we done that?) (And she just teleported away, the jerk?) (Don't recall. Not while Heinrick was around at least.) (I'm trying to remember if I got a ward on her or not.) (It was a week you were gone.) (Chinese resturant. * Roseli shakes her head. "If I did, she couldn't teleport me. But she could still teleport herself." * Heinrick nods slightly. "I've been trying to work on a welding compound but it takes time..." (AKA Rowyn keeps forgetting to update his sheet.) (Between weeks!) (Between weeks.) There's always 'repeatedly shoot her before she gets away'. Hasn't been effective in the past. * Heinrick smirks and shrugs. "It's always worth a shot." [Karin frowns in thought. "If we could get her out in the open, Cyra might be able to snipe her before she's aware of us."] * Roseli nods at Karin. "Hard to avoid a threat you can't see." [Kranz smirks. "Aren't we all over looking something important?"] * Jamie peaks around Rose at Kranz. ... right, almost forgot. Kranz, can you get us some coffee? (The fact that you're a GM plot device and thus know more than we do?) (o/~) [He jabs a finger at you accusingly. "This trap is set for YOU. These terrorists are ready to trigger a meltdown just to lure you out. We lost a team of agents, and it's YOUR fault."] * Jamie takes a step back and winces every time Kranz yells. [Some of the nearby section 1 agents murmur amongs themselves.] * Heinrick just looks idly at Kranz for a moment. "I'm sorry. I forgot the part where we had orders to send your men in before fully appraising the situation." * Keiko 's gaze snaps to him. Now he gets the glare. Isn't it nice when it's not being directed at the group! [Kranz looks at Heinrick. "Tell that to Helga Bachmann. They left her an ear, so maybe she can still hear you."] (Heh, wonder what Vollenstein's take on this whole thing is.) * Roseli glances at the other section two people, to see how they're taking this whole thing. (Bah, throw her in the tank for a week, she'll be fine.) * Keiko seems annoyed. Her lips are pressed together thinly. [Fritz rubs his head. "Man... When did you turn so bitter, Kranz?"] * Heinrick sighs slightly and puts his hand to his forehead. "Yes. This bickering is certainly being productive in bringing your men back." He turns to the others. "When you're ready." * Togo reaches into his coat and pulls out his machine gun. "Ready here." [Kranz glares at him. "When I lost most of my men two years ago, Vollenstein. You of all people should understand; you left Blitzkrieg over the same inicdent."] * Jamie edges a bit closer to Rose now that the loud angry man is yelling about something that probably wasn't her fault. [Oscar nods to Heinrick. "Move your section to the northern and southern sides of the plant. We'll contact you when we're ready."] ( I assume he means Red at North and Blue at south, or vice versa ) * Heinrick nods and starts walking towards the south side of the plant. Red team can take the north. ( Either way! ) (Already one step ahead of ya, Togo.) * Roseli sighs. "Good luck," she tells the commanders and the red team, before heading south with Heinrick. * Jamie hurries after her, and eventually passes her so that Rose is safely between her and section 1 again. * Keiko floats after Heinrick, glaring at Kranz as she floats away for a few moments, before whirling in the air and facing forward. * Togo pulls a cup of coffee out of his coat, raises it to Kranz, and follows along, taking a few sips. * Roseli mutters to Heinrick once they're well out of hearing range of those commanders, "He needs to grow the fuck up. Our wards are more adult than he is." ( End? ) (Let people respond if they want, then end!) (Damn right I'm more adult than he is!) * Heinrick gives a brief snort at that, but smirks slightly in response, saying nothing. (Man, Ten so wants to be alive so she can tell him it was his own mans fault that happened!) (I'd shoot Ten myself.) ( Actually, Gabriel was at the center of that, and since he was in section 2...... o/~ ) ( We can end, ya ) (First he was in section one. ;P) ( Hey! He attacked _your_ ward!) [End]