[Day: Wednsday, June 18th. Time: 4:00 p.m.] (Ahh, there's dinner.) [After fighting a seemingly indestructable hitman, your car was destroyed and you had to walk the rest of the way to Nebel. Fun times. The town looks like a cozy little hamlet, built in a hilly valley nestled between mountains. There doesn't seem to be a single building larger than two stories tall, and it seems like every house keeps a small garden around. Even the vehicles all look between twenty and fifty years old.] [There's people milling about. They all look like yokels and/or hicks.] [Start] * Roseli looks the people over, then turns her attention to Karin. She's holding up well? * Keiko floated pretty much all of the way. And floated Jamie too, because they're not the long walking sort. If Luana wanted floating, they could do that too! [Karin looks like she's got a serious headache, but in actuallity it's probably just a concussion.] * Luana walks, because she is hardcore! Either that or she's content to walk next to Togo. Whichever. (A concussion is way worse than a headache.) * Togo walks alongside Luana. For once, he doesn't have a gun out. He's being personable! (Werd) [Karin takes her hand away from her injury long enough to gesture. "Well, here it is. This is where Karin, Cyra and I grew up."] (So um, which is it? ^^; Because if she has a concussion, we need to get her to a hospital now.) (Wow, she must be concussed. She's talking in the third person!) (Yeah, really.) ( :X Iris ) ( Make a med (diag) roll Rose! ) * Roseli turns to Jamie. "Begin scanning." 2d8-2 (Nah. Karin grew up there twice.) (Dice.) (Also Dice) * Dicesuke has joined #mc4 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-2) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 4. (Yeah, creamed that.) * Heinrick looks around the village and responds quietly. "Pretty similar atmosphere." He looks at Karin for a moment. "The locale is still familiar to you?" ["The landscape is the same, but I didn't exactly have a lot of friends here as a kid."] * Roseli gets a better look at Karin, frowns slightly, and nods. "I see." [She takes a step forward and nearly stumbles.] * Roseli catches Karin, as though she knew that was going to happen. ( Rose is really a psychic ) Better get you to a hospital, then. (A psychic Rose is the last thing the world needs.) Concussion? * Jamie keeps an ear out for anything that shouldn't be there, in the real world or with the counting. * Heinrick responds with a flat look. "The fight must have taken more out of you than we initially thought." * Keiko throws her telepathic senses outwards as she lets Jamie down, just to be on her toes. * Roseli nods. "Pushing it just to get here. Remember where the hospital is?" [Karin smiles. "I don't think there is one, unless they changed it recently. There's a clinic up ahead, though." She points at a flat-roofed two story building that's a bit wider than the other ones.] Works. Let's go. * Roseli helps Karin along to the hospital, asking in the meantime, "How is Cyra holding up?" (FYI, Rose is going to try to keep Karin talking.) * Heinrick follows slowly to the rear and slight side of Rose, taking in the environment surrounding him. [She frowns. "I'm a little worried about leaving her alone. But I didn't want to bring her back here, either. She doesn't need to be reminded of these times."] * Jamie follows on foot, just a bit gingerly. 2d8-10 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-10) and gets a natural 6 for a result of -4. * Roseli nods and says, rather sympathetically, "Yeah, it'd be rough on her." [Karin nods. "Better that she stay at HQ, even if it means she won't be able to go on any missions til we get back."] [You pass a general store. It may be the only place to actually buy groceries in this town.] Hopefully won't take that long. The others can keep her occupied while you're gone? * Roseli glances at the store, taking note of that. She looks to Heinrick to see if he noticed, too. * Keiko makes a face as Jamie walks, but keeps scanning for Akira... or someone who knows 'em. She says, quietly, to Luana, "Not that large a place. How hard is this gonna be?" * Heinrick seems to be glancing peopleward, but without comment. He then tips his head down a little and catches Keiko's eye before turning his gaze back down and running his finger around his neck like around a collar. [Karin shakes her head, wincing as if the movement hurt. It probably did. "It's not good for them to train with her without me. Iris will check up on her, to make sure she's doing alright."] * Togo does his best to watch the rooftops above them as they walk along. [Togo spots 27 snipers and 85 ninjas on the rooftops.] (Good thing I spent those CP for air strike capabilities!) * Heinrick replies calmly. "Memories always haunt. I'm presuming for you too, Miss Oswald." [Meanwhile, you reach the clinic. It's seriously like something out of an old school RPG: A big white building with a red cross over the entrance.] * Keiko sighs a little. * Luana responds, equally quietly, "He's the one who hurt Togo. If someone could do that, then I wouldn't be surprised if he makes it very difficult for us." [She smiles. "We all have our demons. None of us would be on this job if we grew up perfectly normal.] * Roseli lets out a faint 'hm', though whether it's at Karin's comment or the building is hard to say. "True." * Keiko glances to Luana, then manages a weak smile and says, "He's not made of rock, Luana." * Roseli helps Karin into the building! (Yeah, that's my other char. >_>) * Jamie continues her listening, and does her best, along with Keiko, to ignore the blisters on her feet. * Heinrick smirks slightly. "Too true." He glances Keiko's way again then back at Karin. "We will have to figure out how we are going to get transportation back eventually." ...If he was, I could worry less. [Immediately inside the building is a desk with a nurse behind it. She's blond, 40-something and overweight. And she has bad teeth. She glares up at you as you enter, not happy you're making her actually do something. She doesn't say anything though."] Afternoon. My friend needs to see a doctor. Where's the emergency room? [She points. "Go up the stairs and down the hall."] (The emergency room is upstairs? This hospital sucks!) Thank you. (Srsly) * Roseli heads up the stairs and down the hall! With Karin, no less. * Keiko glances around a little. "Maybe. M'sure he'd find some way to get shot." [Wheeeee. You reach a room that COULD be an emergency room. I guess. Really it's just another waiting room.] But the bullet wouldn't pierce a lung or anything! * Heinrick says quietly. "This probably is not the best place to be talking about violence." * Roseli helps Karin into a chair and looks to the others. "Keep her talking. Please," she says, before she goes to bother the doctor or whoever the hell she needs to. * Heinrick helps keep Karin up if she needs to. "What was it like growing up here?" [A doctor appears just as rose is about to leave. He looks to be 60-something, and has tiny spectacles and white hair (but only a little).] [Karin grins at Heinrick. "Couldn't wait to leave. I swore I'd get out some day."] * Jamie blinks at Rose, and then at Heinrick in releaf as he talks so she doesn't have to. Instead she finds a place to sit down and take her weight off her feet. * Roseli looks to the doctor and brightens. "Hi," she greets as she approaches him. "We got into an accident on the way here, and I think my friend might have a concussion. Can you see her now?" * Keiko glances to Heinrick, then rolls her eyes. After Jamie sits down she lets out another sigh and looks to Jamie, saying to Luana, "She needs a robot skateboard. Or jetpack. Or something." * Heinrick chuckles and pushes up his glasses. "It's like that with small towns, isn't it? The call of the city is there for some people. Though it always has its certain rustic charms." He stands slightly. "Evening Doctor." [He smiles "Good evening. I'm Dr. Bachmann. What can I do for you?"] * Jamie heasitantly suggests. "Less walking?" I'm with Jamie on this one. (This is, like, the third Bachmann we've met in this game. I am beginning to suspect they are all related. o_o) (Roseli already explained what he can do for us I thought!) (I did!) (Unless he's totally ignoring her.) ( :X ) (He only talks to men) (It's fine if he is but you might want to put that in the description. ;P) [The Doctor nods. "I can see her." He stares in Karin's direction.] Thanks. Come on, Karin. * Heinrick nods and offers Karin a hand up. * Keiko smiles weakly. "Yes, well, choice is not so much us." * Roseli goes to help up the Karin, along with the Heinrick's help, and take her into the room or whatever to see the doctor! [Karin takes Heinrick's hand and gets up. The Doctor leads her to the back room, where he quickly performs an examination before pronouncing her dead.] [I mean, before pronouncing that she has a slight concussion.] (Is this the part where I pronounce the doctor dead- awww.) 2d8+8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8+8) and gets a natural 3 for a result of 11. ("I had to put her down." "But she just had a concussion?") [The Doctor adjusts his spectacles. "She should be alright if she just rests for a bit."] * Roseli nods. "Thank you. Can you spare a bed, or...?" * Keiko looks a bit skittish as the wards end up waiting, and is fiddling with her cloak. [He nods. "Of course."] * Heinrick speaks evenly. "How long?" ["Well, let's have her stay the night, and we'll see how she feels tomorrow."] * Heinrick nods slightly. * Keiko thinks at Luana and Jamie, finally, ~Everyone around here's too paranoid. Suspicious. Not what I really need.~ [Karin frowns.] * Roseli looks to Karin. "How do you feel about that?" ["Not too good. I don't want to be out too long."] * Jamie looks at the wall opposite her. ~I can't hear any anything strange.~ ~We're outsiders. I'm not sure how you'd fix something like that...~ ( Marry into the community! ) Well you're not really in the condition to continue pushing yourself at the moment. [She sighs.] * Keiko thinks back, ~Can't pick anything up either. Maybe it's remote.~ * Roseli looks to the doctor. "If she doesn't exert herself but lay herself up, is there much danger?" ( I totally can't parse that :x ) (Basically, if she takes the day slow but doesn't lie down for the rest of it.) ( Ah ) (So "but doesn't lay herself up") ["I can't reccommend it."] (Yeah, sorry. Word got lost in there.) * Roseli nods with a slight frown, then addresses Karin. "Think it's best if you stay here." * Keiko thinks at the other wards, eyes flicking around, ~Maybe we'll get lucky with long term surveillance.~ [She nods. "Alright. Call me if you find anything."] Will do. And if you want anyone to visit, just let us know. [She nods.] * Luana makes a face, then quickly returns to a neutral expression. ~Ugh. As long as it's not us watching long-term.~ * Roseli smiles. "We'll be right over." She turns her attention to the doctor. "Thank you, Dr. Bachmann." [He nods. "Of course, of course."] * Roseli gets a move on, leaving Karin in Bachmann's (hopefully) capable hands. ( Please. If he was capable he wouldn't be a Bachmann. ) * Jamie stands up again. ("I'm sorry, but we had to amputate." "...but she had a *concussion*" "...oh. I'm sorry.") * Togo heads out. [You leave the hospital! Time: 4:30.] * Roseli murmurs to Jamie, "Access the hospital records; see if anyone started working there within the past year." (She was going to do that once they were out of earshot, so.) * Jamie tries to do just that! (Penalties?) * Heinrick leaves as well and takes a deep breath, side-commenting to Rose in a low voice. "You may wish to have her monitor the hospital if possible without raising suspicion. Unluckily, we do not have enough manpower to guard her." ( +1, because it's on a 30 year old computer. ) * Roseli nods to Heinrick. 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-5) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 4. * Heinrick pushes up his glasses. "I wished to ask her a few questions but unfortunately the doctor had to do his job." Made by 4) Can always call her. (By which we mean comm, woo!) Might make the doctor suspicious. * Heinrick adjusts his glasses. "But I'll keep it in mind. We're outsiders here." * Jamie looks at Rose. "Ahm... the the newest person, is uhm, three years." Name? Pri Priscilla Bachermann. She's a nurse. I see. * Roseli is silent for a moment, then says, "Jamie, need you to monitor the hospital for as long as possible. Watch Karin." Once out of range, tell us. Or Keiko mentally, if it's a sensitive situation. * Jamie nods, checks for any monitoring divices that might be hooked up to her. * Roseli turns to the others. "Best place to start is the grocery. Everyone has to eat. Togo, know what this guy looks like?" (He looks like darkness because I have no eyes. ;_;) s'been 25 years, but I can give you a general description. * Heinrick sighs slightly. "I'm not sure if Togo would be the best to ask for that unless it was described to him." (Have we actually met him? I'm blanking.) * Togo grins at Heinrick. "I met him the first time before I lost my eyes. Right before." * Jamie tugs on Rose's sleave. (If we had, we know what he looks like.) * Roseli looks to Jamie in askance. (I don't believe we have.) ( You've seen a picture. Well, the guardians. ) * Luana tries very hard not to let off sparks. (Nope, he was last seen in MC3.) (Nevermind!) * Heinrick nods slightly. "That will help." I. I can't. There's nothing to watch her from. [You walk towards the grocery store while I got grab a drink. ] * Keiko blinks, thinks at Luana, ~Come on, save the anger, Lu.~ * Heinrick starts to look up the place. Nice looking place you have here. It'd be a shame if someone...bought some food from it. (... actualy, I take that back, I totaly forgot about her comlink) (Yeah, Rose was JUST about to suggest that.) * Jamie drops that into broadcast mode and keeps an metaphorical ear out. (Alas, the session where we killed him in MC3 is the missing one, so I'm not sure where to look for his description.) * Luana scowls and shakes out her hands ~...burn the man's goddamn brain out...~ ( You never killed Shibamura ) (Valmont) (I thought we were talking about Valmont?) ( I thought you were talking about Shibamura >.> ) * Keiko reaches over to Luana and grips her shoulder, shuddering slightly herself. ~Come on. We'll kill him together. It'll be fun. Course, I won't be doing it for Togo.~ (Who are we talking about? Ard?) (Shibamura.) (Keiko is quoting Austin Powers... the world is about to end) [Anywho... the grocery store! It's only one floor, and doesn't offer nearly as much as your average supermarket. It's actually pretty small. There's ony elderly woman behind the only cash register at the front of the store, and a fourty-something balding man in the asile.] (Ah. Then he can give a general description, yes.) (Though since we saw a picture, we can, too! WOO.) * Luana sighs and moves out of reach when Keiko touches her. ~Don't... don't make it worse in your head just to comfort me. ...I'll try to calm down.~ (What the fuck is Austin Powers?) (Yes, yes we can.) (Seriously, is that a quote?) (I can understand not knowing a quote or having watched it, but not knowing what Austin Powers is at all?) * Roseli looks to Heinrick to go do his talky thing, because someone has to and he's the best one for it. Maybe. * Keiko squints a moment at Luana, then crosses her arms. ~Oh, like I can't tell from a couple feet away, Lu. Anger's better than paranoia, believe me.~ She glances over at the elderly people and focuses telepathy on them. (s/couple feet/half meter.) (We're metric.) (So's your face.) [As you enter the store, both the man and woman stop what they're doing and stare at you, scowling.] * Togo walks over to Rose, and speaks quietly. "Asian guy, greying hair, short beard, glasses. Walks with a hunch." * Roseli blinks. "Good afternoon?" She sounds genuinely puzzled. "Is something wrong?" * Heinrick glances at Rose and then goes to the counter, giving her a brief nod in greeting. "Afternoon, ma'am." He glances towards the man slightly and speaks off-hand. "I trust you don't get many visitors into town." [The man speaks. "No, we don't. Do you have some business here?"] * Jamie lurks near the door. * Roseli nods to the man and heads into the aisles to browse the food (while staying close enough for listening/shootin' range). (Yes. We need paprika. Lots of paprika.) (On it.) ~...What are they paranoid about? I mean, specifically?~ [The food selection is pretty simplistic. In fact, there's barely anything that supports a brand name, except some cereals and sodas. Corke, anyone?] * Keiko thinks, affecting a drawl at the end, ~Us. Outsiders. Don't bring nothin' but trouble.~ She's good at that mental stuff. * Togo grabs a bunch of carrots, then brings them to the counter. "How much?" (XD Good for eyesight?) (Oh snap.) (Dammit, I was gonna make that joke. ;-;) * Heinrick sighs slightly. "Well we were here with a friend when we had some car troubles. We don't intend to stay long though." (Got there first!) (I have trained you well, young padwan) [The woman glares at Togo. "Ten Euros. Cash only."] (Wow, those are the most expensive carrots EVER.) (She is ripping you off, man!) ( Not that expensive if you consider how abitrary a "bunch" is. ) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-2) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 7. (She's going to give you one metric ton of carrots) (I assumed a "bunch" was "1-2 pounds", as in the bunches that are usually sold.) * Togo shrugs, and hands her a ten. * Heinrick then turns towards the man. "Has there been any recent trouble here regarding outsiders?" [He shrugs. "Maybe there is and maybe there ain't. Maybe I don't wanna talk about it. I'll thank you to make your purchases and leave."] * Jamie shifts uncomfortbly, and eventualy moves farther into the store and away from the door. [The woman takes the ten and plops it in the aging register, then thrusts a receipt at Togo without so much as a thank you.] * Togo takes his reciept and his carrots. 2d8+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8+7) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 11. (I am rolling amazing.) (But those penalties are killing me.) (They all have mind shield a billion!) * Heinrick sighs slightly and shrugs. "I just feel the world is too small to waste the art of conversation." He then looks evenly at the man. "If we meant any trouble, we would have already caused it. We're looking for someone who may be more likely to cause trouble for your town than not. And we wouldn't be the last visitors here for him most likely." 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-2) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 8. * Keiko glancs over at Jamie, then moves over towards her, thinking at her, ~Ignore them. They're just being paranoid.~ * Roseli looks over, now watching the conversation. [He scowls at Heinrick. "You can go now."] * Heinrick nods slightly. "Thank you. I believe you've told me all I need to know." * Jamie feels a nearly tangable sense of releaf. ~Th...thanks.~ ( Everyone gimme an awareness check! +4 for everyone but Jamie. ) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-4) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 3. 2d8+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8+4) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 8. (Ooh, made it.) 2d8+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8+2) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 10. (Make on nose.) (Pick a sense!) 2d8+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8+4) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 11. 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-2) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 4. (But made anyway.) [The majority of you happen to glance outside and notice four or five people just milling about in the center of the street, all glaring at the entrance of the general store. Two of them have bats, and are thumping them into the palms of their hands.] 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-2) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 8. ( Majority being everyone but Togo and Luana >.> ) * Roseli raises an eyebrow. She hits her comm, speaking to the others as well as Karin: "We seem to have an angry mob." * Keiko glances over and thinks out at the mob. ~Could be a test.~ (Not messaging them, trying to sense them. Thinking at Lu/Jamie.) * Luana turns around a blinks at the angry mini-mob. (*and) [Karin's voice comes over the comm. "Are you there? Something's going on outside. It--" And suddenly there's a horribly loud static.] * Roseli starts, and at THAT, she rushes the door and throws it open, running outside. * Togo comms back quietly as he walks from the counter, then stops as he hears the static. "Shit!" He runs out. * Luana sprints out the door and towards the clinic. * Heinrick sighs and glances at the man. "If this is an unprovoked attack, we will defend ourselves. I hope you realize that." He makes his way quickly towards the clinic as well if they're not stopped by the mob. [Rose and Togo burst out of the store, only to find many more citizens have gathered in the street. They're all glaring at you, and some of them are armed with kitchen utensils, pitchforks, shovels and boards with nails in them. They're blocking the way to the clinic. And to everywhere else, in fact, except the way out of town.] 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-2) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 9. * Keiko grabs Jamie by the floatiness and drags her after her, only to stop at the mass of citizens. Then she comms, "Who's going up?" * Jamie gets dragged along into the street. [Keiko gets static on her comm.] * Jamie doesn't resist much, mostly because she's holding her head, which is suddenly full of static instead of the counting. [One of the citizens steps forward. "You don't belong here. You should go. Now."] * Keiko mutters out loud, "Who wants to fly to the clinic?" I'll come with you. * Jamie doesn't say anything, angry paranoid people are fairly irrelivant at the moment. * Roseli replies to Keiko, "Take Luana and Togo if you can." She looks to the citizen and pulls out her badge, opening it and flashing. "We're on government business. Would appreciate your cooperation." [He takes another step forward. "Leave. Now."] * Heinrick looks at the citizens calmly. "I'm assuming we're not the only ones." He sighs slightly as Roseli flashes the badge. He rather doubts that'll do something. * Roseli snaps her badge closed. "What's the problem?" [The old lady and the man gather behind you at the grocery entrance. The man has a hammer in his hand, and the lady has a steak knife. They glare at your backs.] * Togo steps out into the street, pulls out a pair of grenades, and holds them up to the crowd. "Everyone. Move. The FUCK. Out of our way." 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-4) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 1. * Heinrick puts his hand to his forehead. "Yes, this is the *perfect* way to calm an angry mob." [Togo gets a reaction! But maybe not one he was hoping for. Instead of getting out of the way, they begin shuffling forward.] * Roseli has a gun in her hand. How did that happen? "Keiko! Think they're being controlled?" (It's a good question!) * Roseli turns to cover their backs, which would be the people what run the shop and sell overpriced carrots. Really, they should die for that. 2d8+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8+2) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 14. (Fuck you, dice.) * Jamie uses one hand to pull out her pistol while she continues to hold her head with the other. * Togo comms quietly. "Flash grenades. Avert your eyes, then run." * Keiko gets a grip around Luana and Togo and growls, "Probably, but I'm not seeing it." * Luana shuts her eyes! * Roseli nods and moves to shield her eyes. * Jamie closes her eyes. * Heinrick comms back, hissing. "Keiko, get ready to get Karin out of there." (Can't comm, static.) (Right.) ( C... Yah ) (Right. Change those to says.) * Togo tosses one of his flash grenades once everyone has a chance to avert their eyes. * Keiko gets a grip around Luana and Togo and replies, "With Lu and Togo or not? Gotta be clear." * Heinrick averts his eyes as well. (Sorry. Shouldn't have the grip again.) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 10. (Oh for FUCK'S sakes) ( >.> ) With. (This is stupid. Can it just have worked?) (How would it FAIL?) [Togo flings the flash grenade into a sewer grate.] (BIGGEST SEWER GRATE EVER) * Togo curses, and tosses the other one! (And in a mountain town too!) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 2. (They take their flood controll seriously in these parts) (Better. Bad dicebot.) (You furners wouldn't understand!) * Keiko yanks Togo and Lu up to fly over their heads, because up is easy. "Try not to get burned at the stake," she says as she goes. [This time Togo flings the grenade in front of the mob. And despite their apparent immunity to intimidation, they seem to be susecptable to bright flashes. Most of them cover their eyes, howling in agony.] * Roseli RUNS for the hospital, switching clips on the way. * Jamie opens her eyes again and runs after here. ( Rose, Jamie and Heinrick, gimme body rolls ) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 8. 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 12. (Fail by one.) (Failed by 6) (Also, would acro help this roll at all?) (Didn't even say I was running either!) ( Nope. ) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 9. ( Well, if Heinrick wants to just stand there, that works too :P ) (FAIL) (Well, I *was* going to have another pose. ;P) ( If you like, but Rose and Jamie are running. XD ) () (Don't make me punch you Brett. :P) [You run towards the hospital! But you don't quite make it before the flash wears off. Fortunately, most of the mob is behind you! Unfortunately, there's three guys who aren't.] (Are they unarmed or what?) 3 d2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (3 d2) and gets a natural 2 for a result of 2 2 2. ( Nope! They all got weapons. ) (Okay, now I follow that up by asking, "What weapons?") ( Nothing that's a serious weapon. One has a wood cutting axe, one has a butcher knife, one has a hoe.] ) (Hey, that's no way to speak about a man's wife!) * Keiko flies! With the power of her mind! * Roseli aims at the one directly in her way and fires. She keeps running, btw. ( Roll for it. :P ) * Jamie follows her guardians lead. * Togo is flown overhead towards the clinic. (He should clear their path.) (With his guns.) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-4) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 2. (Haha, I made that.) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-2) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 3. * Heinrick pulls out one of his smoke vials and one of his slick vials, throwing the smoke at the ones blocking their path and the slick on the ground behind them as they run. (.. So did I) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-4) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 1. [Rose and Jamie shoot two guys. Rose's is just knocked out, while Jamie's.... well, better hope Control doesn't hear about that.] (Whatever; he was messing with us, and we don't have proof that they were controlled.) [And Heinrick slows the guys behind you. Leaving one guy left in front of you.] (I think we can get that by.) ( Are you going to stop to fight him or keep going? ) (I'm going to keep running and fire at him on the way! How's that?) * Jamie fails to care about other people. * Heinrick 's going to plow right through him, left arm crossed in front of him to shove him out of the way. (Screw the threats, I have cybernetics!) ( If you keep going he's going to take a swing at you. If you stop, you can take care of him then, but that'll give the guys behind you a chance to catch up. ) (Haha.) (Heinrick will just plow through him. ( Actually Jamie could take a shot at him, but the rest of you already went, sooooooooooo. ) * Roseli runs! Run run run! Path is clear for HER. (Plus smoke is going to make it harder for him to target us.) * Jamie tries not to trip over the body as she tries to keep up. ( Aight, well.... ) [He misses anyhow, so you manage to get past him and make it to the hospital. About at the same time as Keiko et. all, too! .............. Now what? ] * Roseli goes INTO the hospital. "Jamie! Where did you last read Karin?" [The crowd chases, screaming either in anger or in pain when they fall over from the oil.] That won't slow them for long. We need to find Miss Oswald and get out quickly. (Nice crowd control, Heinrick. May I put you on my friends list so we can group again sometime?) * Heinrick throws another slick out on the ground into the smoke. (XD) * Jamie gives Rose a panicked look. "Herher room?" * Keiko says, "Gonna make a barricade." [No sooner does Rose go into the hospital than the nurse gets up, screeching and running at her with a clipboard! Oh noes!] (Can I grab her before more shots are fired?) (Luana! Light the oil!) ( That's up to Rose. ) (If you're gonna have her commit mass murder, you might want to order it for real. :P) * Roseli would roll her eyes, but she's busy. She makes with the tackle. 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-4) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 1. ( I'm not doing init for this part unless you wind up in a standing fight. There's just, um... way too many of them. ) (Haha, SO TACKLED.) * Togo runs past Rose as she deals with the woman, and heads upstairs. [Rose tackles the nurse!] * Heinrick goes for the clipboard and the disarm. "We mean no harm. We're just here for our partner. That's all." ( Togo, join #Clinic ) * Keiko starts picking loose things in the lobby up and blocking the not-zombies' path as she steps back. * Roseli pushes her to the ground and sticks a gun right in the nurse's face. "What the FUCK is going on out there? Answer. NOW." * Jamie listens for any trace of Karen, with her ears since the tech's all broken. * Luana hurries after Togo. Like she's gonna leave him alone with the nutjobs. * Jamie winces at Rose shouting. (And if she doesn't calm down, she's so chloroformed.) [She glares at Heinrick and Rose. "You were told yo leave. Now you're going to die. Die! DIE!"] * Heinrick sighs and takes out his chloroform. "I doubt we're going to get anything out of her." He waits in case Rose is going to try to interrogate her more though. Heinrick, block the door. * Roseli turns her attention to the nurse, gun still right in her face. "Why?" * Heinrick nods and gives Rose the bottle and rag, then goes to barricade the door. 2d8-8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-8) and gets a natural 7 for a result of -1. [She glares at Rose, saying nothing.] * Roseli pushes her gun right into the woman's forehead. "Don't care about your life?" [No response!] * Roseli pulls the trigger. [Rose shoots her at point blank. Ew.] (Well, she'll live.) [Meanwhile, Heinrick, gimme a strength roll ] 2d8-8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-8) and gets a natural 5 for a result of -3. (Think I made that!) * Keiko lets Heinrick take over the blockcading before saying, "Supporting Togo and Luana." She pulls Jamie's case out of her cloak as she starts going that way. * Jamie drops her gun and rubs at her ears. * Roseli gets off of the woman searching her over for anything that might be used to control her - beyond mental powers, of course; one can't just see that. [Heinrick moves crap in front of the doors. Just in time, as suddenly there's a loud thumping sound coming from the other side.] ( gimme a forensics check, Rose! I mean, I guess. >.> Or Med. diag., I guess works too ) (Forensics.) (I have it; may as well make it useful.) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-3) and gets 13, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Death is temporary, only failure is forever. You may have just done both." (... WHAT THE FUCK) ( O: ) * Heinrick searches for some stitching wire or gauze. There's got to be some around the hospital somewhere. ( Man... I can't think of anything funny for that D: ) (Okay, that critfail makes me angry.) [Rose can't tell if she's really mind controlled or if these people just hate the government that much. ] [Meanwhile, Heinrick finds some supplies behind the nurse's station.] * Roseli frowns and flips the woman back over, muttering in Portuguese. 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 13. [That actually takes some effort. She's heavy.] * Roseli checks her over for mind control nonsense there, too. (Do I get another roll, or we going with the old one?) (Asking to keep this going. XP) * Heinrick starts stretching the wire across the entrance and looking for something to fasten it to. "It won't be much but hopefully it'll slow them down." He attaches the other end to one of the tear gas mixtures as a makeshift trap for when the door opens. ( You can make another. ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-3) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 2. (Okay, creamed that. Dicey's temperamental today.) [The thumping on the other side of the door becomes louder and more frequent as the rest of the crowd catches up.] 2d8+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8+2) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 11. [Rose checks her over, but finds no evicence of any mind control device on this side of the body.] 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-3) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 7. * Roseli gets to her feet. "Nothing. Heinrick, set?" * Heinrick sets another one, except with explosives as well. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-3) and gets a natural 15 for a result of 12. * Jamie looks at Rose. "Wha... what should I do?" (Damn) * Roseli looks to Jamie. Pretty sure they're being controlled. Not even mob mentality at this point. Shoot to wound, not kill. Actually. * Roseli holds out her gun. "Trade weapons with me." * Jamie blinks and then gives Rose her pistol. [Heinrick sets up a trap, but he's not positive it'll work.] * Heinrick stands up and frowns a little. "I had to rush it a little but hopefully it will work." He nods to Roseli. "Let's hurry." * Roseli hands Jamie her own handgun, which is actually the same gun. "Those bullets incapacitate. Load in a normal clip when we find Shibamura or Coffinmaker." * Roseli looks to Heinrick, nods, and holsters her (Jamie's) gun. She runs for the stairs. (By "same gun" I mean "same make and model".) * Jamie nods and goes to set up her helecopter for that same eventuality, and to pass the time untill the door breaks down. [You reach the stairs only to see Togo, Luana and Keiko still at the bottom. Nearby is a wheelchair and a patient, sprawled across the floor.] * Togo heads back up the stairs, a bit more gingerly than he did the first time. * Roseli glances at him, looks to the others, and then charges up the stairs. [Togo and Luana look rather banged up.] * Heinrick glances at the man but only for a moment, making his way up the stairs. * Keiko floats up the stairs, ignoring the guy she pried off. * Roseli tells the others as she goes, "Almost positive they're being controlled. Couldn't find anything physical." Jamie, know where her room is? [You rush up the stairs. Luckily, nobody else is waiting to kill you. There's some moaning coming from the rooms, though.] * Togo nods. "Nonlethal as much as you can on the townspeople, Luana." (Braaaaaaaains...no, seriously. I was here for a brain transplant. Where's my brain?) * Roseli keeps going so long as Keiko doesn't drop the word that Karin's behind one of those doors. Right. * Heinrick glances at Keiko. "They must still have enough of a mind for you to be able to read them." (Detecting people would be awesome!) * Jamie points down the hall. "I... that one?" * Keiko replies, annoyed, "They're a little boring." Never said they'd be exciting. Can they be controlled or is the controlling agent too powerful?" * Roseli runs down the hall, then. * Roseli goes to the door Jamie indicated, even! * Keiko does as well. "Find out when they get in our way. (Jamie did indicate a door, right?) [You reach A Door] * Heinrick nods. "Karin is our first priority. I don't believe I need to tell you." (Right) * Luana has quit IRC (*.irc.sandwich.net *.irc.sandwich.net) * Jamie has quit IRC (*.irc.sandwich.net *.irc.sandwich.net) * Roseli has quit IRC (*.irc.sandwich.net *.irc.sandwich.net) ( orz ) (Paws) * Jamie has joined #mc4 * Roseli has joined #mc4 (Right then.) * Luana has joined #MC4 * Roseli throws the door Jamie pointed her to open. (re) [Behind the door is Dr. Bachmann! On the floor. In a pool of blood. The room is otherwise devoid of any people, but the window is open.] (Is the blood likely his?) (You can check the nametag on his hemoglobin) ( Yep! Also gimme a forensics check. ) (What's Forensics under again? Police Sciences?) ( Right ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-3) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 3. (Yes.) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 9. (Made.) [Rose and Heinrick discover the doctor has a syring full of some sort of purple liquid. He also has several bullet wounds, which... (Police science roll if you have it! (ballistics spec.))] ( Or weapons encyclopedia if you.... nevermind. ) * Keiko just floats out the window in apparent pursuit, to look for/sense Karin. (Can I examine the liquid?) ( Yep! ) ( Chemistry roll ) * Jamie looks out the window. (I mean, I got 100 m.) * Heinrick takes a closer look at the liquid vial. 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-5) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 6. * Togo steps outside the room to guard the approach. (100 m is more than a football field.) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-2) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 4. (That's for the police science ballistics roll.) [Jamie and Keiko see a lot of people out there, gathering at the clinic. Not all are headed towards you, though. Some are headed north and some south.] (And the 'trying to find Karin or Akira/non-zombies' part of this?) ( nope! ) * Roseli crouches to get a good look, says, "Hm," then stands and goes to the window. She flips open her phone and sees if she can turn it on or if it'll even work. (Well, it should be on without her turning it on. But you know.) [Rose's phone is on, but has no reception.] * Heinrick frowns and carefully takes out a syringe to get a sample in one of his spare vials. "I'll have to analyze this later..." 2d8-10 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-10) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 4. * Keiko replies, annoyed, "I can't even feel anything but stupid townspeople." (s/replies/states) Karin doesn't block you, right? No. * Jamie walks over to Rose. "The've broken in." What's your range. * Roseli looks to Heinrick. "We've got to move." * Heinrick nods and stands up. "Her range should mean she's no longer in the hospital." * Keiko mutters, "Pretty big. Nintey, hundred meters, maybe." * Roseli nods once and gauges the distance down. * Keiko remains floating outside, looking around, including up. (We're just on the second floor, right? How many people are crowded outside the window - as in, could we jump out and not be noticed?) (And as we leap out of the building, Luana lights the hospital on fire. Behind us. So we have an explosion.) d10 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (d10) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 8. ( There's 8! ) (asfgads) Heinrick, gimme some oil for the stairs to buy us some time. Let Heinrick deal with that. Have more flash grenades, Togo? * Togo grins. "You have no idea." (I could do that! :D) * Roseli points out the window. Keiko, how many people can you float down at a time? Two? * Heinrick nods slightly. "If need be, we have tear gas as well." He rushes off quickly to coat the stairs with oil. * Togo pulls out two more flash grenades, and leans out the window to see where the people are. Pretty much everyone. * Keiko looks to Rose and adds, "Minus you." As long as we're greasing up the stairs, I could set them on fire... I'll jump. Just take care of everyone else. (Brett? How many outside the window, and where?) [They're milling about the street, covering amybe a 20 foot area. There's 8.] * Togo looks out the window, pauses for a moment, puts away the two flash grenades, and pulls out a full bandolier of them. "Everyone ready?" When Heinrick's back. Ready when you are. * Jamie puts her gun down and clutches her last helecopter, her faint hope that the jamming originated here's been dashed, but letting her riffle fall to the mob would probably make Rose sad. (I can put it in a coat!) * Heinrick comes back quickly after readying the stairs with oil. "They're heading up right now. We'd best go *now*." (You're the one who took it out of your coat!) (So you could use it!) (I didn't know you couldn't use it!) (Aha!) * Togo nods, pulls a whole buncha pins, and tosses the whole bandolier down at the folks on the street. "Don't look out the window." 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 8. * Roseli sure doesn't. (Made) * Jamie looks away. [There's a brief light show outside.] (brb five) * Keiko doesn't look down as she grabs everyone relatively close to her, her brow knitting in effort as she floats everyone (but Rose) out. * Roseli takes that as a cue to jump out the window, so jump she does, trying to land and roll in such a way that she doesn't break anything. ( Rose, body - acro (tumbling ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-3) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 1. (WOO) [Rose dives out of the window, and doesn't sprain anything on the way down.] (back) * Keiko manages to say, "Where?" [Rose is surrounded by guys rubbing their eyes.] * Roseli rolls to her feet and looks around. (Okay, anywhere likely that Karin would have fled to, that they can tell?) (We're all down aren't we?) (Yes.) (Oh, we are? That's easy!) (It's because you're awesome) * Keiko goes and sets everyone down, then. 7.75 times easier than floating them. * Roseli starts running off towards the castle (well, towards the group heading for the castle, perhaps). (Sorry, was getting BrettInfo. ^^) * Togo heads that way as well. * Jamie goes thataway. Owowow. [Wheeeeeeeee.... You begin following said group presumably keeping some distance.] (But distance keeps us from killing thema ll!) * Keiko pads that way, commenting, "Shoulda been more paranoid." * Heinrick heads along quickly as well, waving Keiko along. Getting away from some of the angry mob is important. * Roseli doesn't respond. * Luana runs along. [They walk past a number of things: A bridal shop, a bar, a flower shop, a bar, a hardware store, a bar, a pub, and a bar.] (A bigger town than anticipated!) (Most of it involving drinking, apparently.) [Just when you thought that you finally lost the mob, a large truck suddenly squeels around a street corner and bears down on you! Ruh Roh!] (I'm disappointed. Where's the pitchfork store?) (And the torch factory) (Behind the Spatula Outlet Center) (Aww, fuck.) * Roseli turns to the truck and, well, fires at one of the tires before she tries running/diving out of the way. (how far away is it?) * Jamie instinctivly tries to lock the trucks breaks, but that's probably not going ot work. ( Ranged at a +4! ) (Accuracy counts, right?) (That was to Rose?) ( It's about... 50 meters, we'll say, but closing fast. ) ( Yah ) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-2) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 7. (Made!) * Togo gets the hell outta the way. * Luana runs to the side and hopefully out of the way. [Roseli shoots out a tire. The truck skids in one direction, then tips over and glides along the street before coming to a stop.] * Roseli makes with the moving! She MOVES. * Keiko didn't really stop. It was cool. * Togo tosses out a couple of smoke grenades behind them to cover them, and resumes running towards the castle. * Heinrick keeps on moving as well once the truck is taken care of. * Luana keeps running, but this time back in the original direction. * Jamie stops trying to stop the truck, as that's been taken care of, so she continues to follow her guardian. [You walk around the truck, getting to the intersection it appeared from, only to find more citizens coming your way, from all sides. What's more, the crowed from the hospital apparently figured out you weren't there anymore, and they appear some distance back the way you came.] (Visible through the smoke?) (Because, you know, smoke behind us.) ( Emerging from the smoke! ) (And since when the hell are we *walking* at this point?) (We are so not walking. x.x) ( You planning to run al the way there? :P ) (Well, if they're just walking, we could definitely outrun them!) (We were... running out of the town.) (Yes! Togo is in excellent shape! =P) (Because you described two groups. One behind, one in front.) (If Rose hadn't blasted the tire, we could use the truck!) (We could still use it and kill the rim) (It'd be awesome) ( There's four groups. One behind, one in front, one left and one right. ) (Right. The ones on the side were adds, and not 'all the way there running' adds, Brett.) (So we were, in fact, running. Not a marathon, not '3 miles into our running'.) (Anyway.) * Roseli looks around, regardless, for an alleyway or something to duck through and get to the other side and out of the way. As it were. ... I can clear a path, but it'll be ugly. It's *already* looking fairly ugly at this point. [There's no alleys!] (Any cars nearby?) (Since we saw cars coming in!) [There's a car. An old Volkswagon.] (We think alike.) * Roseli points out the car. "Jamie." * Togo pauses in the middle of reaching into his coat, and looks where Rose points. "That works too." * Jamie makes with the hoping this thing's not a 200 year old antique and has power everything. [That it does!] [It's a 40 year old antique.] [It would have been brand new for MC2.] 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-5) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 7. * Jamie baring unforseen penalties is the proud owner of a new used car as all the locks open and the engine starts. [The car starts with a loud POP and black smoke comes out the tailpipe, but at least it's working.] [The radio plays... nothing! But static.] [But loud static. You can hear it from outside.] * Heinrick hmms. "Jamie, do you hear anything in that static? Other than the obvious." * Roseli looks around. "While talking, everyone in." * Heinrick is still making his way to the car, yes. * Roseli moves it for the car, getting in the passenger's seat. Window seats are awesome. You can shoot from them. * Togo gets into the back seat. * Luana squishes in. [No you don't. It's locked.] (...) (No, Jamie popped the locks open) (See above) (Unless they're manual locks. Which...why the hell would they have those in the future?) ('as all the locks open and the engine starts'. You replied to 'power everything' with 'That it does.') ( Well tough. It's locked. ) I... it's. No? * Heinrick goes up to the car and smashes the window with his arm to unlock it. (That works!) [Now it's unlocked.] (It SURE DOES.) (:D) In. Now. * Heinrick gets in and unlocks the rest of the doors. ( Heinrick, gimme a lockpicking ro... uh, nevermind. ) * Jamie gets in the back. * Togo gets into the back seat now * Luana squishes in. * Keiko gets in after Luana, just sitting on her lap. She then grips the seat and concentrates. "Gonna... try and get us a wedge of air to push through." * Roseli gets in the passenger's side. (Someone has to sit in the front.) (I thought that was Heinrick.) (Heinrick and Rose.) * Heinrick is in front! (It's true! We are both in front!) (Rose is in his lap. Err, wait a minute.) (Presumably one of you is driving) (Ewwww.) (I thought you were driving, Jamie. :D) (AS OF NOW HEINRICK IS DRIVING>) (Moving on.) (I thought she was going to too but she hesitated!) (Jamie's a backseat driver!) [BEAR IS DRIVING!] * Heinrick guns the engine and drives in the way of the castle. If *possible* he'll try to steer around people, but if not, fuck it, he's just plowing through. (Once everyone's inside, obviously) * Keiko tries to set up her air wedge in front of the car, then! (We are!) [Heinrick drives through people. Several go flying over the hood of the car. One actually cracks the windshield.] [But then you're through! ...... Now what?] (TO THE CASTLE!) * Heinrick keeps driving for the castle? [You drive for the castle! Now that you're through that crowd, it doesn't seem like there's many people out in this area.] * Roseli pinches at her forehead, then goes back to looking out the window for people who want to kill them. (Also Karin.) * Togo sticks his head out the window with his tongue out in the wind. Well, no, he actually just sits there and tries not to jab anyone with his elbows in the cramped back seat. * Keiko doesn't need to wedge, so she switches her grip to Luana's shoulder, not looking at her. Instead, she's on the feel for real people. [Sadly, you don't go for more than a few blocks before the car sputters and dies.] * Heinrick hits the steering wheel a bit. "Well. Isn't *this* a surprise?" * Keiko murmurs, "Seems to be a theme today." She then pushes the door open with her TK and stomps out to check the engine real quick. "Probably gonna have to leave it." (We only drove a few blocks? So like... for five minutes?) (Look at me! I'm a mechanic!) (So am I!) ( Yep. You can see the angry mob approaching in the distance. Some of them have torches now. ) (Because we totally have time to jack up the car and take a look at it.) * Roseli lets out a low growl. d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (d6) and gets a natural 1 for a result of 1. ( Heinrick, gimem an awareness check ) 2d8-8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-8) and gets a natural 7 for a result of -1. (Any other cars in the area? Since we only went a few blocks. :P) * Togo gets out of the car, cursing. "Are they catching up?" [Heinrick manages to spot a bigger problem. Down one of the side streets, a block away he sees Coffinmaker. And notices just in time to throw himself to the ground before the guy opens fire, putting two very LARGE bullet holes in the side of the car.] * Jamie uncertainly starts to get out of the car, then she very much hurries OUT. ( Annnnnnd lets have init. :o ) * Heinrick gets out of the car and down quickly. "Everybody *move*." (Also Christ Brett, you're starting combat this late?) * Roseli is out, and how! ( Yep ) (Yeah, it's kind of late to just start.) * Keiko was already out! Bonus. ( you want to call it here? ) (Please, yes.) (I haven't *eaten* yet. I was hoping to get food before stuff closed) (If this is actually going to be combat and not Plot Moment, then yes.) (Otherwise we'll be up until three.) ['Kay. Called it.]