[Day: Thursday, June 19th. Time: 8:30 p.m.] [You're in the Section 3 tower, where you just had a showdown with so many people. Iris is saved but unconscious, Karin is cut up pretty bad, and two of the badguys got away. On the other hand, you did capture Ludwig Bernstein. Hooray?] [Start] (So we're picking up right where we left off before?) ( I guess so? You guys said you wanted to after last session. ) (Gotta find out what all of these people's reactions are, etc.) (Actually, you said you wanted us to. :P) (Or wait two weeks or something) * Roseli is still on the roof, facing some guards. She holsters her gun and holds her hands empty and open near her head. "Friendly, see?" * Keiko is on her knees, panting and bleeding, then, after getting a bone spur through the arm! * Jamie is still up on the roof and ... doesn't aim Togo's gun at any guards because Rose isn't. [The guards look confused. But Hans quickly takes charge of the situation, motioning to a bunch of guards. "Restrain the Defense Minister."] * Heinrick slackens a little as the threat goes away and puts away his weapon. "Well...that went *pretty* much as planned. Though I think they'll forgive us for the repair bill." He then glances at Keiko and at some of the guards. "Is there any medical personnel on duty as well?" * Keiko manages a weak, "Roof's easier... than people..." ( Sorry. By Hans I meant Klaus ) * Togo lowers his gun as well, and walks over to Keiko, pulling out his medpak and holding it out to her. * Luana stands near Keiko and keeps her gun in her hand, although she keeps it lowered by her side. [Leo nods. "Doctor Hans Pasche is in the building. I'll call him up." He goes to do that. Adya follows, reducing the number of NPCs I have to bother with! Hoo ray!] ( The Aces, meanwhile, decide to go catch a movie ) (Nah. They're in the back playing poker.) (Wouldn't you with four Aces?) ( Nice. ) ( ^_^_v) ( * throws chips at Rowyn.) * Keiko sits back on her feet with a grimace on her face, awkwardly pressing the medpak against her arm with her other hand. ( They'd beat Heinrick's Jax for sure... ) * Roseli backs up to near Jamie, then asks her ward, "How are you feeling?" * Heinrick surveys the carnage somewhat, then blows out a breath. "We really need a way to track her." * Jamie blinks. "Okay? Confused?" We need a way to nail her to a goddamn wall, that's what we need. [Karin goes to check on Iris.] * Roseli nods, and she looks... relieved? "Good. Let's go down." At that, she heads off the roof to meet up with everyone else, assuming people don't suddenly go crazy and get in her way. For next time we find her, yes. For now, we need to do the former. Before they have a chance to regroup. * Jamie puts Togo's gun away and follows Rose down the stairs. Jumping through holes is for people who are crazy in a different way than her. * Luana kneels down by Keiko. "Are you okay? You did so well against Eileen." * Heinrick rubs his temples. "Odds on Bernstein knowing anything?" ( Gimme awareness checks. ) 2d8+10 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8+10) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 24. (Any sense apply?) (Wrong system!) ( Sight I guess. ) 2d8-8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-8) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 4. (Wow, fail.) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8) and gets 2, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "My momma always said, you gotta take the good with the bad. Here's some good." (HAHAHA) 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-6) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 4. * Keiko looks over at Luana, then shudders and says quietly, "Not dead. Good track record." (Wrong system, Rose!) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-2) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 12. ( Made by 3 ) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "I love the smell of a crit in the morning." 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-4) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 2. (o_o) ( We are a very aware bunch at the moment ) ( oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......... ) * Luana rubs Keiko's back soothingly. (Don't ask for Dice unless you're prepared for dicey to be dicey!) [As the guards cuff Ludwig and begin to drag him away, a hole opens up in the back of his neck.] [A bloody one.] (Like a bullet wound or something else?) (... The guard, or Ludwig?) (Another good question.) (More than one guard, so presumably Ludwig) ( Ludwig ) (Fun times!) ( Very much like a bullet wound. A big one. ) (So he _just_ got shot.) (By anyone I can sense?) (Possibly from the inside!) (Also, the most silent bullets EVER!) * Roseli walks in to see that and shouts, "" in Portuguese. She looks around for the sniper, gun suddenly back in her hand. * Luana spins around to stand between Keiko and whatever direction the hole looked to have been made from and raises her gun, looking for a sniper. * Jamie looks, and listens around wildly for whatever it is that Rose is trying to find. * Togo doesn't see the hole immediately, but notices the reaction from the guards and from Ludwig. "Dammit! Sniper!" 2d8+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8+4) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 18. * Heinrick turns around to find the source of the sniping, if possible. 2d8+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8+2) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 11. * Heinrick has a dagger in hand as he does so. * Keiko comms, voice tight, "Helicopter. Flying. Something. Only the hole for a sniper." * Jamie focuses up. [Klaus shouts, "No!" Just then, Dr. Hans arrives! Klaus points to Ludwig. "Doctor, do everything you can to save his life. We need information."] * Luana looks and aims up. [Karin looks over from Iris. "Cyra can fly."] * Heinrick comms back. "Togo. Can you take care of it?" (Is the medpack done with me?) *comm* I need my guns back on that other roof! Keiko, can you get me back there? ( And yes. ) (And does it leave my arm functional?) * Roseli aims up through the hole. "Jamie, scan for air support!" [Karin gets up. "I can go after her."] ( Sure ) * Keiko comms back to Togo, "I'm slow." * Jamie tries to find everything that is in her range... like the helebot she left on the other roof. "The... it's too far away." * Keiko stands up from the ground, arm still bloody, but at least it's working as she flexes her fingers and grimaces slightly. * Roseli doesn't move her attention from the hole in the ceiling. "No," she says to Karin. ... forget it. If it's out of Jamie's range, it's out of mine. [Adela gets on the comm, saying something about tracking via sattelite to someone. Oscar gets on another comm, saying something about scrambling helicopters.] * Heinrick lets out a breath. "I wish I could say I was surprised with this." [Karin frowns. "... I'd like to argue against you, but you're right. It's pointless. Cyra can hit a tin can from kilometers away. She'd be long gone by now."] Bright side, it means we at least knew where she was right now. * Keiko says quietly to the guarding Luana, "Thank you," before she shudders and steps back and away, arms wrapping around herself. [Dr. Pasche looks up from Ludwig and shakes his head to Klaus. Klaus swears. "Dammit." He looks your way. "Tell me you have another lead to where the rest of the terrorists are."] * Roseli lowers her gun, then puts her hand to her head. "Nrg." * Togo looks to Keiko, taking back his medpak. "I still need those guns if we're going after them, though. Take a few minutes, let the nanobots do their work, and then we'll pop over to the next roof." * Jamie looks at Rose. "What should I do?" Keep scanning. Far as you can. Gotta watch... Klaus, do you... remember anything? From being controlled? * Jamie listens futily for the counting of aircraft. Any communication as well. * Luana murmurs to Keiko, "Always," and keeps an eye out for any other surprises. [Klaus nods to Roseli. "Everything."] * Keiko swallows, then says, "Cyra is not a pawn. She probably had the Section 2 base. Probably not there anymore." ["But that's not saying much. They were careful."] * Heinrick then turns to Klaus. "Information sources tend to end up mysteriously dead, unfortunately." Iris may have potentially picked up some hints of conversation, however. Though that is a long shot... [He frowns. "Well, we know who they are. It's only a matter of time before we find them. The question is whether we'll be able to do it before they complete their final plan."] We've got their psychic. If I know the type, they have backup plans, but they damn sure weren't planning on having to use them. [He shakes his head. "Iris was only a temporary solution for them. They're creating a machine."] ["If we can't find them before they're finished with it... They claim it will control the entire world."] * Togo waves a hand. "Been there, done that. We'll find 'em, we'll stop 'em, and when it's all written up they'll barely merit a chapter of their own." (Ha ha ha ha ha.) (There IS a book!) * Heinrick taps his chin. "Could Iris have gleaned off some information from them before being attached to the device? I mean it *is* a long shot but..." * Roseli only partially seems to be paying attention. After she asked her question and Klaus answered, she headed over to the nearest chair and sat heavily down, looking blearily at the gun still in her hands. (Is there actually? There should be!) (From MC3, remember?) * Jamie stands protectivly near Rose. (There were those two books. Really, really early.) [Klaus nods. "Possibly." He looks over at Iris, who Dr. Pasche is now checking. "What's her status, doctor?"] (I don't.) (We got to see the end of MC2 and then the actions of the 'Other Team'.) (It was when we found out about their stuffs to some degree.) (I'd forgotten!) * Keiko thinks at Luana, ~Tired, Lu. Don't wanna be here.~ (That was, um, when we found Herman shortly after and he looked kinda like Merlin? As in, old?) [Doctor Pasche looks up. "Not good. That machine did a number on her psyche. It could be a while before she wakes up."] [Klaus frowns. "Nothing we can do? Adrenaline?"] (I don't remember significant details beyond that.) (It _was_ a long time ago, even for me. ;) [Dr. Pasche frowns back. "That's dangerous. And anyway, there's no guarentee it would work."] ~I'm not part of their team.~ (That's why logs!) * Luana blinks out of her concentration on the area and walks over to Keiko, placing a hand on her back and trying to send warmth and comfort. Excuse me, Keiko needs rest. I'd like to take her downstairs. * Keiko actively steps back from Lu, thinking, ~No touch. Too sharp.~ * Luana jerks her hand back. * Togo takes a moment to switch out a fresh clip into his assault rifle as he walks over towards Rose. "No objection here. I'll go run back to the roof and grab the guns myself." *to Rose* "Does Jamie have spare copters and such stored here?" ~Let's go down to my room. I'll stand guard for you.~ (Wait, wait. We were at BK building _1_, right?) (Not 2?) (Yes.) (I think?) (I made that same mistake last time. ^^;) ( You're at #3 >.> ) (Even worse!) (er, change that to "Let's go find a room," then.) (...cause of Iris. Duh) (I wasn't sure they'd build the device at #3.) ( I even said at the start it was #3. ) (You did.) (I just remembered it wasn't #2.) * Heinrick nods to Luana and walks over, kneeling next to Keiko. "Do you need help getting her there?" He then closes his eyes and sighs. "Though I suspect she'll be stubborn and refuse my help..." She'd rather not be touched. But I think we'll be okay, thank you. * Keiko looks to Heinrick, face scrunching up, then she mutters, "I can still hear sarcasm. She didn't poke out my ears." * Heinrick smirks slightly. "Well you can hear sarcasm when there's none there. So that's impressive." He then stands slowly. "But as you wish..." [Adela aproaches Klaus, holding out a cell phone. "The Chancellor for you."] * Keiko starts to drag her feet as she shuffles away from the main room, ignoring his last comment. (I forget if the Chancellor was a good guy or a bad guy.) ( You'll have to ask him. ) * Luana says to everyone, "Please excuse us," and hurries after Keiko. * Roseli doesn't seem to have heard Togo, looking off in a daze as she is. * Jamie glances between Rose and Togo a few times and then tentativly taps her on the shoulder. * Togo looks down at Jamie. "Jamie, do you have spare vehicles stored ehre at base?" Hrm? (Why would she have vehicles at Base #3?) * Roseli blinks at Togo, then at Jamie. Obviously the question is for Jamie. (Is a good question!) * Jamie looks up at him. "I... I have the one we brought with us." * Togo nods, and hands Jamie another couple of spare clips for the gun he lent her. "Then you'll need these until we can get you some more." ( I think tonight may be a short session. ) (Maybe, maybe not!) * Jamie blinks and takes them. "Okay." She frets a bit due to her usual outfits being light on pockets, but she manages to get most of them put away by dropping the clip out of the gun and replacing it with a fresh one. * Roseli seems to be dozing off. Go Rose. We had best get out of range as well. I doubt she would take additional shots after the last one, or she would have by now, but one cannot be to careful. ( Rose and me both. ) (You are a sleepy Brett!) * Togo nods. "Back inna few. Gonna go recover my LAW and machine gun." And he starts jogging out towards the stairs. [Klaus finishes talking with the Chancellor and turns to you. "We'll take over from here. Your team should get some rest. You've earned it."] * Heinrick hehs and pushes up his glasses at Klaus's statement. "And if we had failed, we'd have forever been remembered as the bad guys." * Heinrick goes over to Rose and shakes her shoulder awake a bit. * Jamie watches Heinrick. * Roseli makes a low 'mrr' sound and turns her attention to Heinrick. She looks about ready to pass out. ( Her and me both! ) We shouldn't stay here. Do you need some help? [Hans sees to Karin, who's bleeding all over the floor.] Ye... no, 'm all right. * Roseli gets shakily to her feet and finally puts her gun away. Again. "Set up watches, jus' in case?" * Heinrick nods. "It would be a good idea. For now, you require rest." * Roseli nods, obviously not in the mood for disagreement. ( Would y'all mind if I ended? I know it's short, but I'm really tired.) (It's fine with me. People are going to go off and do their things - we can mini stuff.) (Works for me) ( Aight. ) [Session End]