[Day Friday, June 20th. Time: 12:19 PM. Ish.] [Keiko and Heinrick got dispensation on their first day 'back' to interrogate two security officers: the Head of Security, and Some Other Security Guy. Keiko, after doing brainy things, has reported their lack of involvement. How sad.] [The two of them have exited the cells to their next exciting location, and that's where we rejoin them. Mini start!] * Heinrick starts making his way away from the interrogation cell, nodding to the guard on the way out and then, when more out of ear shot, shaking his head. "The lack of actual information is...frustrating. To say the least." * Keiko is gripping her formerly wounded arm again tightly as she walks out. She mutters, "What do you expect from cowards. Good tactics?" She snorts. "Overwhelming force." * Keiko continues, at an angry mutter, "I hope they both get destroyed by Blitzkreig. At least Jarek. Taste of his own medicine." * Heinrick smirks. "Yes, well, expectation does not preclude disappointment. But it is hard to say where things will go from here." He shakes his head. "If Ms. Tavares did not follow with Raidou, I would be tempted to. Being less restricted has its advantages." * Keiko glances at him and mutters, "Maybe you're less restricted." Her hand shifts its grip as she adds, "They still gotta keep a leash on their little girls. They might do something awful." * Heinrick glances at Keiko. "I meant Raidou." He then sets a casual aside. "We do not exactly have a "choice" of appropriate missions. And information is a form of control as well..." But point taken. * Heinrick rubs just above the bridge of his nose for a bit as he walks. It looks like he's having another headache. * Keiko glances up at him as they get to the elevator. She looks at it a moment, then to Heinrick. "I'm tired of being lectured on morality by the people who order assassinations and watch everything I do." She exhales upwards. "You'd think shit like that would be illegal or something. TV says so." * Heinrick then checks with Keiko for a moment as they wait for the elevator and asks her, "Something on your mind?" * Keiko looks back at him. "Am I dead?" * Heinrick smiles, a little emptily.. "No, despite everyone else's best attempts to cause it for us." * Keiko smiles back wanly. "Then yes." She looks back forward, the grabbed arm folding up to rub the bridge of her nose. "I am... very angry." * Heinrick opens up the flood gates of his mind and actually feels more tired than he's letting on. ~I was going to initiate it if you were not going to.~ He lets out a mental breath. ~Words are too careful...especially these days.~ * Keiko mentally replies, ~This day. You feel like I would feel if I felt.~ * Heinrick goes back to standing questly in the elevator. ~Angry isn't a feeling?~ * Keiko closes her eyes. ~Sometimes. Maybe. Maybe that's how you live as a monster.~ ~A jailer. As a jailer. Jailers jail monsters.~ * Heinrick lets out a breath, then adds, ~Fear, uncertainty, and doubt helps jail monsters. In the severe cases, that can lead to anger as well...~ He lets a beat go by. ~I know this isn't new but something happened recently to retrigger this, didn't it?~ * Keiko mentally replies. ~Jarek.~ She stops for a moment, licking her lips as her hand smooths over her arm, then she finishes, ~He mindwipes people for a living.... watches me live in a cage... and thinks I am a...~ she trails off in her thought, grips tighter as her nails dig into her arm, then finishes, ~Rapist. Like he'd know.~ * Heinrick stops at that, and actually appears mentally stunned for a moment. Then he finally responds, ~I would say you are kidding but I have never known you to joke around. What cause did he have to call you such?~ * Keiko replies, still gripping, ~Because I am a monster of the mind. I leave no stone unturned. I expose everything, nothing left untouched.~ Minipause as the elevator arrives at some floor. ~And I don't have to ask. Guess that means rape to him.~ She steps out onto whatever floor. * Heinrick steps out on the floor, pauses again, then replies, somewhat idly and uncertain how exactly to respond, ~I suppose he would know that definition well, having lived it himself.~ He rubs the bridge of his nose again and the pain just barely starts to come into consciousness before being swept away. ~Ironic that the very organization he was a part of ordered him to partake in that. The most guilty tend to lash out the hardest...~ ~I am...somewhat glad you did not tell me in that location. My reaction may have been markedly...more unpleasant.~ (Okay, you're gonna need to give me mental insight here on what he's feeling. Because no matter what it is, I bet it's gonna be confusing.) (Sadly, typical Heinrick fashion is supressing most of it) (But "upset" is probably the one that's creeping through the most. With hints of anger. On the surface though? He's staying remarkably calm.) * Keiko looks back at him, frowns, then bites off a, "Running out?" right before she thinks back, ~Why the hell are you upset?~ ~Should I have told you people think that sooner? Is that new to you?~ * Heinrick shakes his head slightly. "I should be fine for a few more hours. I do hope it is simply a normal headache though." He adds mentally, ~Not entirely new, no. Literal rape is a somewhat new concept to me. Being a monster I am well aware of...~ He pauses for a moment. ~I suppose I had just held up the hope that people would actually dismiss outdated beliefs with new information and am constantly reminded of why I gave up most of that hope long ago...~ * Keiko nods slightly, but she looks confused. ~I don't... understand why you're upset. As... far as I can tell, nobody around here except Luana really thinks he's wrong.~ She turns towards the balcony and starts walking that way, her free hand brushing her collar. ~They're just glad to have me on their side.~ ~Luana's probably just not thought about it. She's sheltered.~ * Heinrick looks off to the side. ~Well...I suppose that is not out of the realm of possibility. Every human being has the potential to be a rapist if you look at it in that manner...~ * Keiko pushes her way out on the balcony. ~You're being confusing.~ ~They don't think anyone... can. They... think I am.~ * Heinrick glances Keiko's way a bit, making it look more like a casual checking on her than otherwise. ~And you believe I'm one of 'them'?~ Emphasis on the them. * Heinrick then looks away and says, or rather thinks, it flat out. ~You are not a rapist, Keiko.~ * Keiko looks out. ~Well, you... said you'd let me go, but--~ she's interrupted. She looks over at him a moment, then looks back forward. "Tired." She doesn't think anything else at him. For a moment or three. ~You didn't believe I was actually giving you a choice...~ * Heinrick nods slightly in response to her comment. "We all are." * Keiko 's thoughts seem quiet. ~I... didn't figure you'd thought it through. Who lets a monster free?~ ~One who discovers even more and more every day that there are larger monsters that need slaying.~ He lets out a mental smirk. ~Besides. I know all too well what actual monsters look like.~ * Keiko stays leaning. ~It's fine. I wasn't expecting to be free.~ A moment, then, ~You're good at lying, though. You know you're upset... so you make up a lie that explains it.~ * Heinrick lets out a bit of confusion at first at that, then...a bit of a dead zone of emotion, with a twinge of regret. ~What makes you say that?~ * Keiko looks over at him, then back forward. ~Because I almost believe you.~ * Heinrick gets the regret again, for just a moment, then it's gone. ~I've...had a lot of practice with lying. Sometimes it is hard for even me to tell...~ ~But...~ * Keiko half-smiles. ~S'useful. Dunno why it makes you so sad.~ * Heinrick hesitates for a moment, then continues. ~I do not think you're a monster.~ * Heinrick mentally chuckles, and the amusement seems genuine. ~It is, until you begin lying to yourself then become uncertain what you believe.~ * Heinrick then looks at her, keeping a smile. ~I'm not entirely sure what you mean though. About sadness...~ * Keiko is silent another moment, then sighs. ~You feel... sadness? Regret? Your lying. I don't know what makes you think I'm not a monster.~ ~Ah...~ * Heinrick pauses for a moment. ~It is...not the lying itself that causes regret.~ * Keiko licks her lips. ~It is not what. It is whom.~ * Heinrick changes tracks for a second. ~But...~ He slowly adjusts his position. ~Perhaps it is because I am in a good position to compare monsters.~ * Heinrick then looks at Keiko, confused by her 'whom' statement. * Keiko thinks back, ~If it's not the act, it's who you lied to. Why do you know who monsters are?~ She then murmurs, "Feeling thoughtful?" * Heinrick shakes his head a little. "Just trying to plan our next move...any ideas?" His thoughts are a little silent for a few moments. Hesitation, hesitation. * Keiko replies, "We're waiting on Section 1 to not blow it." * Heinrick then finally adds a mental chuckle. ~I would have figured you would have been quick to judge me a monster anyway.~ * Keiko thinks back, ~You are easy to hate.~ ~Everyone here deserves to face what they do.~ * Heinrick smiles slightly. ~I prefer to be easy to hate. It is much better than the alternative.~ ~Easy to love?~ ~Not precisely what I had in mind. Not that I have much experience in that department...~ * Keiko looks down at her arm, running her fingers over it. ~Then what?~ ~Perhaps easy to love. Perhaps easily loving. Hard to say...~ ~That... doesn't make sense.~ * Keiko licks her lips. ~You don't have to worry about that from me. Even when I'm feeling empty, you're annoying.~ ~But you're not... stupid.~ * Heinrick mentally chuckles. ~Good to know I have that effect on you.~ He then calms down after that statement. ~Not always. But thank you all the same.~ * Keiko starts. ~So... why don't you think I'm...~ she trails off, then closes her eyes. ~That.~ * Heinrick pauses for a moment. He makes as if he's checking hallways. ~I do think you would be easier to work with if you were less...abrasive at times. But so would I. And... it's rather a lot to expect from a captive who actually realizes they're a captive at any rate...~ * Keiko snarks, ~How generous of you.~ * Heinrick seems to be considering her question for a moment. ~Did you kill him?~ ~Who?~ ~Jarek. Did you kill him?~ ~Clearly not.~ ~That would be one part of it. Though it's not the whole...~ * Heinrick seems to be considering the next part of his statement. * Heinrick finally settles on. ~Rapists are violent, brutish, and unremorseful. We had a reasonable suspicion in order to invade. That would be more like what a police officer with a warrent would do rather than a rapist, don't you think?~ * Keiko rolls her eyes. Disdainfully. ~So one action is how you determine what I am?~ ~Orders absolve me of what I do?~ ~I'm sorry. I forgot that you had a history of brutally savagely attacking random innocent minds.~ * Keiko glances over at him. ~Do I?~ * Keiko then looks back forward. ~What makes you think rape is about innocence. Or randomness.~ * Heinrick snorts. ~No. I would have thought being around me this long you would have better been able to pick out sarcasm.~ ~Sarcasm hides beliefs poorly.~ * Heinrick snorts again. ~True.~ He then leans over the railing. ~The puzzle is complicated. All I can really give you are pieces. And pieces are unsatisfying.~ ~Trends. Life is trends, Heinrick.~ * Keiko gestures into the air. ~The arc of one's life... bending towards justice or injustice.~ ~Jarek is the one who accused you. I was only using his statement as an example.~ ~I have a locked door. So I am a rather difficult one to ask.~ ~I believe the important question is... you appear to act as if he has a point. Do *you* believe it?~ * Keiko stays looking out. ~Prove it wrong.~ ~I believe that answers my question.~ * Keiko frowns. ~No, it doesn't.~ ~No? Then prove *me* wrong. What makes you *not* a rapist?~ (Wait, what?) (You flipped the question on her, now she has to argue against what she's worrying about!) (He's saying prove him wrong that it doesn't answer his question.) (His question was "Do you believe you're a rapist?") (So he's asking her to defend herself) (... still confused.) (He's asking her to come up with answers to the question 'what makes you not a rapist.') (Yes.) (Because if *she* can't come up with any reasons, then she believes she is one. And Heinrick wants to know where she stands on the matter.) (If she's confused, she can respond with ~What?!?~ IC) * Keiko looks over at him oddly, then back forward. ~Nothing makes you not a rapist except... not doing that sort of thing. And the whole... idea is that the mind is personal, deep... and I profane it with my presence.~ ~If you accept that... then it's hard to argue, isn't it?~ * Heinrick nods slightly. ~I have to admit, it is somewhat difficult to argue...~ He takes a breath. * Heinrick then opens his eyes. ~But do you violate the sanctuary of the mind by simple presence alone? Or do you touch parts that aren't meant to be touched unbidden?~ ~It's shields and walls that keep me out. Sometimes... thoughts are all you have to yourself.~ * Keiko rubs her arms. ~It's all I've had for... a long time. Until recently.~ * Heinrick leans on the railing. ~To be honest, I'd much rather someone who understands that with that potential rather than someone who did not even consider it.~ ~But tell me what you mean. "Until recently" when?~ * Keiko closes her eyes and sighs softly. ~Painting. Zarina. Jamie.~ Beat. ~Luana.~ * Heinrick nods slightly, in recognition. ~What do you think they would say if you told them you felt like a rapist sometimes?~ * Keiko is silent a moment. ~Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.... Confusion.~ ~She's... dead, you know.~ * Keiko rubs her stomach idly. ~Just because I felt her dead doesn't mean she follows me around.~ * Heinrick snorts. ~It's hypothetical.~ ~I was the one who failed to hold back the sword that killed her, if you recall.~ * Keiko frowns, then, ~I don't know. I never... told her enough.~ ~Her nightmares were real. Real like mine.~ ~Zarina's?~ * Keiko nods a little to herself. ~He doesn't understand. He doesn't know. He thinks he knows, but he's never seen. He just...~ * Heinrick pauses again, a bit unsure how to respond. ~He who?~ ~Jarek.~ A pause, then, ~Anyone. Everyone.~ * Heinrick nods slightly. Then looks off. ~If you could dig deeper, how deep would you go?~ * Keiko half-smiles. ~Depends who it is.~ ~So you have control. That's a first step.~ * Keiko looks at him funny, then closes her eyes. ~You don't... understand.~ * Heinrick looks out. ~Perhaps not.~ He mentally smirks. ~If you could not tell, I haven't had much personal experiences with psychics before coming here.~ * Keiko rubs her hand along that cut arm. ~You... act like it's innocence. Self-control. It's... not about any of that. It's power. It's... making a girl do what you want. Making her know you can make her do what you want.~ * Heinrick turns to Keiko for a moment and looks at her funny. ~'Her'?~ * Keiko 's hand tightens on her arm a moment, then she is silent as she looks off. * Heinrick waits for a moment, then adds verbally, which might be part-act, part genuine question. "What are you thinking?" * Keiko mutters, "None of your business." * Heinrick chuckles, "Fair enough." * Keiko does, however, think slowly, ~Not... all power is rape, but all rape is power, Heinrick. And I... have some small power.~ * Heinrick turns back and replies, ~I...would agree with that. You are considering using it, then.~ It is much more of a statement than a question. ~I breathe it.~ ~Yes. But you would not be questioning it if you hadn't come across an area where you might consider it questionable.~ * Keiko sighs. ~Everyone tells me it's questionable. I already told you that.~ ~You act like my thoughts are my own.~ * Heinrick lets out a mental sigh. ~I won't push, Keiko. But I am concerned if you are thinking of doing something wreckless...~ * Keiko exhales noisily again. ~Dammit, Heinrick, I'm not gonna stalk down there after the fact and turn him into a rooster. What are you getting at?~ ~What does reckless even mean to you? What does any of that have to do with what I am!~ ~A rapist isn't who you are. It's what you do.~ * Keiko starts to think, ~That doesn't...~ and then trails off. ~You're asking if I've... done somthing you'd consider rape. Without some sort of orders, going into someone's mind and doing whatever. You're asking that... knowing that Blitzkreig only had me for a year, and... ~ ~Not so much. I was asking if you were considering something that you would consider rape...~ ~Though...if you believe everything you do with your powers to be rape, that is a tricky subject.~ * Keiko exhales quietly, then says, ~Rape's not a word I define. Rape's a word everyone else defines. Just like monster. I have to live with it.~ ~How could I get to define it? I don't even get to decide where I sleep.~ * Keiko exhales upwards again. ~Home sweet home.~ * Heinrick mentally sighs as well. ~Yes. Our lovely home of surveillance and security.~ * Keiko mms, then thinks, ~It's not so secure for us.~ ~Not secure for Pavla either.~ ~No, it's not.~ * Keiko glances aside. ~She... deserves better too.~ ~I've been wondering why they would allow 'known terrorists' such as ourselves back into a terrorist fighting organization...~ ~People don't give up control easily.~ ~Except people who do.~ ~Yes, *that* does not surprise me...~ * Heinrick stands from the railing slightly and then rubs the bridge of his nose again. ~Politics...~ * Keiko half-smiles to herself. ~I'd dig up some sayings I read once, but I don't really... care. Meddling and dithering when things need to be done.~ ~You've caught the essense of it quite well.~ ~Though the art of it is convincing those who are meddling and dithering to actually do something or figuring when they are simply not worth the mental effort.~ * Keiko just looks off. ~Too stupid for me. I don't have enough life left for something that stupid.~ * Heinrick seems amused, but wistful and introspective at the same time. ~Borrowed time. A concept I know all too well.~ * Keiko looks over at Heinrick. ~... really.~ * Heinrick sighs slightly. ~Unfortunately, I have to deal with more politics before the day is through. I am...sorry I was not able to help out more. But if you do need to talk later, I will be available...~ * Keiko is silent, then shakes her head. ~No, it's... I don't know. At least you think about it. I...~ * Keiko then pauses a moment before finishing, ~If I get my hands on Eileen, or Jarek without current... needs, I... don't think the results will meet your high moral standards.~ * Heinrick smirks slightly before replying. ~Believe me when I say, given other circumstances, I don't believe the results of either would matter to me much. But...we have much larger beasts to slay.~ * Keiko replies, ~I guess. But at some point... I won't be able to keep moving.~ * Heinrick replies as well. ~If Eileen survives this intact, I will be...very surprised.~ * Heinrick then replies outloud. "Are you ready to go then?" * Keiko thinks, before she replies, ~Did you want me watching your back?~ * Heinrick replies as well. ~A little. Plus they would be somewhat suspicious if I simply left you on the balcony.~ * Keiko stands up and says, "Alright, fine. I guess I got all the fresh air I get. Let's go." * Heinrick starts walking without comment, resuming his position as stoic guardian once again. * Keiko walks after him, fingers running over the one arm idly. [Mini end!]