[Day: Wed, Feb 1. Time: Later night, after the mission of the evening.] [The mission to steal some robots was a qualified success, but it left a few of the party banged up from Fomori, and one of them more than most: Shiho of the cracked ribs.] [Having returned from the mission and hopefully offloaded the bots leaves everyone hiding out in an abandoned auto garage... somewhere.] [Let's see if and how they run into eachother, how everyone feels about being knocked about, and other such things! Mini start!] * Montana is in the back of the auto garage, on a folding chair. He's back in normal clothes, with the hat and all, and has been playing solitaire with a pack of playing cards for the past half hour. He's still playing a game, in fact! * Shiho is in the same clothes as before and looking much better than she did when they arrived. She's sitting in another folding chair not far from Montana, leaning back and reading a fashion magazine. Her gun is holstered at her hip and her jian is propped up next to her. * Sonia comes out of the back of the van with a new blue jacket on, her slightly torn-up and dirty hoodie in hand. She lets out a little sigh and shakes her rainbow hair out a bit before she drops it in a trash bucket. She glances over at Shiho and says, "They took care of you while I was giving the van a checkup?" * Shiho gestures at her chest with the magazine as she looks over at Sonia. "Yup. Some medipack thing the boss had... I don't get it, but my ribs are fine now. Doesn't make me any more eager to repeat the experience, though." Van's okay? * Montana puts another card down. * Sonia nods slightly. "New one's got some nice holes in it, but nothin' wrong with it that ain't fixable." * Shiho nods. "That's good. We could collect our own garage." * Sonia smiles slightly for a moment as she walks over, then the smiles slips away. "Doubt it. Airplanes don't get along with big trucks." What if we got a carrier? I dunno if the boss lady'll spring for that one. Never know until you try. You guys didn't get too banged up, right? * Sonia shakes her head slightly. "Just put a dent in the wall and killed my hoodie." She shrugs. "It lasted a week or so." * Montana hehs quietly as he places another card. "Naaaah, I didn't get a scratch." He frowns a little. "Sorry you did, though." Yeah, didn't I warn you about not being armored? Short lifespan for a hoodie. * Sonia runs her hand back over her hair. "I keep clothes 'bout as long as I keep hairstyles. And this one's getting old too." * Shiho waves her fashion magazine. "It's my goal in life to be able to buy nice things that I won't ruin on a job right away." * Sonia glances at the magazine and offers a small smile. "Maybe you should ask Montana how he keeps that hat around." Boy must have a trick. 'ey, don't go knockin' the hat. It's lucky. Is it the kind of luck you could apply to five hundred dollar accessories? * Sonia shifts on her feet and glances around again. Like... magical insurance. Speaking of! What the hell were those things we were killing earlier? God, I don't know. Never saw anything like them. Nigel said they were fomori, but. * Montana shrugs. "Ask him. He's the one involved with all the mystical stuff. I just take things." * Shiho gestures a little wildly, magazine still in hand. "I mean, I'm -aware- there's magic stuff in the world that's not just... really advanced genemodding, or whatever, but that!" * Sonia shrugs and says, "Yeah, I known magic here and there, but I'm a metal and rubber girl." * Sonia then glances to Montana with a grin. "You barely stole anything for three weeks, Montana. Gotta be gettin' twichy." * Montana tosses a card down. "Yeah, I actually wasn't - assuming those *weren't* just advanced genemods. Just thought my brother talked up a good game." He doesn't seem too bothered by it, though. * Sonia then rubs her face and sighs. "Know I am. This is the longest job I've been on in... uh, forever." Really? The only other job I've had, I kept for three years. * Montana lets out a little laugh. "Three years is a long fuckin' time." * Sonia nods at Montana. "You're telling me. Last time I had a job that lasted that long, it was bein' someone's daughter." * Montana draws another card and looks at the spread. "Yeah, how'd that go?" He discards it. * Shiho shrugs. "It was a pretty crappy job. This one's better." Break bones two times a month there? * Shiho flips open her magazine and looks sort of subdued. "I'd rather break bones than deal with asshole customers every night." Customer service, eh? That's rough. * Sonia chuckles and glances back behind her before saying, "We only got one customer to service." She's makin' it work, though. * Montana sighs and starts clearing off the table. "Sorry about those broken bones, by the way." * Shiho looks up at Montana. "What for? It's not your fault the freak thing fell on me." Yeeeeah, but. * Montana pushes up his hat a little to rub at the back of his head. "I know nothin' goes according to plan, but I ain't much of a leader and I feel like I might've bumbled it a bit. So." He grins. "Sorry for bumblin'." * Shiho grins back. Aww. (*"Aww.") That's sweet. But feel free to feel bad when if I die, and not before then. I've been doing this for a while, I know the risks. * Sonia nods slightly and adds, "Yeah, bumblin' like tryin' to catch the woman-shaped bag of metal." Also, if I do die, please don't let 'squished by weird and very large creature' go on my gravestone. * Montana pushes his hat down over his face at Sonia's comment. "Yeah, 'xactly like that." * Sonia looks over at Shiho and nods. "We'll thinka somethin' brave, sure. I'm sure the boss knows Japanese." * Sonia nudges her shoulder and adds, "You missed Montana trying to catch me bouncing off the wall." Aw, you keep bringin' that up. Trying? * Sonia strikes a hand-on-hip pose. "Yeah. High density armor alloys are heavy." * Montana sighs and pushes his hat up. "Look, ain't much time to think right then, yeah? You were hurt and I was tryin' to help." Also, gonna be buried in the US, probably LA. Don't really want to haunt Japan for the rest of eternity. * Shiho smiles. "Montana, are you a gentleman?" * Sonia hnhs at Shiho, then says, "More a cowboy knight, like on that TV show a couple years back. And I didn't make funna ya then 'cause we were busy, so I wanted to catch up." * Montana throws a pack of cards at Sonia. (Loose or in a box?) (In the box.) * Sonia turns her head so it can bounce off the side of her head, and then catches it on the rebound. She waits a full half-second before saying, "Ow." * Montana shrugs philosophically. Anyway, I'm new at this bodyguardin' gig. If you got any tips, Shiho, I'd like to hear them. Be ready to react to your boss doing stupid things. Even if those stupid things are awesome. * Montana rubs at his stubble. "Well, she does that a lot." Last job with Harry, he knocked down a South American general with his briefcase. Awesome, but then we got shot at. * Montana nods. * Sonia nods slightly. "Yeah, people are good at gettin' themselves in trouble." That is the extent of my tips. And, you know, try not to get shot at in general. Or slashed. Or blown up. You know. (Do you need to get going, WD?) (I'm okay for... fifteen or twenty more minutes, I think.) (Glee Project does not require my utmost attention.) Hence my lack of awesome accessories. Hey, the way I figure, armor helps with the not gettin' hurt. Hear some talk about it restrictin' mobility, but get the right kind and it won't hurt you none. Yeah? I guess it wouldn't hurt to look into it. And my ribs would be happier. * Montana smiles. "Glad to hear it." He stands and stretches. "Whelp. It's been fun, but I'm gonna try to get some sleep. See you girls tomorrow." Goodnight. I'm gonna long for the new McQueen line a little longer. Fair enough. * Sonia waves her hand slightly. "Dream well." She looks over at Shiho. "Well, at least you're putting money away for the future, yeah?" Boss takes care of food and lodging, so there's not much to use it on. * Montana starts to head off, then pauses, looks over at Sonia, and grins. "And darlin' - I *might* have borrowed somethin' over the past two weeks." And now he really goes! * Sonia nods slightly, looks over at Montana, and then exhales slowly before looking back at Shiho. "Not sure what he means by that." Might want to look over your belongings? * Sonia shakes her head. "He knows better." There's lines. I've got no clue, then. * Sonia nods slightly and says, "Ngh. Probably just swung by some place for a quickie. Lucky him." * Shiho flips a page. "How's that 'borrowing' something?" Givin' it back when your dead's still borrowin'. * Shiho winces and looks up. "Did I misunderstand 'quickie', or are we talking necrophilia here?" * Sonia smiles slightly. "A quick stealing. I don't keep track of his sex life." Oh, thank god. (What do you take me for! Really!) (Shiho thinks of sex before theft when you say 'quickie'!) He doesn't seem that type. Too interested in what other people are feelin'. That's admirable. Too many men in the world who just want sex and attention. * Sonia frowns a touch, but it goes away and she says, "Boy knows how to wrangle some attention too." * Shiho nods distractedly, looking over a dress in her magazine. "He seems to mean well enough." * Sonia mms, then replies, "Yeah." A small pause, then, "I want to check on something, so, uh, enjoy the McQueen?" * Shiho smiles over at Sonia. "Sure. I'll probably head to bed soon enough, so, goodnight." * Sonia nods slightly. "Dream well." You too. * Sonia turns quickly and heads off! [Mini end!]