[Sonia follows Montana slowly out of the club, giving him room. If and when she heads by the bouncers with drink in hand, nobody stops her. He's gone by the time she leaves, but quickly tracks by cheatervision to a fairly narrow alley about two blocks away. Montana's there, chewing on ice - the glass is still in hand - and kicking various pieces of trash down the alley.] (she quickly tracks him by cheatervision...) * Montana sends a beer bottle sailing a good ten feet before it gets knocked off course by the right wall. * Sonia has pretty much drained the drink by the time she gets to Montana. She slaps one palm against the other and says, "You Yanks don't know how to play footie." Oh, fuck off. * Sonia doesn't even smirk as she stands there in pink heels. But she doesn't say anything either. * Montana kicks a tin can half a distance farther than the bottle before it slams into something, following it with a half empty carton of rotten something or other. Get shit on your shoes and they're sleeping outside. * Montana snorts. He kicks another bottle next, though. There's an abundance of those for some reason. * Sonia can be silent too! She smooths her dress again, though. * Montana kicks a few more things, then turns to look at Sonia. "She really did a number on you." * Sonia shrugs and says, "I did a number on her dress, too, so we're even." * Montana lets out a faint 'heh', then starts pacing, though there isn't much room to do it. * Sonia is silent a long moment, then says, "Not a fanna numbers?" * Montana blinks at Sonia, confused. "Numbers?" * Sonia replies, "You're spinnin' in place, boy." * Montana nrgs, scrunching his eyes shut and pinching between them. "I am. Fuck." And he sits down, abruptly, leaning against the wall and messing up his "nice" jacket. * Sonia shrugs to herself and walks over, standing above him. "Stayin' in one place gettin' to you too?" Yes. No. It's... * Montana shakes his head. Suppose I'm jealous. * Sonia squints, then just says, "Nigel." Yeah. * Sonia mms, then says, "You all still got your factory arms. Can't figure out if I'm supposed to be jealous or not." * Montana eyes Sonia, then just shakes his head and looks the other way down the alley. * Montana picks another ice out of his glass, pops it into his mouth, and bites into it. * Sonia crouches down to Montana's eye level and holds up her arm with the bracelet on it, in front of his face, then says, "Why are you jealous of that white boy." You wanna hide in the snow? * Montana reaches up to grab Sonia by the arm, pulling her down if she lets herself (because who are we kidding). "I'm not. Well, I am... fuck, it's kinda complicated, arright?" (She's already crouched!) (Yup, but down to sitting, like him!) (Time to get Alysha's clothes messed up.) (We can tell her we were killing alleyway ninja.) 'sides, if I try explainin', you'll fuckin' well laugh at me. * Sonia nghs, shifting on her heeled feet before saying, "Nuh-uh, I only got one dress now. Gimme your jacket." * Montana actually chuckles, and he pulls his blazer off, handing it to her. * Sonia takes the blazer, laying it out on the ground so she can sit down on it, then looks at him. "You already look stupid sittin' on the ground in an alley, boy." She brings up a finger to brush his hair aside. * Montana rolls her eyes. "It was that or circles. Whaddaya want?" * Sonia shrugs. "Hell if I know." Yeah. * Montana lets out a breath, but he doesn't move to stop Sonia from keeping hair out of his face. "So... yeah. Kinda jealous of Nigel. And... of Shiho, I guess." * Sonia lets her hand fall to her side and leans forward, putting her chin on her own knee. "Don't know why." * Montana shrugs, shifting so one knee is up and rests his arm against it. He leans against the dirty wall and looks up and past Sonia. "'s kinda like..." He got all the family and I didn't. I mean, yeah, I had my pa, but he was a fuckin' deadbeat. Nigel had pa *and* ma, and apparently she fuckin' well loved *him*... And he's so great, with money, and schoolin', and- * Montana sighs. "And then I take THIS job so I could meet some family worth meetin' - only person I know who I don't hate - and he'd rather talk to *her*. AND it ain't like I can talk much, because it ain't like I'm no good at it anyhow." * Montana shifts his attention now, looking out the alley, but he doesn't say anything else. * Sonia listens, then is silent, then says, "People talk to people they're 'round." She half-shrugs with her bare shoulder, then brushes something invisible off of it. Most people. * Sonia looks to Montana. "Yeah? He been dodgin' you?" I don't even know. Maybe I've been dodging him. * Sonia half-smiles. "Nice little chase." Eh. Jus' makes me angry sometimes, feels so fuckin' unfair. An' that ain't me. * Sonia shrugs again and says, "Bodies betray us." S'why you keep 'em in shape. * Montana shrugs as well, looking back at Sonia. "You been gettin' exercise, then?" * Sonia licks her lips and says, "Every day. Gotta keep tuned up." * Sonia shrugs and looks off. "Emotions come outta nowhere, sometimes. Remind you of shit." Yeah. Hey, you ever actually wanna talk, I promise I won't laugh. * Sonia laughs slightly and says, "Ain't got nothin' to talk about, boy. I got a body, a car, and a bank account." And the dumbest job I've taken in a long time. * Montana laughs. "Could be worse." Yeah. Could be out a body. * Montana nods and says, seriously, "And your body ain't half bad." * Sonia looks over at him, over her glasses, and says, with a slight grin, "Yeah, it's more like 38%.' Ah, you got all the parts that count. * Sonia shrugs slightly and says, "Yeah? You been countin', boy?" Does it matter? * Sonia is silent a moment, then holds up the bracelet again. "You tell me." * Montana looks at the bracelet, then at Sonia's face. "It looks good on you." * Sonia looks back at him, keeping her arm held up a moment, then lets it droop. "Yeah, purple's a good color for me." She looks back at Montana, not shying away from his gaze, dimly glowing eyes meeting his over her glasses. * Montana holds that gaze for a moment, then says, "Y'know... I think I like your eyes." Don't normally get to see them much. * Sonia tilts her head slightly, then says, "Yeah? They're pretty identifiable. S'why I keep changin' the color." * Sonia licks her lips, then says, "Mostly look like the old ones. Was good work." They suit you. * Sonia mms, then says, a little more quietly, "Thanks." * Montana gets to his feet and holds a hand down to Sonia, leaving his empty glass on the ground. "C'mon, let's get smashed somewhere else." * Sonia grabs Montana's hand and stands, not leaning too hard on him lest he fall over. "Ya sure? I could always cut in on Nigel with Shiho. Give you two somethin' manly to talk about." * Montana shakes his head. They got a good thing going. * Sonia shrugs and replies, "Suit yourself. Where we goin'?" * Montana grabs his now filthy blazer off the ground, shakes it out, and slings it over his shoulder. He hasn't let go of Sonia's hand just yet. No fuckin' clue. * Montana grins, then heads out of the alley. * Sonia smiles slightly, then walks with him, saying, "Sounds 'bout right." (Aw, they're holding hands!) (Good place to end?) (Sure.) [End!]