<@Brett> [Date: Friday, April 1st. Time: 11:00 a.m. Location: VA cargo ship, off the coast of Somalia.] <@Brett> ( I totally managed to delete what I was typing ) <@Brett> [It's day 4 of the voyage to Zakanar. It's been pretty peaceful (or boring, depending on how you look at it). Alysha hasn't been seen much, doing something secret in her room. Possibly with Shiho, who also hasn't been seen much. As for the rest of you, you're gathering in the common room! A comfy place with a nice big TV. Right now it's showing an old movie from the 2050s: Orcs Must Die, the <@Brett> Movie 2.] <@Brett> [Start!] <@Brett> ( annnd afk for a bit. ) <@Brett> ( actually still here, sorta. :O Got a few mins before I have to pick up food. ) * Gordo 's half watching the movie, half reading an article about the FAA wanting to pass some new regulation about the noise polution of air liners. * Montana is settled into a seat in front of the television, drinking a beer and flipping cards, which is fairly standard for him. <@Brett> [The movie is about a guy who kills a lot of orcs.] <@Brett> [A lot of orcs.] * Nigel walks in and sits down. He opens a really old book and starts to read it while the movie is playing. <@Brett> ( Harry Potter 1st ed.? ) <@Brett> ( Ok, brb ) * Sonia has been playing with the ship, mainly, which is to say looking at engines and setting up sonic devices of some sort against various surfaces in different rooms. She's currently sitting on the shoudler of Montana's chair and commenting on his awful card flipping. * Montana flips another card and asks Gordo, "So, anythin' new?" (It's just an occult book. It's about large scale supernatural attacks) * Montana flips a card up into Sonia's face. * Gordo shakes his head. "Nah, the Yanks are mucking with their laws again, but they'll have to move half their cities, all their airports, or change the laws of physics ta make this work. Ye'can only make a jet so quiet." * Sonia frowns as she gets carded and swats at it, before muttering, "Boy, that ain't makin' this any more entertainin'." Some people like to have a wee bit of break between other people trying to kill them. * Sonia looks over at Gordo idly. "Well, yeah, but I like to move when I'm doin' it." And not a lazy cruise. * Montana snerks as he flips more cards. "'s true, there ain't much to do on this ship." * Nigel shrugs. "I could give you guys another lesson on fighting the supernatural." He says this without looking up from his book. * Gordo snorts. "If I ever get the S-38 built an' flying this'd be a week and a half at the least. More if I had any sorts of trouble." Sure, professor. Y'need a blackboard? * Nigel shrugs. "Why? You're not going to take notes anyway." He smiles slightly and closes his book. "How about we do it like this. What is it you guys want to know?" Well, our biggist problems so far've been the zombies and that shadow. <@Brett> ( Back ) * Nigel nods. "Well zombies we have dealt with how to cure infection from. Aside from that, if you destroy their brains they'll die. And sometimes a priest or mage can undo the enchantment that made the zombie." So go for the head, yeah. * Gordo nods. "How long, do ya think, for him to replace the ones he's lost? And can he make 'em stronger or smarter?" * Nigel shakes his head. "I've never seen anything like this shadow thing, but assuming Miss Johnson is correct than it is probably a remnant of the power of a psychic who died and it is just carrying out its master's last orders, which were, apparently to kill Alysha. No idea how to stop it, though... But I would avoid thinking about dictators or devils... or the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man." * Sonia squints at him, then glances over at Montana. "The hell is that?" * Montana shrugs. "Fuck if I know." Marshmallow men? Ah forget it. What would be good ta think about? (Sounds like a... *puts on glasses* sticky situation.) * Nigel shrugs to Gordo. "Your basic necromancer can replace zombies. I mean... zombies aren't the type of thing you care about losing. A skilled necromancer could make zombies stronger, but it's not like zombies just regenerate their heads or something." * Nigel raises an eyebrow. "Didn't anyone else take classic twentieth century film in college?" * Montana stares at Nigel. "I didn't fucking *go* to college," he reminds him. * Gordo laughs. "Whatever that movie was, there wern't any airplanes in it." <@Brett> Casablanca has an airplane. <@Brett> ( OOc :X ) (Thanks, GM!) (WHo the hell is this Brett guy? When did he join the team?) (Can we kill it?) (He's part of the ship's crew.) <@Brett> ( He's only worth 1 exp ) * Nigel shakes his head. "You're missing out. Ghostbusters is a pretty good film. Even if they got pretty much everything about ghosts wrong." * Sonia tilts her head back for a second and sighs, then says, "Sure. Anything else?" * Montana rolls his eyes. * Nigel shakes his head. "Fire is also very effective against zombies, and that is what I know about the shadow thing and zombies. If we were dealing with ghosts, you would need a weapon that could strike multiple dimensions. My sword can, as I have already informed Shiho. So if I unconscious or otherwise indisposed and you can access my sword in a fight with a ghost, probably a good idea. And... * Nigel this is just my personal opinion, but if we are dealing with cultists. I recommend killing them first and figuring out what they were trying to summon later." <@Brett> ( a taxi! ) (Too bad. Should have gotten on the cult bus like everybody else) (Beep beep!) (Thanks Ard, I'm having Toejam & Earl flashbacks.) <@Brett> ( You know they were supposed to be called Flowjam and Pearl, but a programmer misheard and put in Toejam and Earl instead, and they liked it so they kept it. ) (That game is weird enough that I'd belive it.) <@Brett> [Alysha walks in the room, holocomputer tucked under one arm. Today she's wearing a white tank-top and black knee-shorts, because it's actually pretty hot outside. "Hey guys."] (She has, unfortunatly, forgotten her shorts.) G'morning boss. <@Brett> [She sets her computer up on the table and starts typing. "There's still some time til we get to Zakanar, but I thought it might be a good idea to brief you guys about the country and our missing rep."] <@Brett> [She types somem ore, bringing up a map. "So, Zakanar is a tropical country that's mainly savanna land. They're mostly pretty poor, although there is a diamond mine that accounts for the majority of their trade.] <@Brett> ["There's three tribes: The Batu, Tchwanda and the N'mba. The government is supposedly a democracy, but the parliament in the capital city Soyo consists mainly of Batu."] <@Brett> ["They're constantly at odds with their neighbors to the south, the N'mba. There's no official rebellion, but armed conflict happens daily. The N'mba seem more interested in genocide than..." She looks up. "Are you guys listening?"] Yes, and deciding that never going anywhere near the place again after we arm them would most likely be the smartest thing I've ever done. Yeeeah, sounds wise. But that's the missing rep's job, yeah? * Nigel nods. "Go on, Miss Johnson." <@Brett> [Alysha nods. "Anyhow, there's no denying that the two hate each other." She pauses, then adds as an afterthought, "By the way, the N'mba claim to have given up cannibalism since the 1950s."] * Nigel shrugs and nods. "Well that's nice." Good on them? * Montana nods. <@Brett> ["The third tribal group are the Tchwanda. They live inland, and tend to lead simpler lives than the other tribes as farmers and workmen. They've always been persecuted by both other tribes, but recently it's gotten worse for them since they've started protesting their lack of say in the government and unfair quality of life."] <@Brett> ["They're the only ones easily identifiable, since they practice scarification. At least to me. I can't tell the Batu from the N'mba."] <@Brett> ["As far as I know, Julia's been selling to all three groups. I'm not sure that was the best decision, but at the same time, her disappearance wouldn't be good for any of the tribes."] Great. Any idea who might'a took her? <@Brett> [Alysha shakes her head. "There's an underground market for prostitutes, primarily from Southeast Asia, but it'd be pretty hard to hide news of a Native American. I don't think she's there." Alysha frowns. "I think our best option will be to question her contacts."] <@Brett> [While Alysha speaks and types, various images float around the holo-computer display. Among them a picture of the capital, Soyo. It's a very flat looking city; none of the buildings look taller than 8 storeys.] * Gordo points. "That high winds or low cash?" * Montana snerks. <@Brett> ["Cash," says Alysha. "There's no major corporations headquartered in Zakanar, and very few native coroporations at all. Everything's foreign."] * Gordo nods. <@Brett> ["Famine is common, as is disease. The average family is pretty poor."] <@Brett> ["English is the common language. Some of the older population might still speak Portugese. And then there's the native tongues..." She frowns. "I'm having a hard time finding information about them on the internet. I might not be able to learn them all in time."] <@Brett> [Alysha taps her chin. "I should probably tell you more about Julia and her bodyguards."] They've gone missing as well, yeah? * Nigel shrugs. "That may be advised, yes." * Montana nods. <@Brett> [She types some more, navigating the VA website until an ID badge pops up, the photo of a fairly attractive Native American woman in her late 20s. "This is Julia Morningstar. She's the rep for the Southern African region and has been with us for about three years. She's Cherokee, if you're wondering. She likes hunting and hates men." She grins suddenly and glances unsettlingly at Montana. Who <@Brett> knows what's going on in her head?] * Montana eyes Alysha, but all he says is, "Sounds fun. We'll have Shiho or Sonia extract her from... uh, wherever she's being held." <@Brett> ( The real question isn't why the grin, but why Montana specifically. o/~ ) (WHY ME) I'll just be stayin' out a her way. (because she thinks you are delicious) <@Brett> [Some more typing, and Alysha pulls up another ID. Of another Native American woman. This one in her mid 20s, with her hair in a bob-cut. "This is Sara Morningstar, Julia's sister and my friend. She's a really sweet girl, but in all honesty I think I'd make a better bodyguard than she does."] (I DO NOT HAVE A DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE CENTER) * Sonia chuckles faintly and replies, "'bout the right attitude. No wonder she gets along so famously down here." <@Brett> ["She's really only there because of Julia."] Sounds like a stupid line of work for her. <@Brett> [Alysha smiles sadly. "Yeah. But what can you say to that, really? This is what she wants, even if she has no talent for it."] You say "You're gonna get killed", and then you don't fucking hire her. * Sonia nods. "Sounds pretty close." * Gordo nods as well. * Nigel nods. "Yeah. That sounds like a bit of a bad move, doesn't it?" <@Brett> ["The other three handle actual security." Some more typing, and she pulls up another picture. This one's a caucasian woman of about 30. Her hair's cut in a style remniscient of the 70s. Except it's this bright sky blue color. And she her ID picture has a smirky smirk. "Klara Romanova, from the Ukraine. She used to work for MMO, actually. But she didn't really fit. I mean, you've seen what <@Brett> MMO does to its failures."] Yeeeeah. <@Brett> ["She was one of their officers in Eastern Europe. Apparently she screwed something up. They were going execute her, but Stanley Mason -- my predecessor, if you forgot -- got to her first." She frowns a bit. "That's probably the reason they had him killed."] Sheesh. <@Brett> ["Then there's the other two." She grins widely as she pulls up their files. They're... odd, to say the least. One appears to have no information at all other than a name, which just reads "Fantasma" The other is also short on information, but it does have a picture: A face obscured by a mask: Silver on one side, black on the other, with a red down-ward pointed triangle for a mouth and triangular <@Brett> holes for eyes. The eyes behind seem to be brown. His/her hair is blond. You can't actually see any skin.] <@Brett> [The name on the second reads "Aberracao."] Never thought I'd have to ask, but, these two even human? * Montana mutters, "This point, seems a legitimate question." <@Brett> [Alysha grins. "These two are something of a legend in the company. I mean the kind of legend where a lot of people aren't sure if they exist." She turns that grin to Gordo. "Good guess. I'm almost certain that's the case."] <@Brett> ["Of course, when I asked Pavla, she just told me not to worry about it."] * Sonia leans in a moment, shrugs, then says, "Company's pretty full of the weird." * Nigel shrugs. "World's pretty full of weird." <@Brett> [Alysha grins. "That's for sure."] <@Brett> ( I was going to do something else here, but with WD missing... :/ ) <@Brett> ( Maybe I'll just save it for next time. ) <@Brett> [Alysha leans back. "So! Any questions?"] * Nigel shakes his head. "I don't have any." What kinda things could the bodyguards do? Whatever dissiapered their boss had to get past, 'em. And they're gone too, yeah? <@Brett> ["I don't know. They were kind of kept on the down-low. All I know is Pavla said they were more than capable."] <@Brett> [Alysha nods. All five of them are missing."] * Sonia shrugs and says, "I'm more wondering where the man hater comes down on that whore market. She pick her up some girls, or she end up tryin' to teach some of the guys in the business a lesson?" <@Brett> [Alysha considers. "I don't know, honestly. Maybe both. Maybe neither."[ * Sonia nods slightly and says, "Figured I'd ask, someone's got to." <@Brett> [Alysha nods.] * Nigel clears his throat. "Continuing our conversation from earlier, it is worth noting that there has been a rise in Asanbosam near the Zakanar in recent years." Asanwhatnow? (Zakanar region) * Nigel scratches his head. "Creatures sort of like vampires. They have hooked claws and iron-like teeth and hang from trees and descend upon victims from above." Sounds fun. And the best way ta kill 'em? * Nigel nods. "Kishi are also native to that region." * Nigel shrugs. "Shoot them." And don't get taken by surprise. <@Brett> [Alysha grins. "Look up when passing under trees." She pauses, then says "Y'know..."] <@Brett> ["I wonder if Kishi are the reason the prostitution ring is so big in Zakanar."] * Nigel nods. "That would make some amount of sense." The who what now? Kishi are demons. Hyena faced demons, but they disguise themselves as humans to seduce humans, usually female humans, and then eat them. Ooookay. * Sonia snorts. "As if it ain't ugly enough, they're cartin' in people to eat. They know how to put on a female disguise?" * Nigel shakes his head. "No. They've always been men as far as I know." <@Brett> ["Africa's got a lot of interesting native creatures," says Alysha, "and not all of them mundane."] * Montana sits back and folds his arms. "Sounds like." * Montana looks at Nigel. "Gonna give us a lesson on alla these new ones, Professor?" * Nigel shrugs. "You'll have to give me a bit to prepare for that." * Montana shrugs. You got a little time. It just so happens we've a few more days. <@Brett> ["At least kishi should be easier to deal with than fomori," says Alysha."] * Nigel nods in agreement. "That is true. They don't tend to rip their victims in half." <@Brett> ( Should we end? ) (Sure) (Yeah) <@Brett> [End!]